The Constitution is not about memorizing. The Constitution isn't about "personality" as the sole method and the vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger-number, money and votes, absent " Truth, Trust, Promise in "OATH, noun A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury;" and "ALLE'GIANCE, noun [Latin alligo, of ad and ligo, to bind. See Liege and League.] The tie or obligation of a subject to his Prince or government; the duty of fidelity to a king, government or state. Every native or citizen owes allegiance to the government under which he is born. This is called natural or implied allegiance which arises from the connection of a person with the society in which he is born, and his duty to be a faithful subject, independent of any express promise. Express allegiance is that obligation which proceeds from an express promise, or oath of fidelity," --- Separate and equal station.." to which .. Laws of Nature's God.." -- Religion and morality, The Two Greatest Commands of God - Love God with your Whole Mind, your Whole Heart, Your Whole Soul and You Neighbor / Fellow-country-Constitutional Person as Yourself, the all the issues fall into right-place in Truth, Trust, Promise.
Both Duty, Honor, Service of Consent of the Governed in Pledge of Allegiance, that is love you neighbor as yourself - a.k.a, Transitive and recursive. And in both sides of God's double-edged-sword: Liberty of most good and liberty of most evil, so lie and steal multiply in exact measure to perpetrate its abject evil, as Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise --"In God We Trust" for Liberty of Most Good.
The Constitution is not about memorizing. The Constitution isn't about "personality" as the sole method and the vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger-number, money and votes, absent " Truth, Trust, Promise in "OATH, noun A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury;" and "ALLE'GIANCE, noun [Latin alligo, of ad and ligo, to bind. See Liege and League.] The tie or obligation of a subject to his Prince or government; the duty of fidelity to a king, government or state. Every native or citizen owes allegiance to the government under which he is born. This is called natural or implied allegiance which arises from the connection of a person with the society in which he is born, and his duty to be a faithful subject, independent of any express promise. Express allegiance is that obligation which proceeds from an express promise, or oath of fidelity," --- Separate and equal station.." to which .. Laws of Nature's God.." -- Religion and morality, The Two Greatest Commands of God - Love God with your Whole Mind, your Whole Heart, Your Whole Soul and You Neighbor / Fellow-country-Constitutional Person as Yourself, the all the issues fall into right-place in Truth, Trust, Promise.
Both Duty, Honor, Service of Consent of the Governed in Pledge of Allegiance, that is love you neighbor as yourself - a.k.a, Transitive and recursive. And in both sides of God's double-edged-sword: Liberty of most good and liberty of most evil, so lie and steal multiply in exact measure to perpetrate its abject evil, as Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise --"In God We Trust" for Liberty of Most Good.
Truth Is The Creator Who Crated Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise Before He created "Big Bang" " U'NIVERSE, noun [Latin universitas.] The collective name of heaven and earth, and all that belongs to them; the whole system of created things;" where this is the definition of "THING, noun [The primary sense of thing is that which comes, falls or happens, like event, from Latin evenio.] 1. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told or proposed. This is the general signification of the word in the Scriptures; as after these things, that is, events. >And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son. Genesis 21:11.
>Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, the thing proceedeth from the Lord. Genesis 24:50. >And Jacob said, all these things are against me. Gen 42. >I will tell you by what authority I do these things. Matthew 21:24. >These things said Esaias when he saw his glory. John 12:16. >In learning French, choose such books as will teach you thing...".
The Creator in the Declaration is the very same Creator Who made supreme Law of the Land, necessarily Water, Atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements - Laws of Nature's God - our nation's assets; and Who Is Witness to All Government Officials in the United States Oath of Office, especially all "Judges in shall be Bound thereby, any 'Thing' in the Constitution or Laws of Any State to the Contrary NotWithStanding.. .."Article VI which also, in Article IV guarantees your Person of unique, Soul traveling in simply human body's physiology upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy exist to exercise the "Certain, Unalienable/ not not transferable because they are Gifts from God to all His children - all Nations on His Planet earth, Natural Rights - Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness as each-one-individual travels his own roles to his own "last Day of judgement.
Thus, The Bible, The Declaration, The Constitution are Three Sacred documents of Wisdom , Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise (Proverbs 8).
AMERICA IS THE ONLY NATION THAT HAS FORMED "A GOVERNMENT OF LAWS, and Not of men [few men rulers]" Article IV's Guarantee of a Republican Form of Representative government in an Equilateral Triangle from Person at it base to Tribe, Village, Town, City, County, Burroughs, State, and the Three Branches of Federal Level with Protection from INVASION that also means, protection from infringement of "RIGHT, noun
1. Conformity to the will of God, or to his law, the perfect standard of truth and justice. In the literal sense, right is a straight line of conduct, and wrong a crooked one. right therefore is rectitude or straightness, and perfect rectitude is found only in an infinite Being and his will.
2. Conformity to human laws, or to other human standard of truth, propriety or justice. When laws are definite, right and wrong are easily ascertained and understood. In arts, there are some principles and rules which determine what is right In many things indifferent, or left without positive law, we are to judge what is right by fitness or propriety, by custom, civility or other circumstances.
3. Justice [Due Process of Law]; that which is due or proper; as, to do right to every man.
4. Freedom from error; conformity with truth or fact;" [where "To deny a Fact/ Certainty is to lie". ..."
The Holy Living Trinity is not a matter of probability called in UDHR Article 19 opinion regardless of frontier - outer limits or boundaries of knowledge - absent wisdom - Truth for the purpose of deception, displacement, control of language and communication - learning; nor is the Holy Living Trinity a UDHR Article 18, group activity upon which beliefs are traded about in 'selected-phraseology' absent its Whole in Biblical Lessons so that it is perpetrated upon all persons as if tolerance will occur by weight of number --absent Truth of our Everlasting Father in His Son, our Everlasting Friend, Counselor , Teacher.
God in Christ Jesus in Your Person's Holy Ghost/ Spirit/ Helper - Truth is Fact, Certainty, Truth - Who can never be False.
Commandment V says "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.”. He knows that each-one-individual will live from abject poverty, to absolute wealth with every form of Liberty of most good and most evil within each-person's life roles, in composing the many Nations of the world-down-below, the most evil to the most good
So did the Puritans, Colonists, Founders and Americans from that time to this flashing cursor.
That brings us to Your "Group bashing" whoever is calling whoever by names.
Paying any attention is simply allowing your person to be fooled into displacement of understanding our Republic under God - "Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following Oath or affirmation:--"I do solemnly swear (or affirm / also means Truth, Trust, Promise]) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States;" and because the President is a Person of most good and most evil, separate and equal station with any Fellow-Country-Person, Duty, Honor, Service are Laws of Nature's God - that is how this Person Must Be Chosen.
"No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffusd and Virtue is preservd. On the Contrary, when people are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign [or enemy within] Invaders." --Samuel Adams, Letter to James Warren, 11/4/1775 [You can Copy and Paste this letter into into you Google, then obtain the best lessons of God and Nation First directly from the Founder}
The Photo, small as it is, is from Dr. Richard G. Lee, Editor of the 2009 NKJV "American Patriot's Bible, The Word of God and The Shaping of America": James Wilson on Truth.