Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What Needs To Be Said:

NEEDS TO BE SAID.  it takes 16 minutes; and I can cut it down.  But, Maureen, if you read it... You to will see HOW IMPERATIVE loading a cannon ball into the canon, for in terms of media and communication, We the People of God and Nation First, are Living in Horse, not even including the buggie, days...

What Needs To Be Said:

Not One PERSON is standing, preserving, protecting our Flag or our Republic under God

We the People, here, have just finished Pledging their personal Honor in the duty and service to the “Just Powers of the Consent of the Governed — NOT BY ANY MEANS EXCLUSIVELY VOTE, though right now – that is the reason for “What Must Be Said”:

The Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, the meaning of which is Person, is an Axiom Statement that The Eternal, Your God, Created the Universe: Heaven and earth all that belongs to them, the WHOLE SYSTEM OF Created ‘Things’ among which Is The One Law within the Laws of the THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS.  

The “Just Powers” is each-one-person’s unique, Immortal Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will, Holy Ghost - conscience, courage and strength, for himself, alone First, then, transitive and recursive, to those he knows and those he will never know, meaning – Your Pledge of Allegiance, including any person --Elected, appointed, confirmed,  commissioner, employed from among We the People, and OATH OF OFFICE, Truth, Trust, Faith in Promise.  

(If time:  Nature’s Law: “The WHOLE is the sum of each one part. If any one of those specific parts is removed, altered, destroyed, disconnected, disorganized, then the Consequence is that the WHOLE CEASES TO BE  Complete; entire; defective; The entire thing; the entire or total assemblage of parts. Example: The whole of religion is contained in the short precept, Love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself.”)


In NEWSPEAK, “commerce” means “economy” with other code names like jobs; for persons of IN TRICKERY POLITICS, government cannot comprehend, as Hillsdale College, Professor Terrance Moore states in “"Story-Killers: How the Common Core Destroys Minds and Soul” “Persons make “jobs” NOT GOVERNMENT” — and not by any means “Committees,” also known as ‘spin your wheels at taxpayer expense for no purpose whatsoever, because “commerce professionals do know their subjects”.

Connections to Your Consent of the Governed: 

On June 28, 2012, Justice Scalia said
“ The Court’s disposition, invented and atextual as it is, does not even have the merit of avoiding constitutional difficulties. It creates them. The holding that the Individual Mandate is a tax raises a difficult constitutional question (what is a direct tax?) that the Court resolves with inadequate deliberation. And the judgment on the Medicaid Expansion issue ushers in new federalism concerns and places an unaccustomed strain upon the Union. Those [Taxpayer State’s citizens] that decline the Medicaid Expansion must subsidize, by the federal tax dollars taken from their citizens, vast taxpayer-grants to the States that accept the Medicaid Expansion. If that destabilizing political dynamic, so antagonistic to a harmonious Union, is to be introduced at all, it should be by Congress, not by the Judiciary.

The values that should have determined our course today are caution, minimalism, and the understanding that the Federal Government is one of limited powers. But the Court’s ruling undermines those values at every turn. In the name of restraint, it overreaches. In the name of constitutional avoidance, it creates new constitutional questions. In the name of cooperative federalism, it undermines state sovereignty. ....For the reasons here stated, we would find the Act invalid in its entirety. We respectfully dissent.
[INVAL'ID, adjective [Latin invalidus; in and validus, strong, from valeo, to be strong, to avail.]
1. Weak, of no force, weight or cogency.      2. In law, having no force, effect or efficacy; void; null; as an invalid contract or agreement;” a.k.a “NO ONE IS BOUND TO OBEY AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND NO JUDICIARY ARE BOUND TO ENFORCE IT – FOR THEY ARE BOUND BY TRUTH, TRUST, AND PROMISE IN THE NAME OF GOD FROM WHICH THOSE DOCUMENTS DERIVE.

Proposition 45 is the socialist-Administration of arbitrary rules of conduct - extortion, i.e punishing State’s Citizen’s who refuse the Medicaid Expansion, by rewarding State’s Citizens who are obedient to the Executive Branch’s edict authority of the administrative-police-state,  – complete Fraud Starting with its Title Null and Void from inception, P.L.111 148 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act;  and not even at the Judge Robert’s One part Constitutional and One Part out of 26 parts - Unconstitutional of the WHOLE ACT forbidden adjudication; with his “ leave it to the Wisdom of the People,” demonstrates eyes which cannot perceive, ears that do not understand.  For in the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents, 5 persons, bigger number, judges or not, cannot over-rule even One Person of Truth, Trust, and God, Our Archetypal supreme Law of Our Land, and Only Our Land, though The Eternal’s One Law with its Three Laws are intended for Every-One-Room in His Mansion and Each-one-sovereign Person, in Each-one Sovereign Nation.

The ‘air’, everything that flies or CO2, omitting H, N, Sun and the Periodic Chart of the Elements, every living and inanimate object on BrownGround, the water any thing around, under or on top of it is the purvey of both State and Executive Branch administrative-police-state led by EPA all bound together with E.O. 13575 “white house rural council” to its New Cabinet member, “”Foreign Law,”  “Mission to the UN” — “Commerce,” Person is forbidden.

The “Water” part is 20 years of no quality water - 5 unsold CA Bonds starting in 1989.

Prop. 1 has everything to do with 100% administrative-police-state control of agriculture, water, because  C but only when attached to two molecules of O2 - GW, Greening, sustainable, Climate Change’s resiliency - and “Open Space,” for all ‘investor builder commerce’ or private property,  except for the 4 or more story, stacked, tenement housing, uniform application of the law – not a requirement of socialist, arbitrary rules of conduct - extortion, devoid just and truth..

These are contained in Props. 1, 2, and 48, though you won’t hear it from the legislative analyst, Legislative Counsel and especially NOT the current AG socialist-atheist Harris.

The connection between 1 and 48 is Tribal Lands, not the Casino which is NOT ON TRIBAL LAND, – AND THAT IS WHAT YOU WOULD BE VOTING ‘YES’ to allow, i.e Casino’s Do Not Have To BE Located on Tribal Land.   State and Federal Indian Tribe Lists are targeted for the grants, studies, and benefits of CO2's Climate change - resiliency/ open air/ sustainability; 100% control of all California Agriculture by not just State – EPA – Executive Branch administrative-police-state with G. Soros’ Open Society Community Organizer’s - Rockefeller Center – already in SF., L.A., and S.D .

BOTH ARE WRITTEN AND SIGNED BY BROWNGROUND with his cohort Gavin Newsome, Kamala Harris, Toni Atkins and Susan Davis among other SOCIALIST DISGUISED AS “DEM” ON YOUR BALLOT


Prop. 2 is CA’s very own, 1913 - 16th Amendment, Blank Cashier’s Check on TAXPAYER’S BACK. It says let’s just shuffle spending State’s Citizens tax dollars in shell shuffle; never for the purpose of Real Dollar Balance What you take in of other people’s work/ commerce, should equal including administrative-police-state’s costs, absent their shell shuffle game of maintaining and justifying their existence with taxpayer- supported- salaries, pensions, vacation and sick added to pensions including ‘spiking’....more than 369 agencies, the Legislature has no idea of their existence, or that they write, investigate, adjudicate, and punish — all absent supreme Law of the Land...

Propositions 46, 47, 2012's prop. 36 blue and white collar felons; and in Escondido Prop. E’s  language and communication problem, .. property tax dollars for Excellence. All share inanimate, indifferent objects as parties at law; for law is not in a courtroom it is commerce, alone as ideas, and with each-person one part of the Whole of  “Liberty and Justice for all.

Proposition 46 is the “witch-hunt” among law against all honest people, directed against the profession named Physician of ETOH, and then lumping grape fruit with peaches – how negligence shall be handled in dollars, absent person both as a defendant or a plaintive.

It is actually a very important, socialist revenge for those Physicians who fought so hard, and did defeat PPAA. The court case will divide up the money to use by the administrative-police-state’s continuing existence in providing a social programs of crime-related incidents.

In the propositions, All are designed for collective, mass robot-think - addressing Posterity, as well as those who commit crimes of omission, commission, neglect and transgression, also known as the administrative-police-state of the worst terrorist – man in his personality/ human precept,  in arbitrary power absent God.

 Like Precedent, Propositions 46, 47 and 36 are short-cuts for robot-think-edict by Article III Judiciary which includes attorneys and anyone attached to any form of contract, commerce,  church the other source, even eliminates Amendments 5, 6, 7, and 8 in one fell-swoop; which of course is No Truth, No Trust, No God.

 Like Precedent, it is a short-cut for robot-think-edict by Article III Judiciary which includes attorneys and anyone attached to any form of contract, commerce, or not- church the other source, even eliminates Amendments 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9,  in one fell-swoop; which of course is No Truth, No Trust, No God.
“Consent of the Governed”  is “Permitted” to confirm Judges – Not permitted their Philosophy, nor how they adjudicated because sitting at their unaccountable higher desks, they are sultans of their rhelm...not remembering they are higher because “whenever two are gathered in my name, I Am There” — the other time, is Pledge of Allegiance, whether you say “under God” or not; for Pledge itself is addressing YOUR HOLY GHOST.

Non-Partisan, a 1940's word, but very much NewSpeak.
Understand, the problem is not only human nature, but also, before 1969-70, starting in 1947's Great and impenetrable collective people church and collective people state’s wall, taken as synonymous with Religion and morality, and “the Greatest Gift to mankind, The Christian Religion” (Noah Webster)..The axiom that man is inherently good and honest,  the assumption of every person: man, woman, and child is “I know the law is admirable—provided one uses it lawfully..he must keep in mind, No Law Is Ever Made For Honest People..” (Paul in I Timothy 1), even though “personality, arbitrary, human precept has never left as rulers of nations the entire history of mankind, until the Puritans landed at Plymouth Rock and the Indian Chief, who knew in a dream they were coming and would need his tribe’s help to survive, that winter solstice, December 21, 1620, and then there were, and still are obstacles, among which is the reason this little part of November 4 is a  MUST BE SAID.
THE BALLOT: State Level any office — if it says DEM, is in garb of sheep, but at heart a ravenous wolf, socialist-anti-Republic under God Regime..
State Superintendent of Public Instruction - Our Nation’s Future: Marshall Tuck, though one could hope he would eradicate the arbitrary, personality-human precept - Common Core Curriculum’s “Purple Penguins,” forbidden Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise; and instill it again into education, just, both meanings of the word, as the Founders, including Noah Webster so wisely instructed — not requested ---- instructed!

Example: You might not be making the connections: Excellence has absolutely nothing to do with dollars, classrooms or renovation for tools of arbitrary, invisible, yes/ no binomial think, and everything to do with the Students — not the teachers, who actually should be invisible, like Maria Montessori taught.

Supreme Court: Confirm JUSTICE KATHRYN WEDEGAR since 1994 she, ALONE, has been holding our Republic under God in California against the six socialist judges who deny God in the courtroom and in all Law, thus only “human precept- personality, Pharisee, Sadducees, scribes, judges, attorneys of ostrich heads/ and extortion, even ‘clerks’, of  isolated constitutionalist of Declaration has no law, are permitted to determine truth in trust, faith in promise – their TWO Oaths, at their high rhelm-desks..... Hopefully that makes you sick!
Liu and Cuéllar are both socialist-atheist who have no intention of obeying the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents.

Associate Socialist Judges of the Appeals Court - in District 4, Division Three - NO - are:
Kathleen E. O’Leary; David A. Thompson, Richard D. Fybel.
 All the rest were placed by either Governors Pete Wilson or George Deukmejian. And SHARE THAT ALL THE JUDICIAL IN CA CAN BE FOUND AT: “JUDGE VOTER GUIDE”:  http://www.judgevoterguide.com/, though Mr. Huey doesn’t appear to know about Liu and Cuéllar, but their resumes are printed right in your “Official Voter Guide”.

Those “radical, activist persons who dare to challenge the “perks of criminal prosecutor’s upward mobility” one of the 5 kinds of Superior Court in which those persons have little or no experience, have been fairly well eliminated by extortion, even they don’t recognize, because “..a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world’s believing him.  This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good disposition;” human precept personality, revisionist historian’s atheist, Thomas Jefferson, paraphrasing Matt. 15.

Thank you, for letting Our Republic under God, speak....not my quote human precept,"target, freeze and polarize,
personality".   God and Nation First, Cathy

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