Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Any Rand, Our Republic under God, and its Opposite in Scripture and Law

Comment attached to another comment by a Ray Sanders regarding Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"

Ray You haven't finished your Bible Lessons and have turned a blind eye and deaf ear to Soul, haven't you?

Ayn Rand, our Republic under God both address the Sovereignty of One Person's accountability to Him and to the Laws of Both Founding Documents.  That sentence before the unalienable rights sentence: "and assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them.."    This is the ultimate Axiom from God to mankind; and all the Founders, as well as everyday "Freemen and Individuals" Knew That Truth.

It's opposite is what our Republic is undergoing since 1/20/2009 - the "Obama Socialist Regime" composed of G. Soros' Open Society; the United Nations Agenda 21 - tyrannical,  usurpation of air, land, water which connects right back to the Obama Socialism as "sustainable energy" - EPA Smart Growth and Smart Policing / pre-designed cities through annexation and arbitrary building -- which connects to the Socialist State of California's control of City Plans and Redevelopment with the arbitrary and compulsory 8 Step Plan -- which is Agenda 21 that only certain, Green Private-Government 'partnership' of force, are allowed to participate in the building of for only they have all the "end justify's means"; aka "opinion without interference / arbitrary" and "preconceived conclusions / the facts must fit the end justify s the means, or  the Opposition to the CO2 problem is "Obama's doctorate degree in Saul Lucifer Alinsky "Frozen", in this issue.

You might not see the connections between the air's carbon dioxide, without which there is no life of any kind on God's Planet; and no government by any description can handle: -- you probably understand this part well with the development of the special steel for the special train by Person(s); and the thousands employed in the production, distribution, building and operation, at every single level, which requires the paper and writing skills of Any Rand, you so you can call her a "Terrible Rich Person" of "..  keen desire of any thing; eager to obtain; as greedy of gain"; rather than the Risk/Reward; opportunity/threat, strengths/weakness -- all of which are included in Atlas Shrugged.... and in all of " the spiritual, rational and immortal substance in man, which distinguishes him from brutes; that part of man which enables him to think and reason, and which renders him a subject of moral government. The immortality of the soul is a fundamental article of the christian system. Such is the nature of the human soul that it must have a God, an object of supreme affection.
2. The understanding; the intellectual principle. The eyes of our soul then only begin to see, when our bodily eye are closing."

Atlas Shrugged Is the Fight of Soul of Person in our Repbulican form of Representative Government under God via the Laws of the Declaration, partly, stated above, and the Law of "Oath of Office" stated in the Preamble, Articles II and VI of the Constitution;  versus

"The Obama Atheist, Secular, Islamic-Body's anatomy, physioligy,neurology, collective mass-absent cognition of each-one's spiritual, rational-people of group-think-designation----'The Despotism of the Majority' as the inanimate object "number" determining right and wrong; And

All the above enables your 'judgement' of person who wrote an outstanding book -- completely on the same level as George Orwell's "1984" the blueprint for the Fabian Socialism which is the background for G. Soros, Obama's mentor, in producing "The Obama Socialist Regime" of absolute force, control, especially of knowledge in wisdom which is Forbidden, any expression in 45 years of  indoctrination disguised as p[ublic education, and now even some private; college, and all life: Person/Family, Town, County, State, and Nation!

Ray, you are not alone in your Stiffnecked, Focus so your blinders and earmuffs fit; and you cannot see or be allowed to see, the world-wide nature of this current Satan, who is successfully spitting and stomping on 58 of the finest men as Founders, and every, single person, in every single role in life from, actually 1620's little Mayflower, sailing ship, to this very minute; and as you know, through all Eternity wherever "We the People" of God travel to in the Next Frontier  --- Our participation in God's Universe!!

He Is...  and  He is in His Son Jesus Chris, who is in His Father...who is in Each-One-Person, not only created in His Image; but also in Each Soul - traveling in each Body - with Each-Free Agency - on whatever journey is set before us.... The Polity of the Whole of our Republic under God --- One at a time in Law "Religion and Morality" and in Law Oath of Office in written Constitution all intertwined in Scripture; And

THE ONLY NATION IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND, TO CREATE OUR AMERICA of Love - not limited to person but to God for his Perfection in ALL His Creation; and His Son Jesus who was born of Virgin Woman Mary, lived to most wonderfully teach His and His Father's words; because with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE; including a rich man who can go through that eye of a needle, the camel cannot go through!!!!  Rich is not money.

 Money is an inanimate object -- just like the binomial-Boolean-yes-no-think computer which is producing yes-no thinkers, completely absent Research-Reflect/Reason-Relate-Record/Act to avoid being acted upon>

It Is Our Republic under God that is under Attack; as are all Nations on God's Planet (see Geert Wilders and Lord Monckton). The Sooner We the People join Consent of the Governed, will be the sooner God will though each-one-Person, alone and together, will rid Satan and all he represents in the evil before mankind in the probably among the Greatest of the Course of Human Events.

Edmund Burke, the only member of Parliament expelled because of support of our Revolution, 4 years old in 1776, said: "I am only one. I cannot do everything, but I can do what I can; and I shall do what I can!"  The above is not about 'winning or losing'; number, time, dollar or any earthly riches; and those among you who do read the Bible Know this Truth.  WE MUST ALL JOIN AS ONE IN TAKING ACTION WHICH IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTY, PER OUR DECLARATION AND OUR OWN SOUL IN GOD, TO DO WHATEVER IS NECESSARY TO CORRECT THE WRONG.  You need to bear in mind, many people especially public school educated, but left church and never understood George Washington's words in his "Farewell Address" or Thomas Jefferson on Construction for the Laws of our Constitution, or Ben Franklin's wisdom and invention; or Booker T. Washington; or most of all Martin Luther King's I don't care what color skin you have, or what your country of origin is, [ it is necessary to learn English because it is the Language of the Laws of Both Founding Documents of a Representative People in their ownership of their government]; The only idea which is important is the unique-Soul-each one person has full ownership and accountability for in reward and punishment from our Lord God, and in Law of our Sovereign Nation, Sovereign State, and Soverign Person!

Get out of your car, get out of your work, pay attention to and learn the 5W's and H of our most perfect -- Founding Documents.

PS: if you would like an excellent tirade against the above so you can obtain an example of the continued 'revision' - Alinsky's unfreezing - Please read Michael Seidman's "Let's Give Up the Constitution". He's very proud of his 37 years of indoctrination of our Posterity, in this demonstration and of absence of the Laws of Both Founding Documents:      http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/31/opinion/lets-give-up-on-the-constitution.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0    It parallels and sets the stage for  Obama's [Kerry, Gore, Hager] Inaugural Declaration of the Socialist States Speech"

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