Monday, December 10, 2012

Two men out of 435 to continue

“modern” politics which is absent ethics in law for they dicker over how much more inanimate object dollars they can add to the $142,453 per taxpayer debt and how much more they shall require to borrow from China or other enemies of our ‘dying’ Republic under Constitution with Oath of Office by “old men” to obey.

In essence, the so-called ‘wealthy’ tax is synonymous with George III’s levying of a “1770 Merchant’s duties” on the most common and necessary items for life which in 3 years would lead to “The Teaparty”.  Back then, the Americans paid attention to their “Religion and Morality”. They regularity put their lives, fortunes, and sacred Honor on the line....all the way to the 6 year later “Declaration” - which not one of these “Boston Gazette and Country Journal” Americans would be signers, but would be in complete agreement.....  But then...that was then.. And this is now...........

Deaf, Dumb, and Blind mixed with the 1850's Bastiat “Legal Plunder” which is not strong enough a word to describe the Atheist-Socialist our “minor Party” refuses to acknowledge as, Bribery (infamous - “compromise”), High Crimes (False Numbers 01/01/10 Census to Redraw District’s population redraw, to Precinct, to members of the Electoral College ratios, to withholding in negligence, commission, commission, and positive transgression against “We the People” and “Consent of the governed”); and misdemeanor (complete denial/"freeze" of responsibility for changing our Republic under God to “Atheist-Socialist-collective people- secular” absent 1789 Article V and any Citizen’s approval.  The Treason Using “majority as both inanimate object number and as “Force” for it is Oppression absent Reason in regards to all the above.)... . Oh, but we must not say such things!  That would be “unfair” or leave us libel to lose our voice as commentators not only on radio, but also in journalism, FB, Twitter, or be dragged into the Atheist-Socialist-Body-Law courts of injustice based on ‘Precedent’ over completely forbidden, “Religion and Morality.”

Better yet, is one of Obama’s Czars implementing an “Inspection” for the purpose of fines as revenue sources to maintain their Anti-Law disguised as regulation; and often, keeping American businessmen and private citizens out-of-court utilizing the infamous “American Rule” of attorney versus attorney with the word “General” after one set of the attorneys; and the infamous “it’s too much inanimate object $,$$$,$$$,$$$.$$:

ONE THIRD OF STATES/18 whose Electoral College Members REFUSE TO CAST THEIR BALLOTS FOR THIS MAN president - PROTECTS THE SOVEREIGNTY OF STATE WHICH PROTECTS THE SOVEREIGNTY OF PERSON, TOWN, COUNTY in our Federalist – Every Person, citizen or not, is located within, that equilateral triangle of “Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God with unalienable rights from that other ‘to old to be relevant with there is No Universal Truth’ Bible.

The Vice-President selection goes to the Senate... Biden along with Clinton and this ‘president’s’ “White House Visitors” and “ Advisers” are equal in “Atheist-Socialist-collective people-secular, majority of tyranny and oppression by number as force.  Any “We the People-Senator” who chooses these Anti-law persons over our Republic under God – is committing Treason, Felony, and Breach of the Peace.

Make No Mistake God’s Law Is Completely Absent our Courts of Law, ‘11 cv 1760 MMA POR irrefutable proof, – and many other cases. There is No “Declaration of Independence” nor 1789 Constitution which means there is no “reason” to the decisions ‘two men’ among 435 of Each-One Americans need be involved in how our money is to be spent; or any sense of ‘righteousness’ in “Government of laws, and Not of men.”.

The Government of men rules as tyranny of majority because it is completely absent “Religion and Morality” and because the “minor Party”, which has been historically the lesser number Party, hides in fear, in absent Faith, completely daunted, and submissive... to avoid it responsibility:

18 STATES REFUSE TO CAST THEIR VOTES FOR this ‘president’, THE ABOVE FALSE NUMBERS, ABSENT CONSENT OF THE RIGHTS OF EVERY-ONE CONSENT OF GOVERNED, GOES TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WHICH WILL DETERMINE WHICH CANDIDATE SHALL BE OUR NEXT PRESIDENT. It actually should be more, non-cast Electoral Members as Individuals; for “No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual— may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small— even a minority of a lone Individual.” (Hamilton A, Long).

Winner-take-all, greater number Cannot be law for "The General Rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and names of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it...No One is Bound to Obey and unconstitutional law, and No Courts are Bound to Enforce it. [16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, see 256]

Each State’s “Electoral College Member’s List” should be made public. They are accountable; and the side-by-side, Republican form of Representative Government does include the “Religion and Morality” of how Individuals become active within the Town, County, State, and National two major Parties. How many readers know that the “Party Central Committee Members” are those who will be chosen to be “Electoral College Members” and the duties and responsibility of those Central Committee members to the Polling Place locations within the precincts which are the Districts redrawn as gerrymandered for the ‘majority as tyranny and oppression’?

Electoral College Members – Do Not Cast Your Ballots Against The Republic under God!    

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