Sunday, January 29, 2012

We are actually down to 2 Candidates: Mitt Romney and Ron Paul.

Mitt Romney will not close-down any government agency; but he will return to the States that which is their part of the 10th Amendment, but with Fed. Taxpayer money as “Block Grants” or redistribution of taxpayer money.  That’s one of the other ‘government games’ played over the last 50 yrs or so.  Mitt will also control regulation of his [to be] cabinet by requiring the agency account for not only cost, but also enumerated power.... but he won’t close education or EPA.

Ron Paul is the one media and centralist’s ‘love-to-hate’. Representative Paul absolutely Must Be ignored —at all costs!  He has worked effectively over several years in the House of Representatives; ...and he actually knows something about the Constitution and Oath of Office he has sworn to uphold.     - He is also the Candidate – Obama would not like to debate.  Representative Paul shall speak of the Constitution and the violations to it — no one else has the gumption.

Mitt’s website:
“He will consolidate federal programs and then block grant major funding streams
to states.”

It must also be amended to guarantee workers the right to receive full information
about the pros and cons of unionization and then express their own preference
in the privacy of the voting booth. And it must put an end to the undemocratic
practice of allowing unions to deduct money directly from worker paychecks and
spend it on political causes with which the workers may disagree.

But neither Romney or Paul will reverse the “Closed-shop” mentality... or look at open-competition bidding for contracts...especially from non-union business.

Mitt Romney sees two important objectives that America can pursue immediately to build on the xtraordinary traditional strengths of its workforce. The first is to retrain American workers to ensure that they have the education and skills to match the jobs of today’s economy. The second is to attract the best and brightest from around the world. As president, Romney will focus retraining efforts on a partnership that brings together the states and the private sector. He will consolidate federal programs and then block grant major funding streams to states. Federal policy will be structured to encourage the use of Personal Re-employment Accounts that empower workers to put retraining funds to efficient use and that encourage employers to provide on-the-job training.

Romney will also press for an immigration policy that maximizes America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Romney will raise the ceiling on the number of visas issued to holders of advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering who have job offers in those fields from U.S. companies. Romney will also work to establish a policy that staples a green card to the diploma of every eligible student visa holder who graduates from an American university with an advanced degree in math, science, or engineering. [not sure why we would hire other country before our own?]

Mitt Romney’s Plan for Jobs and Economic Growth
"..But more will be required to bring the budget under control. Romney will also work to reform Medicaid, converting it to a federal block grant administered by the states, and he will provide the leadership necessary to make progress in reforming other entitlement programs. He will undertake a fundamental  restructuring of the federal government that places the burden on the federal agency to establish why a program or service must be provided at the federal level and gives to the private sector and the states whatever functions they can
perform more effectively..”

Ron Paul and Mitt Romney: WILL repeal BOTH “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” and “the Frank-Dodd “America’s financial Security Act”.  Both lower Corp. Taxes. Both abolish the “death tax”.

Neither address the REASON COMPANIES LEFT THE US IN THE FIRST PLACE: Cost of wages and union demands on their ability to make a profit.  For example, unions have closed-down many market chains leaving here in CA Vons, Ralphs (very close to closing - barely averted another strike), Albertsons;....with pressure applied to small chain, non-union markets to unionize or else....   And why NLRB is attacking Boeing....The Last major Manufacturer of commercial planes in the air — that’s a loss of about 3 or 4 manufacturers.  Ignoring the quasi-government of socialism and power unions represent, is not good. It will remain a canker to returning to Life - Liberty - and pursuits of happiness.

Mitt does plan to evaluate and change how the 2600 Departments of government work and place rigid limits......but what if the ‘lovers of power-control government return’?  Only Ron Paul will utilize the Constitutional guidelines to not only reduce, but also restore the balances with checks between the 10th’a Fed - State - and “We the People”.

Neither make the most important connection — and the experiment — Principle: “The traditional American philosophy teaches that The Majority must be strictly limited in power, and in the operation of government, for the Protection of the Individual’s God-given, unalienable rights proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and, therefore, of the rights of The Minority — of ALL minorities.”   AND

“All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression. Thomas Jefferson, 1st Inaugural Address)”

“The protection provided by this principle applies fundamentally, of ,course, in favor of a minority of one: The Individual...” [The American Ideal of 1776 by Hamilton Albert Long; Chpater 12.]"; and “The individual component of the polity is the PERSON, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species HOMO SAPIENS, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the NATURAL RIGHTS of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights...[Jon Roland; Declaration of Constitutional Principles"]”.

The Essential Connections: Unalienable rights from God.... to Constitution... containing Congress with Republican Form of government... of, by, for the People...who when elected take “Oath of Office” and when citizen Pledge their Allegiance to the Republic, Under God .... which goes to “Nature and Nature’s god” which is God’s Law...of “Region and Morality” which is One  Person’s obedience to God’s Laws in accountability to Him.... and to the Constitution of the United States of America.   Noah W. Gives us this definition and explanation...: “ 1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion...” with this added:
“When I speak of the Christian religion as the basis of government, I do not mean an ecclesiastical establishment, a creed, or rites, forms, and ceremonies, or any compulsion of conscience. I mean primitive Christianity in its simplicity as taught by Christ and His apostles, consisting in a belief in the being, perfection, and moral government of God; in the revelation of His will to men, as their supreme role of action;..”.

The founders and N. Webster who wrote “The American Dictionary of the English Language” “that the Principles of Republican government have their origin in the Scriptures.”.  Not in what denomination or even if you don’t believe in a supreme Lawgiver because the Morality is righteous behavior which is “that will to be rightful”.

These Axioms of God’s Law, of Morality, of righteousness are totally absent from Obama-Soros-United Nations - European Union - unions in government. This will not change unless the anti-law is eradicated.

There is one more Axiom: First Amendment religion does mean obedience to God’s Laws.  Islam, while a religion, is Not Obedient to God’s Laws breaking 1, 6,8,9, 10 including “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” “And Revenge is mine saith the Lord.”  ‘We the People’ of Oklahoma lost US District Court case to Islam as Freedom to exercise their creed, rites, ceremonies.... but not ‘obedience to God’s Law.  Obedience to God’s Law is the basis of All Actions in our Nation....not selecting which ‘bite’ of the ‘apple’ Islam likes while discarding the whole of the ‘religion apple”!

Ron is Protestant. Mitt is Mormon ... it doesn’t matter what the name of their religion is.  It Matters How they and those appointed... and the members of Congress Understand One Person in his Accoutbility to his God – To their Honor, and to their ability to understand the Intertwining of Scripture - New and Old Testament - to Declaration - To Constitution - To Law and To how Justices under God Must interpret Law.......not Precedent.... and not Socialism’s law of man.

Example: Mitt and many candidates of other offices think that a “Balanced Budget Amendment” is a good idea.  But, the Constitution is violated on a daily basis of State and Federal Government, so another Amendment........just so much hot air of time and money!!! Because “Religion and Morality” which Ron does address... Do Provide That you don’t Spend more than you take away from “other peoples money—you didn’t earn or own”.  The Law already exists... and Many Elected and Americans all over ---- know it full well!!

That brings up the definition of person: “Person is comprised of “body and soul”. ..”.  Socialism’s Law is “Body” absent “ soul”.  That explains why to a Socialist, scans and shakedowns of righteous person.. Are perfectly correct and justified...given the risk of dirty bombs —etc. And that socialist idea, is what has just passed and signed by Islamic, “body” Law of Sharia, President Obama as the infamous “National Defense Act.”.

Long-winded, again. The founder’s and Noah didn’t have to go through the steps above to arrive at being righteous in God’s Name. They pledged themselves with their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor----didn’t they.   And so do so many Americans this day, tomorrow and forever here and fighting overseas!!!

God will always Love and Bless US(A); but we must take the consequences of our sleepy, self-interest before anything else; especially of God’s Word and Morality. That’s another lesson...the one that says Yes, We are ... The defenders of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for ALL mankind.


1 comment:

  1. I will not deny that foreign students can be bright, but faculty exaggerate their brilliance because foreign students are servile in doing work and favors for faculty and not demanding that [rpfessors actually earn their tuition keep. Morevover, faculty like that foreign students are either afraid or morally ambivalent about the imoral behavior of professors.
