Posted by Allison Hillman | Aug 31, 2017 | Liberal Corruption

--- PLEASE NOTE --- NOT ONE OF THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND IN THE PICTURE OF SECULAR Democracy's, SAUL LUCIFER ALINSKY'S NEW MONIKER --- "POST, as a PREPOSITION MEANING "AFTER"/ -TRUTH", HAS ANY PERCEPTION THEY ARE PERFORMING JUDGEMENT, ON A PERSON-GOD HAS ALREADY JUDGED, LIKE GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE AND PRESIDENT GEORGE WASHINGTON, AMONG THE 10 COMMANDMENTS forbidden in the Lobby of a City's Government; OUR PLEDGE TO OUR Flag's symbols of purity, innocence-White, valor, hardiness-Red, vigilance, perseverance, Justice/ Truth of God-Blue in Only Consent of the Governed in We the People that is AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, REPUBLIC UNDER GOD -BANNED BY AN E.O.from an usurper president of apostasy ( protected by Papal Authority, since 2004 in 12-01-1009 Lisbon Treaty making it the only man-choosing and -serving-man religion member in NGO-UN, Exiled Government), the untruth-human precept-reason you are forced to read this hate and despise of our God and our Nation 24/7, since "media is totally blind to its own history of Truth-ethics--quickly removed from "if it's not written, it doesn't exist", diffused into virtually all professions, especially noting those teaching no such 'idea' as" liberty of most good, or you have to learn to know your inside and outside enemies--liberty of most evil, to our Posterity and the law-police and court and legislative-statement, that The Creator in the Declaration - could not possibly have invented the accruement of the 276 OF 276, (since comparison by the very great and sacred vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' are always greater than the Truth of God-- thus Pres. Trump is wherever he least he knows he has his own direct accountability to his own Hand on Bible and pointing to God in front of witnesses that number lots more than just 2 or 3 gathered in His name), Oral Law Oath in Pledge of Allegiance ARE ALSO BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH, a.k.a., Creator of supreme Law of Land, Fountains of Living Water (Jer. 1), Atoms of Atmosphere that writing requires in "Expression of thoughts", perpetrates in absolute, unquestioned-slavery, obedience to COMPLETE BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH, thus, continuing, repudiation for destruction deed in act by each-one-council-member's, --- own Person, alone, who has already, since sitting in that council-member's chair, spoken from each-one's own tongue DIRECTLY TO GOD'S EAR his Oral, Common Law/ Oath in Pledge of Allegiance the choosing the very wide and broader road to desolation and destruction 193 nations are in a speed race to accomplish - destroy their own person's Soul (blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is Never forgiven from the nanosecond of its inception - that's 2,017 years old in Papal Authority's history), ---EXCEPT that ONE PERSON of TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE saying 'NO' to the devotees of their delusional-ISOLATED constitutional-adversarial-ABA democracy's synonyms socialist-communist atheism, very sacred, vain-idol-god's no eyes, no ears, no mouth, predetermined-consensus form of 'bigger number, so much greater than God, that city council's, which also forbids invocation because, man-busily-throwing stones at the whore in the pit-serving-man, has no idea just saying the Pledge does place God in Christ within that meeting room, - ignorance, among the Assembly, Senate, Executive-administrative-police-state that makes Hitler a saint, crowd of proud arrogance in complete ignorance of Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise .
You are the Third Person, but only because you ONE Person composes the WHOLE UNION OF ONE PEOPLE in the PLACE OF YOUR RESIDENCE in Our UNITED STATES of America, where our President is not a hierarchy of democracy's untruth-blasphemy, even back to the Pharisees, Sadducee's (who were the UN of Israel intermingled from Apocrypha's "Captivity == what 193 nations today are residing within), High Priests, Elders, Scribes and Roman Greek Egypt, Babylonian, history, but only if you Love with Your Whole Soul, Your Whole Mind, Your Whole Heart - The Two Greatest Commands of God - Matt 4, 5, 6 ,7, 15, 16, 18: INCLUDING 23, "But he turned, and said vnto Peter, Get thee behind mee, Satan, thou art an offence vnto me: for thou sauourest Not the Things that be of God, BUT THOSE THAT BE OF MEN"-1611 KJV with Apocrypha-direct translation 49 Clergy from Westminster, Oxford, Cambridge and two Puritan members, connecting to 1620 Puritans , thus original text "The Holy Bible" 39 among the 8 English bibles for person, whether or not a member of a church's rites, creeds, ceremonies, forms, denominations, and modern man's could not exist unless there is "compulsion of conscience, a.k.a., the untruth reason to change the name of "Columbus Day", protesters, of "We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here,") a.k.a.. man choosing and serving man = perversion of the Gospel in
Living Water (Jer. 1), Atoms of Atmosphere that writing requires in "Expression of thoughts", perpetrates in absolute, unquestioned-slavery, obedience to COMPLETE BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH, thus, continuing, repudiation for destruction deed in act by each-one-council-member's, --- own Person, alone, who has already, since sitting in that council-member's chair, spoken from each-one's own tongue DIRECTLY TO GOD'S EAR his Oral, Common Law/ Oath in Pledge of Allegiance the choosing the very wide and broad road to desolation and destruction 193 nations are in a speed race to accomplish - destroy their own person's Soul (blasphemy of the Holy spirt is Never forgiven from the nanosecond of its inception - that's 2,017 years old in Papal Authority's history), ---EXCEPT that ONE PERSON of TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE saying 'NO' to the devotees of hate's delusional-ISOLATED constitutional-adversarial-ABA Democracy's synonyms socialist-communist atheism, very sacred, vain-idol-god's no eyes, no ears, no mouth, predetermined-consensus form of 'bigger number, so much greater than God, that council's among the Assembly Senate, Executive-administrative-police-state that makes Hitler a saint, crowd of proud arrogance in complete ignorance