Friday, June 28, 2013

Re taxpayer's PPAA Quit calling it ...


You know there is no 'care' - that word is licentious-revisionist-redefined; you know there is nothing "Affordable" about it - as a matter of fact, it actually is aiding and abetting  the bankruptcy of the United States of America.  Affordable, like humanity, are also licentious-revisionist-redefined language, governance, Nature's Law regarding the inanimate object "Number". And then there's that word -- the epitomy of licentious-revison of language and Person(s): "Patient". Last and most important - Obama Does not own 1 penney and not by the furthest strect of his skewed cognitive attributes, could he afford to provide this "care" - with illness utterly irrelevant and immaterial.

 PeePeeAA is 100% owned by EACH-ONE-TAXPAYING-PERSON and PPAA is a perfect example of the problem with Socialism's police state; it is the sole reason for One Person or Corporate Persons, for there is no 'collective group' taxpayer, because it comprises every single-one person, regardless of physical or environmental attributes...Except Life and Liberty..whose earnings require more than 2000 hours of work, for the express purpose of the 'police state' to redistribute your production as hours of your Property, beautifully expressed by James Madison: " This term in its particular application means "that dominion which one man claims and exercises over the external things of the world, in exclusion of every other individual."

In its larger and juster meaning, it embraces every thing to which a man may attach a value and have a right; and which leaves to every one else the like advantage.

In the former sense, a man's land, or merchandize, or money is called his property.

In the latter sense, a man has a property in his opinions and the free communication of them.

He has a property of peculiar value in his religious opinions, and in the profession and practice dictated by them.

He has a property very dear to him in the safety and liberty of his person.

He has an equal property in the free use of his faculties and free choice of the objects on which to employ them.

In a word, as a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights.

Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions"

Obama hates America demonstrated through his disrespect of all Persons, and an ego which allows him to state "Coal Shall Not be used as Energy." and the among the greatest of Nature's Law Gifts from God, "Thou shalt not drill for petroleum or natural gas anywhere in the United States of America; for the Socialist-Moodern Marxist-Alinsky" forbids that We the People or Consent of the governed - ever even think there is any God as creator of the Universe who states, through Thomas Jefferson in Every Word of the 1137 "Declaration of Independence - the repudiation and police state denigration of "Sepparate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them [One People] ...the Axiom Statement of the Truth of Jesus Christ and of His Father our Lord God, who "divine Providence" brought EACH-ONE-PERSON'S TEMPLE OF ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, NEUROLOGY to House that EMBRYO, NEWBORN, CHILD, ADULT (included teenagers in 1620 - and after 40's - and probably in some places here in the USA still do include responsibilities to self and family, long before 18, and in terms of posterity -- the duty and pass the heritage of the history, because no-person can cast the first stone at the person in the pit declared a whore, of our ONLY NATION IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND ON GOD'S PLANET TO DECLARE GOD IS.. AND THEREFORE EACH PERSON IS.. BECAUSE "OBEY MY LAWS. SEEK AND YE SHALL FIND. ASK AND IT SHALL BE OPENED UNTO YOU."  "I AM IN MY FATHER. MY FATHER IS IN ME. I AM IN YOU. YOU ARE IN ME." which is saying two things, but one of which is a Law of Nature, and meant for those who do not believe in a Supreme Lawgiver, i.e. atheists, deists, socialist, Sharia:  "Things Equal to the Same thing are equal to each other.".

This is another important, Nature  and Nature's God Law. One in regards to virtually every Bill, statute, regulation, Executive order, and COURT RULING, inluding the Justices of the Supreme Court - the ENTIRE Article III Judiciary, at every level of the Federalism equilateral triangle, especially the Socialist-communist State of California: "The Whole is the sum of Each One Part."    -  God's Law: "You cannot serve God and Mammon.";  and Constitutional Principle: "- The polity, or society, is created by the social contract, in which persons agree to join together for mutual benefit and defense, and to regulate their behavior to avoid forms of competition which are destructive of social coherence and effectiveness, such as violence, deception, or collusion, or to infringe on the rights of others.

- Acceptance of the terms of the social contract is effected through, and based upon, a restricted form of the social contract called the filial contract, between parents and their children, in which the parents agree to be good parents and the children agree to be good children and to grow into good adults and members of society. As persons grow, they extend the social contract to others they encounter.

- The social contract is transitive, so that it extends to and includes not only those with whom one is in direct contact, but all those with whom those one is in direct contact with are bound to by the social contract as well, and therefore by recursion to all those persons who are members of the society, even if one has never met them." at ; and
"An Indivisible Whole:  The American philosophy, based upon this principle, is an indivisible whole and must be accepted or rejected as such. It cannot be treated piece-meal. Its fundamentals and its implicit meanings and obligations must be accepted together with its benefits;("The American Ideal of 1776," Hamilton Abert Long, Lawyer, Constitutionalist, 'self-published" which is the 'connection' to Articles II and VI's Oath of Office, the assumption ""..Let is simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of Justice?"
"The Spiritual is Supreme --that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material.    Religious Nature: This governmental philosophy is, therefore, essentially religious in nature. It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin.
The fundamentally religious basis of this philosophy is the foundation of its moral code, which contemplates The Individual's moral duty as being created by God's Law: the Natural Law. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty-Responsibility.    
An Indivisible Whole:  The American philosophy, based upon this principle, is an indivisible whole and must be accepted or rejected as such. It cannot be treated piece-meal. Its fundamentals and its implicit meanings and obligations must be accepted together with its benefits.
The Individual's Self-respect:  The concept of Man's spiritual nature, and the resulting concept of the supreme dignity and value of each Individual, provide the fundamental basis for each Individual's self-respect and the consequent mutual respect among Individual's. This self-respect as well as this mutual respect are the outgrowth of, and evidenced by, The Individual's maintenance of his God-given, unalienable rights. They are maintained by requiring that government and other Individuals respect them, as well as by his dedication to his own unceasing growth toward realization of his highest potential--spiritually, morally, intellectually, in every aspect of life. This is in order that he may merit maximum respect by self and by others.    Some Things Excluded: This concept of Man's spiritual nature excludes any idea of intrusion by government into this Man-to-Man spiritual relationship. It excludes the anti-moral precept that the end justifies the means and the related idea that the means can be separated from the end when judging them morally. This concept therefore excludes necessarily any idea of attempting to do good by force--for instance, through coercion of Man by Government, whether or not claimed to be for his own good or for the so-called common good or general welfare.
It excludes disbelief in--even doubt as to the existence of--God as the Creator of Man: and therefore excludes all ideas, theories and schools of thought--however ethical and lofty in intentions--which reject affirmative and positive belief in God as Man's Creator."---our Wonderful Patriarch George Washington, who is Still 'Not better than you, nor worse than you. He is different unique Soul, now.  You, in body and soul, are not better than him. You are not worse than him. You are your own unique Soul who shall return to The Creator, though 'free agency' does not require you to believe or even know His name, but you are accountable for your Morality: "  
The doctrine or system of moral duties, or the duties of men in their social character; ethics.  The system of morality to be gathered from the writings of ancient sages, falls very short of that delivered in the gospel.  1. The practice of the moral duties; virtue. We often admire the politeness of men whose morality we question.    2. The quality of an action which renders it good; the conformity of an act to the divine law, or to the principles of rectitude. This conformity implies that the act must be performed by a free agent, and from a motive of obedience to the divine will. This is the strict theological and scriptural sense of morality. But we often apply the word to actions which accord with justice and human laws, without reference to the motives form which they proceed." at,morality
Those among you of conceit and arrogance that Socialism's Lucifer-Modern Marxist-Alinsky - of the revision because "opinion without interference regardless of frontier" based upon "predetermined / preconceived conclusions" before and in absence of Truth, you are about to add "a link your personal chain of amorality by violating the Laws of Both Founding Documents in  "S. 744: Border Security TO PROMOTE ILLEGAL ALIEN'S RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES IN VIOLATING THE FEDERAL CODE: Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act; AND TO UNCONSTITUTIONALLY USE TAXPAYER RESOURCES FOR THE PURPOSE OF GRANTS AND FORMATION OF 94,505 AGENCIES / 29,941 SHALL BE ALLOWED TO INCREASE RESPECTIVELY TO 94,506 AND 29,943 especially FORCE of Man's Laws over God and over Person and Corporate Persons --- DO NOT SUPPORT THIS ANTI-LAW: REPUBLICANS - DO NOT SIGN THIS ANTI-LAW, AND THEN ABSENT THE ENTIRE PARTY -- DO NOT ALLOW THIS LAW TO GO FORWARD TO THE HOUSE... OR TO THE ANTI-LAW, SOCIALIST-ISLAMIC-PRESIDENT-BORN IN KENYA PER OUR BROTHERS AND SISTER'S REGISTRY BOARD OF GREAT BRITAIN; WHO ALSO KNOW "THE TRUTH OF OUR LORD GOD.

Actually, the "Blind Eye" is also deaf ear with stiffnecked tossed-in for good measure, because it is forbidden, and in silence is agreement actually assisting "the Socialist-modern Marxist-Lucifer-alinsky Regime", by the Progressive-Republican, who really loves being "Congress-member's of the ruling class" rather than "Representative",  because "One must never say a law is unconstitutional - for We the People - are absent the intelligence to understand, and require great assistance of "community organizer's" tactic: "Information needed to make a proper determination is withheld or distorted in a way that is intended to mislead and has that effect through negligence.".

It is very important to repudiate: " - The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including both the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity.

- Only individual persons or corporate "persons" which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law.

"Legalizing Marijuana" is in the "Plant Kingdom" -- it is a living, indifferent object, thus  VOTERS, you are not voting to give permission for a 'living object'. You are voting to establish an administrative-police-state's group-binomial-black is white, white is black if we say so dept. of control, manipulation and determination of who is excluded, who is included, in what amounts for how long, who can manufacture-grow, and how that 'indifferent living object' will have permission to be transported and have "inspections". -- all, for a very few, scattered/ secular, group-think of 1947's socialist-communist, man's arbitrary rules of conduct-force, UDHR's grand-absurdity, Article 19" DoubleThink " Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers," a.k.a., the outer limits of control and manipulation of all Life's Language and communication-knowledge that absolutely forbids The Holy Living Trinity in The Three Sacred Documents --  Liberty is a word, according as it is used, that comprehends the most good And the most evil in any all times and under all circumstances in every role of that individual's soul/ mind/ heart/ will-conscience

- Upon establishment of the social contract, the natural right of what in the state of nature would be self defense is transformed into the duty to defend the state and the constitution, including oneself as a member of the state.

- In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the supreme law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is inconsistent with that supreme law and not derived from it is unconstitutional and  null and void from

- An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide.  If they do not, the regime is not law but anti-law.

- Whenever any person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the constitution, means to obey or help enforce the constitution. This duty cannot be
delegated to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal adviser. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job or following orders. This is sometimes called the Principle of Nuremberg and while this is worded for the secular, it is also God's Law in Ezekiel 33 and I Timothy I:3-22;  the Declaration's 1137 words, and Blackstone's Common Law.

- The judgement of the consistency of an official act with the constitution is called constitutional review. When this duty is performed by a judge, it is called judicial review. It is not a power of government but The Exercise of a Duty of Citizenship. - Each level and jurisdiction of government has been delegated
the power to punish as crimes the deprivation of constitutional and civil rights of persons by agents of government, and some governments the power to punish deprivation of rights by individuals not agents of government. Statutes to implement those powers have been enacted in almost every jurisdiction, and they cover almost every such deprivation.

- Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation
of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a violation of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so.

- Any citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to disobey that act, to report it as a crime, and to arrest the offender and deliver him to a court of competent jurisdiction for prosecution.

- A militiaman is any citizen or would-be citizen in his or her capacity as a defender of the state and the constitution. A militia is one or more persons acting in concert in that capacity. The general militia is the totality of all such persons, which, because even simple obedience to law is a defense of the state and the constitution at a low level, comprises all law-abiding citizens and would-be citizens. The obligatory militia is the subset of the general militia who may be required to keep and bear arms and to respond to militia call-ups. The voluntary militia are those not in the obligatory militia who voluntarily respond to a militia call-up. The ready militia is comprised of the obligatory militia together with the voluntary militia. A select militia is a subset of the general militia
which is not representative of the population as a whole, and which may therefore be used to achieve the unconstitutional purposes of some faction. National and state "guards" and law enforcement agencies are select militias.

- Whenever a citizen or other person becomes aware of a threat to the state and the constitution, he or she has the duty to issue a call-up to the militia, even if he or she is the only person present, and all persons who receive that call-up have a duty to respond and act as a militia to meet the threat. In the context of the social contract, an act of "self defense" is more properly described as a call-up of the militia, consisting of oneself, to defend the state and the constitution, also represented by oneself.  Here is the "Call-up" from Dr. Richard G. Lee, editor of The American Patriot's Bible, The Word of God and the Shaping of America": "

An excellent resource for the Intertwining of Laws of separate and equal station, of Nature, of Nature's God, Declaration with Constitution - these two Documents are the Promise to One Person among the whole of One People - made permanent in The Laws of the Constitution which are "Bound" by Person's Oath of Office in Article II and VI, the sole location of God in what is man's effort to use free agency in obedience and accountability to our Lord - The Eternal: "One of the ways that the very life of the new nation and the army that  was called to defend its liberty was able to survive and succeed, given the many who resisted the effort for independence from within the country and from without, was through the use of the Oath. The oath was a promise that One made to man calling on God to be the witness of the promise, and thus admitting that the one taking the Oath would someday be held accountable for that promise by God and, possibly, in the court of law on earth. In the historic Judeo-Christian setting of revolutionary [and our history] America, the oath was extremely important and powerful. It was because of the importance of the oath for the work of justice in the courts, that Washington warned America of the dangers of the Deist "mind of peculiar structure.".(P. Lillbeck, J. Newcombe; "The Sacred Fire of George Washington")

- No level or branch of government has the power to tax or regulate any instrument suitable for militia duty, including any firearm or ammunition therefor, except to maintain quality and reliability for their intended functions, or to disable the right of any person to keep and bear such instruments, or to assemble
and train as independent militias, except by due process of law upon petition to a court of competent jurisdiction, in which each side shall have the right to argue its case and present its evidence, and the burden of proof shall be on the petitioner seeking the disablement.

- There are no "implied contracts" involving government as a party. A constitution is the entire agreement among the citizens, and no benefit received by any person from government legally obligates that person to make any payment therefor, except through constitutional taxes and fees, nor is any person legally obligated to account for any such benefits, or to be subject to penalties for perjury or fraud for misstating such benefits.  Conversely, neither is government legally obligated to provide some minimal level, quality, or distribution of benefits to persons, other than according to constitutional laws.

- No level or branch of government has the power to impose criminal penalties, such as deprivation of life or liberty, for violations of civil laws. Only deprivations of property or privileges may be imposed for violations of civil laws. Persons may not be imprisoned for failure to pay a fine unless the
offense is criminal and a criminal penalty is authorized for that offense.

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