Friday, September 30, 2022

Trump Holds Campaign Rally In Michigan | NBC News

As long as the entire unGLOBAL triune, udhr world below autocratic, anarchist, oligarch - political party puppet tongues --fall pray to centuries of 24/7 intrigues-of-dissension, where only the 2 kingdoms, living indifferent thing/ forked tongue serpent that can't speak - speaks and is accepted -- it isn't that the woman (she ins't 'N'amed by her mutually suited to each other -- NOT to gender-- until 3:20 after THE ETERNAL SPIRIT FATHER (who does not make "the sound of his walking in the early mist" -- he knows no rising or setting, he casts no shadow on the earth--James, Jesus younger Brother teaches - though you have to get to NT, EXCEPT LOGIC -- FATHER IS PERFECT LOVE FATHER -) ; thus what is regarded as Satan's First Great Deception" - APOSTLE James Moffatt teaches " render these scriptures  into the English of our day, will be welcomed by the increasing number (then 1922) of those who desire to Hebrew Interval #6 UNDERSTAND as precisely as possible what any passage meant, by way of pleasure and profit, FOR THE PEOPLE TO WHOM IT WAS ORIGINALLY ADDRESSED.."  means  LATIN BIBLE - Monastery GENDER - and not always by his own choice -- sanctuary cities -(nuns included) were very necessary among the political party puppet tongues - 24/7 intrigues -of-dissenstion via political party puppet tongues- Beezebub v Beelzebub; to which APOSTLE WYCLIFFE was excellent at undoing those violations of VOWS given in sanctuary - to get to CHRIST JESUS / WORD- TRUTH; just like THIS COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS --  
REFUSING -ABSOLUTE SILENCE - THE 12/2 MASSIVE ASSAULT AND SIEGE -- FORBIDDEN  by the few slaves to evil-lie - but OUR UNION OF ONE PEOPLE HAVE ALWAYS SOUGHT OUT - TRUTH -- so this is "THE INTRODUCTION to "THE MOST WONDERFUL STATEMENT of 'KNOWEDLGE, WISDOM FOR TRUTH IN TRUST, FAITH IN PROMISE' is exemplified by 1/3143 COUNTY CUBICLE -- 3RD PERSON TRINITY OF THE SOUL -- ] which continues to other links - so that YOU, NEIGHBOR READER - CAN BECOME AWARE OF JUST HOW MUCH - BLASPHEMY OF 'SPIRIT' IS NEVER FORGIVEN -- 'it' exponentially implodes upon 'its' - deep pit of darkness: -- Many of you are entrapped into because you DO NOT KNOW YOUR ENEMY WITHIN-- so you get FOOLED into '"WIN" while all that is happening is you will 'WIN' BUT THE POLITICAL PARTY PUPPET TONGUES -- REMAIN EVEN MORE DESTRUCTIVE - SINCE ALLOWING ANY FORM OF LIE, STEAL, FASLEWITNESS - continue uninterrupted  BLASPHEMY against TRINITY of the SOUL;  a.k.a.,  the innate artiii - has surrendered to the papist 2 kingdoms way back 1925 monkey trial, or 10 greatest 'supreme' human precept court cases (cannot exist unless Amendment 1 is about church, temple, mosque roof tops -- NOT the TRUTH ONE IN THREE PERSON(S) -- 'church rooftop -label 'creationism' vs sequestered, appropriated - solidarity- subsidiarity where commerce DOES NOT EVER HAVE TO ANSWERE TO ARTCLE 1:10...OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACT human precept, 'evolution' -- 

Besides MI, GA, CA, PA, NC, NY, MD, IL, ID, WY, HI, MA HAVE ALL HAD THEIR RESPECTIVE CofG and Land MEAN COORDINATES CALCULATED -- TO DEMONSTRATE that MEGAregions of MEGApolis among independent city-states 360 degree expunge of COUNTY BOUNDARY  -- including realizing when ART I:2C3 art iii redistricting - MSA - make house districts a farce of untruth, idol god 'number' "Home for autocratic-state.. 24/7 UNTRUTH - [ ] added to YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOUR CANDIDATE THINKS  and you do know your incumbents - but they exist because of the unGLOBAL triune, udhr enslaved HERDSCMPTPOP - for an individual person cannot exist among binary-think minds... and that is all you get -- 1954-- those born or +/- any grade, college, trade human precept -- orchestrated remanufactured all knowledge, language and communication -- forces that blind-ness and thus --- the BLASPHEMY continues --- but at least-- neighbor KNOW CHRIST JESUS IS PRESENT WHENEVER 2 OR 3 GATHER IN HIS'N'AME that TRINITY OF THE SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH - IS ALWAYS PRECISELY WHAT HE HAS SAID -- EVERY WORD IS A FACT - INCLUDING THE APOSTLES, PROPHETS ALL OF THEM - AND YOUR VERY OWN, knows not rising or setting, casts no shadow on the earth - ETERNALLY -- IS..

45th and 46th PRESIDENT OF THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS, GENESIS, CofG: 3RD PERSON = TRINITY OF THE SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH ; IT IS PAST the day/ hour in which ORAL COMMON 10/GOD IN 2/ WORD, CHRIST JESUS - IN HIS ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD, PERFECT LOVE FATHER,  WHO HAVE REMAINED STEADFAST to his WHOLE MIND, WHOLE HEART - WHOLE LAW AND ALL THE PROPHETS - TRUTH, - exactly who THE ENEMY WITHIN IS - HOW THEY ARE DEVOTED SLAVES, TO father evil-lie and have been -- even before 1960 Nixon, though that UNTRUTH was the first preview of why '46' in front of president in father evil-lie biNO electricity machine - becomes erased in the farce- that "If 'it' isn't 'written' 'it' doesn't exist" - reason ix, xiii are in utter chaos - the only difference - no-one even looked at the security guard who allowed 2 udhr-MEDIA- double-speak-serpents to enter THE OFFICE of the President-- UNTRUTH ELECTION RESULTS - that includes noting that the CSA or "independent state' -- DID NOT VOTE FOR JFK - under ARTICLE IV REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT WITH PROTECTION FROM INVASION means INFRINGEMNT OF JUST, RIGHT, TRUTH-- SHOULD NOT BE REWARDED -- NIXON = ART VII CofG thus the Electoral college---FOR PARTY PUPPET TONGUES -- have no label-- ALL SERVE THE VERY SAME - 2KINGDOMS - 1302 papist successor -- arbitrary human precept rules of conduct, collusion-by-coercion wholly dependent upon the centuries of the papist- bull/ encyclical- all life on world below-- are dead souls- SINCE NO HUMAN FLESH HAS SUPREMACY OF THE TRINITY OF THE SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH - 3 PERSON(S) or General of the Army of the Potomac - THE CHIEF- WHITE STAR ART VII DAYS -GEN 2-3 companions mutually suited to each other - WHO ARE ONE IN PERFECT LOVE SHARED WITH ETERNAL SPIRIT - FATHER =THE FIRST HOLY TRINITY

White Star 26, WITNESS, MICHIGAN, JAN. 26, 1837; ARTICLE VII CofG has ABOLISHED GOVERNOR, BOTH SENATORS - ARTICLE VII CofG given to 45/46 President Trump
List by County CofG on Land --- and UNTRUTH- unGLOBAL papist, 1647=-1777 ix, xiii 47/49 artiii 435 APPROPRIATED, SEQUESTERED MEGAregions of MEGApolis census by 24 social creeds of MSA/ FIPS ‘people housing units’ HERDSCMPTPOP =-DE-MOC-RAC-Y, to which- 03/01/2020, 4/29/20 unGLOBAL WARMING, AGENDA 21, CLIMATE CHANGE CRISIS -- where unGLOBAL udhr, triune census HAS concept of ARTVII CofG 24/7 ROLES of his LIGHT = UNDERSTANDING - challenges per his feet PSM County Law of Land= THUS devoid CALCUALTING THE MEAN OF 1/83RD COUNTY 3RD PERSON/ neuroblast, EMBRYO, NEWBORN, INFANT, TODDLER, CHILD, PRETEEN, YOUTH, puberty, A Man A Woman- and because of 10IN2 NEIGHBOR AS SELF --AN AMERICAN INDIAN IS INCLUDED-- because inanimate thing/ taxes have no connection to THE LAWS OF TRINITY OF THE SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH -- AND THE MEAN COORDINATES FOR THAT 1/ OF 83 OF 3143 COUNTY LAND-MEAN.  The calculation of mean for both -- is then added to the other 49 ART VII APPORTIONED GEN 1:26 - ART I:2C3 -- FROM THAT - IS THE NUMBER OF ARTICLE I HOUSE + 100 SENATORS DIVIDED INTO 3 CLASSES -- but father evil-lie census only comprehends the very sacred idol-god worship BIGGER inanimate thing, number- so MI has RANK 33, 178.9 ART VII CofG on Rank 22 LAND, but unGLOBAL papist, ix, xiii 47/49 artiii - 10,077,331 HERDSCMPTPOP - and of that, only the percentage of those who cast a ballot -- GROSSLY INFLATED AND WHOLLY INACCURATE idol-god, inanimate thing, 'number' FOR there is no calsuclation to the nearest hundredth decimal point-- thus WE SUPPORT the world below-- climate change- to which - the blue, dead souls of NO ORAL COMMON 10in2 LAWS OF GOD -- genu8inely report and receive their orders from the papist papa.

There are 53 of 83 =63.86% of 3143 ART VII CofG = less than 100 PSM LAND= 3178.52;; there are 20 counties= 100-299 CofG PSM; 3 MEGAregions of MEGApolis = 6131,81 ART VII CofG -- repeating clusters.  

>WS 26 05 29 1837 MICHIGAN CofG Amendment IX, PROPERTY of BALLOT within The Chief Art VII Spirit Truth 3rdPERSON/Embryo Total COUNTY POPULATION divided By  ArtVI supreme Law of COUNTY Land EQUALS RIGHT TRUTH  JESUS EARTH  GOD HEAVEN  [at, ] ; 

>THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII WS26, 178.9 CofG PSM  versus THE GREATEST ENEMY WITHIN--WANTON DESTRUCTION- in mankind's history:  1302, 10/3/20, 6/5/22 continuing BOTH GENESIS TREES, THE TALKING SERPENT, & BIG BROTHER Cain's mark - on  PRAEDICATE EVANGELIUM ON THE ROMAN CURIA AND ITS SERVICE >>>Matt. 4 inanimate HIGHEST rooftop >>TO THE CHURCH IN THE WORLD BELOW - unGLOBAL triune/ udhr ix, xiii artiii 435 census by appropriated, sequestered, subsidiarity, solidarity - enslaved minds, 24 categories of social creeds, MSA, FIP's 'peoples housing units' HERDSCMPTPOPular -de-moc-rac-y -- to which---ARTICLE VII CofG has been, several election cycles (MI = repeating clusters of Compactness, Contiguity- the expunge of 1 of 83 of 3,143-- COUNTY LAND BOUNDARIES; but not applicable to the minions of administrative-police-state - slaves (on our CONFISCATED TRIBUTE disguised as IRS- SEIU BENEFITS) of the 435 unGlobal art I  in iii -2 kingdoms -father evil-lie - against - ARTICLE VI OATH= ORAL COMMON 10in2 -- 11/4/2008 Sen. McCain, 11/4/2012 Romney against false god mohammed regime [at. ] --continuing to the very same- human flesh 29 judgement by bigotry person-ality:  

 - No intension of obeying, (INDEED WHOLLY INCAPABLE of TRUTH)  TRINITY of the SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH - YOUR COMMAND V, JOHN 1, JAMES 1- 3rdPerson/ EMBRYO solely ORAL COMMON 10in2 -- HAS ABOLISHED [ at, ];

THUS, 'WRITTEN' SUBSCRIBED GOVERNER WHO ISN'T, electors who lied - to his neighbor - SOS who actually worship an ELECTRICITY MACHINE, voting, among social networks, ipads/ cell phones of soley ONEWAY- BINARY think alike or don't think at all - just kowtow to the inanimate- NATURE'S LAW "Things equal to the Same Thing Are Equal to Each Other" consequence of BLASPHMEY OF MATT.12, 'SPIRIT'/ TRUTH -- NEVER FORGIVEN -- the lie, steal, false witness -- 'written' proof violation of 1611 King James - 47 Clergy- John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Martin Luther from his German, "INTRODUCTION TRANSLATORS >>>DIRECTLY>>> TO YOUR, 3RD PERSON-ORAL 10in2 - READER" binds DECLARATION in THE CHIEF 1/50TH WHITE STAR WITNESS ART VII IN IV IN VI IN 1:2C3 APPORTIONED -- GENESIS 1:26-- Certification of Ascertainment --UNTRUTH