Sunday, November 6, 2016



Americans of God and Nation First, we're not about the vain-idol-god's forms of bigger number's earthly treasures. Winning or losing is not about any form of distinct and palpable arbitrary human precept. It isn't about name-calling in the hierarchy of oligarchy's love of self... power ..  the compulsion of the few men rulers who, genuinely fools in finery of earthly physical who when Christ Jesus taught the devil, a.k.a, arbitrary human-precept, man-over-God, by his own 40 days of fasting, said, to loaves from stones --- our Brother and Friend - our very own Holy Spirit-Truth answered "man is not to live on bread alone. But On Every Word That Issues From The Mouth of God, as did our Colonists, Founders among them, many then as at this flashing cursor, did choose of their own Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise , follow.... .

At the home of the Treasurerers, Pharisees, scribe's --- High Priests of arbitrary human precept, rules of ecclesiastical-conduct-force, absent The Eternal == circumcised, body's groups by gender, by age/ innocence of a Newborn, father looking onto and knowing that happened to him --- a statement of unquestioned-power of a man, over the whole of his tribe, or religion, but not of the gentiles, many of whom had a written language and communication, asking and knocking for Truth, not sure of trust, and not really into promise - yet -, for gods and goddess ruled the land, water, atmosphere words that had yet to be reveal - Periodic Chart of the Elements. At that tip of the top, "It is written --- Again---, You shall not tempt the Lord Your God."

At the top-of-the highest-mountain, our Eternal, Living Son in His Father, about to be learned and given From Him, Your unique, immortal Soul, should you choose to obey and follow Him...especially, with our Eternal, Living Father's Justice for the wicked man He taught through Ezekiel in Chapter 33, our Lord and King answered, Be-gone Satan! it is written, You must worship the Lord, Your God, and serve Him...ALONE.

Not in  groups by skin color-except white, country-of-origin-except CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED IN WE THE PEOPLE -- INFORMED of, by, and in the name of our Holy Living Trinity in The Three Sacred Documents of our United States of American's Republic under The Eternal God, our Father - in His Perfection - The Creator in The Declaration is the Same Creator of supreme Law of the Land, that is WITNESS to each-one-Person's OATH, ALONE, in PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -- to your fellow-country-Persons, of accountability to The Father in Truth, Trust, and Promise to your neighbor as your Self/ Soul.

When the Pharisees, Sadducees-who will vanish, as did several nations over God's Eras of History, scribes learned the devil, they didn't recognize themselves at all, because the wicked of compulsion of conscience had become totally blinded - to the very existence of Wisdom, Truth in Trust, and are completely unable to comprehend the incomprehensible --- world-they-must control, through manipulation of knowledge, degradation of language and communication --- 1949's socialist-ecclesiastical-commun-ist group-think, government-over-man-collective-delusional-democracy---religion named "Universal Declaration of Human Family is the most important value---the rich get richer and the poor get poorer", Old and New Testament-pharisees represent- in force and injury in pain-and memory of father loving his newborn, beautiful, innocent, baby of that baby's generation, upon generation, upon generation....; the Posterity of each-one-sovereign-nation within The Father's Truth of His children's, who may or may not know His name, nor that His Eternal Son has been at His side since, before any form occurred in the "Big Bang--still unfolding" Universe.

The Posterity YOU cannot Vote....on less than 72 hours away.... because the few-men-rulers, Patently-resurgence of Papal intertwined within Civil Authority, i.e., there is no "1947 great and impenetrable wall of separation," actually believe the vain-idol-god of arbitrary human precept can remove The Holy Living Trinity in The Bible, in The Declaration, in The Applied Government of Justice, Liberty, Truth-Freedom in Understanding and Knowing,  by that idol-god's "bigger number"!

And Your compulsion of conscience tells you that if you don't vote --- they will win-- the purveyors of "Lie and steal are justified if the benefits outweigh the harm"--group, yes-is-no, no-is-yes if the few men rulers and their subsidiarity-legislative/ neighborhood committees of idol-god's bigger number supreme to The Three Sacred Documents, say that is 'so'!  But the 'deck of cards' is marked and already a pre-determined outcome that has worked -- in nearly every nation, except the United States, in world-down-below.

Why would you vote against your very own, unique-immortal Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will-conscience- Truth-God?

For voting is precisely repudiation of The Creator of His Universe in the Perfection of our only 388 year-young-infant, counting from 2008, the year before January 20, 2009 anti-Republic under God Regime's usurpation by Article I and II, of Articles IV, V, VI, Preamble to Bill of Rights in Property contained within the Three Sacred, among the ancient-ages of nations on world-down-below....that Have Never Accomplished What We Have in Land, Water, Atmosphere - subatomic particles of Periodic Chart of the Elements Perfect Forms - constantly evolving ----

So, by permitting the vain-idol-god of arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-"Tyranny, n.  1. Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression.  2. Cruel government or discipline; as the tyranny of a master.   3. UNRESISTED AND CRUEL POWER.
4. Absolute monarchy,  cruelly administered.
5. Severity; rigor; inclemency,"  it's very own -- loaves from stone, place at the top of the 'church--Papal Authority' - temple, and all land, water, atmosphere-- permitted, revisionist, Periodic Chart of the Elements - organic and inorganic, objects as subjects at government-over-man's arbitrary rules of conduct-extortion, totally blind and deaf to the existence of Oath in Pledge of Allegiance-Government of Laws; --- each-one-person who votes-in-lie of the anti-Republic under God Regime....betrays in apostasy his own Person, as well as his fellow-country-persons, and his neighbors among all the nations of the world---especially GB, our Brother Nation with Israel, Japan, Taiwan, Peru, Columbia, India, South Korea, Philippines, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Holland.....and all the Posterity's Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness/ Blessedness.

There is not one iota or comma of truth, trust, promise of our Republic under God in the entire years from January 20, 2009, more genuinely January 25, 2008, President Bush's Speech in Las Vegas, at the Emerald Hotel, to this flashing cursor.

Make a statement of God in His Son, in Your Person, and those yet to be born, who genuinely bear the brunt of less than 72 hours...DO NOT VOTE, then  begin the process of NULLIFICATION in Article II:4 -- because this 8 years of Tyranny began, quite literally, when the usurper of Article II entered a private corporation, removed its CEO, placed his own henchman in charge, and lie to steal--the Property of fellow-country-persons, whom he hates like he does God in Christ - by every single action against the contents of The Three Sacred Documents with his henchmen in Article I and Article III who actually traveled their very own road to destruction of Truth in Justice in due process, to enjoin UN-EU Empire's 'foreign law' human precept-law, absent God.

So does candidate of Papal Authority - E-mail - Benghazi....

The "REP" progressive-socialist candidate of the same "Papal Authority" only mistake is that he has no idea what is contained in The Three Sacred Documents, thus, no idea that even before taking Oath in Pledge of Allegiance, he has already violated his Constitutional-Person..... He may learn though, problem, he doesn't recognize the difference between Government-over-man and Government of Laws.

1) "Only in 240 year old America God/Truth Is Law -- "Any form of Government..Destructive of these Ends": Our Eternal Living Father God Is Speaking Very Loud..." at 


3) " "Once Abolish God and the Government Becomes the vain-idol-god..."

4)  "FLY FOUND DEAD IN CITY PARK: Jack Cunningham, Plaintive v. NJ" - a great metaphor of the "Lie and steal are justified if the benefits outweigh the harm"-- utilitarianism vain-idol-god, "The greatest happiness is the biggest number deciding wrong -- there is not right since there is no Truth in n indifferent object 'number'  at

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