Monday, May 27, 2013

The Reason PPAA violates the Laws of Both Founding Documents:

Sand Diego County Federated Republican Women
June 2013 Newsletter:
The Declaration and Constitution Speak to Today’s Issues,
Cathy West,

The Dichotomy of  “Majority Limited for Liberty” and “The Spirit is Supreme”, the Reason PPAA violates the Laws of Both Founding Documents:

Because understanding our Republic under God is essential to understanding how “Soros-Obama Lucifer Alinsky, a.k.a Modern Marxism,-Sharia-Man’s Law (OSR)[1]”, has allowed so much of our Constitution-Person, become eradicated, here are some topics already covered: Article II and VI Oath of Office with “Religion and Morality” (02/13); The Second Amendment with the Constitutional Principles of Militia and the right of the People, themselves to take Arms to Defend the Laws of Both Founding Documents (03/13); The myth of “impregnable wall, - Republic under God-, between church and state with state transformed into the Obama Socialist Regime, OSR (04/13)and the handout from Hamilton A. Long’s 1976, “The Twelve Basic American Principles, No. 12 The Majority Limited for Liberty” (

Benghazi’s “Stand down order”  is a violation of Article I:8, clause 15: “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions, which also means “An attack on the rights of another; infringement or violation.”.

It was also, 54 days before the “consent of the governed” occurred, a demonstration of the importance of majority as collective mass people, filling-in dots on ballots, and forbidden “Information needed to make a proper determination was withheld and distorted in a way that was, and is intended to mislead or which has that effect through the crime of negligence [2]: “If you don’t vote for Obama, you will lose your Medicare.”.  If you don’t vote for Obama, you will loss your [tax-paying citizen’s] Grant money for college.”[3]; and

Both are inseparably connected by “One Person Protected in his Unalienable Natural Rights: Separate and equal station of each person’s “The Spirit/Soul is Supreme” accountable to God and entitlement to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God; all laws in the Federated Equilateral Triangle can be traced back to the Laws Both Founding Documents – the protection of One Individual Person from government:

“In our constitutional republic, the Declaration, therefore Constitution, are the supreme law, superior to ALL other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. ANY statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling [Article III Judiciary], Ordinances, Homeowners Association, Rental Agreements, which is Inconsistent with that supreme law and Not Derived from it is Unconstitutional and Null and Void From Inception.” [2]

“An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In our constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but anti-law.”.[2]

This is the dichotomy of  “Majority Limited for Liberty” and “The Spirit is Supreme”.

OSR’s the Majority, the sole “opinion without interference regardless of frontier”[4] based upon preconceived conclusions of modern Marxism’s Obama Lucifer Alinsky: “An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth -- truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing.... To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma, he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations..."The means-and-ends moralists, constantly obsessed with the ethics of the means used by the Have-Nots against the Haves, should search themselves as to their real political position. In fact, they are passive — but real — allies of the Haves…. The most unethical of all means is the non-use of any means..”.[1]

Since 2009, the ‘OS-Anti-law Regime’ declares that since church cannot mix with state; and Person as individual does not exist; unless the state requires that individual to conform and meld into the subservient, collective mass people- robo-think-Boolean logic-group; then the state, OSR, has full right to make any laws it desires and declare that the state religion: “atheist-secular-Sharia-Man’s law is supreme to God’s law, Person’s accountability as One to God, personal “Religion and Morality”, and protection from the Laws of Both Founding Documents. OSR demonstrates their  “prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation ..” – even though Truth is relative.

Laws of Nature are re-defined or changed: “The Whole of the polity, society, is Not the sum of each one part.” and “Things do not have to equal the same thing - to be equal to each other.” and “Inanimate object ‘number’ is the decision-maker for that which is sacred or right and that which is profane or wrong.”.

The 1789 Ratified Constitution of the United States Must go to court before being ALLOWED to be the Article VI supreme law of the Land; but

Because of ‘number’, inanimate and living objects, and man’s law stated in the “UN Charter - Declaration of Human Rights”-with Soros Open Society’s-EPA/E.O’s. “Sustainable life” resulting from too much Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Oxygen; people as collective-groups [5] and the 1961 principle of law named “precedent” [6], the OSR can write and pass any law it desires, irregardless of the Laws of Both Founding Documents; and these laws can be created, both in the presence and full knowledge of, and absent, Congress [7]; and completely absent any knowledge of “We the people in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice...; for

Unless the Constitutional Person is eliminated, the OSR-state cannot function as the force of subservience, control; and “..Any Democracy, either Representative or Direct, does not even recognize the existence of any unqualified rights of The Individual, much less his possessing God-given, unalienable rights as conceived by the American philosophy. A Democracy in America, as a form of government, would therefore provide no protection for these rights. Under a Democracy, Man is considered to have only qualified privileges permitted by The Majority in control of government and revocable by it at any time. This spells Rule by Omnipotent Majority, with The Individual and The Minority as well as all minorities victimized at the pleasure of The Majority, without limit and without any legal basis for objection or practical remedy.”.(H.A. Long ; ibid 1st paragraph)

One Example: PPAA, Patient Protection and Affordable Act Is Not Properly Adopted: Under Article IV, Republican Form of Government,  including invasion meaning “An attack on the rights of another; infringement or violation.”[2], “created by a written Constitution--adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment--with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. In a Republic, the whole system is designed primarily to protect The Individual's unalienable rights--therefore The Minority, all minorities--against any violation by government or by others. As the Declaration of Independence expresses this American goal of safeguarding these rights, the people form their governments "to secure these rights"--to make and keep them secure. No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual--may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small--even a minority of a lone Individual.”. (H.A. Long)

Solely the “majority number” of Congress-members utilized Article I:7, Clause 2 as anti-law: That majority of Homo Sapiens acted completely absent “Reason: The cause, ground, principle or motive of any thing said or done; that which supports or justifies a determination, plan or measure.  A faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes truth from falsehood, and good from evil, and which enables the possessor to deduce inferences from facts or from propositions.”.   There Is No Minor Number in Representative Government Present: Not one individual, “elected We the People”, Republican and 37 Democratic Members of the House Refused To Sign PPAA.

There was No Agreement to the Bill PPAA. It should never have gone to the President’s desk for signature into Federal Law.[7]

Four “Justices-We the People” of the Supreme Court declared PPAA unconstitutional.  We the People, on at least three separate occasions, refused Universal health care, a.k.a PPAA, this Anti-law Act against every American in the United States of America.

Americans who voted for those Republican Representatives in Congress, including the 37 Democrats, also did not sign or give their ‘consent to govern’ to PPAA.

:PPAA in inconsistent and not derived from either of the Laws of Declaration or Constitution[2]; for life in liberty is exterminated.  All Americans, regardless of health status, shall by coercion of “fine”, from each person’s 2000 plus hours of work-earnings, for refusal to conform the the “redistribution of money for the “means to the end”[1] of 100% force and control of 100% of the prodcution, distribution, including statisical anaysis by diagnosis-Related-Groupings [8], to determine if and how ill shall or shall not receive what degree of care — regardless of the nature’s law of anatomy, physilogy, neurology of the body attached to the Person, while 100% absent any recongition of the Soul of that person; for Soul is not involved in the Ethical theory “utilitarianism to allocate scarce healthcare resources”. Utilitarian maintains that the moral righness of an action is determined by its consequences[4], i.e because Preconceived conclusions regarding “opinon without interference regardless of fromtier” man absent God’s Laws. [4]

In the anti-law, world of OSR, violations of the law do not have to exist.  The presence or absence of a “patient” is not necessary for “an individual awaiting or under medical care and treatment;  the recipient of any of various personal services.”.

PPAA is unconstitutional, and therefore any official, any level of government utilizing PPAA is an “Act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, Regardless.. of what trappings of office or color of law he may project.  It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a violation of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so.” [2] It is contrary to Amendments 9, 10, 14.

PPAA violate the provisions for the structures and procedures of government, delegation of legislative or judicial powers to an executive agency in violation of the separation of powers principle of the Constitution [2].  PPAA neglects “Affordable”: - Debt per tax paying citizen is $148,170, and the rights to work absent coercion of conformity: a Constitutional Person Shall Prove he is not a criminal before being allowed to work in any profession in health care field: Section 6201: Nationwide...National and Statewide Background Checks on ..Patient Access Employees of Long Term Care Facilities”.  Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney, US Justice Foundation, in 2009, the Only Person who read every word of the orginal Bill, states “It is the largest shift of tax payer resources to one Branch of government, Executive, in the history of the United States.”.

PPAA involved the operation of the Executive Branch of government outside its constitutional jurisdiction.[2]  The Executive Branch of Government is not involved in the production and distribution of the goods for the provision of Ill patients or even healthy individual’s needs.

PPAA is intended to be applied selectively in violation of the equal protection provision of the Constitution [2]and “Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle all the people...unalienable Natural Rights which includes the Liberty to choose Not to be involved... and therefore not “Fined” for refusing to be involved: “Elected We the People and their Staffs; SEIU members and their Administration and some States are exempted from participation.  Congress likes to be called Congressmen because they have forgotten they are just “Elected Representative-We the People” – not better, nor worse as are ALL Constitutional Persons – including the Anti-law-man sitting in the Office called President.

Proper notice of PPAA has never been accomplished in the history of this Anti-law[2] against ALL the People of the United States of America; for “utilitarianism of allocation of scarce resources” made more scarce due directly to “Numbers” controlled by the Executive Branch is inherently unlawful.  The government is using the earnings of working people and loans from other nations, to provide a care level not achieved since Johnson and Medicare..A large mistake is now a humongous disaster...for there will be no quality care...There is no knowledge, wisdom, or Truth in the changes in care which have already occurred under the distortions that PPAA perpetrates.

The ‘reason’, absent by Justice Robert’s action to “help” PPAA, is from the concept of “Precedent”. Since about 1968, “The idea that like cases should be treated alike is anchored in the assumption that one person is the legal equal of any other,” grew into one of the axioms to justify ‘precedent’[6] as more superior in adjudication versus Constitutional construction using the Laws of the Original Documents: “On every question of construction, [let us] carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.”–Thomas Jefferson

Precedent is the heart and intensity absent logic for determining content of what PART or portion of a case, will be ALLOWED to be adjudicated among government officials, attorney generals, judges, and agency directors, among the mis-construed, Eleventh Amendment, because very, very few among “We the People” have ever had ‘reason’ to access the ‘reason’ for ‘Precedent’; but ‘precedent’ is the “Supreme Law-secular, often Sharia, and often absent ‘reason’ in knowledge, wisdom for Truth”, courts utilize for determination of “justice”.

Precedent is so completely removed from the Laws of Both Founding Documents, that attorneys cringe at the thought of court; ‘lets the games begin’ has become the rule of law; and so often used, that when PPAA arrived in court, except for the Four Justices who could understand the Laws of the Founding Documents—or at least the Constitution;  Justice Roberts didn’t eve bother to read the sophistry contained it PPAA’s Title; and two of the Justices, Sotomeyer and Kagan, already had their verdicts before PPAA enter the stairs of the building with Bas Relief of Lady Justice’s blindfold and balance in law.

Actually, the Four Justices who threw-out PPAA were, in terms of Article IV Republican Form of government with protection from invasion and number; after considering Roberts “precedent” supreme to 1789 Law; and adding Sotomeyer/Kagan’s “preconceived conclusion” by “opinion without interference regardless of frontier”, subtracting the two who should have recuse themselves, leaves makes the Four justices the majority not the minority number. In reason of Truth in Justice the actual Supreme Court Adjudication was 4 to 3 with two recuse by “Oath of Office” in “Religion and Morality”.

You see, Truth and Justice in Law, because of “majority absent ‘reason’ and based in “opinion without interference regardless of frontier” from the UN Charter, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights-connections to sustainable-GW-PPAA-E.O’s Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen. absent Congress law, eliminated the Laws of Both Founding Documents.

Congress, and many among the Several States, also aid and assist “the majority to be the rule of law over sacred-right and profane-wrong; for they adamantly refuse to recognize, as does Article III Judiciary, to state, on the Floors of those legislative areas, that IF ONE SECTION OR PART OF A BILL IS NOT CONSISTENT AND NOT DERIVED FROM BOTH OF THE SUPREME LAWS OF THE LAND, then THE ENTIRE BILL IS ANTI-LAW.  The Founders and early years, those Bills which could not pass Constitutionality – did not go to “committee” or “committees” – they went to the “traditional, common sense, religion and morality, circular file named the incinerator”.

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariable the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their RIGHT, it is their DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. ..” means Article II:4.

Of course it won’t solve everything, but because “The Whole is the sum of each one of its parts; and “Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other.”; and because “..and ALL CIVIL OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES, SHALL BE REMOVED FROM OFFICE UPON IMPEACHMENT FOR, AND CONVICTION OF ..” it is The Only Way, in the name of our Lord God to whom We are Accountable and in the name of the posterity of our children’s children, We Must Not Fail In Our Duty.

Resources and Comments:
1. “Rules for Radicals”; Saul Lucifer Alinsky, 1971;

2. “There are several ways in which statutes or other official [or private] acts may be uncontistuinal:

3. This Founding Father’s Patriot is a “Precinct Worker” who knocks on doors.  Actual conversations and well reported among FB and internet sites..  Never the medica though; nor the Republican Progressives of “You must be obedient to the majority. They have the numbers. They have the power.”.  Never, ever use the words “unconstitutional”; but solely “Int’s the Laws! Stated with indignation that anyone would question and refuse to conform to Anti-law.  Right now, the Republican Party of the seceded from the Union, Official Socialist State of California, and the Republican National Committe are being ruled-over by a number and FACTION: “Progressive”.  OSR is dancing in the streets, because the Republican Party of Principle will DIE...very, very, soon.  Though with Civil and Criminal Benghazi Holder IRS and Agenda 21 via E.O. to all cities in the USA combined with the probably Federal Reserve of Mortgage lending infamy - it’s not a part of the Republican form of government, $25,000 Loan money shall be given, by Cities in the USA, for the Purpose of the purchase of private property.  That’s about as fraudulent as you can get, but wait...there’s the “continuation money” for the 94,505Federal / 29,941Executive  Levels, including PPAA - even though not-funded by the House, because the “Elected We the People” President absent his Oath of Office, did Not Sign a Budget for 3 of the last 4 years of his Socialist Anti-law Regime

4. UN Charter, WSIS “Declaration of Priniples: #4"; Nursing Ethics Part 2 Bioethical theories and principles; Arlene Jech, RN, BSN, connected to “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights” - 9 Members of the Committee were: Dr. Charles Malik (Lebanon), Alexandre Bogomolov (USSR), Dr. Peng-chun Chang (China), RenĂ© Cassin (France), Eleanor Roosevelt (US) - The person who would not represent the Republican form of government as sole ’representative’ of the Laws of Both Founding Documents /USA-, Charles Dukes (United Kingdom),  William Hodgson (Australia), Hernan Santa Cruz (Chile), John P. Humphrey (Canada).  You can Google them individually to learn of their non-American view of world affairs at
 Every member of the United Nations has been Socialist, with exceptions from America when our Representatives where Republican, to the Democratic-Liberal-Progressive Republican -Socialist Party.

 The Last Mission Statement left the UN +/- a few years after Bush Took office. It is now, solely, a statement of government-over-man determining which groups of collective people, with or without the nation they are citizens, in complete domination of all aspects of earthly life and without ever mentioning God or a Creator of the Universe, for that would be intolerance, except for the atheist-Sharia-law absent morality from mankind’s history.  18, September 2000 Millennium doesn’t require history to determine which collective group-think-all mass-people shall be included, and excluded membership.

5. . “Sustainable America: Forsaking our American Dream, From sovereign States to world governance through sustainable development”; Mary Baker, acting President of the San Diego/Orange County Chapter for the non-profit organization, Citizens Alliance for Property Rights; Non Governmental Organizations: “ In the realm of Sustainable Development, extremist ‘environmental justice’ NGOs such as the Sierra Club, and Nature Conservancy, or  a ‘social justice’ NGO like Build One America are exercising enormous influence and are demanding a restructuring of our society. These new members of civil society diminish our inalienable rights and elevate themselves as progressive arbiters and judges of the course for humanity. These NGOs are often funded by wealthy corporations and individuals who want to expand their sphere of influence. Taxpayers unwittingly fund these NGOs when States offer grants and agree to enter into public private partnerships with them.  To implement Sustainable Development via the Agenda 21 blueprint, the United Nations and its American proponents, use this new breed of civil society to its advantage” [George Soros-Obama-Gore-Kemp-Holder-proposed Gale McCarthy-Hager-Brannan]  - the EPA- E.O:  the Executive Branch of “Kingship”]
 These Acts are completely absent, in law and in “consent of the governed” any part of the Federalist equilateral triangle of Person/family, town, county State, Federal. NGO’s include SanDag squeezed between County and State; but absent Trust in God and any Rights of Person or corporate person; and indoctrinated as part of State and federal education Departments in “Common Core curriculum” to our Posterity. I

 Global Warming is the name, not used anymore because it is Alinsky tactic ‘worn-out usefulness’; and is recognized as false science by responsible leaders and persons throughout nations of the world; for it is absurd to think than any government could “regulate” or “sustain” the Periodic Chart’s Carbon and Oxygen of all life created by God.  Except remember that Truth is Not Fixed and is relative and neither is God or His son Jesus Christ.


7. This is said because throughout all the years from February 2009 to this date; Congress compeltely ignores tehe existence of the Laws of Both Founding documents, especially the 1789 Retified Constitution. Congress prefers to follow profane/wrong; rather than “One Person Protected in Declaration’s “separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nture’s God entite them -AXIOM upon which the entire Declaration sets stage as “The Promise”, fulfilled by the 1789 Consitution and connected through Article II and VI’s Oath of Office.  As Jesus said ‘You prefer to follow them, rather than believe in me?”.

We the People-Representatives (NOT congressmen) didn’t do this on purpose or by deviousness, it is a consequence of refusing “Religion and Morality” in the terrible misbelief that caused the Article IV Republican Form of government to become a Wall.  Church Ecclesiastics could bounce off that Article Iv:4 Wall and ignore it (also because the Fear of 501C3 completely outwieghs Faith in God); while state can take a hammer and chisle, to pound away leading to the hole which the “Soros-UN-UDHR-Obama-modern Marxist-Alinsky” could enlarge to the near, compete destruction, because of approxiamely 57 years in which Religion and morality have been forbidden in State - then Federal-indoctrination disguised as education, Public Schools - out Posterity has been refused God’s Laws in the sovereign, uniquesness of each-one’s Soul protected from OSR.


"America the Beautiful" is Not the National Anthem

The Socialist Atheist-Secular-Deist UN Charter/Declaration of Human Rights, "Opinion without interference" of fact in Truth usurpation is Not Welcome.

The National Anthem is "THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER": Here are the words for all the verses:
Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more!
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

An Excellent Second Choice is "The Battle Hymn of the Republic: Here are its words:
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of
Wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible
Swift sword;
His truth is marching on.

Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the watchfires of a hundred circling
They have building Him an altar in the evening dews and
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring
His day is marching on.

Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
His day is marching on.

I have read a fiery gospel, writ in burnished rows of steel;
"As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall
Let the hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel,
Since God is marching on."

Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
Since God is marching on.

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgement
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubliant,
My feet!
Our God is marching on.

Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
Since God is marching on.

In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me;
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.

Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
Glory, glory! Hallelujah!
While God is marching on.

These are the Anthems We the People fought and died for; and are fighting in Truth of God this day...even though the Battles are fought in conscience of the Truth of the Laws of Both Founding Documents against slavery-subjugation-force and control of the mind from insurrection by the profane socialists of "opinion without interference" of Truth in Person of God and Nation First.

GOD LOVES ALL PEOPLE, including the capricious Socialist who believes, in arrogance and conceit, that only he owns the right to opinion - absent God and Truth. Ezekiel 33's terrible "swift sword" is there for you --- also; and next time you decide to refuse Truth -- remember Cain is still down there..and knows the location of his Soul. You are accountable -- believe or not -- Your Personal Free Agency.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Obama's NewSpeak Team: Add IRS Scandal to remove Lawless Benghazi

Complete repudiation of the Laws of Both Founding Documents occurred in Benghazi as a result of the President of the United States and the Secretary of State's orders to "STAND DOWN", cease and desist any DEFENSE of AMERICAN LAND-the EMBASSY, located in Benghazi:

IT IS VERY, VERY IMPORTANT to recognize the 'censorship-adjustment-against We the People' by ceasing ANY FURTHER ACTION relating to that completely preventable tragedy.

Because many readers of 'social networks' are ignorant, like the closed-shop-SEIU-members of the IRS's "just doing their jobs", there are Principles for the Laws of Both Founding Documents, which are extinguished:
"Declaration of Constitutional Principles" are divided into two parts: General Principles and Principle Specific to the Constitution for the United States:
“– The individual component of the polity is the Person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including BOTH the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the Natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – freedom –, AND the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a WHOLE or for their common posterity.”

“— The Polity, or society, is created by the Social Contract, in which persons agree to join together for mutual benefit and defense, and to regulate their behavior to avoid forms of competition which are destructive of social coherence and effectiveness, such as violence, deception, or collusion, or to infringe on the rights of others.

— Acceptance of the terms of the social contract is effected through, and based upon, a restricted form of the social contract called the filial contract, between parents and their children, in which the parents agree to be good parents and the children agree to be good children and to grow into good adults and members of society. As persons grow, they extend the social contract to others they encounter.

—The social contract is Transitive [12], so that it extends to and includes not only, those with whom one is in direct contact, but also, all those with whom those, one is in direct contact with are bound to by the social contract as well, and therefore by recursion to all those persons who are members of the society, even if one has never met them.”

In Benghazi, the State Department obliterated its responsibility to sovereignty to United States Borders represented by the ground upon which that Embassy stood.

The State Department, President Obama, with or without, Secretary Hilary Clinton, actually ordered the Defense of the United States to cease and desist any protection of our American Land.

As a result, Soldiers and innocent Citizens of the United States of America were killed and injured physically and morally – and

When that self-same leader of the State Department held her hearing - it was not to acknowledge the complete repudiation of the Laws of the Declaration: .”..separate and equal station of each-0ne-person’s “entitled” to the “Laws of Nature’s God”;

Nor was it to acknowledge its criminal and civil disobedience to the Laws of the Constitution in “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.” and both Official-Person's “Oath of Office in Articles II and VI. Repudiation of Truth and Trust to We the People, in witness to God is Crimes of commission, neglect, and in Benghazi, positive Transgression.

The State Department of the United States violated it contracts to Declaration, Constitution, and Social “to regulate their behavior to avoid forms of competition which are destructive of social coherence and effectiveness, such as violence, deception, or collusion [13], or to infringe on the rights of others.”, including the risk that the President of Lebanon took in action and I’m willing to bet, Never thanked or acknowledged for his assistance in this tragedy against the People of the United States of America.
In its Hearing to correct “What’s the use of going over all this? Let’s just call it a mistake and get on with it..”, leader’s of the State Department declared themselves superior to their employees in act of anti-law, which included refusing any involved person, directly involved in the attack against the United States of America, to give witness to what occurred, or more correctly, what did not occur. This is a violation of the I and IX Amendments of any Constitutional Person; and

Because the State Department broke its contract with We the People of the United States, those corporate Persons, Citizen-employees are No Longer Bound by any Contract; and further are not bound in silence under any circumstances of violation and disobedience to the Laws of Both Founding Documents; for

“Whenever Any Person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if either or Both of the Laws of the Founding Documents, means to obey or help enforce the Declaration and Constitution. This Duty Cannot Be Delegated to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal adviser. It is Not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one’s job or following orders – The Principle of Nuremberg.”;

So, Any Person(s) who were involved in or has knowledge of the events regarding Benghazi; and

now the Department of the Treasury’s Internal Revenue Service; or

ongoing the Attorney General of the United States' criminal violations of Both Founding Documents: sovereignty of both State and Nation’s borders; with the killing of Mexican People in their own country because they would not be able to cross the border and live, due to drug cartels of greater importance than any individual person whatever their degree of wrongful intent, i.e. the opportunity to become illegal aliens defined by Federal Law and the same employees, in any official capacity at any level of government, for all are bound by Article VI’s Oath of Office, of Department of Immigration, Border Patrol, or ICE ...:

Each-one of you are "consent of the governed" and "We the People", is a Citizen with full privileges,immunities, responsibilities and duties, has a “broken contract” from our Government at the Federal Level of our Republic under God’s Universe, stated as “Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature, Periodic Chart of the Elements, and of Nature’s God, man to mankind and man to man; including the Oath of Office – the sole connector between the Declaration’s Laws and Lessons of God to the Earthly-temporal -man in accountability to God, promise to the American People to Protect, Defend, Stand, and Preserve the Laws of “Consent of the governed” Unalienable Natural Rights.

You can and should speak regarding your knowledge of “Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a violation of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so.” AND “Any citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the to disobey that act, to report it as a crime, and to arrest [also means cease or stop] the offender and deliver him to a court of competent jurisdiction for prosecution. “, which includes We the People as Citizens of duty and responsibility to ourselves, our God and our Posterity.[15]

This "Founding Father's Patriot" is a very proud, very humble, full-fledged member of the "Obama Atheist-Secular-Sharia-Man's Law, absent "Religion and Morality, DHS "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment 7 April 2009" under "Constitutionalist". Only Constitutionalist, because any mention of the Declaration of Independence might lead to recognition of God stated "The American Patriot's Bible, The Word of God and The Shaping of America, Dr Richard Lee (NKJV); "The Sacred Fire of George Washington",
P. Lillbeck & J. Newcombe; or the work at The National Center for Constitutional Studies, The Foundation for American Christian Studies, The Center for Teaching the Constitution, Heritage, Heartland, Hillsdale College's education with "Impremis" --- Wow, what company:-) and I haven't even gotten to those Republican members lost among the Blue States or the Congress or Persons buried under the weight of SEIU collusion and coercion, who tread onward, working in duty and honor as b est they can.

Another important note: the "Leftwing Extremism: "An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth -- truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing.... To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma, he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations...."[except Marxism, it's name is changed to zeitgeist-Open Society-with variety depending on means: "Common Core Curriculum", "Sustainable" life both Obama Regimes' Cabinet with HHS and Nations United in government-over-man force and control of people, absent "Laws of Nature's God, named: Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen among the Periodic Chart of the Elements of inanimate and living objects from "Laws of Nature", is not mentioned in the DHS 7 April 2009; a typical tactic: "silence", or neglect and omission, means " [(crossroads editor):Notice the emphasis on conflict, dialogue, relationships, etc. Team "service" is essential to building strong relationships through "common involvements"]
"And so the guided questioning goes on without anyone losing face or being left out of the decision-making. Every weakness of every proposed tactic is probed by questions.... Is this manipulation? Certainly...." "A change toward a higher level of group performance is frequently short lived: after a “shot in the arm”, group life soon returns to the previous level. This indicates that it does not suffice to define the objective of a planned change in group performance as the reaching of a different level. Permanency of the new level, or permanency for a desired period, should be included in the objective. A successful change includes therefore three aspects: UNFREEZING (if necessary) the present level...
MOVING to the new level . . . and FREEZING group life on the new level." .

But never 'fear' for David Horowitz, among others, has a great, the location of our Flag and Republic under God. Of course, he along with Glen Beck, George Will, and just plain Teapartiers and Conservatives -- actually the Million Americans on the Washington Mall, which BTW forbids any further "the Whole iof the Polity is composed of Each-one-Person", August 28, 2010 "RESTORE HONOR".

We the People must follow the lessons, instructions, and God's Laws in the Declaration. As you know and can see, clearly now, "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism..", [because of this course of Human Events] it is Each-one-Person's Immortal-Soul Accountability to God and our Founder's with our unique History, Our" Duty" to ourselves, and to those young among US(A) refused any public and all college education the unique in mankind's history of our Nation and the Ethics which guards our knowledge, wisdom, justice in Truth obtainable solely through obedience to and love of God, " throw off such government, and to Provide new Guards for their future President Jefferson's First Inaugural Address and also our Patriarch George Washington -- actually any of the Founder's, for not one of them, would say there is no God, The Eternal, The Creator of the Universe and His son, The Messiah - The King of Kings -- The Lord of Hosts --- For Ever, and For Ever..

Article II:4 will not solve all David Horowitz has placed into the Discover website and/or George Soros, also not alone but an educator as mentor, finances through the chain of wealthy and most likely, the Nature of earthly Money in the Federal Reserve of the force and absolute control of Earthly Life, Liberty and pursuits of any thing for any reason on God's Planet.

Article II:4 will abolish and expunge the Acts against the Laws of Both Founding Documents, but

Solely "We the People" must work to return knowledge, wisdom, justice in Truth of "Religion and Morality" to those generations which have been refused the Lessons, Instructions, and responsibilities we hold in "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."; for there is nothing Greater than taking the Liberty of placing Life and Pursuit of Happiness into "And assume among the powers of the earth, the Separate and Equal Station to which The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them....Unalienable Natural Rights. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Benghazi Hearings To Each-One-American of God and our Nation:

Have you understood the entire implications to what the ‘Revelation’,  each-One-Citizen’s Soul present in and about Benghazi, in Wednesday’s House of Representatives of the United States of America Oversight Committee Hearing composed of individual, corporate Citizens, as they and “We the People”, by You Tube Video-Fox-Meet the Press-MSNBC, listened to Mr. Hart, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Nordstrom; and what we learned from those four and more Citizen’s Soul who are forbidden to speak as witnesses involved as employees of the State Department in its crimes of negligence, omission, commission, and positive transgression Against the Persons and Property of our Republic under God? [1]

Mr. Thomas, one CIA Agent, three State Department Officials, and more Citizens of our Nation, who cannot even identify themselves, with or without an attorney, are forbidden “Freedom of Speech, of Grievance. Who are fulfilling each-one’s Duty, Service, Oath of Office to stand, support, protect, and defend the Laws of Both Founding Documents, plus fulfill their individual “contracts” are chained in silence and in coercion: loss of their own lives, fortunes, and sacred honor by the government-over-man-State Department’s criminal negligence against American Agents of our Government in Benghazi.

These Persons of Duty and Honor are not allowed exception to their sustained Oath and obedience to contract; While..

..Persons, also of Article I:6 Breach of the Peace, Article II [2] and Article VI Oath of Office; with Article II - Nominating the Leader of the State Department; and Article I Senators confirming Mrs. Clinton’s nomination. [3];  every single one person- involved in any of the decisions leading to the criminal negligence of the tragedy in Benghazi, which is clearly demonstrated, is allowed to violate “Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a violation of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so.”[4]

The ‘confirming’ Senators;  used inanimate object- bigger-number, completely absent reason, knowledge and wisdom for Truth in confirming Clinton, Lucifer Alinsky,  who declared at the State Department Hearing: “What’s the use?” with words to the effect of ‘The tragedy occurred. Let’s move on and never let it happen again.’; while that State Department investigation forbid testimony from Citizens Mr. Hart, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Nordstrom, the CIA Citizen and the three other Citizen’s of the State Department. The Leaders of the State Department violate those Constitutional Person’s of this Constitutional Principle: “Any citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to disobey that act, to report it as a crime, and to arrest the offender an deliver him to a court of competent jurisdiction for prosecution.  Congressional hearing and Citizens, themselves, are a ‘”court of competent jurisdiction”; for if Citizens cannot report an obvious crime, then the government can be criminals without accountability to anyone; i.e unmitigated Force-Control-of any person or collective group - at all times and under all circumstances. Read Ezekiel 33 and in the Declaration: Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.

Each-One-Citizen-Official of the State Department are ‘exempt from their Duty, Service, and Personal Oath of Office and their Soul’, but are completely accountable: “One of the ways that the very life of the new nation and the army that was called to defend its liberty was able to survive and succeed, given the many who resisted the effort for independence from within the country and from without, was through the use of the oath.  The oath was a promise that one made to man calling on God to be the witness of the promise, and thus admitting that the one taking the oath would someday be held accountable for that promise by God and, possibly, in the court of law on earth. In the historic Judeo-Christian setting of revolutionary [and this day “in the course of  Human Events..”] America, the oath was extremely important and powerful.  It was because of the importance of the oath for the work of justice in the courts, that Washington warned America of the dangers of the Deist “mind of a peculiar structure”:[5] Declaration’s Separate and Equal Station is violated.

Please remember, maybe some of you bloggers and social media downloaded,  as this man occupying the Lead of our Nation, and the media, that within the first hours of Benghazi, Mrs. Clinton states on TV and in media, that she told President Obama of the rising trouble in Benghazi, and he decided to ignore the reports and requests for help. — Of course, all anti-law, media support, is automatic with a simple ‘no’ from the direction of the, now shut-down-Socialist-run White House; for even when the ‘video’ cause was put-out there – the wording was practically identical – no matter who from the Executive Branch was reporting to its own force of control media by censorship. False witness and Declaration: “abuses and usurpations” which “evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism...”.

The State Department is allowed to repudiate God and the Laws of Both Founding documents.  The Witnesses to this particular human event among many other Anti-law:

“An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law.  What is enforced is a Regime. In our constitutional Republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but Anti-law.”.

Denial of a Citizens unalienable right to Nature’s God – his Oath and Honor in speaking out against criminality in his earthly life - is an egregious offense in our Unique in Mankind’s History that One Person’s Soul is accountable, after his Body, anatomy, physiology, neurology of his person dies, directly to God, though some religion state through Jesus as God’s Son.  Permission should be granted — automatically because they were there — no other contract is involved because contracts end when law of God or man in righteousness is broken.

In Christianity, and Jewish also, Soul is “The spiritual, rational and immortal substance in man, which distinguishes him from brutes; that part of man which enables him to think and reason, and which renders him a subject of moral government. The immortality of the soul is a fundamental article of the christian system. Such is the nature of the human soul that it must have a God, an object of supreme affection.      The understanding; the intellectual principle. The eyes of our soul then only begin to see, when our bodily eye are closing.”; and in solely, in our America, written as Law in Both Founding Documents.

Law is written for the soul of a person protected in the Laws of Both Founding Documents: I Timothy One: Peter is talking to Timotheus “Certain individuals have failed here by turning to empty argument; doctors of the law is what they want to be, but they have no idea either of the meaning of the words they use or of the themes on which they harp. ...that the Law is admirable ---- provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people fut for the lawless and the insubordinate, ...murders,...immoral persons...liars, perjurers...and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine as laid down by that glorious gospel of the Blessed God...”.

Soul is: “And assume among the Powers of the earth, the Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them....Unalienable Natural Rights because God did create the Heavens and the Earth and all contained therein.  This Is Law; for Nature and Mankind are intrinsic to God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost — One Soul-at-a-time and all 6,797,756,782 persons upon His Planet; and

No, each-one does not have to know His Name, but the Morality and righteousness is for all people at all times and under all circumstances. Evil persons can even be forgiven: “”our transgressions and our sins press upon us, we are wasting away under them; how can we live?” The Eternal answers “I have no desire for the death of the wicked, but for him to live by giving up his evil course. ... A good man’s goodness shall not save him when he goes wrong: a wicked mans’ wickedness shall not ruin him when he gives up his wickedness...You shall die, and when he gives up his sins and does what is lawful and right, restoring the pledge deposited with him, refunding what he has robbed, and following the rules that lead to life, then he shall certainly live, he shall not die; none of the sins he has committed shall be remembered against him; he has done what is lawful and right, he shall certainly live.” (Ezekiel 33:13-17, but the entire Chapter is about why “silence is agreement” with evil or lawlessness).

Worse, refusal to allow military or State Department Defense to Citizens who cannot defend themselves makes ever one of the Blue State’s mass, school killings by mentally deranged individuals look like, a black is white if the government says so, person of Posterity’s Boolean
Logic combat game.

Meanwhile, our remaining, very, very thin thread of the Laws of Both Founding Documents, in love and trust of God and our Nation’s people, receives another blow to the “separation” church and state’s “impenetrable wall” named our Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag and our Republic under God, with Liberty, justice....”:

One of the most incredible and disastrous fables of falsehood is that it is lawful for “Soros-Obama-UN Charter/Universal Declaration of Human Rights-man’s law written absent God-Sharia-collective, mass-government-designed-group-robo-think people forbidden knowledge upon which to make a decision because special-interest-Alsinsky community organizers can understand better than the people who cannot understand at all- inanimate and living objects, to reign  supreme and institute Anti-laws; while 1776 and 1789 Laws of Mankind for any time in past, present, and future history, because they are based in God the Creator’s and His son Jesus Christ’s Laws of all things, without width, height, depth without limits ---- except as man becomes wicked, sinful, in all this 2009 until We the People – ENFORCE as instructed by our Founding Father’s in Action to take: “The President, vice president and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors — Article II:4:

It is our God and our Nation that is removed and the purpose, here,  is to make sure Each-one-Person, in this Nation understand The Laws of Both Founding Documents do in fact of both God and Man, in religion and morality, Provide the Laws, Lessons and Actions to perform “ is their Right, it is their duty, to throw off such government...”
Treason: “Treason is the highest crime of a civil nature of which a man can be guilty. Its signification is different in different countries. In general, it is the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power.”.
Bribery: “ The act or practice of giving or taking rewards for corrupt practices; the act of paying or receiving a reward for a false judgment, or testimony, or for the performance of that which is known to be illegal, or unjust. It is applied both to him who gives, and to him who receives the compensation, but appropriately to the giver.”
High Crimes: High:  “Elevated in rank, condition (“ Moral quality; virtue or vice”) or office.  Violent; severe; oppressive.”. Crimes: “An act which violates a law, divine or human; an act which violates a rule of moral duty; an offense against the laws of right, prescribed by God or man, or against any rule of duty plainly implied in those laws. A crime may consist in omission or neglect, as well as in commission, or positive transgression. The commander of a fortress who suffers the enemy to take possession by neglect, is as really criminal, as one who voluntarily opens the gates without resistance.      But in a more common and restricted sense, a crime denotes an offense, or violation of public law, of a deeper and more atrocious nature; a public wrong; or a violation of the commands of God, and the offenses against the laws made to preserve the public rights; as treason, murder, robbery, theft, arson, &c. The minor wrongs committed against individuals or private rights, are denominated trespasses, and the minor wrongs against public rights are called Misdemeanors. Crimes and misdemeanors are punishable by indictment, information or public prosecution; trespasses or private injuries, at the suit of the individuals injured. But in many cases an act is considered both as a public offense and a trespass, and is punishable both by the public and the individual injured.”.[6]

Our Duty and our Service is to ourselves, as Trumpeter Sounding warning of God’s swift sword; our responsibility to our Founding Fathers, to our children and to every generation this day forward....

Resources and Comments:
1. in

2. Nominating Person is not a Naturalized Citizen of the United States per significant evidence presented, and through Silence is agreement by Article III Judicial, but not every court consistently,  Several Attorneys, the British Registry, Dr. Orly Taitz (attacked in Dental License, Sheriff Joe Arpaio (attacked by recall petitions), and Photocopy of Kenya Birth Certificate with Footprint of Obama, Hawaiian Birth Certificate doesn’t have a footprint.   You can answer ‘that’s because he is innocent’, but that wouldn’t be true because Dr. Taitz has the documentation for non-citizen money under the Sorotoro last name at Occidental College (Please note the college is located in the now Socialist, seceded from the Union State of California); and the Supreme Court was going to hear it, but has been able to reneged because of the Justice’s staff stalling the case on absent documents.

3.. Hillary Clinton's 1969 Political Science Thesis ("There is Only the Fight") refers to an earlier version of Alinsky’s training manual. "In 1946,” she wrote, "Alinsky's first book, Reveille for Radicals, was published.":

4.  Page 6, paragraphs 4,  5

5. George Washington’s Sacred Fire; Peter A. Lillbeck, Jerry Newcombe; Chapter 27, p.549; & footnote 62:  “George Washington’s “Farewell Address”

6. “American Dictionary of the English Language”, 1828; Noah Webster;

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Another day in Our Republic being Spit Upon...

From Mitt Romney's FB: Home » Video » Prank: Obama's Volunteer Civilian National Security Force Provides Random Searches of Backpacks
May 7, 2013
"Judge Jeanine Pirro Catches Obama Red-Handed on Boston Bombing & Benghazi"

Read more:
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In the Name of Each-One-Person's Pledge of Alligence and One Person in the Whole of our Unique Republican Form of Government protecting God-Given and WRITING LAW in HIS Name:

Since February 2009's violation of the Laws of Both Founding Documents : Chrysler Corporation destruction of private property, that includes his "Oath of Office" - Obama cannot recognize Truth; and shall Always Be Against Our Nation's Laws until  We the People remember each-one's own Oath of Office in Duty to Both God and to our Posterity from which We are the Posterity of our Founding Fathers who gave us "The Supreme Law of the Land: Religion and Morality - each-one-Person's Soul accountable, in equal Station God and to Each Other: Article II:4 needs to be obeyed and enforced per  "Long train of abuses evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism.."

Every Day and in every way, the entire Senate (initiate  & violates Article I:7,clause 1: "tax on air" as atoms of communication because 'money of the future shall be 'digital' --- there will be no or very little cash, as older generations die-off) in Congress, and Executive Branch 29,941 Agencies + E.O., with significant Supreme Court Article III Judiciary support, Shall continue the repudiation and destruction of our Republic under God --- our unique in Mankind's History of One Person Protected in his Separate and Equal Station (how God shall judge Soul, after Person's body dies), the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God...Unalienable Natural Rights.

THE LAWS OF THE FOUNDING DOCUMENTS ARE NOT BROKE.  WE THE PEOPLE HAVE BROKEN OUR COMMITMENT TO "RELIGION AND MORALITY": "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.... Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the Oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?"   WE ARE HONORABLE PEOPLE WHO DO LOVE GOD AND OUR NATION....WE MUST NOT FORSAKE EITHER.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Regarding Socialist State of California's Anti-Law

Comment to: Dan Walters: California reverting to secrecy  By Dan Walters   Published: Tuesday, May. 7, 2013 - 12:00 am | Page 3A
Last Modified: Tuesday, May. 7, 2013 - 8:37 am

Read more here:

This is what Michelle Steel, Vice Chair State Board of Equalization - 5th District, writes about in: "The threat posed to Proposition 13" - Costa Mesa Daily Pilot 01/04/13; "Public-records fee hits poor hardest", OC Register, Wed. April 3, 2013 in California Focus; and "State gas tax law a complicated mess", OC Register 3/7/13.

In Our Republic under God, "the Constitution, [with the Declaration because it states God's Law -- EACH alone and bound together by Oath of Office], is the Supreme Law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens.  ANY statute, regulation, Bylaw, Owner's Association, ordinance, Rule, Executive Order, or Article III Judiciary which is INCONSISTENT and NOT DERIVED from it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION ".  That means California voting rights Act with its "By Area Trustee Voting Districts (BATV)" designed and formed by the 'tiny nations' Not  within the equilateral triangle of Article IV:4's Republican Form of representative government, by skin-color-except white and country-of-origin-except the United States-with the Official Language of "Consent of the governed to protect the Laws of Both Founding Document's Each-One-Person, or corporate Persons, which are composed of Individual Persons, ENGLISH, declared not necessary to Citizenship by the government-over-man's force in coercion over their, collective-group-think, mass people. Also, designed by the CRC of Federal Voting Rights Act of Color superior to the 14th Amendment's One Person : One Vote -- with the exceptions stated by violations of Article II, including Section 5's "Top two vote getters regardless of Political Party affiliations" because the political party affiliation is "Soros-Obama-UN Charter-MIS-Agenda 21 Table of Contents-Atheist-Secular-Sharia-man's living and inanimate objects supreme to God's Law from the resulting "DEM (Socialist under Democratic-wool-y skin)-DEM Districts" gerrymandered as the inanimate object, number-greater, than REP-REP...neither of which should even exist under the 14th Amendment's "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges Or immunities of Citizens of the United States; nor deprive Any Person (citizen or Not).of life, liberty, or property [taxes are a Person's earnings from work, profession and are property], without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

This Socialist Government also demonstrates its  Anti-Law through violations of Article II: 2.5 (hole punches, made by ball point pens in ballots were not, along with military (must never, never count military votes)  counted , 5(a)(b), and 6- the extreme-Socialist-atheist, except for Muslims who by silence, agree with Radical Jihad, Party's location of NON-partisan school boards of denying God's Laws in while encouraging, with government-over-man 100% support all kinds of sexual-living object's, homo sapien's organs of anatomy, physiology, neurology; and candidates for judge of the Superior-inferior absent Religion and Morality, - choices by ranking by hierarchy within, Prosecuting Attorneys -- absent "separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of nature's God entitle them -- "judgment of splinters, which may or may not exist, in other private attorney's eyes, while lauding the  Planks in their own eyes so large they are oblivious to knowledge for wisdom and therefore absent Justice in Truth...  No God  means No Truth.  

Except for the OC Register, where has any news or media coverage existed for any of these and more, destruction of the Laws of both Founding Documents -- on completely equal ANTI-LAW with "Soros(he likes and dances in his success at his, personal anti-Christ, here now because we Californians, are a nice example of his "Open Society")-Obama-Lucifer-Alinsky-Atheist-Secular-Sharia-man's inanimate and living object-body anatomy, physiology, neurology laws.

As Long as We the People and Consent of the Governed, -- Each and Every One of US(A) in the Separate and Equal Station using the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God...the Unalienable Natural Rights of you KNOW, turn your back on the Lessons and Remedies given to US(A) by our Patriarch's of 1620-1770-1776-1789, and our entire History of ACTING with our inherent "Religion and Morality" BEGIN TO.... USE AND TO .......ENFORCE... THE LAWS STATED IN BOTH FOUNDING DOCUMENTS; shall be the earthly conviction of each-one-Person, duty and accountability to God Directly (see Ezekiel 33) and to the Nation of ourselves both past as heritage by the Fifth Commandment --- all the way back to God creating Adam from water and dust, He also created, to Eve from Adam's Anatomy, Physiology, Neurology, He also created, Rib -- Homo Sapiens' life center Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen; and Our Lord God did place those same elements into the embryo which was placed in a Woman - Obedient to God's Laws - who became His Son Jesus Christ... who said "Obey My Laws. Seek and Ye shall find. Ask and it Shall Be opened unto you.  I am in my Father; My Father is in Me.  I am in You. You are in Me."  which is Nature's Law "Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other."  and "The Whole Is the Sum of Each One Part.".   To Pontius Pilate - "Supreme Court" Leader over the Pharisees- (attorneys of earthly production and distribution of goods and services), the only present "People" -- Jesus said "Those who know Me, Know The Truth."  "The Everlasting".

We the People MUST...take ACTION "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future[posterity] security  to the Laws of Both Founding Documents.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

S. Carolina's Repeal of PPAA is also a Crime Violating the Laws of Both Founding Documents

South Carolina House passes bill making ‘Obamacare’ implementation a crime; 


For God and Nation: The very Title of this Act against the Sovereignty of Person, State, and Nation, is a lie:  "Patient" is defined as completely healthy and requiring absolutely no medical care;

"Protection" is defined as the "Socialist 7 writer's" of "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights", ethics of "utilitarianism's moral rightness of an action is determined by its consequences", i.e. "opinion without interference" based upon "predetermined / preconceived conclusions" and allows the "Statistical commission" to determine how allocations of scarce healthcare resources shall be produced and distributed;

"Affordable" do we even have to address the effects against the private sector's owners and employers, to say nothing of the ethics of 'disrespect and disregard' to each-individual Person's Soul, ill or not, their family, extended family and all Persons they encounter during life's liberty of choices, and pursuit of Happiness..

"Care" is defined as government's care of government's need to utilize $$$$ plundered from the 2000+ hours of work as earnings/year, to force, and nearly always coercion, the control, through taxes and fines, the 100% of the production and distribution of the Periodic Chart of the Elements, Anatomy, Physiology, Neurology's Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen required for life from before birth through death of that Body, absent Soul of each-one-Constitutional Person.

Act is the corruption, denial, Alinsky-Frozen, denigration of the Laws of Both Founding Documents because there are NO SIGNATURES OF ANY REPUBLICAN MEMBER OF EITHER SENATE OR HOUSE, AND 37 DEMOCRATS JOINED THE HOUSE; "We the People" represented by those individual Persons who would not sign PPAA [This Patriot of 38 years work in Care of ill in their place of residence, repudiates the Executive Branch use of the word "care"], Federalism's "Elected We the People", within the equilateral Triangle - Preamble - and Declaration -- that government Is Ours -- The People as One-Person-among the Whole --  THREE TIMES refused by AT-LARGE We the People; and

Four Justices of the Supreme Court declaring that ACT unconstitutional for the ACT is NOT DERIVED and NOT CONSISTENT with The supreme Law of the Land which all  nine and ALL CITIZENS and People are Bound to uphold, with two of the nine, already declaring verdict and purchased by despotic majority, before the ACT entered the atoms of Boolean Logic inanimate object-tool computer.

All too common anti-law, a daily occurrence in the 29,941 Executive Branch Agencies of Law, absent Congress and Court, disguised as Regulation, a now extinct word, in the Socialist-atheist-secular-Sharia / Man's body-temporal law - allowed to be supreme to the Laws of the Declaration - God's Laws and to those Laws as applied, One-Person-at-a-time to Article II and VI's Oath of Office and Pledge of Allegiance -- God's Laws applied to "Rule Of Law",  resurfacing in Article III Judiciary - removing independence in adjudication Justice from knowledge, wisdom, in Truth which is "Religion and Morality" - God's Law .... And

"..when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariable the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, IT IS THEIR RIGHT, IT---IS---THEIR DUTY--- to throw off such government and to provide new Guards for their future [Posterity] security: ..”. .

First Priority: Guard and Protect — become a part of Posterity’s need for our, parents, relatives, Single People - responsibility to guide toward the Sovereignty of Person through God’s Laws of each-person’s Soul as unique with the “separate and equal station tow which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God Entitle them...unalienable rights to be discovered by each-one’s personal life journey in life, liberty and pursuits of Happiness:
Disband the Department of Education’s 100% control over $$$$ as grants - loans - content of courses based upon “Alinsky-underground’s god’s of the crimes of omission, commission, neglect, and positive transgression via “Common Core Curriculum” Disband the use of Taxpayer Resources at BOTH STATE AND FEDERAL LEVELS.  “Learning is Posterity and Posterity resides in family and in Town or its subunit the actual location of school ... so that even a board – especially using that other non-existent word in mankind “NONpatisan”.  The loudest statement of the literal false god of NONpartisan is the Refusal to state an Invocation at which the Person(s) soul in conscience is performing its duty and service to the Whole of the Polity in our Republic under God and under the Laws of both Founding documents — which allow that they “Affirm” in the piety of righteousness defined by the ancient Philosophers and by the piety of life among man from that day to this day.

Your Soul in Word of Honor Is accountable whether or not your individual person acknowledges the existence of God, His Son, or the Truth of the Scriptures and in the words of Both Founding Documents.

1) Education in "Religion and Morality" of the 1828 Dictionary shall start "tomorrow" in any assembly of Persons from Preschool to Doctorate degree; and all who are involved in imparting that learning.

The antonym for the word “education”, “indoctrination”, shall become extinct - tomorrow. It shall be replaced with “Classical Learning Methods of the Founders”: Research, Reflect / Reason, RELATE, Record with Act - not be acted upon.  Original Texts include scripture, The Ten Commandments and The Beatitudes, and or the writings of the Greatest Leaders, and even the not so great for contrast, and Most Eloquent Words....all subjects, each with separate and equal station in the Truth of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God — ; AND

The work of Maria Montessori, who recognized a child’s natural ability to learn by himself and with others within that classroom, that liberty of learning does include understanding how all the senses of the body assist in appraising subjectively, objectively to enhance learning, regardless of any inanimate object, number, as a measure of learning ---- absent Soul of that chile with his inherent gifts, and liabilities, no member of the species Homo Sapiens, with all Animals have, for whether a man or not, all have separate and equal station in the Universe which God did Create in 7 days — because He can... create a women from a man’s rib – the strong, flexible, muscle, connective tissue which protects air and water within cells forming protection and function of neurology which is the earthly connecter of a Person’s life and Soul; and He can place an embryo within a woman, absent earthly man, because She Is Obedient to His Word by Her Deeds, and that Embryo will be His Son....and each and every husband cleaving to wife with embryo(s) to infants - to “Sunbeams of 3 and 4 year olds” and all of Both Father and Son’s center of their Universe – Children growing and learning to be tomorrow’s risk/reward, threats/opportunities, strengths / weaknesses; never stop learning, analyze details..

2) Tomorrow, in fact today, We the People Are a Republic. That does mean that inanimate
 object, Number, cannot determine right / wrong, good / bad, absent reason, knowledge, wisdom, justice in Truth.

In writing any form of law, at any level of government, The Laws of Both Founding Documents must be obeyed, for that is the sole method that Soul of the Person living in his earthly body, can be protected from governments and pseudo-UN-government.

FIRST follow “Separate and Equal Station”: That means that the lowliest and poorest Person will be judged as he is in his deeds in life — exactly as the person with $64 billion with his ability in life’s deeds to get that camel through the eye of the needle, because with God “All things are possible”.   “Only individual persons or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process.”  Stated in I Timothy 1:8-19 Peter speaking: “I am well aware that the law is admirable---- provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people but for the lawless and the insubordinate, ..liars,,...perjurers...and whatever else is of unsound doctrine as laid down by that glorious gospel of the Blessed God...”.

The question if forming any statute, regulation, ordinance, Bylaw, Owner’s Association, public or private:  How will the Base of our Equilateral Triangle, Person, family and Posterity, be affected, or in assembly of “concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.”?
SECOND follow:  “to which the Laws of Nature...: the inanimate objects: The Periodic Chart with emphasis on the atoms as communication and energy with magnetism and the new graphine, petroleum- mineral, tools especially the computer’s Boolean-yes/no, binomial-black-white/or white is black, decision tree:  if government says so.., with non-critical-non-questioning,-non-exploring person(s) conforms and subjugates himself, and therefore others, for that is the outcome of hardware and software; guns, as independent from its bullets, And Living objects - the body or functioning of anatomy, physiology, neurology of all plants, vegetable and animals notably in human bodies, the anatomy, physiology, neurology of sex organs, of excrement of urine, of whorls of fingers the measure of criminality to which ALL Honest persons must submit to before they can be declared “honest”.

The Laws of Nature, per nature, involve man, for they have no value or function, unless man assigns or utilizes whatever the inanimate object is or whatever the Physical Laws of Mathematics allow it to become.... “Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other.” and “The Whole is the Sum of Each One Part.”.
THIRD follow “and of Nature’s God”:   Hamilton Long has to be said here, for what he wrote in 1976, on our 200th birthday could not be better, except maybe the Founder’s words themselves,  Said: “The fundamental principle underlying the traditional American philosophy is that the “Spiritual is Supreme”--that Man is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material   It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin.

The fundamentally religious basis of this philosophy is the foundation of its moral code, which contemplates The Individual's moral duty as being created by God's Law: the Natural Law. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty-Responsibility.

An Indivisible Whole:  The American philosophy, based upon this principle, is an indivisible whole and must be accepted or rejected as such. It cannot be treated piece-meal. Its fundamentals and its implicit meanings and obligations must be accepted together with its benefits.

The Individual's Self-respect:  The concept of Man's spiritual nature, and the resulting concept of the supreme dignity and value of each Individual, provide the fundamental basis for each Individual's self-respect and the consequent mutual respect among Individual's. This self-respect as well as this mutual respect are the outgrowth of, and evidenced by, The Individual's maintenance of his God-given, unalienable rights. They are maintained by requiring that government and other Individuals respect them, as well as by his dedication to his own unceasing growth toward realization of his highest potential--spiritually, morally, intellectually, in every aspect of life. This is in order that he may merit maximum respect by self and by others.

Some Things Excluded:  This concept of Man's spiritual nature excludes any idea of intrusion by government into this Man-to-Man spiritual relationship. It excludes the anti-moral precept that the end justifies the means and the related idea that the means can be separated from the end when judging them morally. This concept therefore excludes necessarily any idea of attempting to do good by force--for instance, through coercion of Man by Government, whether or not claimed to be for his own good or for the so-called common good or general welfare.

It excludes disbelief in--even doubt as to the existence of--God as the Creator of Man: and therefore excludes all ideas, theories and schools of thought--however ethical and lofty in intentions--which reject affirmative and positive belief in God as Man's Creator.

The Truly American Concept: . Only those ideas, programs and practices, regarding things governmental, which are consistent with the concept that "The Spiritual is supreme" can justly be claimed to be truly American traditionally. Anything and everything governmental, which is in conflict with this concept, is non-American--judged by traditional belief.

This applies particularly to that which is agnostic, or atheistic--neutral about, or hostile to, positive and affirmative belief in this concept based upon belief in God as Man's Creator. There is not room for doubt, much less disbelief, in this regard from the standpoint of the traditional American philosophy. Its indivisible nature makes this inescapably true. This pertains, of course, to the realm of ideas and not to any person; it is the conflicting idea which is classified as non-American, according to this philosophy.

America a Haven For All Religions:  The traditional American philosophy teaches that belief in God is the fundamental link which unites the adherents of all religions in a spiritual brotherhood. This philosophy allows for no differentiation between them in this unifying conviction: ". . . all men are created . . . endowed by their Creator . . ." This philosophy is all inclusive as to believers in God. Although America was originally colonized predominantly by adherents of the Christian religion, and principally by Protestants, the Founding Fathers steadfastly conformed to this all-embracing character of the approach of the American philosophy to religion. This was expressly and affirmatively indicated in the proclamation of 1776 of the fundamental American philosophy, of its basic principles, in the Declaration of Independence. This was further indicated, negatively, in 1787-1788 by the Framers and Ratifies of the Constitution--as a "blueprint" for the structure of the then proposed Federal government, with strictly limited powers--by not permitting it to possess any power with regard to religion. This implied prohibition against the Federal government was reinforced by the addition of the First Amendment expressly prohibiting it, through the Congress, from making any law "respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . ."--the words "an establishment of religion" being intended to mean, specifically and only, a church or religious organization which is established, supported and preferred by the government, like the Church of England establishments then existing in some of the States.

Nature’s God is the best and worse that man can be to man or to mankind. It’s continuum is a vast and unnumberable as God who created Any Being in His Image, so that Each-one might become liken unto Him and His son Jesus who instructed each-one of us, in the 5W’s and H of following Both and in recognizing our frailties and renewing or repenting, ourselves through the Truth of the Holy Ghost that ever so tiny, quiet voice which often eludes us in our haste for whatever appears important in the God’s moment of speck of time.  Be careful to Judge not; to do unto others as you would have others do unto you, and Love thy neighbor and thine enemy..

3) STOP, NOW, quasi-government, anti-jurisdiction-United Nation’s expression as a self-
proclaimed-Nation and following, with  its partner Countries’, especially the Executive branch of Executive Orders and Cabinets supreme to our unique Republic under God, by  mirroring and sustaining, the religion of their ‘false gods’ in force and control of lowering the oceans and healing the planet, defining all life by the use of the Planet’s Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon plus the Periodic Chart of the Elements.

The US Executive Branch, a completely,  independent force and power over the 1789 supreme Law of the Land with repudiation of Oath of Office (Affirm); in conjunction, intermingled with George Soros’ Open society with their “The Universal Declaration of Rights” written by seven Socialist-communists and the theoretical basis of the pseudo-government of communist United Nations Charter and “World Summit Information Society’s Declaration of Principles” demonstrated by their Agenda 21 oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen - Table of Contents Outline  for their borderless nations and jurisprudence in the interest of the goddess of green-sustainability absent truth, in the definition of that word, in knowledge, wisdom.

In addition to the Laws of the Declaration, here is the First Law of Construction, which does require the use of, Noah Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language: “On every question of construction, [let us] carry ourselves back to the time when the constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it [precedent supreme], conform to the probanle one in which it was passed.”: AND

Here is Hamilton’s Legislative Test - which continues connecting  “The law of nature and the law of revelation are both Divine: they flow, though in different channels, from the same adorable source. It is indeed preposterous to separate them from each other.” – James Wilson, with: Separate and Equal Station - Laws of Nature and of nature’s God unalienable Natural Rights are God’s Universe. ...:
1. Does the Constitution, in expressive terms, grant EXCLUSIVE, authority too the federal level of We the People with Consent of the governed, to exercise this power?

2. Does the Constitution grant authority to the federal level of We the People, to exercise this power And prohibit it for state governments?

3. Does the Constitution grant authority to the federal government, We the People, to exercise this power AND would it be absolutely and tatally repugnant for the states to have similar authority?

The Laws of both Founding Documents are not Broken and do not require amending. What is borken is We the People, who have forgotten, or never were taught, our Republic under God’s unique in mankind’s history of _One Person Protected from government: “"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."  A Minority of One Protected:   The protection provided by this principle applies fundamentally, of course, in favor of a minority of one: The Individual. No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual--may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small--even a minority of a lone Individual.”.   One Person, earthly body – heavenly Soul.

We Must Obey and Enforce The Laws of Both Founding Documents.  We Must use Articles II:4 Impeachment and conviction of Treason, Bribery, High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”; IV with invasion also meaning “An attack on the rights of another; infringement or violation.”; V – because the government in this 2009 to date and beyond, exclusive Executive Branch of .Anti-law is removing our Republic under God; including among the States, California seceding from the union demonstrating its support for both the Executive Branch and the UN-self-declared-quaisi-government — completely absent Article V, which alone makes for Treason in the connection with the UN’s oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon Agenda 21 borderless nations and jurisprudence; Article II and VI Oath of Office – and their anti-law man’s repudiation of  God’s law .