Sunday, April 7, 2013

San Diego County Federated Republican Women
Legislative Oral Report, April 8, 2013; Cathy West, Chair*
The Butcher Shop Steak House Restaurant

The Axiom of Soul accountable to God is ‘The Impenetrable Wall’ between church and state.[1]

Like all Walls, the purpose is to keep one ‘deed’-in-any being’ from the other ‘deed’-in-any being’; or the opposites between, today’s ‘church’, temple, synagogue, or Zen which may or may not have a formal building for its Enlightenment of Person from the teachings of Buddha (aware that Buddha is not necessarily related to God among members and other churches), is the ecclesiastics by ‘corporate persons’ who have Chosen their particular rules for accountability to God and for His son Jesus Christ, and includes those ‘deed’-in-any being’, who have No, or an earthly ‘adjustment’, belief in a Supreme Lawgiver, through Virtue: “Moral goodness; the practice of moral duties and the abstaining from vice, or a conformity of life and conversation to the moral law. In this sense, virtue may be, and in many instances must be, distinguished from religion. The practice of moral duties merely from motives of convenience, or from compulsion, or from regard to reputation, is virtue, as distinct from religion. The practice of moral duties from sincere love to God and his laws, is virtue and religion. ..”  (,virtue );

“January 2009-‘deed’-in any being’ leader, or not, -Alinsky-Atheist-Secular-Sharia-living / inanimate object with collective people in arbitrary, forced, government-designated groups representing the living and inanimate objects, which does include the ‘Cloward-Piven Tactics”. (Obama Socialist Regime or OSR)

The Laws of Both Founding Documents are Law; for The Ten Commandments, The Beatitudes, The Parables, The Persons, The Psalms and Proverbs, The Wars, The Bible are Supreme to ‘word-deed-in any being, alone or among others, on God’s Planet, at least for the last up until Jesus’ 2,009 Birthday,  for those supporters of OSR, .

“Separate and Equal Station” is one Person’s Soul as ‘deeds-in-any being,’ who, while on earthly, life’s journeys shall be judged beautifully stated in Matthew 6 & 7.  Earthly life requires anatomy, physiology, neurology of ALL living objects; but secular’s “homo sapiens” and our Puritans and Colonist’s “individual, freeman, and person” among Judeo-Christian ‘churches’.

Person, or corporate Persons which are composed of individual Persons, is the legal , individual component of the polity of the Laws of Both Founding Documents, the equilateral triangle of Federalism and of Article IV:4's guarantee, and protection from invasion: “An attack on the rights of another; infringement or violation,.” of our Republican Form of Representative government under a written Constitution, which from 1620 through +/-1968 included the Axioms as Truths with lessons of treason, tyranny, despotism, abuses of mankind, to God and to man, specifically addressed to the kingship of George III.

Person is composed of a Body and a Soul. When the person dies, the body dies.

Not The Soul – in the definition of Religion and Morality in the Declaration and in the First Amendment.  “ which The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them..” are all elements of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, because those entire declarative, sentences are God’s Planet to which, Jesus is the Son of God.  But, the Colonists and Founders all knew that some people didn’t believe in the Supreme Lawgiver and therefore, utilized the word “Morality”, the “(affirm)” of Articles II and VI th, to instill the mandatory requirement for righteousness inherent to mankind – regardless of location on God’s Planet.  

In the time of the Founding Documents, neither ‘socialist’ nor ‘communist’ existed.  The Founder’s used the word ‘Democracy’ to describe the collective, mass people ruled by a few men, i.e the King and the Direct Ministers of his Court.

OSR carries its own axiom: “ "An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth -- truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing.... To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma, he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations....". ( )  

The “Oath of Office” and Pledge of Allegiance are Fixed Truths in both Religion and in Virtue.

In “The Second Amendment as an Expression of First Principles” (Imprimis, 03/13)[2], Professor Erler clearly delineates OSR ‘side’ of the Impenetrable Wall through omission, commission, neglect and positive transgression in their “special animus” repudiating the Laws of Both Founding Documents .  He identify’s the First Principles in The “mired..frantic debate”; “The Whole People Are the Militia”; “Arms and Sovereignty”; “The Legal Debate”; “If Congress won’t act then I will.” – closing.

And in last month’s Legislative Committee, long titled, Oral and Written reports: “A Rally in Support of the Laws of Both Founding Documents: Declaration: Laws of Natural Rights; Constitution: Amendments II & IX, A Resolution Of, By and For the People.”  Both these documents are independent of each other, and also of Glenn Beck’s work at The

They Contain the Same Truths in God and in our Republic under God, for which No Other Nation In The History of Mankind, has written Laws of Government which state that Person is divine and good.. And that Person has received the Gift of Life, of Liberty in choosing life / free agency - even that we should love our enemies - and pursuit of happiness; and the Unique, Nature’s God of  his Soul as no better and no worse than any-other-being’s / separate and equal station; and  Is Accountable to God.”

What is Striking is that neither article, or any “Bill in opposition”,  will Not  make One bit of Difference to the ‘OSB Regime of government of, by, and for government’, because the ‘collective people’ are not as expert as the “King” and his court of collective-number-of people within the king’s 29, 927, not counting the news ones from “PPAA (usurpation of person’s choice of life and liberty act)”.  That’s right, We the People can say and act, any way we want to, for the time being given the govenment’s Home Security System. absent Truth of the Colonists and Founders with our nation’s history, from 1620 until 01/20/2009,  “religion and morality” are extinct.  Anti-Law, “An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforce...” does rule supreme and Article IV, completely absent Article V are also extinct;..and of course, any threat from the People in enforcing Article II:4 or Article I:6 is removed because bigger number, prevents accountability...Anything the government wants is foregone conclusion among the several States.  and Federal level. The “establishment Republicans” - Progressive’s faction,  who consider Conservatives and Teapartiers among the “extremist dissenters”, in their refusal to even acknowledge violations of the Laws of Both Founding Documents, aid and abet the Anti-law OSR); and all minor party, persons, rights are vacated in the interest of the state’s ownership of the collective people.

“Mired frantic debate” add “Cloward-Piven for the ‘frantic’ / OMG equals “declared inanimate object - gun’s as supreme to Article II and VI “Oath of Office” intertwining Scripture’s “The Law is admirable provided one makes a lawful use of it..”.

“”The Whole People Are The Militia” is  Constitution: “The principal constitutional debate leading up to the Heller decision was about whether the right to “keep and bear arms” was an individual right or a collective right conditioned upon service in the militia. As a general matter, of course, the idea of collective rights was unknown to the Framers of the Constitution—and this consideration alone should have been decisive.”.  In the Resolution, “Those few persons of state declare Article VI supreme Law of the Land refuted and inferior to man’s atheist-secular-Sharia Laws...cannot and do not function ...solely by finger’s...anatomy, physiology, neurology, ...employed by the use of ...assumed righteous, conscience.”.

 The word “Whole” is important “The entire thing; the entire or total assemblage of parts. The whole of religion is contained in the short precept, Love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself..”.  It is not a ‘collective’ mass containing people as the living objects. It is Nature”s Law: “The Whole is equal to each-one of its parts.”.

“Arms and Sovereignty” is the Declaration, but without the “Human events” and “And assume among the Powers of the earth, the Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them. ..Unalienable rights is a corollary to God’s Universe: Nature [Periodic Chart of the Elements, living, man, among the animal, species Homo Sapiens with essential cognitive attributes,  and inanimate objects}; and Nature’s God [man to man, to God, and mankind as Soul).  Sovereignty of Person is magnified as the equilateral triangle of representative government in the Resolution’s “Any majority must yield to the Laws of Both Founding Documents, the Laws of the Land in “Religion and Morality”, in recognition of the Truth stating the Person, minor Party, and all our Republican form of government have EQUAL Voice in both Consent of the Governed and We the People.

“The Legal Debate” is Justice Stevens (retired in 2010, Kagen replaced)  belief is in the ‘collective people’ versus Professor Erler and Justice Scalia understanding the individual as part of the whole in protecting Natural Rights.  The Resolution was not about court – that’s another essay.  But this sentence is extremely important: “We have to remember, however, that both of these cases were decided by narrow, 5-4 majorities, and that new appointments of more progressive-minded justices to the Court could easily bring about a reversal.”.  We currently have three Socialist Jusitces who do not even regard the Declaration as Law; and they were placed by one Democrat and the current Socialist rulers of the despotic majority in the Senate.

The Article IV Judiciary are nearly 100% absent the Republican Form of government in that God is forbidden and an individual “Person” is never in terms of spirit and time with meaning squeezed out and invented against eh original texts of the Documents, and selection is absent 100% compliance with the Laws of Both Founding Documents, and since, the epitome of the OSR in 2009, ‘precedent’ the use of analogy in choosing a ‘part’ of the ‘whole’ of a “like case” to decide the ‘equity’ of collective people, inanimate and living objects presented in the case.

In this essay, that is the reason for the opening identification of some of those Laws of Both Founding Documents, with the Declaration’s Laws completely equal in life, liberty, and pursuits with the Constitution...”The Twins.”  

This man’s own statement, occupying the First Office in the United States, and in many of God’s Laws, the balance and blindfold among God’s Nations, with his “deeds” are enough to activate the full of, by, and for the People in Article II:4; for..

..As long as “Truth is not fixed or is relative to whatever the government says it is, and ‘deeds’ by ‘the king’ disguised as President; and the 94,471, GAO list of Federal Agencies, and growing, closed-shop unions of “multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people and Eat Out Their Substance.”; and  As Long as the continuation to blackness, despair, lie, deceit, and complete disrespect of mankind with this government’s special, animus, Anti-Law, more, more, and more lawlessness shall prevail and catastrophe will continue. Denying Lawlessness, does not change lawlessness..

Resources and Comments:
1.     "Shall Not be Infringed Resolution"

2. “The Founders’ Almanac, A Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest Leaders & Most Eloquent Words of the American Founding”; Matthew Spalding, also “We Still Hold These Truths”; Heritage Books; The B. Kenneth Simon Center for American Studies; Heritage Foundation; 2008.  Is among the most often utilized resources in the Laws of Both Founding Documents with exactly what Dr. Spaulding placed in his title.”Religion and The Founding”; pps.333-334


**There is a new Legislative Chair. I'm too long-winded; and the understanding of the 5W's and H of the magnificence of The Laws of Both Founding Documents Is The Only Goal, which will "Restore Honor" of our God and our Nation before any other consideration; for absent the Republican Form of Representative Government means that One Person Protected from government of, by, and for government, will continue its rule as noted above; which is only one example. Next to government control of all life through carbon and oxygen as, among the names, 'sustainable' -Agenda 21 - AB32 NGO's with Life and Liberty extinct in the force and control of 100% of all production and distribution of Medical care with EVERY man, woman, child, and embryo state-determined via State Register, presence of illness not required "Patient Protection and Affordable Act" of the utmost lie and deceit,   is The Goal of this Founding Father's Patriot.  I might be the chair of a New Committee named "The Declaration and Constitution Committee" ( I tried to get the State Republican Party to form one a few years ago); but that's pretty 'revolutionary' also.

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