Table of Contents:
I. God in Three Persons is the Contents of the Three Sacred Documents, Connection is the 1611 King James Direct Translation with the "Interval-Apocrypha" intrinsic to God's Eras of His Plan among Each-one-Person who composes the Whole of each-one-sovereign Nation -- that will become WHOLE stated and described by God to Ezekiel in Chapter 33 [25]; by His Eternal Son, our Lord, Friend, Comforter, Helper - Truth in Matt. 5 [26] -TRUTH
II. spirit of the devil's 3 rhelms, two that produce the third/ Agenda 21's Tablod of Contents with 2015's Appropritations that derive the 2017 Appropriation -- that share "Obama's State Department, a.k.a. H. Clinton's several speeches of love of UN, "State Department under Obama made U.S. participation vital to Paris climate pact" at

chagrin of the Russian ownership of the UN socialist-communist-atheist
"The Paris Agreement builds upon the Convention and – for the first time – brings all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects, with enhanced support to assist developing countries to do so. As such, it charts a new course in the global climate effort.
The Paris Agreement’s central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat..." = UDHR Article 19's Opinion's "probability" - never a certainty, nor a fact, nor a truth for the control and manipulation of all living and inanimate objects as parties-at-law without interference, i.e. paraphrase of Justice Scalia's "Dissent" below to make the connection that "ACA is the Whole of the anti-Republic under God Regime's Treason] "...of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius.." an opinion whose source lends to a probability of less than 10%, if that, given the fine 'sawtooth' illustrated just below this; "..Additionally, the agreement aims to strengthen the ability of countries to deal with the impacts of climate change...," ; this is the very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's location of its mo eyes, no ears, no mouth, form of 'Bigger $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$,$$$.00 among the World Bank's IMF-Federal Reserve with its subdivisions of all 193 members tax payers - never informed and in total ignorance, the "Appropriations Committee" in violation of Article I:8, 9, 10, hence Oral-Oath of Office-Truth, Trust, Promise of the contents of the Three Sacred Documents approved [see "Learning to use: Our THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS: PLASTIC MONEY: Wed., February 1, 2017 ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR SHALL REFUSE TO DO BUSINESS IN US CURRENCY.. at http://declarationandconstitution ; "..To reach these ambitious goals, appropriate financial flows, a new technology framework and an enhanced capacity building framework will be put in place.." ; IS NOT THE "ENUMERATED POWERS, ABSENT THE CREATOR OF TRUTH, and there is no Truth or Promise; ".. thus supporting action by developing countries and the most vulnerable countries, in line with their own national objectives. The Agreement also provides for enhanced transparency of action and support through a more robust transparency framework. Further information on key aspects of the Agreement can be found here;" - Demonstration of control and manipulation of all language and communication, production and distribution of knowledge by opinion's probability of 0 - Truth; .... of this fact in evidence of no GW, Greening, Sustainable, tenement-rental-subsidiarity's contracts devoid the Three Sacred Documents, housing of specific, public -private-partnerships, climate change --- and Holy Spirit, Article VI supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere - bound by Oral-Common Law/ Oath -- "any THING in the Constitution or Laws of Any State to the Contrary NotWithStanding.[Uppper case added, with exceptions from the original text].. nor any Treaty that is Treason - Betrayal of the contents of the Three Sacred Documents, stated as:
"We have duties, for the discharge of which we are accountable to our Creator and benefactor, which no human power can cancel. What those duties are, is determinable by Right, " reason, which may be, and is called, a well informed conscience. What this conscience dictates as our duty , is so; and that power can be which assumes a control over it, is an usurper; for no power can be pleaded to justify the control, as any consent in this case is void. The alienation of some rights, in themselves alienable, may be also void, if the bargain is of that nature, that no equivalent can be received. Thus, if a man surrender all his alienable rights, without reserving a controul over the supreme power, or a right to resume in certain cases, the surrender is void, for he becomes a slave; and a slave can receive no equivalent. Common equity would set aside this bargain."-The Essex Result, May 12, 1778--139 years ago, at /documents/v1ch4s8.html [1]
RIGHT REASON, CONTINUED: The Creator of Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise Is Witness of Your Mouth to His Ear, and in His name, the WHOLE Contents, using the 1611 KJV-Apocrypha's Interval between the Old Testament and New Testament - ; and Acts 28 - Governor PUBLIUS of Malta, after Paul stayed there 3 days, the first Western European Nation to have God in Christ Jesus in Paul who taught the Governor and his son, The Christian Religion, officially that nation's religion; and Governor Publius, became the Pen-name of the 85 Essay's Right Reason-argument for the Third of The Three Sacred Document's supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere, chosen by First Chief Justice of Article III - John Jay; Founder of our Nation's Financial System of the United STATES, Alexander Hamilton; definer of Bill of Rights- Amendment IX "Property", 4th President, James Madison, of the United STATES that is the residence of each-one-Person's "Independence" to God's Laws of "separate and equal station" synonymous with God in Christ Jesus in Your Person's Second Greatest Command, The Laws of Nature/ The Creator's Universe, to exercise that Person's Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Blessedness/ Happiness; adding among all Puritans, Colonists, Founders, Americans of God and Nation First, the importance of WISDOM,KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION FOR TRUTH IN TRUST, FAITH IN PROMISE that is THE WHOLE LAW, adding, James Wilson, Signer of Declaration, major drafter of Constitution, Justice in the supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere-Oral Law-Oath of Office, who taught Law and wrote:
"... It should always be remembered that this law, natural or revealed, made for men or for nations, flows from the same Divine [16] source: it is the Law of God. Nature, or to speak more properly, the Author of Nature [Universe] , has done much for us, but it is His gracious appointment and will, that we should also do as much for ourselves. What we do, indeed, must be founded on what He has done; and the deficiencies of our laws must be supplied by the perfection of His. Human law must rest its authority, ultimately, upon that Law which is Divine. Of that Law, the following are maxims— that no injury should be done—that a lawful engagement, voluntarily made, should be faithfully fulfilled. We now see the deep and solid foundations of human law. From this short, but plain and, I hope, just statement of 'things', we perceive a principle of 'connection' between the two laws mentioned (the profession of Divinity and the profession of law [and medicine [[19]]), far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin sisters, friends, and mutual assistants. Indeed, these two sciences run into each other. ..” at Google Books “The works of the Honorable James Wilson, L.L.D.” And....”Law and Liberty cannot rationally become the objects of our love, unless they first become the objects of our Knowledge.”.[italics added] - Hosea 4:6 “Because you have forgotten the Law of your God”: Religion and Law, Pg.1008; “AMERICAN PATRIOT’S BIBLE, The Word of God and The Shaping of America”, Richard G. Lee, Editor, Thomas Nelson Publisher since 1789 “[13A,Register Of Actions #81's EXHIBIT LIST, Pg.1/ Lines22-28,]The reason for the above, in this and in a series of essays and papers, including writing and arguing The Three Sacred Documents in the Whole of Article III Judiciary U.S. District Court, Superior Trial Court, Superior, Appellate Division three times [13A], available to read and learn to Know and Understand the 5W's and H of our Republic under God, as I did, and continue to perform, in Right Reason write and, in open court with 5 witnesses, 6 and more (Luke 12 "And why do you not go YOURSELVES settle what is Right?...I Tell YOU, You will Never Get Out till you Pay the Last Farthing of YOUR DEBT, alone-first, then among those you know, and those you will never know'- First and Second Tables of The Whole Law and the Prophets,-One Person-at-a-time, natural or naturalized's Nation-of-Residence; Matt. 18 only requires 3, then spirit of the devil human precept becomes Pagans), counting the Eternal Living Souls of the Founder's as References sitting on my courtroom Defense Table (see my 'Banner' on my FB Page and 13 II-B-2 -exhibit list), argue them, I know - First Hand - precisely the Three Sacred Document's Axioms of Right-Reason, as did the Puritan's who sat on the James I Committee in January 1604, to have the Clergy of all England, write Truth of God in Christ Jesus in any Person who obeys His Commands, 1611 KJV with Apocrypha's Interval between the Old and New Testament-- immense importance to both ecclesiastical as well as gentile-civil government politics intrinsic to history and the Original Text Bible of the Founding of Reformation as government of, by, and for the Constitutional-Person composing One People written in the name of God in Christ Jesus in a Person- very own-no-one can touch, nor alter, but that Person, a man, a woman, a child, Colonists-Founders; - Last Sentence in the Declaration's entire Contents from The Eternal Living God, in His Eternal Living Son who was murdered, by the High Priests because He Is Truth in His Father in His Apostles in You: -- since He is Living Eternal, there was never a period from the very beginning, when He would ever fail to forgive any person's sins and blasphemies...., except, never forgiven in this world or the world to come, blasphemy of the "Truth, the Whole Truth, and no Thing, but the Truth" the Holy Spirit, Ghost, Comforter, Helper.[
" DEBT, n. [det; L. debitum, contracted; Fr. dette; Sp. and It. debito. See Debit.] 1. That which is due from one person to another, whether money, goods or services; that which one person is bound to pay or perform to another; as, the debts of a bankrupt; the debts of a nobleman. It is a common misfortune or vice to be in debt. When you run in debt, You Give To Another Power [Liberty of most evil, a.k.a. spirit of the devil- arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-tyranny, Biblical 'circumcised'] over Your liberty [of most good]. –Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706 [O.S. January 6, 1705][1] – April 17, 1790) was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Franklin was a renowned polymath and a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. As a scientist, he was a major figure in the American Enlightenment and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity. As an inventor, he is known for the lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove, among other inventions.[2] He facilitated many civic organizations, including Philadelphia's fire department and the University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League institution. Franklin earned the title of "The First American" for his early and indefatigable campaigning for colonial unity, initially as an author and spokesman in London for several colonies. As the first United States Ambassador to France, he exemplified the emerging American nation. Words: Pride, Care, Debt
2. That which any one is obliged to do or to suffer. Your son, my lord, has paid a soldier's debt. "MaacBeth, Act V, Scene 8" – William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 (baptised) – 23 April 1616) English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". Words: Right, Thing, Virtue, Will, Arrogance, Pride, Read, Warrant , Violence, Knowledge, Trust, Truth, Displace, Compulsion, Property, Vault, Valor, Ordain, Way(s), Self, Cringe, Interpretation, Idleness, Untruth, Wanton, Fight, Affirmation, For, Censure, Spear, Pierce, Shake, Law, Quality, Actual, Envy, Soul, Palpable, Attaint, Learn, Replenish, Tung/ Tongue, Bound, Medicine [1844 and 1913 Revised, Noah Porter], Debt ; Hence death is called the debt of nature.
3. In law, an action to recover debt. This is a customary ellipsis [20]. He brought debt, instead of an action of debt.
4. In Scripture, sin; trespass; guilt; crime; that which renders liable to punishment. Forgive us our debts. – Lord's Prayer.
Since 01/20/2009, including the summer-fall of.2008, among Grand Old Party of Principle, who Understood and Knew each-one-person entitled to Laws of Nature, Nature's God in separate and equal station, that "If a nation expects to be ignorant--- and---free [Truth-John8] in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."-Thomas Jefferson, Consent of the Governed has worked to save our Republic under God, and We the People - voided by government-over-man- serving man's deep supplication, denying the existence of Commandments 1/ Ex.XX:3, 2/ EX XX:4, 3/ EX XX:5, to their very sacred and great, vain-idol-god's pervasive, forms of 'bigger number's living human body parts, plants and animals, and inanimate objects, especially of the binomial-"Virtual Unreality-Charles Seife", objects- be given rules of conduct-absolute FORCE/ POWER, only to have leaders at every level of our equilateral triangle of Federalist Form of Republican Government-completely resting on God in His Son, Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit-Truth, Trust, Promise, still, completely betray in apostasy, their Oath/Oral Common Law, precisely the same as what happened to the Jews scattered among Egypt, Syria, Babylon/ Assyria, Greece into "Captivity" because of their leaders, though actually, because of the great advantage of 'medicine's quality improvement research technique, 'retrospective review,' offers a very strong evidence connecting part of God's WHOLE PLAN OF SALVATION including that earthly-man-serving-man could not see, nor understand the importance of the Apocrypha, leading to circumcised, man-serving-man-disguised as 'health', gender-driven, group-think-few rulers of power in force, a source of contradiction for Peter, Apostles, then Paul, a lead-Pharisee, taxgatherer, persecutor, and blind for three days, chosen by God at his birth and Christ Jesus three days after He was crucified, using himself to teach Liberty of God in Christ - his 'Church' 'government'- meaning Holy Living Trinity-Truth - he taught both Jew-circumcised and gentile -uncircumcised, man or woman, freeman or slave - ALL are ONE in Eternal GOD, a person's one-third of his own Spirit -Truth that will set person(s) free who Love Him and the Puritans, Colonists, Founders who wrote and lived and Pledged to each other in the Eternal of our Three Sacred Document's Life, Fortune, and sacred Honor in the name of God in Three Persons, our Father Galatians I.
That 'The Eternal Living God Is The Creator) Always Truth and Always 'Present-"the Church --- triumphant in Heaven"Wycliff --- never forsakes, but not well understood, Obeyed without question, by man in The Father directly Present in classroom and playground of Kindergarten - Old Testament, but fully Revealed in Whole of Apocrypha leading to grammar school's Whole New Testament, Eternal Living Son, Christ Jesus, "and the Church militant or earthly man-serving-man, known since John Wycliff 1370's, is only now being Fully Revealed, i.e., God in Three Persons, The Contents of the WHOLE Three Sacred Documents, meaning from about summer-fall of 2008 thru and continuing as this current blind, deaf, lie of collective-group-absolute obedience of complete oppression and totally blind to Truth, Trust, Promise 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime- socialist-communist atheism's collective, mass people", hiding behind DEM enjoined to REP's faction-in-vain-idol-god's collective-group-party-conformity-power, devoid God in Three Persons, The Three Sacred Documents, delusional-'originist'/ isolated-constitutional- adversarial-militant democracy of few 'man-choosing-man's Papal Authority's 12, 'but 10 are also OK because it is the vain-idol-god's "bigger number" outcome would have made no difference, except the two missing were Americans, to violation of Commandment 1, among church's rites, creeds, forms, denominations of Jesus' body's physiology walking on earth, christian-collective, ecclesiastical church-Temple-Mosque, Sharia's Radical Jihad forms within Muslim -both- sharing man-serving militant-adversarial, arbitrary-man, Mohammed [25]-- democracy's imperative "to overthrow the government of our AMERICAN GOD IS LAW to which the offender owes allegiance, of "UN- EU Empire - "betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power", a.k.a., Matt. 12's Beelzebub against Beelzebub, though you don't know who will be Judge, as Jesus asks that question (read it at http://biblehub. com/wbt/matthew/12.htm in Noah's direct translation Bible).
"GRAM'MAR, a. Belonging to or contained in grammar; as, a grammar rule.
GRAM'MAR, n. [Fr. grammaire; L. grammatica; Gr. γραμματικη, from γραμμα, a letter, from γραφω, to write. See Grave.] 1. In practice, the art of speaking or writing a language with propriety or correctness, according to established usage. As a science, grammar treats of the natural connection between ideas and words, and develops the principles which are common to all languages.
2. A system of general principles and of particular rules for speaking or writing a language; or a digested compilation of customary forms of speech in a nation; also, a book containing such principles and rules.
2. Propriety of speech. To write grammar, we must write according to the practice of good writers and speakers. [“Grammar is a term borrowed from the Greek, and used with little variation by the Latins, French, English, &c.; but the Welsh are under no necessity of borrowing from others, while they have so significant a term of their own as llythyreg.” The Rev. John Walters's Diss. on the Welsh Language, Cowbridge, 1771, 8vo. p. 32. – E. H. B.]
GRAM'MAR, v.t. To discourse according to the rules of grammar. [Obs.]"
Example 1 of 2: Contrary to a hugely absent The Three Sacred Documents of our Republic under God, "Can you pass a 'Citizenship Quiz" in a 05/08/2017- newspaper that loves to use "lead-in" as a come-on to their internet-atoms-of-"scattered"-air, of, by, and for yellow journalism, a.k.a., just plain pride in ignorance, a necessity to show-off, arrogance of arbitrary-don't you dare question my "Grammar": the 1850's United States- South WAS NOT the only slave nation in the world; else how could our nation import the body's physiology, from the strong African brown to black skin color-Tribes over the weaker African Tribes, at the same time, not considering the children, women, and coal miners of the North's mercantile and manufacturing, shipping trades, let alone the people in the Orient's Emperors and Kings, or even the rigid class-systems of the Western European and Western Asian countries of Papal Authority's rigid control over their-persons composing serfs and servants among the collective, mass people who were subject to Latin Bible and Sanctuary, among John Wycliff's 29 Propositions:
The Untruth of "SLAVE-RY, n. [See Slave.] 1. Bondage; the state of entire subjection of one person to the will of another. Slavery is the obligation to labor for the benefit of the master [person], without the contract or consent of the servant [person]. – Paley. Slavery may proceed from crimes, from captivity, or from debt. Slavery is also voluntary or involuntary; voluntary, when a person sells or yields his own person to the absolute command of another; involuntary, when he is placed under the absolute power of another without his own consent. Slavery no longer exists in Great Britain, nor in the northern states of America;
2. "The offices of a slave; drudger" - is not a true statement, because
"PER'SON, n. [per'sn; L. persona; said to be compounded of per, through or by, and sonus, sound; a Latin word signifying primarily a mask used by actors on the stage.] 1.An individual human being consisting of body and soul. We apply the word to living beings only, possessed of a rational nature; the body when dead is not called a person. It is applied alike to a man, woman or child. A person is a thinking intelligent being. – Locke.
2. A man, woman or child, considered as opposed to things, or distinct from them. A zeal for persons is far more easy to be perverted, than a zeal for things. – Sprat.
3. A human being, considered with respect to the living body or corporeal existence only. The form of her person is elegant. You'll find her person difficult to gain. – Dryden. The rebels maintained the fight for a small time, and for their persons showed no want of courage. – Bacon.
4. A human being, indefinitely; one; a man. Let a person's attainments be never so great, he should remember he is frail and imperfect. ...
SOUL, n. [Sax. sawel, sawl or saul; G. seele; D. ziel; Dan. siel; Sw. siäl.] 1. The spiritual, rational and immortal substance in man, which distinguishes him from brutes; that part of man which enables him to think and reason, and which renders him a subject of moral government. The immortality of the soul is a fundamental article of the Christian system. Such is the nature of the human soul that it must have a God, an object of supreme affection. J. Edwards.
2. The understanding; the intellectual principle. The eyes of our souls then only begin to see, when our bodily eyes are closing. – Law.
3. Vital principle. Thou sun, of this great world both eye and soul. – Milton.
4. Spirit; essence; chief part; as, charity, the soul of all the virtues. Emotion is the soul of eloquence. – E. Porter.
5. Life; animating principle or part; as, an able commander is the soul of an army.
6. Internal power. There is some soul of goodness in things evil. – Shak.
7. A human being; a person. There was not a soul present. In Paris there are more than seven hundred thousand souls. London, Westminster, Southwark and the suburbs, are said to contain twelve hundred thousand souls.
8. Animal life. To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. – Ps. xxxiii. vii.
9. Active power. And heaven would fly before the driving soul. – Dryden.
10. Spirit; courage; fire; grandeur of mind. That he wants caution he must needs confess, / But not a soul to give our arms success. – Young.
11. Generosity; nobleness of mind; a colloquial use.
12. An intelligent being. Every soul in heav'n shall bend the knee. – Milton.
14. Heart; affection. The soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David. – 1 Sam. xviii.
15. In Scripture, appetite; as, the full soul; the hungry soul. – Prov. xxvii. Job xxxiii.
16. A familiar compellation of a person, but often expressing some qualities of the mind; as, alas, poor soul; he was a good soul."
In short, on God's Planet world-down-below, the collective-people have many labels, but were, from the scattering of 'Captivity', before Christ Jesus as a body's physiology - man, always ruled by the few men over the many, with "Common-Oral-Law - never really present, even not knowing Abraham and God's name; and that has never changed from that day to this flashing cursor... with Jesus teaching "Hindrances have to come, but woe to the man/ person, who causes Hindrances."-Matt. 18, where He also recommends that hindrances to and against the purity of children by adults - "Open Society's un-Grammatical-hate, common core of, by, and for the spirit of the devil's 'loaves to stone', would be better for them to place a stone around their neck and leap into the water, than meet God on their last day...That is especially the workers of ecclesiastical-government-over-children and their members of "IN-IQ'UI-TY, n. [Fr. iniquité; iniquitas; in and æquitas, equity.] 1. Injustice; unrighteousness; a deviation from rectitude [21]; as, the iniquity of war; the iniquity of the slave trade.
2. Want of rectitude in principle [22]; as, a malicious prosecution originating in the iniquity of the author.
3. A particular deviation from rectitude; a sin or crime; wickedness; any act of injustice. Your iniquities have separated between you and your God. Ps. lix.
4. Original want of holiness, or depravity. I was shapen in iniquity. Ps. li.."
Instead, both labels of spirit of the devil's from loaves to stone, man-serving-man -socialist atheism DEM--conglomerated into- delusional- Isolated-constitutional- adversarial-democracy's REP sharing the collective, mass people forbidden language and communication-knowledge, shall at all times and under all circumstances -- use lie, steal and kill the mind, heart, will-conscience of each one person - The Three Sacred Documents, and walk away, unscathed, just like Cain, spirit of the devil, murder of Able, Holy Spirit - Truth - Good and the High Priests walking away as if no thing had occurred in murder of Christ Jesus, John 14, 17, Truth.. for the same adoration of man-serving-man's pure-power.
There is an UDHR-OPINION's probability that is totally void of Certainty/ Truth, that American people don't know which side to take....but that is an untruth, proven by the 2010, 2012, 2016 elections where Consent of the Governed had to compete against the DEM-REP's very great supplication to their vain-idol-god's, no eyes, no ears, no mouth, 'forms of bigger number' evinced by stuffed ballot boxes of skin color except white, and country-of-origin, except the English language needed for Right Reason on the Whole of Issues from the mouth of God- "A Government of Law and not of men"- John Adams; as Citizens of Duty, honor, service to United STATES of that 'naturalized Citizen's Opportunity-for Liberty of God - and our Flag with God; but most important of all, that vain-idol-god's no mouth importing to the Northeast States-notably Wash. DC and its environs, and the entire Pacific Coast, except Alaska, - not inland's or Midwest -petroleum - agriculture. But Coastal -- largest State with largest County, in 2nd largest city to center that vain-idol God's devotion to spirit of d-evil-Complete UnTruth, through---- the collective, mass people thoroughly servile and enslaved to its autocratic eradication of Truth, Trust, Promise that is Oath-Common Oral Law, delusional/ democracy of tyranny, seceded from the Union-UN-anti-Republic under God Regime's few person's devotion to Socialist-Atheist-Administrative-SEIU-police-state..
Fellow-Country-Person, YOU MUST UNDERSTAND WHEN YOU LIE, STEAL OR PERMIT ANY VIOLATION OF GOD'S TWO GREATEST COMMANDS, FIRST is COMMANDMENTS I -TO V, SECOND IS COMMANDMENTS VI - X, - OATH IN COMMON-ORAL-LAW, YOU DO NOT VIOLATE THAT violating-PERSON'S PERSON-ALITY-NAME, YOU VIOLATE YOUR SELF-ETERNAL SOUL IN GOD IN CHRIST JESUS, AS WELL AS, THE OFFICE OR POSITION THAT YOUR PERSON HOLDS, ANY OF LIFE'S ROLES, IN TRUST, PROMISE, AND OUR THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS, UNIQUE IN GOD'S ENTIRE ERAS OF HISTORY FROM THE VERY BEGINNING: ---THE TALKING, spirit of evil, SERPENT TO EVE, where Eve has no Knowledge, yet, so she doesn't know that serpents do not have "Speech, an interpreter of the cogitations thereof..language and communication as an "expression of Ideas", for many plants and animals do communicate and with sounds meaningful to each-other and with love as individuals, or the #7 Operation of "How God created and furnished man"-Apocrypha, Ecclesiaticus XVII, gave all mankind, #6 being Understanding - only man; and that serpent cannot appear as a man, until Cain arrives as the opposite, jealous brother of spirit of d-evil to Abel's Good, holy Spirit he was a victim of steal, as well as life, though on world-down below for he return to Heaven 'Present, but not yet time to be Revealed', thus didn't have a chance to fully learn.; nor for that matter, Adam, who did not have knowledge of that tree's good - that he could have taken his companion, Eve to God and, asked His forgiveness, would have received it...if he promised to never lie, steal or hide or repeat his acts again.., see the Trumpet Blower of Ezekiel 33, at, ezekiel/33.htm ,.but Adam is as pure and innocent as Eve...that is the metaphor of every newborn 4.3 seconds some location for "...Long Life in the Land, the Lord, Your God is giving you."..
Right now, American of God and Nation First, Natural or Naturalized, YOU, ALONE, ACCOUNTABLE DIRECTLY TO ETERNAL LIVING GOD, YOUR FATHER, YOUR LORD, MUST CHOOSE, HOW ARE YOU going to make your decision, for yourSelf/ Soul, and therefore those you know and will never know, to Obey His Commands, Oral-Common Law-Oath-Pledge, FOR ETERNAL JESUS, ASKED HIS FATHER, ---BECAUSE HE CANNOT DO THIS--, ---ONLY YOUR, ETERNAL LIVING GOD, OUR FATHER gives YOU, at your conception, your very OWN ETERNAL SOUL/ MIND/ HEART/ WILL-CONSCIENCE, --- and --- Only YOU can affirm or condemn YourSelf ---, there are no physical body's physiology, upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy depend for Life, Liberty of God in Three Persons - pursuit of Blessedness/ Happiness, absent any group of any form, color, ethnicity, age, occupation, or environmental characteristics - OR ---
--- are YOU GOING TO CONTINUE this "course of human event's powers of the earth,...whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends ..." at all levels of our Federalist Equilateral Triangle of Representative Government in the name of God, among Person, within the States of his residence, composing the WHOLE LAW of One People, that is an imperative to perform lie, steal and kill mind, heart, will-conscience of each-one man, woman, child is justified because spirit of evil's leaders, in and out of the collective-non-entity labeled 'government', occupies seats absent truth at every ".. meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert [music's truth in art, mathematics, physics of, by, and for person, alone and among those he knows and will never know) measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns"-CONGRESS, in the name of man-serving-man, totally absent The Creator of every single atom that this electronic page represents...thus, Christ Jesus is present whenever two or more are gathered in His name--Oath/ Oral, Common Law, that 'separate and equal station'-person's Eternal Soul, each time a committee or group are together in Congress, Article II's Cabinet of Administrative-police-state, -and every single meeting of every single part of party, organization, rental , management, mobile and manufactured home of 55+ , or HOA's of any form [13A, Part II B]arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct-group-think; legislative-pre-determined-conclusion-committees of innate lie and steal, there are person's of John 8's father evil-father lie, the devil?
These officious minions of arrogance in total blind unquestioning ignorance love to serve their lost souls to spirit of the devil's 'from loaves to stone', have no intention at any time, nor under any circumstance to practice Truth of God in Three Persons, The Three Sacred Documents, and what is part of the Whole from small claims to supreme court of man-serving-man, a.k.a, Articles I, II, III among which there are individual-Persons who are in mind's concrete-will- sold each-one's unique soul; have become absolute-atheist in repudiation of God in Christ in Your Eternal Soul - they have no Oral-Common Law - and unilaterally by autocratic-group-think, enjoined themselves, through placing their fellow-country-persons they know and will never know in abject servile slavery. .Treason:
"BE-TRAY', v.t. [Chaucer wrote betrass, betraiss, and the Fr. traître, is a contraction of traistre; Arm. trayçza, to betray; Norm. trahir, to draw in, to betray; treitre, a traitor; Fr. trahir, which seems to be the L. traho. From trahir, is formed trahissant, and trahison, treason. If traho is the root, the sense is, to draw aside, to withdraw, or lead away; which would agree with the D. bedriegen, G. betriegen, Sw. bedraga, Dan. bedrager, to deceive; and treachery, Fr. tricherie, is from the root of trick. I do not find betrogan in the Saxon, but bedrog is rendered fefelit, and this is from dragan, to draw. Betray then seems to be a compound of be and dragan, to draw; and betrass supra, may be from a different root. In strictness, to fail in duty; to be guilty of breach of trust; to violate the confidence reposed. The word does not in itself import to deliver up; but by usage, either with or without the word enemies, it signifies to deliver up, in breach of trust.]
1. To deliver into the hands of an enemy by treachery or fraud, in violation of trust; as, an officer betrayed the city. The son of man shall be betrayed into the bands of men. – Matth. xvii.
2. To violate by fraud [suppression of truth, breech of "Constitutional-Person within our social in filial contract,"-13A, then Part IIB] or unfaithfulness; as, to betray a trust. If the people of America ever betray their trust, their guilt will merit even greater punishment than other nations have suffered, and the indignation of heaven. – J. Adams.
3. To violate confidence by disclosing a secret, or that which was intrusted; to expose; followed by the person, or the thing; as, my friend betrayed me, or betrayed the secret.
4. To disclose, or permit to appear, what is intended to be kept secret, or what prudence would conceal. Be swift to hear, but cautious of your tongue, lest you betray your ignorance. – Watts. Hence,
5. To mislead or expose to inconvenience not foreseen; as, great confidence betrays a man into errors.
6. To show; to disclose; to indicate what is not obvious at first view, or would otherwise be concealed. Nor, after length of years, a stone betray The place where once the very ruins lay. – Addison. This river betrays its original in its name. – Holwell. All the names in the country betray great antiquity. – Bryant.
7. To fail, or deceive. But when I rise, I shall find my legs betraying me. – Johnson, Boswell.
APOS'TASY, n. [Gr. a defection, to depart.] 1. An abandonment of what one has professed; a total desertion, or departure from one's faith or religion.
2. The desertion from a party to which one has adhered."
These few rulers of no Truth, Trust, or Promise exist in virtually every nook and cranny of all life, starting at kindergarten, adults of subsidiarity where arbitrary rules of conduct-power of force absent Right Reason means 'I can do and perpetrate on anyone I want to, whatever I want to do' on earth, hence, -- because they have no Truth, they are blind, become their own, self-fulfilling prophesy that cannot comprehend the incomprehensible Truth [2], and lose their Eternal Soul they had from conception in their Commandment V heritage. ..And because of UN socialist-communist, atheism hiding behind DEM is enjoined to Papal Authority's delusional "Originalist"-"ISOLATED-CONSTITUTION - NO LAW IN THE DECLARATION OF PERSON'S INDEPENDENCE" - of adversarial-delusional democracy hiding behind REP, of few rulers over the many among all UN's ownership of property of 193 - that includes their economies of $$$ now in the hands of Federal Reserve-World Bank and all of its 5 sub-banks, managed by the very great and very reverent lord of darkness, the no eyes, no ears, no language and communication-required, mouth vain-idol-god's of its forms of 'bigger number', all life, the 193 nations, now 194 because these few persons who hate God and our Nation in complete disobedience to instructions and lessons - enforcement of AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, Article II:4 from 01/20/2009, have sold the Eternal-Founder-given in God's Name our Three Sacred Documents.[13D]
It is True that Great Britain's Clergy from all over, Westminster, Cambridge, Oxford, is the source of the Direct translation, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, 1611KJV-Old, New and Interval between the Old and New Testament's Apocrypha [19] intrinsic to Whole of God and Jesus to their world-down-below Classroom, and that the Clergy knew exactly the 5W's and H of what they were setting out to perform -- that every Englishman should have his own Bible, that it should be as accurate as possible, and that "The rules to be observed in the Translation of the Bible" be followed . Before the 1611 were Bishop's Bible and 1599 Geneva Bible - English Bibles and because England would not follow 'Papal Authority' - or Church of England's re-write of Catholic Creed, Reformation - Truth in New Testament - Jesus asked His Father to give anyone who obeys His commands, his own Eternal Soul, because Jesus can not do that, only The Father, The Creator, The Eternal Living God - Holy Living Trinity, John 17 - Galatians I - James.[13D]; Our two nations are enjoined by the Whole, 1611 King James VI of Scotland and I of England Direct Translation Bible, because that January 1604 informal committee, included Puritan, Dr. John Rodgers, President of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, with 100 and more clergy, completely and entirely accomplished precisely what they set out to achieve in the name of Liberty of God, Holy Living Trinity - Truth with 1869's God in Three Persons. [14]
Great Britain in God's era of history, Napoleon Bonaparte threatening to invade England, Prime Minister William Pitt, the younger; and later, Adolf Hitler - with the Papal Authority aligning with Mussolini, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, both with all their Fellow-Country-Persons composing One People of that Just and very Great Monarchy's history, said, 'No tyrant should be given free range to rule over the world' -- which is also "John Wycliffe wrote, “The Church is the totality of those who are predestined to blessedness. It includes the Church triumphant in heaven… and the Church militant or men on earth. No one who is eternally lost has part in it. There is one universal Church, and outside of it there is no salvation. Its head is Christ. No pope may say that he is the head, for he can not say that he is elect or even a member of the Church.”
["Predestination" is not the correct choice of the words "events" and "willed" by God:, as these words are by "man-on-earth's spirit of the devil's 'from loaves to stone' - "Every Word That Issues from the mouth of God,' Our Father, TRUTH ,among the nations of His Planet whose persons do not use His or His Son by Name Created those "expressions of ideas" - origin of language - His Universe started with the WHOLE SYSTEM OF CREATED THINGS WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE FOR Truth in Trust, FAITH in PROMISE, that is -- THE VERY HARDEST LESSON TO ACCOMPLISH FOR EACH-ONE-PERSON's earthly Journey of his own Mind/ Heart/ Will-Conscience, all the roles of his life, as a Disciple who will Understand the Truth and the Truth WILL SET THAT PERSON - FREE, i.e., TRUTH/ GOD IS FREEDOM - the pivotal Chapter of the New Testament, John 8, as one-Third of God in Three Persons [14] - not man-serving-man's socialist-communist, 1949, UDHR, aka, humanist [2]-
"MIL'ITANT, a. [L. militans, milito, to fight.] 1. Fighting; combating; serving as a soldier.-Edmund Spenser (/'sp?ns?r/; 1552/1553 – 13 January 1599) was an English poet best known for The Faerie Queene, an epic poem and fantastical allegory celebrating the Tudor dynasty and Elizabeth I. He is recognised as one of the premier craftsmen of Modern English verse in its infancy, and is often considered one of the greatest poets in the English language. Words: Steal, Establishment, Conscience, Pride, Read, Reason, Shrill, Bless, Entail, Attaint, Skill, Government, Militant
2. The church militant, is the Christian church on earth, which is supposed to be engaged in a constant warfare against its enemies; thus distinguished from the church triumphant, or in heaven." [Paul's Church-The WHOLE Law, Liberty in Truth of God in Christ Jesus with his life as example..]
Great Britain given our Revolution, is an ultimate, Civil War that refused its own understanding of the Reformation's "separate and equal station", but not all, The Right honorable Sir Edmund Burke is a great exception for TRUTH, especially the WHOLE TRUTH of The Holy Living Trinity; for, like the 'whore caught in the act' - there is no person among any One People - who can arrest, judge, be in the pit, or even one part of arbitrary human precept's devotion to pre-determined- conclusions guilty, or unless 'the blind, deaf, no mouth vain-idol-god 'fixes' land water, atmosphere - the world-down-below's spirit of evil will fail his violations of Holy Spirit's Oath-Oral Common Law-Two Greatest Commands where Love God with your WHOLE HEART, WHOLE MIND, WHOLE SOUL is FIRST, and just like the First, your neighbor as yourSelf/ Holy Ghost, Comforter, Helper Soul is often ignored as if our Father-who made you, one newborn every 4.3 seconds on His Planet Earth, The Creator-The Eternal Living God in His Eternal Living Christ Jesus in You in Him, has never, ever existed .
Modern revisionist-permission to lie and steal [2], Historians have a terrible time re-writing-explaining the "complexities" that abounded between the American colony (they had other colonies, but none of which were calling the monarchy-and its governmental form- to accountability, question -- only We the Colonists did that, among thousands, weekly journals written by the same 'We the People', "Boston Gazette and Country Journal, March 12, 1770" facsimile published during the middle, FDR-socialist-communist period of the 1940's while our many of our nation's leaders and future leaders were occupied in both Europe and Pacific).
-- Because of the non-word- alteration of 'secular' [13B]-- it is impossible and forbidden to include The Creator, must avoid His name at all costs -as He in His Son in Your Person's Eternal Soul, because the Founders wrote Two of the Three Sacred Documents with Both Names of Truth intrinsic the the WHOLE FEDERALIST EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE OF REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT, God In Three Persons Is Not --- just another 'religion'-church-earthly man - but Religion ITSELF -- Paul is the First to recognize this fact -- Dean Inge in Dr. Moffatt's forbidden, Direct Translation "The Bible, a Direct Translation, Introduction" - that has been removed from some of the reprints, 1991 for instance."..[13B]
Dr. Bernstein: "If such contrasting understandings came into conflict, how was that conflict to be resolved? These two understandings of the unwritten constitution [because revisonist of permission to lie and steal are in blasphemy of God/ Truth, thus completely blind, " humanist's "unable to comprehend the incomprehensible" of Oral-Common Law-- their mouth of untruth directly to God's Ear] clearly cannot coexist; the issue then arises which of the two conceptions of the British constitution is "correct." The problem is that no single person or institution has the final say in resolving such constitutional disputes. In other words, there is no final judge who can reconcile them or can choose between them in an authoritative fashion; thus, there may well be no way to determine which is "correct."[This statement of Dr. Bernstein is a nearly exact paraphrase from humanist philosophy at 15] Previous constitutional disputes of this sort were left prudently unresolved, for attempts to resolve them authoritatively had the risk of testing the fabric of the constitutional system too much for it to survive. Thus, in addition to assessing its substantive and principled commitments, each side in a major constitutional dispute of this sort had to gauge the stakes of pushing its constitutional arguments to the brink;"[15] because GOD IN THREE PERSONS, THE HOLY LIVING TRINITY -- GOD IN THE BIBLE, DECLARATION AND CONSTITUTION AS A WHOLE SYSTEM OF CREATED 'THINGS' cannot exist for "the human senses and human reason—are fallible, thus rendering tentative all our knowledge and scientific conclusions about the nature of the world [2]; where the "NATURE, NATURAL, ARE NOT, because Dr. Webster's Original Text AMERICAN DICTIONARY is forbidden, synonymous with God or the Universe He Created.. spirit of the devil - a liar from the very beginning, no truth in him, father of evil-father of lie - John 8's Pivotal confrontation with Pharisees, Abraham, and Christ in His Father-Truth-- Holy spirit-Ghost-Helper-Comforter-Truth., hence, "clearly cannot coexist.....which of the two conceptions of the British constitution is "correct"---never using the word 'Truth'/ God... no-man serving-man has ability to reconcile- "To bring to acquiescence, content or quiet submission" to choose "authority" --- Truth, Trust, Promise of Oral-Common Law-- Oath cannot be utilized by the British, as far as they had come form the Magna Carta (that also has been "..subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions.." -- including thoughts of ending, or weakening by abdication, the just, Republican Monarchy, because man serving man, absent the "Reformation" - Your 1611 KJV with Apocrypha, is so much greater than God).Though long winded, there is one more imperative regarding spirit of the d-evil's stay over most of the Whole Bible at the pinnacle of the Temple during which he often is required to make from bread to stone. This is referred in good humanist - language, 'expression of arbitrary 'ideas', that is, you are not to disagree for you are not capable of degradation and anomaly of the definitions of language and communication, i.e., "to test the validity or truth" that has no God, thus no law to even attempt the 'or' word, such that making decisions, unless your arbitrary leader(s) of pre-determined conclusion therein stated at "Current Positions on Social Policies" a reading of the contents of socialist-communist Article of UDHR's absent the Son of God, Who cannot exist since that would be countermanding our 'social order' that
"We base our understanding of the world on what we can perceive with our senses and comprehend with our minds. Anything that’s said to make sense should make sense to us as humans; else there is no reason for it to be the basis of our decisions and actions. Supposed transcendent knowledge or intuitions that are said to reach beyond human comprehension cannot instruct us because we cannot relate concretely to them. The way in which humans accept supposed transcendent or religious knowledge is by arbitrarily taking a leap of faith and abandoning reason and the senses. We find this course unacceptable, since all the supposed absolute moral rules that are adopted as a result of this arbitrary leap are themselves rendered arbitrary by the baselessness of the leap itself. Furthermore, there’s no rational way to test the validity or truth of transcendent or religious knowledge or to comprehend the incomprehensible. As a result [of our self-fulfilling prophesy by pre-determined conclusions] , we are committed to the position that the only thing that can be called knowledge is that which is firmly grounded in the realm of human understanding and verification. .."Because of not even considering being solely against Christ Jesus, thus also, to never gather with Him, but always scatter, i.e., disseminate, dissipate, in order to remove the parts that define, compose the Whole of any 'Thing', secular as a very mild word, mediate, arbitrate must be utilized to obtain the degradation and anomaly of all knowledge that requires language and communication, a.k.a., Speech, an interpreter of the cogitations thereof," one of the most important words to toss into the melee of anomaly and degradation required by the spirit of the d-evil to make his 'from loaves to stone' expressions, 'justice' that has no Truth because there is not The Eternal Living God.Who Is The Creator of Nature/ Universe: "heaven and earth, all that belongs to them, the Whole System of Created 'Things' ".
So, fellow-country-person's fooled and made fools of , by and for following socialist communist atheism's delusional-"originalist," 'Isolated-constitutional' - collective, mass people of Papal - among the churches, Temple, Mosque of rites, ceremonies, creeds, forms, denominations of man-serving- and choosing-man, superior to the 'hoi polli of plebeian, collective, mass people', all 194 UN geographical land, water, atmosphere of borderless frontier's outer limits composing a few chosen-group-think, men to "To hear and decide, judge"- arbitrate [23], through pre-determined, conclusions, often through consensus of the very great, vain-idol-god's forms of Bigger number, $$$$$$$$$.00, Time/ term of personality's office, or 'number of characters/ words allowed within the confines of binomial-'yes is no, no is yes, if the atoms-of-atmosphere - machine tells us so', bias of two parities, or opponent's, both, including the 'guy-in the-middle', of whom deny the very existence of The Holy Living Trinity that is "Truth, Whole Truth and no 'thing' but the truth", the contents of our Three Sacred Documents, that 'middle "indifferent, friend"-guy who has decided he can accomplish what not person can accomplish when " the following are maxims— that no injury should be done—that a lawful engagement, voluntarily made, should be faithfully fulfilled" with that statement's intrinsic Truth, Trust, Promise ", acts, as the designated to be the "Middle; being between the two extremes, a.k.a., Holy Spirit Truth and spirit of the devil-untruth - violator of the Commands of God in Christ Jesus in His Father in You, Alone first, then among those you know and will never know; To interpose between parties, opponents as the equal friend of each; to act indifferently / non-words: "non-Partisan/ bi-Partisan", between contending parties, with a view to reconciliation's "to bring to acquiescence, content or quiet submission; to intercede; To make consistent or congruous; to bring to agreement or suitableness"- mediate [24] among few rulers, elected, commissioned, appointed, contracted, employed as servile to labor-union's autocratic-hierarchy of group-think, conformists who agree among their own pre-determined consensus determined in irrefutable opinion without interference by vain-idol-god's 'bigger number' to declare wrong, because to never, again, permitting formulation of 'Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise by any Person, or corporate Person, composed of Individual-Persons, who are the Union of One People composing any sovereign nation on The Creator, The Eternal God's Planet earth in His Universe Heaven, the galaxies still forming. ...
Though it may appear to you, Reader, that this Right Reason-Essay on the Appropriation's Committee is to full of "Other" Things", it is precisely for that reason-- topics are added so that you will begin to understand that you MUST RIGHT REASON FROM THE WHOLE SYSTEM of GOD's PLAN OF SALVATION, not a 'piece-meal cooked by the crimes of omission, commission, neglect, and transgression of Matt. 4's spirit of the devil, after Jesus, weakened, has fasted 40 days and 40 nights ( /matthew/4.htm ), is RIGHT HERE in US(A), you, me and our Consent of the Governed in We the People - Liberty and Blessings for ourselves and our Posterity who should be taking it to all God's nations, including our most important allies of Truth, Trust, Promise, GB/UK, Japan, Taiwan, Israel - No UN convoluted into the 01/20/2009 DEM, anti-Republic under God Regime's 193 nations devoted to following and choosing spirit of evil that Eternal Living Christ Jesus continued in man's physiological-body, or the spirit of the devil would not have had to challenge Him, so that earthly disciples-persons could learn the 5W's and H of the devil's names and ways, among the dictatorships of tyranny who would rather kill their own citizens, than lose all their arbitrary human precept - power by lie, steal, and kill the mind/ heart/ will of its persons composing its people among the nation's God, The Father created, whether persons within those nations knew His and His Son's Names or not--they certainly knew-know good/ God's synonym -Truth and evil/ wickedness, untruth.
-- The each-one-fellow-country-person of "separate and equal station" to supreme Law of the Land -- bound by Oath/ Common Oral Law 52 the Eleven-TAX $$$ arbitrary, human precept's appropriations of 535 representing +1 in Article II's Oath/ Common Oral Law, each-one-fellow-country-person's, among 325,002,798, very own "Independence" of an untouchable, Eternal Soul, because our Puritans to Founders Wrote Two of the Three Sacred Documents on John 14, 17 in God in Christ Jesus- Truth, that is Judged by God of that individual-person's Mind/ Heart/ Will-Conscience traveling Life, Liberty, pursuit of Blessedness-Happiness-Risk/ Rewards ---never any physical or environmental or earthly concrete characteristics, Article I members-committee by party line's vain-idol-god, bigger number- "Jurisdiction" of all life on Planet earth by all land, water, atmosphere, and the collective-people by their physical and environmental characteristics, for delusional-isolated/ originalist-constitution's socialist-atheist (because Nature - Universe of our Three Sacred Documents is not Law of The Eternal Father, Creator, God) collective mass people- who are now the servants in subjugation not to our few men rules of conduct-" demand in commanded obedience to their hierarchy's "Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence, TYRANNY is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression;" this violation, epitomized in the WHOLE contents of PPAA, perfectly and completely demonstrated in fact and evidence by the Truth of his Honor, in very great respect to Justice Scalia's Dissent --
"...Some provisions, such as requiring chain restaurants to display nutritional content, appear likely to operate as Congress intended, but they fail the second test for severability. There is no reason to believe that Congress would have enacted them independently. The Court has not previously had occasion to consider severability in the con-text of an omnibus enactment like the ACA, which includes not only many provisions that are ancillary to its central provisions but also many that are entirely unre-lated—hitched on because it was a quick way to get them passed despite opposition, or because their proponents could exact their enactment as the quid pro quo for their needed support [not Justice Scalia, but could include Section 6201 that requires and expands to all 50 State's Constitutional-Person's finger's living physiological- neurology-anatomy - objects supreme to Oath/ Oral Common Law Truth, Trust, Promise;13 A-Part I;by Legislative Fiat]. When we are confronted with such a so-called “Christmas tree,” a law to which many nongermane ornaments have been attached, we think the proper rule must be that when the tree no longer exists the ornaments are superfluous. We have no reliable basis for knowing which pieces of the Act would have passed on their own. It is certain that many of them would not have, and it is not a proper function of this Court to guess which. To sever the statute in that manner “ ‘would be to make a new law, not to enforce an old one. This is not part of our duty.’ ” Trade-Mark Cases, 100 U. S., at 99.
This Court must not impose risks unintended by Congress or produce legislation Congress may have lacked the support to enact. For those reasons, the unconstitutionality of both the Individual Mandate and the Medicaid Expansion requires the invalidation of the Affordable Care Act’s other provisions.while it is not considered polite by DEM-REP's to violate Article 18, 19, and 29 of Socialist-communist's UDHR "duties to their communities" of the collective, mass people as servile-servants to their government's law-less-God in our Three Sacred documents, Jesus has no problem calling these modern-day 'Pharisees' the liars and evil collective-people-government - they are, indeed.. because they want, and in the end, repeatedly over all God's Eras of History, do perform the murder of Christ Jesus -Truth on the cross..., a.k.a, Law of Nature... that is...a very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's no eyes, no ears, noo mouth for Oral law, forms of "bigger number" --- cannot be greater than our THE HOLY LIVING TRINITY - GOD'S TWO GREATEST COMMANDS UPON WHICH HANG THE WHOLE OF GOD'S NATURE/ UNIVERSE, specfically, and only
* * *
The Court today decides to save a statute Congress did not write. It rules that what the statute declares to be a requirement with a penalty is instead an option subject to a tax. And it changes the intentionally coercive sanction of a total cut-off of Medicaid funds to a supposedly noncoercive cut-off of only the incremental funds that the Act makes available.
The Court regards its strained statutory interpretation as judicial modesty. It is not. It amounts instead to a vast judicial overreaching. It creates a debilitated, inoperable version of health-care regulation that Congress did not enact and the public does not expect. It makes enactment of sensible health-care regulation more difficult, since Congress cannot start afresh but must take as its point of departure a jumble of now senseless provisions, provisions that certain interests favored under the Court’s new design will struggle to retain. And it leaves the public and the States to expend vast sums of money on requirements that may or may not survive the necessary congressional revision.
The Court’s disposition, invented and atextual as it is, does not even have the merit of avoiding constitutional difficulties. It creates them. The holding that the Individual Mandate is a tax raises a difficult constitutional question (what is a direct tax?) that the Court resolves with inadequate deliberation. And the judgment on the Medicaid Expansion issue ushers in new federalism concerns and places an unaccustomed strain upon the Union. Those States that decline the Medicaid Expansion must subsidize, by the federal tax dollars taken from their citizens, vast grants to the States that accept the Medicaid Expansion. If that destabilizing political dynamic, so antagonistic to a harmonious Union, is to be introduced at all, it should be by Congress, not by the Judiciary.
The values that should have determined our course today are caution, minimalism, and the understanding that the Federal Government is one of limited powers. But the Court’s ruling undermines those values at every turn. In the name of restraint, it overreaches. In the name of constitutional avoidance, it creates new constitutional questions. In the name of cooperative federalism, it undermines state sovereignty.
The Constitution, though it dates from the founding of the Republic, has powerful meaning and vital relevance to our own times: The constitutional protections that this case involves are protections of structure. Structural protections—notably, the restraints imposed by federalism and separation of powers—are less romantic and have less obvious a connection to personal freedom than the provisions of the Bill of Rights or the Civil War Amendments. Hence they tend to be undervalued or even forgotten by our citizens. It should be the responsibility of the Court to teach otherwise, to remind our people that the Framers considered structural protections of freedom the most im-portant ones, for which reason they alone were embod-ied in the original Constitution and not left to later amendment. The fragmentation of power produced by the structure of our Government is central to liberty, and when we destroy it, we place liberty at peril. Today’s decision should have vindicated, should have taught, this truth; instead, our judgment today has disregarded it.
For the reasons here stated, we would find the Act invalid in its entirety. We respectfully dissent:" at
"Since the constitution is intended for the observance of the judiciary as well as other departments of government and the judges are sworn [common oral law] to support its provisions, the courts are not at liberty to overlook or disregard its commands or counteract evasions thereof, it is their duty [oral-common law-Oath] in authorized proceedings to give full effect to the existing constitution and to obey all constitutional provisions irrespective of their opinion as to the wisdom or the desirability of such provisions and irrespective of the consequences, thus it is said that the courts should be in our alert to enforce the provisions of the United States Constitution and guard against their infringement by legislative fiat or otherwise in accordance with these basic principles, the rule is fixed that the duty in the proper case to declare a law unconstitutional cannot be declined and must be performed in accordance with the delivered judgment of the tribunal before which the validity of the enactment it is directly drawn into question. If the Constitution prescribes one rule and the statute the another in a different rule, it is the duty of the courts to declare that the Constitution and not the statute governs in cases before them for judgment.” [16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 155:, emphasis added]".I do want to acknowledge the sincerity and the hard work of Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen:
Problem, he like all 535 of Article I are continuing to make the very same mis-take, violating Article VI - the Closing statement as Axiom for the WHOLE Contents within each-one innate to the other-two combined into The Three Sacred Documents, - because you all have been so lied to and so mis-led, that you are now completely blind -- for you cannot lie to God in Christ Jesus; or to say that the other way round, when you decide to take chosen-parts, among the committed, neglected, omitted, transgressed from the whole-contents of the 11 parts of appropriations, thereby, failing to make the connections, especially the flagship of the anti-Republic under God Regime's "ACA", but since the word 'care' is obsolete, DRG's $$$ considerably superior, vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' much to be followed in deep reverence to the 'pit of blind darkness', DEM's :socialist communist-atheist, or counter-wise, stated in Oral Common Law Oath of Justice Scalia with 'the smaller inanimate, no eyes, no ears, no mouth, inanimate object, number, that is Truth, Trust, Promise of 4 against the inanimate-object of lost Oath-Oral Common Law - 5, 2 of which voted as a pre-determined consensus of conclusion by arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-tyranny, then you can never correctly decide which of the parts should be fixed -- you can't see the Whole with all its 'connections', thus, how on earthly man, absent the Wisdom, Knowledge - Language and communication of Right Reason, do you actually believe you will solve any 'thing'?
Consider, that from God's eras of history, beginning, most of the people never had access to any form of medical care - though healers, shaman, medicine man, barbers, physicians did exist; and even when it grew and became possible, it was, most often so far apart and difficult to reach, it may not make one difference whatsoever to the outcome of that ill person; or contrary to Dr. Donald Berwick's public health statistician's socialist communist UDHR Article 19 Opinion without interference from Truth that 'it is very dangerous, individual physician with too much power, to treat and prescribe, or worse, a visiting nurse - who could not only apply a chronic or acute, with his life's liberty often minimized or fully crushed, Person's subjective facts, but also could apply that information objectively with access to professional knowledge, and treat completely - correctly, without physician during New York VNA, - to following a Physician Ordered Plan of Treatment that innately includes TEACHING, something completely foreign to the 'anti-care of binomial-group-think-'in-hospitalists of $$$DRG's' devoid any patient's private physician; and retrograde-thinking of 01/20/2009 nursing indoctrination to binomial-group-think-- rather than her own Oral-Common Law Understanding and Knowing the Truth, Trust, Promise of her profession/ Nightingale Pledge in Hippocratic Oath, to which Dr. Berwick is totally blind and deaf as are his compatriots among the socialist atheist's of their vain-idol-god's forms of numbers much more important than any physician-patient' roles-SOAP-trust, opinion that connects to modern man's arrogance, pride in ignorance, especially those ignorant of medicine's politics (see "The Opioid Crisis in the United States" below, for its full story -- and the dread, this RN, BSN knows because I have been working in the field since physician's were scared to death of giving more than 6 mg of morphine to any cancer patient, let alone someone who did not have the physiology of body parts that contained a cancer diagnosis-- ie, cancer patients are left out of the 60 day statistical study....while, in the same years, GB is giving its cancer patients Heroine, three times stronger than morphine-- and you could meet those patients on the street and never know they use Heroin).. and not even comprehended -- as "Obama Care" since there are no $$$ to the Art and Science of the Whole Person in his roles of life, liberty, pursuit of Happiness - that is not - any form of "Quality of Life, by carefully chosen - Objective-Assessment- guided to remove -- the correct Subjective -- to yield the Whole of a Plan of Care - of a Person's Liberty by his very own Mind/ Heart/ will-conscience definition --not an 'opinion-by-$$$DRG'.[13C - near middle -lower of page]
While "Learning Our Three Sacred document series is long, the Right Reason is apparent: ignorance because "Information needed required to make a proper determination may have been is withheld or and distorted in a way that is intended to mislead or and which has that effect through [crimes of fraud's suppression of Truth by] negligence, [commission, omission, transgression] of all language and communication."- from "Declaration of Constitutional Principles" edited from 1992 to reflect this flashing cursor..; and because most, if not all Americans of God and Nation First have never in our God's Eras of His history been so blatantly lied to by both Ecclesiastical and civil-magistrate-state for the express purpose of accomplishing "any form of government destructive of these means..right of Consent of the Governed in We the People to alter or abolish...but not in We have become blind to our God Who Is with His Son, Christ Jesus the Whole of our Three Sacred Documents-- thus, you, elected, appointed, commissioned, employed by unions-of police-state-labor, including among at-large, private persons, corporations, parties, groups by gender, by profession, by religion's leaders in apostasy, piecemeal our issues, problems, principles, laws of Nature, Nature's God and totally misapprehend "separate and equal station's imperative to maintain the protection and security that has been given our nation, among other nation's of a smaller 'vain-idol-god's number in forms, in opposition to Christ Jesus and to Paul, following The Holy Living Trinity of John 14, 17 in Matt 4,5,6,7, 12,15, 16:22, 18, 22 in all of Paul's missionary Christian discipline, I Tim. I - Law: "a Pure Heart, a Good Conscience, a Sincere Faith:
What was our Republican Party of Principle, cannot, because they are blind, comprehend "The WHOLE Contents of our Three Sacred Documents, is the key to connecting what is lost in demonstration of fact and evidence below, the 52 members of this committee, that includes many socialist-atheists who have no intention of ever obeying The Three Sacred Documents, and REP's who have sold our AMERICAN GOD IS LAW to the UN-Papal Authority's arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct tyranny; with both incapable of recognizing the loss of their very own person's Oath-Oral-common law their own mouth to God... not necessarily the ChairPerson, but because he becomes blind when following lie, steal and kill mind/ heart/ will-conscience of himself, among those he knows and the entire 325,009,925 population of We the People with Citizens natural and naturalized among that number, he is 1/535th of his own Truth, Trust, Promise within each-one-of the 51 other member's 1/535th--- and none realize that there are two major reasons why Article I:7-10 exist:
1) the insatiable appetite for the vain-idol-god's 'bigger number' votes, time, or $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$,$$$.00 on committees from local to federal level, including judicial, unrelenting growth of government-over-man-arbitrary human precept that cannot - but destroy our nation -- at a high speed, carpet-bagger-rail system rate;
2) Government cannot be the source to perform 'care' - in any form, especially not of all life on man-serving-man's Agenda 21, a.k.a, 2015's Budget Balance of all life on land, water, atmosphere, but absent God in Three Persons - Truth; and it is any 'thing' but either BI or NON PARTISAN - THAT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE for arbitrary FEW MEN RULERS OF CONDUCT - unchained power of " Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression-TYRANNY, NO RECIPROCATION OF JUST OR RIGHT..[13E]
IT IS THE WRONG QUESTION TO EVEN ASK GOVERNMENT TO "FIX" ANY 'THING' - since 'IT ' is a conglomeration of A NON-ENTITY- THAT IS A VAIN-IDOL-GOD'S NO EYES, NO EARS, NO MOUTH -- NOT A IOTA, COMMA, JOT OR TITTLE OF REMORSE OR EVEN ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF lie, steal or killing mind/ heart, will conscience and imparting-force of ignorance-common core - upon generations of children who become adults, like your-Selves, who cannot recognize WRONG-DOING;
--- and the misleading lie ---- that a person(s) could not and would not solve their own problems without the assistance in any way of either State or Article I in II with III totally lost to our Protection and security because our Founders wrote the Holy Living Trinity-God in Three Persons into all the Two derived from the First Sacred Documents-The Protestant Reformation.
One of the most reprobate, subtle crimes of these two-Parties of spirit of the devil's production, distribution and total control of all language and communication's reconfiguration, is that virtually every single form of public gathering for the purpose of 'ideas' upon which exist God In Three Persons -- alone -- among those your one-third know, and will never know -- is the very forbidden, MANDATORY INVASION OF Article IV's Guarantees what include, protection of each-one-person's place of residence-STATE, INVASION'S "INFRINGEMENT OF right(s)- all clauses of the FIRST AMENDMENT 's Accountability DIRECTLY TO GOD, YOUR LORD -YOUR FATHER, YOUR VERY OWN ETERNAL SOUL-TRUTH - COMMON-ORAL-LAW, SPEECH, PRESS, that includes the printing and sharing of 'Expression of Ideas' - with 'friend' 'public' group' of pre-determined-personality-by-hypocrisy's, absurd binomial, re-defined language and communication, judgement by "opinion without the bother of truth in fact, social-controlled and manipulated for the demonstrated fact in evidence media's obliteration of the First Amendment, even of their own person(s) who actually conform their very own mind/ heart/ will-conscience to lie, which then compromises their own soul, in order to write the software, while smiling a 'happy face-picture (like the old "Mad Magazine"-cover freckles of lopsided smile with blind, empty eyes picture) of that person, unless 'it's body' has a defined location among the other bodies of physical and environmental characteristics with everyone-protected from interacting with everyone, unless that particular group-think allows "Permission" to place an argument" upon their self-centered, judgement or even permit any comment whatsoever -- on a political-party's social-network-page,--for binomial's absolute machine of dictatorship shall change - alter - use deceit to hide-- and sort -- the 'chosen' acceptable' mind-collective.
Peaceably assemble--not on your life -- your tax money may pay for Parks and Recreation, but if you want to impart our Republic under God--- or "Politics" --assemble--"work to alter "Whenever Any Form of Government becomes destructive of the means.."that is Truth that is Religion --- never.....because it isn't in conformance of UDHR's right to opinion about religion that has no relationship to scripture, unless of course properly chosen by the very, very few-collective-consensus-'facilitators' ---- petition for redress --- nope, We the People - as they continue to wake up to "[government] doesn't hear me - us" - 10 cent tax on a plastic bag, unless you have food stamps-person who uses his plastic-tax-payer-provided card for part of the payment and you the rest--obliteration of Constitutional Principle's "intended to be applied selectively, or have come to be applied selectively, in violation of the equal protection provision of the Constitution that all laws must be applied uniformly."; DOJ's former, receiving tax-payer pension-for never obeying his Oath-Oral Common Law- there are criminals and there are criminals -- all evil has hierarchy- thus the payment of crime depends on whether you own a 'blue collar' or a 'white collar' and whether it was 'small' that isn't as important as a LARGE' CRIME of Deceit, suppression of Truth by re-writing all art, science, literature, history, and removing history -- unless of course, it's UDHR's, but God in Three Persons-The Three Sacred Documents derived directly from the 1611 KJV ---nope, not that truth -- especially not in the supreme court of 1978 to date: "Injury for Standing Purposes When Constitutional Rights are Violated, Article III [13A - II B] --- so subtle-lie in both its ecclesiastical government-over-man now enjoined and indistinguishable from civil-state-government-over-man; and choosing "family, tribe-collective, mass people" to a man, a woman, a child's Constitutional-Person's Eternal Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will-Conscience, most of my fellow-country-person's at-large and among those I know....have no idea that this is taking place--- and on a world-wide, 194 -- borderless - earthly regions.
".. This level meets the base discretionary spending caps provided by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, .. Appropriations Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen made the following statement on the legislation:
“This package of the remaining Appropriations bills is the result of over a year’s worth of careful and dedicated efforts to closely examine federal programs to make the best possible use of every tax dollar. ....t also maintains and enhances policies that bolster economic growth and support the core values that our nation is built upon.
Prefix: "BI - Two; or "NON adv. [L.] Not. This word is used in the English language as a prefix only, for giving a negative sense to words; as in non-residence, non-performance, non-existence, non-payment, non-concurrence, non-admission, non-appearance, non-attendance, non-conformity, non-compliance, non-communion, and the like.
PAR'TI-SAN, n. [s as z. Fr. from parti, partir.] 1. An adherent to a party or faction. – Addison.
2. In war, the commander of a party or detachment of troops, sent on a special enterprise; hence,
3. By way of distinction, a person able in commanding a party, or dextrous in obtaining intelligence, intercepting convoys or otherwise annoying an enemy.
4. A commander's leading staff. – Ainsworth.
5. A kind of halbert. [Fr. pertuisane; It. partigiano.]
Oxford Dic.: Prejudiced in favour of a particular cause.-
"CARE, n. [Sax. car, cara; Goth. kar, kara; Ir. car; L. cura. In Welch, cur is care, anxiety; also, a blow, or beating, a throb; curaw, to beat, strike, or throb, to fight; curiaw, to trouble, vex, pine, or waste away. In L. curo signifies to care, and to cure. In Sp. curar is to prescribe medicine; to salt or cure, as flesh; to season, as timber; to bleach, as cloth; intransitively, to recover from sickness; and reciprocally, to take care of one's self. In Italian, curare is to cure, attend, protect, defend, and to value or esteem. In French, curer is to cleanse; “curer les dens,” to pick the teeth; cure is a benefice. The primary sense is, to strain, or stretch, as in care, attention, and curious is stretching forward; but the sense of separating, or driving off, is comprehended, which gives the French sense, and the sense of prying into is included in curious. The sense of healing is from that of care, or making sound and strong. The Welch sense of beating is from driving, thrusting, coinciding with straining. See Cark and Cure.] 1. Concern; anxiety; solicitude; noting some degree of pain in the mind, from apprehension of evil. They shall eat bread by weight and with care. – Ezek. iv.
2. Caution; a looking to; regard; attention, or heed, with a view to safety or protection, as in the phrase, “take care of yourself.” A want of care does more damage than a want of knowledge. – Franklin.
3. Charge or oversight, implying concern for safety and prosperity; as, he was under the care of a physician. That which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches. – 2 Cor. xi.
4. The object of care, or watchful regard and attention; as, “Is she thy care?” – Dryden.
CARE, v.i. 1. To be anxious or solicitous; to be concerned about. Master, carest thou not that we perish? – Mark iv.
2. To be inclined or disposed; to have regard to; with for before a noun, and to before a verb. “Not caring to observe the wind.” “Great masters in painting never care for drawing people in the fashion.” In this sense the word implies a less degree of concern. The different degrees of anxiety expressed by this word constitute the chief differences in its signification or applications.
FULL, a. 10. Containing the WHOLE MATTER [; expressing the WHOLE; as, a full narration or description.
11. Strong; not faint or attenuated; loud; clear; distinct; as, a full voice or sound. [1-9, whole definition at ]
FULLY, adv. 1. Completely; entirely; without lack or defect; in a manner to give satisfaction; to the extent desired; as, to be fully persuaded of the truth of a proposition.
2. Completely; perfectly. Things partially known in this life will be hereafter fully disclosed.
O'VER-SIGHT, n. 1. Superintendence; watchful care. 1 Pet. v.
2. Mistake; an overlooking; omission; error. Pope.
WHOLE, a. [hole; In Sax. walg, onwalg, is whole, sound, entire. In D. heel, geheel, has a like sense, from the root of heal; G. heil; Sw. hel; Dan. heel; W. oll or holl; Gr. ὁλος, ουλος; Ir. uile. This seems to be connected with heal, hale. Of this, the derivative wholesome is evidence. See Class Gl, No. 19, 31, 35.]
1. All; total; containing the total amount or number, or the entire thing; as, the whole earth; the whole world; the whole solar system; the whole army; the whole nation.
2. Complete; entire; not defective or imperfect; as, a whole orange; the egg is whole; the vessel is whole.
3. Unimpaired; unbroken; uninjured. My life is yet whole in me. 2 Sam. i.
4. Sound; not hurt or sick. They that are whole need not a physician. – Matth. ix.
5. Restored to health and soundness; sound; well. Thy faith hath made thee whole. – Mark v. His hand was restored whole. Mark iii.
WHOLE, n. 1. The entire thing; the entire or total assemblage of parts. The whole of religion is contained in the short precept, “Love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself.” Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. – Eccles. xii.
2. A system; a regular combination of parts. – Pope.
DED'I-CA-TED, pp. Devoted to a divine Being, or to a sacred use; consecrated; appropriated; given wholly to.
EX-AM'INE, v.t. [egzam'in; L. examino, from examen.] 1. To inspect carefully, with a view to discover truth or the real state of a thing; as, to examine a ship to know whether she is sea-worthy, or a house to know whether repairs are wanted.
2. To search or inquire into facts [Certainty - truth] and circumstances by interrogating; as, to examine a witness.
3. To look into the state of a subject; to view in ALL [the WHOLE of ] its aspects; to weigh arguments and compare facts, with a view to form a correct opinion [including any "UN-EU Empire 1949, socialist communist, UDHR Article 19's ..interference from Any Source - regardless of that sources' frontier/ boundary] or judgment. Let us examine this proposition; let us examine this subject in all its relations and bearings; let us examine into the state of this question.
4. To inquire into the improvements or qualifications of students, by interrogatories, proposing problems, or by hearing their recitals; as, to examine the classes in college; to examine the candidates for a degree, or for a license to preach or to practice in a profession; [or sit in judgement of "Constitutional Person's, alone and among those he knows and will never know, that individual-person's separate and equal station, Laws of Nature, Laws of Nature's God, stated in supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere of Oath/ Common Oral Law of the offices of all Life Land, Water, Atmosphere make possible]
5 To try or assay by experiments; as, to examine minerals.
6. To try by a rule or law. Examine yourselves whether ye are in the faith. 2 Cor. xiii.
7. In general, to search; to scrutinize; to explore, with a view to discover truth; as, to examine ourselves; to examine the extent of human knowledge.
CORE, n. [Fr. cœur; Norm. core; Sp. corazon; Port. coraçam; It. cuore; from L. cor, the heart, Gr. κεαρ. See Class Gr.] 1. The heart or inner part of a thing; particularly the central part of fruit, containing the kernels or seeds; as, the core of an apple or quince. It was formerly applied to place; as, in the core of a square. – Ralegh.
2. The inner part of an ulcer or boil. – Dryden.
3. A body. Fr. corps. [Not used.] – Bacon.
4. A disorder of sheep, occasioned by worms in the liver. – Chambers.
VAL'UE, n. [val'u; Fr. valoir, valu; from L. valor, from valeo, to be worth; It. valore; Sp. valor.]
Worth; that property or those properties of a thing which render it useful or estimable; or the degree of that property or of such properties. The real value of a thing is its utility, its power or capacity of procuring or producing good. Hence the real or intrinsic value of iron, is far greater than that of gold. But there is, in many things, an estimated value, depending on opinion or fashion, such as the value of precious stones. The value of land depends on its fertility, or on its vicinity to a market, or on both.
Price; the rate of worth set upon a commodity, or the amount for which a thing is sold. We say, the value of a thing is what it will bring in market.
Worth; applied to persons. Ye are all physicians of no value. Job xiii. Ye are of more value than many sparrows. Matth. x.
High rate. Cesar is well acquainted with your virtue, / And therefore sets this value on your life. – Addison.
Importance; efficacy in producing effects; as, considerations of no value. Before events shalt have decided on the value of the measures. – Marshall.
Import; precise signification; as, the value of a word or phrase. – Mitford.
VAL'UE, v.t. [val'u.]
To estimate the worth of; to rate at a certain price; to apprize; as, to value lands or goods.
To rate at a high price; to have in high esteem; as, a valued poem or picture. A man is apt to value his own performances at too high a rate; he is even disposed to value himself for his humility.
To esteem; to hold in respect and estimation; as, to value one for his works or virtues.
To take account of. The mind doth value every moment. – Bacon.
To reckon or estimate with respect to number or power. The queen is valu'd thirty thousand strong. – Shak.
To consider with respect to importance. The king must take it ill, / So slightly valu'd in his messenger. – Shak. Neither of them valued their promises according to the rules of honor or integrity. – Clarendon.
To raise to estimation. Some value themselves to their country by jealousies to the crown. [Not in use.] – Temple.
To be worth. [Not in use.] – Shak.
THING, n. [Sax. thing, a thing, a cause; for his thingon, for his cause or sake; also, thing and gething, a meeting, council or convention; thingan, thingian, to hold a meeting, to plead, to supplicate; thingere, an intercessor; thingung, intercession; G. ding, a thing, a court; dingen, to go to law, to hire or haggle; Dingstag, Tuesday, (thing's day;) beding, condition, clause; bedingen, to agree, to bargain or contract, to cheapen; D. ding, thing, business; dingen, to plead, to attempt, to cheapen; dingbank, the bar; dingdagen, session-days; dinger, dingster, a pleader; dingtaal, plea; Dingsdag, Tuesday; beding, condition, agreement; bedingen, to condition; Sw. ting, thing, cause, also a court, assizes; tinga, to hire, bargain or agree; Dan. ting, a thing, affair, business, case, a court of justice; tinger, to strike up a bargain, to haggle; tingbog, records of a court, (thing-book;) tingdag, the court day, the assizes; tinghold, jurisdiction; tingmænd, jurors, jury, (thing-men;) tingsag, a cause or suit at law, (thing-sake.) The primary sense of thing is that which comes, falls or happens, like event, from L. evenio. The primary sense of the root, which is tig or thig, is to press, urge, drive or strain, and hence its application to courts, or suits at law; a seeking of right. We observe that Dingsdag, Dingdag, in some of the dialects signifies Tuesday, and this from the circumstance that that day of the week was, as it still is in some states, the day of opening courts; that is, litigation day, or suitors' day, a day of striving for justice; or perhaps combat-day, the day of trial by battle. This leads to the unfolding of another fact. Among our ancestors, Tig or Tiig, was the name of the deity of combat and war, the Teutonic Mars; that is, strife, combat deified. This word was contracted into tiw or tu, and hence Tiwes-dæg or Tues-dæg, Tuesday, the day consecrated to Tiig, the god of war. But it seems this is merely the day of commencing court and trial; litigation day. This Tiig, the god of war, is strife, and this leads us to the root of thing, which is to drive, urge, strive. So res, in Latin, is connected with reus, accused. For words of like signification, see Sake and Cause.] 1. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told, or proposed. This is the general signification of the word in the Scriptures; as, after these things, that is, events. And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son. Gen. xxi. Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, The thing proceedeth from the Lord. Gen. xxiv. And Jacob said, All these things are against me. Gen. xlii. I will tell you by what authority I do these things. Matth. xxi.. These things said Esaias when he saw his glory. John xii. In learning French, choose such books as will teach you things as well as language. Jay to Littlepage. "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any THING in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. ...[12]
2. A relation by blood or marriage.
3. An association, or united body; as, the Methodist connection. - The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation
2.Any substance; that which is created; any particular article or commodity. He sent after this manner; ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt. Gen. xlii. They took the things which Micah had made. Judges xviii.
3.An animal; as, every living thing; every creeping thing. Gen. i. [This application of the word is improper, but common in popular and vulgar language.]
4. A portion or part; something. Wicked men who understand any thing of wisdom. Tillotson.
5. In contempt. I have a thing in prose. Swift.
6. Used of persons in contempt. See, sons, what things you are. Shak. The poor thing sigh'd. Addison. I'll be this abject thing no more. Granville.
7. Used in a sense of honor. I see thee here, / Thou noble thing! Shak.
CON-NECTION, n. [L. connexio; It. connessione. See Connect.] 1. The act of joining or state of being joined; a state of being knit or fastened together; union by junction, by an intervening substance or medium, by dependence or relation, or by order in a series; a word of very general import. There is a connection of links in a chain; a connection between all parts of the human body; a connection between virtue and happiness, and between this life and the future; a connection between parent and child, master and servant, husband and wife; between motives and actions, and between actions and their consequences. In short, the word is applicable to almost every 'thing' that has a dependence on or relation to another 'thing'.
" Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) – The bill provides $3.7 billion for CMS program management and operations, which is equal to the fiscal year 2016 enacted level and $440 million below the previous Administration’s budget request.All crawls on the land, under the seas water, flying in the atmosphere, the atoms of in which God, The Eternal Living Father, The Creator of Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise of Person composing His children/ Nations, BEFORE, our Lord, God, with His Living Eternal Christ Jesus, Created His Universe, but are so ignorant, blind to their Father/ Truth, they have no 'Idea' of the word "Nature/ Natural"' synonymous in definition of "Heaven and earth all that belongs to them, the WHOLE System of Created 'THINGS' " thereof, spirit of the devil in Holy Spirit of your-Self/ Eternal Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will-Conscience, as one-third of God in Three Persons/ The Holy Living Trinity, thus our Father's "..Thy Will Be Done on earth, as It Is In Heaven.."-rarely if ever stated in any church, Temple, Mosque - UDHR articles 18, 19, 29, spirit of the devil's both "pinnacle of the Temple" and "from loaves to stone"-untruth, "opinion without interference regardless of frontier - the outer boundaries of knowledge, language and communication, each-Person as a member of a U.S. State or any sovereign Nation's "GOVERNMENT, n 1.Direction; regulation. These precepts will serve for the government of our conduct.
The Appropriations Committee blind-deafness: The bill does not include additional funding to implement continued degradation and anomaly of the person's name-Obama, not his Person of accountability directly to God in His Two Greatest Commands - Oral-Common Law, absent any such definition of the word/ expression of idea - 'Care' programs, and continues prohibitions and limitations on use of federal funds related to arbitrary rules of conduct tyranny against the Property of each-one-Person composing We the PeopleObamadevoid the words 'Protection,' 'affordable,' and 'Care':
2. Control; restraint. Men are apt to neglect the government of their temper and passions.
3. The exercise of authority; direction and restraint exercised over the actions of men in communities, societies or states; the administration of public affairs, according to established constitution, laws and usages, or by arbitrary edicts. Prussia rose to importance under the government of Frederic II.
4. The exercise of authority by a parent or household. Children are often ruined by a neglect of government in parents. Let family government be like that of our heavenly Father, mild, gentle, and affectionate. –Shepard Kollock, Jr. (September 1750 – July 28, 1839) was an editor and printer, who was active in colonial New Jersey during the period of the American Revolutionary War. He also held various government positions in the newly-founded state of New Jersey during the early 1800s. The New Jersey Journal, which became the third newspaper published in New Jersey, was established by Kollock at his press during 1779 in the colonial village of Chatham, New Jersey, which had been settled in 1710 within the British Province of New Jersey. The newspaper, which later was renamed the Elizabeth Daily Journal, was a driving force in galvanizing support and disseminating information about the Revolutionary War efforts. His newspaper continued to be published for 212 years following its original publication, until January 3, 1992. Words: Government
5. The system of polity in a state; that form of fundamental rules and principles by which a nation or state is governed, or by which individual members of a body politic are to regulate their social actions; a constitution, either written or unwritten, by which the rights and duties of citizens and public officers are prescribed and defined; as, a monarchial government, or a republican government. Thirteen governments thus founded on the natural authority of the people alone, without the pretense of miracle or mystery, are a great point gained in favor of the rights of mankind. – John Adams (October 30 [O.S. October 19] 1735 – July 4, 1826) was the second President of the United States (1797–1801),[2] having earlier served as the first vice president of the United States (1789–1797). An American Founding Father, Adams was a statesman, diplomat, and a leading advocate of American independence from Great Britain. He was Ambassador to Netherlands and France instrumental in obtaining loans form both for the costs and recovery form the Revolution. He was also Ambassador to England. He, with President Washington, as Vice-President, would not permit the Truth of God and Nation First to be over-ruled by ambitions of party-power greater than the needs of the Three Sacred Documents. Well educated, he was an Enlightenment political theorist who promoted republicanism Words: Betray, Government, Free
6. An empire, kingdom or state; any territory over which the right of sovereignty is extended.
7. The right of governing or administering the laws. The King of England vested the government of Ireland in the lord lieutenant.
8. The persons or council which administer the laws of a kingdom or state; executive power.
9. Manageableness; compliance; obsequiousness [4] – Shak.
10. Regularity of behavior. [Not in use.] – Shak.
11. Management of the limbs or body. [Not in use.] -Edmund Spenser (/'sp?ns?r/; 1552/1553 – 13 January 1599) was an English poet best known for The Faerie Queene, an epic poem and fantastical allegory celebrating the Tudor dynasty and Elizabeth I. He is recognised as one of the premier craftsmen of Modern English verse in its infancy, and is often considered one of the greatest poets in the English language. With Pope in "Tattler". Words: Steal, Establishment, Conscience, Pride, Read, Reason, Shrill, Bless, Entail, Attaint, Skill, Government.
12. In grammar, the influence of a word in regard to construction, as when established usage requires that one word should cause another to be in a particular case or mode."
...But, the purveyors of the spirit of the devil-persons of 'all forms of government' actually believes that Nature's Laws --- ,"The Whole is the Sum of Each One Part" in "Things Equal to the Same Thing are Equal To Each Other", thus, "connections" of liberty of moat good-the Holy Spirit-Truth, and Liberty of most evil-spirit of the devil,--- do not exist,--- the spirit of the devil-persons' consequence that 'nature' enforces with blasphemy of the Holy Spirit-Truth, become, in that nanosecond, and permanently, completely blind and deaf to the Truth that is the contents of the Three Sacred Documents, the 1611 King James I Bible, as the Original text source for the Declaration and Constitution, that formation Committee, in their "Epistle" and in "The Translators To The Readers,"; that God never intended one ecclesiastical church's rites, ceremonies, creeds, forms, denominations, -civil collective-group-few arbitrary human precept-rulers of figs from thistles and grapes from thorns, as wolves wearing sheepskin in compulsion of conscience, workers of iniquity that includes entire spirit of the devil's UN-EU socialist communist atheist convoluted into--Papal Authority-collective-Empire of delusional-democracy's enslaved, subjugation of each-one-person's mind/ heart/ will-conscience because government-over-man must have a physiological body's neurology, psychology (missing from the "human" services-for qualifications only include - drug abusers), anatomy for life on world-down-below dominion over the land, water, atmosphere, and, most completely, the mind, heart, will-conscience of each-one-Apostle-Disciple-Person, who obeys His Oral-Common Law in His Oath [5]-Hebrews 6 among Article VI in any Person, especially any Citizen of our Direct from His Mouth to our Puritans - Colonists - Founders and every American of God and Nation First in His Image - God in Three Persons-Holy Living Trinity-Truth among His children who do not know His Name or the name of His Eternal Living Son, Who is an "Angel" in the Apocrypha, a Logic in Reason Connection [6]
Example 2 of 2: I'm going to stop for a moment here and share a little, spirit of the devil's trip with Jesus to the 'top of the pinnacle of the Temple' explanation:
An interchange that occurred in Staples. I help a neighbor with a question about the photocopy machine and she said she had a Bible like mine. I was photocopying Alfred Pollard's Bibliography of the English Bible in The 1611 KJV- Original Text Resource of our Puritans, Colonists and Founders; so I shared that mine was a KJV, but the version of Washington, Madison, Jefferson. She didn't know the KJV had versions; ...; and that conversation went to Matt. 5's misquoted a little by me, to "The Father, makes it rain on the good and the evil.": then...: House Representative-at-Large Article IV Constitutional-Citizen of the Whole of One People, Person, named Sheila, also a friend or helper to 'the neighbor', overhearing some part of our conversation, though my back was to her, said,"I'd like to share a funny story with you:. (agreed) 'Einstein is traveling in his car driven by his chauffeur. He says to his chauffeur, "I am so tired of giving these presentations, I want a 'break'. He went on about his fatigue and all the work of preparing the three presentations. Sheila, an at-large-Citizen of House Representative in Senate of the STATES, from Riverside, CA, continues, "The chauffeur, an amateur actor, listens, and says, "Heck, I could give those three presentations for you, and no-body would know that I'm not you.". Sure enough, they agreed, Einstein sat in the back of the auditorium, and the chauffeur got up and went to each of the presentations, performed a fine job of presentation, and was often very able to answer the questions from the audience by just knowing the contents of the three lectures. But on the Third Lecture, the chauffeur was asked a very lengthy and more complex question from the audience: He thought a moment or two, then answered, "I'm going to let 'my chauffeur' answer that question".Sheila, then asked me, "Do You Get It?". I didn't answer Sheila, one word - Just looked at her, not in any malice, just the incredulity of her own Oral Law-from her mouth to God's Ear... and her complete blind, but maybe, just maybe..not; for when I was about to leave, I glanced, again in her direction-thinking should I attempt to carry on (?) -- she was looking at me with a different gaze of expression... 'big' on the maybe, since part of the 'job' of the Hegel-Marx, dialectical process-brainwashing, consensus-builder of untruth - 'facilitator',ecclesiastical of civil-government-state,- is to never allow any 'person--most especially of One's own Self-Soul-mirror on the wall-- any irresoluteness!
I am asking You, Reader, Can you Get It? ....It's a Perfectly, great example of 'pinnacle of the highest temple's loaves to stone'- fraudulent deceit as a lesson to the difference between the Truth - Holy Spirit's Government of First and Second Table of Laws and the spirit of the devil's must control - arbitrary rules of conduct- ecclesiastical convoluted with civil government of collective people each-one-nonexistent because that Person must be forbidden his own Eternal Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will-conscience of God's creation in His Image - His Truth Spirit all life among birds in air, fish in seas, any 'thing' [see the definition of this most important 'word' of speech, an interpreter of the cogitations thereof at ] to complete the range of life's definition for...."crawling on the ground.".
So, you see, if the spirit of the devil, arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct-power of force, allows our Father in His Son in Your Person, because The Three Sacred Documents are written by our Puritans, Colonists, and Founders in The Name of The Holy Living Trinity, ...
"I pray for them---not for the world but for those whom thou [Commandment 5's " the land The Lord, your God, is Giving You] hast given me do I pray; for they are thine (all mine is thine and thine is mine), and I am glorified in them I am to be in the world no longer, but they are to be in the world; I come to thee. Holy Father, keep them by the power of thy Name which thou hast given me, that they may be one as we are one. ...Consecrate them by the Truth: thy word is Truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, so have I sent them into the world, and for their sake I consecrate myself that they may be consecrated by the Truth. Nor do I pray for them alone, but for all who believe in me by their spoken word; may they all be one! As thou, Father, are in me and I in thee, so may they be in us----that the world may believe thou hast sent me. Yea, I have given them the glory thou gavest me, that they may be one as we are one---I in them and thou in me----that they may be made perfectly one, so that the world may recognize that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as thou hast love me. Father, it is my will that these, thy gift to me, may e beside me where I am, to behold my glory which thou hast given me, because thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world. O Just Father, though the world has not known thee, I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me: so have I declared, so will I declare, thy Name to them, that the love with which thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them."-John 17, .......then any Person of Eternal Holy Spirit-Ghost- Helper- Comforter- Soul-Truth/ mind, heart, will-conscience, could no longer be easily controlled and manipulated by the collective people obedient to man-serving-man's church's rites, ceremonies, creeds, forms, denominations, compulsion of conscience -Papal Authority, Kings-Dictators-Autocrats, with or without its mandatory, horizontal, concrete-mind hierarchy devoid the Holy Living Trinity-Spirit-Person's Eternal Soul-Truth,Matt. 12, 22, John 8, 14, 17, among the collective-people of Temples - Mosaic Covenant -Jewish; of tribal-Mosque- Muslim sharing Mohammed -Sharia with Radical Jihad; - or of "..any form of government destructive of these means.."; and by human body's collective people- land, water, atmosphere-climate change, living and inanimate objects, the devil's delusional-democracy intertwined to socialist-atheism man-serving though degradation and anomaly of all language and communication, and by man choosing man, to be supreme to Holy Living Trinity that is "..We have reminded them of the circumstances for our emigration and settlement here. ...of consanguinity in British- just...And for the support of this.Declaration, with a firm reliance on divine Providence, We Mutually Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor" ---Truth of God in Three Persons.
Not one fellow-country-person of Consent of the Governed's 2015-2016 REP, bigger number-Party-collective-group-conformity-think of obedience to the no eyes, no ears, no mouth, inanimate object as party-at-law, vain-idol-god's "bigger number" that includes its party-at-law's living objects convoluted into inanimate object, the reason for the complete dissension of "..if Satan,01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime-UN-EU empire, casts out Satan, the REP's man-serving and chosen by man, Papal Authority of delusional- orginalist- isolated-constitution -democracy of arbitrary human precept's few men rulers of conduct-tyranny, he is divided against himself; how then can his rhelm stand? Besides, If I cast out daemons by Beelzebul, by whom do your sons cast them out? Thus they shall be your judges. But if I cast out daemons by the Spirit of God/ Truth, then the Reign of God has reached You already. Why, how can anyone enter the strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first of all binds the strong man? Then he can plunder his house. He who is not for me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters. ...I tell You, on the day of judgement men will have to account for every careless word they utter; for by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."-Matt. 12-Moffatt Bible/ 1611 KJV; taught by Jesus throughout His New Testament, but clearly, the very important pivot Chapter in the 1611-New Testament, before Paul starts teaching Jew and Gentile, John 8's Pharisees complete abrogation of their father, Abraham, and --- bereft Oral-Common-Law/ Oath of Office, does 'get it' among the composition if the contents of the Three Sacred Documents, specifically and exclusively written on the 16 Chapters within the direct translation, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Arabic - all the Clerics in England, including the Puritans, who sat on the organizational-committee with James I, 1611 KJV with Apocrypha's "Interval, "Captivity" of Jews because their Leaders misled them, Between the Old and the New Testament of Paul, chosen 3 days after Christ Jesus-Truth was crucified, murdered, for the first time by the High Priest-faction of Jewish-mixed Roman government-over-man, but crucified, murdered repeatedly, throughout all of our Eternal God's Eras of His History, government-over-its members; - not Peter, who knew, as his own return to Christ would soon, take place, Christ Jesus Is Truth as a Person/ man, so he asked to be hung up-side-down on the cross.
"CRAWL, n. [Qu. D. kraal.] A pen or inclosure of stakes and hurdles on the sea coast for containing fish. – Mar. Dict.
CRAWL, v.i. [D. krielen; Scot. crowl; Dan. kravler, to crawl up, to climb; Sw. kräla, to crawl, to swarm; D. grielen, to swarm; grillen, to shiver or shudder; Fr. grouiller, to stir about, to crawl with insects; It. grillare, to simmer. Qu. Dan. kriller, to itch.] 1. To creep; to move slowly by thrusting or drawing the body along the ground, as a worm; or to move slowly on the hands and knees or feet, as a human being. A worm crawls on the earth; a boy crawls into a cavern, or up a tree.
2. To move or walk weakly, slowly, or timorously. He was hardly able to crawl about the room. –John Arbuthnot (baptised 29 April 1667 – 27 February 1735), often known simply as Dr Arbuthnot, was a Scottish[1] physician, satirist and polymath in London. He is best remembered for his contributions to mathematics, his membership in the Scriblerus Club (where he inspired both Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels book III and Alexander Pope's Peri Bathous, Or the Art of Sinking in Poetry, Memoirs of Martin Scriblerus, and possibly The Dunciad), and for inventing the figure of John Bull. ... Arbuthnot went to London in 1691, where he is supposed to have supported himself by teaching mathematics (which had been his formal course of study). He lodged with William Pate, whom Swift knew and called a "bel esprit". He published Of the Laws of Chance in 1692, translated from Christiaan Huygens's De ratiociniis in ludo aleae. This was the first work on probability published in English. The work, which applied the field of probability to common games, was a success, and Arbuthnot became the private tutor of one Edward Jeffreys, son of Jeffrey Jeffreys, an MP. He remained Jeffreys's tutor when the latter attended University College, Oxford in 1694, and he there met the variety of scholars then teaching mathematics and medicine, including Dr John Radcliffe, Isaac Newton, and Samuel Pepys. However, Arbuthnot lacked the money to be a full-time student and was already well educated, although informally. He went to the University of St Andrews and enrolled as a doctoral student in medicine on 11 September 1696. The very same day he defended seven theses on medicine and was awarded the doctorate. He first wrote satire in 1697, when he answered Dr John Woodward's An essay towards a natural history of the earth and terrestrial bodies, especially minerals... with An Examination of Dr Woodward's Account &c. He poked fun at the arrogance of the work and Woodward's misguided, Aristotelian insistence that what is theoretically attractive must be actually true. Words: Crawl
3. To creep; to advance slowly and slyly; to insinuate one's self; as, to crawl into favor. [This use is vulgar.]
4. To move about; to move in any direction; used in contempt. Absurd opinions crawl about the world. –Robert South (4 September 1634 – 8 July 1716) was an English churchman, known for his combative preaching. “It is the property of an old sinner to find delight in reviewing his own villainies in others”. Words: Cunning; Person, Sophistry, Conceit, Probable; Trick, Teach, Property, Apprehension, Obsequiousness, Opinion, Interdict, Crawl
To have the sensation of insects creeping about the body; as, the flesh crawls." [cewest (c) "Who's Who and Why Important in Dr. Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language - 1828/1844"] ----
to Dr. Webster's complete Philology, written in the name of his love of his own One-Third and his Nation, unequaled masterpiece, as an understatement --- given what the fact in demonstrated evidence herein documented, the entire 01/20/2009,anti-Republic under God Regime convoluted unity of few ruler's with UN-EU-Papal authority's collective, mass people as servants of unquestioned obedience ti the Empire's spirit of the devil:
"..If the language can be improved in regularity, so as to be more easily acquired by our own citizens, and by foreigners, and thus be rendered a more useful instrument for the propagation of science, arts, civilization and Christianity ; if it can be rescued from the mischievous influence of sciolists and that dabbling spirit of innovation which is perpetually disturbing its settled usages and filling it with anomalies; if, in short, our vernacular language can be redeemed from corruptions, and our philology and literature from degradation ; it would be a source of great satisfaction to me to be one among the instruments of promoting these valuable objects. If this object cannot be effected, and my wishes and hopes are to be frustrated, my labor will be lost, and this work must sink into oblivion...:" It Did-- for it is a huge necessity to obliterate, for the spirit of the devil's control and manipulation of any one's learning of Scripture, Religion, Morality -Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise. There is a name of who among persons, but he doesn't matter anymore for his blasphemy and his evil against children, that has made Dr. Webster's philology a forbidden document, even including the buyers Merriam, have never supported the Whole of his Language and communication from the "Introduction's 'Origin of Language'", Adam, upon awakening from God's breath of life, speaking to his Father who answered him with the first, COMMON ORAL LAW, moral law--- not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil" his "definition of words for our unique form of Republican Government." - Please read The Whole of "Preface" at .WE THE PEOPLE, CONSTITUTIONAL-PERSON'S AMENDMENT IX PROPERTY of His Person's physiological body by the no eyes, no ears, no mouth very great and supremely sacred, vain-idol-god's inanimate and living objects - written by previous Article II's abrogation of Oral-Common-Law/ Oath of Office, hierarchy's delusional-originalist- isolated-constitution-democracy of no Truth in Right/ Reason - knowledge, language and communication--
"Washington, May 1, 2017 -EXCEPT, never consider that the Article I, II, with the sustaining in great blindness in choosing to adore and follow, the spirit of the devil's "Loaves to stone/ workers of iniquity - grapes from thorns and figs from thistles in "scatters-never gather with God in Three Persons of Article III's wolves wearing sheepskin, but never all the Judges - - - Justices Scalia and Alito, Thomas, though his statement at a law school talk demonstrates the impossibility of Truth within the word 'secular' - a form of Matt. 12'a "scatter": "I never let my Oath get in the way of my decisions in the court" - , the megalith of betrayal in apostasy by great allegiance to the spirit of the devil's 'loaves to stone' - pinnacle of the Temple - grandeur of the highest mountain and all the kingdoms therein', that to occur, successfully worldwide, must include the destruction of ALL LIFE-PERSON as Eternal Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will-Conscience, alone first, then among those he knows and will never know, in THE United STATES, the residence of that Constitutional-Person, of America's supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atmosphere- Oral-Common Law--Oath, Two Greatest Commands of God.
The House Appropriations Committee today released the fiscal year 2017 Omnibus Appropriations bill, the legislation that will provide discretionary funding for the federal government for the current fiscal year.
The bill includes full Appropriations legislation and funding for the remaining 11 annual Appropriations bills through the end of the fiscal year, September 30, 2017. This level meets the base discretionary spending caps provided by the Bipartisan [no such word, except, Matt. 4's, after Jesus has fasted 40 days and 40 nights, Genesis Deluge, spirit of evil's 'loaves to stone'] Budget Act of 2015, and provides additional funding for national defense, border security, and other emergency needs.
Appropriations Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen, his heritage from before 1776, nearly always in Article VI supreme Law of the Land...Bound to...Oath/ Oral-Common Law-of Office, made the following statement on the legislation:
“This package of the remaining Appropriations bills is the result of over a year’s worth of careful and dedicated efforts to closely examine federal programs to make the best possible use of every tax dollar..."
Please NOTE the language and communication of what is NOT from the Chairman's Mouth to God's Ear -- of, by, and for Consent of the Governed in We the People: "examine federal programs" "make best possible use of" what little remains of destruction, by the 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime, over the last 9 years ...and counting..., of American Enlightenment, Education, Enterprise, Entrepreneurship of, by, and for our own "COM'MERCE, n. [Fr. commerce; L. commercium; con and mercor, to buy; merx, mereo. See Class Mr, No. 3. It. commercio; Sp. comercio; Port. commercio. Formerly accented on the second syllable.] 1. In a general sense, an interchange or mutual change of goods, wares, productions, or property of any kind, between nations or individuals, either by barter, or by purchase and sale; trade; traffick. Commerce is foreign or inland. Foreign commerce is the trade which one nation carries on with another; inland commerce, or inland trade, is the trade in the exchange of commodities between citizens of the same nation or state. Active commerce. [See Active.]
2. Intercourse between individuals; interchange of work, business, civilities or amusements; mutual dealings in common life.
3. Familiar intercourse between the sexes.
4. Interchange; reciprocal communications; as, there is a vast commerce of ideas. – D. Webster."
The Appropriations Chairman, including his 'separate and equal station', 51 other members, have abrogated even considering that government-over-man's land, water, atmosphere with control, distribution and production of knowledge- a man, a woman, a child's mind/ heart/ will-conscience, is of absolutely no concern of those hierarchy-persons wearing their concrete-body's 5 sense mind, hence completely ignore what is so very obvious -- most of the 11 areas contain actions which are not the purvey of any government, let alone our Three Sacred Documents-- and each-one of these few, 5 senses-restricted-body's lack of reason in Right - is totally blind to the incredible size and impudence of insult, to their own persons, as well as those they know and will never know, even though they have no 'idea' of the 5W's and H of the biblical enormity of the contribution to sustaining the whole of spirit of evil in God's Eras of His Plan of Salvation; nor my one Person of God and Nation First, though I have had much more 'cause' to know the "..forms of government destructive of these means...; and I'm not the only person, just the only person who has worked to be a disciple of my Lord and Friend, Christ Jesus, Who while not His nonetheless In His Father precisely as He states in that beautiful, John 17. [see ""Learning to Understand The Three Sacred Document's "Oral Law" that is God In Three Persons" at 3 Parts, II is US District Court, fingers, and Superior/ three trips to its Appellate Division, building structures, as an owner of 'commerce' that includes attorneys and two judges greater than supreme Law of the Land-Oath/ Common Oral Law -including two Judges who are the standard for choosing Article III judges any court location within the We The People-States - The Three Sacred Documents]
Examples of Fact and Evidence that the "Appropriations Committee" could not possibly perform their Oath of Office to the contents of The Three Sacred Documents - government-voer-man's property of A Person's mind/ heart/ soul/will-conscience is not the criteria for spending $$$$ devoid appreciation of Debt-
Appropriations committee does not even consider the megalith that has risen as administrative-police state and refuses to even consider -- Article I: 8 to reduce and return sovereignty for problem solving to the sovereign People residing in their, alone, then among those they know and will never know, sovereign State's Assets - Strength-Weakness, Opportunities-Threats for its 1/50th of the WHOLE within the UNION of One People- a Person's "Independence" to achieve the colors of our Flag:
A.k.a., GET OUT OF WE THE PEOPLE- LIVES, FORTUNES, absent accountability as leaders from a State to the Whole of our Nation, hierarchy, concrete-mind's, Government-over-man's devotion to Temptation [7]: Giving away their fellow-countryman's --$$$ vain-idol-god of inanimate object by way of -- 249 plus "other organizations, agencies of completely unknown-unless you find them on the 'balance' accountability-no congress member or his staff could possibly secure in Truth, Trust, promise each-one-person composing the whole of the contents of The Three Sacred Documents, among GAO's 54,200 Agencies of which 45,700 are accounted for, but 8,500 are invisible, but does include CIS, NSA, DJA among the 54,200, the years of 2017 and 2009[9]
Grants and Subsidies (One-Time & Renewable):
Grants and Low Interest Loans -- to perform "Human Services" in servile subjugation to that government-over-man; never your own Person of "Independence" of God's Two Greatest Commands .. to exercise Life, Liberty of most good-Truth, Trust, Promise in pursuit of Liberty of God's Perfection, our Father, in His Son are teaching those who will "Abide by what I say and you really will be Disciples of mine...You Will Understand The Truth, the WHOLE Truth, and No Thing but The Truth -- and The TRUTH WILL SET YOU, THOSE YOU KNOW, AND THOSE YOU WILL NEVER KNOW--OUR THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS ---FREE that is never without great cost...both in the vain-idol-god's forms of bigger number' - party-line-group think in $$$$$ devoid accountability for validation that any program actually accomplishes a 'thing' that would be better performed, by We the People---no government of any form whatsoever, beyond the need of Revenue that appreciates the cost of it own debt, i.e the 6 largest budget items, all 6 increasing in nanoseconds : 1-Medicare- -Caid/ Cal: $1,148,712,800,000; 2-socialist-atheist-security to maintain collective people's-slush fund Social Security-police-state of government-over-man $930,475,500,000.00; 3. $586,828,900,000 Defense-War but not including the War of delusional-originalist-isolated constitution-collective, mass people-democracry's arbitrary human precept, arbitrary rules of conduct tyranny, the property of government-over-man; 4. from the Social Security slush Fund- Income Security consisting of: Supplemental Security Income, Earned Income Credits, Unemployment Compensation, Nutritional Assist family, Nutritional assist-Children, Making Work Pay--all not the purvey of Federal Level government -over-man's socialist-atheist-physical and environmental characteristics --for qualification -- EXCEPT Foster Care that includes Developmental Disabled $301,591,160,000; 5. Federal Pensions (Inncludes DOJ-AG of no intention of obedience to Common Oral Law Oath of Office within The Three Sacred Documents; Dept. of Common Core curriculum and 100% of government-over-man's posterity from kindergarten through grad school's extortion - Do as Your Professor professes, absent God in Three Person's contents of the Three Sacred Documents, but not their tax money-salaries of disobedience to Truth, Trust, Promise shared with the other, now left members of the 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime, with returnees to common core-perpetual motion of abrogation of the contents of our Republic under God - The Holy Living Trinity that is the Contents of The Creator within The Three Sacred Documents -Arne Duncan, among the members of the socialist-atheist -group-think party-hiding behind DEM of Congress, among Article III) $272,397,727,800;
6. Net Interest on DEBT: $261,250,180,000
Almost every small business will require funding assistance at some point or another. Most often, small businesses turn towards either a bank loan or their family and friends in order to get the funding they need. However, one of the most beneficial funding avenues that a small business entrepreneur can look towards is a government loan. A government grant is money that does not need to be repaid. For this reason, government grants are highly competitive." throughout the entire 11 omnibus fiscal year continues available under FEMA, Dept. of Transportation; Dept. of Education: Individuals; Institutions of Higher Education; Local Education Agencies; Nonprofit Organizations; Other Organizations and/or Agencies; State Education Agencies; NIH - 229 programs; Agriculture - 9 Programs; DOJ'S COPS, OJP, OVW, JAG.
This government-power of force is Einstein's chauffeur demonstrated as, 'sly deceit - mundialization [9] by workers of iniquity' [3], for the Federal Level of Government is a an insatiable- tyrant ;-- and -- when TOTAL DEBT consisting of household, business, State and Local Government, Financial
Institutions And The Federal Government -is much greater than $68,765,994,000,000, ...then, the absurdity of continuing to provide 'grants' of any kind, not only perpetrate the un-removed violations of the Three Sacred Documents, to which, that spirit of the devil-leader is totally blind, E.O's [10]of the 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's administrative-Police-State, with former DOJ- AG who also continues his 'pension'- as does the common core Dept. of Edu- among the Labor, IRS; reinforces..."commerce" to leave their own part of the Whole System of our Republic under God, but also, reduces the available -real tax payer to the IRS---and his State, since all governmental-elected, appointed, commissioned, contracted, employed in any capacity, are paid with the very same, redistributed $Tax-payer-$$$, especially all life on planet earth's government-over-man's other absurdity-"Public-Private-government-over-man-serving-man's power-Partnerships - of spirit of the devil's Climate change - tenement- rental housing- all city government thinks is a 'Gift' since they do not have to realize -- all the $$$ are simply redistributed from the Fed - to the City, if the States is not a socialist-atheist-collective, enslaved-people or simply hired-ignorant to fill-in dots on sometimes to thin, on purpose, paper ballots, they are utterly ignorant of the fact, they vote against God, The Holy Living Trinity; for they are forbidden any of the heritage of our Eternal Living Holy Spirit, Ghost, Helper, Comforter - Truth, the other -- Paul Gospel of Christ Jesus-'Christian discipline: pure heart, good conscience, SINCERE FAITH,-circumcised or uncircumcised, man or woman, freeman or slave-all are One in God', not the human precept-spirit of the devil at the pinnacle of the Temple-control-over-verses, not lessons, on the dots they fill-in, -- not ownership -- and with all the Pope Pius IX's REP delusional-origin-ist, isolated-constitution-democracy-socialist-atheist-subjugated and enslaved, collective people- of no common-oral-law, nor Three Sacred Document, 'subsidiarity' -- where even a dog has to have eligibility criteria - if that Person's property is tolerated at all-- and even the, at a price greater than any other Renter..!
This list and the reporting of the information it obliterates the contents our Three Sacred Documents written in the Name of The Holy Living Trinity, as was the Original Text, 1611 King Jame I with the most important and omitted, on purpose, by spirit of the devil in man-serving man's arbitrary human precept, power of force, Apocrypha-government of person(s) in all their lives, forms functions of literature.
Even if you did read the 'summary for each of the 11 items of government-over-man- you would have to know and understand how language and communication for obtaining research knowledge and statistics are the most devious form of Research, since the Whole System undergoing the data, is carefully chosen and numbers are manipulated to produce the spirit of the devil's "pre-determined-conclusions;" but the logic in truth, trust, promise is non-existent.
The Eleven Categories of all life on Planet earth by government-over-man who serves man---never Truth of God in Three Persons, as the hodgepodge of those above GAO AGENCY's of sub-parts in parts as categories reflecting abrogation stated by Jesus as "Any One who does not gather with me, scatter's " To disperse; to dissipate; to separate or remove [the WHOLE of] things to a distance from each other", to disorganize, debase and abase, as much as the concrete-hierarchy, 5 senses of bread to stone, secular, mediate, arbitrate, can achieve to meet their man-serving-man reflection that since 'the Declaration has no law within it' [Kagan on You tube Interview by Sen. Coburn, among others-especially of among the Article III Judiciary] - there are No Laws of Nature, nor of Nature's God, "The Whole Shall Never Be The Sum of ALL Its Parts"--- which innately, must include anomaly and degradation of Language and Communication: even Granting - this isn't the first, -- and even given the 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's lie, steal and killing of mind/ heart/ will-conscience of all Posterity-common core, within as many of at-large-Citizens as they can confuse by distortion of, Betrayal in apostasy to the delusional-originalist-isolated-constitution-collective mass people democracy of mandatory obliteration of knowledge and information to Consent of the Governed in We the People...[2]
Because using a man, a woman, especially a child's genetics- with permission from those fellow-country-person(s) - can never know the 5W's and H of the outcomes, or their importance in achieving those statistical-data-base, concrete- body's physiology, neurology, psychology, anatomy, the outcomes of which, will never be made known to you, fellow-country-person; though as you can see, the words of that deceit, does create the appearance of open society's words to the spirit of the devil's "transparency" --- but, not 'UDHR article 19 opinion', fact of consequences from blasphemy of Truth, Trust, or Promise -- the Essence of Oath/ Common / Oral Law - that is, and only is, in all God, our Father's TRUTH among all persons, every corner of every nation on His Planet, the Person composing the WHOLE of Consent of the Governed in We the People - AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, the 16 Chapters of the 1611 Direct translation KJV with the lives, fortunes, and sacred Honor of the Person(s) of their God in their Jewish Religion - Apocrypha - "Captivity" - this flashing cursor of We the People, that includes all The Father's children/ Nations of the world-down-below - now share:
The Eleven Categories of all life on Planet earth by government-over-man who serves man---never Truth of God in Three Persons, as the hodgepodge of those above GAO AGENCY's of sub-parts in parts as categories reflecting abrogation stated by Jesus as "Any One who does not gather with me, scatter's " To disperse; to dissipate; to separate or remove things to a distance from each other", to disorganization as much as the concrete-hierarchy, 5 senses of bread to stone, secular, mediate, arbitrate, can achieve to meet their man-serving-man reflection that since 'the Declaration has no law within it' [Kagan on You tube Interview by Sen. Coburn, among others-especially of among the Article III Judiciary] - there are No Laws of Nature, nor of Nature's God, "The Whole Shall Never Be The Sum of ALL Its Parts"--- which innately, must include anomaly and degradation of Language and Communication: even Granting - this isn't the first, -- and even given the 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's lie, steal and killing of mind/ heart/ will-conscience of all Posterity-common core, within as many of at-large-Citizens as they can confuse by distortion of, Betrayal in apostasy to the delusional-originalist-isolated-constitution-collective mass people democracy of mandatory obliteration of knowledge and information to Consent of the Governed in We the People...[2]:
1. Labor, Health and human body services, Education
"The bill provides no new funding for
"...Funding within the bill is targeted to proven programs with the most national benefit, prioritizing
medical research, public health, and biodefense, as well as support for the comprehensive
approach to combating the nation’s opioid epidemic.."; "..It includes specific increases for
research related to Alzheimer’s disease, the brain, antibiotic resistance, and the Precision
Medicine Initiative; " Gabriella Miller Kids First pediatric research initiative"
Here is the spirit of the devil and Holy Spirit:- both present in each-one-Person, "Speech, an interpreter of the cogitations thereof"...statistical data banks of lines of stem cell forms, every corner, of every nation that one-person composes as part of its Whole System of Created 'things':
One arbitrary human precept MPH - said and is an obeyed statistician of no direct patient-care, clinical experience, Article II's usurper, on 07/07/2010, Congress in recess, Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP, is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, as well as Institute for Health Improvement (IHI)- President Emeritus, is chosen as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Congress did not confirm him; but, he still remains "Opioid Crisis in the United States", the October to December 2015, 90 day conclusive-study, he leads, among his "health professional", omitting the Physician-Patient contract in Trust, while at the same time the FDA leaps in to remove opioids from among patients in pain, but not with each-one's body physiology, neurology or anatomy that includes the ICD-9 codes for cancer, that was left out of the study, i.e., the pre-determined conclusion that there could be no "opioid crisis among the collective-people with those ICD_9 cancer codes and the other body physiology affected as a result of those ICD_9 cancer codes at IHI .
Dr. Berwick holds to these pre-determined conclusions: ".. contends that the American system would be safer if physicians had fewer opportunities to make decisions regarding the treatment of their patients, and were required instead to follow established, formulaic protocols as spelled out by a bureaucracy" --- THAT IS FACT AND EVIDENCE, the Hospitalists among Physician Assistant's precisely what has occurred, even before 12/24/2009's violation of Amendment I in order to have PPAA signed to celebrate the very great and sacred, vain-idol-god's no eyes, no ears, no mouth forms of 'bigger number, absent Oral-Common Law's mouth to God's Ear-Truth, Trust and Promise, with UN-EU Empire's "12/01/2009 Lisbon Treaty"- modeled on the British NICE. “The more I have studied it, the more I believe that less discretion for doctors would improve patient safety,” he said in 2004. Added Berwick on another occasion: “Young doctors and nurses should emerge from training understanding the values of standardization and the risks of too great an emphasis on individual autonomy.”. --Discover the Networks of spirit of evil in all of his locations- loaves to stone, pinnacle of the Temple, highest mountain and its grandeur with all that is contained there in...Open Society as long as you are totally obedient to lie, steal and kill mind/ heart/ will-conscience of any individual-person, except those "facilitators" of Hegle-Marx -Lucifer Alinsky's dialectical process of obliterating Holy Living Trinity-God's Two Greatest Commands - Oral-Common Law/ Oath in Pledge of Allegiance of our Nation's Three Sacred Documents.
- IHI produced a 60-day-statistician report of "The Opioid Crisis in the United States" utilizing stats from the years when SOAP of pain management became better understood as "Pain is what the Patient says it is, and is treated by what the patient says relieves that pain"--physiological or emotional. During this period from about 1986 to just before, 01/20/2009, gaining its regressive medical care for pain-especially among RN nursing programs, to about 2010, a patient in pain did not have to wait for the second hand to reach its 60th second before receiving his PRN pain medicine of any form; and given the WHOLE BODY OF THAT PATIENT'S PHYSIOLOGY, no problem increasing or changing that pain medication across clinical guidelines in and out of hospice/ terminal illness that can, but does not always include cancer. The increase in opioids, especially super expensive - fentanyl - often more effective than morphine, and GB has used heroine since before 1985.
I was a witness to this fact when a friend of mine was hospitalized for an open diabetic neuropathy sore on her foot. I know her and her ability to handle pain, among other 'things' in her life as she told me what she was doing, "I'm asking for my pain med 30 minutes early so that when the time arrives, I might just receive it on time. But often not". I was and did quote Dr.Margot McCaffrey to that young whipper-snapper-empty RN, (both my friend and I are Mt. St. Mary's Roy Adaptation Model RN-BSN PHN grads), but my friend quickly explained to me that I didn't have to live with the problem, she did...i.e., extortion is absolute -- your pain is only relived when and if the nurse says it can be and especially if she doesn't have to bother the PMD for an increase.
Another much more egregious, compeleltly unjust, but no courtroom permitted, pre-determined conclusion, absent fact and incorporating le and steal course of human-body's physiology event over a period of 11 months... and the extortion shall not be removed, though this person is doing long as she limits quantity, ingests only certain food groups, and keeps the food pureed, mechanical soft..and doesn't have more than two meals per day--including fluids. She is a direct recipient of the after-effects of not having a cancer diagnosis, therefor not eligible for use of opioids. When lie becomes the object of a statistical study, because it permits its pre-determined conclusion statement as if a Certainty, but cannot be, because of the ingrained, choosing of which 'pre-determined-precedents-opinions' to utilize, and facts-to be ignored --- as nonexistent since they won't connect to the pre-determined conclusion "all diagnsis of organg and body parts - not including cancer- are in some sate of over doseage and over useage" "The Opioid Crisis in the United States" --- never a for the Person/ Patient who is the one often, even without self knowledge, so exhausted by pain, that liberty of not even possible and depression is the only available rule --- .
She landed into the 60 day, 10/1/ to 12/31/2015 statistical study, not sure how she was chosen but was taking a high dose of opioid sucker-mucous membrane absorption to bypass the GI tract, and an oral short acting for before eating relief. Her pain was well controlled and her pain specialty physician well informed as to the reason for the dosage of long acting and short acting opioids-- as well as the patient, over more than 11 years. In June, the pharmacy perscibing the opioids could renew the short acting, but could not, trying every possible direction, obtain approval to the "health care professional" her medical drug insurance company - refused to pay -- . The long acting transmucosal opiioid was stopped by the drug insurance health professional not the MD pain specialist. Worse, when all this came down, the MD pain specialist sided with the FDA - not the patient he has known for more than 11 years, who had to live with the GI-directly each time food is ingested
"Given an expected increase, since 1986 pain is increasingly very well control among the suffers of crushed life styles in their use of Opioids to treat pain, What Criteria would be appropriate to determine the definition of the words "over-dosage" and "Overuse-age" then measure outcomes on an individual patient-case method. - Individualized care has always been American medicine. .
-- Pain managment became very effective in treating the WHOLE PERSON'S - Dr. Margo Mc Caffrey's about 1982 "Pain is whatever the experiencing person says it is, existing whenever and wherever the person say it does", physiological in combination with the 10 greatest stressors of life...liberty often crushed, because of that pain; - not always, but often totally absent ICD-9's codes for cancer. Cancer patients were left out of the study, because the study was for the pre-determined conclusion ".. physicians had fewer opportunities to make decisions regarding the treatment of their patients.." purpose of exposing physicians and patients who were overusing-overdosing- opioids 'for the study's selected parts of the Whole of pain management, no statistical-ICD9-Codes, reason at all... and the body's organ system as eligibility hierarchy for permission to relieve pain-defined by the inanimate, data sources, binomial-machine decision tree-group-think, statistical-study, not the Person's mind, heart, will-conscience living 24/7 with that exhausting pain, is the target of the decision to even prescribe the opioid in the first place.
So, if a person with pain from GI tract, multiple problems, or GI plus GU tract multiple problems, or Back Problems of ICD-9 Codes -- that would not be a good statistical reason to permit either prescribing, or allowing a patient their quality of life through the prescribed, correct use and dose of an opipoid medication. Thus, among the 50 States and probably Territories, the FDA became totally agreeable to the IHI and began to crack down on the MD's especially among those of "Pain Management, Spinal, GI specialties; and curtailing the quality of life-- for the patients who, while they may have been aware they were in a study, had no 'idea' they could be adversely affected in their pain treatment by the difference between the one interview and the use of the results of that interview; or may have been informed, by words, their pain medication was totally appropriate, but that statement had no meaning whatsoever. He, or his IHI, is probably involved with "the Precision Medicine Initiative". .
We are analyzing how the pluripotency control machinery goes awry during cancer. Our lab studies the molecular programming of embryonic and neural stem cells as well as cancer stem cells. We are studying the genomic and epigenomic events that inflence pluripotency and tumorigenicity. We are particularly interested in pediatric nervous system tumors, but also glioblastoma.---Paul Knoepfler, Ph.D., Professor UC Davis; The Knoepfler Lab at
" Precision Medicine Initiative: Alzheimer's D., brain as center of Person's mind/ heart/ will-conscience as well as physiology upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy depend for life on earth, but also, Eternal Soul after death of physiological body, that is a problem of statistician researchers. The future of precision medicine will enable health care providers to tailor treatment and prevention strategies to people’s unique characteristics, including their genome sequence, microbiome composition, health history, lifestyle, and diet. To get there, we need to incorporate many different types of data, from metabolomics (the chemicals in the body at a certain point in time), the microbiome (the collection of microorganisms in or on the body), and data about the patient collected by health care providers and the patients themselves. Success will require that health data is portable, that it can be easily shared between providers, researchers, and most importantly, patients and research participants.
Agencies across the Federal government are doing important work to support the President’s vision. This is an “all of government” effort, leveraging the unique expertise and history of each agency to carry forward the President’s vision of individualized treatments for every American. Here’s how each participating agency is moving ahead to implement PMI: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS); Department of Veterans Affairs; Department of Defense..
AMERICAN MEDICINE HAS ALWAYS BEEN, so the revisionist-language and communication changes become very apparent as does the emptiness of the definitions of the words change. " individualized treatments for every PERSON'S WHOLE Min, Heart, will-conscience in a physiological body---not collective, which as you continue to read the goals among these programs -- cannot be individual ---for they depend upon the outcome of the research and studies that have the goal of preventative-before the illness occurs, and treatment as retrospective after the illness as or is doing damage.
Gabriella Miller Kids First pediatric research initiative": "The Challenge
There are many unanswered questions in pediatric research that are impeding the development of new diagnostics, treatments, and cures. One area of unmet need is the availability to the scientific community of well-curated medical, genomic, and physiological data from large numbers of children, as well as the computational resources to analyze these data. In some instances, data are already available but scattered in different locations, hindering the ability of researchers to fully analyze the data for new discoveries. In other instances, the data have yet to be generated. To address these challenges, Kids First will integrate dispersed data sources together into one location and provide support for analyses. The program will also provide funds to generate new data and facilitate deposition into a centralized database. When researchers have access to large and complete data sets, they will be able to answer new questions, explore different lines of research, and more efficiently conduct large-scale analyses, potentially leading to the development of prevention, early detection, and therapeutic interventions in children with cancer or structural birth defects.
"Our laboratory seeks a better understanding of the biology, pathology, and clinical utility of hematopoietic and pluripotent stem cells and of the role of various tissue stem cells in development and disease. We focus our studies on murine and human blood development and on common mechanisms of stem cell biology and cancer. Our goals are to define fundamental principles of how stem cells contribute to tissue regeneration and repair and to improve drug and transplantation therapies for patients with malignant and genetic bone marrow disease.--George Q. Daley, M.D., Ph.D.Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Harvard, Children's Hospital
"So far the Food and Drug Administration has not aggressively regulated stem cell clinics. The reason is the stem cells being used typically come from the patient's own body — an autologous transplant. And the clinics don't process the cells much before injecting them." --- you can bet they will... and the NIH centralization of the studies will also Regulate the stem cell clinics.
Stem Cell Research, Agriculture, Health and human services, Interior and Environment, has wonderful potential but not in the hands of spirit of the devil's human body concrete-5 sense-mind '; for absent Truth of Knowing and Understanding God In Three Persons- The Father/ The Creator of all cells of all forms of life, cannot be for a Person's Eternal Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will-Conscience -- not his physiological body which in fact does remain in its dark black casket as bone or mummified flesh. Stem cells, not embryonic or induced pluripotent stem cells, of the different types of stem cells, the best example of partial success is Parkinson's Disease.
You would not in your Person of Trust and Promise, unless applied as an embryo, ever 'connect' the 'Thing' event-that falls out' of the location of neurological transmitters gone awry to mind control, -- even - producing a brain with built-in-deficits relating the connections of will-conscience to heart, ... but spirit of the devil, among "simply human-body- absent heart/ will-conscience," does. And, in addition, you would question my person's mind at even suggesting the thought of such an evil action against another man, a woman, or a child --- but that is because you don't fully understand our Father, The Creator of WHOLE System of the violators of His Ten Commandments, in His Sermon on the Mount, in His Two Greatest Commands - in the factions of the Jewish Religion called Pharisees, Sadducee, Elders, High Priests, and the Gentiles that includes Roman Honor Code - and all the inquisitions right to this flashing cursor, for like slavery, not an 1850's exclusive to our nation by any means, for where did the captured slaves come from..., and who's to say that any person composing any nation whose tyranny includes, by necessity servile-slavery of a Person's mind/ heart/ will-conscience -- never, ever absent from our Father's classroom on world-down-below? So, blank $$$ would be better saved -- if the person(s) who want Holy Spirit-God in Three Persons to perform that Stem Cell Research -- i.e., NO GOVERNMENT OF ANY KIND CAN LEGISLATE GOD IN THREE PERSONS ---OUR NATION IS THE ONLY NATION THAT HAS EVEN PLACED FATHER AND SON IN EACH-ONE PERSON'S LIFE, LIBERTY AND PURSUIT OF BLESSEDNESS-HAPPINESS AND PURE JOY OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS!
But like nuclear energy and the magnetism of the Sun -- this too will come to fruition, but best, only when Matt. 5's iota, comma, jot, tittle - single hair on your head --- allow TWO GREATEST COMMANDS, UPON WHICH HANG, THE WHOLE LAW...IN FORCE. THAT IS OUR LESSON -- WE CARRY IT FORWARD AND TO EVERY NATION ON OUR FATHER'S PLANET --- IT IS HUMBLING - not spirit of the devil's arrogance, pride, force in power - read John Adams's, such a delightful, giving, trusting, self-effacing, determined-person [David McCullough's Biography + just reading his papers], "Essay on Man's Lust for Power" with his "Motto" at work within this 01/20/2009 megalith of hate, despise, and abrogate our HOLY LIVING TRINITY -GOD IN THREE PERSON'S -- ALL THAT PAUL, AGAINST INCREDIBLE ODDS, ACCOMPLISHED, and the Persons of Clergy in England Translated - just 9 years before it would be required for the landing of our Puritans at Plymouth Rock deriving our Three Sacred Documents .
[That subject as Biblical History in Politics ... is the next essay/ paper... to continue to Learn to Understand and Use our Three Sacred Documents -- and help our neighbors- especially among the benighted errors of the spirit of the devil, for they too can learn from their errors and, indeed, Jesus teaches, also in Matt.5, as God does make provision for them, but they-each-one-person, must find his own Ezekiel 33]
2. Agriculture: $2,089,000,000 including "Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI): There is a "This net increase is related to mandatory spending outside the Committee’s jurisdiction, but taxpayers foot the increase absent what makes it out of Agriculture's jurisdiction...other than the obvious UN-EU Empire, 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's Mission to the UN Cabinet member-Agenda 21/ Climate Change.
The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) is the nation’s leading competitive grants program for agricultural sciences. The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) awards AFRI research, education, and extension grants to combat childhood obesity, improve rural economies, increase food production, create new sources of energy, mitigate the impacts of climate variability, address water availability issues, ensure food safety and security, and train the next generation of agricultural workforce.
Rural Development –Business and Industry Loans – Rural Infrastructure --Rural Housing Loans and Rental Assistance --- collective, mass people by their physical and environmental characteristics, absent any initiative - or enterprise within the sovereignty of that STATE'S OWN ASSETS FOR ITS OWN COMMERCE defined by original-text "American Dictionary.."; - meaning way to much Article I and II -- especially as an administrative-police-state: and would save $2,940, 000,000 -- left to the States.
Here in seceded from our Three Sacred Documents - socialist-atheist delusional-isolated-originist- isolated-constitution -democracy of all the collective people are the servants and subjugated in all life, liberty and pursuits of Happiness --- the autocratic police-state-largest State California, Largest County-LA. 2nd Largest City-LA and see the blue color at - forget Republic - SEIU controlled vain-idol-god's 'bigger number' take a look at its districts Governors Agency for all Resources - devoid the Legislature --- makes all Indian Tribes and skin color, brown, -the priority...thus, Citizen's Redistricting Committee, i.e.., Consent of the Governed-population per square mile, of skin color except white, country of origin-except, the English language of Consent of the Governed in We the People of the United States that Naturalized Citizen has Pledged his Honor to uphold -- Please note -- this is continued support of the 01/20/1009 anti-Republic under God Regime's spirit of the devil's stone to bread in its grandeur of the highest mountain, even with the kingdoms reduced to 50 and removing the words 'UNITED STATES" from America of government-over-man.
3. Commerce/ Justice/ Science -- lumped together, but commerce / agriculture/ water/ land segregated, but God is the Creator, not man...hence commerce absent land, water, atmosphere - and Liberty of most good-The Holy Spirit-Truth - Religion and morality will accomplish "A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the Oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice? .."-Pres. Washington's Farewell Address"
Use of the word 'Justice' is as much a misnomer of language and communication as it is in the UN-EU empire's International Court of Justice; --- for neither of these, arbitrary human precept-rules of conduct-power of force have any 'Thing' to do with our Three Sacred Documents, each-one-person's direct accountability to his Oral-Common-Law/ Oath in Pledge of Allegiance - "JUST'ICE, n. [Fr.; Sp. justicia; It. giustizia; from L. justitia, from justus, just.] 1. The virtue which consists in giving to every one what is his due; practical conformity to the laws und to principles of rectitude in the dealings of men with each other; honesty; integrity in commerce or mutual intercourse. Justice is distributive or commutative. Distributive justice belongs to magistrates or rulers, and consists in distributing to every man that right or equity which the laws and the principles of equity require; or in deciding controversies according to the laws and to principles of equity. Commutative justice consists in fair dealing in trade and mutual intercourse between man and man.
2. Impartiality; equal distribution of right in expressing opinions; fair representation of facts respecting merit or demerit [separate and equal station'-because The Eternal God, Holy Spirit-Truth - judges only on Eternal-Soul/ Mind/ Heart, Will-Conscience, no body parts, nor environmental, nor $$$ involved]. In criticisms, narrations, history or discourse, it is a duty to do justice to every man, whether friend or foe.
3. Equity; agreeableness to Right [Truth]; as, he proved the justice of his claim. This should, in strictness, be justness.
4. Vindictive [8]retribution; merited punishment. Sooner or later, justice overtakes the criminal.
5. Right; application of equity. His arm will do him justice.
6.[Low L. justiciarius.] A person commissioned to hold courts, or to try and decide controversies and administer justice to individuals; its, the Chief Justice of the king's bench, or of the common pleas, in England; the Chief Justice of the supreme court in the United States, &c., and justices of the peace."
5. Energy and Water -- not only not lumped together, but not even considered as the WHOLE OF LAND, WATER, ATMOSPHERE OF GOD'S UNIVERSE, LAWS OF NATURE -- not man-serving- man's power in "
"In addition, nuclear energy research, development, and demonstration activities are increased by
$30 million above the fiscal year 2016 enacted level, for a total funding level of $1.02 billion.", but if you visit "Defense Repository Fact Sheet.pdf" at you will find that this, Clean, Cheap, Safe -God Given Gift - has been totally ignored the entire 8 years of the previous administration fear of truth in knowledge..... The Liberty of God - 'Always Truth-Always Present, Often Revealed, but more often revoked by man's arbitrary rules of conduct-force, with its mandatory lie and steal through "UDHR opinion without interference"-supreme-to God. Though at , you will find some very, little, very tentative, and very scared, quiet activity; - as So. Cal San Onofre, under attack from the 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's socialist-atheist for a lot of its existence; supplier of 20% of San Diego-Orange County electricity is forbidden by the spirit of the devil--- not the engineering of Holy Spirit-Truth that even made it function -- in the first place. That Russia had to steal it, -since that nation's spirit of evil states it is OK to lie and steal with killing mind/ heart/ will-conscience of its own persons, if the benefit outweighs the harm, composing its own nation's suffered the consequences of that theft, ---is never a topic of government-over-man any nation on God's Planet -- since calling a liar and an evil person precisely who they are - as Jesus did in His lesson in John 8 and 10, is strictly prohibited as "inequity" of Opinion without interference...from God in Three Persons Who must be destroyed, though spirit of the devil knows he won't, but will always be around for its purposes of "HIN'DER-ANCE, n. 1. The act of impeding or restraining motion.
2. Impediment; that which stops progression or advance; obstruction. He must remove all these hinderances, out of the way.-Francis Atterbury (6 March 1663 – 22 February 1732) was an English man of letters, politician and bishop. A High Church Tory Words: Hindrance, Thing, Way(s), Court .
In Water: " The bill prohibits any changes to the definition of “fill material” and “discharge of fill
material” for the purposes of the Clean Water Act.
The bill restricts the application of the Clean Water Act in certain agricultural areas,
including farm ponds and irrigation ditches...". Man-serving-man never understands The Eternal's physiology of land / skin-anatomy-muscle, water - the arterial-venous system, Respiratory System of atmosphere - atoms, by volume, dry air contains 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases. Air also contains a variable amount of water vapor, on average around 1% at sea level, and 0.4% over the entire atmosphere"- so, when, for example, the US Corp of Engineers create Dams on the offshots of the Mississippi-flooding occurs; or when the socialist-autocratic-secede from the union-location of no Declaration, Constitution US or State, socialist-atheism, solely the very great and sacred-vain-diol-god's 'bigger number', collective people, completely ignorant of the words from their mouths to God's Ear in our Pledge of Allegiance, decides to build 7 new Reservoirs to completely contain and limit the fresh water North to South and East to West of the entire State under his " Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government;" -- Not member of government-over-man-even notices or makes the connections to Agenda 21-spirit of the devil - rural communities - health - gender - income or lack thereof... as the same segregation as skin color black, lie begets lie begets steal begets reap what you sow -- untruth will only be untruth...forever in generational terms, ours being since those persons, now in management and government, born in the 1950's each-year-from that decade to this current...posterity.
6. Financial Services -- government's very, very long, beginning of Jewish and gentile kings -- needs for $$$$ so supreme to the Persons who compose, and therefore are the very best resources in Truth of God, to meet the government's Truthful need, and yet -- keep its vain-idol-god's no eyes, no ears, no mouth -- out of production, distribution, "I-DE'A, n. [L. idea; Fr. idée; Gr. ιδεα, from ειδω, to see, L. video.]
1. Literally, that which is seen; hence, form, image, model of any thing in the mind; that which is held or comprehended by the understanding or intellectual faculties. I have used the word idea, to express whatever is meant by phantasm, notion, species, or whatever it is which the mind can be employed about in thinking. Locke. Whatever the mind perceives in itself, or is the immediate object of perception, thought or understanding, that I call an idea.-.John Locke FRS (29 August 1632 – 28 October 1704) English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and known as the "Father of Classical Liberalism" - Words: Cunning, Person, Conscience, Will, Principle, Idea, Right, Understanding, Matter, Contradistinguish, For, Dominion, Phenix, Liberty, Learn, Reconcile, Tare, Dominion, Knowledge. The attention of the understanding to the objects acting on it, by which it becomes sensible of the impressions they make, is called by logicians, perception; and the notices themselves as they exist in the mind, as the materials of thinking and knowledge, are distinguished by the name of ideas.-ENCYCLO: One of two Encyclopedias Dr. Webster co-authored: Words: Action, Knowledge, Idea. art. Logic. An idea is the reflex perception of objects, after the original perception or impression has been felt by the mind. Encyc. In popular language, idea signifies the same thing as conception, apprehension, notion. To have an idea of any thing is to conceive it. In philosophical use, it does not signify that act of the mind which we call thought or conception, but some object of thought. -.Thomas Reid FRSE (/ri?d/; 26 April 1710 – 7 October 1796) was a religiously trained Scottish philosopher; founder of the Scottish School of Common Sense and played an integral role in the Scottish Enlightenment. Words: Conscience, Idea. According to modern writers on mental philosophy, an idea is the object of thought, or the notice which the mind takes of its perceptions. Darwin uses idea for a notion of external things which our organs bring us acquainted with originally, and he defines it, a contraction, motion or configuration of the fibers which constitute the immediate organ of sense; synonymous with which he sometimes uses sensual motion, in contradistinction to muscular motion.
2. In popular use, idea signifies notion, conception, thought, opinion, and even purpose or intention.-The Right Honorable Sir Edmund Burke PC (/b?rk/; 12 January [NS] 1729[1] – 9 July 1797) was an Anglo-Irish[2][3] statesman born in Dublin, as well as an author, orator, political theorist, and philosopher, who, after moving to England, served for many years in the House of Commons of Great Britain as a member of the Whig party. He is mainly remembered for his support of the cause of the American Revolutionaries, Catholic emancipation, the impeachment of Warren Hastings from the East India Company, and for his later opposition to the French Revolution. He was a charter member of the Samuel Johnson club. The latter led to his becoming the leading figure within the conservative faction of the Whig party, which he dubbed the "Old Whigs", in opposition to the pro–French Revolution "New Whigs", led by Charles James Fox. Burke was praised by both conservatives and liberals in the nineteenth century. Since the twentieth century, he has generally been viewed as the philosophical founder of conservatism. He spoke of political authority in general terms as an accountable trust. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for Good Men To Do Nothing” Words: Idea, Law, Gospel
3. Image in the mind. Her sweet idea wandered through his thoughts.-.Edward Fairfax, (born c. 1575, Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng.—died Jan. 27, 1635), English poet whose Godfrey of Bulloigne or the Recoverie of Jerusalem (1600), a translation of Gerusalemme liberata, an epic poem by his Italian contemporary Torquato Tasso, won fame..” (from EB) Words: Idea, Naught [A bad use of the word.]
4. An opinion, a proposition. These decisions are incompatible with the idea, that the principles are derived from the civil law."
7. Homeland Security- human body is arbitrary rules of conduct-power of force in oppression. -- Never in Defense -- only the absolute offense against the Right-Truth of each-one-person's Property of his Person Mind/ Heart/ Will-Conscience, because it is much more important to fear man....than to Fear God Who Is Precisely Who He Says He Is...Performing Precisely What He Plans to Perform, as Your Person's Father... "Liberty is a word, according as it is used, that comprehends the most good - Holy Spirit-Truth and the most evil..."- spirit of the devil who took Jesus to show Him how to make from bread stone, and control-manipulate the language and communication of ecclesiastical-presbyters in civil magistrates over their fellow-country-person's to quash their very own person's Eternal Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will-Conscience: "Justly Understood [Liberty] is sacred next to those which we appropriate in divine adoration, but in the mouths [to God's Ear] of some it means any 'Thing' "-Oliver Ellsworth
8. Interior and Environment -- also, very important to segregate in order to give the spirit of the devil's great knowledge to become supreme to God-- by removing reference to Article VI, simply by renaming it 'Isolated Constitution" devoid ""powers of the earth, separate and equal station-- God does not care about physiological body--in its great or not so great, environment which has been continuing its course since before man ever occupied it...
9. State and Foreign Operations -- ?is that among our 50 and Territories or the lower case 'state' collective, mass people
10. Transportation, Housing, Urban Development: Transportation has nothing to do with "commerce" success; hence is totally irrelevant to Housing, let alone how a Sovereign State's City - cities grow -- or not, not even asking the question about land, water, atmosphere of "developers to out of control' that home ownership cannot ever occur, because there is enough 'ideas' of commerce, not jobs -- positions for advancement whether garbage disposal, maintenance... or scientific exploration.. or the multitude of products from commerce - that sent, the now disposed-of idea of "The Enterprise", "Endeavor" or "Atlanta" in our "Space Station we have given to Russia--our very best friend... during 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime... and we have forgotten nuclear-electricity -- even using a monorail--rather than usurping hundreds of miles of high speed rail that requires empty land -- of, by, and for 'modern man's "carpet baggers".
Because 1 Fellow-country-person-, the Chair-Fellow-country-person of "scatter-secular-mediate among his consensus-group-think by party affiliations-group-goose-step-faction-think-bigger number changed to REP, though believed to be thoughtful- but nonetheless, action/ deed/ word is scatter's "secular God-Truth is very different from divine God-Truth"; not with Christ Jesus/ Common-Oral-Law, 51 of 535+ Sheila, is spite of teaching by this American of God and Nation First, members of OUR Article I in VI, VI -innately including, "never mix politics collective-group-think-people-church's rites, ceremonies, creeds, forms denominations-ecclesiastical government-civil-state-collective-group-think-people-scatter's mediate, arbitrate, secular" with Creator's Divine Truth -supreme Law of the Land-Bound by each-one-Fellow-country-person's "separate and equal station", Appropriation is strictly and exclusively about the vain-idol-god's bigger number currently increasing by nanosecond, $68,765,994,000,000 TOTAL DEBT that must include Consent of the Governed in We the People - WHOLE ability to meet THE TOTALITY OF ITS FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS in each-one-person's mind/ heart/ will-conscience's Whole of Common-Oral-Law, from that person's mouth every single word and role of that person, directly to The Father's Ear - regardless of the amount of $$ that person composing the WHOLE OF ONE PEOPLE owns as "distinct and palpable" - bodily-physiology's use of "everything that flies in the sky; crawls on the ground, and under the seas; or of any form of the definitions of protection, (really 'from', not 'to') care- affordable--patient--- words of knowledge of spirit of the d-evil's degradation of language and communication, especially, never under any condition or under any circumstance - consider that supreme Law of the Land-Oral / Common Law -Oath is greater than any human.... well stated by His Honor Justice Scalia v. the deceit in hate of the 5 judges of spirit of devil's bread to stone, socialist-atheist hierarchy's vain-idol-god's bigger inanimate object-party at law-1978's "Injury for Standing Purposes When Constitutional Rights are Violated: Common Law [abrogated God's Oral Law] Public Value-aka, family's body-physiology of collective-group-think-value], adjudication at work" - well reflected in the hierarchy-seniority anti-Truth, Trust, Promise of Article I's property, of A Congress..... never Consent of the Governed in We the People... now further scatter-dissipated, torn far apart from its whole 'Thing' abrogation of the contents within The Three Sacred Document's Two Greatest Commands of God:
Resources and Comments:
[1] Added From "The Essex Result, May 12, 1778--139 years ago":
"..The reason and understanding of mankind, as well as the experience of all ages, confirm the truth of this proposition, that the benefits resulting to individuals from a free [Truth of God-John 8] government, conduce much more to their happiness, than the retaining of all their natural rights in a state of nature. These benefits are greater or less, as the form of government, and the mode of exercising the supreme power of the State, are more or less conformable to those principles of equal impartial liberty, which is the property of all men from their birth as the gift of their Creator, compared with the manners and genius of the people, their occupations, customs, modes of thinking, situation, extent of country, and numbers. If the constitution and form of government are wholly repugnant to those principles, wretched are the subjects of that State. They have surrendered a portion of their natural rights, the enjoyment of which was in some degree a blessing, and the consequence is, they find themselves stripped of the remainder. As an anodyne to compose the spirits of these slaves, and to lull them into a passively obedient state, they are told, that tyranny is preferable to no government at all; a proposition which is to be doubted, unless considered under some limitation. Surely a state of nature is more excellent than that, in which men are meanly submissive to the haughty will of an imperious tyrant, whose savage passions are not bounded by the laws of reason, religion, honor, or a regard to his subjects, and the point to which all his movements center, is the gratification of a brutal appetite. As in a state of nature much happiness cannot be enjoyed by individuals, so it has been conformable to the inclinations of almost all men, to enter into a political society so constituted, as to remove the inconveniences they were obliged to submit to in their former state, and, at the same time, to retain all those natural rights, the enjoyment of which would be consistent with the nature of a free government, and the necessary subordination to the supreme power of the state.
[2] Socialist Atheist-delusional Democracy's collective mass people as obedient, unquestioning slaves subjugated to few man-serving man-arbitrary human precept-spirit of devil's Mat. 4 'from bread to stone'--'Pinnacle of the Temple'; 'the grandeur of the highest mountain and all the kingdoms therein'..:permission to violate each-one-person's mouth, alone, to Oral, Common Law - Truth-God's Ear:
">>5. Human knowledge isn’t perfect. We recognize that the tools for testing knowledge—the human senses and human reason—are fallible, thus rendering tentative all our knowledge and scientific conclusions about the nature of the world. What’s true for our scientific conclusions is even more so for our moral choices and social policies; these latter are subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions = Permission for 'Revisionists to violate The Ten Commandments - because of 'connections' - every single One of them... and Oral-Common Law Oath in Pledge that is intrinsic to God's Two Greatest Commands -- and they are blindly arrogant -
Tentative Conclusions about the Atheist World - No Truth: >>2. Human beings are neither entirely unique from other forms of life nor are they the final product of some planned scheme of development. The available evidence shows that humans are made from the same building blocks of which other life forms are made and are subject to the same sorts of natural pressures. All life forms are constructed from the same basic elements—the same sorts of atoms—as are nonliving substances, and these atoms are made of subatomic particles that have been recycled through many cosmic events before becoming part of us or our world. Humans are the current result of a long series of natural evolutionary changes, but not the only result or the final one. Continuous change can be expected to affect ourselves, other life forms, and the cosmos as a whole. There appears no ultimate beginning or end to this process.
>>3. There is no compelling evidence to justify the belief that the human mind is distinct and separable from the human brain, which is itself a part of the body. All that we know about the personality indicates that every part of it is subject to change caused by physical disease, injury, and death. Thus there are insufficient grounds for belief in a soul or some form of afterlife.= UN-socialist communist-UDHR at
[3] "IN-IQ'UI-TY, n. [Fr. iniquité; iniquitas; in and æquitas, equity.] 1. Injustice; unrighteousness; a deviation from rectitude; as, the iniquity of war; the iniquity of the slave trade.
2. Want of rectitude in principle; as, a malicious prosecution originating in the iniquity of the author.
3. A particular deviation from rectitude; a sin or crime; wickedness; any act of injustice. Your iniquities have separated between you and your God. Ps. lix.
4. Original want of holiness, or depravity. I was shapen in iniquity. Ps. li.
"REC'TI-TUDE, n. [Fr. from L. rectus, right, straight; It. rettitudine; Sp. rectitud; literally straightness, but not applied to material things.]
In morality, rightness of principle or practice; uprightness of mind; exact conformity to truth, or to the rules prescribed for moral conduct, either by divine or human laws. Rectitude of mind is the disposition to act in conformity to any known standard of right, truth or justice; rectitude of conduct is the actual conformity to such standard. Perfect rectitude belongs only to the Supreme Being. The more nearly the rectitude of men approaches to the standard of the divine law, the more exalted and dignified is their character. Want of rectitude is not only sinful but debasing. There is a sublimity in conscious rectitude … in comparison with which the treasures of earth are not worth naming. –.Joel Hawes “an American clergyman, born in Medway, Mass., Dec. 22, 1789, died at Gilead, Conn., June 5, 1867. He graduated at Brown university in 1813, and, after studying theology at Andover, was settled in the first Congregational church in Hartford, Conn., in 1818, where he became known as an able preacher and writer. He published “Lectures to Young Men” (Hartford, 1828), which has had a very large circulation in the United States and Great Britain; “Tribute to the Memory of the Pilgrims” (1830); “Memoir of Normand Smith” (1839); “Character Everything to the Young” (1843); “The Religion of the East” (1845); “Looking-Glass for the Ladies, or the Formation and Excellence of Female Character” (1845); “Washington and Jay” (1850); “An Offering to Home Missionaries” (1865); and numerous occasional sermons.” from The American Cyclopædia (1879) Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana at Words: Rectitude
[4] "OB-SE'QUI-OUS-NESS, n. 1. Ready obedience; prompt, compliance with the orders of a superior.
2. Servile submission; mean or excessive complaisance. They apply themselves both to his interest and humor, with all the arts of flattery and obsequiousness. -Robert South (4 September 1634 – 8 July 1716) was an English churchman, known for his combative preaching. “It is the property of an old sinner to find delight in reviewing his own villainies in others”. Words: Cunning; Person, Sophistry, Conceit, Probable; Trick, Teach, Property, Apprehension, Obsequiousness, Opinion, Interdict, Crawl .
SERV'ILE, a. [Fr. from L. servilis, from servio, to serve.] 1. Such as pertains to a servant or slave; slavish; mean; such as proceeds from dependence; as, servile fear; servile obedience.
2. Held in subjection; dependent. Ev'n fortune rules no more a servile land. –.Alexander Pope (21 May 1688 – 30 May 1744) was an 18th-century English poet. He is best known for his satirical verse, as well as for his translation of Homer. Famous for his use of the heroic couplet, he is the third-most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, after Shakespeare and Tennyson.[* see “THE TATTLER”, below] Words: Break, Will, Conceit, Pride, High, Self, Servile, Family, Grace, Test, Virtue, Nature, Whole, Spear, Dead, Entail, Envy, Reconcile, Impose, Bulls, Assume, Bound. “The Tattler” from Pope”s Complete Poetical Works/ Google Books: “ The publication of The Talller, in which Addison, SteoJe, Tickell, and several others were engaged, commenced early in 1709, and is thus noticed by Wycherley in a letter to Pope, of the 17th of May: "Hitherto your Miscellanies have run the gauntlet through all the coffee-houses, which are now enter- tained with a whimsical new newspaper, called The Tatt/er," &c. This paper, which at first united some portions of the political news of the day with other subjcts, was succeeded by those yet more celebrated productions, The Spectator and The Guardian, with the character of which every reader is, or ought to be, familiar. Roscoe justly regards them as having " contributed more, perhaps, than any other works in the English language, to soften the animosities, correc' the judgment, improve the manners, and refine the taste of the age in which they were produced."
3. Cringing; fawning; meanly submissive; as, servile flattery. She must bend the servile knee. –James Thomson (11 September 1700 – 27 August 1748) was a Scottish and British poet and playwright, known for his masterpiece The Seasons and the lyrics of "Rule, Britannia!". Words: Servile, Illimitable
[5] "OATH, n. A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath, implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury; [as, perjury is the rule of law among the UN-EU Empire, Papal Authoirty-churches, temples, mosques, synogogues, 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime continuing to intermingle with REP-Papal Authoriy's - Mosaic Jewish-Radical Jihad- sharing Mohammed with Muslim's Sharia-human precept-arbitrary rules of the spirit of the devil-conduct by tribal hierarchey] -- You can read Hebrews 6 for yourSelf/ Eternal Soul-Truth - it is quite beautiful of Paul/ Luke who wrote for him, at - as is Our Magnificent Nation establised by man in God's Name, Precisely as He, our Father Who Art in Heaven, Hallowed Be Thy Name...They Kingdom Come...lead US(A) NOT in Temptation, But Deliver us from 'spirit of the devil'
[6] 'Connection' and 'Thing' are integral to each other, often providing each other the logic in Right Reason, for "When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for ONE PEOPLE to dissolve the political bands with another.. And to assume among the powers of the earth [spirit of the devil -- Holy Spirit of Your Eternal Soul-Truth], the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle [Each-one-Person, a man, a woman, a child] in order to exercise the RIGHT of Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness/ Blessedness -- and to recognize "whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these means'....we have reminded them of the circumstances for the emigration and settlement here....of shared, just consanguinity's 5th Commandment..."And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually PLEDGE to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor;" AND MANY OF EACH-ONE-OF US(A) HAS FROM THAT DAY TO THIS!
[7] "TEMPT-A'TION, n.
The act of tempting; enticement to evil by arguments, by flattery, or by the offer of some real or apparent good. When the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season. Luke iv.
Solicitation of the passions; enticements to evil proceeding from the prospect of pleasure or advantage.
The state of being tempted or enticed to evil. When by human weakness you are led into temptation, resort to prayer for relief.
Trial. Lead us not into temptation. Lord's Prayer.
That which is presented to the mind as an inducement to evil. Dare to be great without a guilty crown, / View it, and lay the bright temptation down. Dryden.
In colloquial language, an allurement to any thing indifferent, or even good.
[8] "VIN-DIC'TIVE, a. [Fr. vindicatif.] Revengeful; given to revenge. I am vindictive enough to repel force by force. – Dryden.
RE-VENGE, n. [revenj'; Fr. revenche; Arm. revanch.]
Return of an injury; the deliberate infliction of pain or injury on a person in return for an injury received from him. – Milton. Dryden.
According to modern usage, a malicious or spiteful infliction of pain or injury, contrary to the laws of justice and Christianity, in return for an injury or offense. Revenge is dictated by passion; vengeance by justice.
The passion which is excited by an injury done or an affront given; the desire of inflicting pain on one who has done an injury; as, to glut revenge. Revenge, as the word is now understood, is always contrary to the precepts of Christ. The indulgence of revenge tends to make men more savage and cruel. – Kames.
RE-VENGE, v.t. [revenj'; Fr.revencher, venger; Sp. vengar; Port.vingar; L. vindex, vindico; It.vendicare. See Vindicate.] 1. To inflict pain or injury in return for an injury received. Note. This word and avenge were formerly used as synonymous, and it is so used in the common version of the Scripture, and applied to the Supreme Being. “O Lord … revenge me of my persecutors.” Jer. xv. In consequence of a distinction between avenge and revenge, which modern usage has introduced, the application of this word to the Supreme Being appears extremely harsh, irreverent and offensive. Revenge is now used in an ill sense, for the infliction of pain maliciously or illegally; avenge for inflicting just punishment.
2. According to modern usage, to inflict pain deliberately and maliciously, contrary to the laws of justice and humanity, in return for injury, pain or evil received; to wreak vengeance spitefully on one who injures or offends. We say, to revenge an injury or insult, or with the reciprocal pronoun, to revenge ourselves on an enemy or for an injury, that is, to take vengeance or satisfaction.
3. To vindicate by punishment of an enemy. The gods are just and will revenge our cause. – Dryden. [According to modern usage, avenge should here be substituted for revenge.]
[9] "Browse By: Date, Topic, Agency (Hierarchy), Agency (Alphabetically):
2017 - All Agencies (54,200): Article II Executive (32,257); Independent Agencies (10,056); Article III Judicial (184); Article I Legislative (2,247); Multinational (706); Territories (250).
Summer 2009 - All Agencies (51,763): Article II Executive (29,941); Independent (9,509); Article III Judicial (175); Article II Legislative (2,188); Multinational (697)- among "Undocumented-illegal aliens" and under the wire-tribal-ecclesiastical-civil-government-over-man's gender; and 'other' skin color-except white, and country-of-origin except English language and communication of Consent of the Governed in We the People-Truth, Trust, Promise, among -Naturalized Article IV in Preamble to Bill of Rights, Americans; Territories (232) -- 9,021 CIS, NSA, DJA - Not really a secret, or just missing from "All Agencies".".
You can actually go the Agencies and from there ... really obtain a through knowledge and understanding of the government-over-man's production, distribution, control and manipulation of every-one-person, including their own-Person, of spirit of the devil's "not bread, the 'vain-idol-god's bigger size-loaves to stone'; pinnacle of tallest Temple; grandeur of the highest mountain and all the life in the socialist-commune-ist, delusional-'original-ist' isolation-ist' collective, mass people-democracy's (109 or earlier), 1931 Papal Authority's enjoined to Mussolini and Hitler's paragraph 80 of Rundschreiben, "subsidiarity" of HOA's, Rental, mobile/ manufactured homes, "neighborhood Legislative committees'; "political parties; all internet social networks; ecclesiastical-civil public parks - libraries, organizations, political parties, groups by fenced-in-home owners-$$$, among agricultural -rural communities by their skin color except white that often composes the smaller number - so that living and inanimate objects are always parties-at-arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-power of tyranny-force -- against One Person's Eternal Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will-Conscience - to His own Truth-in the name of obedience to God in Three Persons--of which that person is One Third, and that person does not have to know God or Christ Jesus by their name-- only by their life of Liberty of most Good-Truth-Trust-Promise in every Roles of that Person's Life and pursuit of Happiness --- THAT IS WHAT OUR MAGNIFICENT FOUNDERS HAVE GIVEN YOU, ME, US(A) ; AND EVERY PERSON COMPOSING HIS OWN NATION ; AND DIRECTLY FROM GOD HIMSELF--IN HIS SON IN YOU--JOHN 14, 17
Mundialization - The declaration of specified territory - a city, town, or state, for example - as world territory, with responsibilities and rights on a world scale. --- 4 part manifesto -- servile-collectivism spirit of the devil- that even it would have trouble existing....being Beelzebub against Beelzebub at
[10] E.O in complete obedience to UN-EU Empire supreme to God, Agenda 21, GW, Sustainable greening, Climate Change not quite the new moniker and Paris Treaty still 8 years in the future, : June 9, 2011 “Establishment of the White House Rural Council” EO13575 contains at least 3 statements of socialist controlled government - in order of severity - of Constitutional violations:
1) “Sec. 5(d) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its Departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.”
2) “Sec. 1 first paragraph: “Though rural communities face numerous challenges, they also represent enormous economic potential. The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for the economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public lands.”
3) “Sec. 1 Last paragraph:” better coordinate Federal programs and maximize the impact of Federal investment to promote economic prosperity and quality of life in our rural communities.”
..*EO’s are suppose to proceed through regular legislative process before enactment according to Article I. Congressmembers have said that Obama’s EO do not, 100% go through legislative process.
** “The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity.”
* An unconstitutional statue is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but anti-law.” (Declaration of Constitutional Principles by Jon Roland, Court recognized Constitutional historian)
[11] THOUGHT n. [thaut. primarily the passive participle of think, supra, Sax. theaht.] 1. Properly, that which the mind thinks. Thought is either the act or operation of the mind, when attending to a particular subject or thing, or it is the idea consequent on that operation. We say, a man's thoughts are employed on government, on religion, on trade or arts, or his thoughts are employed on his dress or his means of living. By this we mean that the mind is directed to that particular subject or object; that is, according to the literal import of the verb think, the mind, the intellectual part of man, is set upon such an object, it holds it in view or contemplation, or it extends to it, it stretches to it. Thought can not be superadded to matter, so as in any sense to render it true that matter can become cogitative. – Dwight.
2. Idea; conception. I wish to convey my thoughts to another person. I employ words that express my thoughts, so that he may have the same ideas; in this case, our thoughts will be alike.
3. Fancy; conceit; something framed by the imagination. Thoughts come crowding in so fast upon me, that my only difficulty is to choose or reject. – Dryden
4. Reflection; particular consideration. Why do you keep alone? / Using those thoughts which should have died / With them they think on. – Shak.
5. Opinion; judgment. Thus Bethel spoke, who always speaks his thoughts. – Pope.
6. Meditation; serious consideration. Pride, of all others the most dangerous fault, / Proceeds from want of sense or want of thought. – Roscommon.
7. Design; purpose. All their thoughts are against me for evil. – Ps. lvi. xxxiii. Jer. xxix.
8. Silent contemplation. – Shak.
9. Solicitude; care; concern. Hawis was put in trouble, and died with thought and anguish before his business came to an end. – Bacon.
10. Inward reasoning; the workings of conscience. Their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another. – Rom. ii.
11. A small degree or quantity; as, a thought longer; a thought better. [Not in use.] – Hooker. Sidney. To take thought, to be solicitous or anxious. – Matth. vi.
THOUGHT, pp. [and pret. of Think; pronounced thaut.]
THOUGHT'FUL, a. 1. Full of thought; contemplative; employed in meditation; as, a man of thoughtful mind.
2. Attentive; careful; having the mind directed to an object; as, thoughtful of gain. – Philips.
3. Promoting serious thought; favorable to musing or meditation. War, horrid war, your thoughtful walks invades. – Pope.
4. Anxious; solicitous. Around her crowd distrust and doubt and fear, / And thoughtful foresight, and tormenting care. Prior.
[12] In order for man-serving-man-arbitrary human precept's socialist communist UDHR- rules of conduct - tyranny, oppression, pure power of the few rulers over, now all 193 borderless nations - world court of iniquity- "is atheism's ..opinion that THINGS are produced by inherent powers of matter, independent of a supreme intelligent author that is God in Three Persons, "..Whenever Any form of Government becomes Destructive of these is the RIGHT/ TRUTH-HOLY SPIRIT-ETERNAL SOUL of a Person - to alter or abolish it..". It has taken God's Eras of history from Adam waking after receiving God's Life in His own Spirit-Image - being able to speak and understand words... to this flashing cursor... and the immediate future, as blasphemy of the Holy Spirit-God in His Three Persons- Love of His Eternal Son, in Your own individual person where-ever He gave you "long life in the land, your Lord, gave to YOU", is answered by the Very Same God in Three Persons - AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, though being blind from the years of both ecclesiasticel and civil-staate blasphemy of the Holy Spirit never forgiven... "thy Will Be done on earth as it is in Heaven.."
The need to reinterpret the re-definition of the words "religious" and "test" to remove Truth in Common Oral Law, is a patent - open Fact in Testimony, over all the years - right to 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's lie, steal, kill a Constitutional-Person's mind/ heart/ will-conscience, hiding behind DEM, convoluted by ignorance of the essence of Truth - all wisdom, knowledge in UNDERSTANDING Language and Communication - among all REP's who are fully and completely ignorant and by within The Holy Spirit - Truth given by His Eternal Living Son, Christ Jesus, Apostle Paul verses Matt. 4's spirit of the devil - working from Cain walking away unscathed from Jealousy of cold blooded, premeditated Murder of Truth - Able, a.k.a.,destruction of our Three Sacred Documents.
The complete degradation and anomaly, because Dr. Webster's "1828/1844 AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language" is a "forbidden, Original Text, as are both the Declaration and the Constitution since post WWI, both Europe and America, completed on 12.24.2009's flagship of socialist-atheist-delusional-isolated-originist-democracy, this last sentence of the Axiom of God in Three Persons, The Holy Living Trinity, The Three Sacred Documents, our Father, The Eternal Living God, The Creator, has undergone, man-serving-man's "lie and steal are justified if the benefits outweigh the harm", since 1925 Scopes Trial, that includes 1932-First Jewish Justice Brandeis "stare decisis-precedent's rule" supreme to God's supreme Law of the Land -".. better to settle, than settle RIGHT/ TRUTH ; the words of degradation and anomaly are "RELIGIOUS" meaning church's rites, ceremonies, creeds, forms, denominations, compulsion of conscience as workers of iniquity, not an Individual, Constitutional-Person of a man, a woman, a child directly to The Judge-God; and "TEST " : Here is the word as it is correctly defined by the Drafter's of the Two that derive from the First - of our Three Sacred Documents:
"TEST, n.2 [L. testis, a witness, properly one that affirms.] In England, an oath and declaration against transubstantiation, which all officers, civil and military, are obliged to take within six months after their admission. They were formerly obliged also to receive the sacrament, according to the usage of the Church of England. These requisitions are made by Stat. 25 Charles II. which is called the test act. The test of 7 Jac. I. was removed in 1753. Blackstone".
.The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
[13] A. "Learning to Understand The Three Sacred Document's "Oral Law" that is God In Three Persons" at ; contains among other proofs of "The Essex Result", PDF links to the US District Court-fingers v God Oath-Declaration - Constitution ; Superior Court with Appellate Court, three times during the Course of Oath - Oral Law - Holy Living Trinity that is the Three Sacred Documents -- Connected, in Right Reason Argument of Truth, Trust, Promise --
B. "Learning the Three Sacred Documents: 2,016 Cerebrated Birth of Eternal Living Christ Jesus Compendium for AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, The Creator’s Truth in continuing “course of human events” at
C. "Only in 240 year old America God/Truth Is Law -- "Any form of Government..Destructive of these Ends": Our Eternal Living Father God Is Speaking Very Loud... at
has several parts to it: 1) Photo of 'my Defense Table from above 'A'the 396th Birthday of The Holy Living Trinity, God in Three Persons-Reformation that is the 228th Birthday of the Third of the Three Sacred Documents - The Public Park Teaching of our Republic under God-with each-one-Reference, Our Flag; Paul Galation's 1; The "Dissent of the 4 Justices of "This decision should be reversed" - the wall of separation collective people, cclesiasticle government-over-man, church from collective-people-government-over-man, state of Article I - while 5 judges of Article III committed the crimes of omission, neglect of contract, and transgression of the Declaration; "scatter" laid on top of man-serving-man's "secular"; UN Court of International Iniquity's 3 forms of No Holy Trinity-Truth, Trust, Promise, socialist-communist, arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-power-force, UDHR -- more proofs of "the offenseof attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender(s) owes [and has given his, alone, to God's Ear, Oath-Oral Common Law] allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power - UN.."-Treason; more with illustrations of "lie, steal and kill the mind/ heart/ will-conscience of Person
D. "I bet you can’t Guess Who The Wizard of Oz is..." at is about Metaphor and allusion's language and communication to Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise that is God in Three Persons- Bible and Life the Contents of the Three Sacred Documents...Wycliff, 1611 Translators to The Reader
Addresses Lining up Lining up The Federal Reserve IS the 187 Nations of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), 189 Natons: International Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); 173 nations:International Development Association (IDA), 184 nations: International Finance Corporation (IFC); 181 nations Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); 153 nations, 1966, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes ((ISCID) Is The socialist-communist-delusional democracy-socialist-collectivism of group-think-vain-idol-god's 'bigger number' consensus-inclusive of "Papal-authority-supremacy of among hierarchy's few rulers that serve only themselves in abject-power's NGO-UN-EU Empire-January 20, 2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's human precept's --- with the Table of Contents of the UN's Agenda 21 - "all human body's collective people - life, land, water, atmosphere of the spirit of the Devil... that is the above 2017 to "2015's Appropriation's Committee's 11 areas of all life on planet earth...though all government-over-man in Article I are totally blind to Truth of Oral - Common Law.
F. "Our Republic Under God: Learn how to use our Three Sacred Documents... Nullification....Article II:4"---"Virtual Unreality" of binomial's tyranny by enslavement to a machine's invisible liars, the Hillary Clinton's brigands love of Hegel-Marx, dialectical process of pre-determined, consensus conclusion - the government-over-man's reason to get rid of Judge Antonio Napolitano, as well as most of Fox News-complete reprobate attack on the Contents of The Three Sacred Documents -- commentators who are not 'yellow - coward-bootlickers' of control and manipulation of all knowledge, language and communication.
The Other reasons to mention this untruth in a public library, where Dr. Webster's work is not even known by its Reference Librarian, where equal time is not available for "Dr. Matthew Spalding's "The Founders' Almanac, a Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest Leaders and Most Eloquent Words of the American Founding" (though I donated and it is on the shelf, but forbidden - sitting at the side of a New Book's display case), and its 1932 Papal Authority's subsidiarity of "Committee to Reconsider Library materials" is a pure, pre-determined-conclusion, complete with its own 'facilitator' ---- worse, this anti-Republic under God Regime's ".What’s true for our scientific conclusions is even more so for our moral choices and social policies; these latter are subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions...," is the ON LINE WRITER FOR EMIGRANTS WHO WISH TO BECOME AMERICAN CITIZENS......!; for even in the SPECIALLY SEALED ROOM FOR OUR TWO of the THREE SACRED, ORIGINAL, DOCUMENTS -- IS THERE ANY CONNECTION, WHAT SO EVER BETWEEN TEACHING THE TRUTH OF GOD OR OUR REPUBLIC UNDER GOD--- NOT LIP SERVICE.... NEW EMIGRANTS ARE ISOLATED TO COMPLETE UNTRUTH.
[16] "DI-VINE', a. [L. divinus, from divus, a god, coinciding in origin with deus, θεος.] 1. Pertaining to the true God; as, the divine nature; divine perfections.
2. Pertaining to a heathen deity, or to false gods.
3. Partaking of the nature of God. Half human, half divine. – Dryden.
4. Proceeding from God; as, divine judgments.
5. Godlike; heavenly; excellent in the highest degree; extraordinary; apparently above what is human. In this application the word admits of comparison; as, a divine invention; a divine genius; the divinest mind. – Davies. A divine sentence is in the lips of the king. – Prov. xvi.
6. Presageful; foreboding; prescient. [Not used.] – Milton.
7. Appropriated to God, or celebrating his praise; as, divine service; divine songs; divine worship.
DI-VINE', n. 1. A minister of the Gospel; a priest; a clergyman. – Swift. The first divines of New England were surpassed by none in extensive erudition, personal sanctity, and diligence in the pastoral office. – J. Woodbridge.
2. A man skilled in divinity; a theologian; as, a great divine.
DI-VINE', v.i. 1. To use or practice divination.
2. To utter presages or prognostications. The prophets thereof divine for money. – Micah iii.
3. To have presages or forebodings. Suggest but truth to my divining thoughts. – Shak.
4. To guess or conjecture. Could you divine what lovers bear. – Granville.
DI-VINE', v.t. [L. divino.] 1. To foreknow; to foretell; to presage. Dar'st thou divine his downfall? – Shak.
5. To deify. [Not in use.] – Spenser.
[17] "MAT'TER, n. [L. Sp. and It. materia; Fr. matière; Arm. matery; W. mater, what is produced, occasion, affair, matter; madru, to putrefy or dissolve. Owen deduces mater from mâd, what proceeds or advances, a good; madu, to cause to proceed, to render productive; mâd, good, beneficial, that is, advancing, progressive. Here we have a clear idea of the radical sense of good, which is proceeding, advancing. A good is that which advances or promotes; and hence we see the connection between this word mad and matter, pus, both from progressiveness. The original verb is in the Ar. مَدً madda, to extend, to reach or stretch, to be tall, to thrust out, to excrete, to produce pus, to yawn; derivatives, pus, sanies, matter. Ihis verb in Heb. and Ch. signifies to measure, and is the same as the L. metior, Gr. μετρεω. In Syriac, it signifies to escape.]
Substance excreted from living animal bodies; that which is thrown out or discharged in a tumor, boil or abscess; pus; purulent substance collected in an abscess, the effect of suppuration more or less perfect; as, digested matter; sanious matter.
Body; substance extended; that which is visible or tangible; as, earth, wood, stone, air, vapor, water.
3. In a more general and philosophic sense, the substance of which all bodies are composed; the substratum of sensible qualities, though the parts composing the substratum may not be visible or tangible. Encyc. Matter is usually divided by philosophical writers into four kinds or classes; solid, liquid, aeriform, and imponderable. Solid substances are those whose parts firmly cohere and resist impression, as wood or stone; liquids have free motion among their parts, and easily yield to impression, as water and wine. Aeriform substances are elastic fluids, called vapors and gases, as air and oxygen gas. The imponderable substances are destitute of weight, as light, caloric, electricity and magnetism.
Subject; thing treated; that about which we write or speak; that which employs thought or excites emotion; as, this is matter of praise, of gratitude, or of astonishment. Son of God, Savior of men, thy name / Shall he the copious matter of my song. Milton.
5. The very thing supposed or intended. He grants the deluge to have come so very near the matter, that few escaped. Tillotson.
6. Affair; business; event; thing; course of things. Matters have succeeded well thus far; observe how matters stand; thus the matter rests at present; thus the matter ended. To help the matter, the alchimists call in many vanities from astrology. Bacon. Some young female seems to have carried matters so far, that she is ripe for asking advice. Spectator.
Cause of any event, as of any disturbance, or of a disease, or of a difficulty. When a moving machine stops suddenly, we ask, what is the matter? When a person is ill, we ask, what is the matter? When a tumult or quarrel takes place, we ask, what is the matter?
Subject of complaint; suit; demand. If the matter should be tried by duel between two champions. Bacon. Every great matter they shall bring to thee, but every small matter they shall judge. Exod. xviii.
9. Import; consequence; importance; moment. A prophet some, and some a poet cry, / No matter which, so neither of them lie. Dryden.
10. Space of time; a portion of distance. I have thoughts to tarry a small matter. Congreve. Away he goes, a matter of seven miles. L'Estrange. Upon the matter, considering the whole; taking all things into view. This phrase is now obsolete; but in lieu of it, we sometimes use, upon the whole matter. Waller, with Sir William Balfour, exceeded in horse, but were, upon the whole matter, equal in foot. Clarendon. Matter of record, that which is recorded, or which may be proved by record.
MAT'TER, v.i. 1. To be of importance; to import; used with it, this, that, or what. This matters not; that matters not; chiefly used in negative phrases; as, what matters it? It matters not how they are called, so we know who they are. Locke.
2. To maturate; to form pus; to collect, as matter in an abscess. Each slight sore mattereth. [Little used.] Sidney. [We now use maturate.]
[18] "The Pilgrims' Regress The Geneva Bible And The "Apocrypha" By Gary Michuta
"The Geneva Bible broke new ground for printed Bibles. It was the first Bible to assign chapter and verses to the text and its copious marginal notes qualify it to be called the first study Bible. The marginal notes were from a Reformed perspective and the Geneva Bible (1599) is still revered by many Reformed Protestants today.
Like nearly all early Protestant Bibles, the Geneva Bible contained the Deuterocanon gathered together into an appendix between the Old and New Testaments titled "Apocrypha" (Right - the 1599 Geneva Bible's table of contents). By "Apocrypha," the early Reformers meant those books that are good and beneficial for Christians to read, but not for the purpose of confirming doctrine. The Geneva Bible also sported (like the early editions of its authorized counterpart) cross references to the "Apocrypha" in the New Testament. The importance of these cross references should not be minimized; they demonstrate that the early editors believed that the "Apocrypha" played in integral role in the New Testament text and that the cross referenced texts aided the Protestant reader in understanding and interpreting the New Testament. As time moved on, these benefits were overshadowed by anti-Catholic prejudice and the desire to minimize the books that the Catholic Church reaffirmed as inspired Scripture. The cross references slowly started to disappear from margins of the King James Version and the Geneva Bible until all of them, and the "Apocrypha" itself had totally disappeared. ..." at The Pilgrims' Regress The Geneva Bible And The "Apocrypha"
[19] From 1913 "Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (editor Noah Porter, Springfield, MA: C. & G. Merriam Co., 1913) - word "An AMERICAN DICTIONARY.." removed:
" Med"i*cine 1. The science which relates to the prevention, cure, or alleviation of disease.
2. To give medicine to; to affect as a medicine does; to remedy; to cure. "Medicine thee to that sweet sleep."- "Othello, Act III, Scene III" Shak.
3. Among the North American Indians, any object supposed to give control over natural or magical forces, to act as a protective charm, or to cause healing; also, magical power itself; the potency which a charm, token, or rite is supposed to exert. The North American Indian boy usually took as his medicine the first animal of which he dreamed during the long and solitary fast that he observed at puberty. - Franklin Henry Giddings, (March 23, 1855 - June 11, 1931) was an American sociologist and economist. For ten years, he wrote items for the Springfield, Massachusetts Republican and the Daily Union. In 1888 he was appointed lecturer in political science at Bryn Mawr College; in 1894 he became professor of sociology at Columbia University. From 1892 to 1905 he was a vice president of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. His most significant contribution is the concept of the consciousness of kind, which is a state of mind whereby one conscious being recognizes another as being of like mind. All human motives organize themselves around consciousness of kind as a determining principle. Association leads to conflict which leads to consciousness of kind through communication, imitation, toleration, co-operation, and alliance. Eventually the group achieves a self-consciousness of its own (as opposed to individual self-consciousness) from which traditions and social values can arise. In 1914 he became one of the inaugural Fellows of the American Statistical Association. Words: Medicine
[His works are entirely socialism - not individualism at wiki/Franklin_Henry_Giddings Words: Medicine-American Indian Boy-individual’s dreams, who would then, alone, go out on his first ‘food gathering hunt’ [– very interesting contrast of choosing what facts/ truth to ignore, and what facts/ truth to use = statistics. Noah didn’t address in his definiton, that Medicine is of the mind/ heart/ will-conscience –strictly ‘body’.]
4. Any substance administered in the treatment of disease; a remedial agent; a remedy; physic.
By medicine, life may be prolonged. "Cymbeline | Act 5, Scene 5."- Shak. Short for Medicine man.
A philter or love potion.
Medicine bag, a charm; -- so called among the North American Indians, or in works relating to them. -- Medicine man (among the North American Indians), a person who professes to cure sickness, drive away evil spirits, and regulate the weather by the arts of magic. -- Medicine seal, a small gem or paste engraved with reversed characters, to serve as a seal. Such seals were used by Roman physicians to stamp the names of their medicines"
[20] EL-LIP'SIS, n. [plur. Ellipses. Gr. ελλειψις, an omission or defect, from ελλειπω, to leave or pass by, λειπω, to leave.] 1. n geometry, a figure generated from the section of a cone, by a plane cutting both sides of it, but not parallel to the base. Bailey. Encyc. Harris .math ellipsisI
2. In grammar, defect; omission; a figure of syntax, by which one or more words are omitted, which the hearer or reader may supply; as, the heroic virtues I admire, for the heroic virtues which I admire.
[21] REC'TI-TUDE, n. [Fr. from L. rectus, right, straight; It. rettitudine; Sp.rectitud; literally straightness, but not applied to material things.]
2. According to modern usage, to inflict pain deliberately and maliciously, contrary to the laws of justice and humanity, in return for injury, pain or evil received; to wreak vengeance spitefully on one who injures or offends. We say, to revenge an injury or insult, or with the reciprocal pronoun, to revenge ourselves on an enemy or for an injury, that is, to take vengeance or satisfaction.
3. To vindicate by punishment of an enemy. The gods are just and will revenge our cause. – Dryden. [According to modern usage, avenge should here be substituted for revenge.]
[9] "Browse By: Date, Topic, Agency (Hierarchy), Agency (Alphabetically):
2017 - All Agencies (54,200): Article II Executive (32,257); Independent Agencies (10,056); Article III Judicial (184); Article I Legislative (2,247); Multinational (706); Territories (250).
Summer 2009 - All Agencies (51,763): Article II Executive (29,941); Independent (9,509); Article III Judicial (175); Article II Legislative (2,188); Multinational (697)- among "Undocumented-illegal aliens" and under the wire-tribal-ecclesiastical-civil-government-over-man's gender; and 'other' skin color-except white, and country-of-origin except English language and communication of Consent of the Governed in We the People-Truth, Trust, Promise, among -Naturalized Article IV in Preamble to Bill of Rights, Americans; Territories (232) -- 9,021 CIS, NSA, DJA - Not really a secret, or just missing from "All Agencies".".
You can actually go the Agencies and from there ... really obtain a through knowledge and understanding of the government-over-man's production, distribution, control and manipulation of every-one-person, including their own-Person, of spirit of the devil's "not bread, the 'vain-idol-god's bigger size-loaves to stone'; pinnacle of tallest Temple; grandeur of the highest mountain and all the life in the socialist-commune-ist, delusional-'original-ist' isolation-ist' collective, mass people-democracy's (109 or earlier), 1931 Papal Authority's enjoined to Mussolini and Hitler's paragraph 80 of Rundschreiben, "subsidiarity" of HOA's, Rental, mobile/ manufactured homes, "neighborhood Legislative committees'; "political parties; all internet social networks; ecclesiastical-civil public parks - libraries, organizations, political parties, groups by fenced-in-home owners-$$$, among agricultural -rural communities by their skin color except white that often composes the smaller number - so that living and inanimate objects are always parties-at-arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-power of tyranny-force -- against One Person's Eternal Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will-Conscience - to His own Truth-in the name of obedience to God in Three Persons--of which that person is One Third, and that person does not have to know God or Christ Jesus by their name-- only by their life of Liberty of most Good-Truth-Trust-Promise in every Roles of that Person's Life and pursuit of Happiness --- THAT IS WHAT OUR MAGNIFICENT FOUNDERS HAVE GIVEN YOU, ME, US(A) ; AND EVERY PERSON COMPOSING HIS OWN NATION ; AND DIRECTLY FROM GOD HIMSELF--IN HIS SON IN YOU--JOHN 14, 17
Mundialization - The declaration of specified territory - a city, town, or state, for example - as world territory, with responsibilities and rights on a world scale. --- 4 part manifesto -- servile-collectivism spirit of the devil- that even it would have trouble existing....being Beelzebub against Beelzebub at
[10] E.O in complete obedience to UN-EU Empire supreme to God, Agenda 21, GW, Sustainable greening, Climate Change not quite the new moniker and Paris Treaty still 8 years in the future, : June 9, 2011 “Establishment of the White House Rural Council” EO13575 contains at least 3 statements of socialist controlled government - in order of severity - of Constitutional violations:
1) “Sec. 5(d) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its Departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.”
2) “Sec. 1 first paragraph: “Though rural communities face numerous challenges, they also represent enormous economic potential. The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for the economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public lands.”
3) “Sec. 1 Last paragraph:” better coordinate Federal programs and maximize the impact of Federal investment to promote economic prosperity and quality of life in our rural communities.”
..*EO’s are suppose to proceed through regular legislative process before enactment according to Article I. Congressmembers have said that Obama’s EO do not, 100% go through legislative process.
** “The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity.”
* An unconstitutional statue is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but anti-law.” (Declaration of Constitutional Principles by Jon Roland, Court recognized Constitutional historian)
[11] THOUGHT n. [thaut. primarily the passive participle of think, supra, Sax. theaht.] 1. Properly, that which the mind thinks. Thought is either the act or operation of the mind, when attending to a particular subject or thing, or it is the idea consequent on that operation. We say, a man's thoughts are employed on government, on religion, on trade or arts, or his thoughts are employed on his dress or his means of living. By this we mean that the mind is directed to that particular subject or object; that is, according to the literal import of the verb think, the mind, the intellectual part of man, is set upon such an object, it holds it in view or contemplation, or it extends to it, it stretches to it. Thought can not be superadded to matter, so as in any sense to render it true that matter can become cogitative. – Dwight.
2. Idea; conception. I wish to convey my thoughts to another person. I employ words that express my thoughts, so that he may have the same ideas; in this case, our thoughts will be alike.
3. Fancy; conceit; something framed by the imagination. Thoughts come crowding in so fast upon me, that my only difficulty is to choose or reject. – Dryden
4. Reflection; particular consideration. Why do you keep alone? / Using those thoughts which should have died / With them they think on. – Shak.
5. Opinion; judgment. Thus Bethel spoke, who always speaks his thoughts. – Pope.
6. Meditation; serious consideration. Pride, of all others the most dangerous fault, / Proceeds from want of sense or want of thought. – Roscommon.
7. Design; purpose. All their thoughts are against me for evil. – Ps. lvi. xxxiii. Jer. xxix.
8. Silent contemplation. – Shak.
9. Solicitude; care; concern. Hawis was put in trouble, and died with thought and anguish before his business came to an end. – Bacon.
10. Inward reasoning; the workings of conscience. Their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another. – Rom. ii.
11. A small degree or quantity; as, a thought longer; a thought better. [Not in use.] – Hooker. Sidney. To take thought, to be solicitous or anxious. – Matth. vi.
THOUGHT, pp. [and pret. of Think; pronounced thaut.]
THOUGHT'FUL, a. 1. Full of thought; contemplative; employed in meditation; as, a man of thoughtful mind.
2. Attentive; careful; having the mind directed to an object; as, thoughtful of gain. – Philips.
3. Promoting serious thought; favorable to musing or meditation. War, horrid war, your thoughtful walks invades. – Pope.
4. Anxious; solicitous. Around her crowd distrust and doubt and fear, / And thoughtful foresight, and tormenting care. Prior.
[12] In order for man-serving-man-arbitrary human precept's socialist communist UDHR- rules of conduct - tyranny, oppression, pure power of the few rulers over, now all 193 borderless nations - world court of iniquity- "is atheism's ..opinion that THINGS are produced by inherent powers of matter, independent of a supreme intelligent author that is God in Three Persons, "..Whenever Any form of Government becomes Destructive of these is the RIGHT/ TRUTH-HOLY SPIRIT-ETERNAL SOUL of a Person - to alter or abolish it..". It has taken God's Eras of history from Adam waking after receiving God's Life in His own Spirit-Image - being able to speak and understand words... to this flashing cursor... and the immediate future, as blasphemy of the Holy Spirit-God in His Three Persons- Love of His Eternal Son, in Your own individual person where-ever He gave you "long life in the land, your Lord, gave to YOU", is answered by the Very Same God in Three Persons - AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, though being blind from the years of both ecclesiasticel and civil-staate blasphemy of the Holy Spirit never forgiven... "thy Will Be done on earth as it is in Heaven.."
The need to reinterpret the re-definition of the words "religious" and "test" to remove Truth in Common Oral Law, is a patent - open Fact in Testimony, over all the years - right to 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's lie, steal, kill a Constitutional-Person's mind/ heart/ will-conscience, hiding behind DEM, convoluted by ignorance of the essence of Truth - all wisdom, knowledge in UNDERSTANDING Language and Communication - among all REP's who are fully and completely ignorant and by within The Holy Spirit - Truth given by His Eternal Living Son, Christ Jesus, Apostle Paul verses Matt. 4's spirit of the devil - working from Cain walking away unscathed from Jealousy of cold blooded, premeditated Murder of Truth - Able, a.k.a.,destruction of our Three Sacred Documents.
The complete degradation and anomaly, because Dr. Webster's "1828/1844 AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language" is a "forbidden, Original Text, as are both the Declaration and the Constitution since post WWI, both Europe and America, completed on 12.24.2009's flagship of socialist-atheist-delusional-isolated-originist-democracy, this last sentence of the Axiom of God in Three Persons, The Holy Living Trinity, The Three Sacred Documents, our Father, The Eternal Living God, The Creator, has undergone, man-serving-man's "lie and steal are justified if the benefits outweigh the harm", since 1925 Scopes Trial, that includes 1932-First Jewish Justice Brandeis "stare decisis-precedent's rule" supreme to God's supreme Law of the Land -".. better to settle, than settle RIGHT/ TRUTH ; the words of degradation and anomaly are "RELIGIOUS" meaning church's rites, ceremonies, creeds, forms, denominations, compulsion of conscience as workers of iniquity, not an Individual, Constitutional-Person of a man, a woman, a child directly to The Judge-God; and "TEST " : Here is the word as it is correctly defined by the Drafter's of the Two that derive from the First - of our Three Sacred Documents:
"TEST, n.2 [L. testis, a witness, properly one that affirms.] In England, an oath and declaration against transubstantiation, which all officers, civil and military, are obliged to take within six months after their admission. They were formerly obliged also to receive the sacrament, according to the usage of the Church of England. These requisitions are made by Stat. 25 Charles II. which is called the test act. The test of 7 Jac. I. was removed in 1753. Blackstone".
.The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
[13] A. "Learning to Understand The Three Sacred Document's "Oral Law" that is God In Three Persons" at ; contains among other proofs of "The Essex Result", PDF links to the US District Court-fingers v God Oath-Declaration - Constitution ; Superior Court with Appellate Court, three times during the Course of Oath - Oral Law - Holy Living Trinity that is the Three Sacred Documents -- Connected, in Right Reason Argument of Truth, Trust, Promise --
B. "Learning the Three Sacred Documents: 2,016 Cerebrated Birth of Eternal Living Christ Jesus Compendium for AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, The Creator’s Truth in continuing “course of human events” at
C. "Only in 240 year old America God/Truth Is Law -- "Any form of Government..Destructive of these Ends": Our Eternal Living Father God Is Speaking Very Loud... at
has several parts to it: 1) Photo of 'my Defense Table from above 'A'the 396th Birthday of The Holy Living Trinity, God in Three Persons-Reformation that is the 228th Birthday of the Third of the Three Sacred Documents - The Public Park Teaching of our Republic under God-with each-one-Reference, Our Flag; Paul Galation's 1; The "Dissent of the 4 Justices of "This decision should be reversed" - the wall of separation collective people, cclesiasticle government-over-man, church from collective-people-government-over-man, state of Article I - while 5 judges of Article III committed the crimes of omission, neglect of contract, and transgression of the Declaration; "scatter" laid on top of man-serving-man's "secular"; UN Court of International Iniquity's 3 forms of No Holy Trinity-Truth, Trust, Promise, socialist-communist, arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-power-force, UDHR -- more proofs of "the offense
D. "I bet you can’t Guess Who The Wizard of Oz is..." at is about Metaphor and allusion's language and communication to Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise that is God in Three Persons- Bible and Life the Contents of the Three Sacred Documents...Wycliff, 1611 Translators to The Reader
Addresses Lining up Lining up The Federal Reserve IS the 187 Nations of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), 189 Natons: International Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); 173 nations:International Development Association (IDA), 184 nations: International Finance Corporation (IFC); 181 nations Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); 153 nations, 1966, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes ((ISCID) Is The socialist-communist-delusional democracy-socialist-collectivism of group-think-vain-idol-god's 'bigger number' consensus-inclusive of "Papal-authority-supremacy of among hierarchy's few rulers that serve only themselves in abject-power's NGO-UN-EU Empire-January 20, 2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's human precept's --- with the Table of Contents of the UN's Agenda 21 - "all human body's collective people - life, land, water, atmosphere of the spirit of the Devil... that is the above 2017 to "2015's Appropriation's Committee's 11 areas of all life on planet earth...though all government-over-man in Article I are totally blind to Truth of Oral - Common Law.
F. "Our Republic Under God: Learn how to use our Three Sacred Documents... Nullification....Article II:4"---"Virtual Unreality" of binomial's tyranny by enslavement to a machine's invisible liars, the Hillary Clinton's brigands love of Hegel-Marx, dialectical process of pre-determined, consensus conclusion - the government-over-man's reason to get rid of Judge Antonio Napolitano, as well as most of Fox News-complete reprobate attack on the Contents of The Three Sacred Documents -- commentators who are not 'yellow - coward-bootlickers' of control and manipulation of all knowledge, language and communication.
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;
Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!
Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore Thee,
Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee,
Who was, and is, and evermore shall be.
Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee,
Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see;
Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee,
Perfect in power, in love, and purity.
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All Thy works shall praise Thy Name, in earth, and sky, and sea;
Holy, holy, holy; merciful and mighty!
God in three Persons, blessed Trinity!
[15] The Permission for man-serving-man, body's physiology to violate Oral Common Law lie, steal and kill the mind, heart, will-conscience of any Person - any nation through abrogation of The Holy Living Trinity -Reformation - In the Three Sacred Documents --TRUTH OF GOD, OUR FATHER, THE CREATOR: "THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION AS A CONSTITUTIONAL CONTROVERSY"; R. B. Bernstein, Daniel M. Lyons Visiting Professor in American History Brooklyn College/CUNY (1997-1998); Paraphrase from humanist philosophy:
Adjunct Professor, New York Law School; at ; and another, Socialist- Dr. Danielle Allen, PhD from Princeton "Our Delcaration, A Reading of the Declaration of Independence in Defense of Equality" -- absent Dr. Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language" and equality meaning the rich plantation owners subjugated the Colonists into fighting the Revolution.... and deist Jefferson did not was not the primary writer of the Declaration, and of course, God is only mentioned by concrete-mind's five senses, 4 times... .
"2. We make reasoned decisions because our experience with approaches that abandon reason convinces us that such approaches are inadequate and often counterproductive for the realization of human goals. When reason is abandoned there is no “court of appeal” where differences of opinion can be settled. We find instead that any belief is possible if one’s thinking is driven by arbitrary faith, authority, revelation, religious experience, altered states of consciousness, or other substitutes for reason and evidence. Therefore, in matters of belief, we find that reason, when applied to the evidence of our senses and our accumulated knowledge, is our most reliable guide for understanding the world and making our choices.And,
3. We base our understanding of the world on what we can perceive with our senses and comprehend with our minds. Anything that’s said to make sense should make sense to us as humans; else there is no reason for it to be the basis of our decisions and actions. Supposed transcendent knowledge or intuitions that are said to reach beyond human comprehension cannot instruct us because we cannot relate concretely to them. The way in which humans accept supposed transcendent or religious knowledge is by arbitrarily taking a leap of faith and abandoning reason and the senses. We find this course unacceptable, since all the supposed absolute moral rules that are adopted as a result of this arbitrary leap are themselves rendered arbitrary by the baselessness of the leap itself. Furthermore, there’s no rational way to test the validity or truth of transcendent or religious knowledge or to comprehend the incomprehensible. As a result, we are committed to the position that the only thing that can be called knowledge is that which is firmly grounded in the realm of human understanding and verification..."
Adjunct Professor, New York Law School; at ; and another, Socialist- Dr. Danielle Allen, PhD from Princeton "Our Delcaration, A Reading of the Declaration of Independence in Defense of Equality" -- absent Dr. Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language" and equality meaning the rich plantation owners subjugated the Colonists into fighting the Revolution.... and deist Jefferson did not was not the primary writer of the Declaration, and of course, God is only mentioned by concrete-mind's five senses, 4 times... .
The Other reasons to mention this untruth in a public library, where Dr. Webster's work is not even known by its Reference Librarian, where equal time is not available for "Dr. Matthew Spalding's "The Founders' Almanac, a Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest Leaders and Most Eloquent Words of the American Founding" (though I donated and it is on the shelf, but forbidden - sitting at the side of a New Book's display case), and its 1932 Papal Authority's subsidiarity of "Committee to Reconsider Library materials" is a pure, pre-determined-conclusion, complete with its own 'facilitator' ---- worse, this anti-Republic under God Regime's ".What’s true for our scientific conclusions is even more so for our moral choices and social policies; these latter are subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions...," is the ON LINE WRITER FOR EMIGRANTS WHO WISH TO BECOME AMERICAN CITIZENS......!; for even in the SPECIALLY SEALED ROOM FOR OUR TWO of the THREE SACRED, ORIGINAL, DOCUMENTS -- IS THERE ANY CONNECTION, WHAT SO EVER BETWEEN TEACHING THE TRUTH OF GOD OR OUR REPUBLIC UNDER GOD--- NOT LIP SERVICE.... NEW EMIGRANTS ARE ISOLATED TO COMPLETE UNTRUTH.
[16] "DI-VINE', a. [L. divinus, from divus, a god, coinciding in origin with deus, θεος.] 1. Pertaining to the true God; as, the divine nature; divine perfections.
2. Pertaining to a heathen deity, or to false gods.
3. Partaking of the nature of God. Half human, half divine. – Dryden.
4. Proceeding from God; as, divine judgments.
5. Godlike; heavenly; excellent in the highest degree; extraordinary; apparently above what is human. In this application the word admits of comparison; as, a divine invention; a divine genius; the divinest mind. – Davies. A divine sentence is in the lips of the king. – Prov. xvi.
6. Presageful; foreboding; prescient. [Not used.] – Milton.
7. Appropriated to God, or celebrating his praise; as, divine service; divine songs; divine worship.
DI-VINE', n. 1. A minister of the Gospel; a priest; a clergyman. – Swift. The first divines of New England were surpassed by none in extensive erudition, personal sanctity, and diligence in the pastoral office. – J. Woodbridge.
2. A man skilled in divinity; a theologian; as, a great divine.
DI-VINE', v.i. 1. To use or practice divination.
2. To utter presages or prognostications. The prophets thereof divine for money. – Micah iii.
3. To have presages or forebodings. Suggest but truth to my divining thoughts. – Shak.
4. To guess or conjecture. Could you divine what lovers bear. – Granville.
DI-VINE', v.t. [L. divino.] 1. To foreknow; to foretell; to presage. Dar'st thou divine his downfall? – Shak.
5. To deify. [Not in use.] – Spenser.
[17] "MAT'TER, n. [L. Sp. and It. materia; Fr. matière; Arm. matery; W. mater, what is produced, occasion, affair, matter; madru, to putrefy or dissolve. Owen deduces mater from mâd, what proceeds or advances, a good; madu, to cause to proceed, to render productive; mâd, good, beneficial, that is, advancing, progressive. Here we have a clear idea of the radical sense of good, which is proceeding, advancing. A good is that which advances or promotes; and hence we see the connection between this word mad and matter, pus, both from progressiveness. The original verb is in the Ar. مَدً madda, to extend, to reach or stretch, to be tall, to thrust out, to excrete, to produce pus, to yawn; derivatives, pus, sanies, matter. Ihis verb in Heb. and Ch. signifies to measure, and is the same as the L. metior, Gr. μετρεω. In Syriac, it signifies to escape.]
Substance excreted from living animal bodies; that which is thrown out or discharged in a tumor, boil or abscess; pus; purulent substance collected in an abscess, the effect of suppuration more or less perfect; as, digested matter; sanious matter.
Body; substance extended; that which is visible or tangible; as, earth, wood, stone, air, vapor, water.
3. In a more general and philosophic sense, the substance of which all bodies are composed; the substratum of sensible qualities, though the parts composing the substratum may not be visible or tangible. Encyc. Matter is usually divided by philosophical writers into four kinds or classes; solid, liquid, aeriform, and imponderable. Solid substances are those whose parts firmly cohere and resist impression, as wood or stone; liquids have free motion among their parts, and easily yield to impression, as water and wine. Aeriform substances are elastic fluids, called vapors and gases, as air and oxygen gas. The imponderable substances are destitute of weight, as light, caloric, electricity and magnetism.
Subject; thing treated; that about which we write or speak; that which employs thought or excites emotion; as, this is matter of praise, of gratitude, or of astonishment. Son of God, Savior of men, thy name / Shall he the copious matter of my song. Milton.
5. The very thing supposed or intended. He grants the deluge to have come so very near the matter, that few escaped. Tillotson.
6. Affair; business; event; thing; course of things. Matters have succeeded well thus far; observe how matters stand; thus the matter rests at present; thus the matter ended. To help the matter, the alchimists call in many vanities from astrology. Bacon. Some young female seems to have carried matters so far, that she is ripe for asking advice. Spectator.
Cause of any event, as of any disturbance, or of a disease, or of a difficulty. When a moving machine stops suddenly, we ask, what is the matter? When a person is ill, we ask, what is the matter? When a tumult or quarrel takes place, we ask, what is the matter?
Subject of complaint; suit; demand. If the matter should be tried by duel between two champions. Bacon. Every great matter they shall bring to thee, but every small matter they shall judge. Exod. xviii.
9. Import; consequence; importance; moment. A prophet some, and some a poet cry, / No matter which, so neither of them lie. Dryden.
10. Space of time; a portion of distance. I have thoughts to tarry a small matter. Congreve. Away he goes, a matter of seven miles. L'Estrange. Upon the matter, considering the whole; taking all things into view. This phrase is now obsolete; but in lieu of it, we sometimes use, upon the whole matter. Waller, with Sir William Balfour, exceeded in horse, but were, upon the whole matter, equal in foot. Clarendon. Matter of record, that which is recorded, or which may be proved by record.
MAT'TER, v.i. 1. To be of importance; to import; used with it, this, that, or what. This matters not; that matters not; chiefly used in negative phrases; as, what matters it? It matters not how they are called, so we know who they are. Locke.
2. To maturate; to form pus; to collect, as matter in an abscess. Each slight sore mattereth. [Little used.] Sidney. [We now use maturate.]
[18] "The Pilgrims' Regress The Geneva Bible And The "Apocrypha" By Gary Michuta
"The Geneva Bible broke new ground for printed Bibles. It was the first Bible to assign chapter and verses to the text and its copious marginal notes qualify it to be called the first study Bible. The marginal notes were from a Reformed perspective and the Geneva Bible (1599) is still revered by many Reformed Protestants today.
Like nearly all early Protestant Bibles, the Geneva Bible contained the Deuterocanon gathered together into an appendix between the Old and New Testaments titled "Apocrypha" (Right - the 1599 Geneva Bible's table of contents). By "Apocrypha," the early Reformers meant those books that are good and beneficial for Christians to read, but not for the purpose of confirming doctrine. The Geneva Bible also sported (like the early editions of its authorized counterpart) cross references to the "Apocrypha" in the New Testament. The importance of these cross references should not be minimized; they demonstrate that the early editors believed that the "Apocrypha" played in integral role in the New Testament text and that the cross referenced texts aided the Protestant reader in understanding and interpreting the New Testament. As time moved on, these benefits were overshadowed by anti-Catholic prejudice and the desire to minimize the books that the Catholic Church reaffirmed as inspired Scripture. The cross references slowly started to disappear from margins of the King James Version and the Geneva Bible until all of them, and the "Apocrypha" itself had totally disappeared. ..." at The Pilgrims' Regress The Geneva Bible And The "Apocrypha"
[19] From 1913 "Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (editor Noah Porter, Springfield, MA: C. & G. Merriam Co., 1913) - word "An AMERICAN DICTIONARY.." removed:
" Med"i*cine 1. The science which relates to the prevention, cure, or alleviation of disease.
2. To give medicine to; to affect as a medicine does; to remedy; to cure. "Medicine thee to that sweet sleep."- "Othello, Act III, Scene III" Shak.
3. Among the North American Indians, any object supposed to give control over natural or magical forces, to act as a protective charm, or to cause healing; also, magical power itself; the potency which a charm, token, or rite is supposed to exert. The North American Indian boy usually took as his medicine the first animal of which he dreamed during the long and solitary fast that he observed at puberty. - Franklin Henry Giddings, (March 23, 1855 - June 11, 1931) was an American sociologist and economist. For ten years, he wrote items for the Springfield, Massachusetts Republican and the Daily Union. In 1888 he was appointed lecturer in political science at Bryn Mawr College; in 1894 he became professor of sociology at Columbia University. From 1892 to 1905 he was a vice president of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. His most significant contribution is the concept of the consciousness of kind, which is a state of mind whereby one conscious being recognizes another as being of like mind. All human motives organize themselves around consciousness of kind as a determining principle. Association leads to conflict which leads to consciousness of kind through communication, imitation, toleration, co-operation, and alliance. Eventually the group achieves a self-consciousness of its own (as opposed to individual self-consciousness) from which traditions and social values can arise. In 1914 he became one of the inaugural Fellows of the American Statistical Association. Words: Medicine
[His works are entirely socialism - not individualism at wiki/Franklin_Henry_Giddings Words: Medicine-American Indian Boy-individual’s dreams, who would then, alone, go out on his first ‘food gathering hunt’ [– very interesting contrast of choosing what facts/ truth to ignore, and what facts/ truth to use = statistics. Noah didn’t address in his definiton, that Medicine is of the mind/ heart/ will-conscience –strictly ‘body’.]
4. Any substance administered in the treatment of disease; a remedial agent; a remedy; physic.
By medicine, life may be prolonged. "Cymbeline | Act 5, Scene 5."- Shak. Short for Medicine man.
A philter or love potion.
Medicine bag, a charm; -- so called among the North American Indians, or in works relating to them. -- Medicine man (among the North American Indians), a person who professes to cure sickness, drive away evil spirits, and regulate the weather by the arts of magic. -- Medicine seal, a small gem or paste engraved with reversed characters, to serve as a seal. Such seals were used by Roman physicians to stamp the names of their medicines"
[20] EL-LIP'SIS, n. [plur. Ellipses. Gr. ελλειψις, an omission or defect, from ελλειπω, to leave or pass by, λειπω, to leave.] 1. n geometry, a figure generated from the section of a cone, by a plane cutting both sides of it, but not parallel to the base. Bailey. Encyc. Harris .math ellipsisI
2. In grammar, defect; omission; a figure of syntax, by which one or more words are omitted, which the hearer or reader may supply; as, the heroic virtues I admire, for the heroic virtues which I admire.
[21] REC'TI-TUDE, n. [Fr. from L. rectus, right, straight; It. rettitudine; Sp.rectitud; literally straightness, but not applied to material things.]
In morality, rightness of principle or practice; uprightness of mind; exact conformity to truth, or to the rules prescribed for moral conduct, either by divine or human laws. Rectitude of mind is the disposition to act in conformity to any known standard of right, truth or justice; rectitude of conduct is the actual conformity to such standard. Perfect rectitude belongs only to the Supreme Being. The more nearly the rectitude of men approaches to the standard of the divine law, the more exalted and dignified is their character. Want of rectitude is not only sinful but debasing. There is a sublimity in conscious rectitude … in comparison with which the treasures of earth are not worth naming. – J. Hawes.
[22] PRIN'CI-PLE, n. [It. principio; Fr. principe; L. principium, beginning.] 1. In a general sense, the cause, source or origin of any thing; that from which a thing proceeds; as, the principle of motion; the principles of action. –John Dryden (19 August 1631 – 12 May 1700) was an English poet, literary critic, translator, and playwright who was made Poet Laureate in 1668. He is seen as dominating the literary life of Restoration England to such a point that the period came to be known in literary circles as the Age of Dryden. Walter Scott called him "Glorious John." Words: Hypocrite, Right ,Violate, Vain, Dissension, Party, Will, Person, Pride, Error, Conscience, Property, Thing, Self, Soul, Justly, Offense, Grace, Scatter, Fight Forgiveness, Contend, Test, For, Dominion, Nature, Resource, Court, Captivity, Shake, Lie, Quality, Envy, Replacement, Impose, Estate, Odium, Society, Skill, Tung/ Tongue, Matter, Divine, Principle
2. Element; constituent part; primordial [this perior od scientific study for Periodic Chart of the Elements 'Present, but noe yet Revelaed until Demitri Mendeelev in 1869 or still 25 yrs to the future 'thing'] substance. Modern philosophers suppose matter to be one simple principle, or solid extension diversified by its various shapes. – The Reverend Isaac Watts, D.D (/w?ts/; 17 July 1674 – 25 November 1748) was an English Christian hymnwriter, theologian and logician. A prolific and popular hymn writer, his work was part of evangelization. He was recognized as the "Father of English Hymnody", credited with some 750 hymns. Many of his hymns remain in use today and have been translated into numerous languages. Words: Steal, Injury, Self, Betray, Imposition, Principle
3. Being that produces any thing; operative cause. The soul of man is an active principle. –John Tillotson (October 1630 – 22 November 1694) was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1691 to 1694. Words: Thing, Break, Theology, Conceit, Reason, Mistake, Principle, Matter, Supposition, Palpable .
4. In science, a truth admitted either without proof, or considered as having been before proved. In the former sense it is synonymous with axiom; in the latter, with the phrase, established principle.
5. Ground; foundation; that which supports an assertion, an action, or a series of actions or of reasoning. On what principle can this be affirmed or denied? He justifies his proceedings on the principle of expedience or necessity. He reasons on sound principles.
6. A general truth; a law comprehending many subordinate truths; as, the principles of morality, of law, of government, &c.
7. Tenet; that which is believed, whether truth or not, but which serves as a rule of action or the basis of a system, the principles of the Stoics, or of the Epicureans;" [or spirit of d-evil's arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct- power of force, de-void The 10 Commandments in the Two Greatest Commands of the Holy Spirit - God in Three Persons, The Holy Living Trinity in The Three Sacred Documents-1611KJV with Apocrypha."].
[23] AR'BI-TRATE, v.i. [L. arbitror.] To hear and decide, as arbitrators; as, to choose men to arbitrate between us.
AR'BI-TRATE, v.t. To decide; to determine; to judge of. – Milton. Shak.
[24] ME'DI-ATE, a. [Fr. mediat; It. mediato; from L. medius, middle.] 1. Middle; being between the two extremes. Anxious we hover in a mediate state. –.Matthew Prior (21 July 1664 – 18 September 1721) was an English poet and diplomat.[1][2] He is also known as a contributor to The Examiner. ‘And fondly mournd the dear delusion gone. ‘ Word: Right, Neglect, Thing, Delusion, Grace, Scatter, Mediate
ME'DI-ATE, v.i.
1. To interpose between parties, as the equal friend of each; to act indifferently between contending parties, with a view to reconciliation; to intercede. The prince that mediates between nations and prevents a war, is the benefactor of both parties.
2. To be between two. [Little used.] – Digby.
ME'DI-ATE, v.t.
1. To effect by mediation or interposition between parties; as, to mediate a peace. –.Claredon: Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon (18 February 1609 – 9 December 1674) was an English statesman who served as Lord Chancellor to King Charles II from 1658, two years before the Restoration of the Monarchy, until 1667. He was loyal to the king and built-up the royalist cause and served as the chief minister after 1660. He was one of the most important historians of England, as author of the most influential contemporary history of the Civil War, The History of the Rebellion is his account of the English Civil War. This work (originally published in 1702-1704 as The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England) was the first full-scale, detailed history of the Civil War and was written by a key player in the events contained within it. ...He was the maternal grandfather of two monarchs, Queen Mary II and Queen Anne. Words: Matter, Quality, Jealously, Mediate
[23] AR'BI-TRATE, v.i. [L. arbitror.] To hear and decide, as arbitrators; as, to choose men to arbitrate between us.
AR'BI-TRATE, v.t. To decide; to determine; to judge of. – Milton. Shak.
[24] ME'DI-ATE, a. [Fr. mediat; It. mediato; from L. medius, middle.] 1. Middle; being between the two extremes. Anxious we hover in a mediate state. –.Matthew Prior (21 July 1664 – 18 September 1721) was an English poet and diplomat.[1][2] He is also known as a contributor to The Examiner. ‘And fondly mournd the dear delusion gone. ‘ Word: Right, Neglect, Thing, Delusion, Grace, Scatter, Mediate
2. Interposed; intervening; being between two objects. Soon the mediate clouds shall be dispelled. – Prior.
3. Acting by means, or by an intervening cause or instrument. Thus we speak of mediate and immediate causes. The wind that propels a ship is the immediate cause of its motion; the oar with which a man rows a boat is the immediate cause of its motion; but the rower is the mediate cause, acting by means of the oar.ME'DI-ATE, v.i.
1. To interpose between parties, as the equal friend of each; to act indifferently between contending parties, with a view to reconciliation; to intercede. The prince that mediates between nations and prevents a war, is the benefactor of both parties.
2. To be between two. [Little used.] – Digby.
ME'DI-ATE, v.t.
1. To effect by mediation or interposition between parties; as, to mediate a peace. –.Claredon: Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon (18 February 1609 – 9 December 1674) was an English statesman who served as Lord Chancellor to King Charles II from 1658, two years before the Restoration of the Monarchy, until 1667. He was loyal to the king and built-up the royalist cause and served as the chief minister after 1660. He was one of the most important historians of England, as author of the most influential contemporary history of the Civil War, The History of the Rebellion is his account of the English Civil War. This work (originally published in 1702-1704 as The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England) was the first full-scale, detailed history of the Civil War and was written by a key player in the events contained within it. ...He was the maternal grandfather of two monarchs, Queen Mary II and Queen Anne. Words: Matter, Quality, Jealously, Mediate
2. To limit by something in the middle. [Not used.] – Holder."
[25] {erasse this if I find the location of [25] in the document} "Ezekiel as Israel's Watchman [Any Nation, any point in The Father's Eras of History whose Person(s)[["righteous"] compose their Nation - of Holy Spirit-Truth- "Triumphant in Heaven" as opposed to "wickedness", "Militant on earth-man"-serving-man]
1Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 2Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say to them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their borders, and set him for their watchman: 3If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he shall blow the trumpet, and warn the people; 4Then whoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword shall come and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. 5He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul. 6But if the watchman shall see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword shall come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
7So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman to the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. 8When I say to the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thy hand. 9Nevertheless, if thou shalt warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he shall not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.
The Message of the Watchman
10Therefore, O thou son of man, speak to the house of Israel; Thus ye speak, saying, If our transgressions and our sins are upon us, and we pine away in them, how should we then live? 11Say to them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked should turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? 12Therefore, thou son of man, say to the children of thy people, The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression: as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall by it in the day that he turneth from his wickedness; neither shall the righteous be able to live for his righteousness in the day that he sinneth. 13When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he shall trust to his own righteousness, and commit iniquity, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity that he hath committed, he shall die for it. 14Again, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; if he shall turn from his sin, and do that which is lawful and right; 15If the wicked shall restore the pledge, give again that which he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die. 16None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned to him: he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.
17Yet the children of thy people say, The way of the Lord is not equal: but as for them, their way is not equal. 18When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, for that he shall even die. 19But if the wicked shall turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, for that he shall live. 20Yet ye say, The way of the Lord is not equal. O ye house of Israel, I will judge you every one after his ways.
[26] "17Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. 18For verily I say to you, Till heaven and earth shall pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19Whoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whoever shall do, and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20For I say to you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. .." -Dr. Noah Webster-Translation
[25] {erasse this if I find the location of [25] in the document} "Ezekiel as Israel's Watchman [Any Nation, any point in The Father's Eras of History whose Person(s)[["righteous"] compose their Nation - of Holy Spirit-Truth- "Triumphant in Heaven" as opposed to "wickedness", "Militant on earth-man"-serving-man]
1Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 2Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say to them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their borders, and set him for their watchman: 3If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he shall blow the trumpet, and warn the people; 4Then whoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword shall come and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. 5He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul. 6But if the watchman shall see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword shall come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
7So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman to the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me. 8When I say to the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thy hand. 9Nevertheless, if thou shalt warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he shall not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.
The Message of the Watchman
10Therefore, O thou son of man, speak to the house of Israel; Thus ye speak, saying, If our transgressions and our sins are upon us, and we pine away in them, how should we then live? 11Say to them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked should turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? 12Therefore, thou son of man, say to the children of thy people, The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression: as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall by it in the day that he turneth from his wickedness; neither shall the righteous be able to live for his righteousness in the day that he sinneth. 13When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely live; if he shall trust to his own righteousness, and commit iniquity, all his righteousnesses shall not be remembered; but for his iniquity that he hath committed, he shall die for it. 14Again, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; if he shall turn from his sin, and do that which is lawful and right; 15If the wicked shall restore the pledge, give again that which he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die. 16None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned to him: he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live.
17Yet the children of thy people say, The way of the Lord is not equal: but as for them, their way is not equal. 18When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, for that he shall even die. 19But if the wicked shall turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, for that he shall live. 20Yet ye say, The way of the Lord is not equal. O ye house of Israel, I will judge you every one after his ways.
[26] "17Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. 18For verily I say to you, Till heaven and earth shall pass away, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19Whoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whoever shall do, and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20For I say to you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. .." -Dr. Noah Webster-Translation