Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Declaration and Constitution Speak Todays Issues: We the People's Next Speaker should be Representat...

The Declaration and Constitution Speak Todays Issues: We the People's Next Speaker should be Representat...: Representative Tom McClintock would be the very best choice for 'Speaker of the House', for he is an American of God and Nation Firs...

We the People's Next Speaker should be Representative Tom McClintock

Representative Tom McClintock would be the very best choice for 'Speaker of the House', for he is an American of God and Nation First -- has excellent knowledge of "Politics: n. The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance;" and of "Party: 1. A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party. Formerly, the political parties in England were called whigs and tories.".

He takes action; for if We the People had listened to him and Gov. Schwarzenegger way back in 2009 when they proposed a way to save both the State's economy and schools --- we wouldn't have a seceded from the 1789 Constitution and California Constitution Article XX:3 violators of Oath of Office --- God, Truth in Promise of Trust would allow Justice in One Law whether in a courtroom or House, Senate, Assembly at Local, County, or State Levels especially in administrative-police-state of this current president and this current governor -- and checks and balances would be respected for We the People Do "Lay it down as fundamental, that laws, to be just, must give way to reciprocation of right; that, without this, they are mere arbitrary rules of conduct, founded in force, and not in conscience" --Thomas Jefferson 1782.  He is innovative.

Rep. McClintock is not for sale -- he is persistent and works very hard. He knows how to use 'Research-Reflect-Relate/ Connect - Record in analyze Details -- Getting all the Facts and avoiding Humanist/ "UDHR's #19  Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers;" where the PROBABILITY of fact, evidence, truth or trust of 'opinion' is zero percent; contrasted with 100% probability of truth in trust from knowledge and wisdom from 99.8% of the Colonists, Founders among them.

Focusing time and money --- is better spent in focusing on the instructions, lessons, warnings, The One Law of God - The Bible, stated in the Declaration and applied in the Constitution in which the only places where truth, trust, promise with God as witness are the Preamble, Articles II:1 clause 8 and VI; for God knows you need food and clothes -- but We Must Obey The commands for that is the Only way father evil-father lie (John 8 a.k.a Abraham/Washington's children- that's US) can destroy as he is now doing to all life on this planet --- "Chicken Little's Falling Sky"-Climate Change- and "the Emperor's New Clothes"-- C but only when attached to two molecules of O, absent H, N, and the Sun --- "Sustainable" "Communities" among the "Human Family"  to which "everyBody owes duties for the full development of their personality--UDHR #29.1"

Rep. McClintock Communicates and Deals with people effectively -- even with a 100% controlled-force, arbitrary, "Independent" FCC Agency of absolutely no 1789 Ratified law whatsoever for "Opinion without interference" is the supreme law, also known as "1975 Article III Judiciary's change to the new supreme law "Common Law Public Value" - most of you have never heard of, or how news is managed... especially on the internet --- which this current, great and sacred-vain-idol-god, bigger number - Senators of collective-robot-think absent the Religion and Morality...
Rep. McClintock might ever realize that business-absent-government-of-any-kind - incoming Revenue of only GNP is only $16, 781,427,000,000 plus against an U.S. Total Debt from all sources including household - you ability to meet your debts-, Federal, State, Local, Business, financial Institutions, up 135% to $61,487,164,000,000 plus, or $193,198 plus $8,053 interest on that debt among 116,072,938 IRS taxpayers, out of total population of 318,267,133 or 36.47% support the whole. But here is something you haven't thought about --- Federal, Local, State Employees and the elected officials among them --- are paid with taxpayer-dollars. That means they are not paying taxes in the sense of business and household, for their tax-dollars are simply removed and then replaced right back into Federal, State, and Local governments - along with the 6 of 6 highest budget items – closed-shop-union pension debt.

So, we subtract the Federal, State, and Local employees; and while we're at it, the "Real unemployed" and the "living in poverty" as well as the "disabled" - for they aren't paying taxes either:   14,879,829 actual IRS taxpayers or 4.68%, support 100% of the Total US population at where you can learn a lot more about the 4.8% actual, IRS taxpayer-supported, closed shop-union-megalith named administrative-police-state’s more than 60,000 GAO government agencies (only 52,562 because not listed CIA, NSA, and DIA add the difference) with this current president’s increase in 2009 of 29,941 to this flashing cursor 30,621 at
Having said that, when an elected official, Federal, State and Local employee purchases
from a business-which-has-no-government-partnerships-money, then they are helping the economy... but not jobs. For in an environment where Federal, State, and among the several cities - deciding to raise — each one’s minimum wage..... and all those empty shops with no small business what-so-ever; and some small businesses actually functioning on ‘grant money’ from the government at some level.  
Catastrophe isn’t lurking – it is only slow because of hope that The Law in our Three Sacred Documents - Religion and Morality - the moral government of God— We the People and Consent of the Governed - rule in - , not by the ‘great and sacred-vain-idol-god, bigger number, and its other names TopTwoVoteGettersRegardlessPoliticalPartyAffiliation; ‘popular’ as in elimination of small States by the sacred-vain-idol-god, bigger number, a.k.a destruction of Electoral College, majority-force/ edict/ decree/ bigger number/Power absent knowledge, wisdom, truth, trust, God or reciprocation of right; and the egregious violation of ‘constitutional person through redistricting by all physical and environmental characteristics of “everyBody” in the “human family” “who wants to vote - gets to vote— except the 4th class citizen soldier”, especially if unable to use language and communication in English, the language and communication of 1789 Ratified We the People and Consent of the Governed, though the Article III Judiciary doesn’t consider that Law, – only in the “isolated-Constitution” designed to be violated in deceit, collusion, coercion and infringement of rights at all times and under all circumstances.... and it is “feared” there isn’t enough Senatorial votes of self-aggrandizement absent Rule of Law supreme to group-robot-think-party, though violating Commandment #9 “You shall not give false evidence against your fellow countryman” is a problem – they refuse to recognize: When your “separate and equal station, ”i.e your Person of unique, Immortal-Soul meets judgement, you won’t have any of your cohorts around, will you; and your support “what comes out of the mouth defiles a man” in Matt 15 with  “hindrances in Matt. 18", and you don’t admit to your millstone and jump into the sea.... You are in dire trouble.

..... .  Also, what is God in Truth, Trust, and Promise for justice starts with one Constitutional-Person of absolutely no physical or environmental characteristics, and is God in Truth and Trust in Promise, no matter where the location of those individual person’s use of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God to obtain risk/reward and manage adversity of  life, liberty and pursuits  at the Tribe, Town, City, County, State and Federal levels of our Federalist equilateral triangle

Our Flag is up-side-down and torn apart; our Founders are stomped and spit upon;  – there are socialist-humanist-atheists who hate our Lord God - the cornerstone and foundation of our archetypal, Republic under God; and this current President in tandem with this current Governor, are dancing in the streets of their destruction of our Nation’s assets, each-one-Constitutional Person’s unique, Immortal-Soul/ mind/ will/ heart/ courage within a non-existent economy, run by and for power of despotism, because their violating Commandments 1, 2, 3, very reverent, great and sacred-vain-idol-god, bigger number/collective, mass people are always refused “Information needed to make a proper determination is withheld or distorted in a way that is intended to mislead or which has that effect through negligence.”

We need Elected-We the People/ Consent of the Governed - not number at all, but knowledge, wisdom and truth in trust for justice stated the Father of Our Nation “Let is simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the Oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts [pleural because Legislature is a Court] of justice?”  

We the People – especially within the violators of our party’s Bylaws, must work together to “provide new safeguards for our security now and for our Posterity into the next frontiers - nuclear/ space exploration/ and R with D here among each Person; to that We the People are, again, to place UNITED t back into States... and Party, in and Only in National Convention together with ALL 50 STATES and Territories invited together only for the purpose of weighing which ‘faction’ of special interest, a normal part of two people in opposition, to WHICH CONSTITUTIONAL PERSON and WHICH METHOD OF HANDLING OUR TRIBE, TOWN, COUNTY, STATE, AND FEDERAL Law is to the best of our abilities the Truth, Trust within the Three Sacred Documents; for when you are in office, you represent every single American of God and Nation First — Not your Party, though as a Party leader, your personal accountability grows.... .

Our President and his office, and our State Elected Representatives, are Not a Tennis elimination tournament of time and money. There is no time or money, which is more supreme to The Law Stated and taught within the Bible/ God in heaven; stated in the Declaration as “and assume among the Powers of the earth/Christ, the separate and equal station, each-one-person’s unique, Immortal-Soul which has not physical or environmental characteristics because mind/ will/ heart/ conscience/ courage have no physical or environmental characteristics – and are the lessons and laws within the Old Testament/ God directly to man - and woman; New Testament-Jesus to person, tribe, village, town, region, nation to become Christ the King of Kings on earth – and man in God’s Image and master of the earth, but not with mammon. The choice is always there and never is your’s alone, and only after that does it become transitive and recursive to those you love, know, and will never know in all the roles of your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness....99.8% of the Colonists knew and demonstrated this Truth in Trust and Promise in Faith.

REPRESENTATIVE TOM MC CLINTOCK will make a great statement against the atheist-socialist-Anti-Republic under God Regime who has removed California from the 1789 Law in the Three Sacred Documents; and even though many of you remain scared to death of father evil, father lie and the sacred-vain-idol-god, bigger number/power/ force; better is the joy, security and complete happiness of following our Lord, and paying attention to His Sword in Ezekiel 33's sentinel trumpet – George Washington’s favored Chapter.