Friday, October 11, 2013

Progressive, Teaparty, Independents, Libertarians...Why note..

San Diego County Federated Republican Women
October 12, 2012; 
Declaration and Constitution Speak to Today’s Issues; 
Cathy West, Founding Father’s Patriot, God and Nation First:

..the splinter in your brother’s eye and fail to see the plank in your own eye?”   The Plank’s name is Alinsky’s Delphi Technique [1]in tandem with "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule, debase and disparage. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage; and makes them work to join-in because they believe they can ‘win-over”[2] evil if they use evil’s Techniques and Tactics; but .

“It is That Flag, Those Founders, and Those Documents which are derided and ignored as if they, along with our Republic under God do not exist; And

It is “-that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material. ..The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin. ...The Individual's moral duty as being created by God's Law: the Natural Law. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty-Responsibility. [3].

The ‘Regime’ involved in these, very few examples of true in “action for consequences” and absent trust; all share “Planks” so large that blindness of incomprehension, deafness of ignorance, and stiffnecked-focus of repudiation of God’s Laws, are allowed to be spoken and heard. They share “judge not, that you many not be judged yourselves; for as you judge so you will be judged..(Matt 7:1-5).; with “..Yet, Sentinel, if you warn the wicked to give up his evil course and if he will not give it up, he has to die for his iniquity...By my life! Says the Eternal, I have no desire for the death of the wicked, but for him to live by giving up his evil course....”(Ezekiel 33:9-11)

---The Plank:  “They [polling place clerks] don’t even question, they just give the ballot.” Among the reasons “Voter Identify Cards Initiative” are required, in the proposed anti-law-‘initiative’,  in distrust of honest persons; by and for the state’s software of manipulation and distortion; for the consequence termination of  trust of honest voters.
Not one person of the American of God and Duty, Honor, Service to our Nation would commit fraud of his or anyone else’ ballot.

Evil with intent is the hallmark/flag, by word and conduct of tyranny through number-great-god-majority and oppression by force and control of Socialism. Those that will commit fraud..will. Fraud has been present since ballot voting started, because that is the nature of God’s Laws...evil/wrong does exist as separate and equal station...along with its opposite – Good/righteousness on an infinite continuum for each-one-person has his own sphere of influence in every role of his life, with or without liberty or pursuit of happiness.

 There are only a very few people, a tiny number in relationship to the opposition-socialist-tyranny, who actually speak and stand, at all times, at all organizations and in all circumstances for our Republic under God..

Americans silence these individual persons of God and Nation First, though God is never silenced...every evil results in more evil, just as every good results in more good: and those among US(A) 99.8% in the Colonial time living life, fortune and scared honor and writing The Laws of Both Founding Documents, understood and comprehended all Three Laws: The Creator and our Savior, King of Kings,  in The Gospel, The Declaration, and The Constitution [4]; and so does Every-One-Person of “modern” current human event, who researches, reflects, relates, and records and pursue in happiness our Colonists and Founder’s words and deeds.

“The Splinter in our Republic under God attempted to answer in explanation and clarifications, for what the Republican form of government says; as Article VI; and is always a point of ignorance:

“The reason the polling clerk; ....interrupted by powers of “plank” in front of eye to block knowledge, wisdom....; does just give the ballot without questioning the voter is ‘Voter you are assumed to be a person of Truth and Trust and therefore, you don’t have to confirm that, while you know who you are, that stranger at the table doesn’t, so you must prove who you are, before you will be allowed to vote; and who knows what will happen if you refuse....

Our Republic under God states in commandment and in law, before the belief in Voter ID Cards, your personal-honor is Not To Be Questioned in the United States of America.  What other countries decide about their collective, absent an individual person’s unique Soul,  regarding “religion and Morality” is their choice.

— The Plank: “We need help to circulate the Initiative to Repeal the Bathroom sex-organ law. It’s abhorrent....”.    Our Republic under God’s attempt to add information; i.e. remind for “Religion and Morality” are the basis of our 393 Republican Form of Representation government to Protect One person in their rights and at the same time, require of the Representatives and all officials and judges of their Person Of Oath of Office before their God who is a Witness, even if that person only “Affirms” his morality:

‘Socialist California is the only state/society in the Union which has a law supporting every form of sexual deviation known in the DSM-V; And

Being a police-state-devotee of government-over-man-force and unquestioned control in subjugation’, the Only state within Article IV:4's Boundaries of Protection from invasion meaning attack and meaning infringement of, liberty / choice, and pursuit of happiness; to place their leather-stomp-boot on the head of every, individual, person-youth, Day 1 through Graduate indoctrination,  in the name state, of absolute, unquestioned obedience to the mantra “they just don’t know their ....sexual-organ-living-object-deviation-of-choice behavior”.  Our posterity is firmly implanted with “Individual Person?. Never. Rights? Never. Liberty in free agency? Never. Does youth know they are losing their unique person in soul? Absolutely Not.

Further each-one-person-youth is absolutely forbidden Religion and Morality, as are the adults in the classroom and in the school board’s at every level of the socialist government’s horizontal, top-down-boss-obey or die – forbidden to work in your teaching profession—:  

But those Laws of God with the Principles of Both Laws from Republicans of the Plank’s ‘bathroom-sex issue’ are neglected and omitted . Just don’t let kids in the bathroom of mixed-sex-organs-attached to-same-sex-organs-all absent Religion and Morality; while not even considering the entire milieu of sex by same organ or even sex by male/female organ, would never be law in our Republic under God... and Is Not Law Now and does Not Require Obedience by any adult person with or without children..

Sexuality, is an living object, anatomy, physiology, neurology.  The crimes of betrayal and love are not related to gender-sex-organs at all, but solely to the “Religion and Morality” of each-one-person involved.

Sexuality is not law for it is not consistent, nor derived from the Laws of All Three law sources; and because no government, collective mass as leaders or as people, even including the collective called church; can dictate personal behavior in “Free Agency-Liberty of Choice with predictable consequences” for an individual person’s unique Soul. Society/state, and church’s  ceremonies, creeds, rites, ecclesiastics, forms, compulsion of conscience do not have any jurisdiction under any circumstance for an individual’s soul in choice.  Only that Person, alone, no matter time or circumstance, is accountable to God.

Any Being, especially God and Nation First, — who knows both very, very well; having given life and fortune — never sacred honor for that is between that Person and That-person-Alone, accountability to The Eternal and His son, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords to which 99.8% of all colonists believed and followed, “and will to the best of each-one’s Ability, preserve, protect and defend The Constitution of the United States which contains Article VI Oath of Office which Directly Ties the Constitution to The Laws of the Declaration of Independence. That Person, is forbidden to speak....So no person speaks for our God and our Nation....The Only Nation in the History of Mankind to say God Is Law...and write it into our Nation’s laws applied by man,  the Constitution...

The greatest Nation of God’s Planet is silenced for the collective people as Corporate Person within the Whole of the Polity...but One Individual Person, alone, or with others,  who shall not under any circumstance be quiet, and refuse the Sentinel’s Trumpet and Both Documents..

— The very much needed ‘shutdown of our Obama Socialist Regime-Federal level of government (and throughout the many States) by the only remaining vestige of Article IV:4 The House of Representatives, the source of the taxpayer’s earnings absent stewardship, honor and integrity in promise to We the People.

The Regime has declared, again x4 or 5,  their Plank of Arrogance and Pride, the word “ceiling” is “unfrozen” in that word does not exist. It is “Moved” to the Socialist government of unlimited jurisdiction of all aspects of life and therefore liberty, wants more money —it takes more money; but

Traveling within that ‘shutdown’, is the money the ‘Halloween treat-president-of antilaw’ requires to implement its ‘flagship of force in obedience’, Patient Protection and Affordable.....Act; the supreme, anti-law replaces by the ‘state-leadership-Plank’ of “Opinion without interference regardless of frontier; moral rightness is determined by consequences; lie-collusion-coercion-violence against the soul-in-mind of each-one-person and that person’s rights. PPAA is even paid for twice per all as income tax and two, as the incredible increase in the cost of the ‘OBEY OR PAY FINE (oops! tax?)’ of the so-called, private insurance.  All Private Property is destroyed.

Anyone using the word “socialism”, or speaking-out with our Republican Form of Government’s answer to this Anti-law,  is debased, derided, and silenced through the great, Alinsky’s Plank- tool – Delphi Technique.  That’s the destruction of organizations of church and political party, except the borderless nation and jurisprudence of socialist-communism, by arbitrary-obedience: “you may ask questions, as long as they are not long.  You shall not make comments. You shall not disagree. You shall not add information for that just confuses the collective mass homo sapiens’ ability to use their cognitive attributes in the socialist-way-of-new-improved life. All meeting’s consequences and moral rightness are decided before the meeting occurs.  Deceit, Collusion, Distortion, Neglect, Omission, Commission, Positive Transgression are the laws of state in despotism.

Of course this touches just a few “parts” of the socialism which debases, silences, tears into parts city, school board, consent of the governed, trust of person to others, destruction of person-of-honor and service-candidate/incumbent; and knowledge of God’s universe, available to each person limited solely by that person’s awareness of “self” and “self with others” – his conscience in his own unique soul; and the potential unique soul in every animal on God’s earth

You Reader Are The Government of Your Person of Sphere of Influence. It is Yours. You Own it. It is From God and is ruled by our Savior Jesus Christ.  Our Father and Our King do love US(A).  They are Waiting...and the cursor is flashing...The Shutdown helps....The socialist state of California is as bad or worse than the Federal level because it is that much closer to you. It includes every state-blue in color in which top-two-vote-getters- rules as a majority number completely absent reason, knowledge, truth and especially trust.

So, American of God and Nation First, you are to remain ignorant, obedient, unquestioning, and easily led as far away from The Laws of Both Founding Documents and those wonderful men, Colonists and Founders, who knew exactly what they were writing — The Gospel as life intertwined to Both Documents — and meant the Truth in Knowledge, Wisdom, and Justice of The Government of God, UNLESS

You begin, this moment, to force the return to Bylaws and Law of  “PARTY A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party.” – Robert’s Rules of Order, a.k.a How every-one-voice is heard and every argument; and use your voice of integrity and honor to Force “POLITICS: The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance.”.[5]

This American, alone, but very much prefers to learn and teach every American, the beauty and magnificence of opportunity and God’s love within our Nation; but also in the differences within each Nation of His Person-in-Unique-Body-and Soul who will Meet Him, alone in that person’s Soul for his earthly deeds.   Join God, Christ, and our America — You will understand life, fortune and sacred honor; ARE much more valuable that any earthly thing....WE CAN GET YOU STARTED, BUT IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY...

Resources and Comments:
1. Three references here.
Delphi is really the application of “opinion without interference regardless of frontier’; moral rightness, ‘relative truth determined by the ‘boss’ at the top, of an action is determined by its consequences; lie and steal, with collusion and coercion, are justified in the benefits outweigh the harm; and the majority is the ruler of all life, right and wrong. “Wrong” means the dogma of our Republic under God; and right is Delphi and Ridicule with the other Lucifer based instructions...

2. ; the opening box’s 2 paragraphs and down toward the middle of the page, #4 Education of the Organizer: “..void of certainty hating dogma...” – click on that. It will take you to the United Nations Common Core Curriculum for the Posterity and all adults, of every Nation on God’s Planet implemented in

3. “The American Ideal of 1776, The Twelve Basic American Principles, 1. The Spiritual is Supreme”; Hamilton Alber Long, 1976; self written and published 25,000 copies.  If you are lucky, you might be able to obtain on at EBay..

4. “George Washington’s Sacred Fire”; Peter Lillbeck and Jerry Newcombe; Providence Forum Press; Appendix 6, p.831.

5. "treason." Noah Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language. 2013. (11 October 2013).


1 comment:

  1. WAKE-UP AMERICANS OF GOD AND NATION FIRST.... You are misled by your own anger and fury into these Alinsky Tactics: "1. "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.3. "Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.)

    4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."

    5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."; with this very important addition to silencing the Laws of Both Founding Documents: The Delphi Technique of "opinion WITHOUT INTERFERENCE regardless frontier and repudiating knowledge, wisdom, Truth to form that opinion.

    And more important of how you are fooled: Are 3-5 obedient to God's Laws and Lessons or the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God in separate and equal station of each-one-person protected in their CERTAIN Unalienable Rights secured by one-person-Representative, selected from among the Whole of Americans of God and Nation First, who unequivocally states with Right hand in air to God and left hand on a Bible, visible or not, Oath of Office, his/her Promise to We the People for Consent of the Governed's "Just" Power?
