Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Redistricing Bombshell & 3 Things You Can Do Before Christmas ...

Dear Catherine,  [and many others]

Total vindication.

That's the only reasonable response to the bombshell report released today by ProPublica, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalism website, titled "How Democrats Fooled California's Redistricting Commission." The report systematically lays out the corrupt manipulation of what should have been an open and transparent process. 

Once you've read through the report, I want you to do three things: 
  1. Pat yourself on the back for knowing you helped do the right thing by supporting the CRP's referendum efforts. 
  2. Call your local talk radio station and/or write your local newspaper and demand an immediate investigation.  
  3. Forward this report to your friends and followers on Facebook and Twitter ASAP. 
Here's what the San Jose Mercury News reported about the redistricting scandal today:

"California's congressional Democrats ran a secret effort earlier this year to manipulate the work of the independent citizen's panel that drew the state's new political districts, foiling the intent of reformers who sought to remove the redistricting process from the control of party bosses.

"Democrats met behind closed doors at the party's Washington, D.C. headquarters, hired consultants, drew their ideal districts and presented maps to the panel through proxies who never disclosed their party ties or "public interest" groups created specifically for the purpose. In many cases, the panel responded by doing just what the Democrats wanted."  

You can read the entire article HERE. Here's my official response:

"The ProPublica report vindicates my repeated contention that the redistricting process was hijacked. That report, however, is just the tip of the iceberg. The corruption of the process went far beyond what was disclosed in that report. No fair minded person can now say the process or the result was fair.  I am calling for an immediate and thorough investigation, by Congressional and State authorities, to get to the bottom of this obviously corrupted process.  Beyond that, the Congressional and Senate lines as drawn by the Commission should not be used in any way for the upcoming elections."  

Once again. "That just the tip of the iceberg."

You know that I've been petitioning the Redistricting Commission, from the very beginning, to conduct itself with openness and fairness, just like California voters asked when they voted in favor of Prop 11 and 20. In March, I recommended that the commission hire bi-partisan line drawing experts and Voting Rights Act counsel to assist them with re-drawing legislative lines to avoid the commission being cast as a partisan one. Instead, they chose to ignore my advice and hired Q2 Data and Research, a firm widely known for its ties to Democrats. Please read the letter I sent to the commissioners regarding this decision.

I also chronicled the Commission proceedings with pieces on Flash Report and Fox and Hounds Daily, which points out the high level of partisanship involved with the selection of Q2 Data and Research.

Shortly thereafter, it was revealed by Cal Watch Dog that one of the commissioners, Dr. Gabianno T. Aguirre, had made multiple political campaign contributions to Democratic candidates and has a special "web of connections" with a special interest group that submitted its own redistricting proposals to the commission. Again, a clear violation of the Redistricting Commission's rules.

I called for him to step down as his involvement compromised the commission's integrity. Those calls fell on deaf ears, and Dr. Aguirre was allowed to maintain his position on the Commission.  

In the Sacramento Bee, I stated that the Citizens Redistricting Commission 'failed to consistently apply the criteria mandated by law when drawing the Assembly, Senate, congressional, and Board of Equalization maps.

Now it's time for you to step up and let your voice be heard. Once again, we need to work together to demand accountability in all phases of government, even from non-partisan commissions who got fooled by the Democrats. Make calls, write letters, let your network know about this bombshell report.  Thanks again for all your hard work and service!

TDBC signature long form   
Tom Del Beccaro
CRP Chairman 

I have forwarded this to everyone I could contact.  Hope you do also.  Our "ELECTION" IN JUNE --- NOT A PRIMARY, AN ELECTION FOR CONGRESS AND STATE OFFICES + STATE DP. OF EQUAL.  

Here's my note added-on...."tip of the iceberg" is way too small!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Every voter in this State is affected by this.  And by the School Districts - all cities now affected and yet to be by CVRA - 'By Area Trustee Voting System(BATES)"  of "cocoon" alias "protected class" of skin-color-'race' -other than white Anglo-Saxon and country-of -origin-other than the United States-culture" REDISTRICTING LINES REDRAWN WITHOUT VOTING ALLOWED by permission of the State Dp. of Edu who issues a "Waiver" allowing Sch. Boards to go ahead with the changes in the district/precinct lines.  Versus "1776At-Large Voting System (1776ALES)" which is arbitrarily removed because of "threat" of being "sued". 

IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL FACT: Learned from Demographer who redrew the Escondido Unified Sch. District/Precinct lines: The 5 more or less "types" of District/Precincts are determined by Tom's attached, by school boards, by counties, by cities, by water Districts, by B. of Equalization, etc.  All ARE LAYERED ONE ON TOP OF ANOTHER, then the SECRETARY OF STATE'S SOFTWARE draws to District/Precincts.

Means if one "type" is gerrymander, the whole is Gerrymander. Means that if School Boards and cities redraw "CVRA - BATES", then there is no longer Amendment XIV:2 APPORTION BY NUMBER 1 Person: 1Vote as replaced by physical or cultural heritage. BART is Gerrymandering for School and city

 US Citizenship as voters who are White, Anglo Saxons are not included in CVRA; and that includes White-Anglo-Saxons who have their homes on 6th Ave environs from Western toward Central City or the Central area of Los Angeles where White-Anglo-Saxon are the Minority - UNPROTECTED CLASS.    Violates 14th: "No State shall make or enforce an law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities
of citizens of the United States,....nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.".  Also, CVRA "As Applied Challenges to the [CVRA]" by John E. McDermott, discloses additional illegal aspects compared to FVRA[Federal Voting RA].

Now add to this: Article II of California's Constitution: "(a)...All voters may vote at a voter-nominated primary election for any candidate for congressional and state elective office without regard to the political party preference disclosed by the candidate or the voter,..... The
candidates who are the top two vote-getters at a voter-nominated primary election for a congressional or state elective office shall,
regardless of party preference, compete in the ensuing general election. ... (b) Except as otherwise provided by Section 6, a candidate for a congressional or state elective office may have his or her political party preference, or lack of political party preference, indicated
upon the ballot for the office in the manner provided by statute."

A political party or party central committee shall not have the right to have its preferred candidate participate in the general election for a voter-nominated office other than a candidate who is one of the two highest vote-getters at the primary election, as provided in subdivision (a).  EXCEPT, the Political Party named "UNION ADMINISTRATION".  and..

SEC. 6.  (a) All judicial, school, county, and city offices, including the Superintendent of Public Instruction, shall be nonpartisan.
   (b) A political party or party central committee shall not nominate a candidate for nonpartisan office, and the candidate's
party preference shall not be included on the ballot for the nonpartisan office.  NOT 'BERTS' ACLU was present.  Five of the suites against N. CA cities are from the same Legal Group: "Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (LCCR) per "The Santa Clara Weekly"(Issue 37, 09/2011; "California Voting Rights Act: An $8Million Bill for Taxpayers" by Carolyn Schuk.  LCCR  is located at and is an 'Affirmative Action' group. CVRA is a pure 'Affirmative Action' anti-law Mr. McDermott demonstrates as opposed to FVRA.  In fact CVRA doesn't even have to have any racial problem be enforced.

The CA Supreme Court refused to hear the case against CVRA.  It does not belong in CA's Supreme Court. It belings in United States district Court because it is a "Constituitional" civil complaint.  This "person" would like and has support from legal group to take the CVRA to Constituitional hearing as "Citizens of the State (or my City for the last 18 years) of California versus California Voting Rights Act - BARTS.  Would you join me?  I have already written another case and having it heard - in U.S. District Court - San Diego. I am well informed regarding all terminology, resources, and references written herein.   

Layering + "greater number of vote-getters" + empty-stated "nonpartisan" + instructed SD County Board and by the 'BATES' contracted attorney to obtain the "waiver" and not allow 'voters' as 100% of residents their voice re their District/Location/precinct + Escondido city added as a suit under CVRA + Citizen's Redistricting Commission as attached  = STUFFED BALLOTS IN FAVOR OF THE CURRENT LEGISLATURE and its SUBSTRUCTURE under Union-Control as Employees who are paid with taxpayer money + pay their dues with tax payer money to the Union Administration whose salaries are tax-payer money -- who then pay their attorneys with tax payer money - to attack taxpayers as voters. These same union also seat "candidates" of their choice.  A construction union is a co-plaintiff for CVRA in the suit against the City of Escondido.

AND, that is why -- governor signed bill and [probably] the City Council (majority is in office as union's desire) moved our City-county resident's "Pension Reform" to the Nov. election. That move shall incur additional millions of dollars additinal expense to the taxpayer's of San Diego. And that affects business throughout the entire County.  

MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: The "greater number" produces the ELECTION of candidates for Congress and Assembly and State B of Equal. in JUNE. So the City Council and the State (union) will have the benefit of "collective, mass group of people of greater number" as justification for their continued abuse, irresponsible Bills, Regulations, decisions the Government's requirement for power.. unfettered by Constitutional Law or any other - for that matter.    

Please pass-on and perform what Tom asks for.   He is so right!  And it effects our Constitution versus Socialism flying under the "Democratic Party" label today, our Posterity, and the Future of our State in the Union of Our Nation or Representative, Republican form of government under a Constitution.

Thank you, Cathy

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