Saturday, April 20, 2013

NewSpeak's Global Footprint with crimes of omission...

Comment to the article below, from FB 04.20.13:


And the government of, by, and for the government's 'state' doesn't have to use its confiscation of taxpayer property - earnings  for work performed - most often absent the closed-shop-union administered-500 plus Agencies, one of which forbids the English Language in favor of Spanish, TAXES, for that which ANY PRIVATE BUSINESS CAN DO FOR ITSELF.

Are you forgetting that this, seceded from the Union of U.S Constitution, Article IV:4, Socialist State Government with its water and punishment of the agricultural migrant workers, have reduced the Largest 'nation in agriculture', California, from 5th to less than 10th;

.. while in "despotic Majority of force, CVRA's BY-AREA TRUSTEE skin color, culture, and language not English of the Language of "Consent of the Governed" and "We the People's Laws supreme to the 14th Amendment of 1 Person:1 Vote APPORTIONED AMONG THE SEVERAL STATES, i.e. One Citizen's vote is 1/4th or 1/5 of the school district-city council (except The Mayor is allowed to remain 1 citizen votes 100%)  in a CVRA BAT District, votes for One Candidate who does not have to either live in the District he is running for office in-if the Registrar so decree's, or declare, or can continue to be a RINO, Progressive,  - since this, Anti-law, is directed to eliminating Political Party Affiliation, -with the "winner by number" that candidate will represent 100% of the school board or city council ; WITH
Gerrymandered Districts of 12 superimposed governmental areas of control, overlay software NOT available to "consent of the governed";  and last with the greatest, Anti-law overthrow of Article IV:4's guarantee of a Republican Form of Government with "shall protect each of them from invasion which includes "2. An attack on the rights of another; infringement or violation,invasion ) ......

.. Socialist-atheist-secular-Sharia-collective, mass people forbidden information-and subjugated because of those crimes of omission, commission, neglect, and positive transgression by the 'state': Article II:5(a)(b) "..TOP TWO VOTE GETTERS REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL PARTY AFFILIATION, stated by the CANDIDATE or the Voter, with Section 2.5 "SEC. 2.5.  A voter who casts a vote in an election in accordance with the laws of this State shall have that vote counted.", But Never, Never the Military Vote, and in the November 6 election, every one of the voters who used Ruffin Road's County Registrar's Ballots of Thinner paper and Ball Point Pens -- who might have torn a hole in that paper using the ballpoint pen in a circular manner to fill-in the dots, DID NOT HAVE THEIR VOTE COUNTED AT ALL; and

..While the 'voter's right' is to view the "street roster" of who has, or has not voted, the personal  honor and integrity of citizenship, among the "citizen's who use their 'free agency'  to denigrate  Consent of the Governed's" ASSUMED  "Religion and Morality, unique in the governance of this history of nations on God's Planet, WORD OF HONOR, work to aid and compile, lawless, stuffed ballots, of 'Citizen's in Name Only (CINO) who have not-one-nit-of information, and do not desire one-nit-of information, regarding their, unique, Soul who shall be accountable to God upon that time when their Constitutional Person of Body dies, person dies......Not Soul.

Please realize, lovers of shades of Victor Hugo's "Les Miserable' s", Identity Cards for voting,  the above Shall Not Be Altered-one-nit, by the aid to the 'Socialist State of California's' recording of your voter information; available in "Alinsky underground" added to the Data Bases of Government, which can be stolen.

"Global Footprint" is "Sustainable" applied to "Diversity Living" determined by "Non-Governmental Organization's, SanDag, use of taxpayer-government's control of all aspects of life through oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, including those elements in the living object of life's anatomy, physiology, neurology of homo sapiens, among Plant and Animal Kingdom's 100% control of all production and distribution of all goods and services these two major areas of God's Creation,the arrogance, conceit, and downright Satanism is working to Accomplish, not only against US(A), but all Nations on God's Planet.

Article II:4 Treason, High Crimes, Fraud, Bribery (how Executive Branch controls State; and how State controls Town and includes the taxpayer money as fines, fees, and other distortions in regulations, to move and redistribute the production, from taxpayer's property as earnings from, over the working year 2000 hours, adding 80 more if you don't receive a paid vacation; and more if you consider the benefits to 92,433 GAO-Federal Level Agencies, and more than 600 CA State Agencies -- as close as anyone in the State can count for it is not generally known, exactly how many there are...or it is forbidden information which 'state' decrees.

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