Comment attached to another comment by a Ray Sanders regarding Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"
Ray You haven't finished your Bible Lessons and have turned a blind eye and deaf ear to Soul, haven't you?
Ayn Rand, our Republic under God both address the Sovereignty of One Person's accountability to Him and to the Laws of Both Founding Documents. That sentence before the unalienable rights sentence: "and assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them.." This is the ultimate Axiom from God to mankind; and all the Founders, as well as everyday "Freemen and Individuals" Knew That Truth.
It's opposite is what our Republic is undergoing since 1/20/2009 - the "Obama Socialist Regime" composed of G. Soros' Open Society; the United Nations Agenda 21 - tyrannical, usurpation of air, land, water which connects right back to the Obama Socialism as "sustainable energy" - EPA Smart Growth and Smart Policing / pre-designed cities through annexation and arbitrary building -- which connects to the Socialist State of California's control of City Plans and Redevelopment with the arbitrary and compulsory 8 Step Plan -- which is Agenda 21 that only certain, Green Private-Government 'partnership' of force, are allowed to participate in the building of for only they have all the "end justify's means"; aka "opinion without interference / arbitrary" and "preconceived conclusions / the facts must fit the end justify s the means, or the Opposition to the CO2 problem is "Obama's doctorate degree in Saul Lucifer Alinsky "Frozen", in this issue.
You might not see the connections between the air's carbon dioxide, without which there is no life of any kind on God's Planet; and no government by any description can handle: -- you probably understand this part well with the development of the special steel for the special train by Person(s); and the thousands employed in the production, distribution, building and operation, at every single level, which requires the paper and writing skills of Any Rand, you so you can call her a "Terrible Rich Person" of ".. keen desire of any thing; eager to obtain; as greedy of gain"; rather than the Risk/Reward; opportunity/threat, strengths/weakness -- all of which are included in Atlas Shrugged.... and in all of " the spiritual, rational and immortal substance in man, which distinguishes him from brutes; that part of man which enables him to think and reason, and which renders him a subject of moral government. The immortality of the soul is a fundamental article of the christian system. Such is the nature of the human soul that it must have a God, an object of supreme affection.
2. The understanding; the intellectual principle. The eyes of our soul then only begin to see, when our bodily eye are closing."
Atlas Shrugged Is the Fight of Soul of Person in our Repbulican form of Representative Government under God via the Laws of the Declaration, partly, stated above, and the Law of "Oath of Office" stated in the Preamble, Articles II and VI of the Constitution; versus
"The Obama Atheist, Secular, Islamic-Body's anatomy, physioligy,neurology, collective mass-absent cognition of each-one's spiritual, rational-people of group-think-designation----'The Despotism of the Majority' as the inanimate object "number" determining right and wrong; And
All the above enables your 'judgement' of person who wrote an outstanding book -- completely on the same level as George Orwell's "1984" the blueprint for the Fabian Socialism which is the background for G. Soros, Obama's mentor, in producing "The Obama Socialist Regime" of absolute force, control, especially of knowledge in wisdom which is Forbidden, any expression in 45 years of indoctrination disguised as p[ublic education, and now even some private; college, and all life: Person/Family, Town, County, State, and Nation!
Ray, you are not alone in your Stiffnecked, Focus so your blinders and earmuffs fit; and you cannot see or be allowed to see, the world-wide nature of this current Satan, who is successfully spitting and stomping on 58 of the finest men as Founders, and every, single person, in every single role in life from, actually 1620's little Mayflower, sailing ship, to this very minute; and as you know, through all Eternity wherever "We the People" of God travel to in the Next Frontier --- Our participation in God's Universe!!
He Is... and He is in His Son Jesus Chris, who is in His Father...who is in Each-One-Person, not only created in His Image; but also in Each Soul - traveling in each Body - with Each-Free Agency - on whatever journey is set before us.... The Polity of the Whole of our Republic under God --- One at a time in Law "Religion and Morality" and in Law Oath of Office in written Constitution all intertwined in Scripture; And
THE ONLY NATION IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND, TO CREATE OUR AMERICA of Love - not limited to person but to God for his Perfection in ALL His Creation; and His Son Jesus who was born of Virgin Woman Mary, lived to most wonderfully teach His and His Father's words; because with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE; including a rich man who can go through that eye of a needle, the camel cannot go through!!!! Rich is not money.
Money is an inanimate object -- just like the binomial-Boolean-yes-no-think computer which is producing yes-no thinkers, completely absent Research-Reflect/Reason-Relate-Record/Act to avoid being acted upon>
It Is Our Republic under God that is under Attack; as are all Nations on God's Planet (see Geert Wilders and Lord Monckton). The Sooner We the People join Consent of the Governed, will be the sooner God will though each-one-Person, alone and together, will rid Satan and all he represents in the evil before mankind in the probably among the Greatest of the Course of Human Events.
Edmund Burke, the only member of Parliament expelled because of support of our Revolution, 4 years old in 1776, said: "I am only one. I cannot do everything, but I can do what I can; and I shall do what I can!" The above is not about 'winning or losing'; number, time, dollar or any earthly riches; and those among you who do read the Bible Know this Truth. WE MUST ALL JOIN AS ONE IN TAKING ACTION WHICH IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTY, PER OUR DECLARATION AND OUR OWN SOUL IN GOD, TO DO WHATEVER IS NECESSARY TO CORRECT THE WRONG. You need to bear in mind, many people especially public school educated, but left church and never understood George Washington's words in his "Farewell Address" or Thomas Jefferson on Construction for the Laws of our Constitution, or Ben Franklin's wisdom and invention; or Booker T. Washington; or most of all Martin Luther King's I don't care what color skin you have, or what your country of origin is, [ it is necessary to learn English because it is the Language of the Laws of Both Founding Documents of a Representative People in their ownership of their government]; The only idea which is important is the unique-Soul-each one person has full ownership and accountability for in reward and punishment from our Lord God, and in Law of our Sovereign Nation, Sovereign State, and Soverign Person!
Get out of your car, get out of your work, pay attention to and learn the 5W's and H of our most perfect -- Founding Documents.
PS: if you would like an excellent tirade against the above so you can obtain an example of the continued 'revision' - Alinsky's unfreezing - Please read Michael Seidman's "Let's Give Up the Constitution". He's very proud of his 37 years of indoctrination of our Posterity, in this demonstration and of absence of the Laws of Both Founding Documents: It parallels and sets the stage for Obama's [Kerry, Gore, Hager] Inaugural Declaration of the Socialist States Speech"
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
We have Always Been One or..
A Minority, and we always shall be; for the Truth in our Lord God is unto itself, the Way and The Light of the very straight and narrow path, to which Each-Person’s Soul shall travel within Each-Person’s earthly Body; not looking left, nor looking right and always seeking and asking and Receiving whatever is asked in the pursuit of life, liberty, obtain from knowledge and wisdom; with or without books or college credentials, of man’s “opinion without interference,” – eyes which don’t see, ears which cannot hear, and a stiffneck which focus’ on those “preconceived conclusions” of “opinion without interference”..
Monday, we heard and read this ‘president’s’ “Inaugural Declaration of America the Socialist state”. It follows, what Speaker Boehner was able to get published in the ‘opinion without interference-censored-journalism’ of repudiation of #3 of the five parts of the First Amendment, “abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..”: “We Don’t have a Spending Problem.” “I don’t want to hear anymore about it.”
Of course, this Islamic ‘president’ has the support of Gore and Kerry, George Soros’ “Open Society”, to “Obama-Alinsky - unfreeze”, America officially into the helm of: what Geert Wilder’s N.Y. Speech, warning of Sharia - living object-body Law of the Islamic god becoming supreme in many European nations, with US(A) high on the takeover list; the UN’s usurpation of sovereignty of all member nations in the name of Agenda 21/Global Warming/sustainable energy/smart growth-smart policing-surveillance cameras, among other ‘smart’ removal of Liberty especially by this ‘president’s sustainable energy failures, in the name of Socialist safety and protection; and the complete control of all money by EU, WB, Federal Reserve and the Socialist-Debt Ceiling word to allow Borrow more to pay interest on Debt – by increasing the increases on increases...for the ever present- persistent-road to catastrophe; for there is no such word as Socialist ‘ceiling’; And
Even if there were more ceiling raises, it is Obama-Alinsky Frozen” until Borrow - Borrow does to our Republic under God; Exactly what it does to the plastic (inanimate object) credit card(s) in your wallet. The is no credit relief for our Nation, though, it along with the rest of the nations who have, in trust, followed our Republic to all fold under the yoke of the previous paragraph’s lawlessness, abdication of One Person protected in their life, liberty, and pursuits;... all because the “Socialist-Atheist-Regime” believe that number has more meaning than God’s Law in Both Founding Documents. That majority is for unlimited power over the operation of government and the lives, and therefore liberty, forget pursuits their extinct, of all people. There is no individual person, no unalienable rights; there is no such thing as “separate and equal station”, as class and ownership of riches rules but only if the specific-group-leader-bosses hands give permission; and the Laws of Nature – are ridiculed as belonging to anyone person(s) only government can command; Nature’s God — probably you can hear the #$%^&* of that concept by the “Obama Socialist-Seidman-Pelosi-Reid-Kerry-Gore-union administration leaders”.
The “Obama Socialist Regime” has completely “unfrozen” force and control by majority of a collective mass of 62,611,250 people who were forbidden information regarding voting against the Republic under God - Both Founding Documents, and with Seidman’s assistance and support, obliterating the Oaths: “ solemn affirmation or declaration, made with an appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed. The appeal to God in an oath, implies that the person imprecates his vengeance and renounces his favor if the declaration is false, or if the declaration is a promise, the person invokes the vengeance of God if he should fail to fulfill it;” And “Religion and Morality: “Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion. . Religion, as distinct from virtue, or morality, consists in the performance of the duties we owe directly to God, from a principle of obedience to his will. Hence we often speak of religion and virtue, as different branches of one system, or the duties of the first and second tables of the law. Let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion.”. The First and Second Table of Law and Oath with the Truth which only comes from God, are repudiated by the "Obama Socialist Regime".
That means justice in Article III Judiciary is forbidden; only “The American Rule” for the state of Government-over-man Departments to obtain their will in law, out of court — disguised as regulation. The “American Rule” allows State as Departments rule by coercion, absent any ‘due process’ or justice; and justice has absolutely nothing to do with the substructure functions of 92,163 Federal level of government Agencies. Actually, the word ‘regulation’ doesn’t exist anymore– hasn’t since 01/20/2009.
Further, Seidman accentuates violation of this Constitutional Principle regarding our Republic’s One-Person protected in his unalienable Natural Rights: “Only individual persons or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process.” – That was law from 1776 to about the middle to late 1950's. “Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law.”
Inanimate objects [guns, computers, land, water, air as CO2/GW/AB32/EPA, minerals, petroleum] and living objects [anatomy, physiology, neurology of body functions sex, urine and fingers for proof that One Person is not a criminal, airport body scanning] cannot be in the objects-- the originators – of Acts whether right or wrong. It is mandatory that Both living and inanimate objects be attached or utilized, tools, by a Person, a member of the species homo sapiens with essential cognitive attributes. It is also mandatory that as many laws as possible, include inanimate (plastic bags, cups) and living objects (sex organs, body parts kidneys for urine; fingers for prints from individuals to prove they are not criminals or removed from their profession by the state)
At the Heritage Foundation’s, Presidents Tour, among all the Foundation has accomplished and will continue, Jim DeMint, President, addressed the Constitutionalist from Georgetown University, Louis Seidman’s ‘opinion without interference’: “But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions” in his NY (journalistic cowards to subjugation absent honor)Times: “Let’s Give Up on The Constitution”. The entire article, and upcoming book, are about what could be ‘Deism” of God; but actually, because of the nature of the examples, is in fact Atheism, though this person has taken an Oath of Office..
It didn’t take more than 40 seconds scanning the article for ‘key concepts’ which intertwine the Laws of Both Founding Documents, to identify the huge amount of ignorance about our Republic Under God, Dr. Seidman demonstrates, in absent knowledge, touching solely the highlights “unseen laws,” contained in “Separate and Equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them” – “unalienable rights” – ; the “deeds” performed by the Founding Signers, and every America since them, in “Greater Love Hath No Man, than laying down their [Pledge our Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor] for their friends”; and the sole location of God in “see law”, in the Constitution, Articles II and VI Oath of Office which binds “We the People” as Representatives, every level of government, one at a time-with God as Witness- to preserve, protect, support,-----the unalienable rights ---- of his Soul in Person — and every individual, Really, upon this Planet, because our Nation is, or was due to anti-law, “Obama Socialist Regime”, the Leader to Preserve and teach with mentoring, people all over the world, in more rights through knowledge and wisdom, which occurs by our Marines in Iraq, Missionary work of many our Religions.
Our Nation under God Is our Friend - Love and Support for everything, for Each-Unique-One Person, completely absent physical characteristics or environment living-inanimate objects. Our Nation under God is also completely unique, and therefore another among “course of Human Events”, is completely unique in One Person’s Soul in Law on Earth.
This is the “archaic, idiosyncratic, downright evil Dr Seidman is decrying,...and teaching his students :-( !
It is mandatory for the function and existence of the “Obama-Alinsky-atheist-Secular-Socialist -collective mass people Regime (Obama Socialist Regime)”, that the Majority be absent knowledge and wisdom of the words, lessons, and Truth contained in Scripture, repeated and reflected in the Laws of both Founding Documents; which especially includes the Declaration; that Dr. Seidman’s preconceived conclusions are correct; for you notice, 12/30 is timed for the “Inaugural Socialism is Supreme”Address, since it contains every single principle of antithesis to the content of: “equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them – unalienable rights; and the lessons of usurpation, tyranny, long train of abuses.. Signify and are written to prevent re-occurrence - in every part of the Constitution with the last sentence of the Declaration bound to Article II and Article VI of the Constitution. Seidman is another kind of “Announcement” to the 59,134,475 who did support The Constitution with those among the Independents and Libertarians of the 1,968,682 who didn’t vote for either, but do support Declaration and Constitution.
Both Documents are the most sacred, and the most complete in the classical Logic arguments. While the “Atheist Socialists will careen in the same degree as Seidman’s tirade in his “Let’s give Up on the Constitution”, both Documents address the entire range of mankind against himself and in all life from Satan to “Religion and Morality”; any Issue, National or International, has its Answer in theses documents; “..are uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy..”. The Whole of the Polity on God’s Planet, Each-One-Person, including the Socialists herein named, with two feet on this planet, will be judged on his own “deeds” within the roles of his, unique Soul;...for before God your Body has left you, regardless of your position in the infinite variety of roles, among each-person as an individual among mankind; or whether you are a devotee of Satan, to the closest one person can attain to “Put down you nets and follow me”. And “Those who know me, know the Truth.” said to Pontius Pilate of our Lord Jesus Christ. You shall be judged for your eternal Soul to continue....or not; and it is irrelevant and immaterial whether you believe the Lord God or not..
The Person in his “Religion and Morality” is the reason the Founders wrote the Constitution for EACH-ONE-PERSON, with separate and equal station, to another PERSON, especially in all of Article IV:4 The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of government, and shall protect each of them from invasion..”. Invasion is also “An attack on the rights of another; infringement or violation; as well as, a hostile entrance into the possessions of another; particularly, the entrance of a hostile army into a country for the purpose of conquest or plunder”.
Constitutionalist, at the opposite of Seidman, Hamilton Long, demonstration of belief in 1976 wrote this: “ . . . this sacred principle . . ." [Majority must respect Minority's rights] (President Jefferson's First Inaugural Address): The Principle: . The traditional American philosophy teaches that The Majority must be strictly limited in power, and in the operation of government, for the protection of The Individual's God-given, unalienable rights proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and, therefore, of the rights of The Minority--of all minorities. A Restricted Mechanic of Government: Self-government's system of rule by majority vote is based on necessity. Rule by majority vote is a necessary mechanic of any government of the popular type, featuring rule by the people through free, periodic elections such as, for example, those held in the United States. Under this philosophy, rule by majority vote is always subject to the "sacred principle" defined in President Jefferson's First Inaugural Address, quoted below.
"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."
A Minority of One Protected: The protection provided by this principle applies fundamentally, of course, in favor of a minority of one: The Individual. No majority, however great even all of the people but one Individual--may properly infringe, or possess the power to infringe, the rights of any minority, however small--even a minority of a lone Individual.
The “Obama Socialist Regime” to be American under our Founding Documents, cannot remove the rights the 59,134,475 plus 1,968,682 among those Americans who also support Both Founding Documents.
“Number” is not the political standard of right and wrong; and among 62,611,250, collective mass people of “information needed to make a proper determination was withheld, forbidden, distorted, in a way fully intended to mislead and succeeded in that effect with complete negligence by the “Obama-Alinsky-Socialist Regime” resulting in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the people in the history of our Nation, except for the 59 + million who knew exactly what they were voting against; as well as what they were giving their ‘Consent to govern’.
“America a Republic--Not a Democracy--In Form of Government--So As to Limit Effectively The Majority To Protect the Individual Therein lies the reason why the American leaders who framed and ratified the United States Constitution in 1787-1788 chose, for America's form of government, that of a Republic and not a Democracy. .. A Republic is a constitutionally limited government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution--adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment--with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. In a Republic, the whole system is designed primarily to protect The Individual's unalienable rights--therefore The Minority, all minorities--against any violation by government or by others.
As the Declaration of Independence expresses this American goal of safeguarding these rights, the people form their governments "to secure these rights"--to make and keep them secure. Any Democracy, either Representative or Direct, does not even recognize the existence of any unqualified rights of The Individual, much less his possessing God-given, unalienable rights as conceived by the American philosophy. A Democracy in America, as a form of government, would therefore provide no protection for these rights. Under a Democracy, Man is considered to have only qualified privileges permitted by The Majority in control of government and revocable by it at any time. This spells Rule by Omnipotent Majority, with The Individual and The Minority as well as all minorities victimized at the pleasure of The Majority, without limit and without any legal basis for objection or practical remedy. The idea of such unlimited rule, as if by "divine right of The Majority," is as abhorrent in the eyes of the traditional American philosophy as is the idea of rule by "divine right of kings.".
The Obama Socialist Regime has overthrown, at least in its eyes, the Republic under God completely absent Article V; by forcing the bigger-number as supreme, government-over-man. It is a completely lawless act in every possible sphere of government; and it is yet another first against the Republican Form of Representative Government in the experience of We the People, who are a little confused with the complete absence of truth and law in Religion and Morality of the “Obama Socialist Regime”. Americans are people of honor and conscience; as opposed to the lip-service or absent same from the Socialists.
Since 01/20/2009, the epitome of the attack against our Republic under God is demonstrated, in Both Anti-law against our Founding Documents And in civil crimes of omission, commission, neglect and positive transgression, by the deeds of "Obama Atheist-Secular(Seidman, et. al)-Socialist collective-think, mass people-number-majority determines right and wrong -Regime (Obama Socialist Regime)".
We the People and Consent of the Governed, in Congress and many State Governments, especially where union administration abounds in PAC-power of ‘purchase seats’ for elected people among the collective-mass, who remain submissive, obedient, and subjugate themselves, as well as every other person they represent as both constituents and as citizens of the whole of the Polity of the US(A), to this ‘president’s’ majority of despotism absent “Religion and Morality”.
How did they get away with it is a moot question right now; because We the People, here, now, must act; for the “We the People” of each one’s- great-great grandchildren’s and the children, who are God’s now and in Posterity; all of US(A) will continue to experience the consequences of choosing all must be “cooperative”, submissive, never question and always say “yes” to every “dissident”, slavery; combined with it is OK to lie, distort, deceive, use the new, more modern Marxist of Obama's Saul Lucifer Alinsky, utilized as “preconceived conclusion”, “opinion without interference”[of fact], and “An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth -- truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing.... To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma, he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations....”.
Any relation of the “Obama Socialist Regime”, of a Person’s life in law, occupation, health, or any of the areas within the “rhelm” of Departments among the Executive branches 29,811, not counting PPAA; is not required by Oath of Office and the regime is not accountable to any Person within the Laws of our Republic under God.
The House, with it Republican Party majority, defends what remains of Oath of Office in accountability to “Religion and Morality” of our Republic under God, argues reduce government size and spending; but never to be reconciled as long as “number” is the ruler over Republic under God – the rights of every-One-Person, as separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them; and “We the People” remain asleep to the overthrow.
The walks on the mall for with-holding guns, an inanimate object, by the walking-workers of Socialist ignorance; delivered by the “Alinsky Community Organizers” for the purpose of numbers as the determiner of right and wrong.
Those who walk on the mall standing in support of the Second Amendment’s principle of the People have a right to have all forms of Arms, in order to defend themselves from exactly what the “Obama Socialist Regime” is performing; and is the bottom-line reason for removing the guns by the ‘Socialist Regime”, including the world Islamic/UN stage; because it cannot move forward as long as any American of God and Nation first, remains able to defend himself alone or with others. Most Americans of God and Nation know this very well.
Arms definition is “ Weapons of offense, or armor for defense and protection of the body;” and there is no body unless there is a Soul; and that Person of both... is what is protected from “Obama Socialist Regime” implores abdication of Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God; just like all Socialists; especially of the “Zeitgeist”indoctrination of teens and college kids.
Politics, either party, is completely absent its definition: “The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. Politics, as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance.”
Has been for a long time; but added now is the Republican Party, of what in the past was the mantra: “The Party of Principle”, but in fact is ruled by the ‘establishment’ of Progressive-left, RINO’s who duplicate the organizational tactics of Alinsky, the practice of ‘railroading’ with removal of Robert’s Rules of Order (Ron Paul at RNC Convention; many if not all County meetings); and exclusion of Republicans unless they have donated while the only requirement for membership and participation is that the Person is a Registered Republican and performs ‘deeds’ which indicate some “Religion and Morality” in line with not only Party; but more important God and Nation. Some leaders are often completely ignorant of Alinsky tactics and do not recognize that are assisting in shutting down ‘dissenters’ to Party as “A number of persons united in opinion or design, in opposition to others in the community. It differs from faction, in implying a less dishonorable association, or more justifiable designs. Parties exist in all governments; and free governments are the hot-beds of party.”. Party leaders suffer from if we just form committees, to increase the recruitment of people by greater-number, based on the Socialist’s ‘preconceived conclusions’ of people by race/skin color; country-of-origin other than the US(A) - non English Speaking of the language of We the People and consent of the governed; - new citizen, we can win over the “Obama socialist Majority number” in 2014!
Dream on the myth... but learn that while ignoring the usurpation that as long as majority by number rules as supreme law, government-over-man, their shall not be any return to our Republic under God. “Obama Socialist Regime” shall continue to reign supreme over US(A) and add-on Islam with the UN; and the Planet of God’s Creation, will fold into the blackest black of the Islamic robes of body-law by mullahs/bosses over tribal members by city-state groups completely absent Person as individual Anyone under 50 has no idea, until they live it as Geert Wilders, Lord Monckton, and many others who have arrived in the US(A) expecting safety in their person, only to be deprived by depravity of “Obama’s Socialist regime” of Anti-law.
We the people leaving, rather than facing and taking action to remove the evils of acts official and private, against the unalienable Natural Rights / Freedom, has been commonplace; and confirms “..and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariable the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government..”..
The suffer while sufferable is reflected in home schooling, charter schools, not flying anymore to avoid confronting the insult to liberty which are body scans, solely at airports, the little scanners of removal of liberty-honor-and trust; refusing to discuss that terrible word ‘politics’ vs. getting the knowledge and wisdom to understand how to apply duty and responsibility to governance which is We the People’s work; using deaf/blind/stiffnecked to withdraw into the ecclesiastics of specific religion, in the belief the Lord will come; and everyone lies, silence to that lie given the lie power, but absent reason/God’s Law; refusing to Stand and Support that “An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it many be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a Regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide..”; which is the derivation of the term Anti-law.
The Obama Socialist Regime only writes Anti-law at Congress, which 94,163 Federal Level Agencies per GAO at , does not count the 122 new bureau and commissions deriving from the infamous, Socialist, anti-law “Patient Protection and Affordability Act”; for with the help of Constitutionalist’s like Seidman, who repudiates the Founders, as the dusty old men of Obama Biography fame; who regularly loves go to the Supreme Court of precedence; of inanimate and living objects as parties at law; which is otherwise known as, which attorney - Judge - Justice can outperform “trying what meaning can be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it” From President Jefferson; and declare that President Washington’s “Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert te oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?” is useless.
We the People, among many choose to leave both “Lets remove God from the Platform,” Socialist disguised as Democrats, and The Republican Party’s own form of ‘opinion without interference and preconceived conclusions; though it is not totally due to the above, more often due to frustration between what they know to be True usually from “The Bill of Rights”, almost instinctively, about our Nation and its unalienable rights, completely out of synchronization with the ‘deeds’ regardless of party-of-power; and they are correct. But not for the reason you may think....
When people are asked randomly, elected or not: “When did you last hear the word “Republic” used in government?” You might know the answer.
Except for the Founders, what this writer has learned Directly From Them, and possibly Jim DeMint, as Senator and now the President of Heritage Foundation, not one Person addressed in this essay know what Republic under God means: Sovereignty of Person, of State, and of Nation with protection from government-over-man.
Since in 235 years, no “Socialist” has been able until 2006 takeover of Congress by the then Liberal-labeled Socialists, with the advent of implementation of the Alinsky tactics throughout all “separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God – unalienable natural rights of We the People and Consent of the Governed; have been overthrown by this ‘man’ who did indeed, study the Constitution to destroy it in favor of his Socialist-Islamic life which America must subjugate itself to...with the help of many but especially through the judicial of what anti-law is to men like Michael Seidman.
The Republic under God, has been silent these four years. It has been confused. It tries to argue reason; but reason is not involved with abdication of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God; and the Article II and VI Oath of Office; there is no Word of Honor or moral reason to obey the Laws of God.
“Person is of Divine origin and his spiritual, or religious, nature is of supreme value and importance compared with things material. This governmental philosophy is, therefore, essentially religious in nature. It is uniquely American; no other people in all history have ever made this principle the basis of their governmental philosophy. The spiritual brotherhood of men under the common fatherhood of God is a concept which is basic to this American philosophy. It expresses the spiritual relationship of God to Man and, in the light thereof, of Man to Man. To forget these truths is a most heinous offense against the spirit of traditional America because the greatest sin is the lost consciousness of sin.
The fundamentally religious basis of this philosophy is the foundation of its moral code, which contemplates The Individual's moral duty as being created by God's Law: the Natural Law. The Individual's duty requires obedience to this Higher Law; while knowledge of this duty comes from conscience, which the religious-minded and morally-aware Individual feels duty-bound to heed. This philosophy asserts that there are moral absolutes: truths, such as those mentioned above, which are binding upon all Individuals at all times under all circumstances. This indicates some of the spiritual and moral values which are inherent in its concept of Individual Liberty -Responsibility.”(H. Long; ) .
In order to return to our Republic under God, the Laws of Both Founding Documents must be understood and obeyed. This means each-one-person, elected to office any level of Federalist government, must begin to stand against the ‘herd of disobedience inherent to Socialist anti-law’; the majority must be confronted with their violations of the Laws in Both Founding Documents, which may mean more learning, and / or hiring your Constitutionalists who can demonstrate understanding of the intertwining of the Laws with the Scripture counterpart.
It is best if you learn these Axioms yourself, for they become more real in their Truth, as you apply them; but in the meantime, realize many of your younger interns and assistants, are even less knowledgeable than yourself; but with work, there is not proposed, introduced Bill for Statute that cannot be challenged; and even “repealed” from the legislative floor;... for an unconstitutional law is not a Law and no-one is bound to obey it; and no court of law is bound to enforce it.
To that end, here is the “Constitutional Review Principle”: “The judgement of an official act with the constitution is called ‘constitutional Review’. When this Duty is performed by a judge, it is called ‘Judicial Review’. It is not a power of government but the exercise of a Duty of Citizenship.”.
In 1770, the Freemen and Individuals of Essex area of Boston held a meeting, voted and wrote a Resolution. Some of these men were probably involved with the Teaparty taking place 3 years distant; none were involved either in the Declaration six years distant, or the Constitution 17 years in the distance. They were their day in history ordinary working, earning a living individual Colonists; just like you and me today. But they had one difference, they were under the thumb of their government, who happened to be located at the nearest wharf with a sailing ship arrived from GB; and there was a decree from the divine right of king “Merchant’s Tax” imposed upon any Merchant the entire coastline of the Colonies. Using the Resolution format, unchanged over the 242 intervening years, these Colonists Acted on their own behalf; declaring that the tax would not be taken because they would not purchase any goods off that sailing ship, unless the item was a necessity like paper and other items; further they stated that if any other colonist purchased items other than the necessities, the writers of the Resolution would not buy or sell to that participating in GB’s tax.
In writing to each and every Representative involved from the Sponsor, Cosponsor, all our State and Federal Representatives, spelling out the violations of the Laws of both Founding Documents; and letting them know no compliance would take place with an unconstitutional law of any sort. We also make sure, each and every young person 8 yrs or older, knows the content and the reasons for the Act; and thereby teach the importance of the Sovereignty of Person in Law before their God and in the Laws of Both Founding Documents.
The more signatures the merrier; and each one shares on email or snail mail with 10 or more other people; Facebook, Twitter. We also use our membership in all organizations, even approaching those who keep the “Politics is bad and not part of our Life” for they have no life unless there is our Republic under God; and they need to understand duty, accountability to the Religion and Morality of the Only Nation on God’s Planet which applies God’s Law as the Supreme Law of the Land.
As a Party, we need to start learning and teaching our Republic under God, to each other; then assist each other to become the One Nation unified against the “Obama Socialist Regime”; for as long as the Obama-Alinsky-community organizers, can keep Americans separated, they are safe and in control; the minute we unite as Americans under God.... well we haven’t lost yet; and the Lord is with US(A). Actually, He never left and has been shouting at US(A) for a long time; as have the other nations citizens like Canada, Great Britain, Netherlands, Japan, even Spain who probably lost in exactly the same way as we did on 11/6/12 — overwhelming fraud both sides of the Polling Place table and absent the table in the redraw of Districts from the fraudulent census of if you don’t fill-out the long census form, we won’t count you in OUR census!
Patrick Henry said “It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth — and listen to the song of that syren, till she transforms un into beasts. Is this the paart of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.”.
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