Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Declaration and Constitution Speak: To the many Myths...

which prevent some "We the People" from playing the role of  "..---That to SECURE THESE RIGHTS, governments ARE INSTITUTED AMONG MEN, DERIVING their Just* Powers* FROM the CONSENT of the GOVERNED.  The Declaration speaks: that because of  'prevent' "We the People" have decided that it is better to leave decisions in the hands of attorneys, judges, social-group-thinkers, elected agents with 'political expediency' as much more important than: "Religion and virtue are the only foundations, not of republicanism and of all free government, but of social felicity under all government and in all the combinations of human society. (John Adams letter to Benjamin Rush, August 28, 1811).*".

Both say:  If  "We", allow a few men 100% interpretation and say regarding the word of God 'Both' intrinsically with  Precepts and Axioms, understand; then 'Today's' Political disarray, global confusion over government form, law, contract, principle; with  all the whiles' and deceit of Satan, rule the day. This is especially true, because routinely The Declaration is absent from the Partnership of Both, and has been for many a year.  This interestingly because in our nation's years from Mayflower to probably into the early 60's, no explanation of "Religion and Morality" was required.  Like The Bible, the Precepts and Axioms, were integrated into the learning and lifestyles of all citizens  from age of right/wrong/about 8 yrs. throughout lifetimes and often voting a few days before death!

While not myths,  "BOTH of US" are going to speak to "Religion and Morality" first....Because God is...and through Jesus Christ who said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light.. whosoever ..".  In 1947 Everson v The Board of Education, made an ominous change in legislative, person, governing, judgement: the wall "must be high and impregnable. We could not approve the slightest breach."  This in itself, is an interesting example of misleading deductive logic; also including, how a judgement can expand beyond the original question which really didn't get attention: "due process" of taxpayer money used to provide service for a select group called 'busing to private school money'. The important Outcome by men, a minister at that, was since the wall against religion 'must be high and impregnable', God is left out of education or any part of governing; ......but Satan is Not!  Timothy I says "..but for the lawless and disobedient...". We have courts...for Satan to be active in v.  the righteous - the opposition to the issue; else why the courts?  Further, Satan gets to rule-the-day, in both Legislative, education, and decisions regarding crosses on Mountain-tops, Ten Commandments, and all types of religious expression.....including the anti-law, regulation of sexual behavior present in human kind since well before Christ.  This day 'BOTH of US' will speak regarding the abridging rights privileges and equal protection of the 14th;  could be applied to every, single 'Administrative regulated', employee union in the United States of America.  Each Administrative union employee, receives taxpayer wages, benefits, and protections; far beyond those of any citizen - even with state constitutional laws in place to prevent such contracts or agreements.

'BOTH of US' speak to religion of special privileges of mosque location on an American Memorial to 3K + their families, friends, coworkers life, liberty, and happiness, interrupted because the special religion need to have a 'house on the grounds [any piece of land within the zone is part of the memorial and 3, NY City-sized, blocks are the grounds]'; or that known individuals, guilty of the crime, are given refuge because of their 'religion of hate' in the courts of 'BOTH of US'. Again ignorance, with "information withheld or distorted in a way that is intended to mislead or which has that effect through negligence", abounded here. For, only a few Americans, familiar and working with Islam, but ignored by attorney, legislature, business, and judge; were aware of  'removing life, better - removing the head - of the guilty is the punishment of the criminal's religion! Life in prison is 'A Gift of Martyr' for that same religion; and in the course of this mal-justice, caused in United States District Court, a penalty of punishment which does not fit the crime - this man was brought to BOTH of US to decide; and mankind, without the Way, and the Light 'Both of US' proclaim, made the 'politically expedient' decision in the interest of a few, special-interest men.  This is another way of saying 'justice - judging law by man -- not justice by law. We have many more examples of this at all levels of government from individual HOA's, groups to city to all the way through Federal and including the Regulators attached to 1300 Federal Departments and Agencies with smaller numbers at each of the 50 States and Territories level.

[edited and added 2/25/11]BOTH of US with a few 'WE' have learned this is the thinking:  "Constitutition is supreme Law.  Declaration is Principle.  Declaration is not law. Therefore Constitution is for Attorneys and Judges. But:
The Principles in the Declaration are from the Supreme Lawgiver and establish that "Government are instituted among Men, Deriving their just powers from the CONSENT of the governed - "We the People in order..". Therefore,  "Things equal to the Same Thing, are equal to Each Other."  The Declaration of Independence (Principles) assume among the powers of the earth,  Nature and Nature's God, unalienable rights with the sources of The Bible, Common Law, Blackstone, = The Preamble, Articles and Amendments contained in the Constitution = Law as stated in the Constitution which is the base of the pyramid named "secure these rights".  

Everson v. The Board of Education, no Justice sitting that fateful day, had any intention of such outcomes; but because of the nature of mankind, the 'Whole of the Judgement outcome' was not regarded...a little because the Justices, themselves were well versed in "Religion and Morality" of what is not seen and does not required explanation - virtue; didn't conceive of 'outcome in terms' of a form of 'yes-no mentality' which disallows, and cannot allow-lawfully, - for all the continuum of good and evil,  that is the unique nature of each sovereign individual.   BOTH speak:  Actions gets worse; before getting better; because the same "high impregnable" wall must not allow Pledge of Allegiance-respect for Flag with its Memorial from Mayflower through Afghanistan - now and forever-; or any expression of God, - including the simplicity of Printing some of the most beautiful stamps ever printed - in homage to Jesus at His Birth, - in schools, public locations.  The high impregnable wall had another, "unintended consequence" of the social felicity nature of  'group-think', Boston public grammar schools allow their students to 'visit' a mosque; but not pray, nor even consider "The Ameican's Creed" of the United States of America.

BOTH of US, mostly through "We the People" spoke very loudly - even marched on the mall; but the sound fell on the ignorant, forgot, deaf, blind, stiffnecked, denying "We Elected [all levels of government]as Agents, Judges, and Businessmen" who found and decided, for silence [agreement], 'political expediency' in supporting one man's denied belief, but active opinion, ostensibly the leader of the nation.  'BOTH of US with We' are talking of Mankind humankind is exempt because no humankind is perfect, even assuming that the 'person' has decided to pursue a life with the Lord.  The Catholic religion accepts mankind as the continuum of good and evil it is in fact. It accepts mankind into its presence, on the grounds of redemption of sin which The Lord has taught persons to do.  By and large, this service to the Lord is fulfilled; but just being human has the limits of the integrity of virtue expressed in the rites the Church teaches to its leaders and members. Each religious denomination is traveling the continuum right along with person-hood; and has its stories to tell, including the ever-present temptation to 'help' God interpret individual's sin or judgement level in man's terms; to make the lessons easier by changing the language and loosing much to much in translation which was impaired from the beginning because man wrote all the editions.  Word of Mouth with family, friend, and business relationships, alone have made the continuum more easily traveled...It is not, nor will ever be easy...or better at expressing than the Church of God  v. the church of satan [satan, like man does not required a capital letter] ..both here on earth.

 The Lord is the Way, the Truth, the Light.....not person, except as each one pursues all that The Lord God represents! It does not matter, one wit, where on the continuum of life's journey, each individual, regardless of age, location on the Globe, or time or place or relationship or whatever the life, liberty, happiness is taking....all Shall Come to God through the Lord Jesus.  Again, this alone --- is enough to give pause... isn't it!? Americans do and have always given pause and "I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education (learn and teach). This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power. (Thomas Jefferson letter to William Charles Jarvis, September 28, 1820)".

For 'Our Nation', this means: "Declaration of Constitutional Principles with General governing principles and principles directed to this Constitution"*; and by "..assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle [one people] them,.." connects The Declaration.

'Both of US', ask you -- "We the People in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility....and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves AND OUR POSTERITY...FOR The United States of America ---:  How many myths, from the 'sections' above, do Each One of You recognize?  It is much better that you identify, better you and whoever you are connected to as family, friend, coworker, network member..whoever and wherever.  Because Networking, of each person, continues, remains, and shall always be, the single most important, person to person activity to preserve "religion and morality", the world. Use Read, Relate, Reflect, and Record.  Read Both Again. Think about Jesus' Lessons. Think about not the crowds or the disciples; but about the 'Recipients' of God, Jesus. In Philosophy of idea and thought, think about both the words as outcomes forevermore; and the time, place, and background of  Locke, Blackstone, Socrates, Bastiat, all the lives and stories of 58 men at one time in history and in one place, and most important of all --- Why 'BOTH of US' are Not about Only Our Nation....but Mankind as 'One Person at a Time'. This concept, alone, should give pause!  At a more 'application' level, think about where and why the word 'Sovereignty' came into use to describe 'We the People' in our home, our lives - fortunes - sacred honor; our relation to Citizenship of State and Of Federal actions of decision-making for with religion and morality.   There is a lesson here in the machine-tool, named computer, containing hardware, software, air, and dependent on only one source of energy - electricity; which each member of Mankind needs to respect and learn: It is a machine-tool - just as susceptible to mankind's whiles, with or without concrete or theoretical work is as any machine!

BOTH of US speak are very aware of our origins in man, in history, in land, in sea, in air, in word, in deed or the opposites, and humbly request "a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires___________ which is the blank of whatever issue or question lies before "BOTH of US with WE". Did you know, BOTH of US were carried around as books and notes by all "elected WE"?  Did you know that BOTH of US, were coffee, restaurant, cafe, local stove-on-porch-village, city business?  That BOTH of US enjoy celebration of not only US; but also, of the now Millions of "WE", the world over, many times, many years, risking both reward and loss "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, "WE" mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."? 

BOTH of US, deeply thank 'WE' for listening, reading, relating, reflecting, recording for the "..AND TO THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS, ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE...". Because our Nation is undergoing, this day, February 24, 2011, and henceforth, until "..--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter,....when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it Is Their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. ..".

That is the GOAL, PURPOSE, REASON, RISK, LOVE from God as well as 'WE' that is our heritage. 'WE' have had a 233 year, given our human nature, somewhat free-ride served because of the magnificence of the understanding, insight, and Learning of our Founders; with their belief in God as a daily, viable source of sustenance of decision resource. 

At 233 years of age, given the global nature "Information needed to make proper determination is withheld, distorted, ignored; given new-few men definition - newspeak; fully planned and intended to mislead through anti-law; resulting in neither domestic, nor international tranquility; 'WE THE PEOPLE' must take the helm of our Nation.. for ourselves, our posterity, our nation; and more important, for the future of mankind on this globe and relocation at some future time at another planet somewhere in this Universe --- which is God's. He will be there waiting for 'BOTH of US with WE' as well as the other nations on this Globe.

'BOTH OF US' was going to be on FB, but that is impossible because of computer-itis of single-think only persons exist for social things; then tried a free web-site set up Jon Roland shared with me, but have run into login problems with that; so have come-back to blog.  The Blog is Called "The Declaration - Constitution Speak to Today's Issues". It exists, but hasn't had a writing yet.  So BOTHofUs is using Pyrrhic change to get started.... The above doesn't "Speak" about how Both will speak...except as a sort-of start here...

It is the right and duty to alter usurpation and despotism...we know the law is good...and we know we are least as much as we can be with human kind..:  Speak to today's issues will be as interactive as possible..will give information about how to change usurpation of nation's assets including forbidding of oil drilling on each coast of the USA as gasoline, AGAIN, goes to $5.00/gal.; forcing a "Patient Protection and Affordable Act" - no content of  each word and deed is true; control of cash flow by government without permission of any part of "WE"; of fooling "WE" into believing only Attorneys, Courts, can correctly determine the correctness of statutes inherently wrong; and of convincing any "Elected WE - all levels of government" that money from taxes at a federal level is somehow different from money delivered for 'projects - pet or not'; and that Elected WE must conform to the least, common denominator of decision-making a-la group-think of Socialism  v.  the above!  That Government at every level Must reduce its scope of practice and follow 'BOTH of US' by removing their presence from education (by state and fed standards - not learning from above), and including the words of 'enumerated powers' with the 10th Amendment.  Because "WE" can only continue....with governing within limits prescribed by the founders.  The site is going to address this and a lot more...because such is the 'Threat' now more 'attack' against 'BOTH of US with WE'.

It is not, by any stretch of madness from the existing administration, an attack on 'BOTH of US'. It is that "WE" shall not tolerate  continued "Information needed to make a proper determination may have been withheld or distorted in a way that is intended to mislead or which has that effect through negligence."    "WE" shall not tolerate silencing through threat or intimidation of job loss, any individual who opposes this Administration's attacks on our form of BOTH of US.  "WE" shall not tolerate indoctrination in the guise of education 'at' our Posterity, in the name of 'social justice or any other contemptible expression of 'group-think' perpetrated on our young. 

Both Documents
The Bible
www. ; The Constitution Society with "Declaration of Constitutional Principles;  The Center for Teaching the Consitution with "Learn and Teach The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the U.S, using Original Texts and Classical Learning Methods of the Founders" by Joseph Andrews  (This is "The Manuel" to use in order to apply the work of the founders to today's issues. The website is: The Goal:  Learn and Teach is exactly what this Patriot is attempting to accomplish for anyone and everyone...anywhere on the continuum between good and evil). 
"The Founders Almanac, a Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest Leaders & Most Eloquent Words of the American Founding" edited by Matthew Spalding; Heritage Press 2002.(This accomplishes everything it states in its Title..and is invaluable)
"The American Dictionary of the English Language" by Noah Webster (google it)(Mandatory for definitions like Congress, Religion, and many other seemingly common knowledge words....which are not!)
"The Law"***; "That Which is Seen and That Which is Not Seen"*** both by Frederic Bastiat (Mandatory Reading).
"Handbook for Liberals"*** by Saul Alinsky with Lucifer as his chosen mentor
Reading the Leading commentaries of  George Will, National Review, Weekly Standard. Listening to: Mark Levine, Rush Limbaugh, Roger Hedgecock, Rick Roberts and many others
Always read: Letters to the Editor for both the above and for ***!
***It is important to give the devil his due. Reading *** wherever you find him; and with this current media, absent 5W's and H, it is too easy to find satan, pay attention to the 'w's and h's' which are missing....and go find them!!! Therein, you will also find 'BOTHofUS with WE' waiting to be heard and acted upon!

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