Monday, May 10, 2021

VAYIKRA Connections

"Giving Gratitude and Drawing Close to the Creator" Yehuda HaKohen March 14, 2018, ISRAEL RISING at,
    "VAYIKRA opens with an explanation of the various korbanot. And like many other Hebrew words and ideas, the concept of a korban loses its true meaning and essence when translated into the English language. While some might mistakenly translate the term korban as “sacrifice” the word actually comes from the Hebrew root karov (near), indicating that a more literal translation into English might be “that which brings near.” Korbanot brought to the Mishkan (and later to the Temple in Jerusalem)[PORTABLE DWELLING/ SANCTUARY] essentially serve the purpose of enhancing a person’s overall closeness to the Divine. VAYIKRA’s fourth aliyah specifically features the korban shlamim, which Sforno explains as korbanot voluntarily brought when one feels personally motivated to express gratitude to HaShem. This korban, brought from a sense of love and appreciation, is an expression of recognition for the Kadosh Barukh Hu’s constant generosity and eternal connection to the Children of Israel...."
FRIEND AND NEIGHBOR -- READING THIS IS HOW DO YOU SAY? I Know the word REVELATION, but having been learning the Joy, Love, Peace.... and most important to CHALLENGE, PAUL'S CHRISTIAN DISCIPLINE -- that word in not at all adequate.... and refuses the fun and excitement of RIGHT REASON- TRUTH as, DISCOVERY of what has been there all along, but Pres. Washington describes, "It is Amazing how many people cannot SEE THE LIGHT SHINING IN THEIR EYES"-- his and Pres. Adams, among most of those who read for Wisdom, Knowledge in Truth for Trust, Faith in Promise,

    This article has led me to my previous works about those who said, and say, the ecclesiastical intertwined civil state, magistrate, 2 KINGDOMS, 5 SENSES, rank few oligarchs label, 'Reformists,' as opposed to Paul - 4th Century to all MATT 10 in 12, WITNESS , whose ETERNAL SOUL=SPIRIT TRUTH Holy Trinity-Third Person(s) -ORAL COMMON 10in2 LAW--RETURNED, lost all the way back from Paul, the Only Apostle who recognized control and manipulation of language and communication of The Gospel of Christ, therefore of God in YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL PERSON among several nations leading to 1320/ 1647/ 1777/ 1947-49art iii 435 census of unGLOBAL, triune/ udhr, CONTROLLED MIND(S) SLAVES into HERDSCMPTPOP, treason VS 1382/ 1520/ 1604-1611-1620/ 04/29/1775, 07/04/1776, 09/17/1787 THE CHIEF ARTICLE VII DAYS GENESIS, HOLY TRINITY - 3 PERSONS - SPIRIT TRUTH/ ORAL COMMON 10in2 WHOLT TRUTH LAWS OF THE ETERNAL SPIRIT GOD, THE FATHER ..; I listen, love, and obey every word that issues from the mouth of God---Worship Him, and Obey Him in Second Person/ Friend, Helper, Comforter, Counselor, King of Kings and Lord of Lords -

"The individual stages that bring about this higher goal can only be perceived when one achieves a broader view of the amazing reality mankind is currently approaching. In order for a person to appreciate the significance of an individual piece of any given puzzle, he must first have an idea of what the entire picture should look like. Only then can he realize the necessity and value of each piece – each phase of the process leading up to the complete picture." as,

Nature's Law, "The Whole is the sum of each one part. If you remove a part, or examine it as an isolated, 'orange seed', then that Whole will, never again, be a whole. An Orange is an Orange, including all the land, water, and atoms of atmosphere it took to be a tree growing before fruit available; and the person(s) available to perform all required to achieve that tree's position in its orchard, produce, distribute, and plan, alone, and among those you know, and those you will never know, among which.."If that orange is peeled/ zest, quartered, or a finger pushed into the end of the orange eaten as portable, valuable nutrition, then that orange will never, again, be A whole orange;"
-- I just found out -- Torah, The Eternal Living God that is, Both Civil and Common Law, is not included as its own Person composing Hebrew, Israel Nation Jew, definition and application of "the principal legal systems of the world" by Papal Authority-UN-udhr, International Court of Iniquity;

BUT----Just added to Wikipedia's humanist [1]"no fixed truth, no evidence of Person's unique Eternal Soul/ Mind- conscience-will/ Heart, , now a totally false, language and communication of abuse and misconstrued words, from false history-Biblical- the and historical-bias added in unashamed, overt lie, of the language and communication, "Civil Law" (through I.C.iniquity, I have visited several times since about spring 2011)on 02/25/2018 & again on 03/10/2018, 3/14, but has added as "a principle legal system," with its very own-false god, Koran, edited as a 'new' human precept, rules of conduct-tyranny in oppression, Sharia/ Muslim sharing Muhammad with Radical Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah/ Syria ISIS-Palestinians Putin/ PLO-Pope/ Iran's Proxies/ Lebanon/ Turkey's Ottoman v Kurds; Afghanistan-drug Lords supported with Federal Reserve-IMF, now, 26 year old, (though its 'founder's of the arbitrary human precept-supreme to God and their respective nations, are still wiggling their treasonist-tongues directly to God's Ear, falsehood of CO2 emissions, still sustaining-2018 World Bank 5 Group-Lenders of other person's composing each-one's nation, not one Person/ Constitutional-Person has given his ORAL, COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED IN WE THE PEOPLE; ..+ THE OTHER MISSED NATIONS LIKE TAIWAN, among the SMALL STATES OF RUSSIA.

To be more specific, Christianity, a.k.a., ecclesiastical government supreme to God and its members, is a church, temple.

It is..: >>JOHN WYCLIFFE, "Thus the man who would be obedient to the command which requires him duly to honour God, is reminded "that he must steadily believe, that Almighty God in Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, three persons in one God, are the noblest object that may be, so that all power, all knowledge, all wisdom, all goodness, all charity, all mercy, is in him, and cometh of him. Also thou must fear God before all things in this world, and break his commandments for no worldly good. Also, thou must love God before all things, and labour earnestly to understand and know his will; that thy will may be so ruled and set that it may ever accord with God's will. Have a mind also of the goodness of God, how he made thee in his own likeness, and how Jesus Christ, both God and man, died so painful a death on the cross, to buy man's soul out of hell [is world-down-below] and to the bliss of heaven, with his own heart's blood!" [Laird] All trust in amulets, or the devices of magic, is described as so much weakness and impiety: and the question is asked --- "Since men dread so much the pope's cursing, the bishop's cursing, and other priests cursing, why, do not men fear the rightful, the dreadful, and the terrible cursing that God giveth to those who will not keep his commandments?"-From: "De Conversatione Ecclesiasticorum" [On the Manner of the Ecclesiastica] Pg. 13-22 ; at,; including,
"..It should always be remembered that this law, natural or revealed, made for men or for nations, flows from the same Divine source: it is the Law of God. Eternal Soul, James Wilson          
          Nature, or to speak more properly, the Author of Nature, has done much for us, but it is His gracious appointment and will, that we should also do as much for ourselves. What we do , indeed, must be founded on what He has done; and the deficiencies of our laws must be supplied by the perfection of His. Human law must rest its authority ultimately, upon that Law which is divine.
          Of that Law, the following are maxims ---that no injury be done ---that a lawful engagement, voluntarily made, should be faithfully fulfilled. We now see the deep and solid foundations of human law.
          From this short,  but plain and, I hope, just [Truth-God] statement of things, we perceive a principle of connection between the two laws mentioned [the profession of Divinity and the profession of Law], far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin sisters, friends, and mutual assistants. Indeed, these two sciences run into each other. .." at Google Books, "The Works of the Honorable James Wilson, L.L.D.  both Declaration and main drafter of Constitution-- especially noting its 'Conclusive, Assumpsit Axiom Proof  with 1611 Whole Three Testament, Reformation Bible - TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS; and
"In my view, the Christian Religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed. ...No Truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people. ...When I speak of the Christina religion as the basis of government, I do not mean an ecclesiastical establishment, a creed, or rites, forms, and ceremonies, or any compulsion of conscience [a.k.a,  'scatter's - secular]. I mean primitive Christianity in its simplicity as taught by Jesus and His apostles, consisting in a belief in the being, perfections, and moral government of God; in the revelation of His will to men, as their supreme rule of action; in man's accountability to God for his conduct in this life; and in the indispensable obligation of all men to yield entire obedience to God's commands in the moral law and in the Gospel.  This belief and this practice may consist with different forms of church government, which, Not being Essential to Christianity, need Not enter into any system of education  [form of government, or the other way round of President Adams: "government of man and Not of Laws]". -Noah Webster .... AND

"..Korban Aharon supports Rashi’s understanding of the shlamim by explaining that the peace expressed through its name is the harmony between the heavenly world of the spirit and the earthly material world. Bringing a korban shlamim to the Temple works to unite the spiritual and material facets of existence. Israel is meant to serve as a national bridge between the holy and seemingly mundane spheres of life. The Jewish people is tasked with revealing kedusha in every aspect of this world in order to uplift existence to its highest potential. This Divine mission necessitates Israeli self-determination in Eretz Yisrael, as only by existing as an independent nation in our homeland can we reach and elevate every facet of life to its highest ideal. And only through a Hebrew Kingdom in the Land of Israel can we bring mankind to the awareness of HaShem as the timeless ultimate Reality without end that creates, sustains and empowers all with His love...".
The only major difference between Torah and Trinity Sacred Documents is "The Jewish ONE PEOPLE" and THE ORAL COMMON 10in2 GREATEST COMMANDS - HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH, THIRD-any One, but specifically in supreme Law of the Land, a CONSTITUTIONAL-PERSON Composing the WHOLE UNION of ONE PEOPLE

This connects with spirit of devil trinity's arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct- tyranny, a.k.a. 'forbidden-HOLY SPIRIT-TRUTH', Papal Authority-UN-udhr/ humanist, I.C. of Iniquity's (1947/49udhr human precept, ".."According to Article 9, the membership of the court is supposed to represent the "four main forms of civilization and of the principal legal systems of the world;" abolishing, like the word 'REFORMATION,' the very existence of TRUTH/ HOLY SPIRIT The ETERNAL LIVING Creator of the Universe, therefore TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS as, control and manipulation by spirit of devil trinity #1 of 3 - command to make from bread - stone through 'never obey every word that issues from the mouth of God in Christ in Your Person/ human precept rules of conduct-force down through God'Eras of His History among His Mansions,
"Christianity is part of the origin of the common law. Although Christianity is considered part of the origin of the common law, the courts did not regard it as controlling or imposing in nature while discussing a religious duty of any narrow view or things related to morality and decency. It was observed that even if Christianity is not a part of the law of the land, if it is the popular religion of the country, then an insult to it can disturb the public [synonym for delusional, adversarial democracy forms of collective socialist, communism]the court [spirit of devil trinity's government-of-man, inanimate object v. Holy Spirit-Truth] peace[iv]. Ecclesiastical laws are English laws pertaining to matters concerning the church. These laws were administered by ecclesiastical courts and are considered a branch of English common law. There is a difference in opinion about the adoption of Ecclesiastical laws in the U.S. On one hand, since ecclesiastical courts were not established in the U.S., the code of laws enforced in ecclesiastical courts cannot be considered part of the common law.

On the other hand, the canon and civil laws administered by the ecclesiastical courts come under the unwritten laws of England. And by custom, these laws are adopted and used in a certain jurisdiction. It is maintained that such laws must be used in the U.S. if the tribunal has jurisdiction especially if the rule of the ecclesiastical courts is considered to be better law than the one in the common law court.
1) Distinct and Palpable Injury/ Harm/ Common Law Public Value -"...judicial precedent or judge-made law, or case law), i.e. Legislation from the bench-violates Oath in Article I:1, is that body of law derived from judicial decisions of courts and similar tribunals; "Important government interests/closely regulated industries and activities", solely honest-persons by adversarial. open society's spirit of devil trinity's creed, rites, 1949 socialist communist-udhr art. 29 judgement in hypocrisy art. 19 Opinion's never Certain, always Doubt, absent any probability of ORAL COMMON LAW/ OATH IN PLEDGE, group-thinks- industries or "activities" to which Constitutional-Person is arbitrary subjugated to diminished expectation of privacy, a.k.a., DACA v. other illegal aliens; PPAA;--edited in Wikipedia by G.Falken(not listed-less than 10k entries by number-not research, 24/02/2018.
PRECEDENT: 1) "An American, United Kingdom/ English assumption that law is just/ Right/ Truth/ God: but, human precept, Papal Authority is always false/ lie, i.e., in I.C. iniquity there is no Oral, Common Law as, Matt. 4 Jesus Holy Spirit-Truth answering spirit of d-evil's command, make from stone, bread!/ "Man does not live by bread = orange tree alone, but by Every Word that Issues from the Mouth of God;"
    "36.But I say vnto you, That euery idle word that men shall speake, they shall giue accompt thereof in the day of Iudgement.
37 For by thy wordes thou shalt bee iustified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
38 ¶ Then certaine of the Scribes, and of the Pharisees, answered, saying, Master, we would see a signe from thee.
39 But hee answered, and said to them, An euill and adulterous generation seeketh after a signe, and there shall no signe be giuen to it, but the signe of the Prophet Ionas. [1.17],
2) "Though the application of precedent may appear to be mechanical, a simple means of matching facts and rules, it is a more subjective process. Legal rules, embodied in precedents, are generalizations that accentuate the importance of certain facts and discount or ignore others. The application of precedent relies on reasoning by analogy. Analogies can be neither correct nor incorrect but only more or less persuasive. Reasonable persons may come to different yet defensible conclusions about what rule should prevail." A double negative -- and the infamous tool of ignorance for d-evil / tempter: "never gather with Christ - always scatter any Whole System of Created 'Things" - earlier verses in Matt. 12; and
Analogy depends totally on the Person/ judge's wiggling of his tongue -- how any analogy from a previous, Whole-Decided case argument works (best example was 1947's 4 Justices of Truth who stated "This decision should be reversed"--New Jersey Taxpayer Assoc. Pres. Ewing vs. N.J. Board of Edu; and one that is Never, Ever Spoken of... and Not on Republican + 35 Democrats absolutely refused any form of "attest, witness, subscribe or place their Oral Common Law.... Among the last of Justice Antonin Dissents in Truth.... ;"NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS v. SEBELIUS, SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ( ) 648 F. 3d 1235, affirmed in part and reversed in part.[this statement itself is violation of Article 1:1 for it implies it can legislate from the bench -- and does - and Federal Codes for Constitution -- any part of the Whole, cannot be reconciled -- then the Whole is Null and void from inception] -ARTICLE iii is in perdition because it has obliterated RATIFED 1789,ATTEST, WITNESS, SUBSCRIBED THE 12TH YEAR OF DECLARATION OF A CONSTITUTIONAL PERSON'S INDEPENDENCE-/ Axiom Assumpsit Conclusion of TRINITY SACRED DOCUMENTS- ARTICLE VI CLAUSES 2 AND 3 = ORAL, COMMON 10 Commandments LAWS/ OATH IN PLEDGE=TWO GREATEST COMMANDS OF GOD, THE 2ND OF WHICH INCLUDES the RESIDENCE of Each one Person in his STATE as ONE PEOPLE in UNION of Consent of the Governed - Protecting Self-alone, then among those he Knows and will never know from the 27 declare 'P'rince tyrant abuses more than 3 of which do not require one change of wording, and many, the words change because of the difference of invention on living and inanimate objects, - very "Bad Behavior" where you must look up the word 'bad' in 1828/ 44 because 'modern man' laughs in great humor at that word, even its partner - sin. -- divine is not human, but human is human/ earthly body's physiology- words used in Bible as, circumcised, uncircumcised, members as body parts, and specific body parts, eyes/ see/ perceive, ears/ listen/ Understand...carried to why there is a Pope authority, at all, man-choosing and serving-man Paul in Galatians at all, "Jesus body died on the cross so human physiology must take His Place and be a mediator - eligibility - permission-continuing to give forgiveness of sins and blasphemies, a Papist specialty of favor [given Obama, Clinton, Il Jong, Putin, among others and enjoining G. Soros who is Obama among other delusional, adversarial (raising petroleum and gasoline prices so all farm and livestock prices skyrocket -- especially the two, eggs and milk, protected by We the People because of the importance to the Person-Child) de-moc-rac-y's Collective, Mass People who must be Ignorant- and the supplication to a vain-idol-god's opinion by bigger number in predetermine conclusion -- both Ewing and PPAA, the abolish of ARTICLE IV in vi in vii = BICAMERAL GOVERNMENT, DISTRICTS BY SLAVERY'S PHYSIOLOGY OF ORGAN /SKIN COLOR-BROWN AND BLACK, TTVG regardless of whether or not an incumbent or candidate has any intention of obedience to God's ORAL, COMMON LAW, with His Son, Christ Jesus the only way They Speak and the Only Way any Person Speaks to Them , REP's blasphemy of HOLY SPIRIT TRUTH, that Jesus teaching The Father's Will Be Done - IS NEVER FORGIVEN IN THIS WORLD OR THE WORLD TO COME/ HEAVEN, control and manipulate language and communication intertwined to Bible History's ecclesiastical arbitrary human precept rules of conduct- tyranny

[1] Matt 4 in 15, John 8, spirit devil's HIGHEST rooftops Pharisee/ scribe temple merged, embedded to priestly 'church', mosque arbitrary human precept -- particles-of-1647/1777 confederation- 1947/49artiii unGLOBAL triune/ udhr CONTROLLED MINDS by 24 Agenda 21/ Climate Change, living things virus, fingers, saliva, kidneys and innaimate indifferent, binomial machine atoms - of NO FIXED TRUTH "IF IT ISN'T 'written" 'it' thing -- does not exist" as, "We base our understanding of the world on what we can perceive with our senses and comprehend with our minds. Anything that’s said to make sense should make sense to us as humans; else there is no reason for it to be the basis of our decisions and actions. Supposed transcendent knowledge or intuitions that are said to reach beyond human comprehension cannot instruct us because we cannot relate concretely to them. The way in which humans accept supposed transcendent or religious knowledge is by arbitrarily taking a leap of faith and abandoning reason and the senses. We find this course unacceptable, since all the supposed absolute moral rules that are adopted as a result of this arbitrary leap are themselves rendered arbitrary by the baselessness of the leap itself. Furthermore, there’s no rational way to test the validity or truth of transcendent or religious knowledge or to comprehend the incomprehensible. As a result, we are committed to the position that the only thing that can be called knowledge is that which is firmly grounded in the realm of human understanding and verification. ---THIS IS A TRUE STATEMENT: Matt 12 -- "BLASPHEMY OF THE SPIRIT IS NEVER FORGIVEN IN THIS WORDL - [ WORD/ JOHN1/ CHRIST --A Man---"N"ames A Woman --Eve, LIFE, mother of all ETERNAL SOUL(S) = 3RD PERSON(S)/ EMBRYO ---Adam--- PERFECT LOVE, Jesus is SON of THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, GOD, THE FATHER - who is VERY CLEARLY AND DISTINCTLY KNOWABLE and not ethereal, mysterious, unsearchable - to which 'reasoning and the 5 of 7 OPERATIONS -WORD/ CHRIST with His Father ARE THE TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR LEARNING both GENESIS TREES, KNOWLEDGE --of good and evil-- human precept's 'transcendent' intuition is ENEMITY TO THE HOLY TRINITY - thus INCAPABLE of OBEYING THE ORAL COMMON 10in2 WHOLE LAW AND ALL THE PROPETS ..
"5...the human senses and human reason—are fallible, thus rendering tentative all our knowledge and scientific conclusions about the nature of the world. What’s true for our scientific conclusions is even more so for our moral choices and social policies; these latter are subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions. ...PERMISSION TO VIOLATE 10 COMMANDMENTS - NO FALSE WITNESS, NO STEAL, NOT TO COVET,

3. There is no compelling evidence to justify the belief that the human mind is distinct and separable from the human brain, which is itself a part of the body. All that we know about the personality indicates that every part of it is subject to change caused by physical disease, injury, and death. Thus there are insufficient grounds for belief in a soul or some form of afterlife. ... NO HOLY SPIRIT, ONE GOD IN THREE INDIVIDUAL PERSONS- ETERNAL LIVING SOUL-TRUTH/

1828/ 1844 ORIGINAL TEXT, AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language [to spirit of devil trinity's slaves of arrogant, ignorant human precept disguised as either ecclesiastical/ Christian intertwined Civil-Common rules of conduct-force - NO ORAL, COMMON LAW OF GOD IN CHRIST IN PERSON, delusional, adversarial democracy's innate forms Papal Authority, socialist, communist, muslims -- Dr. Webster's Philology sold more copies in England, than the US]

"Aliyah is the immigration of Jews from the diaspora to the Land of Israel historically, which today includes the modern State of Israel. Also defined as "the act of going up"—that is, towards Jerusalem—"making aliyah" by moving to the Land of Israel is one of the most basic tenets of Zionism."

AS-SUMP'SIT, n. [pret. tense of L. assumo.] 1. In law, a promise or undertaking, founded on a consideration. This promise may be verbal or written. An assumpsit is express or implied; express, when made in words or writing; implied, when in consequence of some benefit or consideration accruing to one person from the acts of another, the law presumes that person has promised to make compensation. In this case, the law, upon a principle of justice, implies or raises a promise, on which an action may be brought to recover the compensation. Thus if A contracts with 11 to build a house for him, by implication and intendment of law, A promises to pay B for the same, without any express words to that effect. 2. An action founded on a promise. When this action is brought on a debt, it is called indebitatus assumpsit, which is an action on the case to recover damages for the non-payment of a debt. – Sir William Blackstone KC SL (10 July 1723 – 14 February 1780) was an English jurist, judge and Tory politician of the eighteenth century. He is most noted for writing the Commentaries on the Laws of England. IT IS VERY, VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT ETERNAL SOUL, SIR WILLIAM & NOAH WEBSTER for that matter - DID NOT HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE OF THE 1604-1611 KING JAMES HOLY TRINITY BIBLE – MAY HAVE USED the papist Holy Triune with a ‘Ghost”’ unseeable!!! unknowable- only if you never read O.T. let alone the 15 BOOKS OF SOLELY HEBREW ORAL COMMON 10in2 LAW == GOD/ CHRIST JESUS -– DO NOT WRITE EVEN YOU ~~~ DO NOT WRITE TO THEM and YOU HAVE NO 5 SENSES BODY ORGANS - THAT YOU ARE JUDGED BY – FOR THOSE ARE TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR LEARNING BOTH GENESIS TREES IN 1:26!! WORDS: Conscience, Person, Theology, Steal, State, Trust, Test-2 [refer to Article VI “No Religious Test..], Right, Institution, Allegiance, Will, Entail, Action, Representation, Law, Society, Arrest, Stultify, Positive, Presumption, Equality, Misprision, Assumpsit, Change, Precedent, Vest, Conquest, Christian, Conscience, Embrace, Appropriation, Sufference.

This termination for the various forms of leaders among reliGIOUS, creeds, rites, ceremonies, forms, denominations, compulsion of conscience, i.e., evangelicals by gender, by language, by age groups of segregation never let youth learn from the experience and wisdom of the older, individual-persons with in that 'church', by style of band's music- where congregation composed of individual-Persons rarely, if ever, actually sing with their own tongue in ORAL, COMMON LAW directly to God in Christ's Ear, both of Whom are present at every nanosecond -- church, city, council, county, political organization, legislative -- with not one ARTICLE III courtroom, or of the so-called, mediation/ arbitration judgment without any Oral Common Law, able to even speak one word of argument - because each nanosecond, including bailiff and court clerk, two are three are gathered in His Name - HE IS THERE- HOLY SPIRIT CHRIS'TIAN, a. [See the noun.] 1. Pertaining to Christ, taught by him, or received from him; as, the Christian religion; Christian doctrines.
2. Professing the religion of Christ; as, a Christian friend.
3. Belonging to the religion of Christ; relating to Christ, or to his doctrines, precepts and example; as, Christian profession and practice.
4. Pertaining to the church; ecclesiastical; as, courts Christian. –Sir William Blackstone KC SL (10 July 1723 – 14 February 1780) was an English jurist, judge and Tory politician of the eighteenth century. He is most noted for writing the Commentaries on the Laws of England. WORDS: Conscience, Person, Theology, Steal, State, Trust, Test-2 [refer to Article VI “No Religious Test..], Right, Institution, Allegiance, Will, Entail, Action, Representation, Law, Society, Arrest, Stultify, Positive, Presumption, Equality, Misprision, Assumpsit, Change, Precedent, Vest, Conquest, Christian
 CHRIS'TIAN, n. [kryst'yan; Gr. χριστιανος; L. christianus; Sax. cristen; D. kristen; Fr. chrétien; Sp. christiano; Arm. cristen; W. cristian. See Christ.] 1. A believer in the religion of Christ.
2. A professor of his belief in the religion of Christ.
3. A real disciple of Christ; one who believes in the truth of the Christian religion, and studies to follow the example, and obey the precepts, of Christ; a believer in Christ who is characterized by real piety.
4. In a general sense, the word Christians includes all who are born in a Christian country or of Christian parents.
CHRIS'TIAN, v.t. To baptize. [Not used.] – Fulke.

CHURCH, n. [Sax. circe, circ, or cyric; Scots, kirk, which retains the Saxon pronunciation; D. kerk; G. kirche; Sw. kyrckia; Dan. kirke; Gr. κυριακον, a temple of God, from κυριακος, pertaining to a Lord, or to our Lord Jesus Christ, from κυριος, a Lord; Russ. tzerkov.] 1. A house consecrated to the worship of God, among Christians; the Lord's house. This seems to be the original meaning of the word. The Greek εκκλησια, from εκκαλεω, to call out or call together, denotes an assembly or collection. But κυριακος, κυριακον, are from κυριος, Lord, a term applied by the early Christians to Jesus Christ; and the house in which they worshiped was named from that title. So κυριακα signifies church goods, bona ecclesiastica; κυριακη, sc. ἠμερα, the Lord's day, dies dominica. 2. The collective body of Christians, or of those who profess to believe in Christ, and acknowledge him to be the Savior of mankind. In this sense, the church is sometimes called, the Catholic or Universal Church. – Johnson. Encyc. 3. A particular number of Christians, united under one form of ecclesiastical government, in one creed, and using the same ritual and ceremonies; as, the English church; the Gallican church; the Presbyterian church; the Romish church; the Greek church. The followers of Christ in a particular city or province; as, the church of Ephesus, or of Antioch. 4. The disciples of Christ assembled for worship in a particular place, as in a private house. Col. iv. [See No. 9.] 5. The worshipers of Jehovah, or the true God, before the advent of Christ; as, the Jewish church. 6. The body of clergy, or ecclesiastics, in distinction from the laity. Hence, ecclesiastical authority. – Encyc. 7. An assembly of sacred rulers convened in Christ's name to execute his laws. – Cruden. Brown. 8.The collective body of Christians, who have made a public profession of the Christian religion, and who are united under the same pastor; in distinction from those who belong to the same parish, or ecclesiastical society, but have made no profession of their faith.
- "Remember that both church and state are properly the rulers of the people, only because they are their benefactors;" from biography of 14th Century, "Colo Rienzi, Last Tribune of Rome" by Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton, PC (25 May 1803 – 18 January 1873) was an English novelist, poet, playwright, and politician. He was immensely popular with the reading public and wrote a stream of best selling novels which earned him a considerable fortune. He coined the phrases "the great unwashed", "pursuit of the almighty dollar", "the pen is mightier than the sword", "dweller on the threshold", and the well-known opening line "It was a dark and stormy night". “Remember that both church and state are properly the rulers of the people, only because they are their benefactors.”-"Colo Rienzi, Last Tribune of Rome ... Bulwer-Lytton began his career as a follower of Jeremy Bentham*. In 1831 he was elected member for St Ives in Cornwall, after which he was returned for Lincoln in 1832, and sat in Parliament for that city for nine years. He spoke in favour of the Reform Bill, and took the leading part in securing the reduction, after vainly essaying the repeal, of the newspaper stamp duties. His influence was perhaps most keenly felt when, on the Whigs' dismissal from office in 1834, he issued a pamphlet entitled A Letter to a Late Cabinet Minister on the Crisis.[15] Lord Melbourne, then Prime Minister, offered him a lordship of the admiralty, which he declined as likely to interfere with his activity as an author. In 1841, he left Parliament and did not return to politics until 1852, when, having differed from the policy of Lord John Russell over the Corn Laws, he stood for Hertfordshire as a Conservative. Lord Lytton held that seat until 1866, when he was raised to the peerage as Baron Lytton of Knebworth in the County of Hertford. In 1858 he entered Lord Derby's government as Secretary of State for the Colonies, thus serving alongside his old friend Disraeli. In the House of Lords he was comparatively inactive. WORDS: Church [*Jeremy Bentham was 1 of 2 who at King George's request rebutted our Declaration of Independence; founder of utilitarianism's "Lie, steal are justified if the benefits outweigh the harm"... and .. "..the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong" 

CLER'GY, n. [Fr. clergé; Norm. clerkus, clerex, clergy, or clerks, and clergie, literature; Arm. cloer, the plural of cloarecq, a clerk; Corn. cloireg; Ir. cleir, clergy, and cleirrioch, a clerk or clergyman; L. clerus, clericus, which would seem to be from the Gr. κληρος, lot or portion, inheritance, estate, and the body of those who perform sacred duties; whence, κληροω, to choose by lot, to make a clerk, clericum facere. In 1 Peter v. 3, the word in the plural seems to signify the church or body of believers; it is rendered God's heritage. In W. cler signifies teachers or learned men of the druidical order; clerig, belonging to the cler, clerical. It. Sp. clero, from the Latin. The application of this word to ministers or ecclesiastical teachers seems to have originated in their possessions, or separate allotments of land; or from the Old Testament denomination of the priests, for the tribe of Levi is there called the lot, heritage, or inheritance of the Lord.]
1. The body of men set apart, and consecrated, by due ordination, to the service of God, in the Christian church; the body of ecclesiastics, in distinction from the laity. – Hooker. Encyc.
2. The privilege or benefit of clergy. If convicted of a clergyable felony, he is entitled equally to his clergy after as before conviction. – Blackstone. Benefit of clergy, in English law, originally the exemption of the persons of clergymen, cleric from criminal process before a secular judge; or a privilege by which a clerk or person in orders claimed to be delivered to his ordinary to purge himself of felony. But this privilege has been abridged and modified by various statutes. See Blackstone, b. 4, ch. 28. In the United States, no benefit of clergy exists.

ECCLESIAS'TICAL, . [L; assembly or meeting, whence a church; to call forth or convoke; to call.] 1. Pertaining or relating to the church; as ecclesiastical discipline or government; ecclesiastical affairs, history or policy; ecclesiastical courts. 2. Ecclesiastical State is the body of the clergy.

EVANGEL'ICAL, a. [Low L. evangelicus, from evangelium, the gospel; Gr. well, good, to announce.] 1. Contained in, or relating to, the four Gospels; as, the evangelical history.
One of evangelical principles.
2. Belonging to, agreeable or consonant to, or contained in, the gospel, or the truth taught in the New Testament; as, evangelical religion.
3. Earnest for the truth taught in the gospel; strict in interpreting Christian doctrine; preëminently orthodox; -- technically applied to that party in the Church of England, and in the Protestant Episcopal Church, which holds the doctrine of "Justification by Faith alone;" the Low Church party. The term is also applied to other religious bodies not regarded as orthodox.
Evangelical Alliance, an alliance for mutual strengthening and common work, comprising Christians of different denominations and countries, organized in Liverpool, England, in 1845. -- Evangelical Church. (a) The Protestant Church in Germany. (b) A church founded by a fusion of Lutherans and Calvinists in Germany in 1817. -- Evangelical Union, a religious sect founded in Scotland in 1843 by the Rev. James Morison; -- called also Morisonians.

REF'ORM-A-TION, n. 1. The act of reforming; correction or amendment of life, manners, or of any thing vicious or corrupt; as, the reformation of manners; reformation of the age; reformation of abuses. Satire lashes vice into reformation. – Dryden. 2. By way of eminence, the change of religion from the corruptions of popery to its primitive purity, begun by Peter Waldo 1173, Waldasians Wycliffe 1320, Tyndale, H. Zwingli, Luther, A. D. 1517. RE-FORM-A'TION, n. 1The act of forming anew; a second forming in order; as, the re-formation of a column of troops into a hollow square. – Mitford.
1913 edition:
1. The act of reforming, or the state of being reformed; change from worse to better; correction or amendment of life, manners, or of anything vicious or corrupt; as, the reformation of manners; reformation of the age; reformation of abuses. Satire lashes vice into reformation. -John Dryden (19 August 1631 – 12 May 1700) was an English poet, literary critic, translator, and playwright who was made Poet Laureate in 1668. He is seen as dominating the literary life of Restoration England to such a point that the period came to be known in literary circles as the Age of Dryden. Walter Scott called him "Glorious John." WORDS: Hypocrite, Right ,Violate, Vain, Dissension, Party, Will, Person, Pride, Error, Conscience, Property, Thing, Self, Soul, Justly, Offense, Grace, Scatter, Fight Forgiveness, Contend, Test, For, Dominion, Nature, Resource, Court, Captivity, Shake, Lie, Quality, Envy, Replacement, Impose, Estate, Odium, Society, Skill, Tung/ Tongue, Matter, Divine, Principle, Race, Friend, Tempt, Traduce, Thought, Sincere, False, Perverse, Image, Similitude, Vest, Attest, Reformation 
2. The act of forming anew; a second forming in order; as, the reformation of a column of troops into a hollow square.
3. Specifically (Eccl. Hist.), the important religious movement commenced by Wycliffe, Tyndale-Luther early in the [11th Century, 14th - sixteenth centuries, which resulted in the formation of the various Protestant churches.
Syn. -- Reform; amendment; correction; rectification. -- Reformation, Reform. Reformation is a more thorough and comprehensive change than reform. It is applied to subjects that are more important, and results in changes which are more lasting. A reformation involves, and is followed by, many particular reforms. "The pagan converts mention this great reformation of those who had been the greatest sinners, with that sudden and surprising change which the Christian religion made in the lives of the most profligate."-The Right Honorable Joseph Addison (1 May 1672 – 17 June 1719) was an English essayist, poet, playwright, and politician. He was the eldest son of The Reverend Lancelot Addison. His name is usually remembered alongside that of his long-standing friend, Richard Steele, with whom he founded The Spectator magazine. WORDS: Thing, Obsequious, Neglect, Warrant, Vault, Betray, Wanton, Test, Virtue, Value, Nature, Reputation, Comma, Captivity, Shake, Quality, Oral [Law], Due, Imputation, Discipline, Good, Conquest, Sublime, Reformation .
"A variety of schemes, founded in visionary and impracticable ideas of reform, were suddenly produced." William Pitt.

TEM'PLE, n.1 [Fr., L. templum; It. tempio; Sp. templo; W. temyl, temple, that is extended, a seat; temlu, to form a seat, expanse or temple; Gaelic, teampul.]
1. A public edifice erected in honor of some deity. Among pagans, a building erected to some pretended deity, and in which the people assembled to worship. Originally, temples were open places, as the Stonehenge in England. In Rome, some of the temples were open, and called sacella; others were roofed, and called ædes. The most celebrated of the ancient pagan temples were that of Belus in Babylon, that of Vulcan at Memphis, that of Jupiter at Thebes, that of Diana at Ephesus, that of Apollo in Miletus, that of Jupiter Olympius in Athens, and that of Apollo at Delphi. The most celebrated and magnificent temple erected to the true God, was that built by Solomon in Jerusalem. In Scripture, the tabernacle is sometimes called by this name. 1 Sam. i. – iii.
2. A church; an edifice erected among Christians as a place of public worship. Can he whose life is a perpetual insult to the authority of God, enter with any pleasure a temple consecrated to devotion and sanctified by prayer? -Joseph Stevens Buckminster (October 14, 1784 – June 10, 1812) was an influential Unitarian preacher in Boston, Massachusetts, and a leader in bringing the German higher criticism of the Bible to America. Born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to the Rev. Joseph Buckminster,[1] Buckminster was a precocious child. He learned Latin and the Greek New Testament at age four, entered Harvard College at 13, and graduated in 1800 at age 16 with both bachelor's and master's degrees. Upon his graduation, he spent two years as an instructor at Phillips Exeter Academy.[2] In 1805 he became minister of the Brattle Street Church in Boston, and quickly launched an almost legendary career of eloquent preaching, biblical scholarship, and literary production which set the tone for the pattern of the minister as a man of letters. WORDS: Mistake, Religion, Censure, Arrest, Probability, Temple
3. A place in which the divine presence specially resides; the church as a collective body. Eph. ii.
4. In England, the Temples are two inns of court, thus called because anciently the dwellings of the knights Templars. They are called the Inner and the Middle Temple.
TEM'PLE, n.2 [L. tempus, tempora. The primary sense of the root of this word is to fall. See Time.] Literally, the fall of the head; the part where the head slopes from the top.
In anatomy, the anterior and lateral part of the head, where the skull is covered by the temporal muscles. Cyc.
TEM'PLE, v.t To build a temple for; to appropriate a temple to. [Little used.] Feltham.