Monday, March 28, 2016

A name-caller-Fellow-Country-Person who really doesn't have knowledge and could use some assistance understanding our Republic under God

The Constitution is not about memorizing. The Constitution isn't about "personality" as the sole method and the vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger-number, money and votes, absent " Truth, Trust, Promise in "OATH, noun A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury;" and "ALLE'GIANCE, noun [Latin alligo, of ad and ligo, to bind. See Liege and League.] The tie or obligation of a subject to his Prince or government; the duty of fidelity to a king, government or state. Every native or citizen owes allegiance to the government under which he is born. This is called natural or implied allegiance which arises from the connection of a person with the society in which he is born, and his duty to be a faithful subject, independent of any express promise. Express allegiance is that obligation which proceeds from an express promise, or oath of fidelity," --- Separate and equal station.." to which .. Laws of Nature's God.." -- Religion and morality, The Two Greatest Commands of God - Love God with your Whole Mind, your Whole Heart, Your Whole Soul and You Neighbor / Fellow-country-Constitutional Person as Yourself, the all the issues fall into right-place in Truth, Trust, Promise.

Both Duty, Honor, Service of Consent of the Governed in Pledge of Allegiance, that is love you neighbor as yourself - a.k.a, Transitive and recursive. And in both sides of God's double-edged-sword: Liberty of most good and liberty of most evil, so lie and steal multiply in exact measure to perpetrate its abject evil, as Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise --"In God We Trust" for Liberty of Most Good.

The Constitution is not about memorizing. The Constitution isn't about "personality" as the sole method and the vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger-number, money and votes, absent " Truth, Trust, Promise in "OATH, noun A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it. A false oath is called perjury;" and "ALLE'GIANCE, noun [Latin alligo, of ad and ligo, to bind. See Liege and League.] The tie or obligation of a subject to his Prince or government; the duty of fidelity to a king, government or state. Every native or citizen owes allegiance to the government under which he is born. This is called natural or implied allegiance which arises from the connection of a person with the society in which he is born, and his duty to be a faithful subject, independent of any express promise. Express allegiance is that obligation which proceeds from an express promise, or oath of fidelity," --- Separate and equal station.." to which .. Laws of Nature's God.." -- Religion and morality, The Two Greatest Commands of God - Love God with your Whole Mind, your Whole Heart, Your Whole Soul and You Neighbor / Fellow-country-Constitutional Person as Yourself, the all the issues fall into right-place in Truth, Trust, Promise.

Both Duty, Honor, Service of Consent of the Governed in Pledge of Allegiance, that is love you neighbor as yourself - a.k.a, Transitive and recursive. And in both sides of God's double-edged-sword: Liberty of most good and liberty of most evil, so lie and steal multiply in exact measure to perpetrate its abject evil, as Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise --"In God We Trust" for Liberty of Most Good.

Truth Is The Creator Who Crated Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise Before He created "Big Bang" " U'NIVERSE, noun [Latin universitas.] The collective name of heaven and earth, and all that belongs to them; the whole system of created things;" where this is the definition of "THING, noun [The primary sense of thing is that which comes, falls or happens, like event, from Latin evenio.] 1. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told or proposed. This is the general signification of the word in the Scriptures; as after these things, that is, events. >And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son. Genesis 21:11.
>Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, the thing proceedeth from the Lord. Genesis 24:50. >And Jacob said, all these things are against me. Gen 42. >I will tell you by what authority I do these things. Matthew 21:24. >These things said Esaias when he saw his glory. John 12:16. >In learning French, choose such books as will teach you thing...".

The Creator in the Declaration is the very same Creator Who made supreme Law of the Land, necessarily Water, Atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements - Laws of Nature's God - our nation's assets; and Who Is Witness to All Government Officials in the United States Oath of Office, especially all "Judges in shall be Bound thereby, any 'Thing' in the Constitution or Laws of Any State to the Contrary NotWithStanding.. .."Article VI which also, in Article IV guarantees your Person of unique, Soul traveling in simply human body's physiology upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy exist to exercise the "Certain, Unalienable/ not not transferable because they are Gifts from God to all His children - all Nations on His Planet earth, Natural Rights - Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness as each-one-individual travels his own roles to his own "last Day of judgement.

Thus, The Bible, The Declaration, The Constitution are Three Sacred documents of Wisdom , Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise (Proverbs 8).

AMERICA IS THE ONLY NATION THAT HAS FORMED "A GOVERNMENT OF LAWS, and Not of men [few men rulers]" Article IV's Guarantee of a Republican Form of Representative government in an Equilateral Triangle from Person at it base to Tribe, Village, Town, City, County, Burroughs, State, and the Three Branches of Federal Level with Protection from INVASION that also means, protection from infringement of "RIGHT, noun
1. Conformity to the will of God, or to his law, the perfect standard of truth and justice. In the literal sense, right is a straight line of conduct, and wrong a crooked one. right therefore is rectitude or straightness, and perfect rectitude is found only in an infinite Being and his will.
2. Conformity to human laws, or to other human standard of truth, propriety or justice. When laws are definite, right and wrong are easily ascertained and understood. In arts, there are some principles and rules which determine what is right In many things indifferent, or left without positive law, we are to judge what is right by fitness or propriety, by custom, civility or other circumstances.
3. Justice [Due Process of Law]; that which is due or proper; as, to do right to every man.
4. Freedom from error; conformity with truth or fact;" [where "To deny a Fact/ Certainty is to lie". ..."

The Holy Living Trinity is not a matter of probability called in UDHR Article 19 opinion regardless of frontier - outer limits or boundaries of knowledge - absent wisdom - Truth for the purpose of deception, displacement, control of language and communication - learning; nor is the Holy Living Trinity a UDHR Article 18, group activity upon which beliefs are traded about in 'selected-phraseology' absent its Whole in Biblical Lessons so that it is perpetrated upon all persons as if tolerance will occur by weight of number --absent Truth of our Everlasting Father in His Son, our Everlasting Friend, Counselor , Teacher.

God in Christ Jesus in Your Person's Holy Ghost/ Spirit/ Helper - Truth is Fact, Certainty, Truth - Who can never be False.

Commandment V says "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.”. He knows that each-one-individual will live from abject poverty, to absolute wealth with every form of Liberty of most good and most evil within each-person's life roles, in composing the many Nations of the world-down-below, the most evil to the most good

So did the Puritans, Colonists, Founders and Americans from that time to this flashing cursor.

That brings us to Your "Group bashing" whoever is calling whoever by names.

Paying any attention is simply allowing your person to be fooled into displacement of understanding our Republic under God - "Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following Oath or affirmation:--"I do solemnly swear (or affirm / also means Truth, Trust, Promise]) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States;" and because the President is a Person of most good and most evil, separate and equal station with any Fellow-Country-Person, Duty, Honor, Service are Laws of Nature's God - that is how this Person Must Be Chosen.

"No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffusd and Virtue is preservd. On the Contrary, when people are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign [or enemy within] Invaders." --Samuel Adams, Letter to James Warren, 11/4/1775 [You can Copy and Paste this letter into into you Google, then obtain the best lessons of God and Nation First directly from the Founder}

The Photo, small as it is, is from Dr. Richard G. Lee, Editor of the 2009 NKJV "American Patriot's Bible, The Word of God and The Shaping of America": James Wilson on Truth.


Saturday, March 26, 2016

Sen. Cruz in apposition to Donald Trump's "I don't need this"...And

FB 03/26/16 - and Imprimus -- Sen. Cruz "Miracle of Freedom at

To help Americans of God and Nation First, not their party membership..or not.. understand and perceive the difference between our Republic under "In God We Trust" v. party members who wear sheepskin so that figs from thistles and compulsion of conscience/ iniquity can survive - or simply the logic-severe-error that learning must be Matt. 12 - scattered-focused into the 9 or 10 toenails of one leg of the Whole Elephant, thus crippling that Elephant such that his, or matriarch's Whole life is threaten -- and never permitting any solutions - except destruction of the Elephant family as a herd, This because no person can comprehend our Everlasting Father - The Creator of Heaven and earth, all that belongs to it; the WHOLE System of Created 'Things " 1828 AMERICAN DICTIONARY.

To illustrate, I have taken the "Issues" - Mr. Trump's added "Positions" to show the 5W and H of their innate differences. In doing that, I found this article written when Baroness Margaret Thatcher passed away.  I have been a follower of "Imprimis" and find it a wonderful source of Truth, Trust, Promise of our archetypal Republic under God.  In my large-essay-blog, I will carry the differences - arbitrary human precept-rules of conduct - force, absent conscience ... in apposition to The Creator in the Declaration is the same Creator Who Is Witness to Each-one-Person-Oath of Office, by transitive and recursive, each-one-person's Pledge of Allegiance - Duty-Honor-Service, not in their own name, rather in the name of our America - ordained by God Himself - the Light in the darkness of man's inhumanity to himself because of repudiating Everlasting Father in His Son in His Father in You, Alone....never a member of the vain-idol-god's group-think, predetermined-consensus of vain-idol-god's forms of  'bigger number'.  Exemplified by withdrawing because there isn't enough State's delegates..  or money... or RHNC's requirement of minimum number of delegates... totally absent Article II and Article VI -- Oath before God.  

As a Citizen of our Nation - your Person is One composing the Whole of our One People. Therefore, vote, as well as passing on information and support to stand and preserve our Republic under God, Is Your Person's Duty - and Is part of "by your words you will be affirmed; and by your words, you will be condemned.

Subscription to Imprimis is free... Hillsdale College does not utilize taxpayer money. It depends on donations and uses them well for their students.

So, here is Senator Cruz Speech for graduation class of 2013 "The Miracle of Freedom", and yes, he is a Speaker, having a long history in college of winning Debates, but also, more important -- absence of empty words.  Contrary to 'popular-personality's Matt. 7 judgment with Planks in eyes about splinters, Sen. Cruz does not lie.

But,  Ignorance of our Republican Equilateral Triangle of Representative government in God's name -- is how lie in steal of heart/ mind/ will of our United States by its Enemy Within, the 7.4 years under this current, anti-Republic under God - socialist-atheism (because of24/7 violations of the Two Greatest Commands of God upon which the WHOLE LAW and the Prophets (throughout God's Ears of History - not limited to those in the Bible) hang, that must run for office because only Democrat and Republican are primary parties for office. Thus, Yellow journalism, with labels for factions and for individual persons like Trevor Loudan who has documented The enemy Within, "commie" reins supreme over "Cannons of Journalism, Committee on Ethics, Harry J. Wright, CH, American Society of Newspaper Editors, 1935: "The primary function of newspapers is to communicate to the human race what its members do, feel, and think.  Journalism, therefore, demands of its practitioners the widest range of intelligence, of knowledge, and of experience [a.k.a., Wisdom - understanding] as well as natural and trained powers of observation and reasoning.  To its opportunities as a chronicle are indissolubly linked  its obligations as teacher and interpreter. To the end of finding some means of codifying sound practice and just aspirations of American journalism these are set forth:  --  I'll put the rest in the blog that follows this.

The Importance of "Democratic Party" to the enemy within is that Hilary Clinton Is Not Eligible to run as a candidate for President. She has betrayed her nation, violated her Oath, and traded our Nation to its enemy, the UN-EU-empire's 1947, socialist-communist-UDHR foreign law of Articles 18, 19, 29, 30, delusional-democracy of few men rule by extortion - and control of currencies and iniquities by arbitration, mediation absent Truth, Trust and Promise of Person composing the Whole of our Republic -- no few men can dictate change in our Three Sacred Documents.  So long as We the People remain subservient to a form of government -- Republicans hiding under sheepskin in silence as "You will know them by their fruit; does one gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles? No, every good tree bears sound fruit, but a rotten tree bears bad fruit... within "Either You are For Me or You are Against me, Either you gather with me, or you scatter- committees by consensus of bigger number, secular is a different truth from divine, arbitration, mediation. Committee by consensus because ignorance convinces issues-group-think that upon the last day of judgment, Jesus will forgive them their trespasses collectively....forgetting or never having learned that blasphemy of the holy Spirit-Truth, a universal language on God's Planet earth - Double-Edged Sword - see Ezkiel 33, is NEVER FORGIVEN IN THIS WORLD OR THE WORLD TO COME -MATT. 22, then visit Luke 12.

Since, along with marriage is not God's to declare sacred, Article III Judiciary has dictated, absent Truth, Trust, Promise, our American God Is Law, changed to a delusional-democracy of few men rule over the collective, mass people -- and Congress in its majority-Republicans agree in silence - and support of this lawless usurper - and requires  in the House, a vain-idol-god's bigger number, before they will take action on any issue -- Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" and Article II:4's impeach and convict -- refused by fellow-country-persons who fear man more than their God...

Here in socialist-atheist-police-state-California, the Candidate for American God Is Law within our Three Sacred Documents - Senator is Tom Del Becarro --  Both require votes... regardless of your party's registration or lack thereof.... on June 8 --- from Consent of the Governed - Declaration of Your Person's Independence in Laws of Nature and Natures' God... and in supreme Law of the Land - of necessity water and atmosphere of our Everlasting Father/ The Creator of every Thing.  They need you to tell 10 people you know, who know 10 people, who know 10 people, who know 10 people, since journalism is the fist of communist-control of removing intelligence, knowledge, experience, powers of observation in Truth, in Trust, and in Promise linked to its obligations as teacher and interpreter of cogitations in language and communication - ideas and commerce -- absent government..

Friday, March 25, 2016

Rider: Unaffordable California – It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way...

March 24, 2016 By Stephen Frank; in E-mail from Steve's Capitol News at

My Comment is too always...

Steve Frank and Richard Rider, over the years of this anti-Republic under God-Regime's sister-socialist-state of now officially decreed a Delusional-Democracy,  have been Informing Consent of the Governed in We the People - Americans of God and Nation First - about the administrative-police-state of both Article II's E.O.'s and this State's matching betrayal of our Republic under God.  This is my work - since "Lie and steal are justified when the end justifies the means", then The Creator in our Declaration is the Same Creator who is Witness to EVERY-INDIVIDUAL-PERSON'S SOUL any Level of Government or organizations/ parties, OATH - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, then our Instructions from our Colonists, Founders, and every person who has given, or just living in the Duty, Honor, Service our Flag and our Republic under God Is Exactly Who He Says He Is, Performing Exactly What He Says He Will Perform, as Is His Everlasting Son, our "Helper"/ Holy Ghost/ Spirit/ Truth, Who asked His Father to give YOU Your own Helper who knows each hair on your head...

Actually, what I want very much to say is this:  We have running against Barbara Boxer's 40 years of destruction of our State - especially its private enterprise and agriculture, TOM DEL BECARRO.

Though like most Americans of God and Nation First who hesitate before their God because of human precept's "Opinion" casing fear of man, more than fear of our Everlasting Father's Love, Both SEN. CRUZ, Political Vanguard-former Ch. and V-Ch of CA GOP, "Speak-Out Californians", TOM DEL BECARRO, is First for our Constitution, in fact and evidence by Oath and Laws of Nature's God - Bible in Declaration, which are Life-Family; Not the popular-politics-word-of Double-think-Economy, but rather,  "COMMERCE, noun  1. In a general sense, an interchange or mutual change of goods, wares, productions, or property of any kind, between nations or individuals, either by barter, or by purchase and sale; trade; traffick. commerce is foreign or inland. Foreign commerce is the trade which one nation carries on with another; inland commerce or inland trade, is the trade in the exchange of commodities between citizens of the same nation or state. Active commerce      2. Intercourse between individuals; interchange of work, business, civilities or amusements; mutual dealings in common life.      3. Familiar intercourse between the sexes.      ESPECIALLY NOTING THIS: 4. Interchange; reciprocal communications; as, there is a vast commerce of ideas," A.K.A. Private-GNP enterprise!  

Both will work to control and to shut-down, at least a little-touch-of the monstrous, yes is no if we say so, administrative-police-state's 99.96% increase in size from 06/ 2009 anti-Republic under God Regime, with its AG and Article III that have worked tremendously successfully in eradicating Oath-Truth-Due Process-Justice in American God Is Law.

But the problem is that with lie and steal in collusion, especially with the forms of the vain-idol-god's bigger number, i.e. at one poll-watch site, several articles and points address Only -- $$$,$$$,$$$.000!  You can guess how very important this media-yellow-journalism's need to control-puppets-of political-correct--arbitrary rules of conduct- degradation and anomaly of speech-language and communication fact is to Article II in Article VI's " bound by "I do solemnly Swear (or affirm-also mean Truth, Trust, Promise) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability Preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States..So Help Me God."

Actually, not one elected, commissioned, judiciary, appointed-fellow-country-person to any level of our Federalist Form of Representative Government , comprehends either commerce or 'enumerated powers' -- to the safety and protection of each-one-fellow-country-person's supreme Law of the Land, necessarily water, atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements.

Enumerated Power is specific to TOTAL US DEBT, not the National Debt, though that is included into the Total Debt.  Since enterprise is the sole road to GNP, jobs, Total Debt must include each-fellow-country-person's ability to pay his debts/ liability.

So, I would like to clarify these extremely important over all God's Era's of history, especially relevant to "Render unto Caesar (profile on Roman Coin) that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God"--that does not mean "secular, arbitration, or mediation ... scatter in Matt. 12.

This is also among a Teaching Demonstration Project of Our Archetypal Republic under God,  the importance of "CONNECTION, noun [Latin See Connect.] The act of joining or state of being joined; a state of being knit or fastened together; union by junction, by an intervening substance or medium, by dependence or relation, or by order in a series; a word of very general import. There is a connection of links in a chain; a connection between all parts of the human body; a connection between virtue and happiness, and between this life and the future; a connection between parent and child, master and servant, husband and wife; between motives and actions, and between actions and their consequences. In short, the word is applicable to almost every thing that has a dependence on or relation to another thing;" where this is the meaning of "THING, noun [The primary sense of thing is that which comes, falls or happens, like event, from Latin evenio.]  1. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told or proposed. This is the general signification of the word in the Scriptures; as after these things, that is, events.
>And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son. Genesis 21:11.  >Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, the thing proceedeth from the Lord. Genesis 24:50.   >And Jacob said, all these things are against me. Gen 42.  
>I will tell you by what authority I do these things. Matthew 21:24.".

These figures are from -- a rich information site about "Commerce" and government's destruction of same. Many of the figures rise and fall in nanoseconds, and cannot reflect the impact of foreign-nation's use of their Persons composing their own One People-taxed (including UN-EU-UDHR empire's 191 nations) Boundaries used in our Marketplace, now totally distorted.

Currently, Total National Debt has increased 151% in the last 15.3 years, 10.7/ year,  and stands at $64,627,306,092,006    Our Population is 323,223,178 Citizens living within the 50 States.

The recently in the news re importance of targeting-Fellow-country-person's of dissenting this anti-Republic under God Regime, IRS cannot, or more likely refuse since the one 'thing' any computer can do rapidly with unsurpassed accuracy is count numbers, give good figures, so working from Tax Policy Center, 93,800,000 will pay IRS taxes this year. At US Debt Clock "119,180,613 who file Returns but owe no taxes".

These numbers reflect "Government Employees 23,828,601, State, Local, Federal including counties, municipalities, school districts, townships and special districts. Included are military, employees of  U.S.Territories and foreign countries. Excludes employees of CIA, NSA, DIA  --- [also, ALL Town, City, County, Burroughs, State and Nation elected officials - their personal staffs paid by them. Though in CA, ALL employees are from the State--- Elected officials have no say in their Personnel, ostensibly to protect from power, but since the power is in the administrative-police-state... and since Oath / Truth is meaningless ... well, I for one would like to trust the fellow-country-person I voted for, than the hiring of a State's standard of physiology upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy depend for existence and benefits un-matchable by any form of private commerce.

The single most important reason for enumerated powers is that No government-fellow-country-person is paid from Performing Commerce/ GNP.  They are paid and benefited using only TAXPAYER DOLLARS.  Worse, budgets are calculated as if government salaries provide jobs.  And worse still, that public-private-partnerships are the reason that this current anti-Republic under God usurper of American God Is Law, actually believes he has created "Millions of jobs" on his 96.7% increase in "American Rule" - Threat of fines, police-state.

What PPP actually provide is taxpayer employees AND 'Selected, Approved'-private tax discounts to some of the taxpayers while forbidding others in violation of Article IV:2 and the 14th Amendment. All this originated by E.O. during this usurper's occupation of We the People's White House.  The reason John Eastman added the fact in evidence that every one of the Usurper's E.O.'s be repealed forth-with.

Actually, that would more easily be accomplished by following the instructions give US(A) by our Founder's in Bible - violations of the first and Second Table of Laws, Declaration's "any form of government destructive of these means.." and Constitution's  Conviction, they have already self-convicted, TREASON/ Betrayal, Apostasy into the hands of a foreign power, BRI'BERY, noun The act or practice of giving or taking rewards for corrupt practices; the act of paying or receiving a reward for a false judgment, or testimony, or for the performance of that which is known to be illegal, or unjust. It is applied both to him who gives, and to him who receives the compensation, but appropriately to the giver;  HIGH CRIMES-TAXPAYER$$ for private guards in Benghazi with killing of Americans on American soil - undefended (not the e-mails - that's "Jon Roland's blog on "displacement" - commonly used to distract from a core issue of Principle of Nuremberg); Misdemeanors - in 1828 includes Reputation-morality.

Using the  93,800,000 Citizens paying IRS Taxes minus government employee's recipients of redistributed-taxpayer-$$$ = 69,971,415, but remember all those elected, appointed, contracted, commissioned and their staffs -- no figure readily available, but 100 Senators + 435 = 535 and just giving them 5 employees = 2775 - 69,986,640 and we all see the new "Green Climate Change - Village-Selected-stacked-mono-colored-or patchwork quilt -apartment cells and fenced SFR group by income housing.

Now these government employees, not to attack their rights at all because they are duped, just as all of US(A) are by few men rulers over the collective mass people, still by homes, autos, and live life, especially retirement, with Lincoln-copper-pennies, now mostly zinc,  and the 'commerce' pays their tax on the profit of that sale, but to the degree that sale involves re-distributed-tax-dollars, that commerce is simple paying back on top of his other 'commerce' buyers, those very same re-distributed tax dollars.

And you can see the 69+ million is just a drop.  Now we will subtract fellow-country-persons, often Not of their own accord, who do not pay taxes because of disability, 10,793,494; Living in poverty, 46,747, 919 to  reduce actual IRS taxpayers to 12,427,227.

This reduced number of fellow-country-persons to fund just (both meanings of the word) the six highest budget items (not counting GW-Climate change-land, water, atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements) conformity to the UDHR UN-EU empires): Medicaid: $1,027,288,900,000; Income Security (SSI, Earned Income Credits, Unemployment compensation [think CA], Nutritional Assistance, Child nutrition, Family support, foster care, Double-think's Making Work Pay ) $305,651,564,000; FDR's SS $895,618,990,000; Net Interest on Debt $$238,564,594,000; Federal Pensions [CA think that many government employees, elected, commissioned, appointed just move around in the Admin-police-state or other positions and accumulated as many as 7 pensions for each change they make!) $262,214,293,000  =  $2,729,338,341,000.00 increasing by the nanosecond.

So we have a monster not unlike Ezekiel 33:1's "..Out of it appeared the forms of four Creatures, and this was their appearance: they had the same form, each with four faces and four wings, with limbs straight and gleaming like burnished bronze, and with the soles of their feet rouded like the feet of calves. Under their wings, on the four sides of them, were human hands. As for their four faces and wings---their wings touched one another, and their faces never turned as they movd; each moved straight forward. As for the liekness of their faces---all four had in front the face of a man, on the right the face of a lion, an the left the face of a bull, and the face of an eagle at the back....Each moved straight forward; wherever the Spirit impelled them to go they went, never turning as they moved. Also, in the middle of the Creatures there was something moving to and fro like glowing coals, like torches, a fire that gleamed and flashed out lightening.  As I gazed, there was a wheel on the ground beside each of the four Creatures. The wheels were like the colour of a topaz, and all four had the same shape, arranged as if one wheel were inside the other. When they moved, they moved in any direction that their four sides faced, never turning as they moved. The felloes and spokes of the four, I saw were full of eyes all round. ..".

Awesome, isn't it! But so is God in Christ in You Is "In God We Trust".... We the People Must Not Fall to father evil-father lie of human precept's failure to perceive "He who belongs to God, Listens to the words of God; you do not listen to them, because you do not belong to God"... as the Pharisee's government of few men over the many... said to Jesus, "You are not fifty years old, and Abraham has seen you?  Jesus answers, "Truly, Truly I Tell You, I have existed before Abraham was born."  At this they picked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus concealed himself and made His way our of the temple."--John 8 -- also, among the 7 lessons,  "If you abide by What I Say, You Are really disciples of mine; You Will Understand the Truth, and the Truth Will Set You Free. ..".  FREEDOM IS TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE OF EACH ONE PERSON'S OATH OR PLEDGE TO OUR AMERICAN GOD IS LAW.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Declaration and Constitution Speak Todays Issues: FB 3/23: D. Trump on Matt. 7's figs from thistles...

The Declaration and Constitution Speak Todays Issues: FB 3/23: D. Trump on Matt. 7's figs from thistles...: +Name-calling is great Matt. 7 hypocrisy, for it is t...

FB 3/23: D. Trump on Matt. 7's figs from thistles, Hypocrisy to displace his ignorance of the Second Amendment - Consent of the governed in We the People:

+Name-calling is great Matt. 7 hypocrisy, for it is the origin of grapes from thorns and figs from thistles..... Actually, upon reflection, John 8's pharisee's catching a whore in the act... and then Jesus, not looking at any of the persons involved, stooped, head to ground and drawing something in the'dirt' - asks "Let he who without sin, cast the first stone.....

Though, while 'call-girl' is among the world of gender-specific-wrong, I seriously doubt that Mr. Trump is in any position to disclaim his need for displacement stand on ISIS-NATO -- or his Second Amendment ignorance that the reason Consent of the Governed in We the People has the right to defend themselves with "'ARMS, [noun plural [Latin arma.] . Weapons of offense, or armor for defense and protection of the body. 2. War; hostility. > Arms and the man I sing. >To be in arms to be in a state of hostility, or in a military life. >To arms is a phrase which denotes a taking arms for war or hostility; particularly, a SUMMONING to war. >TO TAKE ARMS IS TO ARM FOR ATTACK OR DEFENSE. >Bred to arms denotes that a person has been educated to the profession of a soldier. .."] ...
--- Is Protection and Safety by AMERICANS OF GOD AND NATION from our FIRST'S ENEMY WITHIN -- THIS CURRENT, JANUARY 20, 2009, ANTI-REPUBLIC UNDER GOD REGIME......of attack against Mind/ heart/ Will of our Nation through 24/7 lie, steal, extortion, 96.76% increase in administrative-police-state; and "TYR'ANNY, noun 1.. Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression; 3. Unresisted and cruel power; 4. Absolute monarchy cruelly administered; 5. Severity; rigor; inclemency. " NO OATH, NO TRUTH, NO TRUST, NO PROMISE ... And that betrayal of government against its own 'One Person's Independence composing ONE PEOPLE'Repudiates that our Creator in the Declaration is the very same Creator of our supreme Law of the Land, necessarily water, atmosphere, assets of Periodic Chart of the Elements, a.k.a. 'Rule of Law" - more properly the First and Second Table "Government of Laws and not of men"- J. Adams ... Matt. 22's WHOLE LAW and the prophets hang upon .... and stated by Dr. Webster 
"In my view, the Christian Religion is the Most Important and One of the First Things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed. ..No Truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion Must Be The Basis of Any Government Intended to Secure The Rights and Privileges of a Free People. ..When I speak of the Christian religion as the basis of government, I do Not Mean an ecclesiastical establishment, a creed, or rites, forms [denominations] and ceremonies, or any compulsion of conscience. I mean primitive Christianity in its simplicity as taught by Christ and His apostles, consisting in a belief in the Being Perfections, and Moral Government of God; in the Revelation of His Will to men, as their supreme Rule of Action; in mans's accountability to God for his conduct in this life; and in the Indispensable Obligation of all men to yield entire obedience to God's Commands in the moral law and in the Gospel. THIS BELIEF AND THIS PRACTICE MAY CONSIST WITH DIFFERENT FORMS [DENOMINATIONS] OF CHURCH GOVERNMENT, which Not being essential to Christianity, NEED NOT ENTER INTO ANY SYSTEM OF EDUCATION," --- PUBLIC OR PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS, OPINIONS WITHOUT PROBABILITY OF TRUTH, TRUST OR PROMISE CREATED BY GOD IN CHRIST WHO ASKED HIS FATHER TO GIVE YOU YOUR VERY OWN UNIQUE, HOLY GHOST/ TRUTH/ SPIRIT -- THE HOLY LIVING TRINITY.... and ONLY IN ALL ERAS OF GOD'S HISTORY - OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA....

Friday, March 18, 2016

The Declaration and Constitution Speak Todays Issues: From FB, 3/17: What do you think of redesigning ou...

The Declaration and Constitution Speak Todays Issues: From FB, 3/17: What do you think of redesigning ou...: Republic for which it Stands, One Nation, under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice [Truth] for All: Since not one of the designers ...

From FB, 3/17: What do you think of redesigning our "I Pedge Allegiance to the Flag and To the

Republic for which it Stands, One Nation, under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice [Truth] for All:

Since not one of the designers has any idea of what our Republic under God is composed of One Person's Independence in AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, why wouldn't the foreign law of UN_EU Empire's iniquity derived from socialist communist, 1947-UDHR-deluded democracy of Article 19 "EveryBody's physiology, upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy depend for world-down-below-life, has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers--- No Truth, Trust, or Promise because "Opinion" is only probability of right or wrong?

After all, religious supplication in obedience to Pro Forma's lie and steal occur 24/7 and the very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number" - i,e, Rand Paul, Gov. Jeb Bush have run out of money...and anyway, their  UDHR Article 29 "Personality" which requires constant Judgment by hypocrisy which is so important to the Pro Per - of most evil, so that wolves wearing sheepskin can continue to fool blind leading blind into that deep, dark pit of most evil -- Ignorance -- figs from thistles -- all of which our Counselor, Teacher, and Best Holy Ghost taught any Person's Soul in Matt.5, 6,  7, 15, 16, 18, John 8, 10, 14 for His Father in Him, and He in each-one-Person's "Independence composing the WHOLE OF ONE PEOPLE in separate and equal station, that is ISIS evil has no hierarchy over Common Core's eradication of the Holy Ghost - Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise and Justice -- taught directly by God in Proverbs 8 and Ezekiel 33.Since not one of the designers has any idea of what our Republic under God is composed of One Person's Independence in AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, why wouldn't the foreign law of UN_EU Empire's iniquity derived from socialist communist, 1947-UDHR-deluded democracy of Article 19 "EveryBody's physiology, upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy depend for world-down-below-life, has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers--- No Truth, Trust, or Promise because "Opinion" is only probability of right or wrong?

After all, religious supplication in obedience to Pro Forma's lie and steal occur 24/7 and the very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number" - i,e, Rand Paul, Gov. Jeb Bush have run out of money...and anyway, their  UDHR Article 29 "Personality" which requires constant Judgment by hypocrisy which is so important to the Pro Per - of most evil, so that wolves wearing sheepskin can continue to fool blind leading blind into that deep, dark pit of most evil -- Ignorance -- figs from thistles -- all of which our Counselor, Teacher, and Best Holy Ghost taught any Person's Soul in Matt.5, 6,  7, 15, 16, 18, John 8, 10, 14 for His Father in Him, and He in each-one-Person's "Independence composing the WHOLE OF ONE PEOPLE in separate and equal station, that is ISIS evil has no hierarchy over Common Core's eradication of the Holy Ghost - Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise and Justice -- taught directly by God in Proverbs 8 and Ezekiel 33.

But what's a little loss of  "Love God with Your Whole Heart, Your Whole Soul, Your Whole Mind and Your neighbor as yourself -- THE WHOLE OF THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS HANGS UPON THESE TWO COMMANDS - Matt. 22.   And "everyBody" absent soul [see 3,5,7 at humanist UDHR /Humanism/The_Humanist_Philosophy_in_Perspective] knows that Christ Jesus died on the cross.... not that He died on that crucifixion in order to teach the ultimate lesson of His Father --- Matt 12 in Luke 12: Either you are for the Holy Spirit - Truth, or you are against the Holy Spirit --- there is no such concept, except the blind ignorance of the wolf wearing sheepskin's grapes from thorns in hierarchy of few men rulers, secular, mediation, arbitration, and committee's of group-think-Hegel / Marx "consensus"  decisions supplication to that vain-idol-god's bigger number -- forced compliance to unTruth simply because it is easier for many personalities to fear man.... much, much more than God.

Disrespect to our archetypal AMERICAN GOD IS LAW -- absolutely! And That's human precept's, government of man, father evil-father lie's most important goal.

What better method than to alter our ultimate symbol of "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor..;" and millions - even billions of US(A) as One Person, has performed this act during our lives, fortunes, and sacred Honor in gun-shooting or in this Anti_Republic under God Regime's goal of complete control of all knowledge, language and communication-any symbol of Right, Good, Just - all our Teacher has taught each-one-who perceives and understands - Truth - [1337 words, not 4 because God is The Creator of Language and Communication as well as Land, Water, Atmosphere, Periodic chart of the Elements, our Boundaries of Assets - Person being the single most important  asset - as He Is Witness to Oath [the Two Greatest Commands of God, a.k.a., the First and Second Table of Government of Laws and Not of man"--J. Adams] of all judges and every single level of government.