Posted by Matthew Bernstein | Aug 16, 2017 | National Security at,
The UN-Papal Authority-01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God Regime holds No Law/ ORAL LAW OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS/ OATH IN PLEDGE, in The United States of America or ANY of the Other 192 sovereign Nations as individual as the One Person composing the Whole of that Nation.
--- it is NOT A WORLD GOVERNMENT-OVER-MAN --- unless of course you want to continue to perfidy of perdition, lie against The Eternal Living God, The Creator of the Universe who has never intended that one ecclesiastical intertwined to civil-state, man-choosing and serving-man, human precept, arbitrary rules of conduct-force/ power exempt from Truth, Trust, Promise, God in His Living Eternal Son, Christ Jesus in American God Is Law-Your Person, meant for any-one Person's Eternal Soul, Mind/ Heart/ Will-Conscience; and
Who is one part of any nation on His Planet in His Universe Two Greatest Commands, the First of which - the UN-Papal Authority-01/20/2009 anti-Three Sacred Documents/ Re-formation, delusional-Isolated constitution-democracy's synonym socialist-communist-atheist-UDHR, because 'IT' completely incompetent as a collective-mass-robot-group-mind-controlled and manipulated, predetermined-conclusion-goose-step, ignorant slave of John 8's father evil-father lie who has no truth in him... COMPREHENSION OR "EXPRESSION OF THOUGHT";
FOR A PERSON, a man, a woman, a child, who is composed of an Eternal Soul, traveling in body's required for life, physiology upon which neurology's 5 senses, anatomy and psychology's human-group-relationship in UN-Papal Authority infamous judgement-by-hypocrisy-always throwing the first stone, while completely free of any accountability to: "And assume among the powers of the earth [ Holy Spirit-One God in Three Persons, the third being a Person, taught by Jesus in John 14-Truth v. spirit of devil-trinity taught by Eternal Christ Jesus in Matt.4, 12, 22, John 8-14] separate and equal station to which the LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATURE'S GOD ENTITLE that one Person to his very own risk/ rewards, opportunities/ threats, strengths/ weaknesses in order to EXERCISE THE CREATOR, a.k.a. Nature, World, Author of Nature, Divine Providence, Gifts of Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness/ Blessedness/ justice/ RIGHT/ Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise.
' IT ' is so completely in spirit of devil trinity's 1) 'bread to stone' -- believing itself power-of ruler of all group-think; 2) over tempting God in Jesus-requiring of Him 'proof of His Person, because spirit of evil-trinity is so much greater than God; and last but not least, since 3) 06/1992 was the beginning of Agenda 21 - to "Paris Treaty, all life "top of the highest mountain and all the 193 nations thereof " the extortion in lie against all ITS in confiscated PROPERTY of 'spirit of devil trinity of the Land, Fountain of Living Waters, atoms of atmosphere --- , especially, movement of the new "spirit of devil, AXIS NATIONS: Russian Orthodox Papal Authority-Soldiers of the Church of man-serving-ruling-over-man, for UN (doesn't really exist anymore except for its initials) China, N. Korea, the renewed Ottoman Empire/ Saracens/ Muslim-sharing Mohammed-ISIS/ radical Jihad with its own tribal, to yield TOTALITARIAN, TYRANNY, ecclesiastical congealed to civi-state-collectivism of people/ serf/ proletariat who shall always be ignorant and totally controlled in the manufacture, and distribution of all 'things' in deep and sacred devotion to their vain-idol-god's of "lie, steal and kill any person, any of its ownership of any nation mind/ heart/ will-conscience, is justified any nanosecond UN-Papal Authority-anti-Republic under God Regime government-over-mankind decrees in edict as stated herein and its "Donot touch the absolute dictator, Mullah Obama legacy", as "... Human knowledge isn’t perfect. We recognize that the tools for testing knowledge—the human senses and human reason—are fallible, thus rendering tentative all our knowledge and scientific conclusions about the nature of the world. What’s true for our scientific conclusions is even more so for our moral choices and social policies; these latter are subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions; and
There is no compelling evidence to justify the belief that the human mind is distinct and separable from the human brain, which is itself a part of the body. All that we know about the personality indicates that every part of it is subject to change caused by physical disease, injury, and death. Thus there are insufficient grounds for belief in a soul or some form of afterlife. .."
Here in the our AMERICAN ORAL LAW OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS IN OATH - the Three Sacred Documents, the manifestations of spirit of devil are, besides the very confused and lost Article I, and Article II, though at least President Trump Understands Oath, but probably not Oral Law-most Americans and other persons do not, among the Southern States, that were instrumental through Electoral College in saving our Three Sacred Documents in violation of all three Sacred Docs-election 2016-especially notable seceded from Ratified supreme Law of the Land California's property of the Papal Authority's vain-idol-god-bigger number, a group of skin color other than white, but same country-of-origin- persons who are compelled to goose-step-group-think, so terribly ignorant of the fact that the persons who arrived here as ‘slaves’ were already slaves of the stronger more superior tribes in Africa;... hence, the owners of that property, just like the UN-Papal Authority- have Separate and equal station in their liberty of most good - many Plantation Owners practiced and taught - and most evil spirit-trinity - the north never recognized it was a pot calling a kettle black on a campfire of liberty of most evil;
a State of arrogant, pride of hate by ignorance who plans to remove world-renown, President George Washington - statute, his Person of Love God and Love of the Persons, he led, composing our Nation; and who led US(A) to and through, with John Adams, our birth, through our first steps of Understanding meaning Matt 22's First Whole Mind, Whole Soul, Whole Heart and Your Neighbor as YourSelf=own Soul; and
Justice James Wilson, choosen by Pres. Washington, signer of Declaration and main Drafeter of Constitution:
“... It should always be remembered that this law, natural or revealed,
made for men or for nations, flows from the same Divine source: it is the Law of God.
Nature, or to speak more properly, the Author of Nature, has done much for us, but it is
His gracious appointment and will, that we should also do as much for ourselves.
What we do, indeed, must be founded on what He has done;
and the deficiencies of our laws must be supplied by the perfection of His.
Human law must rest its authority, ultimately, upon that Law which is Divine.
Of that Law, the following are maxims— that no injury should be done—
that a lawful engagement, voluntarily made, should be faithfully fulfilled.
We now see the deep and solid foundations of human law. From this short, but plain and,
I hope, just [Truth-God] statement of things, we perceive a principle of connection between
the two laws mentioned [the profession of Divinity and the profession of law],
far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin sisters, friends, and
mutual assistants. Indeed, these two sciences run into each other. ..” .
WHAT A GREAT PICTURE OF TOTAL IGNORANCE IN BLINDNESS TO GOD, TRUTH, TRUST PROMISE-- just like Jesus instructs in Matt 12 ----with Papal Authority starting in Matt. 16's Jesus to Peter, a.k.a. Pope Peter, IA.D.-though he is and was the leader of the Apostles after Christ was crucified, he would have enjoined this 2,017 years of spirit of the devil -- Jesus stated to Peter as, "Get behind me you Satan! Your are a hindrance to me, for you teach but the government-of-man and not of God"-- after Matt. 15 "Honor me with your lips, but heart is far, far away from me".
The United Nations Human Rights Council Demanded That Trump Stop Detaining Illegals.

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