Sunday, July 3, 2011

How our Nation is being changed from a Republic to a Democracy....

or How 'number' is much more important than Principle:
1. Change 'filibuster' rules in Congress.  Filibuster is the cousin to the definition of  "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the...".  Congress definition in N. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary is: “. A meeting of individuals; an assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, &c., particularly a meeting of the representatives of several courts, to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns.”.

Both filibuster and ‘concert measures’ are the minority voicing that the “measure” is not “for their common good”; may be unconstitutional; and shall not “adjust their mutual concerns”. Both are the Republic of the United States, speaking to and against the views of the Democracy of greater number.  Note, the minority speaking against the majority by number, is not the issue. The greater ‘number’ does “win by number”..., if winning is the only concern. But if principle is the more important the ‘concept(s) of  issue’ at stake, then ‘winning’ or ‘losing’ is beside-the-point. Standing for the Principle as Constitution, or respect of ‘We the People-taxpayer’, or ‘We the People’ recipients of Medical benefits neither wanted, needed, or approved - especially at the exception of life, liberty and happiness the usurpation of medical choice entails.

The minority does not sign the “Bill” - by two or less members - of its party, or by ‘filibuster’, will not allow the “Bill” “..shall, before it becomes Law,...”.  In a Republic, not only is every voice important, but also, the outcomes of the issues can be stopped or slowed-down by the Minority in Number.

The “Patient Protection and Affordable Act” does not contain One-Elected-Republican-We-the-People signature.  It does not concert measure for accord. Did not have accord. Was the provider of union, Congress-members, states, and several other ‘exemptions from Law’; created more than 200 more-union-closed-shop-Bureaus; and shifted the ‘Checks and Balances’ between the branches of government to the Executive Branch. ----Remember Only the President is elected - every cabinet member with its Department, commission, bureau, with regulatory power - Is appointed and totally absent any review of ‘We the People’ directly or via our agents “Elected We the People”. Not only does PPAA create a huge deficit in its creation; but also makes the entire regulatory control reside in the President via appointment.  It also continues the ‘giving-away’ of ‘earning We the Taxpayer’ dollars as “free money” in many of PPAA’s new bureaus, in college grants; and continues in the arts-sciences and many other Not-enumerated areas of government. Many of the Bills in California’s Legislature are the same: Not one Republican vote is attached.

Can government take responsibility?  Can government close-down its Not-enumerated functions? Will government stop growing and usurping, because of a balanced-budget amendment? How will the balanced budget Amendment stop disobedience, disrespect, anti-law against “We the People” in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility,....and provide the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and to our Posterity...”? Here is the Constitutional Principle “anti-law” came from: “An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In a Constitutional Republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but anti-law. [; Section: Rights, Duties, Powers by Jon Roland]”.

The choice of words in the definition relating to music: ‘concert’ ‘measures’, if you look up both words in Noah’s 1828 Dictionary, you will find “harmony” in definition of concert. One person cannot make a ‘harmony’, it takes at least two persons. AND If you look up ‘measure’ as a noun or verb, there are 15 definitions of measure for the noun and 5 as a verb - all of which apply in Legislation debate to have a meeting for “legislative Powers”

It is very hard for any “elected we the people” member of Congress to believe in the work of our Founders as writers of “The Supreme Law of the Land” or to confront this “Anti-law” Bill which is nearly completely unconstitutional  — whether the District Judges or Supreme court agree because of law by man-kind, not Law of Justice by God’s Laws.  God’s Laws continue to be denied in our Courts of the Land; so we have Mt. Soledad, Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder’s Father, the judge in District Court for Obama’s PPAA and against the Constitution of “We the People” - commerce clause with the elastic-clause sooooo stretched that it is shapeless - except for the usurptive-growth-of the government itself.

“We the People” would receive protection from our Constitution if Mr. Jefferson, and the founding writers of our Constitution were respected, listened and obeyed; and if an effort was made to obey Thomas Jefferson’s “On every question of construction..”! Disobedience of government to our Constitution is the crescendo of Soros-Obama’s work for ‘Alinsky-Open society-Zeitgeist’; and will continue to affect the globe; to say nothing of every person in our Nation going about their business of family, work, with life (your earnings are property and do determine your life-liberty-happiness), liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..

The founders, writing the Constitution, spent a great deal of time debating exactly which words they wanted to use in the First VII Articles with the First 10 Amendments - Bill of Rights. “ vested* in a Congress..” was an important choice. The end of the original Constitution with the 10th Amendment, arguably adding the 14th amendment, is very, very important because with the 16th onward including 1947 Everson v the PTA, continuing through “Patient Protection and Affordable Act(and other names)”, “America’s Financial Security Act” and much more ‘Congressional Wars (as Obama likes to call back-door dealing)’.   Law construction in Legislatures Federal and State with Judicial,  changed from origin in God’s Law to law as defined by mankind with today’s “Every man has a right to an opinion*”. The “anti-law” of our Constitution started with the 16th Amendment because of the homo sapiens-group who declared “If it is written (seen) in the Supreme Law, then it is true, right and good..sans any reference to principle of Law of God or of Justice, simply because Congress-members say so!’.

The disrespect for the meticulous insight, grammar, construction and order with logic of the Constitution; started with the 16th Amendment and is integral to each and arguably every Amendment since.

It has been brought against “We the People” by the following:
George Soros - “Open Society” a.k.a “Zeitgeist: Moving forward” [on You Tube];
His Minion - B. Obama; who has his own Minions in Legislative and Judicial Branches of government at all levels. Including Unions (that’s really a symbiotic relationship or a tossup of who attacks the Founding Documents) via closed-shop-public-employee contracts with Administration and their union Attorneys actually deriving the greatest benefits considering wages/benefits continuum; with penalties seen, and unseen, for members who dare to leave their ‘fold of union membership’; resulting in another cousin to the 16th Amendment - but not called or treated like a tax; but are very much a source of coercion of ‘taxpayer earnings - both government and business -  from life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness’. Unintentionally, some members of “We the People” who, not understanding ‘Republic’ and give ‘lip-service’ to the Constitution, really think that Statutes and elections are simply greater amount of money with votes (though Meg’s money “got in the way of her election”). This along with the fact that education via local, state, and federal direction, are not allowed to teach patriotism which includes history, Declaration-Constitution, logic, American Character; or a dribble-downed some censored parts of the same with forget even mentioning the State’s Constitution.

The Founders knew exactly what they were doing, exactly what history reported about governments past, present of their time. The Bible was the Text of learning to read, relate, reflect, and record - take action or decide on course of their life’s journey; Research came as books increased in availability with most of the founders owning expansive libraries and one - whose books founded The Library of Congress []. All used reflecting, relating because that is what logic is for...along with Truth. Research was part of daily life and with Record, were a necessity against George III.

Returning to the definition of “concert measures” ..  Human-kind’s cognitive functions work the way they do for all the reasons God and Jesus teach, ask us to learn and obey because it is Truth; but as we all know, we’re human.

Problem is that a segment of human-kind must ‘see’, and since the members of this group, are stand-outs because,  they have the exclusive-revelation of their definitions of human-kind’s inabilities or whatever... best described and illuminated by Saul Lucifer Alinsky’s “Handbook” of Obama-Clinton fame: "An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth -- truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing.... To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma, he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations...." pp.10-11.”   "By 1985, the influence of traditional Christian philosophy in the West was weak and negligible.... Gramsci's master strategy was now feasible. Humanly speaking, it was no longer too tall an order to strip large majorities of men and women in the West of those last vestiges that remained to them of Christianity's transcendent God."  "The means-and-ends moralists, constantly obsessed with the ethics of the means used by the Have-Nots against the Haves, should search themselves as to their real political position. In fact, they are passive — but real — allies of the Haves…. The most unethical of all means is the non-use of any means... The standards of judgment must be rooted in the whys and wherefores of life as it is lived, the world as it is, not our wished-for fantasy of the world as it should be...." pp.25-26  "The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means...." p.29"
"The seventh rule... is that generally success or failure is a mighty determinant of ethics...." p.34 [].”.

2. By allowing or making simple majority the rule of “We the People’s Voter Voice”, and by “Elected We the People” agreeing with silence that their ‘disagreement’ in principle of law or in the “..carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed;  allows Socialists to continue to manipulate law, consent of the governed, the individual as the component of polity of “person” for their end result of borderless Nations and Jurisprudence.  It is important to relate Mr. Jerfferson’s “On Every Question of Construction.. ” to include  the “measures” required to create “All legislative powers herein granted..” of Law as Bills; because among the founder’s education was Logic of Greek Philosophers.

3. Not listing party affiliation of the States of Washington and Hawaii...soon California; because all Legislation is determine and decided by only the greater number or SIMPLE MAJORITY  of "Elected We the People".  Political Party is on the level of Attorney’s as sharks or other not-so-good-groups of people working to influence other groups of people; but Republicans and Democrats, have been the alignment of our history of Law and actions in our Nation.  Of course not always good; but principle and law, ages ahead of Soros and socialism of open-society-Zeitgeist.

California, among the simply majority States - a.k.a Democracy,  has the following statement from Article II:5 of its Constitution on VOTING, INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM, AND RECALL [notice comma locations relate to grammar which is a terrible problem of whoever actually penned this Article]:
".. All voters may vote at a voter-nominated primary election for any candidate for congressional and state elective office without regard to the political party preference disclosed by
the candidate [italics inserted] or the voter, provided that the voter is otherwise..".  What political party the voter belongs to is irrelevant when the candidates can and do, match the party which might hear their lips move in rhythm to whatever is necessary for “...the end justifies most any means..[don’t be fooled by ‘disclosed’]”. For some candidates, Integrity is a matter of popularity or direction of political wind - as speech. Thus the terms ‘rhino’ or ‘wolf wearing sheep’s clothing’.

Constitutional disobedience started before 1913, but with the 16th Amendment; Continued with the other Amendments —but has now reached a proportion represented by Soros-Obama-Clinton-Judges and Justices on benches- and in Congress, which puts Lenin-Marx-Mao as pure amateurs in manipulating Constitutional “person” back into the socialist fold - as the group of_____(fill-in life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of their definition and choice). Don’t forget what Dame Margaret Thatcher said “The Problem with Socialism is that there aren’t enough people.”; meaning taxation resources are not adequate; or the bureaucracies to maintain the definition of regulations, laws, exclusions-inclusions, vagaries of man-kind law-sans God’s Laws. There is an ‘unseen’ requirement of Soros-Obama-Alinsky socialism to remove the sovereignty of person (Can’t have Beethoven’s 5th without the drummer); of State (horn section); or Nation (entire orchestra ) - but conductor = Obama. Though in our Constitution the Conductor is “WE THE PEOPLE - elected or not”.

Do you remember the little news snippet which had Soros admonishing Obama because he wasn’t “being strict enough with the people”?  On Thursday, Obama had his headline of ignoring those bad Congressmen ostensibly because they weren’t going to conform to his budget or hopefully this President’s need for more Taxpayer Money, or ability to obtain foreign loans, by increasing the existing “debt ceiling” Law; and requiring more disobedience to law from this man Mr. Obama. The President’s beginning to ‘be stricter’ with the people.

Disobeying Laws much more important to Obama in order for open-society to continue because it already is an incest against the Republic of the United States Under God, we Pledge our Allegiance to love and support.

Is it necessary to explain how the "change" title of this paper is in itself unconsitutional? When do you decide to ignore Article V?

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