Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Without “..from the consent of the governed,— ..”

Because all levels elected, appointed with appointed agent’s form a collusion-segment of our Republic; because each, citizen-agents also take an Oath or Affirmation to support this Constitution. Because the 1828 American Dictionary definition of Oath is: “ A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath, implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury.”, these agent-persons act by  “.. Trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it,...(T. Jefferson on constitutional construction).  These “agent-persons” utilize confiscation, control, dictate, decree, “opinion without interference” under the disguise of Bill, regulation, statue, executive order, court ruling.  “..The advent of the administrative state poses the greatest challenge to limited government, because it elevates the welfare of the community— whether real or imagined— over the rights and liberties of individuals.(Edward Erler, “The Constitution and Limited Government; Impremis 09/11, V40:9).  This Administration and this State, possibly other States, both violate not only the Natural Rights stated first in the Declaration, but also the very next Declaration premise: “..that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just [nothing “just” involved] from the consent of the governed..”

There are a myriad of laws and regulations which demonstrate violations as high crimes, misdemeanors, felony, and breech of the peace evinced through omission, commission, neglect, and “The act of passing over or beyond any law or rule of moral duty; the violation of a law or known principle of rectitude; breach of command - transgression”. Many crimes have been committed by these agents of and in government with full knowledge as Vote of Citizens, that their Consent to govern is Not Present.  Examples include illegal alien; sexual deviations; border insecurity with planned and allowed gun-running to drug cartels and other lawbreakers; printing paper and calling it dollars; increasing debt to more than $76,000/citizen; ‘content’ with definition plus opinion without interference of state-federal education of Posterity; class of citizen much more important the rights of citizen; singling-out special class of people as wealthy; or union-member with its non-spoken but very real political party of participation by demand; and defining-decreeing environment, business, mining, nuclear energy, absent exploration of the universe; freezing assets of our Nation which could  reduce our debt.  None of these,  and more...are with the Consent of the Governed.

The above agents elected, appointed at whatever level of government are also from their Oath or Affirmation of office, are responsible to We the People (government) as follows: “Whenever any person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the constitution, means to obey or help enforce the constitution. This duty cannot be delegated to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one’s job or following orders. This is sometimes called the Principle of Nuremberg.

Point is: regardless of what the issue or law states, without consent or ‘Rule of Law’, these actions violate: —  “In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the supreme law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private ( (banking, condo-rental rules) citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is inconsistent with that supreme law and not derived from it is unconstitutional and null and void from inception.”   And..
— “Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government (We the People) or to have any official status, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project.  It is almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also, a violation of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so.”  And..
— Any citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to disobey that act, to report it as a crime, and to arrest the offender and deliver him to a court of competent jurisdiction for prosecution.

The above are from “Declaration of Constitutional Principles (by Jon Roland, and located at www.constitution.org”) which derive from statements in our Declaration including “..the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them,..”; the 27 complaints to George III’s administration of governance; unalienable natural rights which comprise the definition of freedom of, by, and for...one “person” at a time.

This Patriot, all American Patriots, all the rest of Americans - when they realize the tyranny which is NOW occurring — have never in 235 years, been called upon to uphold the “Religion and Morality” glued to the self-government represented by Both founding documents – including the Lives Fortunes, sacred Honor of every single America from that day in history, to this day - October 18, 2011, to every day forward from this day and into God’s infinite future for mankind where ever He leads the Spirit of Man for Posterity and ever and ever...   Of course, don’t forget our mortal suitcase of physical and emotional paraphernalia, always present to the challenge, course, journey to “get knowledge and wisdom” and apply it to the journey.

Thankfully, our protection of Republican form of government is saving US(A) or at least buying US(A) time while we marshal our “person” with our Rule of Law” enforcement.  Our House of Representatives has slowed or stopped the socialist onslaught of Bills, Acts, Amendments even though our President is going to find a way around Congress for his writing of law (itself a violation of the constitution) as budget; and forbidden further writing of regulations by departments of government - (hopefully all 2600).

Our Vote at the box or computer screen is still, very much, libel to stuffing by greater number or popular vote without party affiliation by the candidate, fraud by government permission as computer registration, same day registration (too often not with a “provisional” ballot), drive-thru voting, absent voting roll conformation so vacant lots-buses of voters are able to vote, and always open to falsification by citizens who get paid to vote any number of times; and the infamous surrender your ‘presumption of innocence’ by righteous citizens who must prove who they say they are by identifying themselves. - They aren’t the problem! “If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the solution (Saint Aurelius Augustine)”.  Fraudulent person both sides of the precinct table is the problem; and it is the Secretary of State to  county clerk who are  responsible. Having said all this, the offices which maintain the integrity of our vote with the precinct workers and even the voters, make innocent mistakes because We the People are always “mortal”! But the smallest ‘unit of person-voting’ is the precinct. Voting is not a Federal or State delegated power per the 10th Amendment; and therefore the responsibility of the State of to provide the precinct with what it requires to execute AND COUNT the vote of the people shall continue.  Further, when any outcome between candidates occurs whether number or fraud, an automatic recount occurs at taxpayer/government expense. We the People’s vote is not a item to be taken away in calculating budget. 100% of the cost must always be present - no questions asked. This is a government with the Consent of the Governed who form their own Congress concert music every time any election occurs.

 “Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require. (CA Constitution Article II:1)” is not a statement with “consent” of Constitution for ‘government cannot institute protection, security required and there is no ‘force’ which to prevent “Religion and morality” violations to occur.  Government is not a determiner of “benefit” since government is defined by the vote of the People, in other words ‘the vote’ is a mandatory requirement...not a benefit! Integrity of each-one-person, is each-one-person’s duty to his God and his Nation-State-County-Town-Family remains just that –!  It is the base of the pyramid named Federated form of representative government.  Government defined is “.. The exercise of authority; direction and restraint exercised over the actions of men in communities, societies or states; the administration of public affairs, according to established constitution, laws and usages, or by arbitrary edicts. (1828 American Dictionary)”. By that definition, government cannot handle one-person-one-at-a-time; therein is both the rub and the reward of self-government.

We the People, as the “American’s Creed*” must speak...perhaps before the primaries begin; and We Must Be Prepared to correct “..abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off”  any State-Federal administration which “..elevates the welfare of the community — whether real or imaginary— over the rights and liberties of individuals.”  It is not our founding documents in our law and principle...it is the attack by a few men of socialism, open-society, United Nations control, define, decree and dictate.

There is not one American, anywhere who care’s, one-little iota about our God, our Nation, Our State, Our County, Our Towns with all substructure, who should not be involved in the elections of 2012.  Just because there is no journalism, media, ability to inform and newspapers can’t function (they actually have the greatest opportunity in years over all electronic stuff of communication, but are absent knowledge))..is no excuse.  This election IS YOUR LIFE, YOUR FORTUNE, AND YOUR SACRED HONOR; and Life, Liberty with Pursuit of happiness for your “self” and everyone you care about!!!  There is no money available to substitute for the losses should you decline your opportunity to maintain the self-government of you!!!

Opportunities abound from home in your internet to your friends, family neighbors; to just returning the conversation with Politics as including ethics of 1828 and religion as obedience to God’s Laws;  to your conversations with the abuses and usurpations which have occurred and are occurring; including socialism’s open-society flying under the Democratic Party which doesn’t own the onus.  Locations outside include: work for the Registrar of voters as volunteer (requires 2hrs. of training and one 18 hour day of election) or hired; work for your party in your neighborhood as precinct worker (San Diego is shooting for 8,000 or 2 each precinct); Teapartiers are working by informing and organizing letter-writing and public get-togethers; voting integrity groups are working in concert with the county clerks and state officers on voting rolls, education, training; and at least some local-county Party-members with their affiliate Republican Federated Women, etc are also informing and writing letters.
The reference to Republican as a Party, not the Article IV:4 guaranteed form of government, is because this is the designated party of small government, business, principle, and right now in the House of Representatives, the reason our Republic is intact – much danger, but intact...We owe a vote of thanks to those - including the cross-over Democrats who are, finally, waking-up to it is God, Then Nation, Then Family, Life, then Party of constituents and then whatever is left.

The attack is from within, without one bullet fired at a mortal body, but with deadly bullets fired frequently at “spiritual person” and bleeding occurring. No party affiliation wanted.  “We the People” speak as “..one Nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for All”.  We can return to party stuff, after we rid ourselves of this infection of spirit called socialism.

*I believe in the Untied States of America as a government of the people, b the people, for the people whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a Democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American Patriots gave their lives and fortunes.

I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its Laws, to respect its Flag, and to defend it against all enemies. By William Tyler Page

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