Thursday, February 4, 2016

The 5 W's and H of our Flag in our archetypal Republic under God under the most evil - liberty of destruction  is a link to Fox News  "former Secretary of the United States of America and candidate for Article II" is being indicted, for her Person has completely failed her "separate and equal station of Laws of Nature's God, Protection and safety of Constitutional Person as One composing ONE PEOPLE -Declaration of Independence / Consent of the Governed in "We the People " of, by, for "I Pledge Allegiance/ Honor/ Truth to our Flag and to the Republic for which It Stands, One Nation under GOD, Indivisible with the only way any Republican form of government of Laws can exist -- God in Christ in Your individual Person's Helper - Holy Spirit, Matt. 12 and John 8 - TRUTH in Trust for Wisdom, Knowledge (Proverbs 8), faith in Promise of Oath (Hebrews 6) ---- this person, among ALL the individual-person of this 01/20/2009 anti-Republic under God regime, does not comprehend each one's accountability for rules of action in this life, as well as the First and Second Table of Laws - Religion and morality of our archetypal AMERICAN GOD IS LAW - The Holy Living Trinity: God in Christ in Person of Truth, Trust, Promise among every individual person who is Created in God's Spirit - Image.

Sen. Cruz, Sen. Rand Paul- even if he did 'drop-out for the only reason is ignorance of We the People who are mislead by 'personality' -- not AMERICAN GOD IS LAW, Jeb Bush.  All the remaining
candidates, dropped out or not - even not running - will always own their Person of Accountability to the Two Greatest Commands of God where neighbor does mean 'those you know and will NEVER KNOW -- the transitive - recursive separate and equal station of Laws of Nature intrinsic to Laws of Nature's God - the asume among the 'powers (Luke 12's II against III and III against II - father against son and son against father....) Liberty of most good and most evil - each-one person's Roles in his own life on world-down-below (Matt. 12 blasphemy of the Holy Spirit).

Each-one-Person, totally on his own unique-Soul, absolute CHOICE to follow "Liberty is a word which, according as it is used,  comprehends the most good AND the most evil of any in the world. JUSTLY understood it is sacred next to those which we appropriate in divine adoraion; but in the mouths of some it means any "THING   n. [The primary sense of thing is that which comes, falls or happens, like event, from L. evenio.]  1. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told or proposed. This is the general signification of the word in the Scriptures; as after these things, that is, events.
And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son. Gen.21.
Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, the thing proceedeth from the Lord. Gen.24.
And Jacob said, all these things are against me. Gen.42.
I will tell you by what authority I do these things. Matt.21.
These things said Esaias when he saw his glory. John 12" at,THING

 'THING is among the top 10 most frequently used words in the WHOLE of The Bible/  - "speech for the interpretations of cogitations, thereof [God's Universe]" Apocrypha, Ecclesiastics Chapter 17.

Darrell Issa is one of the best AMERICANS OF GOD AND NATION FIRST - INTEGRITY who has never failed to obtain Truth in Trust at all times and under all circumstances to the best of his ability. In this anti-God world of "UN-EU Empire simply human family - personality for duties to communities - deluded democracy's vain-false-god of 'Bigger number' forms - " and committee consensus- in which the smaller number, often Truth, is squashed in tyranny by the arbitrary rules of conduct coercion in collusion among the 99.8% increase in administrative-police-state of this regressive, anti-Liberty of most good-regime" - he and those who stand with him - all levels of our Constitution's organization of Federalist Equilateral Triangle of Article IV Representative Form of Government, especially those 18 who will serve that deluded-democracy's vain-false-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' by the hypocrisy of plank's in eyes - blind to understanding and truth - of Matt. 7's judgement by 'personality' ---- never accountability to the Three Sacred Documents written by man in the name of the Holy Living Trinity.

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