Monday, April 29, 2013

There is one universal, absolute, discordant truth ..

..Of the ‘Soros-Obama-Alinsky-Atheist-Secular-Sharia-collective, mass people forbidden learning, man's-anti-law Regime’:  The Declaration’s Axiom of Person stated “And assume among the powers of the earth, the Separate and Equal Station to which The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them....; and its corollary “Unalienable” Natural Rights because Person is made in God’s Image, and given the Gifts, to choose, each-one’s Life, Liberty and pursuits of Happiness as One Person in all the roles that Life offers while present here on earth in a Body of Anatomy, Physiology, Neurology. "Obama-modern Marist-Alinsky Socialist Regime", as does the United Nation's with its "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", repudiates the existence of One Person's accountability to The Eternal creator of His Planet in His Universe.

Separate and Equal, because Person’s unique, individual Soul, is judged upon death, Body leaves Person –Not Soul, as that Person’s Soul returns to God, or not... .  That is the God and Jesus Religion of our America from Colonial, to the Laws of Both Founding Documents - the First Amendment’s definition of Religion from Noah Webster’s original text “American Dictionary of the English Language 1828”.

This Oligarchy Atheist-opinion without interference-preconceived conclusions absent fact Regime,:using ‘Obama Lucifer Alinsky’s Freeze-Unfreeze repudiation tactic’ is close to being successful in excising:  — “Religion and Morality” of One Person in Trust of Truth of God's laws, with — “..the Oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice”, and — pursuits of Happiness of each-one person, within the Whole of our Republic under God, including, because of the ‘Oligarchy’s co-habitation-alliance with UN’s Life control of “sustainable’s” lie- Carbon, Oxygen, global warming, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen,  ALL Nations who Know The Lord by His Many Names among His Mansions are part of the Truth of our Republic under God.

"The first step in community organization is community disorganization. The disruption of the present organization is the first step toward community organization. Present arrangements must be disorganized if they are  to be displace by new patterns.... All change means disorganization of the old and organization of the new....."A change toward a higher level of group performance is frequently short lived: after a “shot in the arm”, group life soon returns to the previous level. This indicates that it does not suffice to define the objective of a planned change in group performance as the reaching of a different level. Permanency of the new level, or permanency for a desired period, should be included in the objective. A successful change includes therefore three aspects: UNFREEZING (if necessary) the present level... MOVING to the new level . . . and FREEZING group life on the new level."; And

..This is very well accomplished, during this “2006Soros-Progressive-2009Obama Anti-law Regime” because   [Notice the emphasis on conflict, dialogue, relationships, etc. Team "service" is essential to building strong relationships through "common involvements"(Crossroads editor)] :
"One of the factors that changes what you can and can't communicate is relationships. There are sensitive areas that one does not touch until there is a strong personal relationship based on common involvements. Otherwise the other party turns off and literally does not hear....
     "Conversely, if you have a good relationship, he is very receptive.... For example, I have always believed that birth control and abortion are personal rights to be exercised by the individual. If, in my early days when I organized... neighborhood in Chicago, which was 95 per cent Roman Catholic, I had tried to communicate this, even through the experience of the resident....   "Some years later, after establishing solid relationships, I was free to talk about anything.... By then the argument was no longer limited to such questions as, 'How much longer do you think the Catholic Church can hang on to this archaic notion and still survive?..”.

Relationships, among the collective-government-designed-robothink-people, occur top of the organization down-ward, by the agreeing, for purposes of deceit and disorganization in opinion without interference, becoming “The Committee” of decision-making, but absent the members, or the organization is solely committees, who choose who the members are by how well they conform to political correctness and conformity of the ‘standard’ which does rely on censored information of preconceived conclusions, with “..reaffirm, as an essential foundation of the Information Society, and as outlined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; that this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”[ ].

“Opinion”, regardless of “frontier”, does not require accuracy, fact, validation, any logic in the Laws of Nature, and explicitly absent from both the “Oligarchy” and the entire UN-MIS’ “Declaration of Principles, Building the Information Society: a global challenge in the new Millennium”, both The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, and "We the People in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice...and secure the Blessings of Liberty..."; therefore, completely eliminates knowledge, wisdom, justice in Truth..

But, “opinion, with or without interference”, is the ‘working assumptions’ of governmental and has become the “watch-word” among decision-making, absent our Declaration of and Written Law Protecting One Person, corporate Persons composed of individual persons, from government as demonstrated herein; and from a ‘majority’ as an inanimate object, number incapable of right or wrong, except as utilized by one or more homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes, one of which is absent Truth.

When Fact and Truth are eliminated, opinion becomes the ‘ruler’ – without reason, justification, or grounds in religion and morality.  Law is written to be unlawful and against honest man; and there is not one aspect in UN-MIS which allows Truth and accuracy of archiving history, - Only Books and hardbound documents provide; i.e. words in laws can be changed, no person will know the difference - deceit crime of commission; laws can be removed, and unless there is a hard copy, no one will ever know - crimes of positive transgression; neglect and omission.
THE ONLY NATION IN GOD'S UNIVERSE, THAT SAYS "GOD IS THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE AND EVERY MINUTE ATOMIC PARTICLE IT CONTAINS and His son Jesus Christ ‘s greatest Lesson, every Colonist and Founder, and specifically American,  for “We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here.” -Puritans of 1620, and any being-any location-any period-two feet on the ground,  knew and knows so well:  "Those who know me, Know The Truth"....which requires, only, among Person(s) of understanding:  a Handshake.

But, ‘The Handshake’ is being successfully obliterated by the 'despotic rule of Majority absent reason in the interest of "opinion without interference" for “preconceived/predetermined conclusions” absent Truth, but in the interest of "disorganization through cacophony of conflict, dialogue, relationships”, and choosing among minute, limited particles of relationship, dictatorship of dogma in arrogance, conceit, judgement, by those who perform as ordered by Lucifer/Satan/evil:  "Do as I say. Go where I tell you to go. Do not disobey me. Bow in subservience and subjugation...or else.."

The ‘Handshake’, with trepidation and consternation born of knowledge and experience, which brought great personal, and community of persons, success, from 1620 through the Revolutionary Years, wrote Article VI the supreme Law of the Land – God in Law with harmony of Article I:1 “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States..:

Congress means: “A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.3. The assembly of the delegates of the several United States, after the declaration of Independence, and until the adoption of the present constitution, and the organization of the government in 1789. During these periods, the congress consisted of one house only.   4. The assembly of senators and representatives of the several states of North America, according to the present constitution, or political compact, by which they are united in a federal republic; the legislature of the United States, consisting of two houses, a senate and a house of representatives. Members of the senate are elected for six years, but the members of the house of representatives are chosen for two years only. Hence the united body of senators and representatives for the two years , during which the representatives hold their seats is called one congress. Thus we say the first or second session of the sixteenth congress.”.  Assembly means “A company [corporate Persons] or collection of individuals, in the same place; usually for the same purpose.”.

We the People must excise the “Soros-Obama-UN -Atheist-Secular-Sharia-man’s law Oligarchy.

Our Founder's, with The Lord, gave us Our Government of Laws; and Those Laws Instruct, in  Duty and in Honor with Service in Gratitude of Thanksgiving to our Lord God and to ALL of Them, who are our history, demand: "..when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism [of the Soul of Person, individually and in each-one's part among the Whole / Union], it is Their RIGHT, it is Their DUTY, ... to throw off such Government, And to provide new Guards [new lessons from this Human Event] for Their Future [Posterity] security.." AND

Article I:6, Article II:4:"The President, Vice President, and ALL CIVIL OFFICERS of the UNITED STATES [50 STATES], SHALL be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, OR other High Crimes And Misdemeanors ...

We the People Are an Assembly and “number-quantity-majority absent reason, knowledge, wisdom meaning “ cannot over-rule:.."..the Law is admirable — provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people, but for the lawless and the insubordinate, ...and  whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine.”. with all the Constitution is as supreme Law of the Land, small 's', because cap 'S' means God's Supreme Laws.

Contrary to sound doctrine includes  false gods: ‘number in quantity-majority-popular,  usury as ‘time’,-the measure of One person’s conscience as a government official, i.e. term limits; “Identity cards so that Honest Citizens can prove the identity of each-selfsame honest Citizen,  for the benefit of government by inanimate objects, which includes, $$$$ the only measure of law absent lawfulness, in or out of Article III Judiciary; example Article II’s Cabinet plus 29, 941 Agencies; And

Article I:7, clause 2 “Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate..”:  Legislative (2188 Agencies): PL 111-148 Patient Protection and Affordable  Act is Not A Law, for it did Not Pass the House or the Senate - a Congress of the United States of America..

 – There is no Signature into law by the Republican Party Representatives, with 37 Democrat Representatives of the House, or, of, by,  for the Consent of the governed;  and PPAA did not receive the consent of the governed, at large.  There is no inanimate object number, majority or not, which applies, but  “right to redress of grievances” does apply.  While the number of persons voting, may be "majority", since the rights and privileges with the Laws of Both Founding Documents, mean that the minor number corporate persons, in our Republican Form of Government, has an equal voice in law... and the Rule of Law voice in "Government of Laws, and not of men."

Number, popular demonstrations with signs, majority, bigger than..,  does make “law used lawfully”, nor “law written” against “honest man”.

 PPAA is Anti-Law because “it is not consistent, nor derived from the supreme law, which is superior to ALL other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens, of our Constitutional Republican Form of Government of One Person, and All minorities protected by this sacred principle:"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."  – “No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual--may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small--even a minority of a lone Individual.”; And

“An unconstitutional statute is Not a Law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the Law. What is enforced is a Regime. In our constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but Anti-law.”

Four Justices of the Supreme Court declared PPAA,”care” will never be included, for the Title itself is a ‘series of words’  in violation of God’s Commandment #9, Unconstitutional.

 — That is all that is required - no more court - no more legislation by political numbers absent God and nation’s Laws before man’s empty-demagoguery; for even One Judge or One Person, who proves violation of the Laws of Both Founding Documents, —In or Out – Attorney, Judge, or Not, — of Article III Judiciary , STOPS any further discussion, action, committee, implementation, investigation, enforcement in regards to the whole Act, Bill OR TO any subpart of that legislation, to that Anti-Law; And..

..That “official” persons(s) becomes “Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is Illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project.  It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someOne, and therefore also a Violation of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so.”.   Any part, section, subsection, title, of the whole of the Act, Bill, Law — Ceases all activities, for Bills are inanimate objects, and therefore, subject to Person or Corporate Persons, as the source of Sound Doctrine or measure of a law applied lawfully.

We the People have the honor and privilege of changing mankind, however minutely, because We have been given the Separate and Equal Station to which each-one-Soul, can choose to become like unto Jesus or the Apostle's of any period of is also our Responsibility and Accountability to our Lord and to the Magnificent Founding Father's who demonstrated their love, faith, and belief....for US(A) as wicked and wonderful in Religion and Morality as we are....

God Is Law. God Is Supreme. Obey His Laws. Obey the Laws of Both Founding Documents written among and by The Colonists who know The Father, The Son, and that we are Our Lord's Children carried through Commandment #5 Honor Thy Mother and Thy Father, the 1620 Posterity upon 2013 Posterity...upon 2248 Posterity...and “..Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven..” .

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

We the People The Whole is the sum of Each-One-Part

My Lord You are my Shepard   — I can come to your Green Pastures and
the Mirror of Your Still Waters at All Times and Under All Circumstances;

You have Restored My Soul so many times that I can only, to the best of All
my Heart, Mind, and Might that All I can give to Each-One-Person’s Temple Body
Housing my Soul, is their recognition and understanding of Each-one’s-Uniqueness whether Person, Family, Town, State, Nation, on the Planet, Universe Your Father Created;

You are and have been leading me in the Paths of Righteousness since I was old enough, to not so much have Knowledge of Your Name, but understand your goodness, for you were there when I was the most wicked, as well as the very greatest I try, daily, to live between,  for Your Name Sake;

though I often turn my triumph and disaster away from Your Knowledge, Wisdom in Truth and
Light of You, Your Father, and my sooo very quiet and tiny, to roaring voice of My Holy Ghost while walking through The Valley of the Shadow of Death, I fear No Evil;

Thy Rod and Thy Staff Are Ever Present, even when I don’t recognize them at first, but You Always Wait..and wait....for that is Your Love and Patience in knowing that if you just ‘do it’ for me, then I haven’t learned the Lessons of the extent of Your Love of The Separate and Equal Station of each embryo’s unique Soul, perfect in Body or not, through return to Your Eternal presence in the Knowledge, Wisdom, Justice contained in the other words describing Your Universe: Separate and Equal Station, The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God ;

Thou Preparest a Table for me, in the presence of mine enemies, whatever form they take within my body, my soul, and Life’s Journeys and Challenges among each Soul, brought together among All People, wherever located on Your Earth;....and someday, when we the people of each one’s Soul - the Whole contained in the infinite of Your Father’s Universe, learn All that is contained in this Psalm, in The Lord’s Prayer, and in You And Your Father’s Words in Scripture;

My Cup Runneth Over with the water spilling into the mirror of the still waters which will never diminish, forsake, be daunted, or lose all Father and Son with the work of each soul’s choice to become Apostles among earth’s history, directly chosen, or not, in of every aspect in role and walk of life, here on Your Father’s and Your Planet, understanding why opinion without interference based in conclusions disparaged by licentiousness among One Soul, or Few-Souls, who repudiate knowledge, wisdom and Truth, does yield results, known only to The Eternal, in Knowledge, Wisdom, and The Way, Truth, and The Light;

Surely Goodness and Mercy Shall Follow me All the Days of my Life, and I Shall Dwell, however fluctuatingly, in The House of You and The Eternal forever and forever....... Amen

This is with the following attachments for Sounding Ezeikiel’s Trumpet and Warning of Chapter 33 and Matthew’s of Chapter 7 with John and Paul’s Teachings in ...well even, Deuteronomy’s 5W's & H of sheep and shape of sacrifices,... are the stories, lessons, and work of each-one-person’s accountability to God, or in their free agency choices, to righteousness in Morality.

Each-One-Puritan, Colonist - even among the then enemy Great Britain, now a genuine member of our Family in Nations as a Whole, composed of each-one-person; and every-one of God’s Children throughout the history of mankind, though too often eked out, Sovereignty of Person, of State within and of any Nation on God And His son Jesus:


 2)   And




Saturday, April 20, 2013


1. This Course of Human Events: Restore Knowledge, Wisdom for Truth: 
“It was such a little thing. ..The sailing ship was tossed about with the people falling back and forth, and no-one at the helm. She took the helm, turn the ship to the wind and held it matter what: “She Would Not Say She Wasn’t Married When She Was.” closing scene, Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII’s First Wife [1]

“Such a little thing” by one person is often what holds any chaos among the people, on the lawless ‘ship’ of state, into the wind; or even a few more; who, no matter what, will not leave the helm of their Lord God or their Nation for themselves, or their Brothers-in-arms; or their “Pledge to each other [our] Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor”.  Many still do Honor their lives, fortunes, and pursuits, and shall always because that is Who the Lord God is...and what the Puritans, Colonists, and Founders among them did not, and would not, ever question: Truth and Trust in our Lord God AND His son Jesus Christ.

If you refuse to see, hear, or turn a stiffnecked to the Truth, then you cannot comprehend the wickedness of the Lie.

Since January 2009 , Truth is the mutually exclusive term inherent to the current epitome of Despotic Majority, the “Obama-UN- Atheist-Secular-Sharia-Progressive-collective-people of government of, by, for government’s design and definition-man’s body law”: “Obama Socialist Regime”, though more extensive than communism in its borderless nations and jurisprudence, is the short name .

It cannot allow an individual Person’s unique, sovereignty of Soul in the ‘free agency’ choices with their consequences, to exist, nor of State, nor of Nation, each level of equilateral trigancle, reflects the Whole composed of the Person’s unique, one-at-a-time Soul.  Rather, “Man’s law of Temporal-Body, living objects of plants and animals’ anatomy, physiology, neurology; and inanimate objects: ‘Periodic Chart of the Elements’, dollar; air, land, water,  guns, petroleum, computers, atoms for everything, except the minerals, petroleum, nuclear or outer space exploration among our sovereign Nation’s assets, reigns as ‘ruling class’, supreme anti-law; for God’s Laws are forbidden as are the Laws of Both Founding Documents.

Therefore, the overthrow of our Article IV:4 [Our] United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall  protect each of them against invasion’s other definition: - “An attack on the rights of another; infringement or violation”.

The despotic law of a few men, as absolute rulers, in the name of oligarchy’s atheist-secular-Sharia-collective-mass-subjugated people controlled through ignorance and the crimes of omission, commission, neglect, and positive transgression, demonstrated by the usurpation of Life, and therefore Liberty from which ‘free agency with consequences’ occurs along with pursuit of happiness.

The usurpation of every single aspect of Person, corporate persons composed of individual persons, anyone’s, ‘life’,  is evinced by two directions of  the Soros-Obama Anti-law:
1)    ‘Alinsky’s underground Law”: The United Nation’s Agenda 21, “The Obama-UN-borderless nations and jurisprudence” whose oligarchy is disguised as “purpose” to “lower the oceans and heal the planet.”, through Executive Order, Executive Branch Agency formation of Law and means;  ---Life: Diversity or Sustainable – Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen; and of ‘the people’s’ homes, businesses, town’s design, appearance, purpose defined, enforced, and implemented completely absent Article I: 1 “All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”; and ...

..By the EPA’s Agents with California’s AB32; the fines for sale on stock exchanges, closure and removal of all businesses which do not conform to oxygen and carbon; Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) which is a “committee” lodged between Town and County on the Federalism’s Equilateral Triangle of Republican form of Representative government, while the NGO is never accountable to the Laws of Both Founding Documents or to We the People and are synonymous with the Obama Commissions of the production and distribution of all aspects of forced control of environment – of the Laws of Nature, The Periodic Chart of the Elements; and

2) Life utilizing the same EPA “sustainable” Elements of the Periodic Chart, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, and inanimate objects, numbers in Boolean logic hardware and software computers, as 100% control of the production and distribution of All Health, by One Branch of Government’s Agency: HHS, illness, from before birth to after death, by “the Obama Socialists Regime” disguised as Democrat’s One-Political party creating anti-law named: Patient Protection and Affordable Act (PPAA or PeePeeAA) through, the living objects, the Bodies attached to ‘number of collective people who by decree shall participate by placing their property, earnings from work, removing life and liberty of choice and therefore pursuit of happiness, unless of course, government of, by, and for government instructs the ‘collective, mass people’ in the composition, design and implementation of health and illness of Body, absent Soul

The  “Dissenters”, those Person’s of God and Nation First,  who attended, or listened to, The Greatest, “Whole of the Polity”,  using  “..and to petition the Government for redress grievances”, part 5 including 1,2,4 of the five parts of the FIRST AMENDMENT, on  August 28, 2010 “Restore Honor” on The Washington Mall”, who, as defenders, protectors and preservers of the Axioms of each-Person’s property in his Soul in the Laws of the Creator with Natural Rights; shall not “Leave the Helm of the Lawless Ship of Government of Laws” to continue the fight, online and e-mail with word-of-mouth, to meet for the purpose of  “POLITICS: The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance.”

These Conservatives (we got there first way back in Senator Goldwater’s fight against man’s law supreme to God’s Law, though we didn’t recognized the attack as related to God’s Planet Satan versus God’s son Jesus Christ contained in the Declaration, because We the People revered knowledge and wisdom in Truth), and Teapartiers, 2009-Article II:4, “Defenders of our “Free Agency”, choices, with the concomitant consequences, should Person land himself toward the Satan side, and Accountability to our Lord God, in the complete Joy and Love of serving Him, Freedom,  as written in “A government of Laws...”: Both Founding Documents, versus ‘laws of men, absent Religion and Morality:  the “Soros-Obama-UN-Atheist-Secular-Sharia-collective-mass people, man’s body laws (Obama Socialist Anti-law Regime - OSAR).

For right now, our “..course of Human Events, it ..”has become necessary for the “Whole of the Polity” “to dissolve the political shackels” of “man’s law of government of, by, and for government” which determines who “the People” shall join in collectives, or on which “committees of all the collective people in every aspect of their lives, including legislation”, to serve, by force, subjugation, and control.

Indeed, “Person” is eliminated with the Founding Document’s Laws; with Articles I, II,  III, IV, and VI; and Article V  written to be disobeyed, so that  John Adams’“A Government of laws, and not of men” is reversed to read “Government of, by and for government by few men” absent-by-design men, absent and repudiated  “Reason”,  “Religion and Morality” - God’s government of Laws..

Because of the 1947 “Great Impenetrable Wall of Separation”, Article III  Judiciary is the unwitting marriage of collective people, [23] with their inanimate objects, tools, and living objects, plants, animals, and homo sapien’s body parts of anatomy, physiology, and neurology,  to the “Obama-UN Regime; “ which repudiates, dishonors, holds haughty and contumely ‘Any Individual Being and Constitutional Person’; and is primarily directed against this First Table of Law, Axiom: “The fundamental principle underlying the traditional American philosophy is that the “Spiritual is Supreme--that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material.  This governmental philosophy is, therefore, essentially religious in nature. It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man; [a.k.a known as Respect of Person, of State, and of Nation]. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of  traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin.
The fundamentally religious basis of this philosophy is the foundation of its moral code, which contemplates The Individual's moral duty as being created by God's Law: the Natural Law. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty-Responsibility.  
The American philosophy, based upon this principle, is an indivisible whole and must be accepted or rejected as such. It cannot be treated piece-meal. Its fundamentals and its implicit meanings and obligations must be accepted together with its benefits.” [11]

Because the Laws of Both Founding Documents and the purpose of forming the Article IV:4 Republican Form of representational government, is to respect and protect each, unique Person’s Soul, stated as “And assume among the Powers of the Earth, the Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them“... which, inherently mean Natural Rights.

All of which are God in the formation of His Nation, Planet, with His son Jesus; and of His Universe. Separate and Equal means one Sovereign Person is not better, nor worse than any other Sovereign Person, and is unique in his Soul; for Person is composed of Body and Soul; and when the body dies the person dies.   Not the Soul — in the Belief of Christianity which is “Religion and Morality” of Noah Webster’s “That the Principles of Republican Government have their Origin in The Scriptures.” [2, 10, 11, 16, 21, 27]

An absolute axiom and the Only Way Possible to Respect [28] and Protect [29] One Person or corporate Persons which are composed of individual persons, is to understand the Truth of :  “The Majority must be strictly limited in power, and in the operation of government, for the protection of The Individual's God-given, unalienable rights proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and, therefore, of the rights of the Minority--of all minorities”.  ...

Rule by majority vote is always subject  to the "sacred principle that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."(Jefferson).[11]

“The protection provided by this principle applies fundamentally, of course, in favor of a minority of one: The Individual. No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual--may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small--even a minority of a lone Individual” .[11]

This Basic American Principle is subjugated and ignored by ‘elected We the People’, by many Americans who have not been taught what “Republic under God” means for, at least, the last 40 decades or have totally forgotten what it means, not the Marines of ALL Decades, except 2011 to date, back to their Birth - though they learn it as “Semper Fi”, exactly as George Washington intended way back when he initiated prayer as a Second Lieutenant in the British Army.

The secular courts and Progressives who argue and believe in the “false god” of “Impenetrable Wall.  That “Wall”  is synonymous with Article IV’s Republican Form of government, including  “..protect each of them from Invasion..”, also meaning “ An attack on the rights of another; infringement or violation.”, “..between ‘church’ and ‘state’.  On the Wall’s ‘state side is: The Atheist who doesn’t require acknowledgment; and Sharia is exclusively, man’s law for look what it mandates: chop-off a head so the dead body cannot find Paradise, or other body part, present in the Bible; revenge; death and destruction of its own, innocent citizens, including their own Posterity, or “Any Being”, including children; with lie and deceit  a competition for “who can tell the biggest one’ and perpetrate it onto God’s Planet of Nations regardless of the physical characteristics of size or environment of that nation; and

 The “Obama Regime with it’s Alinsky Community Organizer’s “"The first step in community organization is community disorganization. The disruption of the present organization is the first step toward community organization. Present arrangements must be disorganized if they are  to be displace by new patterns.... All change means disorganization of the old and organization of the new" of all organizations, public, political, or private, present in virtually every aspect of American life, especially Political Party, and All Three Branches of Government which could not function unless the 92,422 Agencies with law disguised as regulation, to bypass the remaining thread of our Republic under God, The House of the People Representatives. The Senate is no problem because even the minor number party, adds enough numbers to allow the Obama Regime complete removal of the Laws of Both Founding Documents.

When, among the inanimate object’s “number”, guns; computer’s binomial / Boolean’s black-white with “black is white, and white is black,  if the ‘rulers so decree, decision tree; positive transgression in perpetration of ignorance, by encouraging  homo sapiens’-‘robotron-think’; or among its other phraseologies:  majority, popular;  including living objects, by anatomy, physiology, neurology in sex organs, kidneys, fingers, and full body internal-picture-scans; chaos, resulting in the licentiousness of ‘anything goes’ tyranny, oppression, and despotism, rules supreme above 1789 Article VI’s supreme Law of the Land and Oath of Office, our nation’s basis in ‘reason”, knowledge, for wisdom in Truth.    

Wrong begets wrong, evil even greater evil, in a never ending race to the black hole of man’s inhumanity to man.

“That was then this is now” with “Obama Lucifer Alinsky’s "An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth -- truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing.... To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma [italics added], he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations...”[2]: ..

..The Absolute statement ‘There is no God”,  or for the deist’s ‘There’s a God, but He is not the same God addressed in  “When in the course of Human Events..;”  “among the Powers of the earth”; The Creator-Supreme Judge-divine Providence-“reason for our emigration and settlement here”; “..native justice and magnanimity..”; or Articles II and VI’s Oath of Office, and so,  isn’t really supreme to their precepts.’ of  man’s law[2]; therefore,

Truth = Dogma’s shackles = absent God = absent individual Person, the individual component of our Constitutional Law, made in His image. Respect for Separate and Equal Station of, unique, Person’s... Soul:   “Laws of Nature’s God” require Soul to be the essence of Person: “The spiritual, rational and immortal substance in man, which distinguishes him from brutes; that part of man which enables him to think and reason, and which renders him a subject of moral government. The immortality of the soul is a fundamental article of the christian system.  Such is the nature of the human soul that it must have a God, an object of supreme affection.     2. The understanding; the intellectual principle. The eyes of our soul then only begin to see, when our bodily eye are closing.     3. Vital principle. Thou son, of this great world both eye and soul.”.[21]
In Matthew 7: 1-4  Jesus, instructs this way: “Judge not, that you may not be judged yourselves; for as you judge so you will be judged, and the measure you deal out to others will be dealt out to yourselves. Why note the splinter in your brother’s eye, and fail to see the plank in your own eye?” [19] ; And..

..In “Declaration of Constitutional Principles”,  stated this way: “The individual component of the polity is the Person, which is defined as Any Being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species Homo Sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the Natural Rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to AVOID DEPRIVING OTHERS of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as [“A system; a regular combination of parts”] a whole or for their common posterity.”.[Nature’s God]  Nature’s Laws: “The whole is the sum of each one of its parts.”; and that does mean, in legislation any level of the Equilateral Triangle, Amendments, Paragraphs, subparagraphs, sections, or any manifestation of the outline, summary, sponsorship of any form of legislation; and /or the absent party affiliation in the crime of omission of information in the House and in many State’s of the Blue colors, especially California, which isn’t really blue but is full of Anti-law.

Shackles includes devotion to ‘tools’ of ignorance with subjugation, submission by force to ‘control life’ of the People who compose the  ‘collective-robotron-group-think’ of, by, and for Obama Lucifer Alinsky with the United Nations, European Union, closed-shop-union providing investigation, examination, and enforcement as extra-legal, never accountable, 92, 488 Federal [8] + additional State Agencies [325 to 600 in CA] of obedience to “Obama-Alinsky’s-underground” laws” disguised as regulations, and designed to ‘shackle’ through  “..erecting a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance”, for the purpose of excising  the Republican Form of Representative government ,  inherent to One Person’s “We Still Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident”[10] – The Laws of Both Founding Documents..

There are Article IV, completely cognizant of the Laws of Both Founding Documents, good Laws in service and respect to The Person within The Whole Polity:  – Home Health Care and Hospice Care directly to One Person in his place of residence – RN, LVN, PT, Speech Language Pathologist (SLP),  OT, Social Worker, and Certified Home Health Aide(CNA with additional meal and home applied skills), the Soul of excellent Respect and Concern in Care of Another.  I doubt that you would find any recipient who doesn’t bless these Programs.  They’re under the PPAA – so of course, their not going to be allowed and are always at the bottom of the taxpayer--government the dollars, property of earnings from work all the above pay, bottom of the medical barrel. For the record homecare in applied medical in a patient’s home – can outdo any outpatient - office - even some inpatient needs of acute and chronically ill – in quality and “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”, than care in any other part of medicine.

This Oratorio wouldn’t be necessary were the Truth, Respect, understanding that no person can judge another person unless “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.” is understood; which is multiplied as truth is replaced by  multiplies by number of people — absent individual person’s rights stated in the Laws of Both Founding Documents.

2. Article III Judiciary and Injustice through its precept: ‘Precedent’:
Example: A Honest Person, among 350,000 honest persons, would not say he was  criminal   for the benefit of an Agency of‘state mandatory requirement, .when he was not a criminal.

By Law disguised as regulation, an individual, Person, among 26 professions, shall prove he is not a criminal through the living object, anatomy of fingers.  Person is assumed to be absent “Religion and Morality” of his word of honor.  Therefore, he is not Protected in Natural Rights, Liberty of choice, by any Agency of ‘state’.

 That person must pay the bill for submitting to the ‘state’s’ abolishment of his own honor, because the Agency part of the ‘state’ does not receive general fund money to exist. It must raise money through licensing, fines, fees, and other generating dollars mechanism’s between the various levels of the Agencies. The Agency of state shall possess a self-fulfilling prophecy, its own government of, by, for government.

“Suspecionless-testing by living object’s anatomy, physiology, neurology” of Fingerprints for criminal record histories/background checks [13], or his urine, kidneys, testing, is for the purpose of determining criminality, and can include Person’s complete history of personal bad debt or driving his automobile.

The honest person, of Professional Pledge given in Church, was removed from his “collective profession” after more than 30 years of safe and protective service in care of the “collective group - chronically or acutely ill” in their place of residence.

The Defendant’s Agencies August 1, 1990, Regulation’s living object, finger’s anatomy, was grand-fathered for more than 38 years, not required to continue working in the Art and Science of the Profession absent the ‘mandatory’ anatomy, but the Regulation was “Emergency Enforced” against approximately 75,000 within the Profession still working, 19 years after it was enacted, March 1, 2009, and 38 days after this president (small ‘p’ is intentional) entered office – March 1, 2009.

That individual, Constitutional Person, absent money, attorney, and support, except One Other Constitutional Person of the Profession, Attorney, went to United States District Court.  “Civil Case: Constitutional”, The Laws of Both Founding Documents (though you do have to know the connections with each Document) do go Directly to United States District Court.  They’re called “For Those Who Wish To File a Complaint on Their Own Behalf”, and the Court does give good instruction on the format and ‘rules of the road’.  United States District Court must hear Constitutional violations Cases.

“Justice” includes “ suspecionless drug testing of 26 Professions or approximately 9,100,000 Constitutional Persons in one State; but is expanded to 455,000,000 professional people as Section 6201 of the infamous “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  PPAA is violation of “no law is ever made for honest People in that PPAA is directed against honest man’s liberty of choice.  PPAA is also absent the entire, Republican Political Party, Thirty-four Democrats, and four, Supreme Court Justices and is inconsistent and not derived from the Laws of Both Founding Documents. The Minority is Closest to obedience to the Laws of Both Founding Documents.

The bigger number, Majority, must defer to “The government of Laws”; or exactly the consequences We the People are experiencing shall occur and remain the ‘despotism, deeds’ against our Republican Form of Representative Government.

The same Supreme Court released to the ‘collective The People’s’ towns and counties,  33,000 convicted inmates due to overcrowding, but public safety is going to be important; except those...

...Honest, individual, Constitutional Persons who made the mistake to step into their profession of the “collective people’s state of force and control” who declare each-one shall have a “diminished expectation of privacy”.  How would you like to have been among the ‘politics of coercion’ which took place in choosing those 33,000 incarcerated individuals housed within the Union’s Prison System of Hierarchy, among the prisoner’s competition for who can please the “guards - executive leader’s committees of choosing?  I know One Good Person who was not among the ‘chosen few’...and not better, nor worse than any one among those 33,000 given privilege over others — especially when the 33,000 could performed road and public works, or have been dispersed in tents, among our large CA deserts like in AZ.

The Article III Judiciary completely submits its findings in belief of atheist, secular, Sharia, Temporal,  unsound doctrine man’s law; while completely negating and repudiating the  “Laws of Nature”: Living and Inanimate Objects, “..and of Nature’s God”: Amendments V, VI, VII in both protection and forgiveness, should a accusation or punishment received from a committed crime, actually occur, for even the Agency states that 99.8 % of the 350,000 are exactly what they are “assumed” to be in our Republican Form of Oath of Office and One Person, One at a time, righteous, trust worthy and good,  before each one’s God, and In The Laws of our Land.

In this Axiom is located in  Scripture primarily “The Prodigal Son”, but also much of the New Testament especially St. Peter’s work in the lessons for all people who follow Jesus and especially the remaining Apostles.  I Timothy I: 6-21 is the location of his “Certain individuals have failed here by turning to empty argument; doctors of the Law is what thy want to be, but they have no idea either of the meaning of the words they use or of the themes on which they harp. The Law is admirable — provided that one makes a Lawful use of it, but the Law is Never written for a Honest man, but for...the long list of most of the evils among people, including “..and for whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine as laid down by [God’s Laws]...”.

Thus, presenting to US District Court  the Laws of Both Founding Documents due to  the confiscation of the right to continue more than 30 years of professional registered nurse work “Absent the fingers”.

The case was not “officially”adjudicated; because there “ was not a “clear statement of cause”.   It took three Amended complaints with neither Side changing their arguments.

Plaintive built the case on behalf most, if not all righteous, honest persons, declared and specifically stated in the Laws of Scripture and Both Founding Documents; and in their application in law from 1620 through about 1968; and have, proved through evidence list the connections establishing anti-law, the oxymoron of “suspecionless-testing” Laws disguised as regulation to the ‘Socialist - collective -‘the safety and protection- by the “experts government of the people”; in utilization of  “precedent”, as a substitute for justice, in the union-run, substructure of government named Agency, overall,  but composed of Departments, commissions, bureaus, committees, Agents, contractors, in all levels of the Federalism’s equilateral triangle.

For a few paragraphs, this Founding Father’s Patriot has to digress from fingers, urine, plastic cards called licenses, and government officials: attorney generals, judges, and agency directors, of the Eleventh Amendment, because very, very few among “We the People” have ever had ‘reason’ to access the ‘reason’ for ‘Precedent’; but ‘precedent’ is the “Supreme Law-secular, often Sharia, and often absent ‘reason’ in knowledge, wisdom for Truth”, courts utilize for determination of “justice”.

It is ‘precedent’ which our 1789 Constitution must ‘attend and be judged’ by the “plank in the judge’s eye”, in order  to “receive permission” to be the “Article VI supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby” (little ‘s’ because big “S” is among God’s names).  The Obama-Atheist-Secular-Sharia-collective people, with complete largesse shall continue their anti-law, legislating Acts, which are not consistent, and are not derived from the 1789 supreme Law of the permission required..from “elected We the People” of the “judiciary”. – Forget “consent of the governed” and protection of God’s Gifts to All Men..

Legislation is law. Court is law. Agency’s definition, investigation, determination, adjudication is law, absent Articles I and II – since January 20, 2009's Anti-law in Obama with Alinsky / community organizer / underground government, Cloward-Piven began its Invasion: “An attack on the rights of another; infringement or violation.” with “An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a Regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but Anti-law

The Article III Judiciary of “equality”by living object, ‘precedent’ has “established that the right to pursue one-Person’s chosen Profession is Not a “fundamental right”[13, 22] :  “[Property] in its particular application means "that dominion which one man claims and exercises over the external things of the world, in exclusion of every other individual."   In its larger and juster meaning, it embraces every thing to which a man may attach a value and have a right; and which leaves to every one else the like advantage..”[6], does not apply in court.

Any Plaintive claim of no reason in knowledge, wisdom, Truth, for the enforcement of the law disguised as regulation, not even addressing the anatomy of fingers which would never have been heard in any court before about 1968, and addressing strictly Pledge in Honor, by a Honest Person,  is utterly inane and completely disregarded in the “Alinsky - frozen” tactic and precept..

Especially disregarded and repudiated, is any expression of God from the Laws of Both Founding Documents and the Principles and Pledges within the Profession itself.

That there is no crime, means that the Agency does not have to be involved in any of the 19 steps of “due process”. That there is no crime, is omitted and neglected from the Four Attorney Generals and their staff’s case for the Defendants.

The Defense presented its case solely on “collectives” immersed in tactic named ‘precedent’ from the living objects urine from kidneys, finger’s anatomy, among the collectives of approximately 28 professional who are exempted from their unalienable Natural Rights by decree disguised as ‘court ruling’.

Article III Judiciary, solely determines by ‘precedent’ as “just”[14], which is not defined as righteousness in man’s secular, temporal law; because the “Professional”, “Trade (railroad)”, student’s school athletes,  workers are collective-groups, found guilty by body’s physiology of  individuals; defined by ‘state’ to be hazardous to the other people’s safety and protection by anatomy, physiology, neurology, body; and therefore, the government’s force against honest persons who dared to make their life’s liberty in choice to work in the “Obama atheist-secular- collective of  “closely regulated industry or activities”; “which has a diminished expectation of privacy”[13], defined, declared, investigated, and punished solely by the, greater ‘number’ than 92,488 throughout,  Agencies of State and Federal government; with the assistance of secular court’s  ‘precedent’ free choices among the contents of previous-like case’s which shall determine how adjudicated will be applied to a newer case.

Just is measured one person at a time. Just is measured by “Like cases in which parts of the case are chosen, but are absent the Laws of Both Founding Documents; But..

..The case’s precedent is determined by “collective-designed groups of people”, living and inanimate objects. Never One Person, or corporate persons which are composed of individual persons.   Individual Persons and “Collective-designed-groups of people” with inanimate and living objects are Not Equal to the same thing “Just”. Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God are violated .

The consequences and results abound at all levels of the Judiciary, especially in California and especially in “The American Rule” which is uniquely American — Anti-law.  Not invented by this “2009 anti-law, course of human event”, but definitely a tremendous assist in eradicating the Laws of our Republic under God by the “Alinsky underground” carbon, oxygen, nitrogen - sustainable people’s indoctrination, Executive Branch’s 29,939 Agencies.  

Since about 1968, “The idea that like cases should be treated alike is anchored in the assumption that one person is the legal equal of any other,” grew into one of the axioms to justify ‘precedent’ as more superior in adjudication versus Constitutional construction using the Laws of the Original Documents: “On every question of construction, [let us] carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.”–Thomas Jefferson.

Interestingly, the Scripture for ‘precedent’ is in Deuteronomy’s Chapters regarding the 5W’s and H of determining which sheep’s ‘body’ appearance, age, “description”, best “fits” the “question”, or argument, regarding did the wife commit adultery, but never the husband,  with the high priest the decision-maker of how the ‘sacrificial fire’ “looks” for the “determination” of “innocence” or “guilt” of that terrible Eve, a.k.a woman.    [Hmm....that description also fits “Obama and UN’s ‘sustainable-E.O .commissions and CA’s attempts to integrate NGO’s into the equilateral triangle minus Representative government,  into using taxpayer money, absent consent of the governed” — even the more than 120 new Commissions of PPAA — doesn’t it?!]

The essential problem is the “one person” is Not the subject of argument in the case.

Living objects: fingers, urine from kidneys, anatomy, physiology, neurology; with collective-groups of government-defined, designation-people of all aspects of life; and inanimate objects guns, air, land, water, ammunition, are the parties to actions at law, upon which  “legal equal” is measured; and that measure is a direct repudiation of  “Soul of person with conscience”.  Body of person with neurology – yes; Soul of that Person, absolutely no.  The court of man’s law, for that is what the Wall of Separation delineates, there is no such axiom named “separate and equal station”, to which any law is attached, to protect the right of a Person’s unique and sacred property, his Soul.

The other  problem with ‘precedent’ is the eradication of The First Table of Law: The ‘assumption’ that law is about Person(s) who are honest and accountable to “Religion and
Morality which became standard operation procedure for speed and efficiency in the courts.
Since 1971, for sure, “Religion and Morality” is strictly forbidden from courts of law and is Not a basis for ‘choosing the analogies’ by judge or attorney.

God and His Laws, the Laws of the Declaration are forbidden; and this mal-construct carries over to the study of history, which  also strictly forbids, with only ‘selected’ concepts allowed for State and Federal education, with Obama-Alinsky-Underground revisionist Science and revisionist History indoctrinated as “Common Core curriculum”, against our Posterity; and all Naturalized Citizens, (never ‘all new Citizens’ for many know exactly what the Laws of Both Founding Documents mean better than many natural Americans), who only memorize the words - never the comprehension of the Laws of Both Founding Documents, as mankind in God with each-one’s Sovereign Person of life and liberty in choices, and consequences, of ‘free agency.

Those young people of about 45 yrs of age or less, and those 2009 forward naturalized Citizens,  have no idea what Sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation, entails in all history and our nation’s history, somewhat stated,  in this “oratory”.

Because First and Second Table of Law is forbidden, a national, self-fulfilling prophecy becomes part of both the court of man’s law and the Article I Legislative law supreme to The Laws of Both Founding Documents.

That means the new, young posterity is forbidden the concepts upon which the Laws of Both Founding Documents exist to bring to each-one-Person’s Gifts from God, all men know; for otherwise, there would be no need for the anti-law of “George Soros-Obama-Alinsky-UN’s ownership of air, land, and water”, to exist as an opposite to, and against,  ‘righteous-accountability to God And Morality’.

The judicial system maintains great “fidelity”  to the adjudication by “precedents”.  “ There are times, however, when a court has no precedents to rely on. In these "cases of first impression," a court may have to draw analogies to other areas of the law to justify its decision. Once decided, this decision becomes precedential.”.[11]

The judicial system owns loyalty to man’s, law ability to use, each one-Person participating in the case’s, Soul ,-  to “select facts” and “ignore, neglect facts”, then draw analogy’s “just” conclusion.

Except, “just” in man’s law,  is not “just” God’s Laws, nor is it derived from or consistent with the Laws of Both Founding Documents: “In a moral sense, upright; honest; having principles of rectitude; or conforming exactly to the laws, and to principles of rectitude in social conduct; equitable in the distribution of justice; as a just judge.  In an evangelical sense, righteous; religious; influenced by a regard to the laws of God; or living in exact conformity to the divine will.  Conformed to rules of justice; doing equal justice.  Just balances, just weights, a just ephah and a just him shall ye have. Lev.19.   Conformed to truth; exact; proper; accurate; as just thoughts; just expressions; just images or representations; a just description; a just inference.     True; founded in truth and fact; as a just charge or accusation.”  

Especially, in this “Obama Atheist-Secular-Sharia-collective-people ruled by few, and by inanimate and living objects; “just” along with “respect” are anathemas of precept.

At no location in the Free Dictionary / Legal / precedent, and in any Court of Law, is God’s Law, “Religion and Morality”, ever the basis of a court decision; because ‘precedent’ grew out of the 1947 Everson v New York Board of Education’s determination that a letter about “Religion and Morality” of an individual person, within a church denomination with its ecclesiastics, meant an “impenetrable wall of separation [the Republic under God]” from ‘state’ as governance, and as Law Precedent for the separation is never, never the 1947 case. Nor is precedent based on “..carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates..”(Jefferson on Construction)..

Precedent is always the most recent, inanimate object, ‘time’ “certain facts and discount or ignore others to have analogy created.”.   In the court’s utilization of Precedent, It is especially important to ignore history, i.e. Nature’s God: “The “sacred fire of liberty” that Washington knew and shared with his nation is not in danger of burning out. Instead the danger is that the “sacred fire” is rapidly becoming a secular fire. The eternal flame of the torch of liberty is not burning low; instead, it is in danger o burning out of control. There is a crucial difference between the sacred and the secular, between a sacred fire and a secular fire, between a fire in the hearth and a fire on the roof...It is the difference between ordered liberty and moral anarchy, between liberty and licentiousness. Licentiousness is an abuse of liberty. It is a spirit of anything goes...[16] .

But, here is an tremendous Example of the Article III Judicial falling and failing any knowledge, wisdom for justice in Truth.:

It could not, by any stretch of the imagination, utilize ‘precedent’ for that concept cannot exist in Person of Soul in God, it was forced to fall back on the original-original text of the Laws of Both Founding Documents:  For any court even attempting to make ruling when God’s Laws, Nature’s God, are Both the Defense and the Plaintive, adjudication,  absent “religion and Morality”, including Church’s ecclesiastics, is impossible.

Courts are not allowed, by temporal, man’s secular law; and do not comprehend Catholic Memorial Service father for his son versus “God Hates the USA” by Baptist ‘street’ Minister. [9, 25]  In expressing the court’s “opinion without interference”: the first of five parts of the First Amendment. The court judged the Baptist minister’s Freedom of Speech, second of the five parts, abridged by the Catholic parent’s “free exercise” of memorial service; because, judging otherwise,  God would be Supreme, had the justices adjudicated His Name in His Laws - the basis of our Republican Form of representative government.

Now, you have to ask the question: Given this quandary, why did the Supreme Court accept this case? . That is a question, especially in light of what has occurred with PPAA, and about to occur with “right of marriage by sex organ”;....and then there’s the  fingers and kidneys of less protection for only those persons who worked and earned, more to become professionals. ...There is the possibility that in adjudicating absent God’s Laws could mean that God’s Laws don’t exist,  and/or those Laws are not better than man’s temporal body living and inanimate object, collective people laws. The Pharisee’s crucifying Jesus; the Apostasy of the Inquisition; right up to the third try by the Puritans to leave Europe for Plymouth Rock...and “The Statue of Faith” in Granite, testify to the absurdity and sophistry of the court’s ‘precedent’.

There is another precept which marks the civil and criminal lawless Acts of the “Obama-Atheist-Secular-Sharia-collective, mass people-Regime’s Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branches of government, Truth does not exist and therefore ‘Just’ cannot exist.

Neither can  the Laws of  Nature’s God, for collectives of people by their living objects: sex organs, skin-color/except white with country-of-origin / except US - the Naturalized Citizen has Pledged his Allegiance,  – not understanding sovereignty of Personal Honor; the “invented against the Constitution”, NGO of “sustainable, air’s false god, Global Warming”, squeezed between Town and County levels of Federalism’s equilateral triangle of government; supported with “rewards” from the taxpayer’s resources confiscated in irresponsibility by the State; – all of which is absent any “consent of the governed”, by accomplishing the anti-law through “Obama-Alinsky Underground governance”: “ "The tenth rule... is you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.... It involves sifting the multiple factors which combine in creating the circumstances at any given time... Who, and how many will support the action?... If weapons are needed, then are appropriate weapons available? Availability of means determines whether you will be underground or above ground; whether you will move quickly or slowly...".

Cloward-Piven’s, overwhelming legislation, environmental Town’s life designed by government of, by, and , for government, makes the “move quickly” much more preferable; for then “the collective people” will be more submissive and obedient to the Anti-law acts – they have no idea,  are forbidden information, facilitated by “elected We the People”, government force, “media subjugation to yellow journalism with young indoctrinated reporters who have no idea what “freedom of the press” entails and also, don’t know is taking place.

[There is another ‘deed’ which must be inserted here. It is for those Persons of God and Nation First, who have been fighting, going through grief and loss, denial..but keep going no matter what the cost to each other, even to family,  of life, liberty, fortunes, and sacred Honor which is what We the People encompass: Remember and Say out loud, listening to your Soul in your particular knowledge and wisdom for Truth, to the words, And you can do it more than one time a day :-), and perform your particular “Deed(s)”, the manner of which you know full-well; and “Those who know Me, Know The Truth” – of  “Everyone who has left brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands or houses for my name’s sake will get a hundred times as much and inherit life eternal. Many who are first shall be last, and many who are last shall be first.”  (Matt 19:28-30).  Also, the Twenty-Third Psalm will do all it says it will do....].

Just  the corporate Persons, like Conservatives, Independents, and Teapartiers, within the Whole of that part of the polity-know that it is unlawful. No, we may not have the ‘bigger, inanimate object number’; but we do Own The Sword of Truth from God; and We the People, are no longer silent..and our “Sentinel will Blow the Trumpet” when God brings His “sword upon a country...does not take warning but is swept off by the sword....if you do not say a word of warning to the wicked to give up his evil course, he has to die for his iniquity, but I {God is speaking) will hold you responsible. ..”(Ezekiel 33)

 “We the People” do not easily comprehend that a few men will implement blatant lie, deceit, omission, commission, neglect, and positive transgression, as the Standard Operating Procedure for governance at every possible location of all life, especially notable besides Agenda 21/Obama’s Executive Order for funding and developing all energy to support the carbon, oxygen,  nitrogen, hydrogen of air and water – or the use and annexing of land, –

The Obama Regime does not require that any the crime or civil disorder, actually exist.

Its definition of “Threat”, and in the case of the 26 profession’s, not even that word, is all that is required for full enforcement, investigation, adjudication absent court, but with full punishment as a criminal, Person(s) separate and equal station [of soul], Laws of Nature, Laws of Nature’s God with Unalienable, Natural Rights.

The 94,505 Federal Level, and more than 500 California State Level, Agency’s defining, Investigating,  enforcing and adjudicating, shall occur regardless; for “Any Democracy, either Representative or Direct, does not even recognize the existence of any unqualified rights of The Individual, much less his possessing God-given, unalienable rights as conceived by the American philosophy. A Democracy in America, as a form of government, would therefore provide no protection for these rights. Under a Democracy, Man is considered to have only qualified privileges permitted by The Majority in control of government and revocable by it at any time. This spells Rule by Omnipotent Majority, with The Individual and The Minority as well as all minorities victimized at the pleasure of The Majority, without limit and without any legal basis for objection or practical remedy. The idea of such unlimited rule, as if by "divine right of The Majority," is as abhorrent in the eyes of the traditional American philosophy as is the idea of rule by "divine right of kings." [11]

Simply by refusal to submit to the to the requirements of ‘state’ of the “Obama Anti-law Regime”, is all that is required to enforce the “Obama Regime”; because all contained herein, originated, or was exacerbated, when Obama entered, February 2009,  the private property of Chrysler Corporation, removed the CEO absent law, let alone any court, and the property of those corporate Persons who invested in that Corporation, to “plunder”[17] those dollars to the union-members who assisted in electing and whose President occupies space with this President . 29,941 of those Agencies are The Executive Branch of Government’s, and virtually all the Agencies, or its staffs, are ‘Closed-shop-Union Employees who not only are paid by taxpayers; but who also receive exorbitant Pensions supplied by taxpayers.

Person is always singular when an individual steps-out-of the ‘Socialist-fence’ in practicing liberty of free choices; especially when that liberty decries or violates government’s collective-robotron people of never question and always be obedient and submissive to government’s  force...fingers determine professional practice.

So, like arguing, in reason of fact, about the ability of inanimate object - gun - against the ‘officials of state’, Feinstein-Obama-and Reid, Legislative, Executive, and Judicial, all of whom deny “Separate and Equal Station”, do not require accountability in knowledge for wisdom or justice in Truth; and since they do not acknowledge culpability of their Souls, they are free of the dogma shackles of “consent of the governed” or We the People.

They do not have to acknowledge the existence of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,  the Truth in God, and in man among each other, in every instance of  “This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances.” , is forthwith, void and null from inception since 1620.

The Plaintive part of the ‘Case of fingers supreme to Righteousness in art and science of professional practice” went to US District Court under the Eleventh Amendment’s “stripping clause” and was presented, absent attorney and money.

Though not actually heard in a courtroom, for the four Attorney Generals for the two Agency Defendants, did not deem the ‘case’ important enough to be heard, and come down to San Diego from Sacramento for  “no clear statement of cause”; and the judge thought saving money for the taxpayers, was (and often is via “The American Rule”), the best excuse for not allowing an The Laws of Both Founding Documents, the Laws of Professional Practice, and of One Person’s Soul,  absent living object- finger’s anatomy, to be heard in open court with a Jury of Peers; though that “jury” was present among whom those who read and assisted the Plaintive, as Representatives in the Federalist organization of representative government of laws.

Those Persons had absolutely no problem understanding “statement of cause” with injustice of punishment due to the refusal of Person to prove self-evident Truth;  to a ‘state’s agency and judicial system which deny’s the existence of Laws of Nature’s God - “Religion and Morality”.

The ‘state’, the Defendants, the Attorney Generals, do not acknowledge the need for any Virtue as accountable to God, or to innate Trust in righteousness of man.

The Laws of the Declaration are far more important than the Laws of the Constitution; for without God’s Laws – as you reader, are seeing, hearing and rapidly moving you stiffneck to return attack for yourself, there is no law for Person as an individual of Soul; and law by Body - Temporal - living and inanimate object based on ‘selected pieces of the whole of a case’ absent the Laws of Both Founding Documents - Precedent - is absent knowledge, wisdom, Justice, brotherhood in Trust and Truth.

Though  most Americans have been indoctrinated to unquestioned obedience to enforcement of the precept that a person is deemed, solely innocent of criminality by submission and subjugation to the tests the fingers, or urine tests, or background checks by that state agency through coercion and force,: - either you comply or you do not continue working at your profession - , do subjugate and submit themselves to the law, disguised as regulation. “No paycheck. No Brain-er. Fingerprints every time.”; And..

..Even though the ‘no’ box, on the Renewal Applications Form is a ‘consent’ form, the ‘officials of state’ obliterate and consider irrelevant, “privacy”  for the professional’s innate “religion and morality”,  Soul of conscience; and each-professional person has no truth unless the state deems the required submission and subjugation of Body’s anatomy, physiology worthy of “permission” to continue practice.

The “Case”went to the District Court three times, because the Judge did give every opportunity for the Person’s Soul in Law as Plaintive, and the case did, indeed, throughout all three presentations, have a “clear statement of cause”. Person is supreme in the eyes of our Lord God and in the Laws of Protection from Government in the Laws of Both Founding Documents over finger’s anatomy or urine’s physiology ignored and neglected by the Persons of planks in their eyes, Defendants, Attorneys, and Judge..

Like-wise, court adjudicating in favor of force by privilege and permission of government for government, against an Honest Person, did confiscated the state’s license of professional practice, though that was not the descriptive word utilized by the state. – “not intended to be punitive” - the “Obama-UN Socialist Regime’s”, underpinnings of “the definition of words” meanings, usages, and connotations, completely altered to ‘fit’ anti-law, absent Religion and Morality.

It also argued that Plaintive made choice with full knowledge of consequences and is the one who is responsible for the consequences. The State’s Attorney General’s in writing in US District Court, that indeed, the ‘state’ has full rights to remove the property of life, absent any crime, because the suspecionless-testing is mandatory to prove innocence that the non-eixsting criminal code, the fingers are required to find, – in order to prove that criminal history doesn’t exist.  Such anti-knowledge use of logic, in and out of court or legislation or regulation by Agency - is common, since reason in knowledge for wisdom and Truth is forbidden.

Truth stands alone.  As does Honor to self as conscience in duty and service and in the Name of obedience to God, His son Jesus. Honest men Do “..Avoid Depriving Others of those Natural Rights..”; Scripture’s Law, Lessons, and words are Truth; and independent of man’s determination in any law. Man is not superior to God.

The art and science of the practice of that profession, does not reside in the state agency’s of investigation, pursuit, and adjudication of each-One Person’s Nature’s God, Honesty, or that ‘state’ agency’s control over, an inanimate object, the plastic license or the living object the anatomy of fingers.

The art and science of practice resides in the “Religion and Morality” of understanding the Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God in respecting, absent judgement, each-one-Person’s inherent Soul at whatever location that person finds himself on the illness - wellness scale of life – Respect one for another in “separate and equal station”; and
does apply completely for any of the corporate persons within the twenty-six agencies of State’s agency of governance,  absent accountability to the people.

The following Constitutional Principle is also the Truth: “An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a Regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is Not Law but Anti-law.”[9].

Please notice in “Obama’s socialist Regime” “person,” singular,  is assumed civil or criminally liable; but group- designated membership is the standard in ‘precedent’s analogy’ of what part of which “cases” at law, for law by force in interest of man’s secular, bodily protection and safety.
Fingerprints, urine testing, and background checks are not present, and often not enforced among the 50 States where Truth and Trust remain “We Still Hold These Truths to be Self Evident”[5].

 Closed-shop-union members, and their ‘upper’ bosses or management, Agency Heads are not exempt from the Laws of God or the Laws of Both Founding Documents; And

..While those Persons do not include “Religion and Morality”, or even in the Professions of Pledge to God,  which actually holds equal and synonymous weight with public official’s own “Article VI and California Constitution Article XX:3 Oath of Office; Justice in Truth is itself, all a “Clear Statement of Cause” requires.  So recognition of this Truth is not ‘owned’ and in not within the jurisdiction of anyone among the ‘state’ sin without recognition that a stone to toss might have right or wrong attached to it.

The state’s Defendants A and B with their four Attoreny Generals assures the court and person-Plaintive, fingers are not punitive; And....

..That is a true statement!  Fingers are not punitive – neither are those living objects,  rewarding.

Living and inanimate objects are incapable of mounting a defense in their own behalf because the ‘its’ are absent “essential cognitive attributes of homo sapiens, good-bad, right-wrong, depend 100% on the Soul of Person, including the ‘state’s Persons’ absent duty and service to “We the People’.

That’s the point - law disguised as regulation for the purpose of declaring an honest person dishonest, through “suspicion-less testing” scanning bodies, fingers,  urine, or voter identity cards to determine criminality or truth that person is who he says he is – is spurious and absurd.

Fingers are law - not regulation, because refusal, in the face of absent “warrant”, or reason,  is declaring confiscation of profession a legal act against honest person absent any crime of any description; so, of course neither court nor  ‘due process’ [24] is required of the leader of the State’s Agency..

When the state’s agency, Defendant A,  learned (it was ignorant ‘before the fact’), that unless the name with the exact criminal code reason for incarceration is given, there shall be no criminal history given to any state agency, it removed the “criminal record history”; but retained the fingerprint or don’t work requirement, just in “case’s” of that Agency’s determination, judgement absent all facts of criminality, at some unknown time, at that agency’s desecration a ruling need of, by, and for government against the Person within the Professional group. The Body of Person’s, Living object, Fingers,  for no apparent reason in knowledge or wisdom for truth, are solely the basis of the art and science of professional practice. Person has no Soul..

Even protected by government in the name of “Whistle-blower” remaining anonymous, the “Whistle Agency” instructs they won’t tell the person the outcome of their investigation, to protect the person’s whistle-blowing, identity; while what is protected is the agency’s  unlawful actions.  That is how the above ‘Agency’ ‘learned’ their error about criminal’s name plus code must be given for criminal report to be obtained; and other unlawful acts, changed, solely in protection between the whistle-blowing agency and the agency the person reported. [13] Evidence presented by Plaintive was supported, completely independently by the State Auditor’s Department proven by the changes at the Defendant’s websites.

In March 1794, The Eleventh Amendment was written while “religion and morality with God’s Laws of, by, and for the protection of an individual person’s unalienable rights was a fact, Article VI: The supreme Rule of Law.  Protecting the States was important for their sovereignty.

In January 2009 to this date and beyond, pending “We the People” for God and Nation First, The Eleventh Amendment of the Obama Regime is absent Truth,  “Religion and Morality”, or personal responsibility by officials of any level of ‘state’; especially relating to “Obama-Alinsky-Cloward-Piven-UN goals of borderless nations and jurisprudence is absent Truth; and depends for its existence on lie, distortion, ignorance of people, and tactics of destruction of Person, Persons, and their interactions.

 Justice cannot occur; but injustice is full and present.

The 11th has become the property of government of, by, and for government,  the exclusion that the State owns any accountability or Truth in Law over the individual Person, corporate person(s); and has complete permission given to its 500 plus State Agencies; to perform whatever Acts against honest people they choose to perform; especially utilizing the inanimate and living objects with collective people as majority completely; and absent Laws of Both Founding Documents, which are forbidden any part in the running of the Agency’s government: “Information needed to make a proper decision is withheld, distorted in a way that is intended to mislead or which has that effect through negligence” rules the “Obama Atheist-secular-Sharia-collective, mass people, man’s body Anti-law”.

That was the reason the case taken to District Court address the Eleventh Amendment’s “Stripping Doctrine”, when an officer acts unconstitutionally, he acts outside what a state could have authorized him to do, and has been “stripped” of his power”; where “State officers to be sued in their official capacities, rather than the state of the State’s Agencies of applied governance absent the Laws of Both Founding Documents, including the lives of the closed-shop, union employee who shall conform to the union’s few men, Administration of their work absent their personal “Oath of Office”. Person working for the State can be sued, and theoretically is accountable as a person, except the State cannot be held liable, either money or law because, in fact, a State cannot be held,- it cannot mount a defense on its own behalf any more than living and inanimate objects, only Person as the Leader responsible for that Agency can be held liable.

Except, where the ‘clear statement of cause’  is violation of Oath of Office by the leaders; who exercise of anti-law in confiscation of professional property - both life and earnings.

From 1789 to about 1968, Person, or corporate Persons composed of individual persons, were still the only subject of legal process. Fingers, profession, closely regulated any Person(s) in groups; living and inanimate objects were not considered, or thought of, as parties at law.

Defendants A and B are both under the same agency’s umbrella.  With their attorney’s, both agreed that Oath of Office and Pledge of Profession, were not clear statements of cause and irrelevant and immaterial to the reason for the compulsory fingers over Practice of Person. The U.S. District Court also agreed.  Religion and Morality, Sacred Honor, with more than 30 years of grand-fathered art and science of applied knowledge in wisdom, practice, were not relevant to the criminality clearance by fingers

One of the two US District Court Case Defendants, A and B, was the enforcer of fingers.  The other,  Defendant B, occurred as a direct consequence of Defendant A’s enforcement.

The Article III Judiciary, and especially the ‘state’s’ attorney generals, were completely unable to comprehend the reason Defendant B was included as a Defendant, because “Religion and Morality of Person’s Oath of Office as God’s Law is forbidden; and no Person, State employee, Plaintive, attorney or judge is accountable to their own Person’s Soul in Honor and the Laws of God, which became..

 ..A  forgone understanding on the part of the Plaintive; for if the 5 persons of Law and Judiciary, could not recognize a “clear statement of cause” in life, liberty and sacred honor of justice of each-one-Person’s Soul more than Body, they would be incapable of identifying their lawfully professional requirement, lip-serviced in their self-same “integrity “.  Integrity is “The entire, unimpaired state of any thing, particularly of the mind; moral soundness or purity; incorruptness; uprightness; honesty. Integrity comprehends the whole moral character, but has a special reference to uprightness in mutual dealings, transfers of property, and agencies for others.” contained in code of Ethics: “The Canons are rules of reason. They should be applied consistently with constitutional requirements, statutes, other court rules and decisional law, and in the context of all relevant circumstances. The Code is to be construed so it does not impinge on the essential independence of judges in making judicial decisions.”[26].

Defendant B recognized exactly, in Plaintive’s writing and in telephone reporting, the fifth of the five parts of the First Amendment: redress of grievance.   That means Defendant B followed her Department’s Mission Statement; and  was very aware of the consequences since she demonstrated knowledge though “The director may enter into an interagency agreement with an appropriate entity within the Department of Consumer Affairs ..” to delegate the duties, powers, purposes, responsibilities, and jurisdiction that have been succeeded and vested with the department..”[13].

Plaintive learned of Defendant B through the “application’s” side-trip to another County Department’s  location, which would not have any reason to be involved, except as stated.”

Since Defendant B recognized the above, she also knows her accountability to God, Nation, and State through her Oath of Office; and to the Nation who gave her the “understanding” to change loyalty and love from God to state’s demand for abolishing Trust and Truth.; i.e. those who refuse fingerprints remain with criminality for they refuse to prove their innocence, by submitting to “suspicion-less [19]” drug testing  and therefore must Not be allowed to continue practice the Art and Science of Nursing.

Since Oath of Office is not included, except as present in Article VI, and since God’s Law is in ALL Law under Christianity of the Western World and from Jesus and The Apostles with history continuing in printing The Bible(s), is Supreme, there could have been no other “case” with ”precedent” supreme to 1789 Rule of Law, finding; i.e. How could the four Attorney Generals with the US District Court Judge, possible allow that the Laws of Both Founding Documents based in “separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, God’s Planet He Created, entitle them...unalienable rights directly the most important and major gifts of each-one- Person’s Life, Liberty, and Pursuits of Happiness in surrendering their lives, fortunes and sacred Honor to defend combined with Oath of Office and Professional Pledge’s demonstration of the Art and Science of Nursing Practice, be allowed recognition from the Plaintive’s case?

Especially by one Person, alone, absent any professional from any part of Law. Yes, the judge did lead the Plaintive, but solely in his “Balance” role.  So, Person of God and Nation, could not be expected to conform to the format of “statement of cause” because the “Statement of Cause” was the entire “Compliant with its attached evidence”, which, gave the Plaintive’s “case” the weight of righteousness; and, the State Auditor utilized to ‘advise’ the ‘state’ Agency of Defendant A, of its wrong-doing of all aspects of the regulation, except the removal of the License by the state against the Plaintive.

Plaintive, among most Professions, have an Oath or Pledge attached to their professions; and Person in our Republic under God.  Oath is “ A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath, implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury.”.  Pledge is “ Any thing given or considered as a security for the performance of an act. Thus a man gives a word or makes a promise to another, which is received as a pledge for fulfillment. “.

Therefore, this law disguised as regulation”.. was intended to be applied selectively, or have come to be applied selectively, in violation of the equal protection provision of the Constitution that all laws must be applied uniformly”. Though the officials of state involved believe because all members of the profession were involved, not within the same period of inanimate object “time”, that the law disguised as regulation is automatically equal protection, as if that was the sole application of the truth of the law disguised as regulation.

Both are intrinsic to Person of Soul in art and science of practice, which is the basis of Law of Both Founding Documents. The purpose of the non-governmental/non-union administrated, Professional’s, built-in, equilateral triangle of responsibility and accountability to “The Spirit is Supreme” is lodged in the  Chapters, Counties, State, and National Organizations, which also may include International Organizations by profession.

The Members of the Profession Act in knowledge, wisdom for Truth of their particular part of life and pursuits into futures of their respective organizations.  Government wasn’t needed, nor wanted and life, absent liberty, was not an issue.

Considering the opposite is always an interesting question, for look what would have happened had this US District Court Case made it to open hearing by a Jury of American Peers, absent Obama’s anti-law?  That, with obliteration of Truth are among the reasons for this Oratorio.

There is a ‘National Data Base’ which does exist against the individual, Persons, who have already been punished, in or out of court, or have a ‘stained reputation’, to be assured no member of that “collective group - made Any wrong, whether or not it was greater than $500.00 - professional people”; or whether that wrong had any relationship to the jurisdiction of the practice of that particular ‘Collective-Agency of state’, or not, i.e.  Sealed by court Order – is included.

But, just like life, the ‘state’ has absolutely no method to capture  those persons composing the “in active practice, performing inadequate or wrong acts, not caught people.

Still, a person in the Data Base,  shall be examined, and passed by, may not even be aware there are listed, and have no appeal process. The ‘data-base is Boolean and therefore not open to either truth amd/or absent homo sapiens’s imposition of judgement - complete with”plank”; absent forgiveness, or the opportunity for forgiveness. No human input – just like Google’s catalog of software, FAQ’s absent person and absent answers to the questions asked.

The ‘Data base” is useful for ‘state’ and supports the ‘Alinsky-underground-implementation’ of ‘national watch-dogs’, so prospective employers, especially those facilities who depend on its existence by the State and Federal’s ‘state’s licensing requirements’.  Witch-hunt is returned with a vengeance common to Sharia, but not to our Republic under God.

With Patient Protection and Affordable Act / Department of Health and Human Services: Section 6201, “Nationwide Program for National; and State Background Checks on direct Patient Access Employees of Long-term Facilities and Providers”, fingers have become the property of Executive Branch of the ‘state’ HHS is now an investigator and adjudicator with punishment – the Property of “He has a property of peculiar value in his religious opinions, and in the profession and practice dictated by them.    He has a property very dear to him in the safety and liberty of his person.     He has an equal property in the free use of his faculties and free choice of the objects on which to employ them.     In a word, as a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights.”[6]

The sovereignty of the 50 State shall be obedient to the Article II: Executive Branch’s agency Dept. of Health and Human Services; for the Article I: Legislative Branch has no Signatures at Law present on that Act, by the minor, Republican Party Representatives of Article IV:4 guarantee of our Republican Form of government, which includes protection from invasion upon the rights of another, infringement or violation; and also 32 Democrats upon that PPAA law : Despotism of the majority, remember Christmas Eve 2009?  PPAA is Not A law. It is Anti-law.

Fingerprints and criminal record checks are the discretion of the governmental Agency, and some among the agencies, do not enforce that law disguised as regulation at all within the offending State of force[18]; though now,  the Federal Law of (PPAA) adds  Department of Health and Human Service’s enforcement of fingers as: Section 6201, “Nationwide Program for National; and State Background Checks on direct Patient Access Employees of Long-term Facilities and Providers” to the Executive Branch of the Federal Level of government; because Congress has little or no say in how the ‘PeePeeAA’ is administered.  Thus PeePeeAA is a violation of Article IV:4, Article V changes government absent amending process, Article VI, Amendments IX, X, XIV..

Among the many consequences and scope of investigative power this law disguised as regulation allows, background checks are thought to be, in many instances of greater importance, than the ability of that person to perform the job description for which he is making his good-faith application.  Person has good faith; Persons denounce good faith, except as they determine ‘acceptance of presumption of criminality until proven otherwise..

Because of outsourcing and habit of disrespect of person’s assumed, innate honesty and truth by conscience, excision of Trust is yet, another consequence on the private side of life and liberty resulting from the denial of Truth in God’s Laws by the anti-law of the “Obama atheist-secular-Sharia-inanimate and living object, collective people Regime”.

Worse, young, inexperienced and absent knowledge persons of Posterity, have no insight of their unique, sovereignty of Person of Body and Soul, inherent to The Laws of Both Founding Documents, our Republic under God; for like emigrants who become naturalized Citizens, our Republican form of each-one-person’s presence in the Federalism’s equilateral triangle, is forbidden and not taught.

Good faith is absent too many hiring Employers who prefer submission to “distrust”, rather than “Religion and Morality”. Young Adults have been educated to believe this ‘false god’ through state and federal indoctrination, opinion without interference by preconceived conclusions.

Occupy Wall Street is the best example of those public school, young persons, who have been indoctrinated to believe our Republic under God is their enemy. They are easily misled because the Laws of Both Founding Documents are forbidden in education, as is “Religion and Morality”.

The Laws of Both Founding Documents are also forbidden the emigrant who is working to become a citizen; for the sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation of Person’s Soul in God’s Law as the basis of our Republic under God is also forbidden; and Political Party, unless it is “Obama’s atheist-secular-Sharia, collective-robotron-think-collective- people Regime”. All other are “dissenters” and “enemies of state”; and a whole, new industry, groups-hiring-investigating- other groups of people, completely absent knowledge, wisdom or truth that One to One, Person employer to applicant, obtains to the benefit of both and the living and inanimate objects involved in the research, development, production, marketing and management of whatever describes that pursuit of happiness.

In Courts, legislative bodies and in Senate confirmation hearings, Truth is lip service, as Oath; then is completely ignored as irrelevant and immaterial to precedent or to meaningless verbiage of precedent’s, inevitable “court-talk” for money as measure of righteousness in Justice. Actually ‘lip service’ takes too much time, so the Oath is quickly and agnostically removed, as rapidly as the Person submitting to the inconvenience of Oath can exit the location of its administration; for “Elected We the People’s - ‘do we really have too obey’ - Ruling class” is much more capable of licentiousness than Any Citizen located in the federalism’s equilateral triangle of : Person’s Soul determines life, liberty and pursuits of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God in Representational government under a Constitution – our Republic under God. [7]

Those “Elected We the People”  “too scared of evil” to actually enforce Article II:4; for that “ruling class” has forgotten, it is much better to “Fear God”, than Satan, isn’t it?

Therefore, the Agencies of government, including Section 6201 of “Patient Protection and Affordable Act”, shall investigate, and no person shall refuse that investigation into their presumed criminality, absent “the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin.”.    

Separating and forbidding the use of the Declaration as Law is absurd and spurious. The secular separation of church and state; absent understanding of Person’s soul is “The law of nature and the law of revelation are both Divine: they flow, though in different channels, from the same adorable source. It is indeed preposterous to separate them from each other.”–James Wilson 1804 [10]

Since 1947's Everson v. New York Board of Education, justice in Truth has been abdicated in the interest of man’s law of “precedent”, i.e. “This means that the legal rules applied to a prior case with facts similar to those of the case now before a court should be applied to resolve the legal dispute. .... Though the application of precedent may appear to be mechanical, a simple means of matching facts and rules, it is a more subjective process. Legal rules, embodied in precedents, are generalizations that accentuate the importance of certain facts and discount or ignore others. The application of precedent relies on reasoning by analogy. Analogies can be neither correct nor incorrect but only more or less persuasive. Reasonable persons may come to different yet defensible conclusions about what rule should prevail.[14]

But,  Article III’s  Judiciary’s statement of  “the law is ‘just’ in adjudication with its sole decision-precept of  ‘precedent; But,

Absent “Religion and Morality,” Person’s Soul”,  “.. an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions. ...   Government is instituted to protect property of every sort; as well that which lies in the various rights of individuals, as that which the term particularly expresses. This being the end of government, that alone is a just government, which impartially secures to every man, whatever is his own.”.[6].  “Property” declares “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people”; which, along the Article II and VI’s Oath of Office, are repudiated  along with God’s Laws by the “Obama. Executive Branch Anti-Law Regime”.

Hopefully, reader will realize government doesn’t cure evil, unless it creates greater evil; for no homo sapiens, mammal is superior to our Creator – except as the serpent says regarding taking bites out of the apple, “He won’t do anything to you.”; which is a truthful, deceitful demonstration of all that serpent represents herein ------ Person(s) do evil unto others they control and even to themselves as they forget who is suffering the consequences of the force of state or the choices of person(s), until, and if they learn obedience to Truth, Trust and The Way is intrinsic happiness and joy; as well as the Laws of our Republic under God..

3. The Precept of ‘Committees’ in Obama-Alinsky-Community Organizer form of Anti-law:
There are many consequences of obliterating God’s Laws and Lessons to all mankind, among them are the “Committees” formed around virtually every activity of life in which an American participates under the “Obama Anti-law Regime” and outside of government, especially in ‘political parties’ who keep sitting on their hands to deny the laws of the Constitution are broken - while not even acknowledging the Laws of the Declaration; thus aiding and abetting the “Obama socialist Anti-law Regime”
Here’s an Example:
“The urban warfare they’re doing over there is some of the most difficult combat there is. It seems to me there should have been a lot more Medals of Honor by Now.” (Medal of Honor, Viet Nam; Marine col. R. Modrzejewski, retired):   Defense Secretary Panetta and Five Member Panel of “veterans” and “experts” as medical doctors, to continue Secretary Gates’ refusal to award a “Medal of Honor” to Marine Sargent Rafael Peralta because the seven, eye witness, Marine’s “accounts” are over-ruled by the eight year later, “committee” who swear that the Soul of Sargent Peralta is of no consequence in laying down his life for his Brothers-in-Arms; that the “body” evidence is of supreme importance to any respect in honor those seven, brother’s-in-arms who were present at that moment in time when Sargent Peralta gave his life; with their lives and fortunes at risk in the intensity and compulsion which is inherent when ‘volunteer soldiers’ fulfill their duties in war, and more important to: “ The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man.”.[11]

Among the “Obama Regime’s Atheist-secular-governance, superior to those “other-people-of-dogma”, Secular-Deists, there is no such concept as Soul, as Scripture, in their concepts of reason absent “The spiritual, rational and immortal substance in man, which distinguishes him from brutes; that part of man which enables him to think and reason, and which renders him a subject of moral government. The immortality of the soul is a fundamental article of the christian system. Such is the [“Nature’s God”] of the human soul that it must have a God, an object of supreme affection.”[21].

In the “Obama-Alinsky-No universal truth world, there is no such idea that: “The concept of Man's spiritual nature, and the resulting concept of the supreme dignity and value of each Individual, provide the fundamental basis for each Individual's self-respect and the consequent mutual respect among Individual's. This self-respect as well as this mutual respect are the outgrowth of, and evidenced by, The Individual's maintenance of his God-given, unalienable rights.”[11]; And

Shall not allow that Soul is eternal and can exist, outside and with Body, or within seconds of, or before, termination of physiological death.

The “Committee” composed of Secretary of Defense, and the Neurologist, in a follow-up article, attest to their body-law, express their cold, eyes that do not see, ears that do not hear, and cognitive attributes which are absent faith, and the ability of Sargent Peralta to accomplish stopping the spread of shrapnel which would have caused injury to those seven eyewitness Marines, in that Iraqi-village-insurgent’s occupation in a room.

It is a very salient fact, that ‘body law’ as Sharia Law, allows that honest people’, not person there isn’t any “person” in Sharia Law, within the building of the town, the eight soldiers were ‘cleaning-out,  shall be used as defense-barriers for the soldiers killing the ‘infidel’; that lots of Islamic women and children make a great barrier to the stop the infidel, – Who won’t easily, until absolutely forced to, break conscience of Soul of Person, in killing innocents because their Masters of Islam have told them they would go to paradise by submitting their lives; and best of all Sharia Law country’s can sacrifice their own Posterity in the interest of the mullah leaders.  That Journalist Pearl was beheaded because then he couldn’t find his way to Paradise; though Mr. Pearl is looking down upon their false god –

The Committee formed by the Secretary of Defense would not award Sargent Peralta the Medal of Honor.

Repudiation, of the Soul of Person as Law and Lessons in Scripture, in the Laws of Both Founding Documents, by Obama-Atheist-Secular-Sharia-man’s law supreme to God’s Law, with the “Defense Department Committee on Sargent Peralta’s body attached to its anatomy, physiology-neurology-investigation and adjudication supreme, to his Person of Soul for Medal of Honor witnessed by seven other Persons of Soul in Conscience of their lives and liberties preserved.

The Sargent’s family appealed to President Obama, who upon reading that he was way behind in awarding Medals of Honor was “handing them out left and right.”, to catch up inanimate object ‘number’ absent understanding that a Person’s Soul can and does over-rule what appears as a body impossibility, and it has occurred many times before Sargent Peralta.

It is just that in the wars previous to Obama’s Atheist-Sharia Law supreme” world, Truth in Honor of the Brotherhood among soldiers serving together in the intensity and strife of taking another person’s life with understanding that the chaplain’s offer in the love of God, allowing the support of the Person as soldier’s Soul, has never been questioned or even thought to be questioned., until the arrival of “Obama Lucifer Alinsky’s no universal truth and no shackles to bind Obama-Alinsky minions obedience; and probably complete deafness to the Sentinel’s Trumpet of Warning that God’s Sword will sweep them off..”.  Actually, they probably laugh in derision at such words.[25]

In our Republic under God, Soul is that part of Person all Law is written to protect. Our Patriarch, George Washington, placed “Religion and Morality” as a second lieutenant in the British Army with prayer..and this practice of each Soldier’s worth in his Soul, has continued from that day until about 2010 or 2011 of the Obama Atheist-Sharia-Secular-collective-soldier completely subjugated to the “Commander-in-Chief” absent a soldier or any Person’s unique Soul to God accountability no man can order or undermine - except when among those young soldier’s God’s Laws are forbidden to be learned; and Master Sargent Nick Popavich reports Marines do pray before they go into battle.

Among the “committees” for the purpose of disorganization and dismantling of the Federalist Equilateral Triangle of representative Government under The Laws of Both Founding Documents are these “committees”:

Congressional Committees: House of Representatives has 433 members. A number which does not represent Article I:2, clause 6 of the 1789 original Law’s ratio of One Representative to 30,000 Citizens because it in ‘not worthy’ to spend the taxpayer money to build and improve (not closed-shop-union construction-since even I can see the $ $ eyes of the government of, by, for the government)  the improve the AV of communications in such a manner that the ratio should be maintained.

This violation has repercussions most Citizens have not thought of — including among “elected We the People”: The delegates to the Electoral College who are the check and balance of the Politics of Party Philosophy, absent money, for the Election of the Leader of the Politics by Party Affiliation, is incorrect and the Representation of the Highest, and this most important, positioned Citizen carries our Flag “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.  In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens...Let is simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the Oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?”

Patriarch George Washington, who served our Nation’s embryo through birth into newborn, absent 1 penney for 47 years, some expenses were reimbursed, is repudiated, through neglect of the Laws contained in the Founding Documents;  by the “Obama-Alinsky-Atheist-Secular-Sharia-collective, mass people of subjugated to government of, by, for government of borderless nations and jurisprudence; and of course, revisionist historians and revisionist Sceince within the indoctrination of our Nation’s future Posterity.

The House’s Seniority, by the inanimate ‘number’ called ‘time’, is further subjugated by the appointments to committees where the ‘number’ which is greater “wins”the content of “All Legislative Powers herein granted..”Bills and Acts; even in the face of omission, commission, neglect, and positive transgression by abandonment of the Whole of the Laws of Both Founding Documents, or the removing parts which comprise the Whole of the polity “firmest props of the duty” “to secure” “James Madison’s Property”, “reputation” of the Person who provides the taxpayer resources for government at Town, County, State, and Federal, “for life” in its choices - Liberty and pursuits because “investigation” is never about Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, – Scripture, along with Morality in knowing that the Law is Admirable If Used Lawfully – No Law is ever made for Honest People..”.     .

Thus many, among the lowly Representatives of unequal station, sit on their hands..and the complain that 433 otherwise, intelligent Citizens cannot read the Bills and Acts, with the ever present, Amendments; and too many of the Members are absent their cognitive attributes to stand, preserve, support, and protect THE SACRED Nature, Nature’s God,  Natural Rights of the Citizens and People who compose our unique in mankind’s history, Republic under God.

The Committee’s subjugate the “Whole” of the People’s House, with the ‘equilateral triangle’s people, by snowball effect,  to believe, are Liars, in this Statement, from 1976-Patriot Hamilton A. Long’s “The Spirit of 1776": “The traditional American philosophy teaches that The Majority must be strictly limited in power, and in the operation of government, for the protection of The Individual's God-given, unalienable rights proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and, therefore, of the rights of The Minority--of all minorities; And..

...That it is perfectly correct to repudiate: “In a Republic, the whole system is designed primarily to protect The Individual's unalienable rights--therefore The Minority, all minorities--against any violation by government or by others. As the Declaration of Independence expresses this American goal of safeguarding these rights, the people form their governments "to secure these rights"--to make and keep them secure”; and

Working in complete violation of  the Laws of the Constitution:  Article I’s All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress; Article IV: guarantee of a Republican Form of Government with protection against invasion of the Natural Rights; and Article V’s laws regarding the Amendment process with the prohibitions against any change; these “committees” also called “commissions” shall be allowed taxpayer money – absent Congress - as NGO’s get together to cause to much warm air; and city economics, production and distribution of the collective people’s lives must be regulated....absent the “consent of the governed” and “We the People; and
the Executive Orders which form “Commissions” and “Committees”, among the 29, 941 Agencies of this Branch of government’s, bypassing the “stalemating”-Republican form of Representative Government’s House which refuses to “Fund” the various UN sustainable

4.  Among Conclusions...
Yes, the attacks by the “Obama-Atheist-Secular-Sharia-collective mass people subjugated to this government of, by, and for government – man’s Law completely absent God’s Laws, is overwhelming demonstration of Saul Lucifer Alinsky and Cloward-Piven with Posterity as OWS,  in its scope and does touch virtually every single individual person, including the perpetrators themselves.

Every Act taken against our Republic under God by the “Soros (10 of 16 members of the President’s Cabinet are George Soros [30] men and Soros is Agenda 21 in the UN)-Obama-Atheist-Secular-Sharia-collective, subjugated mass people-Man’s body absent Soul law, is self-evident proof of the repudiation of our Laws in Both Founding Documents and our Republic under God.

Alexander Hamilton in Federalist #78 said it this way “Every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.”.

In No. 78, he said a lot more about the nature of number as a majority of people vs. the essential unique-essence of One Person’s Soul. Washington, Adams, Madison, Franklin and Jefferson, among all the Founders, completely understood the Declaration’s Statements and Lessons of Anti-Law of George III with the repudiation of religion and morality that consanguinity and man’s religious intolerance, together established the Colonies of 1620, 1770, 1776, and 1789.

As long as Politics, both Parties with Article III Judiciary,  fail to understand, support, defend, and stand alone - or with others,  the Truth of our unique in mankind Republic under God: “The Law is admirable, provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind no law is ever made for honest people..”, is equal to God’s Laws in Both Founding Documents, which is “among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them..”, “unalienable” Natural Rights, of the Soul in Body of each-one-Person;  –shall be the length of time Each-One-Person, corporate Persons - composed of individual Persons-, shall never return to the Laws in Both Founding Documents of our Republic under God.

“Just Stop It”.  You know, We the People could just close-down all offices of government; and Congress, along with CA’s Socialist State; could be made to Stop any and all further Legislation.
No it isn’t black and white. Yes, there are priorities in honor which must be sustained; but in the larger sense.... closing down those areas in which the Laws of Both Founding Documents are violated; taking time to re-read, using “The American Dictionary of the English Language” 1828 as the Original Source text; and paying attention to the “Constitutional Conventions” held through Campaign for Liberty’s corporate Persons; could be a “Pause that Refreshes” our love of God and of our Nation....and we might even empower our old and new friends in nations, to take another Look at the Gifts God has given ALL Mankind in the Laws of Both Founding Documents.

Patrick Henry said it best: “It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth — and listen to the song of that syren, till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty?   Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and have ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.(1775)” .

“[1798] ..The French government have abandoned all regard to God, to government; with among several repeat current “abuses” “..erected a multitude of New offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”;  to justice, or to decency....Pamphlets and newspapers have been continually issuing from the press, [media], for the avowed purpose of destroying all trust in God, and all confidence tn our government. No public character, not even the virtue of a Washington, for religion itself, has escaped abuse and defamation...Can we expect justice from men who deny it to each other? Will those respect the rights of man, who contemn the rights of God? Can we expect any decency or right from men with power in their hands, who deny a God and a future state? When a free nation, has its sovereign rights attacked, and violated by [an enemy within the nation] another nation [United Nations]; it is a call of Providence to all the citizens to stand forth, and defend the cause of truth and national liberty....And the Lord, which delivered us our of the paw of the lion, will deliver us out of the hand of the Philistine. ..”[16] The connections between Jurist Addison and removing our “Declaration of Independence...[is the] declaratory charter of our rights, and the rights of man.”– Thomas Jefferson 1821.[11]

When ‘Truth’ is the Helm of Person turning the ships course, no proof of its existence is required – Truth is...; because God is... . Americans, even in this hour of this day, know that Truth.  In the13 years between the Documents, were among the reasons, no Colonist, Founder, or signer of the Constitution, or Judge in Judicial, had to write or speak about connecting, intertwining, “The Twins” of the Two most important and unique Documents implemented  in the  history of mankind.
Do you really need to doubt their knowledge, wisdom in Truth? Or even you own understanding..however incomplete and wanting of more..?

We the People must enforce Article II:4. It is the excision of a terrible, metastatic cancer. It will only be a beginning, and there are generations left who have no idea about the 5W’s and H; but absence of knowledge is not an excuse for failing our Children’s Children; or the magnificent future God has laid out for US(A), while He waits ever-lovingly and patiently, for US(A) to catch-up, say “We Made A Terrible Mistake. Please forgive US(A) and help US(A) return to your green pastures, still water, restored Sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation, His Rod and His Staff are comfort and protection; and the enemy’s table is laid before US(A).  Let US(A) begin...and Believe in ourselves and in our Future....

I and Joseph Andrews can Learn and Teach this..The Center for Teaching the Constitution and Joseph’s Manuel [4] are available and Joseph is writing a you tube video series.  Patriotism is exactly what our Patriarch Washington says it is... and do yourself a favor: Read his “Farewell Address” your understanding of the reason This 2013 4th of July ... should have more fireworks by every family in every neighborhood — yep! Right in the face of those who believe no homo sapiens but government can safely work fireworks!.

Resources and Comments:
1. “The Six Wives of Henry VIII”; PBS 1970 That was also when Sir/Saint Thomas More went to supported Catherine and the Pope; told in the movie “A Man for All Seasons”.

2. ““Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.” — Obama-Saul Lucifer Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” at   Please note - The Axiom of
to justify his entire precepts is Satan’s tools Lie and Ignorance clearly written in the words;  and demonstrated in the ‘deeds’ since 01/20/2009.

3. “The delicate pink mayflower, blooming in the forest glades in early spring, signifies Nova Scotia's coming of age. As far back as 1820 the mayflower emerged as a native patriotic symbol, suggesting high achievement in the face of adversity. The humble evergreen from the native countryside blossoms amid the last remaining snows of winter.”

4. This is the best location to start learning the importance of our Republic under God: “Learning and Teaching The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the U.S. using Original Texts and the Classical Learning Methods of the Founders”; Joseph Andrews at The Center for Teaching the Constitution;

5. “Declaration of Constitutional Principles”  is the best resource for all work in relation to the Constitution: on the menu “Rights, Powers, and Duties” for the Declaration and please note Jon Roland and other constitutionalists reasons for writing the “Declaration..”  There is No American of God and Nation who should not have a copy of these Principles; for they connect, even though written as secular - absent location and reason in knowledge of Scripture - each one has a location in virtually every aspect of law whether public, private, statute, condominium Home Owners, Rental Agreements, agreements and contracts — and plain righteousness.

6. James Madison “Property”   Google this Essay, it is all the statements in the Declaration and the essence of “The Protections and Safety” of each Person within the Whole of our Republic under God

7. Senator Tom Coburn Questions Judge Sonia Sotomayor:
It’s a 39 min. question period.  The Declaration questions occur into it...
Looking up the word "Fundamental" in relation to the 2nd Amendment for this interview:  There is no difference in the meaning of Fundamental in 1828 - 2013 free dictionary "legal definition of "fundamental"... and there is no “precedent” which is supreme to the supreme law of the Land, except   Black is white; white is black..

8. Government Accounting Office at - add them together, or there are 9,030 missing if using the 51,722 number.

9. Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder v. Phelps. and  “Refusing Religion” at;postID=6450061676391982264

10. “The Founders’ Almanac, A Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest Leaders & Most Eloquent Words of the American Founding”; Matthew Spalding, also “We Still Hold These Truths”; Heritage Books; The B. Kenneth Simon Center for American Studies; Heritage Foundation; 2008.  Is among the most often utilized resources in the Laws of Both Founding Documents with exactly what Dr. Spaulding placed in his title.”Religion and The Founding”; pps.333-334

11. “The Spirit of 1776, The Twelve Basic American Principles, 1. The Spirit is Supreme”, Hamilton A. Long, 1976 at and “The Majority Limited for Liberty”.

12. “ "A change toward a higher level of group performance is frequently short lived: after a “shot in the arm”, group life soon returns to the previous level. This indicates that it does not suffice to define the objective of a planned change in group performance as the reaching of a different level. Permanency of the new level, or permanency for a desired period, should be included in the objective. A successful change includes therefore three aspects: UNFREEZING (if necessary) the present level...  MOVING to the new level . . . and  FREEZING group life on the new level."; “Handbook for Liberals” by Saul Lucifer Alinsky at .

13 U.S. District Court Case 11-cv-1760 MMA (POR) is One Person, no money or attorney, with the Laws of Both Founding Documents, including the 11th Amendment versus 2 State Agency’s Directors with their Four Attorney Generals.  Whistle-Blower was the name the State Agency, State Auditor, ostensibly indifferent to the State that pays it costs. Though in fairness, the Auditor had no idea either that the reporting person would “the helm and hold to the wind” or that the case would go to United States District Court, as it directed changes, one referred within, in one of the two Agencies.


15. “Sustainable America: Forsaking our American Dream, From sovereign States to world governance through sustainable development”; Mary Baker, acting President of the San Diego/Orange County Chapter for the non-profit organization, Citizens Alliance for Property Rights; Non Governmental Organizations: “ In the realm of Sustainable Development, extremist ‘environmental justice’ NGOs such as the Sierra Club, and Nature Conservancy, or  a ‘social justice’ NGO like Build One America are exercising enormous influence and are demanding a restructuring of our society. These new members of civil society diminish our inalienable rights and elevate themselves as progressive arbiters and judges of the course for humanity. These NGOs are often funded by wealthy corporations and individuals who want to expand their sphere of influence. Taxpayers unwittingly fund these NGOs when States offer grants and agree to enter into public private partnerships with them.  To implement Sustainable Development via the Agenda 21 blueprint, the United Nations and its American proponents, use this new breed of civil society to its advantage” [George Soros-Obama-Gore-Kemp-Holder-proposed Gale McCarthy-Hager-Brannan]  - the EPA- E.O:  the Executive Branch of “Kingship”]
These Acts are completely absent, in law and in “consent of the governed” any part of the Federalist equilateral triangle of Person/family, town, county State, Federal. NGO’s include SanDag squeezed between County and State; but absent Trust in God and any Rights of Person or corporate person; and indoctrinated as part of State and federal education Departments in “Common Core curriculum” to our Posterity. I

Global Warming is the name, not used anymore because it is Alinsky tactic ‘worn-out usefulness’; and is recognized as false science by responsible leaders and persons throughout nations of the world; for it is absurd to think than any government could “regulate” or “sustain” the Periodic Chart’s Carbon and Oxygen of all life created by God.  Except remember that Truth is Not Fixed and is relative and neither is God or His son Jesus Christ.

16. “An Oration on the Rise and progress of the United States of America, to the Present Crisis; and on the Duties of the Citizens”; Alexander Addisons, Jurist who wrote Pres. Washington regarding France’s “republicanized states” of 1798; letter to Pres. Washington;  May 5, 1798; in “George Washington’s Sacred Fire”; Peter A. Lillback with Jerry Newcombe; pg. 657; Providence Forum Press.  This is an “Indispensable” Biography of note only Anglican George Washington; but also the Christianity of America during and through its history, in the Love of God and Nation, right up to about 1968.

17 Obama-alinsky-Cloward-Piven-UN-EU function is “see law”.  Our Republic is unique in mankind’s history because of God, Unseen law that is brighter and more perfect, than ‘see law”.  Hebrews 11:1; Luke 17:5 at; And Frederic Bastiat “That Which is Seen and That Which is Not Seen”; 1850; at

18. Business and Professions Paragraph 144; Section 102.3 and please not Section 105 re: Oath of Office. And Section 109 which does not mention investigations of Righteousness through fingers that a professional is guilty of criminality until proven innocent.

19. “Threat”, “Suspicion-less” testing of all the sorts mentioned herein, including identity cards for honest, voting Citizens” are from the “NewSpeak”, “Black is white / white is Black if “Obama-UN-Atheist-Secular few over the collecitve-mass society, say it is so.  The “preconceived conclusion” for air - God’s creation of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, among the Periodic Chart of Elements - Laws of Nature states that since there is a “threat” to the Planet, government shall control life.  George Orwell’s “1984" was required reading in High School, even though most of us didn’t know all the 5W’s and H his book of predictions, every One of which has become true, all that have read it (that would be the parents of the 45 or less year olds younger set) know and understand.

20. S. Matthew 7 - The Whole Chapter, carefully – twice at least! This is from among the translations you won’t see in your computer.  This Translation is directly from the Greek and Hebrew Bibles: “The Bible, a New Translation by James Moffatt, Hon. D.D. (St. Andrews; Oxford), D. Litt.; Harper & Row; 1st in 1922, 1954.

21. “American Dictionary of the English Language”; Noah Webster; 1828 at  Is The Original Text for the meaning of ALL KEY or important verbs, nouns, adjectives stated in The Laws of Both Founding Documents; and for every text or “Boston Gazette and Country Journal”, weekly news present in every-one of the 13 colonies, often more than two / area of that Colony; and all Original Texts. In fact, were in “bookmarked” in every elected Representative’s Tablet or Laptop, it would clarify much of the garbage written to be law, but in fact is Anti-Law due to the perverse, consistent words which are not derived from and not consistent with The Laws and Lessons of Both Founding Documents.

22. Lupert v. California State Bar - 9th Circuit 1985.  Do you remember what persons occupy the 9th circuit.  It judiciary is very like California’s Supreme Court ov Verdict expressed before the “case” enters the courtroom.  Blindfold and Balance are not available and are beneath the arrogance and conceit of judgement: “Judge not, that you may not be judged yourselves; for as you judge so you will be judged, and the measure you deal out to others will be dealt out to yourselves.”–Matt. 7:1-3; which is repudiated for the secular-deist who does not count God or Christ as of any importance.

23. COLLECTIVE is “ Formed by gathering; gathered into a mass, sum, or body; congregated, or aggregated.”.    Democracy is “Government by the people; a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation. Such was the government of Athens.”.; and why our Founder’s did Not choose ‘Democracy (De-Mock-racy) James Madison in Federalist No. 10: ”Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”.  Representative Fisher Ames, speech at the Massachusetts Ratifying Convention: “The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious [polite word because, socialism with communism was present but not named yet – preview of the 1840's] call, and ignorant believe to be liberty.”. page 148 of reference #10 above.

This statement could be superimposed on Obama-Alinsky’s reference #2 above.

24. From “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” here is “Due Process”:
“- Due process is the totality of those rules and procedures under which a dispute at law may be resolved justly, intended to allow all parties to the dispute a fair opportunity to argue their positions on their merits.
- Due process in both criminal and civil cases includes the following rights of the parties:
         (1) To have process only upon legal persons able to defend themselves, either natural persons or corporate persons that are represented by a natural person as agent, and who are present, competent, and duly notified, except, in cases of disappearance or abandonment, after public notice and a reasonable period of time.

      (2) Not to be ordered to give testimony or produce evidence beyond what is necessary to the proper conduct of the process.
- Due process in criminal cases includes the following rights of the accused:
      (1) Not to be charged for a major crime but by indictment by a Grand Jury, except while serving in the military, or while serving in the Militia during time of war or public danger.
(2) Not to be charged more than once for the same offense.
      (3) Not to be compelled to testify against oneself.
      (4) Not to have excessive bail required.
(5) To be tried by an impartial jury from the state and district in which the events took place.
(6) To have a jury of at least six for a misdemeanor, and at least twelve for a felony.
(7) To a speedy trial.
(8) To a public trial.
(9) To have the assistance of an attorney of one's choice.
(10) To be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation.
(11) To be confronted with the witnesses against one.
(12) To have compulsory process for obtaining favorable witnesses.
(13) To have each charge proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
(14) To have a verdict by a unanimous vote of the jury, which shall not be held to account for its verdict.
(15) To have the jury decide on both the facts of the case and the constitutionality, jurisdiction, and applicability of the law.
(16) Upon conviction, to have each disablement separately and explicitly proven as justified and necessary based on the facts and verdict.
(17) To have a sentence which explicitly states all disablements, and is final in that once rendered no further disablements may be imposed for the same offense.
- Due process in civil cases includes the following rights of the parties:
(1) To trial by an impartial jury from the state and district in which the events took place where the issue in question is either a natural right or property worth more than $20 [Gold or about $34,464.00 today’s market)]..
(2) To have compulsory process for obtaining favorable witnesses.
25. See “Veterans Day and the Sword of Truth” at; And
“Refusing Religion and Morality” at

26. U.S. District Court’s code of Ethics.

27. “The Second Amendment as an Expression of First Principles”; Edward J. Erler
California State University, San Bernardino; Hillsdale’s Impremis; March 2013 at

28. Respect: “To view or consider with some degree of reverence; to esteem as possessed of real worth.  That estimation or honor in which men hold the distinguished worth or substantial good qualities of others. It expresses less than reverence and veneration, which regard elders and superiors; whereas respect may regard juniors and inferiors.  To regard; to have regard to in design or purpose. To have regard to, in relation or connection; to relate to. The treaty particularly respects our commerce. “.

29. Protection: “The act of protecting; defense; shelter from evil; preservation from loss, injury or annoyance. We find protection under good laws and an upright administration. How little are men disposed to acknowledge divine protection!”

30. George Soros men means that they are listed on  Which means they support or perform “deeds” which “The usurpation of every single aspect of Person, corporate persons composed of individual persons, anyone’s, ‘life’,  is evinced by two directions of  the Soros-Obama Anti-law”, pg 2 top paragraph number 1 & 2; which means like their nominal leader they have absolutely no intention of obedience to the Laws of Both Founding Documents, not to their “Oaths of Office” and personal integrity.