Saturday, October 15, 2011



This Constitutional Republican Patriot must apologize for not recognizing the experience of Ron Paul; the direct address of unconstitutional denigrating of government without the consent of “We the People of Michelle Bachmann.  Herman Cain demonstrates his economic/business background as the source of job growth; and Ron Paul his medical diagnostic skills that training affords in assessment-plan-approaches combined with his excellent legislative background intertwined with love applied to both founding documents; and Michelle Bachman’‘s direct responses to the man named Leader of the United States of government assist.

 “The advent of the administrative state poses the greatest challenge to limited government, because it elevates the welfare of the community – whether real or imagined–over the rights and liberties of individuals [constitutional republic “person” of We the People]. The task today is to confine the federal [state] government[s] to its [their] delegated powers. The minions of the administrative state seek to destroy [have been and continue to] constitutional boundaries in their desire to replace politics* with administration. This is tantamount to denying that legitimate government derives from the consent of the governed, or that limited government rests on the sovereignty of the people [person/individual]. (Professor Edward J. Erier, Political Science, California State University - San Bernardino in “The Constitution and Limited Government”; Imprimis; 9/2011; V40:9)”   NO CANDIDATE ADDRESSES THIS CORE DECLARATION PRINCIPLE; nor does any candidate realize that “..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature (science) and Nature’s God entitle them..”.  Yet this is the war not with bullets fired from guns, riots in the streets with the terror and harm ensued, or changing of governments from one form of oligarchy to another using these techniques of nation-destruction. These techniques cannot and will not work against the “..It is evident that nor other form [republican form] would be reconcilable with the genius of the people of America; with the fundamental principles of the revolution; or with that honorable determination, which animates every votary of freedom, ...(Madison; The Federalist No. 39)”, of our citizens - natural or naturalized.  

Teapartiers recognize these statements.  Too many Americans have not wakened to the actuality of Soros-Obama-UN change to ‘open-society with a bastard (perhaps ‘imitation’ would be less inflammatory, but fails as descriptive) of Democracy.  Candidates probably also recognize this but with the ‘line-in-the-sand’ determined by their ability to ‘stand with courage’ against politically correct-conform to FCC censorship via its definition of fairness with journalist-commentators-media conformity vs. Prof. Erler’s statement (please google and read..he has the nail-on-the-head).

But, it is mandatory that candidates who will represent “The Party of Principle” understand their role in:    I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies. The American's Creed by William Tyler Page-Written 1917, accepted by the United States House of Representatives on April 3, 1918.”

It is mandatory that candidates understand: “They have been [are being] deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. ..(Declaration of Independence)”.  And it is imperative not only to our Nation; but because of our “honorable determination” with “In God We Trust” and “ nation, under God, indivisible..” ---versus--- no universal truth - mass/collective/greater number/just put your X in the proper box on the computer screen (software-hardware written by unaccountable persons with demonstrated unreliability) and don’t question anyone/thing/action government decrees, dictates, defines, and decides; group-think;  borderless nations and jurisprudence with UN Charter/Mission statements which are absent Divine Law, Common  and Constitutional Law - while allowing “opinion without interference**”.  

This Patriot has not finished observations with both subjective and objective assessments in relation to the now ‘takeover’ by Socialism (forget the party that use the word-name “Democratic” Party - it is extinct and totally absorbed by socialists).  So far, this is how this Declaration-Constitutional-Nation first” lines-up the candidates for President and Vice-President:
 Ron Paul - by far, the best use of constitutional-remedies for much of our issues nationally. We strongly disagree over his “opinion” regarding our Nation as “world’s police” and as “nation-building” for it represents abject denial of Nature and Nature’s God, inalienable “natural rights” of man given by God, and America’s role as defender and promoter (not provider of nation building) of those rights or at least giving the downtrodden another opportunity in life, liberty, and pursuit of___; but with the realization that ONLY our Nation has achieved the tenuous world of “consent of the governed” so attacked by mortal man’s deaf, blind, stiffnecked and use of ignorance which helps man’s worse characteristics to rule in too many locations on this globe. We could profit this globe with the combined strengths represented by Great Britain to regain ground lost in the UN being taken-over by the Soros regime named “open-society” - that is the location of “Nation-Building”!!!
Michelle Bachmann - excellent for her business acumen, understanding of frustrations that occur with all this Obama/anti-law regime represents complete with plans to stop; and her legislative experience.
Herman Cain as very gifted and excellent understanding, probably with excellent delegating skills who could accustom himself to the vagaries of politics.  WE need the legislative experience of Law-Righting in our Constitution that both Congressman Paul and congresswoman Bachmann represent as our current elected agents of “We the People”, though.  We Need to stop socialism and experience could be faster and more effective, especially with the responsible White House which Shall stop the 2600 “departments, agencies, entities, officers, employees, agents, or “other person” who dodge “rule of Law” represented by the 11th Amendment badly violated intention as “protection of state” from lawsuits — but adjudicated without regard to the Oaths of Office all take to be obedient and support the Constitution.  These government - “persons” are free to fetter-away Both Documents because of the reasons stated above in Professor Erler’s article.  “Corporate favor via subsidies” is the least of the problems...not because it isn’t a problem or wrong, but because in the hierarchy of “administration of “real or Imagined” “welfare” “..over the rights and liberties of individuals..” is so much more important. Mr. Cain, like many Americans, especially in politics, have trouble calling a spade-a-spade.  The word is illegal. That means the individual, and the groups of individuals who subjugate and coerce the individual, has committed a crime — broken the law — over the rights and liberties of ‘person’ as citizen; and means that this Obama-Regime has added to lawlessness by decreeing - that taxpayer earnings and property be used to support the lawless behavior of both the perpetrator and the supporter - the state and federal governments along the border. It also means the Obama Regime has no duty to protect the Borders of All States north and south, from illegal infringement by crossing or securing. Man’s law as social justice/plunder absent consent of the governed, should not even have to enter a court building... nor should the act of proselytizing against children and young adults by legislative dictate that sexual deviations shall be taught to kindergarten through 2nd year community college either require a Referendum or a court case...It is an unlawful act against this constitutional nation...Period.   “We the People” — elected and grassroots — must make entirely clear...lawlessness directed at young with anti-law against “The Rule of Law” shall Not Be tolerated! —Except for the “spade” part, that’s not Herman Cain’s responsibility..alone or part of candidacy...just a necessity because too many lawyers and people think that playing ‘tiddley-winks’ with words correct situations!
Newt Gingrich should know better how to apply the principles and ‘rule of law’ given the nature of Obama-Soros socialism. He doesn’t appear to recognize that the 16th Amendment is a blank check constantly used against consent and against life and liberty of “We the People.  He may not be alone...some of the other candidates may not recognize the egregious ‘man-made law’ imposed by this “modern amendment”. The 16th is unconstitutional because it is inconsistent to the March 1, 1779 ratification of the Constitution in not protecting “person” from government taxation without accountability or even remorse for apparent wrong-doing.
Mitt Romney is a wonderful executive and leader who selectively uses the Constitution but while not ignoring the Declaration, doesn’t appear to understand the intertwined nature of Both Documents; and like too many politicians lean in the direction of political correctness with civility and compromise (Sen. McCain) too, easily, fold under pressure to the “popular” concepts. Though this is far from his choice and agreement, he is the Obama choice to run against and the reputation of  “Republican Establishment” politics. Mr. Romney’s sending jobs training down to the States to finance and regulate, is not a improvement or solution.  It does not remove government and continues the socialist government’s requirement to abolish the 10th Amendment. Jobs as training does not belong to taxpayers. Jobs belong to the marketplace of innovation, exploration, and freedom to enter and continue trades, positions as jobs, and move up and down on the opportunity scales as we have been since arriving here in 1620!  Mr. Romney’s contribution to the World’s Olympics as sound, truth in competition, and in the huge business attached to the world of athletic and arts and everything else when you think about it; is beyond compare. It does recommend him for continued leadership in our Nation; and perhaps, knowing him better in regards to Professor Erler’s excellent, nail-on-the-head article, he would take on the great work that Congressmembers Paul and Bachmann have accomplished.  
Rick Perry has one goal..and it is an excellent, core, realistic as it is in petroleum and nuclear...get it going and the rest will follow.  He is a governor and they do understand the politics; but Declaration/Constitution – appears that these are absent from consideration – except as he wouldn’t like ‘big government’.  He also has trouble with the word "illegal".

Again, experience is to be valued and not to be wasted, because time and posterity have been lost. What is lost is gone—forever.  We can only learn and move forward, understanding that adversity is the best teacher...but every single member-of-posterity must learn it constantly...there is no safety and protection in absent, ignored education--regardless of the presence or absence of a classroom.  Learning for knowledge and wisdom with The Bible and documents leading with Declaration and Constitution – then the other Nation’s words and philosophies must be ongoing from age of consent throughout life's journey right up until aged and death.

Two concepts of government are essential with both present as the root of good versus evil manifested in the spirit of Ameica through the somewhat successful attempts to eradicate the Declaration and Constitution:
----The Way, The Truth, and The Light of Conscience as One Person with that person’s God And One Person within the protections of The Constitution of the United States of America: the concept is Internal Government of conscience and responsibility to “Religion and Morality”; or duty because of ‘self’ to the nation which has given the opportunities with all that represents..
Torn and twisted, with constant flux of..
—force, demand, decree, control, educate youth because you can control the world to force and control or ‘laws by man’ as oligarchy, autocracy, or “A republic or other democracy is nonconstitutional [no constitution] if any legislative act supersedes any conflicting act that precedes it, including any act or unwritten principal which may be called a constitution. (Declaration of Constitutional Principles” by Jon Roland): the concept of External Government. This is the Soros-Obama-UN with every international and national issue at stake — Now! This President without cognitive attributes which include honor, love of nation with loyalty, or respect of flag; but present in any of the candidates named here; and Obama’s demonstrated skill at destroying “Rule of Law” to the now “NO Constitution with denigration of Divine Providence in any part of our Nation ‘This Day’ in our Nation’s journey of its life, liberty and pursuits of_______all the above areas. This man did study to become a constitutional “change” it out of existence.  Soros-Obama’s only method with any chance of overcoming the vast majority of American’s who love God, Honor Nation, and will willingly die to preserve all with their family in the name of “..And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”, is counting on ‘peoples’ ignorance, youth, blind, deaf, stiffnecked for power to invoke socialism..without their even glancing in the direction that results as loss of life, liberty, and pursuit of.... .

It is interesting to note, not one candidate*** - anywhere and not related to party affiliation - pays any attention to a five, ten year fiscal policy or concepts of “Strategic Planning”; nor does any candidate give attention to the importance of continuing exploration of all unknown science including nuclear and God’s universe as the future location of the newborn infants born this year of 2011 who will be in their ‘25's’ in 2036. Will they have the life, liberty, and pursuit of____ with the freedom these words entail, to explore, innovate, and continue our American legacy?

*Professor Erier instructor of Political Science defines “politics” without the popular connotation of ‘popular-media-denigrating source of evil ideas’ akin to “shark” of attorney’s; while the Professor is using a definition closer to the 1828 Dictionary: “The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance.”

 **1828 definition of “opinion”: “1. The judgment which the mind forms of any proposition, statement, theory or event, the truth or falsehood of which is supported by a degree of evidence that renders it probably, but does not produce absolute knowledge or certainty. It has been a received opinion that all matter is comprised in four elements. This opinion is proved by many discoveries to be false. From circumstances we form opinions respecting future events.

***Except here in CA. We have a candidate running for Mayor of City of San Diego who has completed and partially implemented a 5 year "Road to Recovery".  To some San Diegans, it may fall short; but to hopefully many more, it will allow Carl DeMaio the opportunity to complete his goals of persistence, hard work, focus of time and resources, attention to detail, fearless innovation, communication with "We the People" of this city, combined with honest and dependable...Yea!  Pay attention candidates...Our founding documents do work..The Religion and Morality Do have results. And it is worth every ounce of your effort and belief to accomplish as agents of service and duty.. to THE GRANDEST GIFT OF GOD TO EVERYONE ON THIS GLOBE!  We the People are special just as Mr. Madison and so many of the founders and leaders of our nation are and have demonstrated...

Opinion is when the assent of the understanding is so far gained by evidence of probability, that it rather inclines to one persuasion than to another, yet not without a mixture of uncertainty or doubting.

When you add “without interference” to this phrase, the leash of mortal man’s mind reigns over the spirit of divinity expressed as “The Way, The Truth, and The Light”.

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