Wednesday, November 12, 2014


The following occurred at the end of the judicial case regarding “Districts by skin color, except white; country-of-origin, except the United States that naturalized, individual, man, woman, child, has Pledged their honor, Allegiance to support” arbitrary rules of conduct - extortion, the judge said “You can take this to the Appeals Court; but you are taking the same risks there as you are here. You Have to Learn to live with it!”
There is quite a story underground, always secret and forbidden the light of truth, behind ‘districts’, a.k.a socialist-atheist-California Voting Rights Act, a.k.a - By Area Trustee Voting System repudiating “One Consent of the Governed - Person is One Consent of the Governed - Protect rights and Governance in all laws and legislation any location in our Federalist, 50 Sovereign States comprising the UNITED 50 STATES RATIFIED supreme (little ‘s’, because big ‘S’ is God) Law of the Land bound by Oath of Office”,  – One Person’s, elected, appointed, judicial, or not,Oath of Office-Truth, Trust, Faith in Promise ---- VOTE, a.k.a the WHOLE SYSTEM OF CREATED ONE LAW WITHIN THE LAWS OF THE THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS.

Americans of God and Nation First, you aren’t going to make the “connection” between that Personality-human precept, socialist-atheist Judge, probably CA Superior Count of Iniquity,- UDHR #19 opinion without interference regardless of frontier - jurisdiction or jurisprudence, a.k.a Truth in Justice of all Life, one-person-at-a-time regardless of physical and environmental characteristics because YOUR unique, Immortal-Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will/ conscience-Holy Ghost, courage and strength in your “obedience to God’s commands in the moral law and in the Gospel”.

We’re going to take the judge's sultan-hood, ‘Opinion’ in its parts, one of which is already identified, “Personality of Arbitrary Human precept where the camel going the needle eye, Jesus blatantly, shouting in normal voice (it’s fun, can’t you hear His voice?), clear absurdity description of human precept, “refined education on concrete-minds of peculiar structure person’s having problems with comprehending some inanimate, indifferent objects, but not others like magazines for guns, finger required to pull a trigger, plastic bags, light bulb contents, etc.  The judge is still a person in our Republic under God – even with his violation of Oath of Judges and the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents, for he will be accountable upon his last judgement day; and if we learn his name....for he lives as a “protected-untouchable-homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes” who doesn't have to compete for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, because he is, as Matt. 7 allows, informs, the Judge is never accountable, even if it is a ‘thank you with reservations’.               We can refuse to confirm or vote for him, thus also, making him “accountable in his earthly life”, though (this is where we are going in this little tidbit); though “Non-Partisan” means if you want to know how that judge, candidate rules among the cases, or instructed a jury as part of an outcome — even assuming a jury is permitted to exist in this sultan-hood of fierce-control over all life entering his domain,— forget it, you are forbidden, for that part of UDHR #19 is the one in which the highest of the concrete-layered hierarchy determines what any Consent of the Governed - is privileged and sanctioned to filter-know in order to have ‘permission’ for the right..

This is tremendous, for no-one would ever recognize “The American Rule” stated by a judge within an opinion; but it is...for he knows the “District 4, Appellate 6 JUSTICES, 3 Judges”!
I didn’t, either until I did the Research. Of the 9, Associate Justice, Court of Appeal, District 4, Division 3, 6 are in office appointed by Governors Pete Wilson, or George Deukmejian.   These Six are entitled to “Justices”, for they do not intend to, though like nearly all Americans make mistakes, such as “Constitution is an isolated document”, and Declaration of their own unique, Immortal-Soul is protected and secured, Independence; for it doesn’t matter your profession or trade or job — all men are equal and assumed to be Honest and Just, until PROVEN, otherwise — ‘Threat’ is personality, human precept, arbitrary rules of conduct -extortion. So much for the mythical world of “non-partisan”, not even possible among the mammal, homo sapiens, either!

Meaning “NO” on the Davis, Brown appointees: euphemistically named “judges”, for they have no intention of obedience to either their Judges Oath or their Article VI Oath of Office: Kathryn E. O’Leary, David A. Thompson and Richard D. Fybel are “NO”

What does stating the “American Rule” as part of a judicial opinion mean?  This is a set of other connections: “You Have to Learn to live with it!” is synonymous with ‘I’ve made my verdict before I ever heard the case,’ and I shall “..stand by one personality-human precept, concrete mind, arbitrary-power of oppression, rules of conduct - extortion; and hate the other...”(Matt.6) the City Council present in courtroom of Oath making Christ Present; of, by, and for the resident Citizens of that city; and because of transitive and recursive in our “Social Contract” to every single resident of every single city, all 50 States and territories of the UNITED 50 STATES of America’s Federalist Equilateral Triangle, interposed in the Holy Trinity – every person is included – no-one forced, no-one’s Right-Justice Life infringed, and no-one left out – except that judge who considers himself supreme to the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents....

 “But you are taking the same risks there ..”: It is a very cunning, subtle sentence, no one in that courtroom would understand, especially as Plaintiff, except the Defense Attorney and that judge.
Fellow American, here’s the missing key the definition of “American Rule,” a.k.a “Legal Extortion” “ open invitation, frequently accepted, to “Pay us $25,000 to go away or spend $250,000 to defend yourself successfully in court. Your Choice.”.  Stated by the CVRA skin color supreme to Person, Judge’s statement: “Obey my judgement or go to the Court of Appeal which might well have, with 6 chances out of 9...resulted in Plaintive’s argument successful; and - which would have opened the door to every other city in the State of CA, because both 6 or 7 (not Justice Werdegar) State Supreme and the Federal Branch, choosing what they will permit themselves to hear and what they will refuse to hear, equal importance to We the People, Supreme Courts refused to hear the Case, though I believe that Justice Roberts wrote and “Judicial Review” which stated skin color cannot be the basis of District lines, which of course, was completely ignored existence, and anyway, interferes with “UDHR’s #19 the right to opinion without interference regardless of frontier”, jurisdiction, jurisprudence - repudiated by the NGO-UN, EU’s “deluded demockracy”, World Courts, World Bank with taxpayer Federal Reserve System

This is how John Steele Gordon [1]  gives his analogy; but applies equally to Districts by skin color, except white and country of origin except the United 50 States and in addition, incarnates geography as the total and exclusive source of the vain-profane-idol-god, bigger number, vote: the location in time measurement of a building - apartment or home; to determine permission to run for office in any city utilizing By Area Trustee Voting System, noting the Newspeak word “trustee”, by any citizen-resident of the City And in addition, the periods in which consent of the governed is limited to 1/4 or 1/9 or 1/7th of a disorganized WHOLE SYSTEM OF CREATED CITY GOVERNMENT, is permitted to chose, vote, from among We the People, that person will represent 100% of the city, school board, etc.

The 'sultan-hood-Mayor' is elected by 100% of the Citizens, thus at least One of the Districts shall have two Representatives; and in one city, upon running for mayor, and losing...but having some term of office left, from the 1620-2009-At Large, One person Is One Vote of the Declaration's Consent of the Governed; and We the People's Article IV: 2,  4, shall represent her new district....without its vote at all.  There was a recall regarding this iniquity; but the City Manager's Office declared that the Recall could only occur in the new, yet to be recognized by any Constitutional Person in 100% of the City, let alone the SE corner of the 4 of 4 Districts; and NOT ONE WORD FROM LOCAL NEWSPAPERS OR NEWS...Never spoken at any of the political meetings, but then, the "Delta Tactic" prevails --- no one is ever permitted to either speak or to even to ask questions unless pre-approved or "selected"  by the powers that be....teaparty and party -- independent or not.  Escondido got away with not forming districts for the re-elected Mayor was firmly opposed to the districts, did go to court; and was informed by the judge: "That's the way it is. Learn to lvie with it!"  "It" being CVRA's skin-color, except white  plus the socialist-Citizen's Reditricting Committee - Communities of Interest - keeping skin color, except white and adding country-of-origin, except the United States a naturalized person is forbidden to understand the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents, so they never comprehend or understand that their own unique, Immortal-Soul is what is protected in All Right -- so they never bother to learn English and therefore, assume No other American, absent physical and environmental characteristics that Holy Ghost/ Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will/ Conscience, will ever consider them as "Brothers" defined by Christ --- not the socialist-atheist-collective-people-servants and subjugated by the government interests which define the arbitrary, horizontal-concrete-layered, rules of conduct - extortion in despostism CVRA and TTVGRPPA represent in obliterating Consent of the Governed; and using 'deluded democracy' feigning that if you just flood your Congress - member; perform a proper street-sign, walking protest --- or allow your 'teaparty-libertarian-independent-hated progressive-non other need mentioning and turning your back on heritage and the importance of Truth, Trust, Promise to any human endeavor from one person alone, to the whole of any polity, to the whole of the nations on earth that God Created and Christ is our Shepherd with our Holy Ghost to guide US(A) still alone, then transitive and recursive to the whole --- but Never Force; Never Arbitrary, for each-one-person, man, woman, child, has their very own journey of all life's roles in Risk/ Reward, Strengths/ Weaknesses, Opportunities/ Threats to accomplish... to the best of the honor, duty, service and accountability in all aspects of their endeavors.

Judiciary genuinely is atheist.  You have only to read their own "high-desk-sultan-hood" "Opinions" which specialized in human precept's unsound doctrine, that The Eternal, Your God, doesn't know anything about law -- that only Precedent, choosing fact and leaving fact, especially as Truth, Trust, Promise, reidiculous waste of time in considering each-one-case on its own merits, or not, within ALL consideration of the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents, though "..Certain, Unalienable, Rights, that AMONG these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.---That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" is in no way, shape or form Law of any kind for a court-room.  Examples are Two: Judge Roberts and Judge Ginsberg's with decided before the case was heard: Sotamayer, Kagan, plus one other:  NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENTBUSINESS, et al., PETITIONERS 11–393 v. KATHLEEN SEBELIUS, SECRETARY OF HEALTHAND HUMAN SERVICES, et al. at; and FIELD v. BOWEN NO. A129946, Court of Appeals of California, First District, Division Three, September 19, 2011; where denial of even the existence of the Laws of Nature, Laws of Nature's God which includes "separate and equal station/ Declaration/ Christ on God's Right - for that is exactly what each-one-judge is inherently possessed of in his Holy Ghost , on God's Left/ Soul,which is found as Article IV: 2, 4 where invasion also means "infringement of Right"; the Bills of Rights, especially noting #9 and #10; and is the interposed Federalist Equilateral Triangle. ...

Worried, some may think that asking the Pope of the collective-people-church vs collective-people-state will help; but in The Gospel, with the "AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language" 1828 both original texts of Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise... the Pope won't have those 'seekers to justify arbitrary, human precept...:"Certain individuals have failed here by turning to empty argument; doctors of the Law is what they want to be, but they have no idea either of the meaning of the words they use or of the themes on which they harp. I am well aware that the Law is admirable--- provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people, but for the lawless, insubordinate, impious, sinful, liar, immoral persons... and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine as laid down by that glorious gospel of the blessed God with which [each-one-person, those judges where it is impossible to apply the word "Justice" to their names, exempting the 4 Justices from which the Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise is "managed" by language and communication, hopscotching around human precept to avoid those words of our Everlasting Father, His Son of man; and the magnificence to the Laws transitive and recursive with each other in complete format of the Bible from which they derive and are also demonstrated in fact and evidence within Dr. Webster's Complete interposed study utilizing all Clergy, Ministers, poets, Statesmen, Philosophers, playwrights, Scripture to demonstrate the Truth of the definitions; as well as grammar.

Remember the Catholics did not arrive with the Puritans, and didn't even begin to have a presence until later in our history .. Catholics with the Church of England, both were enemies of Luther, Calvin, burning Tyndale human precept-burned at the Stake, and forcing the People to secure their Bibles under stools and other hiding places..

Gibson Guitar choose “Yes” and went to court– the EPA has attacked it on 3 more occasions while ignoring “Fender” a supporter of this current usurper of 1789 RATIFIED UNITED 50 STATES supreme Law of the Land, pres..
             In CA, 7 cities were challenged in attack by George Soros’ “Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (LCCR) who boasted about their successes in bankrupting taxpayers in Modesto, and winning 6 against the taxpayers of another 6 cities, among many other cities succumbed to the “American Rule,” though this 1 city did go to court generating this specific judge.  CVRA's By Area Trustee Voting System has been used completely without any legislation addressing destruction of al-large, consent of the governed or even discussion permitted among the socialist-atheist-anti-Republic under God Regime.  COI of the Socialist-atheist-collective people is the product made for the purpose of destruction of consent of the governed and we the people both rolled into one, never to be spoken of again, i.e supreme, atheist Judiciary refuses to consider the Repulic under God any idea worth its conceit and arrogance of earthly time,much more superior than the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents.

1/4th, 1/7th, 1/9th or whatever city "divided against itself," districts are used, among cities and school boards, of the residents vote for a fellow citizen who will represent 100% of the Whole of the City or school board; pretty much exclusive to this seceded from the union by extortion, socialist State. By Edict, alone, privilege and permission granted by geography of home location, in time measure,  is the socialist-atheist, anti-Republic under God Regime’s “fix” exactly because of God/ Scripture and His Son of man, Christ Jesus./ Declaration of Independence, Person/ Holy Ghost/ Constitution.   I’ll do a cursor pause here...........while you think about ‘deluded-district’......for if you figure it out............then We the People and Consent of the Governed can move forward......a bit.... accept our accountability of wrong and proceed to right it??  What is being said...but without words in a sentence so that your heart/ soul/ will/ conscience can perceive, i.e metonymy?.........It is a major and important, personality-human precept, rules of conduct - extortion of No Truth, No Trust. No God, utilized virtually every hour of every day among the administrative-police-state, and even among personality to personality in judgement by physical and environmental characteristics....Alinsky-Cloward-Piven couldn’t exist without it.

The atheist-socialist’s mantra: — no person is capable of “..The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative...”, Article I: 2, clause 3.
The socialist-atheists, DEM Have no intention, and in Districts of Incumbent, Susan Davis and Toni Atkins, demonstrated fact in evidence of the Truth, they shall not acknowledge, nor support the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents, therefore their person of Oath of Office, therefore, on YOUR, very Own Responsibility to your self - Consent of the Governed at Your Polling Place, where You VOTE enters the box with your eyes upon it BALLOT in 3 Weeks IS YOUR DUTY, HONOR SERVICE, NATURAL, NATURALIZED, especially UNION MEMBER, it is time to remove the chains of slavery to hierarchy...silence is agreement, and you have been silent too long...

The Socialist-atheist's have to work under the Democratic Party name, DEM, because Socialism is Not a recognized Party in our Republic under God, since there is no expectation that they would ever have obeyed the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents since their beginnings in the French Revolution. Washington knew the French had the wrong Republic principle each-one-person, not collective people. While there are a few disenfranchised, by the profane-vain-idol-god’s bigger number, Democrats of Truman, Kennedy, Carter, Clinton, the DEM of socialism persons, for they do have unique, Immortal-Souls whether or not they pay attention,  have no honor or respect, knowledge, wisdom, so they are incapable of believing that any one person, is capable of simply following and comprehending the contents of the Lessons, Instructions, Warnings, and Laws: separate and equal station, person is made in God’s image, Nature, and Nature’s God innate to Scripture, all written by man in the name of God, could possibly represent hundred, thousand, 10, 100 thousand – millions ultimately to the population of the US and its Territories, including the Independence of the Indian Nations, who sometimes take taxpayer money or benefits, but do not and cannot participate in We the People or Consent of the Governed.
Meaning, since there is no Oath of promise in Truth...  There is no person, therefore there is no Representative; and the needle-eye-camel changes to number as a conglomeration of collective people – the camel; and the needle eye becomes those of the concrete-minds of peculiar structure comprising the upper echelons of concrete-horizontal-box-rules of conduct - force – collective people are the servants and indentured slaves to government; next..

In this statement, “The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative...”: Where are the physical and environmental characteristics, including Party membership, found?  Why would the number matter at all, given the growth of the population the Founders fully planned and wrote those Two Documents derived from Scripture, and Wisdom, Knowledge in Truth for Trust, Faith in Promise – Holy Ghost/ Soul?   Leaders of any sort should be reading 1 and 2 Kings at the very least, but actually the WHOLE of the OLD TESTAMENT for our Eternal is teaching what would become, the Equilateral Triangle of Representative government
In the Electoral College, where Party Membership is very important to We the People and Consent of the Governed, where is money with physical and environmental characteristics found?
...Also meaning the iniquity of the Newspeak Federal Election Commission’s exclusive existence dependent upon personality-human precept-money, especially revenge against a "taxpayer supported, DHS-Right Wing Extremist,"...never person of religion and morality, for they are as guilty as are the ‘evil-doers’ found by “administrative-police-state-Secret Service of DHS’; while at the same time, the Presidential Consent of the Governed to protect rights, is bypassing Party Convention as the location of choosing Person, “most likely to win”, absolutely Never, the person most likely to understand and perceive the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents; the “sporting, elimination competition where “money alone”, especially by “big Donors” eliminating elected-Central-Committee-Members,  the contenders, though the profane-sacred-vain-idol-god is also very sacred and imperative for personality-human-precept’s arbitrary rules of conduct- extortion.  Should this continue... or should we “POL'ITICS, noun The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. politics as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance?”.

Since we know in fact and evidence the answer to these questions, then from this flashing cursor, do you think, in each of your little, cul-de-sacs of ‘my philosophy is better than your philosophy,’ assuming a philosophy is really present, i.e not being ‘fooled by the “use Alinsky against Alinsky falsehood,” and not really seeing/ perceiving or hearing/ understanding the contents of the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents, We Could Work for our Constitutional Preamble?  Yes, then  — let us UNDER OUR REPUBLICAN PARTY LABEL – A VERY LONG HERITAGE OF FOLLOWING THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND – REJOIN AS UNITED 50 STATE’S REPUBLICANS: AMERICANS OF GOD AND NATION FIRST “WE THE PEOPLE ALTERING BY TURNING BACK TO E PLURIBUS UNUM AND IN GOD WE TRUST.   Found this in “American Patriot’s Bible, The Word of God and the Shaping of America”, Dr. Richard G. Lee;
“..Air Force Captain Scott O’Grady’s six days of survival evading the Bosnian Serbs “If it wasn't for my love for God and God’s love for me, I wouldn't be here right now.” His inspirational and patriotic story is a brilliant testimony to Article Six of the United States Military Code of Conduct:
“I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America;” ..
..which is in dire trouble right now....  This Article 6 is for every man, woman and child in our Nation.

November 4, 2014 - CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED - refuse all six propositions; all State and House of Representatives, any candidate, incumbent-persons, know your school board and your city council by their actions, or lack of them; with DEM next to their name, are gone, only California Supreme Court Justice Kathryn Werdegar, since 1994 is Confirmed; DO NOT Confirm: Liu and Cuélllar directly work of, by and for this socialist-atheist-collective people, Anti-Republic under God Regime.  Escondido, YES on Propositions G and H; ‘NO’ on Proposition E for Excellence both because it is a bond and also, because buildings and wires for tablets and computers – inanimate objects are far from providing persons as children and youth, the word “ EXCELLENCY, noun [Latin excellentia.] The state of possessing good qualities in an unusual or eminent degree; the state of excelling in any thing.  1. An valuable quality; any thing highly laudable, meritorious or virtuous, in persons, or valuable and esteemed, in things. Purity of heart, uprightness of mind, sincerity, virtue, piety, are excellencies of character; symmetry of parts, strength and beauty are excellencies of body; an accurate knowledge of an art is an excellence in the artisan; soundness and durability are excellencies in timber; fertility, in land; elegance, in writing. In short, whatever contributes to exalt man, or to render him esteemed and happy, or to bless society, is in him an excellence      2. Dignity; high rank in the scale of beings. Angels are beings of more excellence than men; men are beings of more excellence than brutes.      3. A title of honor formerly given to kings and emperors, now given to embassadors, governors, and other persons, below the rank of kings, but elevated above the common classes of men.
AMBAS'SADOR, noun [This is the more common orthography; but good authors write also embassador; and as the orthography of embassy is established, it would be better to write embassador. See Embassador.] “]
For Appellate Judges go to ; he does confirm all 3 Supreme court persons, but he does not read, and also believes the positions are non-partisan, a terrible mistake We the People have been suffering under since 1969-70's 4 kinds of law, created by edict, none of which is in any way related to the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents, and one, named “Common Law Public Value” is in demonstrated fact and evidence collective-people-state, in mass, subjugated and in servitude to “personality, human precept, arbitrary rules of conduct - extortion, devoid just and conscience, Government interests.[2]

 First Step is eradicate – any person, initiative, fake-false-god-manipulation of inanimate objects, sentencing, time, money absent truth, or written in distrust for dishonor; or representing themselves as ‘justice’ when justice in all life, is the very last object of their holding an office or courtroom which is absent Christ Jesus.   VOTE AT YOUR ,PERSON OF UNIQUE SOUL/ MIND/ HEART/ WILL/ CONSCIENCE, PRECINCT, WATCH YOUR BALLOT INTO THE BOX - DO NOT MAIL IN BALLOTS (You can Bring and Surrender Your Own, mail-in and vote a regular ballot) UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, UNLESS YOU WANT TO LIVE IN DOUBT THAT YOUR VOTE WILL BE COUNTED and not discarded for a ‘provisional’ which has decided elections, for that is how the provisional is used by the police-state; for looking it up after the fact — does not help; nor will non-English speaking - non Citizens working as precinct clerical, probably exclusively among those who only speak Spanish...were NO ONE WILL KNOW WHAT OCCURRED, for the Socialist-collective-people-voter’ has no idea and the so-called ‘Clerical’ can say what ever they want to say – Yes, that is mistrust; the reason being English is the Language of We the People and Consent of the Governed – if that Spanish or any other language, does not speak the language, how can they gain wisdom, knowledge, truth in trust, Faith in promise – if they don’t comprehend the difference between a Republic under God and a socialist, who probably arranged to have them live in that particular CVRA District, arbitrary rules of conduct - extortion, since they, the non-English speaking are already the victims of extortion?  Do you really believe those who brought them, will allow them to learn about their Person of Right in the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents?!  Demonstrated Fact in evidence says absolutely NOT; and REPUBLIC UNDER GOD HAS NO PART IN CITIZENSHIP CLASSES; and CITIZENSHIP CEREMONIES, are warned against talking or signing up with those terrible volunteer, PARTY MEMBERS, especially Republican!    It is that non-English speaking person’s responsibility to himself, alone, to correct his ignorance and preserve with those he knows, and will never know among ALL We the People, to learn English.

[“EXTORT'ING, participle present tense Wresting from by force or undue exercise of power.

EXTOR'TION, noun The act of extorting; the act or practice of wresting any thing from a person by force, duress, menaces, authority, or by any undue exercise of power; illegal exaction; illegal compulsion to pay money, or to do some other act. extortion is an offense punishable at common law.  1. Force or illegal compulsion by which any thing is taken from a person.

WRESTING, participle present tense Pulling with a twist; distorting; perverting.”]

All of this perfidy against the magnificence of our Colonists, Founders among them, next to our Everlasting Father and all in Love for You and Me...and of the children, children’s children who will bear the abject slavery in their future because the Per Real Taxpaying Person Debt is $500,000 plus, Because – government anything receiving salaries and benefits, especially noting the SEIU – Administration, ostensibly existing on membership dues, which makes them also recipients of Taxpayer money – pay their taxes as redistributed tax payer money – returned to the IRS; i.e they do not provide “revenue from “commerce” which has no government whatsoever involved in “ interchange or mutual change of goods, wares, productions, or property of any kind, between nations or individuals, either by barter, or by purchase and sale; trade; traffick. commerce is foreign or inland. Foreign commerce is the trade which one nation carries on with another; inland commerce or inland trade, is the trade in the exchange of commodities between citizens of the same nation or state. Active commerce; Intercourse between individuals; interchange of work, business, civilities or amusements; mutual dealings in common life; Interchange; reciprocal communications; as, there is a vast commerce of ideas.”; the most common and persistent, criminal acts of omitted, committed, neglected, transgress, word in the entire Constitution of the UNITED 50 STATES of America.”.

So, today or tomorrow, the 74,000 uncounted SD County and more than 2.5 million 433 Cities in 58 Counties plus the more than 16-horozontal-concrete-hierarchy-very great and sacred, vain-idol-god, bigger number devoid the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents, our Republic under God...will be completed:  It is very important for Americans of God and Nation First, understand why CA is seceded from the Union by decree and edict of this Governor's Executive Branch, and the SEIU- the servants to the anti-Republic under God Regime, interposed upon this current usurper of 1789 supreme Law of the Land - secured by "The President, Vice President and ALL CIVIL OFFICERS of The United 50 States - Oath of Office

Resource and Comments, “opinion, based in demonstrated fact and evidence,  from The Three Sacred Documents; the Colonists, Founders, including Dr. Noah Webster, The Moffatt Direct Translation Bible; Matthew Spalding’s “The Founders’ Almanac”:
1. “Economic Lessons from American History” John Steele Gordon, July/ August 2012, V47/ No 7/8 at Hillsdale College  Is an excellent article to read; and I bet his book is excellent also!  And

“"The History & Danger of Administrative Law" Philip Hamburger, Sept. 2014 at the same website;   and you can subscribe, and support the only college which does not seek taxpayer funding, meaning government assistance of any kind, free by clicking around the site, mail or email.

2. See: “That was Then, This is Now, a Disaster in Crime Moving Rapidly to Catastrophe” at ;

“TO: Escondido's Consent of the Governed of, by, and for We the People: Ballot:” at ;

“OUR ARCHETYPAL REPUBLIC UNDER GOD’S CONSENT of the GOVERNED, Protect and Secure Your Right..’ at ;

“Our Republic under God is About Person, Not Personality:” at

First Published 10/14/14 9:35 PM .... republished to refresh and to add with the outcomes of the above on what We the People, Person, Party, City, School Board, County, State, and nation must Act: NO LEGISLATION WHATSOEVER -- A FULL MORATORIUM... basics continue, Not Grants and nothing in regards to EPA-Mission to the UN-AIR, BUT ONLY WHEN C IS ATTACHED TO TWO MOLECULES OF O, OMITTING H, N, SUN THE EARTH AND HEAVENS... OF GW/ KYOTO PROTOCOL/ --- PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS OF ANY KIND, especially college.

Close down DEPT. OF EDUCATION, RETURN MEDICARE/ CAID TO 2009 LAWS, THEN COOL DOWN BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO FIX A TOTALLY BROKEN, SYSTEM CALLED MANAGING THE PERSON'S BODY ABSENT SOUL ... ABSENT CARE... MONEY MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN HIPPOCRATIC OATH.  Review taxation in view of the fact, YOU DON'T PAY IRS TAXES WITH COMMERCE MONEY, BUT WITH TAXPAYER MONEY REDISTRIBUTED -- SHUT DOWN 30, 788 AND MORE THAN 500 IN THE STATE OF CA administrative-police-state's completer control absent despotism with tyranny of every single aspect of Life on Planet the United States and its territories....  Legislators Need to Just Stop!  Use US Debt Clock....Look at only $17+ Trillion Revenue.... Look at how high just adding government to any 'thing' immediately raises costs, if only to satisfy the 500#collective-human-body-glutton-called taxpayer supported-closed shop unions -- THE ADMINISTRATIVE PORTION OF WHICH ALSO EXISTS AS TAXPAYER MONEY -- SEIU GETS ITS DUES, AS DO TEACHERS, FIRE, AND POLICE, FROM TAXPAYER MONEY.... If We are going to work to slow, and stop this avalanche of perfidy in unaccountable denial of the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents....We the People must have a 'time-out' least one of the two years,  but first YOU Must Perform Article II:4... if you leave lie and steal in place; you have not eradicated the cancerous tumor....and you will not stop it...human nature as evil is unstoppable.  Only turning to Truth, Trust, God within the Contents of all Three Documents, and Pray, for Most of You Know that if you are obedient to what Christ and The Eternal, who are One, say...knock, seek, and ask... will never leave, never forsake, never fail any Person, Party, Organization, Tribe, Village, City, Town or Life....

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