Wednesday, August 17, 2011

This is Important..

You all know that once the minute it took to type this is past, it is gone forever and ever - never to return again.

The wrongs of omission, commission, neglect, and positive transgression against our Supreme Law cannot all easily be corrected; but with persistent respect to "I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its Laws, to respect its Flag and to defend it against ALL enemies, we can return to our Duty to our God and Nation.

Best part of this minute and all that follow the future of this minute: opportunity and challenge!

This minute "Each "person" of We the People [that includes you 'elected agent'], can continue and again practice the "Religion and Morality" you know and love full well, by the Employment of the Tool of our Laws: The Constitution of the United States of America.

 Here's How:
A. Instead of waiting for the Socialist Legislator to write, send to committee and add another 'chain-link' binding  Liberty; then to the floors of legislature which  2 or more chain-links; and then to President and Governor for the the padlock which seals the attack on Supreme Law with Liberty in place:  
1)  ALL, REGULATIONS, STATUTES, OF ANY KIND Proposed, written, from committees, go to the appropriate legislative Floor FIRST. PURPOSE:  Challenge and MANDATORY answer to the  Constitutional Question by: 1)This Bill by its Name -not number__________l is a violation of __________part of Articles, Amendments, Sections, Code as Law and Regulation. 
2) The 'author of the 'proposed Federal Law'', Shall by His 'Oath of Office'  answer Now on this Floor in this Chamber and in Writing as addendum title: "Answer to why the Bill is Not a violation" of Supreme or Any State Constitution (as appropriate). The Constitution is Supreme Law. If the author cannot Prove, the law's application in the Constitution --- that proposition is "Nulll and Void" and Shall be removed from Consideration as Law.

3) IF discussion and debate ensues directed to the Bill in relation to the Constitution involved utilizes, as part of its argument that the Constitution is not violated, the UN's declaration:  "right to opinion without interference '- WSIS12/2006 A#4:  "WE AFFIRM....that this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, receive and impart information through any media and regardless of frontiers. ..”.  

THEN that is a violation of God’s Laws because it does not answer the inherent practice of Socialism to continue: “CRIME 1. An act which violates a law, divine or human; an act which violates a rule of moral duty; an offense against the laws of right, prescribed by God or man, or against any rule of duty plainly implied in those laws. A crime may consist in omission or neglect, as well as in commission, or positive transgression. The commander of a fortress who suffers the enemy to take possession by neglect, is as really criminal, as one who voluntarily opens the gates without resistance. [Noah Webster in “The 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language].  If the "person as agent of 'We the People' wishes his "opinion" to be heard, ...
THEN that same "person" must change his "opinion" in view of the "crime". Or obedience to God's Law, you must take the consequences of your act and words - when you decide disobedience of correct; but not perpetrate that onto others by the position you hold  government. An individual is answerable to God --- regardless of that person's location on the infinite in the universe 'belief' location on the continuum.

The proposed Bill is still Null and Void.  This is the way Law was discussed back in 1620's plus throughout our early history. "..Laws of Nature and Nature's God have not changed..nor has the "species homo sapiens with cognitive attributes".   

 The reason any "Person" does not require a judge, attorney, court to come to this conclusion is also contained in The Bible and in the application of The Bible to both Founding Documents, to (Thank you so much, Mr. Webster) the "1828 Dictionary", and to Laws from before Constantine. God's Laws are timeless and when "get knowledge and wisdom (Proverbs 8+ and -)" are utilized...along with "seek and ye shall find; ask and it shall be opened unto you Shall Work", For Each and Every Person on this day, and every day in history, and all the tomorrows forever and the name of our Lord God and His Son Jesus Christ.

Another Reason, if socialism can declare "opinion without interference", the any person can surely understand the correctness of their 'knowledge and wisdom' of God's Law applied by the Documents - not one founder disputes who's magnificence established this United State of America...   Make no mistake, they and we are members of the species homo sapiens, and while we try...we often make the errors of omission, neglect, commission and active transgression...because that is our opportunity and challenge - Each-One-Person-One-at-a Time before God and as a citizen of our Nation...and other Nations who are learning and turning away from the "opinion without interference" socialism with other names. 
AND, Jon Roland's "Declaration of Constitutional Principles" (as valuable as Mr. Webster - today) has tremendous information and with the his Constitution Society ( is invaluable for 'We the People': Here is one of the sections: Bill found UNCONSTITUTIONAL DUE TO INCONSISTENT, or any of the 12 reasons found in "Declaration of Constitutional Principles" --- candidate, in spite of  "number of vote-getters" and state control (CA Constitution's new anti-law Article II) of elections, can be tested utilizing any part of Mr. Roland's work .  BUT, everyone - especially under 45 years old - must continue learning and relearning - the place our Nation occupy's in Relation to our Lord God.

OUR REPUBLIC is founded on "person" and is reflected in the harmony and concert of "a Congress" (Article I:1), which combined with 'filibuster' are bastion's against the power of number via "opinion without interference". "You can't have Beethoven's 5th without the drummer" IS THE ESSENCE OF OUR DEMOCRACY IN A REPUBLIC. It recognizes 'EVERY PERSON' as One; it protects God's Laws and "person" which Democracy, alone, cannot...; and it slows, modify's, and stops the 'vagaries of faction' represented by socialism's decline of person, of trust, of life - liberty (lip-service is given); in favor of  "collective", "mass", 'Group-minded' thinking.

EXAMPLE: In California State: "homo sexuality taught in school" (there is a reason this was the topic added to edu.* is the Bill.  1) Stated on Legislative Floor: This Bill #__homo sex is Unconstitutional. It is inconsistent with the following principles: contrary  to the right of life and liberty choice of "person", is not based on 'any' power delegated to the government under the Constitution; neglect to perform the duty of "Religion and Integrity" of governance; involves the operation of government outside its constitutional jurisdiction; it is intended to be applied selectively 'history' in public schools - a violation of equal rights (children and young are minors - have no say - and are refused information regarding the "Religion and Ethics" principle's of America). It is a violation of Article I:8, Amendments IX, X, XIV.   2) Now, on this floor and In writing, Mr. Legislator of Socialism, explain why the bill is OK with the Constitution(s) because CA's is a mirror of US. It should be "Null and Void from inception"; but because of "opinion without interference" is now a State Law with "We the People" petitioning...quite unnecessary if the "Here's How" is applied. 3) There is no debate involved. End.

For Congress: 1) Stated on Floor of Senate: Right to Work as Law because of the Union's inherent "anti-law" as violation of Article IV:2, 14th, and several of the Bill of Rights; quasi-government in that it is 100%, when closed-shop government - dependent for it existence on taxpayer money - never properly legislated; and with exclusionary contracts not only with its members as arrears which can suspend membership. but also with contracts which are "intended to be applied violation of equal protection provision ... all laws must be applied uniformly; but also, involves "..the operation of government outside it constitutional jurisdiction.." and of course - absolutely contrary to the rights guaranteed under the Constitution. The crimes of neglect, commission, and active transgression, and plain-old fashioned criminal law. 
2) opportunity for opposition to answer orally and in writing without "opinion without interference" unless the interference results in the writer acknowledging the requirement to change opinion of "Nature and Nature's God".

3) Action is to null and void contracts and actions against members is what is required - enforce existing law.  Also, should be enforced because it crosses State's lines.

This Must be used for AB459 - Electoral College by State control and a violation of Article I:10:4 "..enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State.

To every "Person" of We the People:
1) Support and Defend our Constitution(S) by increasing awareness and challenging.
2) Protect our votes.  No voting, concerned American should be absent from this organization’s goals and work already in progress.
3) Realize that in 'Real Time' "We the People" means We are our Republic. It is correct and right that we say publicly the part and reason the Constitution is violated.
4) Ask all candidates, mosquito abatement to President what they know, not lip-serve, about both Documents.
5) Make sure, especially the younger set with the 'X' & 'Y' generations which were never taught either founding document much less God and Country (unless they are service-members) among your networks or friends, family, associates what the Stakes in 2012 are, and the importance of Each Person's Role to say "ya or Nay".
6) Sincerely Pray for God's Assistance.  "Ask and it shall be opened unto you; seek and ye shall find. Obey God's Laws is all that is asked, though you might smile at this comment :-) [This writer hopes you do!].

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Like so much of the Constitution and Declaration The statement there is nothing in the "TEXT of the Constitution" to "Protect Parental Rights" is correct 'per say' in it was not necessary to delineate in writing in 1776 to those words. Not even in English Law of George III! That is how fundamental parent's are to life, liberty, and happiness. That is also what "Religion and Morality" mean.  And that is what is missing here in this film:  the Youth who thinks that the adult is tramping on his rights when he "doesn't even know its happening"; the 'court of man's law' - unchallenged by Jefferson on Construction regarding spirit of time (obtainable through Noah Webster's 1828 American Dictionary),"trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it..." versus the Socialist 'control of and over everything' with full removal of sovereignty of person, natural rights which taken together are freedom. 

"The Declaration is not law because you can't see it. The Constitution is law because you can see it." is a quote made on 'Public Radio' during the liberal morning broadcast over a year ago. It is a repudiation of God's Law because you can't see "God's Law" in The Constitution, either.  Add to this "Every Man has a right to an opinion" which was included in the "Declaration of Principles" of the UN WSIS 12/10-12/2003's version: 
We reaffirm, as an essential foundation of the Information Society, and as outlined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; that this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Communication is a fundamental social process, a basic human need and the foundation of all social organization. It is central to the Information Society. Everyone, everywhere should have the opportunity to participate and no one should be excluded from the benefits the Information Society offers."    

EVERYONE, especially "Elected We the People" should read the entire statement of G. Soro's open-society because it is contained in this UN Declaration. 

YOU, as your "person" of God and of this Nation Must Understand on your own, the reason "right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference", as taught to young, "X & Y generations, including the "Woodstock-older", is God's Law absent from this UN Declaration!  The absence of God's Law is a leading problem in the UN and our Nation under the Obama-Soros regime; and in the 30 year Middle East War to eradicate Israel - the wall against Islam and Sharia Law; and up until 'Obama-Clinton-et. al minions', our Nation's undying support of Israel.  

It is completely against The Declaration of Independence of God's Law expressed in the first paragraph as the FIRST PREMISE of Law - even Seen With Unseen as: "..In the Course of human events..; and to assume among the  powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,..".  You can see Nature (science) and it has laws. You can see Nature's God - but only if you have "Religion and Morality" as the ultimate foundation for human kind of the species Homo Sapiens with Cognitive Attributes who compete for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness = natural rights.  The Declaration is "The Promise"... and The Constitution is Law in fulfilling the "Promise". Both Documents are intertwined and include The Bible and with 1620 America becoming 1776 The United States of...

"Natural rights" are repudiated in the UN Declaration because 'man's law' of the UN and Obama-Soros-Alinsky-Zeitgeist', cannot function with sovereignty and uniqueness of one person both founding Documents and The Bible teach.  Each person Is one:one with God -- it is a choice. Each Person is one on one with the United States of America which our Founders, with God's work, present on each and every page of our unique in Human Kind History of rights of One-person-one-at-a-time. It is a choice.  The choice of the UN, the Socialist-communist is 'turn away from God as Law...or obedience required of the responsibility when 'holding opinion without interference is wrong and opposite to God's Law.

That is why: George Washington's words, actions, and deeds; the first paragraph of the Declaration with 6 of 27 abuses*; the total content of The Constitution as opinion of the writer*, must be eliminated and changed in order for all our youth to be indoctrinated against the expression of God and rights of mankind in  "..for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."

US Constitution has a large portion of "Unseen Law" aka Principle.  What is expressed as 'parent's rights' is a no-brainer for The Laws of God as written in the Constitution: Delineated in Article IV:2, 4, in The Bill of Rights and in the 14th Amendment. While the intent of Article VI in "..and all Treaties made.., was an "..imperative because they would be of no validity with respect to other nations unless the whole United States took the treaty seriously. (1954 Bricker Amendment would have protected our nation, but lost by one Senator's vote).*", the WSIS DECLARATION is so Against The Supreme Law of Our Nation...Tyranny would be the working word against this President because of his repudiation of The United States of America in supporting it.... .  

It is easy to see why "Text" of our Constitution is the "rider" word here. For if we simply loved our Nation and support its Constitution, "impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors" would easily prevail.  God's Law
of unalienable rights because "The natural rights of persons are inalienable, preceding the social contract and the constitution, and persons may not be deprived of them even with their consent, since they do not have the power to surrender those rights, and therefore do not have the power to delegate the deprivation of those rights to others. (Declaration of Constitutional Principles by Jon Roland, Constitution Society)".  So the Treaty is absolutely Unconstitutional and therefore "anti-law" and also therefore inconsistent with unalienble rights and disobedience as a duty, required; unless of course Obama's tyranny extends to communism of forced - dictate -100% Government. 

It is scary how easy it is for too many Americans in ignorance to be fooled, lied to, and not recognize managed and sorted information meant to distort -- the young are easily susceptible especially with 'indoctrination' and coercion of grade or pass-fail as the instigators.

So, in parental rights or any action of the UN via its self-imposed "Declaration of  Principles of human kind without God's Laws for sovereignty of "person" " is a repudiation of our Nation as a Republic; and any 'person' with their right to an opinion; must also take the responsibility and consequences of tyranny against this nation that 'UN opinion' endorses and uses against person, but not group as nations of control.

* from "A Guide for Learning and Teaching The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution; Learning from Original Texts Using Classical Learning Methods of the Founders" by Joseph Andrews The Center for Teaching the Constitution; pg. 268.