"U.S. commanders forecast 10,000 U.S. casualties in war with North Korea" By Carlo Muñoz - The Washington Times - Thursday, March 1, 2018 at,
War is not an arbitrary human precept, predetermined conclusion spirit of devil trinity's creed, rites, ceremonies, forms of collective, mass people -#7 of 7 Operations God made and Furnished man (Apocrypha, "Captivity"-Ecclesiasticus XVII) Speech,an interpreter of the cogitations thereof... the slaves of North Korea and the US devoid God and Nation First, slaves of the blind-leading the blind-military of homosexuals and transvestites-lie;
War is not an arbitrary human precept, predetermined conclusion spirit of devil trinity's creed, rites, ceremonies, forms of collective, mass people -#7 of 7 Operations God made and Furnished man (Apocrypha, "Captivity"-Ecclesiasticus XVII) Speech,an interpreter of the cogitations thereof... the slaves of North Korea and the US devoid God and Nation First, slaves of the blind-leading the blind-military of homosexuals and transvestites-lie;
Among an Article II President who----, among: art. III's Servile, submissive, tractable, reverence to spirit of devil trinity's I.C Iniquity "FOREIGN LAW" perdition in tyranny; Article I's case of such severe blindness that 1/535th Consent of the Governed, separate and equal station-fellow-country-person cannot even acknowledge he has any accountability to God whatsoever in Duty, Honor serve to each-one-person of 329,000,000 + our neighbors world-wide; where each-one -STATE is is the determiner of Yah or Nay legislation or issue -never PARTY AS A COLLECTIVE, MASS OF GOOSE-STEPPERS-MATCHING-ROTE THINK---; and
The RESIDENCE of EACH-ONE-PERSON, A MAN, A WOMAN, A CHILD-- OF SPIRIT OF DEVIL TRINITY'S George Soros, COMMON CORE'S PURPOSE-SUBMISSIVE-IGNORANCE: -- Opponent-- bet you'll never guess-----PROPHET WALT DISNEY, especially announced through "SONG OF THE SOUTH" - as, HOLY SPIRIT-HIS THIRD PERSON, who knew this from his Brother, Matt. 18
"1. At the same time came the Disciples vnto Iesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the Kingdome of heauen?
2 And Iesus called a little child vnto him, and set him in the midst of them,
3 And said, Uerily I say vnto you, Except yee be conuerted, and become as little children, Yee [YOU regardless of whether or not a parent or any PERSON, Constitutional-or-not] shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen.
4 Whosoeuer therefore shall humble himselfe as this little childe, the same is greatest in the Kingdome of heauen.
5 And who so shall receiue one such little child in my name, receiueth me.
6 But Who So Shall Offend One of These Little Ones Which Beleeue In Me, it were better for him that a milstone were hanged about his necke, and that hee were drowned in the depth of the Sea.
7 ¶ Woe vnto the World because of Offences: for it must needs be that offences come: But WO To That Man [Person] By Whom the Offence Commeth. "-
Original Text, Direct Translation, REFORMATIONIST ("Arch-heretic" Wycliffe, strangled slowly, burned at stake-Papal Authority-Tyndale; Excommunicated- Martin Luther's German Bible into English and more in the history of the English-GB- Bible], 47 Clergy from Westminster, Oxford, Cambridge-committee with 2 Puritans, "Rules to be followed in translating the Bible" much more than 'vulgar tongue' - WHOLE THREE TESTAMENT HOLY BIBLE, Second Testament, "The Interval Between the O.T. and the N.T. - Captivity --- every single nation on world-down-below- all life, land, water, and atmosphere -- currently, as this cursor flashes, in far greater destruction and desolation, well beyond what the Persons/ N. Koreans are suffering, --- the abolishment of the TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS with complete, malice prepense...abolishing Holy Living Trinity-- Holy Spirit IS Holy Ghost -- Matt. 17 in 14 - your Eternal Soul.
[see, "COMMON CORE Education Without Representation" , at,
https://whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com ] With great respect, but also, fact and evidence of common core's main purpose --- ignorance among delusional, proof of adversarial, democracy's myriad of forms, rites, creeds, factions and compulsion to eradicate The Creator and His Son-- most important, though, YOUR UNIQUE PERSON, a man, a woman, child, circumcised/ uncircumcised, slave or freeman, man or woman-- ALL ARE ONE IN GOD/ "among the POWERS OF THE EARTH = HOLY SPIRIT v. spirit of the d-evil trinity, SEPARATE AND EQUAL STATION TO WHICH THE LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATURE'S GOD -- ENTITLE YOU, ALONE-as YOU ARE JUDGED BY CHRIST AND GOD 24/7 ALL ROLES OF YOUR LIFE'S ETERNAL SOUL/ WHOLE HEART/ WHOLE MIND, Conscience for Will:
Each-One-Person-PROPHE Reformists from 12th Century, Waldensians, Valdois, Peter Waldo, to our COLONISTS/ FOUNDERS AMONG THEM, Who Knew Precisely the 5W's and H of, Never changed, even 1/8th dot of 1 byte among mega-gigabytes of atoms of atmosphere, Papal Authority's abominations - perversion of Paul's Church of God in Christ in himself, those Baptized, now property of UN-spirit of devil trinity's 1949 socialist, communist falsehood - udhr's absolute, unquestioned creeds of slavery to lie, steal, and kill each-one-child's mind, conscience, will and heart reduced to 'relationships by skin, sex organs, George Orwell's NewSpeak, a.k.a., humanist permission to destroy all knowledge, the control and manipulation, production and distribution of language and communication from first day in kindergarten- Dept. of Arnie duncan's goal of hate against American God Is Law-- all posterity (including GB/UK) public, private, christian,
With respect to this teacher, like about 99.9% of modern writing world-wide, "The collective name of heaven and earth, ALL THAT BELONG TO THEM, the WHOLE SYSTEM of CREATED 'THINGS' -- the UNIVERSE, NATURE, NATURAL, WORLD who is The Creator, The Eternal Living God, Our Father, Whose "..WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN..." isn't even considered, nor is another very, very important PROPHET, Noah Webster's magnificent Philology- Definition and Origin of all Language and communication - origin of words-- present in a few dictionaries, but nowhere near the connections of Dr. Webster's "Introduction"; and
Especially the hate's contempt for those persons composing THE WHOLE OF ONE PEOPLE OF GOD'S NATION KOREA, so oppressed- that the next day, never absent blackness' desolation, -doesn't ever exist --- see, " Kim Jong-Un Ships North Korean Citizens To Russia For His New Personal Fund" 07/18/2017 Emma Laftchu at, https://rwcnews.com/kim-jong-un-ships-north-korean-citizens-to-russia-for-his-new-personal-fund.html ; and
Spending the commerce of the nation through ignoring Article VI in its entirety--ESPECIALLY CLAUSE I's BALANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT- blasphemy by interdiction- cannot possible conceive of analogy of assumed integrity,
---(Article II EXECUTIVE BRANCH, President - not an island onto himself -- rather the leader of, by, and for-one-Constitutional-Person, any Person, any location on The Creator's Planet, direct accountability to ORAL, COMMON LAW intrinsic TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD), ----actually believes our Republic under God is just "some stuff' a bunch of 'ol timers' did 497 years ago, 1611/1620 OF THE 1,620TH CELEBRATION OF THE ETERNAL LIVING SON OF GOD to 698 years ago, 1320 John Wycliffe standing alone, 3 events against arbitrary rules of conduct tyranny of Papal Authority, against the innate, nearly uninterrupted blasphemies of scripture and members of its church, King and Queen of GB in God in Christ in Paul's name of ORAL, COMMON LAW as,
"The Truth-Second Person, Eternal LIVING Christ Jesus;
FROM SECOND LIEUTENANT GEORGE WASHINGTON, GRENADIER GUARDS, OUR MILITARY'S LONG, LONG HISTORY OF KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDING WHY WAR IS VERY, VERY, VERY NECESSARY --- at least until 2010's usurper changed the "RULES OF ENGAGEMENT;" these current, hierarchy of ignorance, things- history military DEMONSTRATION OF FACT AND EVIDENCE-WELL WITNESSED -- so accurately represent in its --- love of lie, dishonor, and most important of all, the imperative of complete blind leading blind - so that achieving the #1 of 3 imperatives of spirit of devil stinity's creeds in rites, 'NEVER OBEY ANY WORD THAT ISSUES FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD -- never violate the arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct-tyranny among the collective, mass, human family- of body's physiology of distinct and palpable, 5 senses, udhr- humanist/ utilitarian - such that il jong un (for UN) - will protect and secure his diabolical-evil, for as long as he desires -- in his very own -- completely enclosed- stuffed body.
This falsehood of the predetermined conclusions of military regarding a body-physiology death of 10,000 PROVIDES FACT AND EVIDENCE THAT HUMAN PRECEPT DOES NOT BELIEVE IN EITHER PERSON OR HIS THIRD PERSON AS ETERNAL LIVING SOUL/ WHOLE HEART/ WHOLE MIND; & this, because it actually, along with all Papal Authority''s property of the UN-spirit of devil trinity's udhr-creed, rites, ceremonies, compulsion of human precept- ravenous wolves of $$$$$ wearing sheepskin --- since Papists have long been members of axis, socialist, communist- & now officially added 3 days ago, 02/26/2018, 16:55, to the International Court of Iniquity's [impossible to abuse the word 'Justice' - because groups and the herein 'predetermined conclusions are intrinsically "abrogation of the prerogatives of God"-Blasphemy which is NEVER FORGIVEN here on world-down-below] 4 forms of arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct-tyranny devoid JUST RECIPROCATION OF RIGHT/ TRUTH/ GOD civilization- great champion of tribal-hate of its own collective, enslaved people, Islamic/ Sharia Muslim sharing Radical Jihad/ ISIS/ Palestinians in Syria/ Lebanon-Russian Orthodox soldier Putin --
IF 10,000 DIE, OR EVEN MORE THAN 10,000 --that 'die' is Never arbitrary human precept's definition of buried 6 feet under in a casket ---
10,000 OR MORE WHO WAR IN GOD'S TRUTH, ORAL, COMMON LAW- RIGHTEOUSNESS -TWO GREATEST COMMANDS -- WHO LOSE PHYSIOLOGICAL BODY - SOONER THAN PLANNED - DOES NOT LOSE HIS ETERNAL LIVING SOUL -- THAT PERSON RETURNS TO JOY OF CHRIST JESUS, PERFECT LOVE OF GOD...While those he loves are grief-stricken--- they too, will pass to "behind the vail", if they have chosen to Love, Obey, and Follow "Abide by what I say and YOU really will be disciples of mine. YOU will UNDERSTAND/ FAITH IN PROMISE THE TRUTH --- OF RELIEVING THE PERSONS WHO COMPOSE THE WHOLE OF GOD'S NATION, KOREA, of that ABOMINATION OF spirit of devil trinity's 'Never, ever obey - "Every Word That Issues From The Mouth of God" ;
IF 10,000 DIE, OR EVEN MORE THAN 10,000 --that 'die' is Never arbitrary human precept's definition of buried 6 feet under in a casket ---

--- Which is NOT just the evil of its perditious hate-leader against his own fellow-country-persons --- it is also those of man-serving-man who perpetrate their "predetermined conclusions obliterating Holy Spirit-Truth-war is both bullets/ bombs and lie, steal, kill the mind/ heart/ conscience for will of a number 39 - dividing in arbitrary-delusional, adversarial-democracy's partition, a.k.a., always scatter any WHOLE SYSTEM OF CREATED THINGS, against Holy Spirit-Jesus, 50% and spirit of devil trinity gets 50% to live, 24/7 in destruction and desolation, by Papal Authority-UN-spirit of devil trinity-udhr's creeds, rites of falsehood, that sustains axis corruption in slavery to abolish God/ Truth/ Trinity Sacred Documents -- diffused by osmosis in the active transport of each-one-person of ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE represented by this picture --- to those he knows and will never know, and each-one-of those to those they know and will never know, --exponentially --- powers of the earth: HOLY SPIRIT-ONE GOD IN THREE INDIVIDUAL PERSONS - YOU ARE THE THIRD PERSON-BECAUSE OF PROPHETS REFORMATIONISTS- AND FOUNDERS-- WHO PLACED YOUR PERSON IN THE LEFT 60 DEGREE CORNER OF OUR FEDERALIST TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS -- VERSUS-- NO smothering by mixing arbitration, mediation, consensus-, or rules of conduct-"If it isn't in writing, it doesn't exist" absurdity, intrinsic to spirit of devil trinity's imperative to obliterate - "Love God as Your Person in the mirror, brushing your teeth, then teaching/ supporting your unit to obtain loving your neighbor as yourSelf/Eternal Soul- yours alone--not one other person or human-body;'s group-think can touch your FAITH IN PROMISE .
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