If Mr. Trump is not of Article II President Trump, “The President of Consent of the Governed in We the People; then Mr- Derrick K. Watson, a Democratic appointee is not of Article III, delusional-man-serving-man democracy's arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct-force devoid reciprocation of Just/ Right/ God, is — hierarchy; never our Republic under our God and our Flag which means “separate and equal station of each-one-person, i.e. the car salesperson is just as good and as evil as Mr. Derrick is disrespectful to his fellow-country-persons, President Trump, who is the only Constitutional-Person who knows an enemy when he sees one....
2. Among those 8 nation’s enemies of state in much more than just our US(A) history since before 1998, it is very difficult not to avoid the lie and steal of ecclesiastical-civil-state, tribal Islam of Sharia Law sharing Mohamed, Saracens, Crusades, Ottoman Empire with Radical Jihad/ ISIS; – for “the Laws of Nature and Laws of Nature’s God” among “assume among the powers of the earth” meaning Holy Spirit-Truth v spirit of devil-trinity, Matt. 4 in each-one-person who composes his own nation, God Created in Holy Spirit Truth One God in Three Persons, John 17 in 14, – states, “Things equal to the same thing are equal to each other”
3. Judge - Mr. Derrick’s devotion in deep reverence to foreign law’s “Common Law Public Value” synonym, UDHR Article 19's opinion without interference from the Truth of obvious fact in evidence, demonstrates the problem of ‘opinion’ that is Never Certain, Always doubtful, with its synonym “probability” or “survey”, totally dependent upon whose mouth is addressing the Eternal Living Souls of our Founder’s in God’s Name - Ear....; and now adding, the ‘label’ of opinion’s suppression of truth - fraud - DEMocrat who is no more a Democrat, than is President Trump...; rather very much demonstrated in fact and evidence, from 01/20/2009's previous usurper in tyranny occupant, and his “helpe mate” - candidate for only Papal Authority’s blind ignorance of God in Three Persons, would say “If I could vote, I would vote for Hillary Clinton” - delusional man-serving-man democracy’s synonyms socialist, communist atheism – unlike genuine DEMOCRATS of our history who do indeed adore ‘big number ‘ but stop far short of overthrow of GOD AND NATION FIRST..., those of 'foreign law's UDHR collective people, innately including the members of the socialist-atheist-Liberal Party - HAVE NO HOLY SPIRIT, that is "Man does not live by bread alone, but by Every Word That Issues From the Mouth of God, which includes "Thou shalt worship the Lord, thy God, and Him one-ly shalt thou serve"(Matt.4), ONE GOD IN THREE PERSONS-- TWO GREATEST COMMANDS - ORAL LAW/ OATH - PLEDGE as Neighbors/ fellow-country-Constitutional-Person(s) composing ONE PEOPLE..
Even go so far as to say and to place “IN WRITING”, a most important derision of God-Truth, the incredible lie, “If it isn’t in writing, it doesn’t exist”-taught to most of the professions - especially law, and teaching posterity; including,
“There’s no such thing as the supreme law of the land [always lower case, for those misbegotten collective people-group thing would never use upper case in history of printing to be God, Christ, or a Important Truth]. There’s the Constitution of the United States. There’s the Constitution of the State of California [that would be Article III: 1 “ The State of California is an inseparable part of the United States of America, and the United States Constitution is the supreme Law of the Land]. There’s statutory law. “The supreme law of the land” is a catchphrase that is just kind of a general thing. It’s NOT SOMETHING THAT’S ADMISSIBLE IN COURT...”- alive and well, still perpetrating his “opinion” quite literally, without interference, for his rhelm is the power of unquestioned, silent-secret-adhesion to each-other’s from ‘bread to stone-devil-trinity’, of his courtroom, Article III superior court judge.
Article III has lost and become blind because of Matt. 12's Jesus saying in very “distinct and palpable” terms, never forgiven, ‘blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, Truth God in Three Persons through its persistent since 1932's Stare Decisis, now, after “The People” delusional democracy’s collectivism, rather than “We the People” Pres. Trump’s capitulation of RATIFIED THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS, because GOD IS ALL THREE, as of 09/29/2017 part of UN-Papal Authority’s World court of iniquity-common law public value - inanimate and living objects parties-at-law- and all persons are now guilty until proven, or regulated in conformity to arbitrary rules of conduct-force, the police-state, innocent’, of Justice Brandeis — “precedent”, i.e., “ Legal rules, embodied in precedents, are generalizations that accentuate the importance of certain facts and discount or ignore others”, a.k.a., never “gather with Jesus,” always “scatter,” secular, arbitrate, mediate ‘the whole course of human event any Case Argument contains’, always divided into as many parts, each segregated from the other, such that “The Truth, The Whole Truth, and No Thing but the Truth’ is forever, never to be addressed, though a Person shall always be subjugated in absolute slavery to the personality-Mr judge’s measure by “Double Standard”, i.e., his own bias against the Three Sacred Documents to attack the elected by Consent of the Governed - Article II! Both are lacking a great deal of loss in comprehension of "Abide by what I say and you really will be disciples of mine. .. You will Understand the Truth, and the Truth will set you Free;"---God Is Truth ----. not man-serving-man so very well demonstrated by the blindness of this specific arbitrary human precept's rules of conduct -- devoid Just and Right..
Especially when, the vast majority of at-large, AMERICANS OF GOD AND NATION FIRST, completely follow in love and obedience to GOD IN THREE PERSONS this is The Three Sacred Documents, shall be punished whether or not, there is any truth whatsoever, or even the recognition of the fact - that any Fellow-country-person, any position in government-group Article IV’s Federalist Equilateral Triangle/ TRINITY of representative, separate and equal station-Persons, that is always two or more person-Citizens, Therefore, “GATHERED IN HIS [JESUS] NAME” per Matt. 18" – violating ARTICLE VI- Oath bound to supreme Law of the Land, fountain of Living Waters, Atoms of Atmosphere this tool/ instrument depends upon to rule your person in abject slavery to its functioning, control and manipulation of all language and communications’ expression of Cogitations and thoughts, – is a violation against God and our Nation-thus, ending any argument from any location in that courtroom.
That location, euphemistically labeled “The Court” of absolute imperative of bias– “more important to settle than to settle RIGHT”/ God Is Truth, a.k.a, Pro Forma, where Pro Persona means ‘ no attorney’s physiological body is present- just “written”- not its Latin “for Person”, who is Constitutional because of Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, obeying that ORAL LAW/ OATH FROM HIS TONGUE DIRECTLY TO GOD’S EAR, Article III considers ‘it’-self so high in its blind power, that each-one-alone, or in a predetermined-conclusion of consensus, are completely, Invulnerable to God. Therefore, "Stare decisis is usually the wise policy, because in most matters it is more important that the applicable rule of law be settled than That It Be Settled RIGHT-GOD" (Burnet v. Coronado Oil & Gas Co., 285 U.S. 393, 52 S. Ct. 443, 76 L. Ed. 815 [1932]).
Followed 15 yrs later with “This Decision should be Reversed” by 4 Justices in Truth against the “1947 "high and impregnable wall of separation" ecclesiastical, collective people church’s reliGIOUS rites, ceremonies, creeds, forms, sects, denominations, compulsion of conscience, i.e., separation by age, gender, language, and even "brass band" v “traditional” from collective people civil- state, now the delusional man-serving-man-spirit of devil trinity - who will never find God in Three Persons, unless you read Ezekiel 33 in Matt. 24, 25;.... and even then, without Article II:4 – Fellow-Country-Person of Ordained by God Marriage Vow of consent of the Governed’s “Whenever any forms of government becomes destructive of these means ---- We the People – our ‘labeled’ representatives and our labeled’ Jurisprudence, Justice James Wilson’s
“It should always be remembered that this law...made for men or for nations, flows from the same Divine source: it is the Law of God...What we to, indeed, must be founded on what He has done; and the deficiencies of our laws must be supplied by the Perfections of His. Human law must rest its authority, ultimately, upon the authority of that law which id Divine. ..We now see the deep and the solid foundations of human Law. ...From this short, but plain and, I hope, just statement of things, we perceive a principle of connection between all the learned professions [includes Art and Science of Medicine]; but especially between the two last mentioned [the profession of Divinity and the profession of Law]. Far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin sisters, friends, and mutual assistants. Indeed, these two sciences run into each other.” from Pg. 1008, “American Patriot’s Bible, The Word of God and The Shaping of America”, edited by Richard G. Lee, NKJV, forbidden the word “Reformation”, inherent to its predecessor, Reformation Bible, by both the very few arbitrary human precept (Matt. 15) civil-state-magistrate intertwined to ecclesiastical government-of man serving -man, celebrating the 400th year of the 49 Clergy with two Puritans, from Westminster, Oxford, and Cambridge, direct translation including “Culmination of Best Authorities [that era of God’s history meaning the same as Resources-References, Notes of this human event] of Reformation, John Wycliff both ecclesiastical and member of “Good Commons”; Martin Luther, William Tyndale, slowly strangled, then burned at the stake for daring to publish his N.T. in English Language, Coverdale, Reformation - Original Text “The Holy Bible” with Apocrypha’s 15 Books telling and Instructing on what life is like living in “desolation” of no God - “Captivity”– that 194 nations of Papal Authority’s UN, -man-serving-man/ spirit of devil-trinity-Matt.4, are now experiencing–from 01/20/2009 through the already completely decided 2018 election before either candidates or issues are identified, throughout the entire Equilateral Triangle/ TRINITY of Representation Government-ORAL LAW/ OATH/ PLEDGE/ TWO GREATEST COMMANDS--solely by slavery in supplication to spirit of the devil-trinity #2--pinnacle of the Temple-very great and scared, vain-idol-god's forms of inanimate objects-'bigger number' in living object, body's physiology, neurology, psychology, anatomy of organs among the 5 senses, prove/ tempt your own Holy Spirit-Truth, Trust, Promise-Faith for Conscience to instruct Will to take action, perform deeds, -THE WHOLE THREE TESTAMENTS, 1611 KJV of King James VI of Scotland and I of England.