Tuesday, December 20, 2011

To "We the People" who know we must act to renew a covenant ..

with our Founders who wrote The Declaration and Constitution and with Our God as "Religion and Morality" expressed in The Bible and in "Common Law: The Founding Documents with The Bible are intertwined by logic,  and by order of importance to create Principle in Law both seen and unseen. Covenant because it means: "In theology, the covenant of works, is that implied in the commands, prohibitions, and promises of God, that mans perfect obedience should entitle him to happiness. This do, and live, that do and die.". The last sentence of the Declaration is the covenant expressed.

The founding documents are written of the people, by the people and for the people. They are not written for judges, attorneys, or 'other' authority. In a Representative government, 'mortal' worldly is not more important than 'spirit' conscience.  It is Integrity with Duty, Honor, Service that is diffuse whether elected, natural, naturalized "person" of our Nation.

The following is long, but is an outline of the 4R's of Classical Learning: Research, Relate, Reflect, Record..combined with for this little booklet, Take Action to Support Both our documents under a Democracy in a Republic.

The emphasis is on the "Relate and Reflect" because 'focus' is way, over-used as a method to determine soundness of argument(s).  Relate and Reflect because the meanings of words like religion, Congress, group, democracy, republic, morality, oath, Party, politics, have changed from the time of the Documents founding. Relate and Reflect because the founders were much more literate and exacting in precisely what they wanted to express in both Declaration and Constitution.  Relate and Reflect because the "steal" "of mind" has been occurring for many decades affecting the definitions and society's actions regarding words. Relate and Reflect because so much is absent, distorted, subject to precedent as more important than the 2 Documents intrinsic use of language as communication, not deemed important enough to remove as "Sections", "Subtitles", or components of Bills, Acts, Amendments, Regulations, Statutes, Executive Orders (EO), court rulings.

In addition to reference to our 2 founding Documents with The Bible, here are the 2 Primary sources as reference for all the Chapters and Content to Follow:
1) An Original Text: Noah Webster's "American Dictionary of the English Language" 1828:
Noah's life and work are as much intertwined with the Bible, Declaration, and Constitution as "spirit" is with "Religion and Morality". Noah's 'facsimile publisher' states: "The unique nature of our form of government and of our civil institutions which "require an appropriate language of the definition of words.(Noah)" ."
2) "Declaration of Constitutional Principles" by Jon Roland is extremely important to understanding how Bills, EO, statutes, regulations, buried in thousands of pages that "Information needed to make a proper determination [is often] withheld or distorted in a way that is intended to mislead or which has that effect through negligence"; as among 1 of 12 "several ways statutes or other official acts may be unconstitutional" . Please see www.constitution.org for not only "Principles" but also among the greatest, if not the greatest location of source, judicial, constitutional documents anywhere - perhaps short of www.thomas.gov; but much more easily found and read. Jon Roland is an Independent running for Senator of the U.S.A from Texas 2012. His Bio. is easily "googled".

Both of these source materials for Learning and Teaching, Reader --- are classes in education of "law",
"spirit", "religion and morality"; though Jon, like many Constitutionalist raised with the Supreme Court justices are somehow super-human, who can A) not allow the Declaration to "The Promise" and the Constitution the fulfillment of that Promise; and B) that separation of church and state is mandatory..with the "wall high and impenetrable" of 1946 Supreme court infamous action reinforced by 60's use of "precedent". A terrible Mythos which has ripped our Nation like "a whale through a fishing net".

'Superscript" will send the reader to both Noah and Jon, with a few other important Philosophers, writers, and others.

Here are the Chapters: I. A) Prohibition of "Don't ask, don't Tell", by government ...; B) The..California Legislators have written a Bill signed into law by the Governor, declaring government's right of power to determine the education content of history via temporal, social justice...;

II. State Legislators of greater number, ahve written and signed Law named "The California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) which allows "persons" of color as race and country-of-origin-other than the U.S, the privilege of forming a special class of citizen in a special district named "By Area Trustee Election System (BATES)  as a "Protected Class" as opposed to the "At Large Election System (1776ALES) and with-hold "voter's" yea or nay in the redistricting..;

III.   Our President uses Franklin D. Roosevelt as justification and "precedent" as he personally supervised written "Patient Protection and Affordable Act - forget the word care (PPAA). Both these 'mortal' men declared they alone, are able to determine the best course for their definition of governance...;

IV.   A. Each Elected Person fails to recognize that the "majority" cannot write Bill, Act, Amendment, Statute, Regulation, EO, Judicial Branch ruling which would result in either violation of their personal "religion and morality" as their "Oath of Office"; or be "inconsistent and not derived  from the Supreme law of our Land.  B. Each Representative is failing to recognize the dichotomy between Law for Temporal-mortal man of "homo sapiens with cognitive attributes 'government Versus "spiritual law" of God's Law and Internal Government of Conscience...   C. We the People as the attorneys, judges, and as elected  - from all walks of life: The constitution is writer for the people. With .....


Yes, this writer is just an American.  That is precisely why this is written: I am an American and I know my Heritage.  I am One, Constitutional Person and this represents ALL Americans who, equally, know the above is our Unique Truth.  If more of U.S.(A) Learn, Relearn, and Teach Everyone Each One of US Know...we can Continue the Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of___; secure our Blessings of Liberty for ourselves through better understanding of our documents and our laws Under God...and for the Posterity here now and yet to be thought of...! It is so important -- Please Research, Relate, Reflect, and Record...then Act for "The American's Creed" by W. T. Page. My hope and goal is that writing these 'V' Chapters will help you write Congress or present at any Board Meeting, or speak to anyone -- teach learn --- "seek and ye shall find" "ask and it shall be opened unto you" is the Truth from when it was said in The Bible to this moment in time; and everlasting...just as "The Lord's Prayer" states.

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