04/10/14:FB comment to "Eric Holder and Facebook friends discuss how very persecuted he is"
This current Attorney General is not protecting the borders of the United States of America evinced by aiding and abetting criminals of a second nation to kill and steal, "an intent to take what belongs to another, and without his consent," the protection of "Property": Soul/minds/ heart/ will among the citizens, both nations; and does not require a "Pledge to Impeach"; for criminal activity is already against the Three Sacred Documents, - the cornerstone and foundation of our archetypal Republican Form of Representative Government --- and well you, Americans of God and Nation First Know this Truth.
“Whenever any person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the constitution, means to obey or help enforce the constitution. This duty cannot be delegated to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal adviser. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job or following orders. This is sometimes called the Principle of Nuremberg;” and applies to the Other Two Sacred Documents: The Christian Gospel and “The Declaration of Independence...[is the] declaratory charter of our rights, and the rights of man.”–Thomas Jefferson, May 12, 1819
It is not for any One Person, among the "Whole of the Polity in We the People" to have to instruct our members of Congress regarding God as the sole source of Truth, Trust the Oath of Office and The PLEDGE of Allegiance every-single-American takes from Kindergarten through death of body...but not each-one-person's unique, Immortal-Soul. Each-one-Person Protected in all his Rights by ALL Three of those Sacred Documents. And ..
"The Spiritual is supreme--that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material. ...The Individual's moral duty as being created by God's Law: the Natural Law. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty-Responsibility. ...
..The American philosophy, based upon this principle, is an indivisible whole and must be accepted or rejected as such. It cannot be treated piece-meal. Its fundamentals and its implicit meanings and obligations must be accepted together with its benefits; ...
This concept of Man's spiritual nature excludes any idea of intrusion by government into this Man-to-Man spiritual relationship.
It excludes disbelief in--even doubt as to the existence of--God as the Creator of Man: and therefore excludes all ideas, theories and schools of thought--however ethical and lofty in intentions--which reject affirmative and positive belief in God as Man's Creator;" –H.A. Long, “The American Ideal of 1776” at http://www.lexrex.com/jml/index.php/the-american-ideal..
...And at the same time, because our Lord teaches He will NEVER FORCE, Any Being to follow Him, that Liberty of choice with its inherent consequences is the “Property” of One-Person-at-a-time; and because it also rains and snows on father-evil-father lie, who must use force and control by arbitrary human precept rules of conduct absent Truth, Trust, God.
We the People SHALL DEMAND ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS OF ALL THREE DOCUMENTS: Commandments: #8, #9 and Love your neighbor as yourself with #1, 2, and 3 most of you reading this do not realize in your "God, Scripture, is Parallel to evil government of evil men, that is, ‘churchianity’ myth," plus this current President’s arbitrary, human precept’s rules of conduct- the great and sacred-vain-idol-god, majority force-"kingship/ dictatorship" and bigger-number Regime, DO NOT RULE SUPREME TO THE LAWS OF GOD STATED IN THE DECLARATION AND APPLIED IN THE CONSTITUTION: Our Article IV:4 Guarantee of a Republican Form of Representative government with protection from invasion which, also, does mean protection from infringement of rights of each-one-person is protected in the Laws of the Declaration stated; and in the Constitution - applied by Article II and VI Oath of Office - Promise in Trust given by One Person from President downward to ALL officials and judges of the United States of America: stated by Noah Webster: "In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed. ..No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people. .." ("Noah Webster, Founding Father of American Scholarship and Education"; Rosalie J. Slater, M.A.).
Number is Not the Political Standard of “religion and morality,”- right and wrong, lawlessness or lawfulness; nor a measure of any form of ‘time,’ especially any Citizen’s service in office in performance of “religion and morality;” nor of $$$ as an elimination tournament, absent knowledge, wisdom, truth of our Republican form of Representative government among those candidates; or for a Citizen candidate who requires a recount-of-‘consent of the governed-voters’ for any elected offices at any level of our Federalist Equilateral Triangle of every-one-person who is incorporated within our archetypal Republic under God- You are in there and completely absent any physical or environmental attributes.
THEREFORE, this current Attorney General, one Person among this current arbitrary, human precept (see Matt 15) rules of conduct - force, is completely accountable for his “Felony and Breach of the Peace;” as is the Senate of the United States of America for accessory after the fact, complacency in repudiating their Oath of Office, witnessed by God; - supporting malfeasance of duty of office, specifically, “You shall not give false evidence against a fellow-countryman.”.
Republican Senators - that you are the smaller number is Not an excuse; for insubordination and disobedience to The Laws of The Three Sacred Documents are both our Nation’s and every Nation of God’s Creation of the Universe, the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God in the separate and equal station, in order to exercise Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness: ”The polity, or society, is created by the Social Contract, in which persons agree to join together for mutual benefit and defense, and to regulate their behavior to avoid forms of competition which are destructive of social coherence and effectiveness, such as violence, deception, or collusion, or to infringe on the rights of others.”
While bigger number at any location of statute, ordinance, regulation disguised as law, Bill, Amendment, court ruling, Executive Order, contract of any kind public and private, is the decider on that issue; that vote, whether ‘consent of the governed’ or any ‘official body of corporate persons,’ cannot occur or be allowed, if any part of a ‘whole’ among the content is a violation of The Laws of The Three Sacred Documents; and you cannot remove an unConstitutional-part of a Federal Code without removing the entire that entire Code; for you cannot serve both God and Mammon; "relative truth" serves arbitrary, human precept rules of conduct - force; — you cannot have a sometimes ‘yes’, sometimes ‘no’ law; for it becomes “unsound doctrine” and grows exponentially...–wrong well demonstrated by the lawlessness of this current President's Regime himself and his Executive Branch -.
The Same goes for person as ‘candidate’ or ‘incumbent’ in relation to job description of office; for it isn’t that individual “personality” with “duties to the community from which his full potential” derives among the “human family” within the socialist-communist written, UN 1949 Ratified Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), that determines that person’s ability to stand, protect, and defend We the People in their All their Individual Rights, as One Person among We the People, that is, in adhering to Oath of Office, that person is inherently also protecting his own and those he loves and knows..and those he will never know. God Is; but do you see the magnificence of Person, alone, with others he loves and knows and others he will never know; multiplied by each-one-person’s sphere of influence in Truth, Trust, God?
This is our archetypal Republican Form of Representative Government: Truth, Trust, God:
“Acceptance of the terms of the social contract is effected through, and based upon, a restricted form of the social contract called the Filial Contract, between parents and their children, in which the parents agree to be good parents and the children agree to be good children and to grow into good adults and members of society. As persons grow, they extend the social contract to others they encounter.
The social contract is Transitive, so that it extends to and includes not only those with whom one is in direct contact, but all those with whom those one is in direct contact with are bound to by the social contract as well, and therefore by recursion to all those persons who are members of the society, even if one has never met them.
A state is a society in exclusive possession of a territory. It is not the government. A state may or may not have a government, although larger ones almost always do.”.
That is also the reason why “Judge not, that you may not be judged yourselves; for as you judge so you will be judged, and the measure you dealout to others will be dealt out to yourselves.”–Matt 7; and why you shouldn't decide to “throw the first stone”.
So the number is important, but only after standing, alone or with others, to preserve and protect each-one-person’s Soul/ heart/ mind/ will/ conscience traveling risk-reward, Strengths/ Weaknesses, Opportunities/ Threats, i.e separate and equal station; - in physiology, upon which neurology (psychology) and anatomy depend for Life, i.e Laws of Nature-The Periodic Chart of the Elements, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, i.e Laws of Nature’s God - Commandment 5 “Honor your father and your mother”, i.e. the conception, every minute it occurs anywhere on His planet, the sanctity of marriage, an 31 day old embryo who will be a person as child with all rights of an unique, Immortal-Soul – one-of-a-kind, growing to adulthood.
The reason The Constitution of the United States of America is the Ratified supreme Law of the Land: “In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the supreme law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is inconsistent with that supreme law and not derived from it is unconstitutional and null and void from inception; which includes “16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256: The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be In agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail. ...” at http://www.constitution.org/uslaw /16amjur2nd.htm
“Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a violation of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so.” – Declaration of Constitutional Principles at
The impeachment of this current Attorney General is not about number, nor is it about the “Fear” of the great and sacred-vain-idol-god, majority; for each-one-person facing judgement by God is enough to ‘fear’; and while “No Fixed Truth” in belief that “disorganizing” the “Whole of our Republic under God” appears easy to perform; father evil-father lie (see John 8 and where it says “Abraham’s children” change it to, our Founding Father’s in the name of God, “American Children” as you read on)shall not ....you know the rest of this sentence. ..
Impeachment should have taken place as near the performance of the crimes of omission, commission, neglect, and transgression; but taking action because of “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually Pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor,” is Always “Right”- “Just” in performing “Jurisprudence”.
We the People DEMAND Impeachment Shall Take Place before the End of May 2014
Actually, Impeach and Convict this current President, will serve the same end because:
“The President, Vice-President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”for the definition of these words in the original text definitions go to www.1828.mshaffer.com...and the date will change to October 31, 2014
So, look-out for “displacement” and “distraction” so you “forget” or are “appeased” by this President’s purveyors of arbitrary human precept’s vain-idol-god-majority tactic which has you after the AG of the USA, while his ‘Boss’, this current President is guilty of much more extensive and greater crimes, not the least of which is extermination of, by, and for “consent of the governed-vote” in We the People in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense (Benghazi is Americans on American Soil - not guarded by U.S Marines), promote (not provide) the general welfare (see definition of “Politics” at http://1828.mshaffer.com/d/word/politics) and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and to our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution For the United States of America.
Yes, God Does Bless America, and He has from before Abraham’s era. He is our Everlasting Father who loves each-one-person so much, He did create the Universe so that our Planet in its own galaxy would be safe with its own nuclear, reactor Sun of all life.
What needs to be said is “Thank you, Everlasting Father for Being, and for our Nation of Heritage/history, One-Person’s Soul/ mind/ heart/ will/ conscience-at-a-time, traveling in earthly body. We have left you; but We Are Coming Back to You with “The Lord’s Prayer” because it has an individual-person state in prayer say all that needs to be said in man’s relation to himself, to others he loves and knows, and those he will never know, in Matt. 6.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
About our Republic under God versus this current Attorney General, and his Boss
Monday, April 7, 2014
The Deceit of Identification Cards of Any Kind, but especially the American "consent of the governed-Voter"
Voter ID WILL NOT STOP destruction of "consent of the governed" to protect all rights of our One People, "Consent of the Governed"-Laws of the Declaration- vote. In fact, i.d. cards, like Victor Hugo writes in "Les Miserable" will only support this current President's devotion to arbitrary, human precept-force, absent Truth, Trust, God...but mostly Trust; for "stripping Christians of their transcendent God" is an imperative for the UDHR-borderless nations and jurisprudence socialist.
This current President's Regime is Not of the History of the Democratic Party of the US(A). Most of you don't realize the 2012 Democratic Convention Voice Count, Three Times, could not ascertain a vocal majority; and did NOT use Robert's Rules for voice count -- to Return God to their Party's Platform. Our Nation's cornerstone and foundation is Religion and Morality - Word of Honor whether Pledge or Oath. Truth, Trust, God are Law, otherwise no Republican form of government can exist. Only God's Laws allow One Person and all smaller number persons - no physical or environmental characteristics, shall endure:
"We lay it down as a fundamental, that laws, to be just, must give a reciprocation of right; that, without this, they are mere arbitrary rules of conduct, founded in force, and not in conscience;"(Thomas Jefferson) and “..the doctrines they teach are but human precept...blind guides of the blind, and if one blind man leads another, both of them will fall into a pit. ..And are you totally ignorant? Do you not see how all that enters the mouth passes into the belly and is then thrown out into the drain, while what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart—and that is what defiles a man. For out of the heart come evil designs, murder [not just body, mind/ heart/ will/ soul included], adultery, sexual vice, stealing, false evidence/witness, slander [UDHR-Lucifer Alinsky’s “Personality”]. That is what defiles a man; a man is not defiled by eating with hands unwashed!”(Matt 15) Is this current President’s atheist, socialist, every-single-issue in Congress and the socialist-region referred to as CA which despoil, enslave, repudiate The Laws of the Three Sacred Documents -
OUR ARCHETYPAL NATION IS THE ONLY NATION IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND TO SAY PERSON'S UNIQUE, IMMORTAL-SOUL-Spirit/ heart/ mind/ will/ conscience/ good and honest in Earthly Body IS SUPREME, God's Law is The Law in The Christian Gospel, stated in the Laws of the Declaration, and applied in the Laws of the Constitution; that Representative government means One Person Protected, by God’s Truth of “separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle One People in order to exercise - risk/ reward/ SWOT for Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness, by One Person’s Liberty to become candidate, judge, official any level of government in jurisprudence by One Person’s Article II and VI Oath of Office - Promise solely on “Trust”: “A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath, implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury.” Affirm means “v.t. afferm' [L. affirmo; ad and firmo, to make firm. See Firm.]
1. To assert positively; to tell with confidence; to aver; to declare the existence of something; to maintain as true; opposed to deny. Of one Jesus whom Paul affirmed to be alive. Acts 25.
2. To make firm; to establish, confirm or ratify; as, the Supreme court affirmed the judgment.
Here is Destruction of "consent of the governed"/ vote: —Egregiously, UnConstitutional-Both US and CA-, top-two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation, with its synonymous word "Non-partisan" of city councils, school boards, judges by "pool-perk", state superintendent of public indoctrination - oops, instruction;
--- Most if not all ‘consent of the governed-constitutional Persons’ have no idea, never even, been informed or allowed to approve or disapprove the abolishment of the 14th Amendment’s “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges and immunities of citizens of the US; ..nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS with One Person-One vote, specifically - By-Area-Trustee-Voting Districts(CVRA) which includes its proposed, megalith of “Alinsky disorganization,” the very unConstitutional, 2014-initiative by a written by a Progressive- Republican named "Neighborhood Legislators"; and CRC’s COI-community of interest - both types of Districts, BATV and COI, arbitrary, human precept rules of conduct-force-collective-groups by skin color except white, country-of-origin -except the USA the naturalized citizen has Pledged his Allegiance - Personal Honor with God, to duty and service as a member of "We the People " and who not required to understand the freedom of speech and press, i.e. language, communication, issues and persons of Both "Consent of the Governed" to protect each-one-Person's Rights (see "Property" by James Madison among "The Founder's Constitution" Univ. of Chicago) and We the People;
---"Anyone who wants to vote gets to vote" in deep and sacred supplication to the socialist's-great and vain-idol-god (yes, violates Commandments 1,2,3), majority - as force and number- but absent Truth, Trust. God and knowledge, wisdom - therefore justice which is solely from God; especially note drive-by voting, same day registration, with the "provisional ballot" often our "consent of the governed" ROV/administrative-state Dept.,decision-maker for any office in the federalist equilateral triangle of representative government, and the "absentee/oops administrative-state’s declared “Mail”-in, especially Republican ballot, - correctly signed and sealed - discarded; no one consent of the governed-constitutional Person will ever know if his vote was counted; or the thin-paper-ballot with ball-point-pen that caused several thousand ballots cast at Ruffin Road to be discarded as 'marked incorrectly ballots" because the light shined through the fill-in dots, and not 0ne of those voter realized, then or now that the problem even existed, ---- except the printing of those ballots at ROV who provided the ball point pens rather than the markers which were utilized at all the precincts. --- For Republicans also travel to Ruffin Road -- out of their way to serve in honor, duty, and service to all Consent of the Governed and We the People;
And please bear in mind --- we haven't even addressed the glazed-eye man, dangling his already filled-in-open ballot while calling out “What do you want me to do with this?”, 'precinct problems’ yet......especially "it is forbidden that all ballots be counted and declared correct before delivery to the "drop-off" with 'time" hugely supreme to the 'consent of the governed-count', i.e. "It's ok not have an accurate count -- because ROV wants all precincts to deliver to pick-up site (assuming the ballot boxes aren't lost) by 9:30 pm."....;
---and then there is the dubious "eligibility to vote in a school district" form at ROV required by a candidate who has lived more than 20 years in an outside district, but because he has the proper skin-color, and rented an apartment in the "proper" district - CVRA/ROV will allow his candidacy to the school board;
---or the 4, new city districts where One Person is permitted, ever other year, to vote for a candidate, whose house must be located in the "proper geography" at the "Proper time" , - who will represent 100% of that city; except, the change from 1789-at-large, One Person-One vote is new, so that means those citizen-city, residents of District 3 will not vote at all for any city council member for the approximately the next 3 years; and then, if the current, already in place city council member (for the Districts were drawn to respect the 100% vote of consent of the governed's current-city council-members) is elected Mayor, then that District will wait even longer to have any vote what-so-ever for city council because that seat will become "appointed" by the Mayor and council-members. BTW, the 'kingship'-mayor is still voted by 100% of the city -- such is equal protection for privileges and immunities - with the 9th Amendment;
—of course, all candidates with close races shall pay for their own ‘recounts’; for the minute you become a candidate, you are no longer a member of We the People or consent of the governed according to the Secretary of the socialist region of CA. If that candidate, especially Republican because our Party of Principle will have candidates without much money, who cannot afford either the campaign or a ‘recount’ – thus encouraging the voter fraud the ID anti-trust yourself to know your own name and give it to a stranger sitting at a table who may be involved in the fraud; but you would have to be a good, honest person who can survive the 14 or 15 hours of “Out to vote” day – especially among the precincts which have more than 200 people in the 8 am to 8pm time slot - with their union-bosses telephoning them to come down and comply to union-dictate.
If a recount is needed, it should be granted... Vote - consent of the governed Is Not A Budget Item; and is open to any Citizen who wants to help his neighborhood’s as a precinct worker – there isn’t any limit; and money as stipend, cannot be promised - except for the physical location of the precinct
There is a lot more to consent of the governed than the ‘elimination tournament by $$$ sign’ that imitates the great and sacred-vain-idol-god, majority with arbitrary, human precept rules of conduct - i.e. time is a much better measure, than Person of unique-immortal-soul who serves for multiple years; pension benefits notwithstanding; for that is a whole other subject - Why should any official, any level of government make more money in not working - than in working and have the opportunity to pile-on more than pensions one after another — all on the taxpayer’s government earnings as property; for they are forbidden to keep and invest themselves by taxpayer-administrative-state-SSA?
Respect for government of, by, for One People in Word of Honor/Oath/ Pledge – Alone! George Washington’s “Of all dispositions which least to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism who should Labor to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness — these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens. The mere Politician, equally with the pious man ought to respect and to cherish them. ..” and Thomas Jefferson, the Person who has defended and worked to demonstrated and establish the goodness of Americans of God and Nation First: “It is of great importance to set a resolution, not to be shaken, never to tell an untruth. There is no vice so mean, so pitiful, so contemptible; and he who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world’s believing him. This falsehood of the tongue [Matt 15 / John 8) leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good disposition.”.
Resources and comments:
Quotes from above Washington and Jefferson are from a great book Heritage Foundation published in 2002: "The Founders' Almanac, A Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest Leaders & Most Eloquent Words of the American Founding" edited by Matthew Spalding
Quotes from are from the direct translation "The Bible, a New Translation"; Dr. James Moffatt; available on Google and at E-bay.
That Religion and Morality are the foundation and cornerstone of our archetypal Republican Form of Representative government is "AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language" 1828 Dr. Noah Webster. To better understand what Dr. Webster understood regarding "press"-language and communication vital with God's Laws to any nation which values freedom of its people as its most important resource, is well demonstrated within the definitions of words themselves; but also in comparison --- especially Dr. Webster's Posterity "The Merriam-Webster Dictionary of the (now) English Language" and Oxford "An English Dictionary of the English Language which often adds an "American definition" of words: Look up "Religion" then "Congress".
Use Library of Congress and look at the thousands of weekly journals published throughout the early, 13 Colony Period: My copy is "The Boston Gazette and Country Journal" for the week of March 12, 1770.
This current President's Regime is Not of the History of the Democratic Party of the US(A). Most of you don't realize the 2012 Democratic Convention Voice Count, Three Times, could not ascertain a vocal majority; and did NOT use Robert's Rules for voice count -- to Return God to their Party's Platform. Our Nation's cornerstone and foundation is Religion and Morality - Word of Honor whether Pledge or Oath. Truth, Trust, God are Law, otherwise no Republican form of government can exist. Only God's Laws allow One Person and all smaller number persons - no physical or environmental characteristics, shall endure:
"We lay it down as a fundamental, that laws, to be just, must give a reciprocation of right; that, without this, they are mere arbitrary rules of conduct, founded in force, and not in conscience;"(Thomas Jefferson) and “..the doctrines they teach are but human precept...blind guides of the blind, and if one blind man leads another, both of them will fall into a pit. ..And are you totally ignorant? Do you not see how all that enters the mouth passes into the belly and is then thrown out into the drain, while what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart—and that is what defiles a man. For out of the heart come evil designs, murder [not just body, mind/ heart/ will/ soul included], adultery, sexual vice, stealing, false evidence/witness, slander [UDHR-Lucifer Alinsky’s “Personality”]. That is what defiles a man; a man is not defiled by eating with hands unwashed!”(Matt 15) Is this current President’s atheist, socialist, every-single-issue in Congress and the socialist-region referred to as CA which despoil, enslave, repudiate The Laws of the Three Sacred Documents -
OUR ARCHETYPAL NATION IS THE ONLY NATION IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND TO SAY PERSON'S UNIQUE, IMMORTAL-SOUL-Spirit/ heart/ mind/ will/ conscience/ good and honest in Earthly Body IS SUPREME, God's Law is The Law in The Christian Gospel, stated in the Laws of the Declaration, and applied in the Laws of the Constitution; that Representative government means One Person Protected, by God’s Truth of “separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle One People in order to exercise - risk/ reward/ SWOT for Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness, by One Person’s Liberty to become candidate, judge, official any level of government in jurisprudence by One Person’s Article II and VI Oath of Office - Promise solely on “Trust”: “A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath, implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury.” Affirm means “v.t. afferm' [L. affirmo; ad and firmo, to make firm. See Firm.]
1. To assert positively; to tell with confidence; to aver; to declare the existence of something; to maintain as true; opposed to deny. Of one Jesus whom Paul affirmed to be alive. Acts 25.
2. To make firm; to establish, confirm or ratify; as, the Supreme court affirmed the judgment.
Here is Destruction of "consent of the governed"/ vote: —Egregiously, UnConstitutional-Both US and CA-, top-two vote getters regardless of political party affiliation, with its synonymous word "Non-partisan" of city councils, school boards, judges by "pool-perk", state superintendent of public indoctrination - oops, instruction;
--- Most if not all ‘consent of the governed-constitutional Persons’ have no idea, never even, been informed or allowed to approve or disapprove the abolishment of the 14th Amendment’s “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges and immunities of citizens of the US; ..nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS with One Person-One vote, specifically - By-Area-Trustee-Voting Districts(CVRA) which includes its proposed, megalith of “Alinsky disorganization,” the very unConstitutional, 2014-initiative by a written by a Progressive- Republican named "Neighborhood Legislators"; and CRC’s COI-community of interest - both types of Districts, BATV and COI, arbitrary, human precept rules of conduct-force-collective-groups by skin color except white, country-of-origin -except the USA the naturalized citizen has Pledged his Allegiance - Personal Honor with God, to duty and service as a member of "We the People " and who not required to understand the freedom of speech and press, i.e. language, communication, issues and persons of Both "Consent of the Governed" to protect each-one-Person's Rights (see "Property" by James Madison among "The Founder's Constitution" Univ. of Chicago) and We the People;
---"Anyone who wants to vote gets to vote" in deep and sacred supplication to the socialist's-great and vain-idol-god (yes, violates Commandments 1,2,3), majority - as force and number- but absent Truth, Trust. God and knowledge, wisdom - therefore justice which is solely from God; especially note drive-by voting, same day registration, with the "provisional ballot" often our "consent of the governed" ROV/administrative-state Dept.,decision-maker for any office in the federalist equilateral triangle of representative government, and the "absentee/oops administrative-state’s declared “Mail”-in, especially Republican ballot, - correctly signed and sealed - discarded; no one consent of the governed-constitutional Person will ever know if his vote was counted; or the thin-paper-ballot with ball-point-pen that caused several thousand ballots cast at Ruffin Road to be discarded as 'marked incorrectly ballots" because the light shined through the fill-in dots, and not 0ne of those voter realized, then or now that the problem even existed, ---- except the printing of those ballots at ROV who provided the ball point pens rather than the markers which were utilized at all the precincts. --- For Republicans also travel to Ruffin Road -- out of their way to serve in honor, duty, and service to all Consent of the Governed and We the People;
And please bear in mind --- we haven't even addressed the glazed-eye man, dangling his already filled-in-open ballot while calling out “What do you want me to do with this?”, 'precinct problems’ yet......especially "it is forbidden that all ballots be counted and declared correct before delivery to the "drop-off" with 'time" hugely supreme to the 'consent of the governed-count', i.e. "It's ok not have an accurate count -- because ROV wants all precincts to deliver to pick-up site (assuming the ballot boxes aren't lost) by 9:30 pm."....;
---and then there is the dubious "eligibility to vote in a school district" form at ROV required by a candidate who has lived more than 20 years in an outside district, but because he has the proper skin-color, and rented an apartment in the "proper" district - CVRA/ROV will allow his candidacy to the school board;
---or the 4, new city districts where One Person is permitted, ever other year, to vote for a candidate, whose house must be located in the "proper geography" at the "Proper time" , - who will represent 100% of that city; except, the change from 1789-at-large, One Person-One vote is new, so that means those citizen-city, residents of District 3 will not vote at all for any city council member for the approximately the next 3 years; and then, if the current, already in place city council member (for the Districts were drawn to respect the 100% vote of consent of the governed's current-city council-members) is elected Mayor, then that District will wait even longer to have any vote what-so-ever for city council because that seat will become "appointed" by the Mayor and council-members. BTW, the 'kingship'-mayor is still voted by 100% of the city -- such is equal protection for privileges and immunities - with the 9th Amendment;
—of course, all candidates with close races shall pay for their own ‘recounts’; for the minute you become a candidate, you are no longer a member of We the People or consent of the governed according to the Secretary of the socialist region of CA. If that candidate, especially Republican because our Party of Principle will have candidates without much money, who cannot afford either the campaign or a ‘recount’ – thus encouraging the voter fraud the ID anti-trust yourself to know your own name and give it to a stranger sitting at a table who may be involved in the fraud; but you would have to be a good, honest person who can survive the 14 or 15 hours of “Out to vote” day – especially among the precincts which have more than 200 people in the 8 am to 8pm time slot - with their union-bosses telephoning them to come down and comply to union-dictate.
If a recount is needed, it should be granted... Vote - consent of the governed Is Not A Budget Item; and is open to any Citizen who wants to help his neighborhood’s as a precinct worker – there isn’t any limit; and money as stipend, cannot be promised - except for the physical location of the precinct
There is a lot more to consent of the governed than the ‘elimination tournament by $$$ sign’ that imitates the great and sacred-vain-idol-god, majority with arbitrary, human precept rules of conduct - i.e. time is a much better measure, than Person of unique-immortal-soul who serves for multiple years; pension benefits notwithstanding; for that is a whole other subject - Why should any official, any level of government make more money in not working - than in working and have the opportunity to pile-on more than pensions one after another — all on the taxpayer’s government earnings as property; for they are forbidden to keep and invest themselves by taxpayer-administrative-state-SSA?
Respect for government of, by, for One People in Word of Honor/Oath/ Pledge – Alone! George Washington’s “Of all dispositions which least to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism who should Labor to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness — these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens. The mere Politician, equally with the pious man ought to respect and to cherish them. ..” and Thomas Jefferson, the Person who has defended and worked to demonstrated and establish the goodness of Americans of God and Nation First: “It is of great importance to set a resolution, not to be shaken, never to tell an untruth. There is no vice so mean, so pitiful, so contemptible; and he who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world’s believing him. This falsehood of the tongue [Matt 15 / John 8) leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good disposition.”.
Resources and comments:
Quotes from above Washington and Jefferson are from a great book Heritage Foundation published in 2002: "The Founders' Almanac, A Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest Leaders & Most Eloquent Words of the American Founding" edited by Matthew Spalding
Quotes from are from the direct translation "The Bible, a New Translation"; Dr. James Moffatt; available on Google and at E-bay.
That Religion and Morality are the foundation and cornerstone of our archetypal Republican Form of Representative government is "AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language" 1828 Dr. Noah Webster. To better understand what Dr. Webster understood regarding "press"-language and communication vital with God's Laws to any nation which values freedom of its people as its most important resource, is well demonstrated within the definitions of words themselves; but also in comparison --- especially Dr. Webster's Posterity "The Merriam-Webster Dictionary of the (now) English Language" and Oxford "An English Dictionary of the English Language which often adds an "American definition" of words: Look up "Religion" then "Congress".
Use Library of Congress and look at the thousands of weekly journals published throughout the early, 13 Colony Period: My copy is "The Boston Gazette and Country Journal" for the week of March 12, 1770.
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