....The 231st Year of EACH-ONE- THIRD PERSON's, "1. An individual human being [any location on God's Planet] consisting of body and soul. We apply the word to living beings only, possessed of a rational nature; the body when dead is not called a person It is applied alike to a man, woman or child"; "1. Dare any of you, hauing a matter against another, goe to law before the vniust, and not before the Saints? ..14.And God hath both raised vp the Lord, and will also raise vp vs by his owne power. 15.Know yee not that your bodies are the members of Christ, Second Person, TRUTH by its many forms starting with the Greek Philosophers who knocked, asked, sought and found- Truth, but never even knew God or Christ by name, American Indians, Buddha, Confucius, tribes of Taiwan]? Shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot ["One who forsakes the True God and worships idols; wanton, rogue, cheat"- the One-earthly-belief in a supreme power governing the world and worship of that supreme power, false god, all Western Europe and Biblical Western Asia/ today's Slavic nations, except Poland,--Papal authority-man choosing and serving-man as Jesus walking on earth because His human body was murdered on the cross to save collective, mass serfs from their sins and blasphemies, but, only if proper eligibility and application unquestioned obedience to compulsion of conscience, workers of iniquity, wolves who are so large in number and forms, that it takes a whole herd of collective-wolves to make it look so sheepishly-good, but being vipers of lie, steal and murder heart, mind, conscience for will of that group-member in communities with duties to perform in order for full development of hypocrisy in 'relationships-permanently-fixed, physiological, person-alities feigned' among groups of all life on world-down below's creeds, rites, ceremonies, forms who is also in YOU as spirit of devil -LIE? God forbid.
16 What, know ye not that he which is ioyned to an harlot, is one body? for two (saith he) shalbe one flesh,
17 But hee that is ioyned vnto the Lord, is one spirit.
18.Flee fornication: Euery sinne that a man doeth, is without the body: but he that committeth fornication, sinneth against his owne body.
19 What, know ye not that your body is the Temple of the holy Ghost, TRUTH, which is in you, which yee haue of God, and ye are not your owne?
20 For yee are bought with a price: therefore glorifie God in your body, and in your spirit, which are Gods. "-1 Corinthians 6 --
Paul writes, uses his Oral, Common Law by pairing - UNJUST/spirit of devil NOT to a "SAINT, n. [Fr. from L. sanctus; It. and Sp. santo.] 1. A person sanctified; a holy or godly person; one eminent for piety and virtue. It is particularly applied to the apostles and other holy persons mentioned in Scripture. A hypocrite may imitate a saint. – Ps. xvi.". Therefore Papal Authority, Papist, Romanish, Holy See, Vatican is not an exclusive definer of its possession in udhr's #19 opinion, no probability of Truth, Trust, or Promise, by "canonized"-- meaning CHRIST SENDS PROPHETS, not man-choosing and serving-man's fleshie, stonie, carnal mind, an enmity to God.
The reason RE-FORM of the only church of spirit of devil-force/ power of few rulers in hierarchy-of-falsehood-God chosen through other-person(s), each-one is "separate and equal station" with his own spirit of devil, since blasphemy of Holy Spirit Truth, is now 1,942 years of lots of Black Popes, and Good-Persons-profession of divinity, clerics among all denominations, including, "..9. The collective body of Christians, who have made a public profession of the Christian religion, and who are untied under the same pastor," or collective-people church in collective-people state all levels, with all forms of compulsion of conscience, corruption, just like life in any nation in our Father's Classroom for his, now, 'teenagers in rebellion'.
- The Father still knows every hair, even bald, on each-one-person's head, 7.7 billion, one-at-a-time, but especially the current arrogant-one of such lie, that even his own Cardinals can't keep track of his next-lie (NY Cardinal speaks out against abortion, but the Pope gave a high award to a abortionist leader), among his loves of the hate leaders world-wide, notably "government-in-Exile = 01/20/2009 antiChrist, abortions, axis nations of other-persons just like him; best of all,--against Holy Spirit- Israel, also a delusional, democracy but slightly less of the adversarial part because Pharisees, scribes, High Priests as government-of-man supreme to God, do not hold as much power, still present as the socialist, communist spirit of devil party against Holy Spirit-Truth; and only because they still have trouble; though their Heritage of at large-Person-Jewish composing the Whole of One People, had no trouble whatsoever following, believing in Jesus. 14-15 = FIRST IN SECOND INDIVIDUAL PERSONS - HOLY SPIRIT -TRUTH; 15.-16 spirit of devil -the forms of LIE with its partner STEAL; 17 ONE HOLY SPIRIT; 18 spirit of devil - sinneth against Your Own Face in the Mirror; 19-20 YOUR THIRD PERSON-ETERNAL LIVING SOUL. Note, PAUL'S CHURCH IS NOT A COLLECTIVE MASS PEOPLE RULED BY THE FEW ECCLESIASTICAL GOVERNMENT-OF-MAN.
PAUL'S CHURCH IS HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH, ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS, Baptized by Paul's disciples -- to God in Christ - IF YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO LOVE, OBEY AND FOLLOW TRUTH, THEN YOUR ARE A THIRD PERSON, But Not to church creeds, rites, ceremonies, forms, denominations, compulsion of conscience (i.e., church by stony hearts, fleshy, mixed gender, matching sex organs or remanufactured sex organs; ceremonies in sanctuary by brass bands and very little, if any, hymns sung by "members"; waving arms in the air so that Jesus will come down to you; children talked-down-to during Jesus speaking to You, Matt. 18, "two or three are gathered in my name, I am there," within, "THE LORD IS IN HIS HOLY TEMPLE. LET ALL THE EARTH KEEP SILENT BEFORE HIM" or to play with 'quiet-toys', rather than learning the discipline to listen as, Pure Heart, Good Conscience, SINCERE Faith-Paul, I Tim. 1 teaching the Challenge to each-one-Person's face in the mirror while brushing your teeth, or teaching your child to look and brush his Christian Discipline a.k.a., "Stop Look, What Do You See?; Stop Listen, What Do You Hear?-Children left alone and with each-teaching another, and guide, stepping-in only when 'too stuck' occurs-Maria Montessori- whether or not they fully understand, for once the ability to listen-comprehensively, sharing in discussion, each-opportunity grows - and hear more with understanding; or looking at art; or studying history any and all museums, any and all locations, though Mommy and Daddy--You too, must know what you are looking at, for history is subject to revision absent Truth because of humanist, utilitarian, udhr falsehoods of all "expression of thought" and the reason, a facsimile, 2 volume 1828/ 1844 AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE should be at a child's level of his reach to look and learn on his own self reliance.- and the facsimile 1611 original text, Reformationist KJV of Wycliffe1373, Tyndale, Luther from his German -- take off blinders of predetermined conclusions so that if YOU decide to "Abide by what Jesus, spirit of devil = Matt. 4/ earth, White of our Stars and Stripes Forever-all 4 Versus, God, spirit of devil He Redeemed HimSelf-Genesis 6/ heaven= Matt. 12, 18, 22; "The Lord's Prayer" Say, You really will be disciples of mine/ His..." John 8, 10-13, 14 in 17, 15-16.."
Holy Spirit-Truth.. "17. Sanctifie them through thy trueth: thy word [ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE = TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD] is trueth. ...21.That they all may be one, as thou Father art in mee, and I in thee, that they also may bee one in vs: that the world may beleeue that thou hast sent mee. 22.And the glory which thou gauest me, I haue giuen them: that they may be one, euen as we are one:" a man, a woman, a Child/ Youth =Posterity, 24/7, all ROLES of that individual person in Two Greatest Commands of Our Father for Life's Journey in the CHALLENGE of wrangling each-one's "powers of the earth in separate and equal station to Laws of Nature and Nature's God, HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH contrariety to spirit of devil-Lie of power's force that few men arbitrarily rule over the many group--duties to communities of human body families-people;
....The 398th year of REFORMIST, JAN CALVIN's Pilgrims/ Puritans (2, Mr. Laurence Chatterton Master at Emmanuel College; Dr. Reynolds or Rainolds, President of Corpus Christi College, of whom were foremost in the "INTRODUCTION, 47-50 Clergy from Westminster, Oxford, Cambridge "Translators to The Reader", Reformation (Tyndale and Luther from his German), 1604/ 1611/ 1620 Whole Three Testament KJV Holy Bible) STANDING ON PLYMOUTH ROCK LAND, WATER, ATOMS OF ATMOSPHERE, on the 1,620th CELEBRATED BIRTHDAY of SECOND PERSON, ETERNAL LIVING SON OF GOD, HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH, Born of Mary on World-Down-Below, circumcised on the 8th day, "...3.For what the law could not doe, in that it was weake through the flesh, God sending his owne Sonne, in the likenesse of sinnefull flesh, and for sinne condemned sinne in the flesh:
4 That the righteousnesse of the law might be fulfilled in vs, who walke not after the flesh, but after the spirit .."-Paul in Romans 8; crucified by premeditated murder- stated throughout N.T.by government-of-man/ Pharisees-High Priests, then after the Apostles, - Papal Authority from 2nd Pope Linus, never PETER, who would not have followed any man-choosing-Jesus walking-on-earth-by-another-man, --- at Plymouth Rock His STATE of RESIDENCE, Composing the UNION of ONE PEOPLE THANKSGIVING, a frequent Fall Festival, but made official in Proclamation 1779 by President George Washington:
Our Lord, Jesus Is Speaking, Oral, Common Law DIRECTLY to YOUR OWN THIRD PERSON in YOUR LIFE, LIBERTY of most Good/ Holy Spirit or most father evil-father lie = Yours, alone, FREE WILL CHOICE - Understanding the Consequences of your choice, alone-for your Holy Spirit against spirit of devil is NEVER a group-decision-, always measured in pica-seconds.
--There is no such idea, expression of a true thought in the words, 'scatter'/ 'secular,' SYNONYMS for 'removing the parts comprising "the collective name of heaven and earth ALL THAT BELONG TO THEM (in which spirit of devil is included-actually an important Whole of its very Own!), Whole System of any Created THINGs "=Universe/ Nature/ Natural of The Creator with, Our Lord, His Son "from before the foundations of the earth,-- when Blasphemy of Holy Spirit Truth against the One Person in ALL THREE, INDIVIDUAL PERSONS, shall not be forgiven on world-down-below, nor heaven above - taught here, earlier in our Bother's Love of His Father in You, 'BOTH Know, but is not yet fully Reveled'--
" ¶17. Thinke not that I am come to destroy the lawe or the Prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
18 For verily [truly] I say vnto you, Till heauen and earth passe, one iote [9th letter Greek alpha] or one title [tiny notation mark a Jewish person reading TORAH might make on a page],
[edited in for the benefit of 'a fleshy, pre-determined-Hegel, Marx, Lucifer Alinsky, carnal, modern-human body-binomial-restricted/ blinder mind', 1/8 dot in two rows, 4 dots each, to = or '...1 Byte among Mt. Everest of mega-gigabytes every few hours of atoms of atmosphere-arranged in decision-tree-, robatron-concrete-invisible-hood secret-udhr art. 19 in 29, [a.k.a., Lucifer Alinski's tactics 1, 5, 10, 11, 12 at, http://www.crossroad.to/Quotes/communism/alinsky.htm ] -control and manipulation, production and distribution of all knowledge, language and communication where THERE IS NO GOD, NOR RIGHT, NOR FIXED TRUTH] shall in no wise passe from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoeuer therfore shall breake one of these least commaundements, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdome of heauen: but whosoeuer shall doe, and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdome of heauen.
20 For I say vnto you, That except your righteousnesse shall exceede the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisees, yee shall in no case enter into the kingdome of heauen. .."-Matt.5
The Connections in this lesson of 8 lessons + that Sermon on the Mount is preamble for the challenges of THIRD PERSON'S JOURNEY IN THEIR TEMPLE OF SOUL -- the self reliance of a person's ability to use the 7 Operations God in Christ -- in Our Image and in Our Likeness - made and furnished You, learn the good from evil - which contributes to the LIVING SPIRIT OF THE WHOLE, THREE TESTAMENT HOLY BIBLE OF 1611, GOD IN THREE PERSONS..AND THAT - SOLELY IN AMERICAN GOD IS THE WHOLE LAW, but fully PLANNED BY GOD TO BE EVERY NATIONS WITHIN THE ROOMS OF HIS, CHRIST MANSION.
"RELIGION, noun relij'on. [Latin religio, from religo, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind. This word seems originally to have signified an oath or vow to the gods, or the obligation of such an oath or vow, which was held very sacred by the Romans.] 1. Religion in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion
2. Religion as distinct from theology, is godliness or real piety in practice, consisting in the performance of all known duties to God and our fellow men, in obedience to divine command, or from love to God and his law. James 1:26.
3. Religion as distinct from virtue, or morality, consists in the performance of the duties we owe directly to God, from a principle of obedience to his will. Hence we often speak of religion and virtue, as different branches of one system, or the duties of the first and second tables of the law.
"Let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion."-Pres. Washington's Farewell Address
4. Any system of faith and worship. In this sense, religion comprehends the belief and worship of pagans and Mohammedans, as well as of christians; any religion consisting in the belief of a superior power or powers governing the world, and in the worship of such power or powers. Thus we speak of the religion of the Turks, of the Hindoos, of the Indians, etc. as well as of the christian religion We speak of false religion as well as of true religion
5. The rites of religion; in the plural."
1611 HOLY BIBLE HOLY LIVING SPIRIT-TRUTH, To Another LIVING HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH, General of the Army George Washington, Flag of "Onward Christian Soldiers" carried and hung upon the wall -- every single location during that war, and probably even after while working hard to have THIRD-PERSONS compensated as much as possible-- for giving lives, fortunes, standing in sacred honor- whole families encompassed, some of whom would never receive a copper penny, THE BLUE CHIEF WITH ITS 13 STARS OF CRISSCROSSED, EQUILATERAL TRIANGLES COMPOSING EACH-ONE PERSON'S OWN ETERNAL LIVING SOULS, HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH in his Colony of Residence in Certain, Unalienable Gifts from The Eternal Living God-First Person -The Creator property, life, liberty, and ENCIRCLED WITHIN THAT WHOLE FLAG--- the WHOLE OF JOHN 14 IN 17, THE N.T. in Sublime ORAL, COMMON LAW-PURE LOVE, OBEY, FOLLOW WITH "whosoeuer shall doe, and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdome of heauen."; growing like any little-one, child, youth, teen, young adult, to THIRD PERSON Oral, Common Law/ Oath in Pledge/ Two Greatest Commands of God and in Love your Nation more than your Self/ Soul--".
OUR FLAG'S CHOSEN SHADE OF DEEP, RICH BLUE of OUR FLAG'S CHIEF = HEAVEN = FIRST PERSON, providing the FOUNDATION for each-one-person in his Residence STATE's STAR-WHITE = EARTH/ SECOND PERSON ALTERNATING BETWEEN THE RED STRIPES of the 13 COLONIES, THIRD PERSON IN SECOND PERSON IN FIRST PERSON --necessarily "..one iote or one title or '1dot in 2 rows of 8 dots = 1 Byte' shall in no wise ['no wise' Not in any manner or degree] passe from the law, till all be fulfilled.":
This is the 140th CELEBRATION of OUR FLAG DAY, within 1/50th of each-one
WHITE, Purity, Innocence, Matt.18, STAR Is Your, Individual, a Man, a Woman,
a Child/ Youth-”OurSelves And Our Posterity Blessings”- Constitutional-Person’s
Eternal Living Soul- Holy Spirit-TRUTH, Whole Mind, Whole Heart to “Love God,
Your Neighbor, And Your Nation.., RED, YOUR Hardiness, Valor, exactly stated: “..And for the support of this
DECLARATION, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, We
mutually pledge to each other our Lives, Our Fortunes and our sacred Honor” --
The BLUE CHIEF = signifies Vigilance, Perseverance and
'ONLINE, ANY ONE CAN READ' at, Link https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YxgYY5Genbgm3e0p5tn0EdHKu9ZzV8Ks and, "ATF Action of Proposed Rule Making: Opposition to Inaimate Object Bump Stock Device" at, . https://drive.google.com/file/d/16Xwy6L4YUt8LaacmHal4zP3fcqSeSNA3/view?usp=sharing
Celebration of "Star Spangled Banner" in Flag Day- Your Constitutional Person in Trinity Sacred Documents of our FLAG-FLYING UP-SIDE-DOWN- under attack by enemies within to overthrow Person of Right/ Truth/ God:'ONLINE, ANY ONE CAN READ' at, Link https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YxgYY5Genbgm3e0p5tn0EdHKu9ZzV8Ks and, "ATF Action of Proposed Rule Making: Opposition to Inaimate Object Bump Stock Device" at, . https://drive.google.com/file/d/16Xwy6L4YUt8LaacmHal4zP3fcqSeSNA3/view?usp=sharing
1) COLLECTIVE, MASS PEOPLE: Anti-Federalist PapersConfederation, Federalism as supremacy/ hierarchy, nationalism in "power of democracy's ["Hamilton, Madison, and the Paradox at America’s Heart" By JAY COST June 27, 2018 6:30 AM at, https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/06/alexander-hamilton-james-madison-american-paradox/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_ campaign=NR %20Daily% 20Monday%20through%20Friday%202018-06-27&utm_term=NR5PM%20Actives,
collective mass people ruled by the very, very few over the many subjugated in ignorance-common core, intertwined to Papal Authority's 1,492 years of ecclesiastical government-of-man's fleshie [word for physiology], stonie [word for no understanding heart] in carnal minds of corruption, supremacy over monarchies, emperors-civil state-magistrate, spirit of devil - LIE, there is no Oral, Common Law- HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH; No Oath in Pledge, nor even expression of a Person's direct accountability to the TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD encompassing The Ten Commandments, currently, 24/7 violated without any sense of DISSIMULATION, noun [Latin , to make like; like.] The act of dissembling; a hiding under a false appearance; a feigning; false pretension; hypocrisy. dissimulation may be simply concealment of the opinions, sentiments or purpose; but it includes also the assuming of a false or counterfeit appearance which conceals the real opinions or purpose. dissimulation among statesmen is sometimes regarded as a necessary vice, or as no vice at all. Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil.-Romans 12:9.".
In 1775, "The Farmer Refuted," Alexander Hamilton succinctly answered a reprobate opponent who desired no separation from GB, and in that delineated Trinity Sacred Documents, even with "reform"-
"..I shall, henceforth, begin to make some allowance for that enmity, you have discovered to the natural rights of mankind. For, though ignorance of them in this enlightened age cannot be admitted, as a sufficient excuse for you; yet, it ought, in some measure, to extenuate your guilt. If you will follow my advice, there still may be hopes of your reformation. Apply yourself, without delay, to the study of the law of nature. I would recommend to your perusal, Grotius. Puffendorf, Locke, Montesquieu, and Burlemaqui.9 I might mention other excellent writers on this subject; but if you attend, diligently, to these, you will not require any others.Enemy within in 24/7 dissimulation nearly accomplishing TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS ABOLISHED, since collective mass people are Blasphemy of Oral, Common Law, Your Own, Unique, from Commandment 5-Conception "..in the land, the Lord, Your God is Giving Your, alone, Third-Person's Holy Spirit-Truth against spirit of devil-LIE, One God in Three Persons- Your a the Third Person, Confederation, Nationalism, Federalism, "Power of Democracy," all share collective mass people ruled by the few over the many, and never in the Laws of Holy Spirit-Truth, One God the in Three, Individual Persons, the Third Person as ONE-IN-TRUTH, composes the Union of One People in separate and equal station to God's Laws. These represent the only other form of supremacy of the very few, government on God's Planet, world-down-below, embedding both ecclesiastical with civil-state/ magistrate -- falsehoods, since all collective, mass people become the government-of-man's groups of life's government-by-party's or autocratic oligarchy, anarchy in boss vertical-pee-on, serf subjugated by hierarchy-in-deceit, power by force of "arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression.
There is so strong a similitude between your political principles and those maintained by Mr. Hobbs,[10] that, in judging from them, a person might very easily mistake you for a disciple of his. His opinion was, exactly, coincident with yours, relative to man in a state of nature. He held, as you do, that he was, then, perfectly free from all restraint of law and government. Moral obligation, according to him, is derived from the introduction of civil society; and there is no virtue, but what is purely artificial, the mere contrivance of politicians, for the maintenance of social intercourse. But the reason he run into this absurd and impious doctrine, was, that he disbelieved the existence of an intelligent superintending principle, who is the governor, and will be the final judge of the universe.
As you, sometimes, swear by him that made you, I conclude, your sentiment does not correspond with his, in that which is the basis of the doctrine, you both agree in; and this makes it impossible to imagine whence this congruity between you arises. To grant, that there is a supreme intelligence, who rules the world, and has established laws to regulate the actions of his creatures; and, still, to assert, that man, in a state of nature, may be considered as perfectly free from all restraints of law and government, appear to a common understanding, altogether irreconcileable.
Good and wise men, in all ages, have embraced a very dissimilar theory. They have supposed, that the deity, from the relations, we stand in, to himself and to each other, has constituted an eternal and immutable law, which is, indispensibly, obligatory upon all mankind, prior to any human institution whatever.
This is what is called the law of nature, “which, being coeval with mankind, and dictated by God himself, is, of course, superior in obligation to any other. It is binding over all the globe, in all countries, and at all times. No human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this; and such of them as are valid, derive all their authority, mediately, or immediately, from this original.” Blackstone.11
Upon this law, depend the natural rights of mankind, the supreme being gave existence to man, together with the means of preserving and beatifying that existence. He endowed him with rational faculties, by the help of which, to discern and pursue such things, as were consistent with his duty and interest, and invested him with an inviolable right to personal liberty, and personal safety.
Hence, in a state of nature, no man had any moral power to deprive another of his life, limbs, property or liberty; nor the least authority to command, or exact obedience from him; except that which arose from the ties of consanguinity.
Hence also, the origin of all civil government, justly established, must be a voluntary compact, between the rulers and the ruled; and must be liable to such limitations, as are necessary for the security of the absolute rights of the latter; for what original title can any man or set of men have, to govern others, except their own consent? To usurp dominion over a people, in their own despite, or to grasp at a more extensive power than they are willing to entrust, is to violate that law of nature, which gives every man a right to his personal liberty; and can, therefore, confer no obligation to obedience.
“The principal aim of society is to protect individuals, in the enjoyment of those absolute rights, which were vested in them by the immutable laws of nature; but which could not be preserved, in peace, without that mutual assistance, and intercourse, which is gained by the institution of friendly and social communities. Hence it follows, that the first and primary end of human laws, is to maintain and regulate these absolute rights of individuals.” Blackstone.12. .." at, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Hamilton/01-01-02-0057
Thee WHOLE article iii -- every-person in the profession of LAW/ LEGISLATION/ STATUTE/ RULES/ REGULATIONS/ CRIMINAL ACTIONS CONTRARY TO JUST in reciprocation to RIGHT/ TRUTH, LAWS OF GOD, which is TWIN SISTER to "In my view, the Christian Religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed. ...No Truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people. ...When I speak of the Christina religion as the basis of government, I do not mean an ecclesiastical establishment, a creed, or rites, forms, and ceremonies, or any compulsion of conscience [a.k.a, Matt. 7's workers of iniquity, 'scatter's - secular]. I mean primitive Christianity in its simplicity as taught by Jesus and His apostles, consisting in a belief in the being, perfections, and moral government of God; in the revelation of His will to men, as their supreme rule of action; in man's accountability to God for his conduct in this life; and in the indispensable obligation of all men to yield entire obedience to God's commands in the moral law and in the Gospel. This belief and this practice may consist with different forms of church government, which, Not being Essential to Christianity, need Not enter into any system of education [form of government, or the other way round of President Adams: "government of man and Not of Laws]":
THE AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language" is the ORIGINAL, TEXT RESOURCE FOR ALL KNOWLEDGE, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION, ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE - ADAM, and DEFINITION of LANGUAGE, GRAMMAR,, AUTHORITIES, specifically written over 44+ years including activities in all forms of language and communication, publishing, "POL'ITICS, noun The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. politics as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance" for our unique republican form of government requires a dictionary of its own language...more at his PREFACE, http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Preface
Since from that pica-second to this, very, very few in any profession of law, legislation, ecclesiastical government any form, any level, and the involvement in decision-making -- including most certainly the absolute lie of social value--- there isn't one part of article VI the person, alone, first, is innocent of blasphemy of Holy Spirit-Truth, therefore, the Whole Reason No acts or deeds are ever performed in TRUTH, TRUST OR PROMISE, since all persons repudiate that The Eternal Living God is Precisely Who He Says He Is. IT IS EACH-ONE-PERSON, ALONE, except for children, regardless of earthly life roles, who shall, make his very own, Free Will Choice, Holy Spirit-Truth against spirit of devil - LIE.
Because man-serving-man cannot be Truth. In spit of the arrogant, ignorant, depravity of blind-leading -blind herein this remonstrance, among the heritage and history of our America, Person composes the Whole of his Sovereign Nation, any location on our Father's world-down-below classroom; the WHOLE OF Eternal Living Soul-Spirit is the Contents of TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS but solely, because of THREE TESTAMENTS, SECOND THE INTERVAL BETWEEN THE O.T. AND N.T.-CAPTIVITY- world-down-below persists in living in blind CAPTIVITY being lied to and totally blindly misled to slavery, the only Original Text Bible is the 1611 KJV is the Bible and Only enjoined to each other, Constitutional-Person's Holy Spirit-Truth composing the WHOLE TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS.
THEREFORE, all decrees, edicts, rulings, opinions or any 'thing' PLASTIC MONEY, BORDERLESS CURRENCIES, SELLING OUR NATION IN SECRECY TO THE PAPAL AUTHORITY'S UN, EU, AXIS NATIONS, MUSLIM/ SHARIA RADICAL JIHAD IS NO TREATY, AGREEMENT, OR LAWIN ANY FORM connected to God's Universe in American Law, that is repugnant to His Laws, or abrogates His prerogatives -- is a lie and to continue that lie-- is to fondle reprobate abandoning of TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE TOLERATED. MAN IS NOT SUPREME TO GOD.
The 1978 Common Law Public Value, government-of-man's blank check for its socialist, communist, inanimate and living objects as parties-at-law, "Activities and Interests," art. iii's perdition, perfidy of applied collective, mass people subjugated to the few, human physiology, a.k.a., fleshy, carnal-minds, a.k.a., stony rulers by hierarchy/ ranking/ ruler-minion, serfs/ pee-on's of brainwashed ignorance kindergarten - 20 socialist, communist-State'-property of both Sunday School and public/ charter/ trade/ grad. not home schooling except as John 14 in 17/ Oral, Common Law, Re-Formationist-Holy Spirit of Third Person/ Apostle Paul, among John, Peter, Andrew, Luke, Matthew and those Paul Baptised encompassing the Nations of his Missionary Journey, are forbidden and unknown in the WHOLE UNIVERSE Witnessed/ Oral Common Law, Written/ Subscribed, into TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS, school day--among all government-of-man in their early 60's, and younger.
1): The art.iii of hierarchy's ranking, "confederation of few ruler's federalist-supremacy to "customs and laws repugnant to the Oral, Common Laws of God, 4x's adds the word "procedural" as a perverted definition, inappropriate usage, improper application "written" in front of "DUE PROCESS," in Trinity Sacred Documents means, "the TOTALITY of those rules and procedures under which a dispute at any form of law may be resolved JUSTLY, intended to allow all parties/ Person or Corporate-Persons composed of Individual Persons any Role in Life, to the dispute True opportunity to argue their positions on their merits, but the consequences of that argument - never are repugnant to the Laws of God AGAINST,
"Distinct and Palpable, Injury for Standing Purposes WHEN, never 'if', ALWAYS WHEN, Constitutional-Person in his STATE/ COUNTY/ DISTRICT/ PRECINCT of RESIDENCE, RIGHT/ GOD/ TRUTH ARE VIOLATED: COMMON LAW PUBLIC VALUE;
"To grant that there is a supreme intelligenence who rules the world and has established laws to regulate the actions of His creatures;
. the Bible and Declaration as if The Creator of the Universe, the Eternal Living One God in Three, Individual Persons- the THIRD-PERSON solely AMERICAN GOD IS THE WHOLE LAW AND ---ALL THE PROPHETS-- including Re-formists within the Whole Three Testament 1611 KJV ..do not exist, further are absolutely FORBIDDEN to even exist. Hence, an impossible serving of mammon thinking you are a better God!
"To grant that there is a supreme intelligenence who rules the world and has established laws to regulate the actions of His creatures;
. the Bible and Declaration as if The Creator of the Universe, the Eternal Living One God in Three, Individual Persons- the THIRD-PERSON solely AMERICAN GOD IS THE WHOLE LAW AND ---ALL THE PROPHETS-- including Re-formists within the Whole Three Testament 1611 KJV ..do not exist, further are absolutely FORBIDDEN to even exist. Hence, an impossible serving of mammon thinking you are a better God!
2) EQ'UI-TY, n. [L. æquitas, from æquus, equal, even, level; Fr. equité; It. equità.] 1. Justice; right. In practice, equity is the impartial distribution of justice, or the doing that to another which the laws of God and man, and of reason, give him a right to claim. It is the treating of a person according to justice and reason. The Lord shall judge the people with equity. Ps. xcviii. With righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity. Is. xi. Justice; impartiality; a just regard to right or claim; as, we must in equity allow this claim. 3. In law, an equitable claim. 4. In jurisprudence, the correction or qualification of law, when too severe or defective; or the extension of the words of the law to cases not expressed, yet coming within the reason of the law. Hence a court of equity or chancery, is a court which corrects the operation of the literal text of the law, and supplies its defects, by reasonable construction and by rules of proceeding and deciding, which are not admissible in a court of law. Equity then is the law of reason, exercised by the chancellor or judge, giving remedy in cases to which the courts of law are not competent. Blackstone.
THE WHOLE SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT OF LAWS AND NOT OR MAN -- HAS NO EQUITY AT ALL, SINCE GOD IN THREE PERSONS- HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH IS REPUDIATED: BLASPHEMY OF HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH, NEVER FORGIVEN ON WORLD-DOWN-BELOW, Matt. 12, since 1947 Impenetrable wall of separation - collective people church is collective people ecclesiastical, civil-state, where CONSTITUTIONAL-PERSON'S OWN TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD abrogated the prerogatives of First Person, art. iii has no God, Oral Common Law/ Oath in Pledge and further, does not recognize Constitutional laws Article IV:2, Clause the the separate and equal to to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle -- each-one Constitutional Person-among 327+ million among whom are government-elected, appointed, commissioned, contracted, hidden from We the People in exclusive-isolation of udhr's creed #19 House, Senate, and Article II's Offices of Legislative Counsels, including Art. II's Office of Compliance - the whole of DOJ --- all under ARTICLE VI IN ATTESTATION CLAUSE WITH PREAMBLE TO A CONSTITUTIONAL PERSON'S BILL OF RIGHT/ GOD/ TRUTH.
The Map is a picture of Control and manipulation of all knowledge, language and communication:
There is no word, 'voters', except in the "supreme power governing the world and worship of that supreme power-vain-idol-god's forms of BIGGER number; And
Since there is no Equity, there is no RIGHT/ TRUTH/ GOD. The 20 confederation-federalism- nationalism, power democracy's socialist states hiding behind DEMocrat of article iii's summer 2014 decree in edict, perdition in perfidy blind to that untruth's connections to Papal Authority corruption confederation, federalism is synonymous with -- collective, mass people-of common core's control, manipulation, production and distribution of all revisionist knowledge, language and communication, beautifully taught by CS Lewis against spirit of devil, " "The Green Book, How to Control Language and Communication 1939-1963 Garius and Titus," [at, www.youtube.com/watch?v=1x2ZyXWHeMw&index=2&list=PL2iTJleckuyQxI-rykN8r3Ucl3EBzegSc ] in order to accomplish destruction and desolation of AMERICAN-CONSTITUTIONAL THIRD PERSON IN HIS VERY OWN, DIRECT ACCOUNTABILITY TO THE LAWS OF GOD.
Control and manipulation of all knowledge, language and communication --there is no word, 'voters', except in the "supreme power governing the world and worship of that supreme power-vain-idol-god's forms of BIGGER number, Since there is no Equity, there is no RIGHT/ TRUTH/ GOD. the 20 confederation-federalism- nationalism, power democracy's socialist states hiding behind DEMocrat of article iii's summer 2014 decree in edict, perdition in perfidy blind to that untruth's connections to Papal Authority corruption confederation, federalism is synonymous with -- collective, mass people-of common core's control, manipulation, production and distribution of all revisionist knowledge, language and communication, beautifully taught by CS Lewis against spirit of devil, " "The Green Book, How to Control Language and Communication 1939-1963 Garius and Titus," in order to accomplish destruction and desolation of AMERICAN-CONSTITUTIONAL THIRD PERSON IN HIS VERY OWN, DIRECT ACCOUNTABILITY TO THE LAWS OF GOD.
art. iii in ii and i where PARTY is its own form of creed-30 articles of falsehood-#29's "Person-ality" as the sole measure of TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE OF HOLY SPIRIT, ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS-YOU ARE THE THIRD-PERSON directly due to the Reformists, 1620 Puritans (opinion about factions and founder's - J. Calving, notwithstanding, for perversion of the Gospel of SECOND PERSON, ETERNAL LIVING SON OF GOD-- came to world-down-below -- because of precisely what is occurring in our UNIQUE TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS- meaning, our FOUNDERS KNEW MORE ABOUT 1611 KJV THAN ANY PAPAL AUTHORITY AND THE VAST MAJORITY OF CLERICS, ANY DENOMINATION, even especially those churches that carry the names of REFORMISTS, including the only Religion that actually is structured after the WHOLE TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS, but gave their Founder, Joseph Smith over to the ecclesiastical, government-of-man mixed with a mob - to be murdered, because he chose, no odds of winning, to run for President of our Nation -- "to yell from the rooftops," exactly as Jesus taught, (his Campaign Manager said he would follow Brother Smith any where his leader wanted him to perform acts and deeds or sustain) whenever and whoever is involved in cruelty, unjust, violations of the Laws of God--Nauvoo, American Indians, and Negros. Even now, are a major source of 'strict constitutionalists' including the catholics who are 'separately and equally' as ignorant of that corruption, world-wide, as is all EDUCATION-- for the TRUTH OF GOD, cannot be tolerated by the group-puppet, binomial-machine think of government-of-man.
George Washington designed the Flag of HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH PERSON of LORD'S PRAYER, - above - is probably the most beautiful statement of Paul in Reformist's lives, fortunes, --- "I worship God and Him, alone will I obey....Every Word That Issues From His Mouth--only AMERICAN GOD IS LAW- NO OTHER NATION.
Judgment by hypocrisy, of, by and for obliterating ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE, choosing by collective-goose-step-one-mind's devotion to 30 articles of udhr creeds in lie, enjoined to its vain-idol-god's BIGGER number, since conformity of human-group-think- to obliterate each-one's own Accountability Directly to God to his 'Majority of '1' (best example is Libertarian, Sen. Rand Paul- who really should be on Judicial Committee) WHOLE 328+ Mil , One Person at-a-time, in UNDERSTANDING his own ETERNAL LIVING SOUL'S HOLY SPIRIT- TRUTH, TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS.
--- BUT, HAD THE 20 SOCIALIST, COMMUNIST STATES + THE MAJORITY OF ARTICLE I'S DEVOTION to a vain-idol-god's PARTY-CONFORMITY TO SUPREME POWER GOVERNING THE WORLD AND DEVOTED WORSHIP TO vain-idol-god's forms of BIGGER number as, votes on committees of predetermined conclusions applied to innocence or guilt, religious freedom by rites, ceremonies, creeds, forms, denominations, compulsion of conscience which include the collective, mass-of whole persons composing in reverence, devotion to absolute iniquity within absolute unquestioned obedience to BORDERLESS NATIONS OF NO GOD, NOR JURISPRUDENCE, hence,
"1.Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples. 'The scribes/ attorneys and Pharisees/ judges [ecclesiastical is civil-state-magistrate and vice versa] sit on the seat of Moses; so do whatever they tell you, obey them, but do not do as they do. They talk but they do not act; they make up heavy loads and lay them on men's shoulders,but they will not stir a finger to remove them. Besides, all they do isdone to catch the notice of men; they make their phylacteries broad, they wear large tassels [black robes sitting on high desks of great hierarchy--but never to be closer to "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" ], they are fond of the best places at banquets and the front seats in the synagogues [court rooms, Congress, photos in newspapers-plaudits from enemy within they adore in total bias]; they like to be saluted in the marketplaces and to be called 'rabbi' by men.
8.But You are not to be called 'rabbi',
for One is your teacher, and
you are all brothers
[separate and equal station-persons];
you are not to call anyone 'father' on
earth, for One is Your heavenly Father;
nor must You be called 'leaders,' for
One is Your Leader, even the Christ.
He who is greatest among you
must be your servant.
Whoever uplifts himself will be humbled,
and whoever humbles himself will be uplifted.
13.WOE to YOU, you impious scribes and Pharisees! you shut the Realm of heaven in [person's] faces; You neither enter yourselves, nor will you let those who enter who are on the point of entering.WOE to YOU, you impious scribes and Pharisees! you traverse sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when you succeed, yee make him two fold more the childe of hell then your selues.
WOE to YOU, blind guides that you are! you say, 'Swear by the sanctuary, and it means no thing; but swear by the gold of the sanctuary, and the oath is binding.'
19.YOU are senseless and blind! for which is the greater, the gift or the alter that makes the gift sacred [My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that has gone out of my lips/ ORAL, COMMON LAW. Psalms 89:34]?
He who swears by the altar swear by it And By All That Lies Upon It; he who swears by the sanctuary swears by it and by Him who inhabits it; he who swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by Him who sits upon it.
23. WOE TO YOU, you impious scribes and Pharisees! you tithe mint and dill and cummin, and omit the weightier matters of the law, justice and mercy and faithfulness; these latter you outh to have practised---without omitting the former.
24.Blind guides that YOU are, filtering away the gnat and swallowing the camel!
WOE TO YOU, your irreligious scribes and Pharisees! you clean the outside of the cup and plate, but within they are full of extortion and self-indulgence [meaning, "Free permission to the appetites, humor, desires, passions or will to act or operate; forbearance of restraint or control. How many children are ruined by indulgence! indulgence is not kindness or tenderness, but it may be the effect of one or the other, or the crime of negligence. In the Romish church, remission of the punishment due to sins, granted by the pope or church, and supposed to save the sinner from purgatory; absolution from the censures of the church and from all transgressions;" but those clerics are Persons of Holy Spirit-Truth against spirit of devil-Lie, thus, just like your person, for taking 'vows' does not change one Byte of Truth against Lie or separate and equal station within any Person's roles of Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness/ Blessedness-- Oral, Common Law-GOD IS JUDGE, not man]
Blind Pharisees! first clean the inside of the cup, so that the outside may be clean as well.
27.WOE TO YOU, you irreligious scribes and Pharisees! you are like tombs whitewashed; they look comely on the outside, but inside they are full of dead men's bodies and all manner of impurity.
WOE TO YOU, you irreligious scribes and Pharisees! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the tombs of the just, and you say, 'If we had been living in the days of our fathers, we would not have joined them n shedding the blood of the prophets.' So you are witnesses against yourselves, that you are the sons of those who killed the prophets! And you will fill up the measure that your fathers fulled. You serpents! you brood of vipers! how can you escape being sentenced to Gehenna [Hell]? This is why I will send you prophets, wise men, and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify, some of whom you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town; it is that on you may fall the punishment for all the just blood shed on earth, from the blood of Abel the just down to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, who you murdered between the 36.sanctuary and the altar. I tell You truly, it will all come upon this generation.
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! slaying the prophets and stoning those who have been sent to you! How often I would fain have gathered your children as a fowl gathers her brood under her wings! But you would not have it! See, YOUR HOUSE IS TO BE LEFT DESOLATE. For I Tell YOU, you will never see me again till such time as you say, blessed be He who comes in the Lord's name.'
4) RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: the Word, Religious/ Religion does not mean a church's gathering of people-Greek, nor a temple, nor a mosque, nor any collective, ecclesiastical group of clerics by any denomination, form, rites, ceremonies, creeds; and
No God in Three Persons means freedom does not exist -- ONLY GOD IS TRUTH.
Thus, ecclesiastical, civil-state, magistrate man-serving-man is "... the carnall minde is enmitie against God: for it is not subiect to the law of God, neither indeed can be," demonstrated in fact and evidence as "Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression; Unresisted and cruel power; 4. Absolute monarchy cruelly administered; 5. Severity; rigor; inclemency" -- IT HAS NO SAY IN ANY SMALLEST ',' DECISIONS OF OUR ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE -- IT 24/7, CONSISTENTLY MAINTAINS ITS BLIND, DEAF, HATE IN ABSOLUTE, FREE WILL DECISION TO LOVE, OBEY AND FOLLOW spirit of devil.
"Supreme Court Refuses To Hear North Carolina Prayer Case: The court's refusal means that two conflicting decisions from lower courts will remain in place for now." by Austin Lewis, 06/29/2018 at, https://conservativedailypost.com/supreme-court-refuses-to-hear-north-carolina-prayer-case/
"..Such was the case with an appeal from county officials in North Carolina, who wanted the court to hear their case concerning their right to say a prayer before beginning county meetings. Both Gorsuch (WHO FORCED THE REMOVAL OF GOD's LAW from the lobby of art iii-courthouse as bias! ORAL, COMMON LAW, OATH IN PLEDGE/ ATTESTATION CLAUSE, and Thomas dissented from the decision to decline the case, pointing out the need for more conservative justices. Thomas said the lower court ruling was is “both unfaithful to our precedents and ahistorical.”
Justices like Thomas, who know the Constitution and what the Founding Fathers intended, are needed desperately." is fact in evidence that art. iii has no Oral, Common Law - No intention whatsoever of Love, obey and follow - their own Person's Two Greatest Commands of God -- Article VI CONSTITUTIONAL FEDERAL CODES = ATTESTATION CLAUSE IRREFUTABLE REFORMATION-TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS -- GOD IS THE UNIVERSE HIS TRUTH IS ALL THAT BELONG TO HEAVEN AND EARTH -- The conglomeration of Papal Corrupt Murder - law is not AMERICAN GOD IS WHOLE LAW.
Article II and any Constitutional Person - therein- is ARTICLE IV:2, CLAUSE 1 intrinsic to Section 4 - invasion by infringement of any Person's RIGHT, TRUTH, GOD - hence, Paul teaches throughout his words, including Romans 8,
"1.There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Iesus, who walke not after the flesh, but after the spirit.
2 For the law of the spirit of life, in Christ Iesus, hath made me free from the law of sinne and death.
3 For what the law could not doe, in that it was weake through the flesh, God sending his owne Sonne, in the likenesse of sinnefull flesh, and for sinne condemned sinne in the flesh:
4 That the righteousnesse of the law might be fulfilled in vs, who walke not after the flesh, but after the spirit.
5 For they that are after the flesh, doe minde the things of the flesh: but they that are after the spirit, the things of the spirit.
6 For to be carnally minded, is death: but to be spiritually minded, is life and peace:
7 Because the carnall minde is enmitie against God: for it is not subiect to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
8 So then they that are in the flesh, cannot please God.
9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if so be that the spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man haue not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
10 And if Christ in you, the body is dead because of sinne: but the spirit is life, because of righteousnesse...".
"THESE ARE TRUMP’S TWO TOP PICKS FOR THE SUPREME COURT" -Kevin Daley and Saagar Enjeti | Contributor 4:01 PM 07/02/2018, at, http://dailycaller.com/2018/07/02/top-picks-trump-supreme-court/?utm_medium=push&utm_source=daily_caller&utm_campaign=push Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Roman Catholic replacing a Catholic; Judge Amy Coney Barrett, also Roman Catholic, Joining Judges Roberts, Judges Thomas, Rhenquist, Kagan are Jewish socialist, Sotomayor is pure socialist leaning to foreign law's -Article 9, the membership of the court is supposed to represent the "main forms of civilization and of the principal legal systems of the world". Essentially, that has meant COMMON [but not Third-Person over First Person's Eras of His History] LAW PUBLIC VALUE, civil law and socialist-communist and the newest, 02/2017 Sharia/ Quran-Koran sharing Mohammed with Radical Jihad law.
The problem is that Catholic's who are also in forced ignorance of Reformation follow "Jesus walking on earth because His body was crucified, and man-choosing-serving-man must be an earthly Jesus! absurdity no-one has caught onto, since no-one reads The Connecting Bible of the 47-50 Translators to the Reader who give all RIGHT REASON for the TRUTH obtained in 1611 KJV which did standardize, and Dr. Webster did help what grammar clarity added, but even knowing that the English is not only old, but keeps the arrangement of nouns, verbs, objects order in a sentence that with the characters adjusted for Gutenberg Press always adjusted by the editor who often had to obtain the finances under - papists as well as monarchy restraints -- all of which are government-of-man's spirit of the devil, 'Present, but only partially revealed'.
Adultery from rape such that rather than immediately placing that young person who requires abortion-not for her own fault necessarily - except a child born on US soil is a Citizen, but not if either padre or madre are illegal -- cause that newborn doesn't exist unless madre or padre do... and that 'family' community must return to their nation to face consequences of their Person of FREE WILL CHOICE- "separate and equal station to Laws of Nature and Nature's God are on His supreme Law of the Land, Water, Atoms of Atmosphere --
For example, a recent D.C. Circuit case asked whether the Trump administration is obligated to facilitate abortions for alien minors in federal custody. Rather than "propositions within which a statement and its negation cannot both be true or valid," Kavanaugh and another judge issued a short order proposing a compromise which gave the government of man serving man, a time frame -11 days- to find a human fleshy, body guardian who would procure the procedure for the minor at issue. The compromise, ultimately unsuccessful, may have been an attempt to stop the court’s Democratic majority from expanding abortion rights. Socialist communists who are liars -- do not have right to govern in LIE, STEAL AND KILL MIND HEAR CONSCIENCE OF ANOTHER PERSON, THEY PARTICIPATED IN CREATING THAT UNLAWFUL -- PROTECTION OF THE WORD - ILLEGAL- THE CONSEQUENCES OF WHICH ARE EXPONENTIAL LIE, STEAL --- Jesus, Second Person-Holy Spirit Truth says, "BE GONE, SATAN! You are to obey the Lord, Your God and Him, Alone, Obey."-- so judge Kavanaugh - individualist as he is-- doesn't know what Oral, Common Law, Oath in Pledge is---does he.
Barrett, by contrast, is a newcomer to the federal bench who was elevated to the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals just eight months ago. Before joining the Notre Dame law faculty, she was a law clerk to the late Justice Antonin Scalia and practiced at a Washington-based boutique called Miller Cassidy. ... Elena Kagan. Though they are not ideologically similar, both women spent a significant portion of their career in the legal academy where they generated large bodies of scholarship, and both are considered rigorous thinkers who engaged practical, if highly technical, legal issues. Exempting to remembering Kagan declaring to Sen. Coburn, OK in 2010, that THERE IS NO LAW IN THE DECLARATION [at, -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAt9RDCP5SI&t=204s] and Barrett is just like Kavenaugh and Scalia for that matter-- God/ Truth is definitely much lower on the hierarchy OD HUMAN PRECEPT'S ISOLATED FROM BIBLE AND THE CREATOR IN ALL THREE DOCUMENTS, STRICT CONSTITUTIONAL, totem pole of inanimate and living objects, "Activities and Interests of its NO TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE, REPUDIATION OF Paul in Acts 28, Governor PUBLIUS, the Pen-name chosen by White Star/ Red Strip #11, 06/26/1788 NY -First Treasurer with 1783 Treaty of Paris, First Supreme Court Chief JUSTICE, but 08/20/2018- #7, 420.1 Consent of the Governed per square mile of 20 'Regions' 562.74 C of G psm, socialist, commun-ist, vain-idol-god's BIGGER number collective, mass-puppet-people (Person Composing Union of One People = 87.5 C of G psm with the 30 State's Residence of Constitutional-Person 1051.51 + Electoral College; White Star/ Red Stripe #10, 06/25/1788 VA - "Majority Limited for Liberty, Majority of '1'/ Constitutional-Person Protected (Hamilton A. Long 1976), Amendment IX PROPERTY; 4TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, but 08/20/2018 #14 OF 20 socialist, commun-ist 212.3 C of G psm, "FEDERALIST PAPERS, A Commentary on THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES being A Collection of Essays written in support of the Constitution agreed upon September 17, 1787 by The Federal Convention".
There is even a National Review article about how ARTICLE II cannot JUST PICK AND CHOOSE HIMSELF--- ONE ONE ONE--- How's that for fools following and obeying fools-- to say no thing about those few, hard working, GENUINE JUDGES, who also do not recognize humans are not greater than God --the reason no ting in the Constitutions or Laws of any STATE, that doesn't exclude Article I, since those 535 constitutional-persons elected are one-in-the-very-same-separate and equal station -- but then, so are the whole collective, mass dupe-brained art.iii in in in i with its separate, lost and blind Office of Legislative or Executive counsels, as well as OCC of administrative-police-state employees since 'socialist, communn-ist-seiu'- apparently not function well in that same capacity - probably another one of those truths of lie.
Very brief- pica-secondSen. Mike Lee, UT is solely about "party dishonest, BIGGER number politics" so lost to God, that the blind trip and fall, spend hours in dissonance, never to solve any thing, since devoid TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE OBEDIENCE TO THE LAWS OF GOD'S ORAL COMMON LAW: "Other sources connected to the process confirm that the senator is not a frontrunner, and senior GOP Senate aides are extremely skeptical about his viability. ..Republican Senate staffers note Lee has taken explicit positions on a range of issues, including Roe v. Wade, that would galvanize liberal opposition and make it practically impossible for moderate, pro-choice Republicans like Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska to support him. ..BIGGER number 562.74 consent of the governed psm, no Trinity Sacred documents- No Truth, spirit of devil's fleshie, stonie concrete, carnall mind -LIE, within a ONE PARTY SYSTEM OF DELUSIONAL, ADVERSARIAL DEMOCRACY, has already shown her cards on the abortion issue. The Maine senator said Sunday that she would not consider a nominee who that was in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade. “I would not support a nominee who demonstrated hostility to Roe v. Wade because that would mean to me their judicial philosophy did not include a respect for established decisions of established (meaning, arbitrary human precept rules of conduct-force, performing the crimes of omission, transgression in approving Adultery and covet that is Repugnant to the Laws of God, And how Heritage connects, or that the conception decisions of the mixed physiological human body or relationship should never be accountable for the robbing of an Eternal Living Soul of Purity and Innocence-earthly journey in his life of mind, heart, conscience for will, thus-- absolutely no law! - man is not supreme to God or Christ, though His Second Person in You is a very, very special, unique to you-if you have decided to Love, Obey and Follow so He can Reside with you,” Collins told CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday morning. “I believe that is the very important fundamental tenant of our judicial system, which as Roberts says, helps to promote stability and even handedness.”
Judge Roberts of the 4x's he calls 'stability' and 'even handedness' in his complete, blindness to Oral, Common Law/ his mouth directly to God's ear, Oath in Pledge, Attestation Clause, every pica-second, because it is impossible for First and Second Holy Spirit Truth not to be present -- THE AMERICAN FLAG IS ON THE JUDGES RIGHT SIDE --hence, 327+ million Constitutional-Persons in their Place of Residence!
Sadly, Sen. Lee said he would refuse nomination probably because in udhr's #29 relationships of person-ality in hypocrisy, there is real hesitation to leap out of the Mormon's socialist, communist, community absent Trinity Sacred Documents it thinks is "Politics" completely absent Jesus of the creeds, rites, ceremonies, compulsion of conscience - "Divine Truth is different from fleshy, 5 senses human body's physiology of stony-heart relationships among the collective, mass people of hierarchy's boss- pee-on, serf - shut up and do as you are told - Do Not Question any human greater decree than you...
"We have duties, for the discharge of which we are accountable to our Creator and benefactor, which no human power can cancel. What those duties are, is determinable by Right Reason, which may be, and is called, a well informed conscience. What this conscience dictates as our duty is so; and that power which assumes a control over it, is an usurper; for no power can be pleaded to justify the control, as any consent in this case is void .."-The Essex Result, May 12, 1778
Liberty is a word which, according as it is used,comprehends the
most Good and the most evil of any in the world. Justly Understood
[Mind/ Heart/ Will-Conscience = Eternal Soul] it is sacred next to
those which we appropriate in divine adoration; but in the mouths [Oral Law blasphemed]
of some it means any Thing."--Oliver Ellsworth, Third Chief Justice
of the Supreme Court, Knew his Third Person and , at the very least,
Matt. 4, 15, 22 before he held that Office,
November 19, 1787, "A Landholder No. III".
NOT ONE OF THESE CANDIDATES NOR EVEN INCUMBENTS, ARTICLE II IN III APPOINTED, COMMISSIONED HIDDEN AMONG INCLUDING "Office of the Legislative Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives.The Office of the Legislative Counsel' nor the Senate, nor Article II's secret hiding places, for the collective-people cannot permit just one office, since deceit is a little harder to produce for the Party of vain-idol-god's BIGGER number IS SUPERIOR POWER GOVERNING THE WORLD,WORSHIPED IN KOWTOW;- such that, violations contained in all issues - those special-greater than God's oral, common law- have no accountability for their WRONG BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT ATTESTATION CLAUSE IS ANYMORE THAN ANY PERSON DOES RE-FORMATION -HOLY SPIRIT TRUTH AGAINST spirit of devil-LIE, and since the very supreme power governing the world-with absolute, unquestioned obedience in blindness, can enhance the exponential, "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride to no where in particular" dissonance with Alinsky, Cloward Piven, socialist, communist udhr as yet another, collective hierarchy, does not provide services directly to Article IV:2, Clause 1, separate and equal station of a Constitutional Person in his House District of Consent of the Governed in We the People-Oral, Common Law/ Oath in Pledge. AMONG THE SEVERAL STATES HAVE ANY INTENTION OF OBEYING RIGHT - TRUTH THE LAWS OF GOD CLEARLY STATED IN ALL THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS. the reason -- that 24/7 LIE, STEAL, AND KILL, MIND, HEART, CONSCIENCE FOR WILL-- SUCH THAT THE PERSONS WHO DISRESPECT OUR FLAG IS OUR STAR SPANGLED BANNER IS ONE GOD IN THREE INDIVIDUAL PERSONS-- AGAINST THE COLLECTIVE, MASS PEOPLE IN ALL LIFE'S GROUPS BUT THE 4X'S SPECIFIC TO art. iii's perdition in perfidy against Holy Spirit.
Article iii's PER'FI-DY, n. [L. perfidia; per and fides, faith.] The act of violating faith, a promise, vow or allegiance; treachery; the violation of a trust reposed. Perfidy is not applied to violations of contracts in ordinary pecuniary transactions, but to violations of faith or trust in friendship, in agency and office, in allegiance, in connubial engagements, and in the transactions of kings; innately,"Entire loss or ruin; utter destruction, loss of the soul or of final happiness in a future state; future misery or eternal death: If we reject the truth, we seal our own PERDITION.-John Mitchell Mason, (born March 19, 1770, New York City—died Dec. 26, 1829, New York City), U.S. minister and educator, who is best known for his work in raising standards of Protestant theological education in the U.S. Words: Conscience, Relationship, Error, Oblivious, All, Perdition, Pestilence
AGAINST, noting enmity or disapprobation, contrariety, contradiction, or repugnance to
"In God We Trust", Trinity Sacred Documents - Article VI within the WHOLE AXIOM stated ATTESTATION CLAUSE, of, by, and for Each-One CONSTITUTIONAL -PERSON, A man, A woman, A child/ youth =Posterity composing ONE PEOPLE in Union each, one Person in his Place of Residence - Precinct/ District/ County/ State/ Federalist Equilateral Triangle of Article IV:2, Clause 1, Separate and equal station to which the LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATURE'S GOD ENTITLE EACH-ONE-PERSON'S INDEPENDENCE- DIRECT ACCOUNTABILITY TO GOD, regardless of denomination of church's collective, mass people in Holy Spirit-Truth, Acts 28- Governor Publius, Paul's visit in Malta, the Pen-Name for "THE FEDERALIST, A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States being A collection of the 85 Essays written, [subscribed, therefore, WITNESSED because there are Three persons in each-one-Person of Holy Spirit-Second Person Christ in First Chief Justice of Supreme Court of the WHOLE LAW AND ALL THE PROPHETS, Article III Jurisprudence, in First Treasurer of the United States, Alexander Hamilton, in Amendment IX Property, Majority is not the political standard of right and wrong, 4th President of the United States [more at "Most of my Fellow-Country-Persons, this THANKS GIVING, have no idea of the Reformation against Papal Authority that is the connections of our 1620 Puritans is Trinity Sacred Documents", http://declarationandconstitutionspeak.blogspot.com/2017/11/most-of-my-fellow-country-persons-this.html
the 562.74 Consent of the Governed psm where among those 20 socialist, communist state's few men rulers One Collective, human fleshie, stonie-heart, carnal mind-body, and our world-wide enemies-of-hate including the Whole of Apostasy-perdition inherent to spirit of devil's most devoted set of human body slaves-in-blind-perfect, "DE-PRAV'I-TY, n. 1.Corruption; a vitiated state; as, the depravity of manners and morals. –.The Right Honorable Sir Edmund Burke PC" (/b?rk/; 12 January [NS] 1729[1] – 9 July 1797) was an Anglo-Irish[2][3] statesman born in Dublin, as well as an author, orator, political theorist, and philosopher, who, after moving to England, served for many years in the House of Commons of Great Britain as a member of the Whig party. He is mainly remembered for his support of the cause of the American Revolutionaries, Catholic emancipation, the impeachment of Warren Hastings from the East India Company, and for his later opposition to the French Revolution. He was a charter member of the Samuel Johnson club. The latter led to his becoming the leading figure within the conservative faction of the Whig party, which he dubbed the "Old Whigs", in opposition to the pro–French Revolution "New Whigs", led by Charles James Fox. Burke was praised by both conservatives and liberals in the nineteenth century. Since the twentieth century, he has generally been viewed as the philosophical founder of conservatism. He spoke of political authority in general terms as an accountable trust. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for Good Men To Do Nothing” Words: Idea, Law, Gospel, Stultify, Magistrate, Depravity
2. A vitiated state of the heart; wickedness; corruption of moral principles; destitution of holiness or good principles;" such that the Prophets Hus, Wycliffe, Luther, Zwingli, Knox, Calvin, the 47-50 Clerics from Westminster, Oxford and Cambridge, led by King James I of GB and VI of Scotland, One God in Three Person's-Truth by the who were murdered by torture, crucifixion, because of the corrupt, hierarchy--hardly interrupted from that day to this flashing cursor; noting that Pope Pius XI and XII's democracy-Holy See/ Vatican enjoined Hitler and the showering of the Jews, Papal Authority-UN, EU, Axis Nations, Muslim sharing Mohammed with Radical Jihad's Quran/ Koran in its humanist, 30 articles in Falsehood's creeds, rites, ceremonies - udhr/ humanist "Power/ Force unlimited, unrestrained by constitution, laws or persons; absolute, unresisted and cruel, . independent of control from men TYRANNY - passing adjudication in oppression by supremacy's oligarchy of 4x's of collective, mass people subjugated to hieracrhey's few rulers of conduct-force in 'blank check, "Activites and Interests among inanimate and living objects as parties-at-law equality absent Truth, Trust, Promise-never of Person; procedural due process where rules of the court are greater than God, voting rightswhere Right always is Repugnant to the Laws of God by supplication to the supreme power governing the world and most definite, religious worship of that supreme vain idol god's forms of BIGGER number be it collective, mass people=consent of the governed psm-who must be totally ignorant and just like art. iii control, manipulate and pervert, definition, apply improper use and improper application of all knowledge, language and communication so that
TO the Whole Remonstrance: but a little 'lead-in' to help YOUR OWN Eternal Living Soul/ Whole Mind/ Whole Heart, HOLY SPIRIT TRUTH learn to know and recognize when Your Own spirit of the devil is "tempting" You, from the top of the highest Temple Jesus to Prove He is the Holy Spirit-Truth - Eternal Living Son of God, but Jesus answers in His Eternal Soul/ Whole Mind/ Whole Heart. Jesus will be scourged, tortured, and crucified through corruption, predetermined conclusions in tyranny forced upon all forms of few men rulers, all locations on world-down-below, all forms of ecclesiastical and civil-state magistrate, few arbitrary human precept, government-of-man, against all persons who compose One People among all sovereign nations, opposed or not, all voluntary and involuntary, slaves oppressed to the few fleshy, stony, carnal-distinct and palpable-concrete, hierarchy minds -- hence-forth..; because spirit of d-evil's opinion without interference, zero probability of truth, uses #18 belief, that the angels won't allow Him to be hurt/ injured, harmed - part of the whole 8 lessons from Matt. 4.
The "course of this human event, actively commencing immediately following WWI, but mixed into the grief and confusion, that included blindness handicaps and lost limbs which crippled the life and liberty of those who survived to remain on World-down-below where God in Christ was no-where to be found among the spirit of devil's "arbitrary human precept bible is written for community and not for the Individual" huge, ecclesiastical government-of man's arbitrary, fleshie, stonie, concrete-hierarchy-minds falsehood of terrible, continuing consequences in blasphemy of Holy Spirit Truth; this ATTACK IS TO DESTROY YOUR OWN SELF-RELIANCE to your CERTAIN, UNALIENABLE RIGHT/ TRUTH DIRECTLY TO YOUR GOD, YOUR MIND, YOUR HEART, YOUR ETERNAL SOUL, FIRST GREATEST COMMAND TO FIRST PERSON, as is the SECOND, adding SECOND PERSON-YOUR OWN HOLY GHOST-TRUTH- HOLY SPIRIT, JESUS DOES MAKE ABODE -THREE IN ONE, with your Understanding of SECOND GREATEST COMMAND- THOSE YOU KNOW AND WILL NEVER KNOW-YOUR NEIGHBOR WHATEVER LOCATION OF OUR FATHER'S world-down-below; the CONNECTION to "Patriotism is as much a virtue as, 1828/ 1844 word, JUSTICE, and is as necessary for the support of societies as natural affection is for the support o families."-Dr. Benjamin Rush, Letter to His Fellow Countrymen On Patriotism, Oct. 20, 177;. but
This attack actually commenced as ecclesiastical government-of-man-choosing and serving man (Paul in Galatians 1, Romans 8, but more importantly removing the Second Testament of the Three, from the work of the 47-50 Clergy from Westminster, Oxford and Cambridge -- who Understood that 1611 would intrinsically include the TRUTH of the works of The Prophets-Reformists -- most of whom are excommunicated from Papal Authority -- that since, 01/20/2009 antiChrist (Wycliffe 140 years before 1571 Zwingli, Tyndale, Luther) - 'modern-government-of-man-choosing and serving-man's fleshy mind/ stonie heart, has pretty nearly perverted or omitted in neglect most of the WHOLE BIBLE, though to some extent ---that is innate to First in Second Persons Plan, though the extent of cleric pride and arrogance in ignorance is quite disturbing -- many churches carry the names of their Founders, or the Heritage--- and have no idea what they said, or Why, When, and How those Prophet - leaders went about their work and then......
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"Learning the Three Sacred Documents: 2,016 Cerebrated Birth of Eternal Living Christ Jesus Compendium for AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, The Creator’s Truth in continuing “course of human events” at, http://declarationandconstitutionspeak. blogspot.com/2016/12/learning-three-sacred- documents-2106.html |
In January 2015, there were 4 or 5, with American Bible Society, Time Magazine and Entertainment which includes publishing National Geographic ("Biblical World"02/2015; "The War on Science", 03/2015); Scientific American ("Earth's Water May Have Come from Comets, Asteroids or Something Else Entirely: To discover the origin of the oceans, scientists are investigating our solar system’s farthest reaches and earliest moments"By David Jewitt, Edward D. Young, 03/2015, read * at the bottom of the page) continuing not even skipping a step in perpetrating perversion of definition, improper usage and improper application of all "#6 UNDERSTANDING the "EXPRESSION of THOUGHTS" through #7 SPEECH, AN INTERPRETER of the COGITATIONS thereof the Control and Manipulation, Production and Distribution of ALL KNOWLEDGE all LIFE on world-down-below as, Saul Lucifer Alinsky's No Fixed Truth:
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"Only in 240 year old America God/Truth Is Law -- "Any form of Government..Destructive of these Ends": Our Eternal Living Father God Is Speaking Very Loud...", Complete list of commonly utilized references, sources, the photo of the actual resources placed on my Property in The Court of, by, and for my Constitutional-Person; History highlights of what happened to Article III because of its ignorance of both 1611 KJV with Apocrypha and Dr. Noah Webster's Philology, then applied into "Every Issues rom the Mouth of God, and the 16 Am Jur, 2d, Sections of Constitutional law that is synonymous in connections to the Contents of all Three Sacred Documents At, http://declarationandconstitutionspeak.blogspot.com /2016/10/only-in-240-year-old-america-godtruth.html |
"..2. Human beings are neither entirely unique from other forms of life nor are they the final product of some planned scheme of development. The available evidence shows that humans are made from the same building blocks of which other life forms are made and are subject to the same sorts of natural pressures. All life forms are constructed from the same basic elements—the same sorts of atoms—as are nonliving substances, and these atoms are made of subatomic particles that have been recycled through many cosmic events before becoming part of us or our world. Humans are the current result of a long series of natural evolutionary changes, but not the only result or the final one. Continuous change can be expected to affect ourselves, other life forms, and the cosmos as a whole. There appears no ultimate beginning or end to this process.
3. There is no compelling evidence [meaning NO HOLY SPIRIT Against spirit of the devil = 1611, Whole 3 TESTAMENT HOLY BIBLE] to justify the belief that the human mind is distinct and separable from the human brain, which is itself a part of the body. All that we know about the personality [30 articles of 'spirit of devil's creeds, rites, ceremonies of human body's carnal mind, udhr' falsehood arts. 18, 19, 29, therefore 30] indicates that every part of it is subject to change caused by physical disease, injury, and death. Thus there are insufficient grounds for belief in a soul or some form of afterlife.
God's Double-Edged, Laser, Precise Sword means 'death' is actually a 'Truth', since these utilitarian, socialist, humanist body's physiology concrete 5 senses"minds of peculiar structure," always present, even before President Washington referred to their problems in his "Farewell Address," have blasphemed THE THREE, INDIVIDUAL PERSONS OF HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH/ TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS].
With '1' stipulation- your anatomy remains 6ft under, or cremated; but ---, your "insufficient grounds for belief in a soul or some form of afterlife", to utilize a word that 'modern-man's arrogance in total ignorance can relate to more easily for its 'distinct and palpable "If it isn't in writing, it doesn't exist,"--absurd, impossibility--, might be easier to "comprehend the incomprehensible," ---is 'vaporized'.
-- also, exemplified by the very important physiological organ, skin, to determine, and maintain the important falsehood carried to, and exemplifying how to get a house to divide against its Self/ Soul in its whole- spirit of devil's stealth of chicanery, now-a-days- displacement/ distraction for confusion added to dissonance, civil war of spirit of devil Industrial, Mining, manufacturing North vs body's skin organ, black Southern Agriculture -- actually producing so much greater 'revenue' from Eli Whitney's very important, assisted by a 'female gender' cotton-gin-- continues connections of human-precept's fleshie, stonie physiology as the basis of mind, heart, conscience for will in deeds acts or by the collective-group-think of predetermined communities of duties-to develop person-alities in judgement by hypocrisy's relationships, always in falsehood since Truth doesn't reside by osmosis, diffusion, active transport of 'relationships by mixed, matching, re-manufactured sex organs, or the organ named skin: "Two members of the Congressional Black Caucus dodged questions Monday about Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters calling for citizens to harass and protest Trump officials in public"-Kerry Picket at, http://dailycaller.com/2018/06/26/cbc-maxine-waters-video/ ] on the subject of the word, 'Illegal,' having no connections to:
>>Thou shalt not bear false witness against, 2nd Greatest Command, thy neighbor [separate and equal station = Article IV:2, Clause 1; 4 each-one-Constitutional-Person's mind, heart, will conscience traveling in physiological body's osmosis, diffusion, active transport = Matt.5's iota, tittle, comma, jot, 1 dot among 8, 2 rows 4 each = 1Byte heaven and earth come together when the WHOLE LAW IS IN PLACE] STATE of RESIDENCE, protection from "Invasion, also meaning INFRINGEMENT of RIGHT/ TRUTH/ GOD= ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE]; >>Thou shalt not ---take and carry away feloniously with an intent to take what belongs to another, and without his consent as, ' They could insinuate and steal themselves under the same by submission ---STEAL. –Edmund Spenser" (/'sp?ns?r/; 1552/1553 – 13 January 1599) was an English poet best known for The Faerie Queene, an epic poem and fantastical allegory celebrating the Tudor dynasty and Elizabeth I. He is recognised as one of the premier craftsmen of Modern English verse in its infancy, and is often considered one of the greatest poets in the English language. Words: Steal, Establishment, Conscience, Pride, Read, Reason, Shrill, Bless, Entail, Attaint, Skill, Apostate Government, Militant, Intelligence, Sop, Abuse, Cast.
These 'magazines-of-speedy, hierarchy, unaccountable, sometimes not even identified- persons-profession of "The beginner, former, or first mover of any thing; hence, the efficient cause of a thing. It is appropriately applied to one who composes or writes a book, or original work, and in a more general sense, to one whose occupation is to compose and write books; opposed to compiler or translator; AU'THOR, v.t. to occasion; to effect", untruth-knowledge, YOU Are to believe without any questions ---you are commanded by your clergy masters-- you Trust, but never -- really give your own Oral, Common Law, Mind's Duty any genuine ATTENTION-IN-RIGHT-REASON.
Then WHAT HAPPENED when I went around the CORPORATE-HIERARCHY OF RANK WHERE NO EMPLOYEE SPEAKS UNLESS SPOKEN TO AND INITIATIVE-- ABSOLUTELY NO! Adding Common Core's Hate of Posterity (world-wide-- especially GB/ UK exactly lied to posterity as our current youth) to blind, deaf, dependence upon 30 articles of falsehood, udhr's especially 29 in 19-- where no human body can function unless it criticizes another, specific human body - in Lucifer Alinsky's #13, a.k.a., 'don't listen to that man stomped down as the whore waits in 'the pit', You must absolutely Throw That Stone-- and best if it hits any thing -- Truth is never Fixed!
This year is very, very marked-in-special-devoted-freeze- unfreeze to 'new order=hate's Lie, Steal and Murder each-one-person's mind-will conscience/ heart understanding from kindergarten - 20 odds years - every school/ lecture hall day - all professions -- all knowledge. Though the Attack Against Reformation/ Trinity Sacred Documents started in January 2015 was the very marked 20 delusions-of-grandeur, adversarial democracy’s synonyms socialist communist-enjoined ecclesiastical-civil state-devoted-hate of 562.74 Consent of the Governed per square mile (CoG) CONTRARY to 30 STATE’S of EACH-ONE-PERSON “IN GOD WE TRUST of 105.51 CoG psm Electoral College - "The Majority Limited for the Liberty of Majority of '1' " (50 State average 87.5 C of G psm).
THE PURPOSE OF THIS REMONSTRANCE IS THAT “connections” come together --- even that the connections exist in VIRTUAL REALITY as Strong as the five fingers in your face in your mirror. ....: The excision of "Love God (First Greatest Command), Your neighbor (Second Greatest Command and Your PERSON, composing our Nation of the UNION of ONE PEOPLE -- who solely possess hatred of Our unique REPUBLIC UNDER GOD, by continued forbidden any written, Oral Common Law, fireworks-at-home or local park display of "PAT'RIOTISM ,n. Love of one's country; the passion which aims to serve one's country, either in defending it from invasion, or protecting its rights and maintaining its laws and institutions in vigor and purity. Patriotism is the characteristic of a good citizen, the noblest passion that animates a man in the character of a citizen;" at the same time---complete, absolute irreverence in contempt of our Flag's history in Trinity Sacred Documents in all 4 verses of Star Spangled Banner" by the following purveyors for your food and clothing and manners, customs among your neighbors, where you rarely if ever actually have block parties, or coffee clatches, or get togethers for the express purpose of sharing and informing each other of the human events that are forcing all of you to TURN YOUR BACKS, MINDS, HEARTS, COLLECTIVELY -- TO, you think, very wrongly, vanquish God, to vanquist Christ -- that person who will not conform to the groupy-goose-puppet - march of void, empty feigned, pretend, falsify yourSelf to another for any reason, notably for covet, adultery, fraud; ridicule or name-call or use others to polarize what is "Want of integrity and veracity, either in principle or in act; as the falseness of a man's heart, or his falseness to his word; 2. Duplicity; deceit; double-dealing; 3. Unfaithfulness; treachery; perfidy; traitorousness FALSENESS, n. fols'ness".
Below are 26 pictures taken, not in any predetermined-plan to disturb udhr's 30 articles of predetermined conclusions in falsehood, of man-serving-man is a fortunate supremacy to abrogate the prerogatives of God perpetration of persistent, 24/7 falsehood upon others 24/7, that problem is much to overwhelming for any Person who Loves, Obeys and follows God in Three Persons, for once you've knock on the door, where let-in, and found you were not welcomed-in this house absent God, but full of human bodies, you learn to do as Jesus teaches, wipes your hands, dust your feet, back out and leave...not necessarily bodily, either. There are lots of forms of 'leaving' in God / Christ Name. Jesus teaches all. Paul adds because of Holy Spirit-Truth often hard to perceive, but he succeeds, as did the Reformists, in spite of the corruption.
Chrysler Dealerships Murrieta and Lake Elsinore; Food 4 Less, Winco, Walmart, Target, Stater Brothers, Vons--their manufacturers, distributors, among whom actually say, "MADE IN USA;" A Baker, 'WONDER BREAD;"CHINESE CLOTHING, "MODLILY" was on FB, now on "DAILY CALLER"-- huge cost in materials- for clothes ALL WITH AMERICAN "STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER" Online only-no telephone, Chat, but not easily contacted; used e-mail--no response; and Farmers Market Persons who sew and create really nice items, except they use our ETERNAL LIVING SOULS IN STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER WRONG FLAG PROPORTIONS, WRONG NUMBER OF STRIPES, STARS, WOBBOLY STRIPES -- and not one of these several dozens of Constitutional-Persons have any form of knowledge of who they are in their own, unique, honest, but blind Eternal Living Souls in TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS connecting to the Trinty of Person in Flag in Star Spangled Banner; thus, these fellow-country individual-Constitutional-Persons who have no idea what the definition of "Honor" in a "Flag Code" and are very, very suspecious of any person who dares to say God in Christ and asks if they know what Oral, Common Law is, and even among those who attend the "gospel study" of predetermined conclsuisons absent Truth, do not UNDERSTAND TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE.
Our Flag like the Bible Is a Living Eternal Holy Spirit of Truth residing within Each-one-Third-Person: The reason you do not let it fly in uncomfortable-weather; keep THE LIGHT OF LIFE turned-on; understand YOU are a Majority of' '1' Person-of-unique and great value --in Union with about 328,338,014 sharing and intrinsically - God's Two Greatest Commands - Oral Common Law --- all that www.USDEBTCLOCK informs YOU, among those you know and will never know, accountability for YOUR THIRD-PERSON, 24/7 all ROLES OF YOUR TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE in TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS -
This next -- YOU HAVE NEVER CONSCIOUSLY CONSIDERED, BUT IT IS a comma, iota, jot, or 1/8th of 2 rows/ 4 dots each row = 1 Byte of binomial machine of great stupidity-in-absurdity -- unless a Person writes the language and communication for each-one-other Person--, ---If you decide to place a Window-sticker of a Correctly Proportioned, properly colors of Flag on your car's window -- YOU ARE MAKING A STATEMENT DIRECTLY TO GOD'S EAR, as is every Police, Fire, Military, ambulance, or Public figure-wearing it on your left lapel --- IN ORAL, COMMON LAW --- DO NOT TAKE YOUR HONOR, INTEGRITY-THIRD PERSON IN SECOND PERSON IN FIRST PERSON --casually or carelessly ---- YOU DO MATTER IN ALL YOUR ACTIONS--NONE ARE MISSED. Not a threat, much more genuinely and sincerely -- YOU ARE DEMONSTRATING THROUGH YOUR WINDOW'S FLAG - YOU DO LOVE GOD, YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF/ SOUL, AND YOUR NATION MORE THAN YOUR LIFE...AND YOU MUST TEACH CHILD AND YOUTH, i.e., anyone less than 48 years- who thinks they know-it-all, but haven't figured out the questions, let alone the answers;---Each-One Person Must Learn His Own spirit of devil -Matt.4, "from stone, make bread"--top of highest church/ temple--temptation/ prove God is Who He Says He Is, Performing Precisely What He, and Christ Jesus have set out to perform; and the very best-one- there is not one collective, mass-few rulers supreme to their many persons- composing their respective 194 plus, nations + Trilateral Commission - supplication in very deep, reverent, reliGIOUS "belief in a superior power governing the world-down-below and worship of that superior powers with creeds, rites, ceremonies, forms, workers of iniquity - intertwined to the 'top of the highest mountain and all the grandeur of allllll the kingdoms/ life/ land/ water/ atoms of atmosphere thereof ---to which Jesus answers, "BE GONE, SATAN! You are to Worship God and Him, Alone, Obey....Every Word That Issues From His Mouth =TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS )
You DO NOT: DISPLAY OUR FLAG OUT OF ITS PROPORTIONS, or as, DISTORTED, PIECEMEAL IMITATION; walk-on Our Flag in thongs; wear our Flag, eat off or wipe your mouth with our Flag, carry our Flag for groceries or any store-bought product; overlay any object of any kind into the 13 Colonies Red/ White Stripes; it is Not A Toy; it is not to be painted on a public bus, imprinted on a personal truck; drape Our Flag; disuse it as a "effrontery for bias udhr opinion without interference - any topic of any sort; burn it; place it on the ground, use the little wood stick-Flag into your yard - wet, no light, and often falling in bushes or mud ---
THE PURPOSE OF THIS REMONSTRANCE IS THAT “connections” come together --- even that the connections exist in VIRTUAL REALITY as Strong as the five fingers in your face in your mirror. ....: The excision of "Love God (First Greatest Command), Your neighbor (Second Greatest Command and Your PERSON, composing our Nation of the UNION of ONE PEOPLE -- who solely possess hatred of Our unique REPUBLIC UNDER GOD, by continued forbidden any written, Oral Common Law, fireworks-at-home or local park display of "PAT'RIOTISM ,n. Love of one's country; the passion which aims to serve one's country, either in defending it from invasion, or protecting its rights and maintaining its laws and institutions in vigor and purity. Patriotism is the characteristic of a good citizen, the noblest passion that animates a man in the character of a citizen;" at the same time---complete, absolute irreverence in contempt of our Flag's history in Trinity Sacred Documents in all 4 verses of Star Spangled Banner" by the following purveyors for your food and clothing and manners, customs among your neighbors, where you rarely if ever actually have block parties, or coffee clatches, or get togethers for the express purpose of sharing and informing each other of the human events that are forcing all of you to TURN YOUR BACKS, MINDS, HEARTS, COLLECTIVELY -- TO, you think, very wrongly, vanquish God, to vanquist Christ -- that person who will not conform to the groupy-goose-puppet - march of void, empty feigned, pretend, falsify yourSelf to another for any reason, notably for covet, adultery, fraud; ridicule or name-call or use others to polarize what is "Want of integrity and veracity, either in principle or in act; as the falseness of a man's heart, or his falseness to his word; 2. Duplicity; deceit; double-dealing; 3. Unfaithfulness; treachery; perfidy; traitorousness FALSENESS, n. fols'ness".
Below are 26 pictures taken, not in any predetermined-plan to disturb udhr's 30 articles of predetermined conclusions in falsehood, of man-serving-man is a fortunate supremacy to abrogate the prerogatives of God perpetration of persistent, 24/7 falsehood upon others 24/7, that problem is much to overwhelming for any Person who Loves, Obeys and follows God in Three Persons, for once you've knock on the door, where let-in, and found you were not welcomed-in this house absent God, but full of human bodies, you learn to do as Jesus teaches, wipes your hands, dust your feet, back out and leave...not necessarily bodily, either. There are lots of forms of 'leaving' in God / Christ Name. Jesus teaches all. Paul adds because of Holy Spirit-Truth often hard to perceive, but he succeeds, as did the Reformists, in spite of the corruption.
The democracy of hierarchey's management by vertical, shut up, and do your work - if you fail to obey the hierarchy ranks - you shall loss your hard found 'job' -- not position of Peter Drucker's Two greatest Commands of God Form of Management, totally spirit of evil's hate-despise anyone who might climb up and upset that hierarchy's constant dissonance of "NO I COULD NEVER STAND AND SAY TO MY BOSS THAT THIS WAS AGAINST FLAG HONOR CODE - EVEN THAT I HAVE A DUTY TO DO SO-- SINCE I KNOW THAT IS THE FLAG CODE - EX SERVICE-MAN AT A WALMART; among those of the socialist-communist-GROUP THINK -RABID, YOUTH been lied to for so many years of common core-any person who dares upset their proletariat stone throwing is an dire enemy who must not be even heard, let alone -- accept information about OUR UNIQUE MAGNIFICENT AMERICAN GOD IS LAW?!
Our Flag like the Bible Is a Living Eternal Holy Spirit of Truth residing within Each-one-Third-Person: The reason you do not let it fly in uncomfortable-weather; keep THE LIGHT OF LIFE turned-on; understand YOU are a Majority of' '1' Person-of-unique and great value --in Union with about 328,338,014 sharing and intrinsically - God's Two Greatest Commands - Oral Common Law --- all that www.USDEBTCLOCK informs YOU, among those you know and will never know, accountability for YOUR THIRD-PERSON, 24/7 all ROLES OF YOUR TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE in TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS -
This next -- YOU HAVE NEVER CONSCIOUSLY CONSIDERED, BUT IT IS a comma, iota, jot, or 1/8th of 2 rows/ 4 dots each row = 1 Byte of binomial machine of great stupidity-in-absurdity -- unless a Person writes the language and communication for each-one-other Person--, ---If you decide to place a Window-sticker of a Correctly Proportioned, properly colors of Flag on your car's window -- YOU ARE MAKING A STATEMENT DIRECTLY TO GOD'S EAR, as is every Police, Fire, Military, ambulance, or Public figure-wearing it on your left lapel --- IN ORAL, COMMON LAW --- DO NOT TAKE YOUR HONOR, INTEGRITY-THIRD PERSON IN SECOND PERSON IN FIRST PERSON --casually or carelessly ---- YOU DO MATTER IN ALL YOUR ACTIONS--NONE ARE MISSED. Not a threat, much more genuinely and sincerely -- YOU ARE DEMONSTRATING THROUGH YOUR WINDOW'S FLAG - YOU DO LOVE GOD, YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF/ SOUL, AND YOUR NATION MORE THAN YOUR LIFE...AND YOU MUST TEACH CHILD AND YOUTH, i.e., anyone less than 48 years- who thinks they know-it-all, but haven't figured out the questions, let alone the answers;---Each-One Person Must Learn His Own spirit of devil -Matt.4, "from stone, make bread"--top of highest church/ temple--temptation/ prove God is Who He Says He Is, Performing Precisely What He, and Christ Jesus have set out to perform; and the very best-one- there is not one collective, mass-few rulers supreme to their many persons- composing their respective 194 plus, nations + Trilateral Commission - supplication in very deep, reverent, reliGIOUS "belief in a superior power governing the world-down-below and worship of that superior powers with creeds, rites, ceremonies, forms, workers of iniquity - intertwined to the 'top of the highest mountain and all the grandeur of allllll the kingdoms/ life/ land/ water/ atoms of atmosphere thereof ---to which Jesus answers, "BE GONE, SATAN! You are to Worship God and Him, Alone, Obey....Every Word That Issues From His Mouth =TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS )
You DO NOT: DISPLAY OUR FLAG OUT OF ITS PROPORTIONS, or as, DISTORTED, PIECEMEAL IMITATION; walk-on Our Flag in thongs; wear our Flag, eat off or wipe your mouth with our Flag, carry our Flag for groceries or any store-bought product; overlay any object of any kind into the 13 Colonies Red/ White Stripes; it is Not A Toy; it is not to be painted on a public bus, imprinted on a personal truck; drape Our Flag; disuse it as a "effrontery for bias udhr opinion without interference - any topic of any sort; burn it; place it on the ground, use the little wood stick-Flag into your yard - wet, no light, and often falling in bushes or mud ---
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ModLily-China online 1 of 3 |
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Modlily-China online 2 of 3 |
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Modlily China online 3 of 3 + draping Flag around the human body's not shown |
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#4 of' 26: 1 protester's' ignorance in hate, wearing FLAG as a shawl as she shots photos of malay of ignorant No Oral Common Law cohorts support the word for lie and steal, illegal aliens moved by bus between detainment centers- Maxine Waters, 43rd District of (#2 most populous US)LA City- (most populous US County's 184,480 Consent of the Governed psm +14 of 53/ 26.42% of CA's forbidden bicameral form of no Trinity Sacred Documents Districts - 1 Party of #11 251.3 CA of 20 socialist, communist- hiding in lie and steal behind label DEMocrat of 562.74 Consent of the Governed psm |
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#26 of 26: 'Racha"- a beach towel for your body's sweat. |
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#10 OF 26, especially "Raucha" Matt. 5:22 CONTEMPTUOUS, second only to... |
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#11 of 26 - to 'wipe your mouth upon-- ooo, such hate in blind ignorance |
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#14 of 26:...'mmmm..' this 'Raucha' might contend to first place.. in blind, ignorant hate, though the napkins give good competition |
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#15 of 26 Met up with a customer making' purchase, who knew not to purchase this shirt. |
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#16 of 26--don't put the flag in your hair - or your ear- or your neck. |
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17 of 26: little ones of Innocence and Purity --that beautiful Truth misused - the little one will never know, but the parent, grand parent.. oh yes, YOU DO KNOW- IT IS especially perverse. |
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#18 of 26: that Foam Red is a disposable light with the wrong number of Stars and Stripes throughout, next door is another wipe your face, 'Racha' |
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#19 of 26 female-human body- gender T-shirt |
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WHILE I AM VERY, VERY AWARE OF BLIND SLAVERY TO spirit of the devil's imperative to LIE, "7. Because the carnall minde is enmitie against God: for it is not subiect to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 8 So then they that are in the flesh, cannot please God" since Like Paul and the Reformists, I have been 1 on 1- face to face - ecclesiatically and in Article I, II, and especially the patent corruption in perdition and perfide of the WHOLE of Article iii -- that includes intrinsically Legislative as well as judicial-AG's and Dept. of so-called, perverted, abused word -- Justice -- that genuinely cannot exist when there is no God/ Oral Common Law, -- still, the deep grief at watching my Love of God and my Nation as well as the thousands of persons I have met from 10 years of age, working in my family's very small, local HARDWARE STORE -- through all the roles of my THIRD PERSON, whom I had no 'idea-' its existence -- any more than you.
BUT OUR FOUNDERS KNEW THAT TRUTH SO COMPLETELY THAT ANY COURSE OF HUMAN EVENT -- THEY COULD ACT AND DID -- EXACTLY AS THEY ALL WROTE, WITNESSED, SUBSCRIBED, AND BOY -- DO WE THE PEOPLE NEED THAT PREAMBLE TO THE BILL OF RIGHT/ GOD/ TRUTH, or What!.... So, like them, and among my Whole family's heritage -- taught very carefully, to the extent in my very young years, that if I left my property of my bedroom is dirty disorder where I could not find my shoes-- then ..so be it.. even when a bit no perfect smell shall we say! That respect - often when no-one-else would stand--- my parents did! The Lessons are Biblical-applied, for the first time, when the Puritans set foot at Plymouth Rock, and in heart felt, unfeigned-life -- I sincerely hope --- YOU WILL RECONSIDER THE SITUATION OF OUR FLAG NOT ONLY UP-SIDE-DOWN -- BUT THOROUGHLY TRASHED AND SPIT UPON; -- THEREFORE GOD AND YOUR PERSON AMONG YOUR NEIGHBORS --- LEARN IT... AND TEACH IT... AND DO NOT REMAIN SILENT FOR THEN YOU ARE AS EVIL AS THIS ENEMY WITHIN AND THE FOREIGN ARROGANT ENEMY OF ALL MANKIND ON WORLD-DOWN-BELOW.
Missing: Food 4 less $9.99 folding picnic chair for Sitting on the Flag, placed on the floor next to check out; from Winco - coffee mugs with wrong number of stars/ stripe wrap around it; cushions with the Flag; lots of throw away toys. The first, just explaining how the FEDERAL HONOR, a.k.a., ORAL COMMON LAW - YOUR MOUTH DIRECTLY TO GOD'S EAR IN THAT PICA-SECOND (the opening of this from Matthew 5)-, regardless of church's "Greek gathering of people-not an INDIVIDUAL PERSON 'members' in creeds, rites, ceremonies, forms, denominations, compulsion of conscience, workers of iniquity. None of these store, nor the Chrysler-Chevy dealers removed their displays; --
The Stater Bros. are determined to keep their never understanding LIGHT OF LIFE-Flag and have even added...this Overlay of a soldier saluting a not only disproportion, but also, the Red/ White Colonies have
broken White stripes, and THE CHIEF-BLUE OF HEAVEN/ GOD'S UNIVERSE is the wrong color; though in Stater Bros. total, pride of ignorance, for I'm sure the collective, corporate rulers have never seen, nor considered General Washington's "THE CHIEF" which never left his side, was always on a wall or higning nearby -- that each-one-White Star is not only a 'Trooper', but also that Trooper's Home and family with his and his wife or famly member/ neighbor relatives, in each-one Red #1 Delaware - 12/7/1787 to #13 Rhode Island, May 29, 1790 = Third Person, Trooper is Land - "powers of the earth - is Second Person in First Person --- meaning, the 'popular' honoring solely the Armed Forces; or 9/11 as if their collective-mass puppet group- of human bodies --- absent ORAL COMMON LAW OF ALL PERSONS.
Authorities, Comments, Resources; 2 volume AMERICAN DICTIONARY for our UNIQUE REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT - GLOSSARY (unless Otherwise noted)
[1] "Cotton and the Civil War" - By Eugene R. Dattel 07/2008 at, http://mshistorynow.mdah.state.ms.us/articles/291/cotton-and-the-civil-war .
"The Roots of American Industrialization, 1790-1860" - David R. Meyer, Brown University "The Puzzle of Industrialization" at,
https://eh.net/encyclopedia/the-roots-of-american-industrialization-1790-1860/ ---women, not much children appears lumped into 'farmers' "The National Archives Education Service: "1833 Factory Act; Did it solve the problems of children in factories?" at, http://nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/education/factory-actdoc.pdf
Purpose : Jesus SAYS in John 8, "ANYONE WHO SINS IS A SLAVE" VS. SKIN COLOR SLAVERY/ TARIFF ABOMINATION (May 19, 1828 set a 38% tax on 92% of all imported goods, was reduced, but about 33 years later--was nearly the same, i.e. just before 1861) - COTTON GIN AND COMPETITION GREATER POPULATION IN NORTHERN STATES... V. SOUTHERN AND HOW PRES. LINCOLN HANDLED -- OATH , L&C OF THE WORD, 'SLAVE' - EVERYONE WORLD WIDE USED, BUT NO-ONE CONNECTED TO TRINITY --- BUT VAIN-IDOL-GOD'S NUMBER WAS INVOLVED FOR USE IN THIRD PERSON AND TO ANSWER THE art. iii districts by punishing south of skin color slavery - as well as mobs to tear-down PROPERTY INIQUITY-- especially that most beautiful Bronze WORK OF GREAT ART -- STEPHEN FOSTER AND THE SMILE OF TOTAL HAPPINESS ON THE GREATEST INSTRUMENT, right next door to harmonica, BANJO PLAYER -- HOE-BOY- WHAT BLIND-Waters--et. al. the socialist communists hiding their fleshy-carnal-dead minds behind 20 States-vain-idol-god BIGGER number Delusional---ADVERSARIAL---DEMOCRATIC, even some REP'S EVEN GREATER DECEPTION-IN-PURE-LIE demock-cracy using Posterity's ignorance from those canral minds of FORBIDDEN TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS, ---HATE'S CONSEQUENCES ARE.... THIS ENTIRE PERIOD IS HIGHLY SECULAR AND SOCIALISM IS PRESENT, BUT NEVER DIRECTLY ADDRESS AS SUCH - ITS ONLY EXPRESSION IS IN THE "POLITICS OF MANUFACTURING POWER OF FEW "LOST BOYS" --
"The Roots of American Industrialization, 1790-1860" - David R. Meyer, Brown University "The Puzzle of Industrialization" at,
https://eh.net/encyclopedia/the-roots-of-american-industrialization-1790-1860/ ---women, not much children appears lumped into 'farmers' "The National Archives Education Service: "1833 Factory Act; Did it solve the problems of children in factories?" at, http://nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/education/factory-actdoc.pdf
Purpose : Jesus SAYS in John 8, "ANYONE WHO SINS IS A SLAVE" VS. SKIN COLOR SLAVERY/ TARIFF ABOMINATION (May 19, 1828 set a 38% tax on 92% of all imported goods, was reduced, but about 33 years later--was nearly the same, i.e. just before 1861) - COTTON GIN AND COMPETITION GREATER POPULATION IN NORTHERN STATES... V. SOUTHERN AND HOW PRES. LINCOLN HANDLED -- OATH , L&C OF THE WORD, 'SLAVE' - EVERYONE WORLD WIDE USED, BUT NO-ONE CONNECTED TO TRINITY --- BUT VAIN-IDOL-GOD'S NUMBER WAS INVOLVED FOR USE IN THIRD PERSON AND TO ANSWER THE art. iii districts by punishing south of skin color slavery - as well as mobs to tear-down PROPERTY INIQUITY-- especially that most beautiful Bronze WORK OF GREAT ART -- STEPHEN FOSTER AND THE SMILE OF TOTAL HAPPINESS ON THE GREATEST INSTRUMENT, right next door to harmonica, BANJO PLAYER -- HOE-BOY- WHAT BLIND-Waters--et. al. the socialist communists hiding their fleshy-carnal-dead minds behind 20 States-vain-idol-god BIGGER number Delusional---ADVERSARIAL---DEMOCRATIC, even some REP'S EVEN GREATER DECEPTION-IN-PURE-LIE demock-cracy using Posterity's ignorance from those canral minds of FORBIDDEN TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS, ---HATE'S CONSEQUENCES ARE.... THIS ENTIRE PERIOD IS HIGHLY SECULAR AND SOCIALISM IS PRESENT, BUT NEVER DIRECTLY ADDRESS AS SUCH - ITS ONLY EXPRESSION IS IN THE "POLITICS OF MANUFACTURING POWER OF FEW "LOST BOYS" --
The 1978 Common Law Public Value, government-of-man's blank check for its socialist, communist, inanimate and living objects as parties-at-law, "Activities and Interests," art. iii's perdition, perfidy of applied collective, mass people subjugated to the few, human physiology, a.k.a., fleshy, carnal-minds, a.k.a., stony rulers by hierarchy/ ranking/ ruler-minion, serfs/ pee-on's of brainwashed ignorance kindergarten - 20, both Sunday School and public/ charter/ trade/ grad. not home schooling except as John 14 in 17/ Oral, Common Law, Re-Formationist-Holy Spirit of Third Person/ Apostle Paul, among John, Peter, Andrew, Luke, Matthew and those Paul Baptised encompassing the Nations of his Missionary Journey, are forbidden and unknown in the WHOLE UNIVERSE Witnessed/ Oral Common Law, Written/ Subscribed, into TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS, school day--among all government-of-man in their early 60's, and younger, as, 4x's of Confederation Federalist supremacy, nationalism of "Power Democracy's arbitrary human precept, rule of law, a.k.a., conduct-tyranny for the purpose of obliterating THIRD-PERSON, SELF RELIANCE, HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH:
1): "DUE PROCESS," in Trinity Sacred Documents means, "the TOTALITY of those rules and procedures under which a dispute at any form of law may be resolved JUSTLY, intended to allow all parties to the dispute True opportunity to argue their positions on their merits, but the consequences of that argument - never are repugnant to the Laws of God AGAINST,
"Distinct and Palpable, Injury for Standing Purposes WHEN, never 'if', ALWAYS WHEN, Constitutional-Person in his STATE/ COUNTY/ DISTRICT/ PRECINCT of RESIDENCE, RIGHT/ GOD/ TRUTH ARE VIOLATED: COMMON LAW PUBLIC VALUE; "the goal of constitutional interpretation as discovering “the meaning that the citizens bound by the law would have ascribed to it at the time it was approved. ...“Faithful adherence to the Constitution and its amendments requires us to examine their terms as they were commonly understood when the text was adopted and ratified, rather than applying meaning derived years later that may weaken constitutional rights,”-Judge Raymond Kethledge, Neil Gorsuch, Antonin Scalia all of whom treat the Bible and Declaration as if The Creator of the Universe, the Eternal Living One God in Three, Individual Persons- the THIRD-PERSON solely AMERICAN GOD IS THE WHOLE LAW AND ---ALL THE PROPHETS-- including Re-formists within the Whole Three Testament 1611 KJV ..do not exist, further are absolutely FORBIDDEN to even exist. Hence, an impossible serving of mammone thinking you are a better God!
2) EQ'UI-TY, n. [L. æquitas, from æquus, equal, even, level; Fr. equité; It. equità.] 1. Justice; right. In practice, equity is the impartial distribution of justice, or the doing that to another which the laws of God and man, and of reason, give him a right to claim. It is the treating of a person according to justice and reason. The Lord shall judge the people with equity. Ps. xcviii. With righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity. Is. xi. Justice; impartiality; a just regard to right or claim; as, we must in equity allow this claim. 3. In law, an equitable claim. 4. n jurisprudence, the correction or qualification of law, when too severe or defective; or the extension of the words of the law to cases not expressed, yet coming within the reason of the law. Hence a court of equity or chancery, is a court which corrects the operation of the literal text of the law, and supplies its defects, by reasonable construction and by rules of proceeding and deciding, which are not admissible in a court of law. Equity then is the law of reason, exercised by the chancellor or judge, giving remedy in cases to which the courts of law are not competent. Blackstone.
THE WHOLE SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT OF LAWS AND NOT OR MAN -- HAS NO EQUITY AT ALL, SINCE GOD IN THREE PERSONS- HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH IS REPUDIATED: BLASPHEMY OF HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH, NEVER FORGIVEN ON WORLD-DOWN-BELOW, Matt. 12, since 1947 Impenetrable wall of separation - collective people chruch is collective people ecclesiastical, civil-state, where CONSTITUTIONAL-PERSON'S OWN TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD abrogated the prerogatives of First Person, art. iii has no God, Oral Common Law/ Oath in Pledge and further, does not recognize Constitutional laws Article IV:2, Clause the the separate and equal to to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle -- each-one Constitutional Person-among 327 +million among whom are government-elected, appointed, commissioned, contracted, hidden from We the People in exclusive-isolation of udhr's creed #19 House, Senate, and Article II's Offices of Legislative Counsels, including Art. II's Office of Compliance - the whole of DOJ --- all under ARTICLE VI IN ATTESTATION CLAUSE WITH PREAMBLE TO A CONSTITUTIONAL PERSON'S BILL OF RIGHT/ GOD/ TRUTH.