Monday, December 31, 2018

Government-of-Man, Arbitrary human body, 5 senses, Delusional, Adversarial, Democracy of Socialist Communism, DEMocrat, LIBeral, EU Empire-Green, Megaregions, Peace and Freedom, Independents, Libertarian-mandatory Re-manufacturing knowledge, such that, the word "Illegal" has No 'THING' to do with The Oral, Common Laws of God's Two Greatest Commands Encompassing The Ten Commandments for their PUPPET-Party sole purpose: Abrogation of Attestation Clause is Trinity Sacred Documents

"RINO Nervous By Discovered DACA Surprise, Plot For Voters Exposed As Details Emerge" Posted by Erica Windley-Collins | Jan 13, 2018 | American Strength AT,

"In Blow to U.S. Administration and Israel, UN Fails to Pass anti-Hamas Resolution
Resolution received a majority of the votes, but fell short of the two-thirds majority necessary to pass it after Palestinian Authority put up strong opposition" Amir Tibon and Noa Landau at,

--- ONLY - AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, though HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH ONE GOD IN THREE INDIVIDUAL PERSONS, YOU ARE THE THIRD, and From "..Long life in the Land, the Lord, Your God Is Giving You, alone, Conception = TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS IS GOD'S PLAN - GOING FORWARD TO ETERNITY- Heaven and earth come together when THE WHOLE LAW AND  ALL THE PROPHETS,  includes Reformationists, Colonists, Founders among them, many persons worldwide- and many you would not even think of...WALT DISNEY..for one, FULFILLED

It matters NOT one whit what the party label --- each-one-person, alone, is violating HOLY SPIRIT -THEIR THIRD CONSTITUTIONAL-PERSON DIRECT ACCOUNTABILITY TO TRUTH, ONLY AMERICAN GOD IS THE WHOLE LAW, ORAL, COMMON LAW- HOLY SPIRIT, ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS = TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS = CREATOR OF CERTAIN, UNALIENABLE RIGHT/ TRUTH/ GOD - IS SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, WATER, ATOMS OF ATMOSPHERE - TO WHICH IN ARTICLE VI AND VII - "and of the INDEPENDENCE OF THE United STATES, the Residence of a Constitutional-Person, a man, a woman, a child, of America, TWELFTH [YEAR OF DECLARATION] IN WITNESS AND SUBSCRIbed/ ORAL LAW" - and among the inevitable,those person's who have no intention of obedience to God's Commands,  seceded from the 31st State's California Republic, Articles III:1 and XX:3,  OATH IN PLEDGE = GOD'S TWO GREATEST COMMANDS -- 

These- who have no idea they are themselves more illegal than the illegals they are attempting to make legal -- n total lie; thus blasphemy of Holy Spirit, including their very own-heritage of 1383 to-1611-1620/ 399 yrs ago-The Eternal, Living God brought US(A) OUT OF THE 'BONDAGE-of INVOLUNTARY-SLAVE-HOOD, YOUR THIRD-PERSON-TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS HAVE NEVER, EVER GIVEN YOUR PERSON OF CONSENT, by the 1320 TWO KINGDOMS property of All Life on World-down-below--Papal Authority-Supremacy/ 03/23/2010, 04/2010-census of CLIMATE CHANGE, COLLECTIVE, MASS PEOPLE, 06/2014 art. iii decree in edict--perdition in perfidy of Treason, enjoined the TWO KINGDOMS in world-wide, CMP-subjugated-in complete, premeditated, hate-of-The Oral, Common Laws of One God in Three, Individual Persons- YOU ARE THE THIRD-PERSON, until PROVEN otherwise, secret, to the few rulers of conduct- tyranny, as delusional, adversarial, democracy synonyms socialist communist- tribal false god's as Megaregions/ TOTAL POPULATION, borderless nations, jurisprudence, commerce/ monetary, -collective-government-of-man- arbitrary human precept's vain-lips, perversion of The Gospel of Christ-Eternal Living Soul from conception=Commandment V--2,018 celebrated last Tuesday God's Eternal Living Son, to be in His "powers over All Flesh, 8th day circumcised-Heritage-Jesus.

God's pica-second, precise tipped, double-edged swift sword, so blind to TRUTH of the TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS,  but, nonetheless have decided,n complete consensus of group-goose-step-think, SHALL BOW-DOWN TO PAPAL AUTHORITY's property of 150/ 194 nations in reverent supplication and absolute obedience to--- UN, spirit of devil trinity (BTW there was a UNICEF-DUNE-BUGGY ON THE FREEWAY THIS MORNING - ) UDHR's devotion in deep reverence to "Never Obey any Word that issues from the mouth of God-" and "Never worship God, directly ---, meaning it is your face in the mirror, and yours alone-no committee-no consensus--not-one other person among the Whole of world-down-below's 7.9 billion persons-one-at-a-time, besides your SELF Whole Soul, Whole Mind, Whole Heart,- in all the roles of Your Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness/ Blessedness -challenge to see if you can ---UNDERSTAND, #6 of 7 Operations God made and Furnished man,--- YOUR OWN spirit of devil trinity v. HOLY SPIRIT = WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE FOR TRUTH IN TRUST, FAITH IN PROMISE,-- THE "..And assume among the powers the Separate and Equal Station..",  --unless you are privileged, and never Obey, and alone, a.k.a., "Principle of Nuremberg", serve Your Lord God/ The Eternal as taught by His Eternal Living Son, Jesus,  in Matt.22, --man-choosing and serving-man's imperative to lie ---

Illegal immigrants, regardless of the location of their individual-osmosis, diffusion and active transport of 'ITS' "duties to communities-to 'ITS'  human body's physiology in abject slavery to man-choosing and serving-man's arbitrary human precept- imperative to control and manipulate all language and communication-- Thus 'abuse and construction- IN ABROGATION OF "GOD'S WILL BE DONE ON EARTH..AS IT IS IN HEAVEN", of the word "ILLEGAL, Not according to, or authorized by, law; specifically, contrary to, or in violation of, human law;" WHICH IS NO DIFFERENT THAN GOD'S LAW-SINCE HE is THE WHOLE LAW- unlawful; illicit; hence, immoral; as, an illegal act; illegal trade; illegal love -- "SECULAR IS TO SCATTER, never gather with Holy Spirit -Jesus-Matt. 12,  IN ARBITRARY HUMAN PRECEPT -- GOD DOESN'T MAKE LAWS THAT DISTINGUISH ONE FORM OF LIE, HOW ANY ONE PERSON DECIDED TO CHOOSE TO STEAL A BORDER AIDED BY OTHER'S OF LIKE "MINDS OF PECULIAR STRUCTURE"-PRES. WASHINGTON IN FAREWELL ADDRESS ON RELIGION AND MORALITY---herein presented by their, human precept's mandatory 'labels for group-think' among the forms of man-choosing-and serving man does.  God in Christ in your Third Person when following Both - are never FALSE - AND UNDERSTAND THAT THE THREE, INDIVIDUAL PERSONS ONLY COMMUNICATE ALL LANGUAGE FOR KNOWLEDGE IN ORAL - COMMON -LAW/ oath, Pledge, singing in church, saluting our Flag, our National Anthem, and WHENEVER TWO OR THREE ARE GATHERED IN HIS NAME-HE IS THERE-MATT. 18, also, where He teaches His CHILDREN AND 'abomination in pure perdition and  HATE = COMMON CORE,  - VULGAR TONGUES OF EACH-ONE-SOVEREIGN PERSON COMPOSING HIS OWN SOVEREIGN NATION.

AND- in obedience to the Papal Authority who has been lying since LATIN-BY-ECCLESIASTICAL-TYRANNY Bible of 770A.D. and hasn't change one, Matt. 5 title, from determination that ONLY ITS rites, creeds, forms, ceremonies, denominations as factions, now including the churches which formed under Reformationists from 1320, 1611 KJV "TRANSLATORS TO THE READER" 1611, 1620 1776 THREE TESTAMENT BIBLE, and the reason Papal Authority had no place whatsoever in The Trinity Sacred Documents - Holy SPirit John 17 in 14---Truth, at

EACH-ONE-OF THESE BLIND LEADING BLIND- DEVOID TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS COULD STOP SPENDING THEIR FELLOW-COUNTRY-PERSON'S MONEY IN SALARIES AND UNFUNDED-NEVER TO BE FUNDED PENSIONS -- Article VI:Clause 1, in both 2 and 3, OF ALL THEIR TYRANNY IN TREASON, FOR PAPAL AUTHORITY'S UN IS VERY MUCH 'FOREIGN LAW' I-- No Person, No Truth, Trust, or Promise and can only lie, steal and control and manipulate all knowledge on 'its' top of the highest mountain and all the grandeur thereof-arbitrary human precept's few men rulers completely blind to ,Oral, common law, Holy Spirit-Truth, that will, 24/7--forever-- through  IMPOSITION IN THE CRIMES OF OMISSION, COMMISSION, TRANSGRESSION AGAinst God and Their nation -- pursue the very wide and broad road to desolation and destruction"

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