Monday, September 30, 2013

You know, if the Colonists...

..Had  waited for “the “courts” “..of competent jurisdiction..”, there would never have been a Declaration of Man’s Inherent relationship to Nature as Life; or Pursuit of Happiness in the Name of our Lord God; or in the man-written, as near to God’s Laws, to the best of  their earth-bound-abilities to protect and secure right/good from ever present evil/wrong for each-one-person in the name of The Creator and each-one’s accountability to The Eternal, i.e., The Only Constitution which even addresses One Person and all minorities;  because

America was tiny, tiny in size and number; but God’s government for mankind in Colonists and Founder’s “In God We Trust. We Shall follow Father and Son with all our Hearts, Soul, and Mind”; — versus The Greatest Nation on God’s Planet, Great Britain (which is Still within The Many Great Nations of the World because God, in His many Names, “I am Who I am.”; and Jesus Christ, very, very difficult for each-one-Colonist, man, woman, and child; none-the-less would not fail with God in Faith as their leader: “..It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. Though there are some of you who do not believe. ...From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. ...Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is the devil?”. ..(John 6: 63-70).  

Father and Son have never, and shall never interfere with The Eternal’s greatest of greatest gifts to all mankind, their unique Soul, from embryo in body, though and after death, each-one-man, woman, and child is composed, in God’s Image.

Each-one-Person can make and be anything you want; for you, in your unique Soul within earthly body, are the Creator of your sphere of earthly influence of “Spirit”: Risk/Reward; Strengths/Weaknesses, Opportunities/Threats; and whatever ‘free agency / responsibilities and consequences’ each-one alone, or with others, as roles, Town, County, State, Federal within the equilateral triangle of Federalism’s organization, take action regardless of trappings of life or color of law involved.  “Separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle One People are The Source of the Truth of The Creator’s Universe, Heaven, and the earth below.

Those Americans of God and Nation, who believe they are “Singing to the Choir”, are among the same collective, mass people owned, controlled and subjugated by mind-set, to the kingship of evil through ignorance to be able to apply the above statements from Declaration, to Constitution, to Scripture which is the basis of our Republican Form of Representative government, where each-one-representative in every square inch of that equilateral triangle and in every possible role of each-one’s personal life, Swears by Pledge and Oath to any being within our Nation’s sphere of influence: “Any thing given or considered as a security for the performance of an act. Thus a man gives a word or makes a promise to another, which is received as a pledge for fulfillment” with God as his witness.

That Persons “Spirit” in word of honor is the ONLY DIRECT BINDING FOR THE SECURITY AND PROTECTION OF ONE-PERSONS ENTITLEMENT TO THE LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATURE’S GOD - SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION OF ONE PERSON IN “SPIRIT” WITH ANOTHER PERSON (S) AS INDIVIDUALS AMONG THE WHOLE OF THE POLITY; THE ONLY PROTECTION FROM THE DESPOTISM OF THIS RECURRENCE OF THOSE WHO “..WALKED WITH HIM NO MORE..”.  The Pharisees of man-supreme-to-God; and the Perverters by mutation of all life exemplified in Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen absent which there is no life, inanimate and living objects of any kind , science, arts, history, governance as state supreme to Person: The ‘force of fist and control UN/UDHR/WSIS/EU/Obama Socialist Regime’.

Among those of you who are members of that ‘choir’, have forgotten or never learned the words and music, thereby playing, your ignorance, right into the cacophony choir of the Socialist Obama lucifer Alinsky’s Delphi Technique, among his other anti-law precepts, “There is no Fixed Truth and everything is relative”: “I became familiar with the "Alinsky method" the hard way..... I was not a steward, but meetings were open to all members..... After attending a few meetings I voiced my concerns about a health insurance issue. I was surprised (and flattered) to be invited to be part of a consensus building committee. Several committee meetings later I realized the ruse of "consensus building". Back then I researched the term and found many articles that referred to Alinsky. That name always brings to mind manipulation and deceit for me ... believe that all of the issues that we members vote on have already been decided. It's just a matter of discrediting the naysayers. My dues to the union feel more like protection money.”.

 Have you ever been to a public meeting, like a political teaparty, Republican organization like local, County, men or women’s organizations within the party and so-called non-partisan under other names, some church governments like ecclesiastics, city’s divided into ‘parts’ which are formed for the purpose of disorganization of government; and the persons desiring to be candidates are forbidden to be at-large within the city because the location of that person’s home decides his eligibility to run for the city office, but will hold ‘public trustee meetings’, only to find out that the decisions had been made before the meeting ever began?

At most Teaparty, Republican meetings, and even some of the other ‘Republicans who fly under Independent or libertarian banners”, the meetings are always top-down with planned speakers, though some teaparties have committees which give reports; but virtually NONE are resources for learning our Republic under God, The Laws of Both Founding Documents. No-one has information regarding the Laws, Lessons, Instructions, and Enforcement contained in Both Founding Documents.

Our unique in mankind’s history Nation and Laws of Both Founding Documents are have both power and authority of the Truth of God and Jesus Christ.  Do you really think socialism can exist with “..Hallowed by thy name, they kingdom come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth as It is in Heaven..?  Do you really understand that The Two Documents are suppose to be for US(A), especially with our roles in international affairs?  That war is sometimes necessary and two weeks, earthly measures of violence, deceit, collusion, coercion, murder, mayhem, intolerance, greed, men-with-power-despots, do not function when placed with our Lord God’s instructions regarding war in the Old Testament, which are the primary reason is violations of His Laws.

This fact combined with the “Obama Socialist Regime”, primarily via Lucifer Alinsky’s no fixed Truth and Religion must be removed from Americans because it interferes with “opinion without interference”, “moral rightness is determined by consequences; lie and steal, with complete repudiation that any One Person is supreme to the collectivism of UNESCO’s Julian Huxley,

The reason our Party of Principle must return, must open its doors to all and most important, provide the venue to exchange and pass-on in Action the 5W’s and H of Enforcement contained in The Two Documents; And

Please note there are no specific “people to single-out”, “feelings” “opinions absent truth” “distortions about persons who oppose socialism’s absurdities and lies with injustice; or “Issues”.
That’s because of the nature and nature’s God of Both Documents and Patriarch Washington’s “Of all dispositions and habits which least to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism who should labor to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness — these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens. The mere Politician, equally with the pious man ought to respect and to cherish them. A volumn could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity.”.

By opposition to Obama’s police-state-Socialism, We the people must not continue to use Alinsky tactics, because you know that you cannot serve God and Mammon; and because they won’t work against Obama...ever  

The Laws of Both Founding Documents are written for Each-One-Person, exactly as is The Bible. It is fully intended that We the People can and must protect and support “consent of the governed” for the Polity of the whole. Yes, each-one-of you can, for you do have a sphere of influence in you various life roles.

Here is the beginning of the 5 w’s and H of how...and Asexual 33 (G. Washington knew well) is also very important at:

There are two of US(A) Founding Father’s Patriots working to learn (every time we attend a meeting) and teach the SOAPlan for our Person of One Protected from a despotic majority completely absent God and the rights of the whole of the polity in each-one’s “Property” per James Madison; Jon Roland’s “Declaration of Constitutional Principles”; applied to that those individuals in office who do not plan to obey their word of honor in Oath of Office, and perpetrate fraud such as “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” – shall not remain in office; and this Socialist president who is changing, in Treason, our government absent the Laws of the Republic, be accountable for all Acts of Anti-law..Article II:4.

When Party is able to return to the now,  forbidden: “A number of persons united in opinion or design, [to add information which is absent either covertly or overtly], or in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party”; each-one-person, as does the whole which is the sum of each-one-person allowed to be informed. loses; And

POLITICS shall  return to “Religion and Morality”. Politics meaning: “The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance.”.

Political Meetings, especially among “The Party of Principle” must return to Open Forums where the Laws of Both Founding Documents can be applied to all the issues and individual Persons who wish to be candidates, to our Republic under God in its equilateral Triangle of Representative government.  Anti-Law, persons, who shall at no time or under not circumstance ever stand, obey, preserve and protect any person’s “security for property, for reputation, for life, because the Oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts, includes We the People of justice, in the Truth within The Laws of Both Founding Documents....

It is the only way We Can Take Back our Republic.

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