Friday, October 4, 2013

Senator Barry Goldwater on Government-over-man

We the People United as “Party of Principle”:
RE: California Republican Party Convention:
I'd love to but alas, not enough funds... and if there's any chance --- see what you can do to get those ignorant of the Republican Form of government, to return to Sen. Goldwater's Party of Principle "I Seek An America...":  I'm putting another section on NewsFeed ... Thanks for the invite from one of those God and Nation First individuals who have the nerve to say "Alinsky's Delphi Technique" is an abomination to "Robert's Rules of Order".  FYI, Delphi is the SOP of all Republican, Teaparty, Independent Caucas meetings where anyone who fights issues by using the lessons, instructions, and enforcement written into The Laws of Both Founding Documents, must be silenced -- at all costs -- per Alinsky tactic #13 which most of the leaders have no idea or comprehension they are performing....against one of the Only Remaining avenues for We the People to speak..

..Until We Become One Voice of We the People --- We shall Lose all life....and the Laws of Nature and Nature's God: Church is Not The Same as Patriarch Washington, Ben Franklin, and Tom Jefferson have written as "religion and Morality" with Noah Webster the best statement of the difference.

Here is Senator Goldwater on “Government Spending and Fiscal Responsibility”:

As a businessman, Senator Goldwater knows from experience that no enterprise can ignore the methods of sound management— least of all, the world’s largest enterprise: the U.S. Government. He has always run on a platform if fiscal responsibility, even when it was “unpopular”, as in his vote against the tax-cut. While he agree with the wish to cut taxes, in the absence of a corresponding cut in government spending he could only consider the move fiscally irresponsible and dangerously inflationary in the long run.

More than lip service and more than reduced light bills at the White House are contained in these statements of fiscal responsibility by Barry Goldwater...

“The first fiscal responsibility of government is to preserve the value of the dollar. It can do this by prudent budgeting, by living within the means of the people who pay the bills, and by encouraging individual enterprise.

“The root evil is that the government is engaged in activities in which it has no legitimate business. As long as the Federal [or State] government acknowledges responsibility in a given social or economic field, its spending in the field cannot [Sen. BG’s italics] be substantially reduced. The only way to curtail spending is to eliminate the programs on which excess spending is consumed.

“I believe that, as a practical matter, spending cuts must come before tax cuts.  If we reduces Taxes before firmed-principled decisions are made about expenditures, we will court deficit spending and the inflationary effects that will inevitably follow. The nation’s younger citizens will live under the hysteria of inflation throughout the rest of their lives— if it is not checked now.

[That’s you and me, with those who graduated H.S 1958 to this date in time: $148,213 per each tax-paying citizen; and we’re busily passing it on to our posterity who don’t even know what life, liberty or pursuit means or the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God in each-one’s separate and equal station.
– You know it wasn’t checked, and PPAA with Common Core Curriculum absent Truth and Trust is prevailing.
 – Hysteria means this president’s “There is no such-word as ‘debt ceiling’ if I say there isn’t and coercion with lie is justified because the benefits of PPAA and government-over-man’s great-god majority is supreme to God and to man.. ]

“By reducing taxes and spending we will not only return to the individual the means with which he can assert his freedom and dignity, but also guarantee to the nation the economic strength that will always be its ultimate defense against foreign foes.
[and enemy’s within]

“I believe individuals and individual local governments, city councils, county supervisors, and state legislators must reassert their independence and responsibility. The tendency of the Federal government persistently to live beyond its income has seriously weakened fiscal responsibility at every level.

“What we desperately need are some clearly stated and clearly understood priorities of national programs, We cannot do everything at once and there are many things the Federal Government shouldn’t be doing at all. Local governments must take on more and not less responsibility in meeting needs when those needs are fully established.”    [italics added]
[Local government, cities, towns, are nearly extinguished as a form of government by the top-down, collusion and coercion of State and Federal level socialism of grants by any and every part of the Agencies and Offices of Both, i.e. 94,505 and growing with PPAA at Fed. Level with 29,941 at the Executive level alone — far and away the largest perpetrator of ‘Official misconduct’ and Anti-law; and > 350 Agencies of Socialist State of California, with the aid of the Progressive agreement in Anti-law.

Local governments are also extinguished by the violation of the Laws of Both Founding Documents in the fist of force and control, absent truth and law both, in GW’s numerous names and invasions into the families and homes within cities of the goddess of green...annexation, removal of private property, re-definition of city by underground imposition of Global Warming Solutions Anti-law and by the Environmental Police-state-Authority of this president of “moral rightness of an action is determined by its consequences; lying and stealing are justified if the benefits outweigh the harm - defined by the UN C/UDHR/WSIS/Obama Socialist Regime all absent “Religion and Morality” of one Person Protected and One Representative’s Oath of Office stated that protection from government-over-man-and-supreme-to-God - The Only Possible Way our Republican Form of government works is if the individual understands and comprehends their person-of-value in their actions of life’s journey here on earth, because that-One-Person-Alone, faces judgement – all children never face judgement for they are under the teaching, mentoring, and learning for their souls by their mother and father and by the adults who touch each-one-person’s lives, liberties, and encourage their pursuits of happiness in that religion and morality.]      

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