Thursday, July 4, 2013

RE Marriage, Article III Judiciary, and our Republic under God

Setting the secular-deist court aside for a few sentences, The Fifth, the Center Point  after the First Four Laws of Love for The Everlasting – “I am Who I am.”, Commandment is “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Eternal, your God, is giving you.”.  The first Four are man’s relationship to The Creator of the Universe and to each other in expressing earthly love and humility in knowledge and wisdom, in the earthly practice of reverence.   The last 4, man’s responsibility to his own Soul in accountability to God.

The Tenth is important to state, for it is about James Madison’s Essay “Property” and governance: “You shall not covet a fellow-countryman’s household; your shall not covet a fellow-countryman’s wife, nor his slaves, male or female, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that belongs to a fellow-countrymen.”.

“..And of Nature’s God”, The Ten Commandments, enhanced and expanded, in each One-of the Twelve, and each-one-individual Soul that day to this day and forever,  Disciple’s Soul, by God’s Son Jesus Christ, our Brother, Friend, Ever-present, Ever patient Teacher and Guide of knowledge, wisdom, Truth at all times and in all circumstance, in whatever the multiple roles of life, liberty, and pursuits of happiness, or the mistakes therein as the Redeemer, of Each-One Person, homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes, who can both attain, and avoid depriving other Person(s), of their life, liberty, and pursuit of Happiness utilizing each one’s property of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.

July 17th at 1:36 AM EDT is 6,926,581,408 of Each-One-Person’s body containing his unique - sovereign Soul is known, one-at-a-time, and judged alone, by Jesus and His Father, The Everlasting.

Not one person will find The Father and The Son, including the concept of ‘clones’, the same way of their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.  The complete, unending individual combinations of  “..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God entitle them .

Your person of immortal Soul, is where it is, doing life, liberty and pursuit of happiness through the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, and is distinct, from any other Soul, and soul is true and present throughout the individual species in all, complete with one species able to change sex within itself,  or most of the Animal Kingdom, i.e God Is Perfection, even as He Created the variations within and around species of the Living Objects, indifferent tools, for the purpose of life, liberty, and pursuit. Though communication with your soul varies tremendously, among each person, no matter what your body’s neurology of events, the unique Soul, from the loins of Mother and Father, are yours forever as immortal, or...not... as ‘Free Agency’ with ALL consequences, yours alone.

Pursuits is what bring the Inanimate Object, tools, as tools to create life’s tool better or to expand the earth’s riches to the universe God created.   Living and Inanimate Objects are “indifferent things”, because man, homo sapiens without physical or environment descriptors, on earth makes the decisions of the 5W’s and H of those objects, including how they are utilized in relation to the Laws; Lessons: Research, Reflect/Reason, Relate, the most important for opposites of risk-reward, threat-opportunity, sacred-profane which can include choosing profane/profane-Yes choosing between two evils, for Satan’s minion of “Obama Modern Marxism-Alinsky” force  upon We the People; and sacred/sacred for knowledge, wisdom, justice in Truth; and Record, take Action, to alter, or any degree better, alter or remain unchanged, which occurs within the range of life taught in The Bible; and In The Laws of Both Founding Documents - this next, magnificent, Human Event’s task and lesson:

“One People” Learn they are One Person within the Whole of the Polity, whatever shape that Polity is composed or comprised of in life, liberty, and the pursuits of Happiness, traveling here on each-one-Person, no matter where on God’s planet you are located and no matter what the circumstance(s) you are encountering...  

This 393rd  Ano Domini (A.D. for those 50 yrs. Old and younger people ‘edu’d’ in licentious-revisionist language and history), is a “Call to Action”, right now, America, in our responsibility and accountability, to continue to follow the ancestry, heritage, and legacy we have inherited from the entire Period of 1620 through the death of James Madison - which continued God’s Plan for “One People” located within the Sovereignty of Person, Town, County, State, and Nation, to be unique and in conjunction with each other’s obedience to the Laws of The Father and The Son, establish “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be Done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Give us this day, our daily bread; and Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; Lead us not into temptation; deliver us from evil; For This Is The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory Forever and Forever....Amen—Salah”.

We the People, each one of US(A), have come very close; but fall down because, when evil such as what we are experiencing, is New to US(A). It’s is not new, and is recurring among the Nations of the Middle East, Europe and Russian areas of the world. We are, as human as we are, essentially God Loving and Fearing, We love Truth and Honor and generally make it our personal life of free agency - even with our leaving formal church ecclesiastics because it refuses to acknowledge God over man’s interpretation of “society”i.e, the reason Franklin and Jefferson left the church ecclesiastics was the Minister’s did not, and do not follow, what those two particular, and many other individual persons understand to be God, Jesus and The Holy Ghost..

What happened in the out come of the Supreme Court, is an excellent description and learning tool for We the People’s Constitution derived from Consent of the Governed’s Declaration of Independence as Person accountable to God...not to a king, or any other earthly leader throughout history, even given the errors often tragic errors along the way...true and inevitable until each-one-of-you absolutely Learn and Trust in the Truth that God Is Who He Is and His Son Is Present within Your Individual Person, as is the Truth of your Holy Ghost.

This is our Lesson: Article II:4 and why...It Must Be Done “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, We Mutually Pledge to Each Other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”.  

There is no reference to husband and wife. In that relationship of two individuals, the Male whom God created that Male’s companion, the Female. God created the woman from the man’s heart, breath, the essence from which anatomy, physiology, neurology, of Body of person has Life; the man’s rib, the flexible, strong, not too large and not too small, 12, which protect the conversion and circulation of  Air (carbon and oxygen) and Blood (carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, more of the Periodic Chart of the Elements).

Husband and Wife are to cleave to each other in their joining of their life, liberty, and pursuits of happiness, utilizing the tools living and inanimate objects, determining the best 5W and H use of those tools with regard to their, personal Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.

Husband and Wife, each have their Soul, and that partnership of cleaving, has many purposes in liberty of choice on the continuum of life and pursuits, but the reason for the Fifth Commandment, is when joining your “Loins”, an Other Soul, embryo, has been created with the heritage of genetics and life stories, all the way back in God’s Creating Life on Earth.

Now, with the birth of that newborn, Mother and Father have full responsibility, in all God’s Laws and shall be subject to Judgement by God for their “..Brother, Friend, Ever-present, ever patient Teacher and Guide of knowledge, wisdom, Truth at all times and in all circumstance, in whatever the multiple roles of life, liberty, and pursuits of happiness, or the mistakes therein as the Redeemer, of Each-One Person, homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes, who can both attain, and avoid depriving other Person(s), of their life, liberty, and pursuit of Happiness utilizing each one’s property of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.; the Soul in the body of that Embryo;..and even as long as you are around, when that embryo becomes an adult: “I am in my Father. My Father is in me. I am in you. You are in Me.  Obey my commands.  Seek and ye shall find. Ask and it shall be opened unto you. ‘Judge Not that Ye Be Judged. Why would you take the splinter out of eye of another, while failing to see the plank in your own eye, the window to the Soul? - Hypocrite!’

The magnificence is in God and His Son, every Person, known or not, who through the ages, used their Soul, to Research, Reflect/Reason, Relate, Record / Act, for good in the long run and evil in the grain of sand of God’s definition of time- not at all important under the circumstances of life and pursuits, for time has no value, next to the What, Why, How, Who, Where, and When in the courses of family and life role’s as human events, though as a measure of obtaining a part of the 5W’s and H, time can be important; but then so can Any Inanimate or Living Object.

Chief Justice Roberts, in his deist-secular manner, expressed the above in complete concordance of the Laws of Both Founding Documents in regards to ‘marriage’: First only two individuals can bring a case to court on behalf of their two individual person’s of choice - liberty to be of the same gender and living together in man’s codified word ‘marriage’.  Two individual persons cannot speak for the whole of the people.

Second, the Supreme Court cannot rule on what is not within it purvey, Person’s choice of life and pursuit of happiness, though Justice Roberts states this better by relating it to the 10th Amendment - marriage has no purvey in the federal level of government.

Justice Stevens also said ‘marriage’ has no purvey in the State because two individual person’s cannot declare themselves greater than the whole of the people by requiring ‘marriage’, a personal decision of life and liberty, be obeyed and subjugated, by  the whole of the people; for that would make same-gender superior to liberty of choice for all the people..

Third, Justice Stevens sent ‘marriage’ back to the Appellate Court, reminding them that ‘marriage’ is also, not the purvey of the Tenth Amendment, [or of the Ninth Amendment for that matter] at the State level, except as laws regarding the relationship apply; but the two individuals who made their personal decision regarding marriage, cannot usurped, over-rule, the people as a whole.  The People of California said “No” to marriage male to male, or female to female. [And “Domestic Partnerships” in California do allow marriage as equal and complete the synonymous in law.]

This brings us to Fourth:  The rights of those two, individual person’s were not infringed. All that was “infringed” was the word “Marriage”, though that ‘word’ is “forbidden argument” in any of the numerous, over-the-years cases before the courts or before the People. In fact, most People, homosexual or not, do not even know there is such a California law “Domestic Partnerships”.

But the Appellate Court removed the ‘ban on sex-organ-gender-marriage’ absent Soul, the location of all relationships on every level of emotions in which Person(s) join together and conspire to depart, one from the other.

The appellate court declared the State of California supreme over We the People of California in violation of the Ninth, Tenth, and the “consent of the governed”, Two Times, in their demand that “Marriage” is between man and woman.

The Appellate Court,  in complete subservience and agreement with Man’s Law, Article 19 of the UN Charter / Universal Declaration of Human Rights, – absent God’s Laws: “Affirm the Right to “opinion without interference regardless of frontier”.  UNC/UDHR, and “2009 Obama-Modern Marxist-Alinsky”  forbids “separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them...Unalienable Natural Rights.”.; fro the redistribution and revisionist-UNC/UDHR/WSIS/ all ethics of science, history, government, law, art, music, economics profit/risk/reward/loss/opportunity/threat, humanity, justice, equality must be “unfrozen” to the new level of government force in obedience, subjugation, and control.

In the “Obama-Modern Marxist-Alinsky Socialism” equality is synonymous with if one group of people have something another group of people want, but do not have enough earthly, man’s law, means, to obtain that living object, marriage; and since Soul of Person does not exist, i.e. “religion and morality”; then

It the Appellate Court must rule that, ‘marriage’ is determined by government who defines and enforces group-think of all life.  Two individual persons, representing the collective group of the individuals, within the same anatomy, physiology, neurology of living object, sex organs,  is supreme versus One Person’s separate and equal station, Soul; though that person’s unique, sovereign self,  is not different from one homo sapiens to another; nor is that one person’s physical and environmental attributes even involved in  judgement by God of ALL individual soul.

There is no God and therefore, the Fifth Commandment is not meaningful to the homosexuality’s coveting of another body of like gender; or the people regardless of their physical ornaments as One Person protected in his “property” of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

Two, individual persons who desire the word ‘marriage’, regardless of its definition by God’s Law and by the Laws of Both Founding Documents 393 history, consent of the governed, and the court, have decided the court’s plank of blindness and the State’s usurpation of “Opinion without interference regardless of frontier”, are supreme to We the People in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility ....and secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and our Posterity, do Ordain and establish this Constitution For the United States of America., and that the consent of the governed who have stated marriage is between a man and a woman, has no standing; And

The Appellate Court, in its blind and unbalanced justice, has also declared, as has socialist-modern Marxist-Alinsky, the 1789 contract between the People and the Federal level of government unlawful, thus the following are null and void::
- The polity, or society, is created by the social contract, in which persons agree to join together for mutual benefit and defense, and to regulate their behavior to avoid forms of competition which are destructive of social coherence and effectiveness, such as violence, deception, or collusion, or to infringe on the rights of others.

- Acceptance of the terms of the social contract is effected through, and based upon, a restricted form of the social contract called the filial contract, between parents and their children, in which the parents agree to be good parents and the children agree to be good children and to grow into good adults and members of society. As persons grow, they extend the social contract to others they encounter.

- The social contract is transitive, so that it extends to and includes not only those with whom one is in direct contact, but all those with whom those one is in direct contact with are bound to by the social contract as well, and therefore by recursion to all those persons who are members of the society, even if one has never met them.” at

The social contract of mankind among nations includes “- Whenever any person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is [the Laws of God, the Declaration, or the] Constitution, means to obey or help enforce [those laws and any combination which occurs]. This duty cannot be delegated to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal adviser. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job or following orders. This is sometimes called the Principle of Nuremberg (the murder by gas of thousands of the Religion of God - Jewish, or Polish, or any persons opposing the Nazis, for those of you who number among licentious-revisionist church ecclesiastics, ethics, language and history).” in reference to Edward Snowden’s Prism and “target” of “flip” government by the “Obama-modern Marxist-Alinsky-Cloward Piven Regime’s extortion, collusion, deception, violence, and infringement upon the rights of all honest persons.

“Marriage” is not about marriage. “Patient Protection and Affordable...Act” is not about either health or illness.  UNC/UDHR/WSIS Chicken Little’s falling sky - Global Warming revisionist-science-terminology, to the latest “Coal shall not be used as Electricity.” and “Petroleum shall never be allowed production in the waters or on the land of the United States of American” — all addressing God’s creation of O, C, H, N of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are all Proofs of “Open Society-United Nations-2009 Obama Socialist-group-think of collective people-in reverence and supplication the the false god, number-Majority, as the standard for all atheist-secular-right and all Sharia-profane-wrong” as the modern-Marxist-Alinsky law of the borderless nations and jurisprudence – ..

 – America is just another country among the minions of the pit of darkness supporting violence, deception, collusion, laws made against all honest men; and dishonest men are allowed privileges and immunities by that self-same, Anti-law governance, even though: “An Unconstitutional Statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not laws but Anti-law.”.

Thus, because of the abdication from the Laws of Both Founding Documents, absent knowledge, wisdom, for Truth, by the Courts through deist-secularism, and by the ‘Obama modern-Marxism-Alinsky-Cloward Piven, man over God”, this stands as another PROOF of the extinction of our Republic under God.

We cannot regain our Article IV:4 “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion..”. Invasion means “An attack on the rights of another; infringement or violation.”; and with the Federal Level of government usurped in Despotism by a lawless Article II Executive power, unless Article II:4 impeach and convict... actually the Executive Branch, the President and Vice President with ALL officials of the United States, must prove the above acts against the People, did not occur and that their intention was not anti-law.  THAT PROOF IS NOT A FUNCTION OF ‘NUMBER’ AND/ OR ‘MAJORITY’.

We are the only Nation in the history of mankind on God’s Planet, to have Law which is to Protect and serve each-one-person, as a member of the Whole of the polity; and mechanism’s for “..a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariable the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it si their Duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.  Such is the suffering” of our Republic under God;” and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter” this ‘Obama-modern Marxism-Alinsky-UNC/UDHR/WSIS-Open Society-Socialism’ of Anti-law.

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