Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Lesson #3 About our Unique In Mankind's History, Republic under God, We are Not a deluded-democracy...

didn't take place at Balboa Park.  Car trouble kepted me home.  It took place at the monthly Republican Party Meeting; and before the meeting itself started...

I went because I wanted to know if there were any Americans of God and Nation First present; and if so, were they at all aware of the Article III decree in edict, that not only is the Bible and The Creator of His Universe and those wonderful Colonists and Founder who gave You and me, and, indeed, even every Nation on God's Planet, One Person forming the WHOLE SYSTEM of ONE PEOPLE, in His Name, the Declaration of Independence Forbidden; but also, in that blasphemy, removed any accountability of  Our "Property: Consent of the Governed in We the People- Fellow-Countrymen" who are volunteer-individual-Person(s)-elected, appointed, commissioned, contracted, all Civil Officials of the United States of America, Articles I through VII, therefore ALL XXVII Amendments, are no longer 1789 Ratified supreme Laws of the Land/ Earth, Water, Atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements, computers and Ipads; meaning there is no United 50 Person-Citizen, State's Rights supreme to the Central government, which has No 'Checks, No Balances; and Article II:4 Will Not Be Supported by Article III's Fellow Countrymen-Judiciary That Is Enjoined to Article II's January 20, 2009 anti-Republic under God Regime, which includes the socialist-atheist-government-interests abrogated against its Citizens, Seceded From The Union, California.
Sentences are long, though not as long as some of John Adams or Bret Harte's, because of :
" CONNECT, verb transitive [Latin]  1. To knit or link together; to tie or fasten together, as by something intervening, or by weaving, winding or twining. Hence, 2. To join or unite; to conjoin, in almost any manner, either by junction, by any intervening means, or by order and relation. We connect letters and words in a sentence; we connect ideas in the mind; we connect arguments in a discourse. The strait of Gibraltar connects the Mediterranean with the Atlantic. A treaty connects two nations. The interests of agriculture are connected with those of commerce. Families are connected by marriage or by friendship.
CONNECT, verb intransitive To join, unite or cohere; to have a close relation. This argument connects with another. [This use is rare and not well authorized," [[because language and communication always included the Axiom - God Created Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge before He Created His Universe for His LOVE of YOU, one member, in one of God's Eras of History,  of  Man He Made In His Image --
"O men, how little you trust Him! Do not be Troubled, then, and cry, 'What are we to eat? or 'What are we to drink?' or 'how are we to be clothed?' (pagans make all that their im in life) for well your heavenly Father knows you need all that. Seek God's realm and His goodness, and all that will be yours over and above.  So never be troubled about to-morrow; to-morrow will take care of itslef. The day's own trouble is enough for the day." --Matt.6
Human Precept, Arbitrary , few men Rulers, by 2500 year old (Athens), horizontal-concrete-mind-layered box-hierarchy, including '1931's Catholic-Papal Politics of Authority-Social Doctrine- Fortieth Anno/ Nazis Social Order 80, subsidiarity' with 'mundialize,' i.e., "committees of hamster cage wheels, pre-determined judgement BEFORE any its citizens ever meet; i.e. 'agree or don't bother to come,' forming a multitude of martinets, the many 'trappings of office-position in committees' enslaved and obedient to their masters, albeit indirectly, not-Ratified-Article III Judiciary of the WHOLE SYSTEM of EUROPEAN-WORLD-COURT HUMAN PRECEPT's forms of Civil, Socialist-Comunist - not "new" because "Commerce and Industry are and always have been, forbidden, and Common Law's Precedents/ CLPV-interest-state, so-called, "Public-Private-Partnerships" and 'colors of - extortion, exemplified among  "L.A.City's neighborhood legislators"; "Citizen's Redistricting Commission" , "Citizens Climate Lobby-taxation's DoubleThink, disguised as 'free' and NATION-WIDE CARBON CHIPS, because the inanimate object money in non-carbon-based fuels EQUALS decrease inanimate object atmosphere's CO2 absent Sun, Nitrogen, Argon ---the Second Greatest Fraud in Mankind's history, Fraud-of  "too much CO2-climate-change-Resiliency, NOT USA-ratified Kyoto Protocol-, a.k.a,>> socialist-atheist, anti-Republic under God ownership of Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness in California Prop. 1's--- 7 new dams and reservoirs for the express purpose of 100% control and manipulation by dictator-governor's 26 Administrative-Police-State-Natural Resources Board of all Land, Water, Life on planet earth; meaning, Truth-Wisdom-Knowledge is 'whether too much or too little-CO2, drought or flooding, -- life shall not continue, in any form on planet earth;'  thus enjoined, sustained and supported of, by, and for 192-nations in human precept-few men ruler's NGO-Appointed, UDHR-Articles 29-30 deluded-democracy-UN/ EU Empire its Court and participation among the 7 forms of 'Commerce-Industry-Economy-government interest's taxation never accountable to Truth, Trust, Promise, willy-nilly-spending-in lie, fraud, collusion, coercion: U.S., if you don't play with  191 nations of UN/EU Empires, we won's play with you," mentality of concrete-neurology, devoid "mind/ heart/ soul/ conscience/ Government; of, by, and for Person within Government's First and Second Table of Law; rather, Sharia-precept-iniquity-World Court-intermingled "Arbitration,' within, World Bank-Belief that God Did Not Create His Universe, especially man in His Image- Matt. 12 SPIRIT - Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge; and therefore, Arbitrary Rules of Conduct - force, collusion, deception, violence, i.e., Moral/ UnJust - Mind/ Will/ Heart of Person forming Nation,  infringement of  Right/ Good AMERICAN LAW--- the H. Clinton (1971), B.Obama Lucifer Alinsky's "Handbook for Violating The Ten Commandments"- enhanced by the addition of Sharia's "belief in a superior power governing the world and worship of that power" - Muslim/ Islam with ownership in accountability to Radical Jihad's Tribal Wars, never stopping from the death of Mohammed.

Its Constitutions among the WHOLE OF THE STATES FORMING THE WHOLE OF THE POLICY in any form, nor any Rights of man, nor any God, supreme Law of the land, earth, water, Atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Element's Living and Inanimate, indifferent objects, a.k.a, Laws of Nature; with Laws of nature's God/ heaven: "We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here".... leaving the European Catholic Empire, among religious denominations/ sects/ forms in 1828 - creeds, rites, ceremonies, ecclesiastical-governments, compulsion of conscience--human precept's my church is better than your church, but now, both intermingled in their devoted to socialist-communist-drafted UDHR, the Republican Governments of UK and US excluded, for the drafters Charles Duke and Eleanor Roosevelt were both Socialists, regardless of the trickery-dishonest, 1913 definition of politics in party.

Because of "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters....But Whoever Speaks Against the Holy Spirit - Truth - Wisdom-Knowledge in Trust, Faith in Promise -- Will NEVER BE FORGIVEN, neither in this world nor in the world to come; " a.k.a.,  "UDHR's"  infamous "Article 19" statement of No probability of truth, "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontier;" permission to implement violation of the Ten Commandments - #8, #9, #10-covet 'power to manipulate and control all knowledge belonging to planet earth, a.k.a.,Climate-Change/ not US ratified Kyoto Protocol, implemented in  H.R. 83, passed AFTER the 11/4 2014 removal from office of this current Regime, and in only 7 days, 12/11 to 12/18-signed to law, the Allocation Committee's spending of your non-existent impossible-debt-tax money, i.e., the reason they are shouting 'their never ending need for the vain-idol-god's 'bigger number" form of Total Debt, not just included national,$$,$$$,$$$,$$$,$$$,00 at USDebtClock,   "raise the taxes or debt ceiling extending well into the stratosphere, completely unable to say to themselves "JUST STOP!", as without our consent, rush lemming head-long, over the cliff of sever anti-law,  to fulfill its anti-Republic under God Regime's enjoining NGO-appointed UDHR-EU Empire's UDHR convention, both World courts of human precept rules of conduct-force by the very great and sacred-vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number'-deluded-Democracy; and "NewSpeak, Article III judiciary "distinct and palpable injury"-earth" stated in humanist New Speak/ DoubleTalk, as: "[[UDHR article 19]]: 5.   Human knowledge isn’t perfect. We recognize that the tools for testing knowledge—the human senses and human reason—are fallible, thus rendering tentative all our knowledge and scientific conclusions about the nature of the world. What’s true for our scientific conclusions is even more so for our moral choices and social policies; these latter are subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions;" with repudiation of God in "In light of this, we find it curious that, in the absence of direct evidence, religious thinkers can conclude that the universe or some creative power beyond it is concerned with our well-being or future. From all appearances it seems more logical to conclude that we alone are concerned for our well-being and future. ... 
2.  [[UDHR Article18]]:  Human beings are neither entirely unique from other forms of life nor are they the final product of some planned scheme of development....; this, "3.   There is no compelling evidence to justify the belief that the human mind is distinct and separable from the human brain, which is itself a part of the body. All that we know about the personality indicates that every part of it is subject to change caused by physical disease, injury, and death. Thus there are insufficient grounds for belief in a soul or some form of afterlife.".

No human being with his corporeal-body, UDHR's everyBody's physiology, upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy with no life, whether or not,  too much or to little-CO2-Agenda 21 AB32-Proposition 1- Climate change-NOT AMERICAN LAW - ratified-Kyoto Protocol, HR 83 all that belongs to "Old Testament,earth-down-below/ New Testament, "world-down-below, water, atmosphere- Periodic Chart of the Elements,  must adhere in complete conformity to this 1947 socialist / lie, steal, collude, coerce subjugating its collective people ruled by few men, atheist, violations of Truth, trust, promise, The Ten Commandments and The Two Greatest Commands of God 24/7; and world-wide, though most of you don't realize how world-wide father evil-father-lie presents itself, "He who belongs to God, listens to the words of God, you do not listen to them, because you do not belong to God"...with humanist-Pharisees, Scribes-Judiciary's 'You are not fifty years old, and Abraham has seen you?'  Truly, truly, I tell you, said Jesus, I have existed before Abraham was born."... at this they called Jesus a liar, for the THIRD TIME... in getting ready to stone him."
                       Three Is The Holy Living Trinity Ghost - Freedom Is Truth - and No One Person is "earth-down-below-Dead" who is working to be a Disciple of Jesus, YOUR Teacher, Master of Instruction, Warning, Enforcement, for it is quite the humanist's do have some 'things' distortedly-correct, humans certainly are not Perfect; But God Is Wisdom-Knowledge and Is how Perfection as a word, lacks "..For Thine Is The Kingdom, The Power, The Glory forever-"--The Eternal, Your God in Christ; and You Don't have to Know Them by name, but by "I tell you, on the day of judgement men will have to account for every careless word they utter; for by YOUR PERSON, not body - no group of any kind, words "You will be acquitted, and by Your words You Will Be condemned.".

Since most of you have never learned, and many millions of Posterity among Nations have been specifically forbidden knowledge/ common core's instill ignorance-every school-college day from 'big toe of Person -Person-Child crossing into that door threshold, closed, before his toe hits the floor, classroom to make Dr. Noah Webster's  Connections using the author's Quotes in his definitions of words, or PBS "Connections [[though we don't connect on the subject of GW]], Dr. James Burke  grows, exponentially, as You can see and are too often running away from because You have forgotten who is staring at You in that mirror, John Adams reminds us that "self deception as the far greatest and worst part of the vices and calamities
among mankind, "as well as, whether Liberty of Most Good or most evil, since this is an essence of the difference between "Truth Wisdom Knowledge created BEFORE God created His Universe, else He could not be PERFECT (see Proverbs 8), you won't see that Article III Judiciary is the precise re-enactment of  the Pharisees, children of Abraham, serving their Father the Devil, a slayer of man from the beginning, ...he has no place in the truth...though the Judiciary throws the stones that God Is Not the Creator of His Universe, Nor of man in His Spirit - Truth - the Anti-God is the Creator-Creationism; which acted, in their untouchable-atheism from 1947's wall of separation collective people church from collective people state plus government is a parallel to the First/ Duties you owe directly to God, and Second/ moral principles of obedience to His will, Tables of Law.

The Article III Judiciary also repudiates the existence of " Jesus teaching Matt.12's Lessons #6 of 9 with God at verses 18-21 with Ezekiel 33 at 34-37:
“Why, how can anyone enter the strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first of all binds thee strong man? Then he can plunder his house. ....
            He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.
I tell you, therefore, men will be forgiven any sin and blasphemy, but they will not be forgiven for blaspheming the SPIRIT / TRUTH. Whoever says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the HOLY SPIRIT will never be forgiven, neither in this world nor in the world to come.
         Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree rotten and its fruit rotten; for the tree is known by its fruit.
        You brood of vipers, how can you speak good when you are evil? For the mouth utters what the heart is full of. 
The good man brings good out of his good store, and the evil man brings evil our of his store of evil.
         I tell You, on the day of judgement men will have to account for every careless word they utter; for by your words you will be acquitted, and by Your words You Will Be Condemned.”
 I shared with about 6 people, that while going for jury duty, during the Introduction of the Jury Process, 15 min. video (use to be done in person by one of the judges who actually asked you what you felt about jury duty).

Four times during that video, the a bit more than 100 of  We the People present to assist a fellow-countryman who is in trouble, were told in no uncertain terms, that our One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents/ AMERICAN LAW is obliterated.

The now instituted, violations of the Ten Commandment's, very great and vain-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' ---  deluded-Democracy in honor of all AMERICANS SHALL BE SERVANTS IN CHAINS, to the foreign Law of the since tribal Law of the Old Testament, World Court to be "legislated by the bench as a "duty" - implemented by extortion in absolute force, AND IN ABSOLUTE SECRECY-INFORMATION IS FORBIDDEN by despotic-dictatorship, since the human precept, pharisees, scribes, and other such arrogant, conceited, ignorant among Article III Judiciary, remembering that there were Pharisees, Scribes, and Judiciary who did not agree, they chose and choose to follow Christ Jesus, but because that do not conform to the socialist-atheist's very great and sacred - vain-superior power governing the world with worship of that power-idol-god's forms of 'bigger number' always the source of Truth, Trust, promise -- not any form of  number, time-$$$-decision for father evil-father lie--- forbidden any voice in subjugation to abject-power of rules of conduct-devoid reciprocation of Just, Right, Good. Those few Article III Judiciary's arrogance, conceit, and untouchable-sultan-hood of pride in Ignorance of both father evil-father lie and "Abide by my words and you really will be disciples of mine. You will understand the Truth, and the Truth Will Set You Free;. ...and 2 verses  later, "Any One Who Sins Is A Slave". John 8.

Actually, all I asked is "Did you know that the superior court of the state of our California Republic, is now a Democracy?

You can see from the 1949, socialist-atheist-drafted, (the two Republics of US(A) and UK were forbidden on the drafting committee, just like the World Court only uses "Common Law (a.k.a., 1969-70-Common Law Public Value (CLPV) in 1969-70's "isolated Constitution" arbitrary rules of conduct-Extortion by American Rule, or in the case of the major AMERICAN RELIGION'S, taxation of church's source of revenue, or just outright, force, devoid reciprocation of Just, Right, Person, a.k.a, CLPV now supreme to Article VI Oath of Office-Truth, Trust, promise as well as the supreme Law of the Land/ "earth-down-below and heaven -- God's Universe meaning analogy of Precedent chosen by "government of man" ruling over man--and legislating from the bench is a Duty, not a violation of Article I in UNIQUE TO AMERICAN-Government of Laws- Justice and Liberty In All Life - Laws of Nature, Laws of Nature's God, Separate and Equal Station - stated by Jesus in John 14 "..I am in the Father and the Father in in me: -- or else, believe because of the deeds themselves. Truly, Truly I tell you, he who believes in me will do the very deeds I do, and still greater deeds than these. ..". 

Article III's Judiciary in order for YOU to learn proper control of all knowledge, during about the summer 2009, PBS radio, "All Things Considered" historian in an interview: "There is no Law in the Declaration, you can "see" ",  "whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these means, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it",  consent of the governed has no such "Right of the People," for that would mean you don't need any form of "Judiciary" to decide Truth-Wisdom-knowledge of The Creator, except,  just like the Colonists; Person(s) forming We the People in accountability to God's name His Laws, for His Truth and His Son who asked His Father to give you, your very own "Helper" - Holy Ghost-Spirit-Truth, but, remember the collective-secular-denial of The Creator-robot-precedent-DoubleThink-judiciary persons are ignorant, so they've, most - not all by any means, lost themselves.  The other rider to the Three Sacred Documents is YOU have to learn Him by Yourself, alone, it isn't an activity of  'group-egalitarian-planks in eyes-Hypocrisy of "Personality" much more important than the Position of Accountability in the First and Second Table of Laws, neither Madison, nor Jefferson, who is not a deist, would argue against; but anti-Republic under God Regime's servants to their sacred-vain-idol-god's 'bigger number-deluded-democracy' are arguing in those vain-idol-god's form of judicial 'bigger number' deciding good and evil as secular, scattered, disorganized, relative truth, disconnect, of, by, and for -- lie and steal.  Civil, frankly human precept arbitrary rules of conduct-extortion more often than force,  of the Catholic, Germanic, Roman, Ottoman/ Islamic Empires; and socialist-communist which may explain the reason No  'thing' is ever 'settled' and emphatically, Never Settled Right, the part of "Common Law's Precedent - World Court's legislation form the bench, forbidden in AMERICAN LAW by Article I, as well as II-VII, the Ratification, "PUBLIUS/ Acts 28 Paul's Mission for God in Christ" worked so hard for in Truth, Trust, Promise,  Person-Justice Brandeis forgot in 1932:
"Whereas the aim of the Christian discipline is the love that springs from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from a sincere faith. Certain individuals have failed here by turning to empty argument; doctors of The Law is what they want to be, but they have no idea either of the meaning of the words they use or of the themes on whcih they harp.  I am well aware that 'the law is admirable---provided that one makes a lawful use of it; he must keep in mind that no law is ever made for honest people but for the lawless/ insubordinate, impious/ sinful, irreverent/profane/ parricides/matricides, murderers, Second Table of Law - morality - violator-person(s), sodomites, kidnappers [[robbers of mind/ heart/ will]], liars, perjurers And Whatever Else Is contrary to Sound Doctrine as laid down by that Glorious Gospel of the Blessed God with which I have been entrusted."  Paul, such a wonderful Person-Administrator - Christ Jesus Chose After He was Crucified, and the ONLY APOSTLE WHO INTRODUCES HIMSELF to everyone....  God in Christ Is Most Certainly Discipline in Love/ Heart/ Soul/ especially Will/ Courage-Strength.
Three knew right off the bat, though they would never deign to use such language for "fear of man, and not of God" would be very upsetting - the reason the NewSpeak, false-Double-Think, word DEMocrat, not socialist (collective, mass people-kept ignorant) atheist (Always violate the Ten Commandments and the Two Greatest Commands of God, as well as the existence of "Person Is Composed of a Body and a unique-Immortal Soul," is "TREASON the offense of  overthrowing the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power;" though only One would recognize that fact in evidence, the other two, simply that rules of conduct - force, implementing in complete lie of silence in abject hate of law, it was indeed, unConstitutional;  One person, I knew very well in political supreme Law of the Land, though he probably hasn't made the "connections herein stated, which are very well proven by 99.8% of the Colonists, Founders included -- who didn't required instruction on any subject of God herein stated -- . In Fact, all of them, all Persons on planet earth, have a 'story', the %W's and H of their life here on earth -- past, present-risk/ reward, future, and every 4.3 seconds Newborn in some location on God's Planet Earth.

None of the Three had any knowledge of what was going on in California's World-Foreign-Law-socialist-atheism-seceded from the Union, officially, absent its Citizens, on 11/4/2014 by having the ominous distinction of being the One State among The UNION of 49 States that did not oust the Socialist-atheist anti-Republic under God Regime, even though most just think that the lie and steal were normal parts of 1913's trickery-dishonest politics and not 1828/ Colonists Founder's "POL'ITICS, noun The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. politics as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance.".

You see, that definition of politics does require the First, duties each person owes directly to God and Second, morality-principles of obedience to His Will, Table of Law intrinsic to Oath of Office , and each-one-Person-Citizen is as much taking those Oaths as are the elected, appointed, commissioned, contracted, all United States Civil Officers from among "CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED's Fellow-Countrymen of "separate and equal station" -- Person  who has no physical or environmental characteristics, because Truth, Trust, Promise have no physical or environmental characteristics, except for those among the devil, father evil-father lie, a.k.a., Secular, Bible and Government-Pharisee asking Jesus "Should we pay taxes to Caesar"...Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God" -- are totally separated, as is the Gospel, from the Declaration's Laws of Nature And of Nature's God-Your Person of Risk/ reward, Opportunities/ Threats, Strengths/ Weaknesses. But, because God Created His Universe, the First and Second Table of Law always exists, so asking if they should pay those taxes, meant what is Your Religion and morality to Your Government, remembering it is by Your Words that you will be acquitted...or not..

Since Three wouldn't have information of the Contents of the Three Sacred Dcouments Connected to their Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor, in this human event of nanoseconds; and, because of fear of 'hurting someone else's UDHR Article 18 DoublThink, since the socialist-atheists freely denegrated God in Christ they are totally ignorant about, would not be involved to 'risk comment' in such a "evangelical Republican conversation" to the egregious, invasion and attack against themselves, everyone they know and will never know; and especially their Prosperity who live through 12 to 24 years, some never leave the cocoon of college and university -- common core - 100% control and manipulation of all doublethink-knowledge, of, by, and for the control in abject power -- of You -- as no-one within that collective, mass of all life's physical and environmental characteristics...because that is the only way the "Prince of the Earth' can control all life - production and distribution of "every 'thing'  that belongs to Genesis-earth-down below/ New Testament world-down-below.".

Besides, no-one, among "modern man-generations from State and Federal indoctrination-brainwashing since, in California anyway since 1954, believes that God in Christ isn't just another religion/ church-ecclesiastical-government, sect/ form/ denomination, creeds rites, ceremonies, including all of Matt. 7, 15, 16 after verse 21, i.e., the rest of the Peter story in 22-28, with the cock crowing three times as earthly, outlook of man's rules of precept, not Gods, and 18, which completely ignores in neglect what Paul accomplished more than any other apostle, chosen after Christ was crucified; and the Only One Who Introduces Himself as a Person in I Timothy 1, mission; and that Hamilton, Jay and Madison used their
pen-name "PUBLIUS" is extremely important and significant to what their mission was in ratifying the Constitution of the United States of America, One State composing the UNION of the WHOLE .

One gentleman, who had read The Bible cover to cover three times, and to whom I asked if he had listened...-he interrupted, yes, very much annoyed, but I wanted to make clear, number isn't a measure of any 'thing;' as we had quite a conversation about how great "Democracy was and why would I  vehemently oppose it.  To which I just pointed out the primary "Lie" and "Steal in silence; for no American, none of these 7 even knew that any repudiation of our Republic under God was occurring; and the one who did know exactly what it meant, was scared to death, of "personality" of mandatory judgment with planks in eye's hypocrisy  
                         He brought up the perpetual form of father evil-father lie - slavery of the Civil War.  I brushed him off.  That ended the exchange because, in his arbitrary human precept, anyone who would not be against slavery especially in socialist-atheism, what-ever..!
                        The reason: The devil Is mankind against himself. It started, actually with blaming Eve for what "she" did to Adam -- not even noticing the cunning, talking serpent; or that God had to make clothes for them to wear and give them tools for the earth --- Neither Person had Truth-Wisdom-Knowledge, let alone enough to ask why a serpent is talking?  Evil has no hierarchy, except for evil's tool ignorance and setting physical and environmental-group-think-forms of all life-against each other; add FEAR of any 'thing', especially, lack of atmosphere and.... WYSIWYG, better known as you reap what you sow, an rotten tree gives rotten fruit.
                        We Just passed among the 01/20/2009, anti-Republic under God Regime's monolithic, superfluous rules of conduct - control and manipulation, the kidnapped for harems- woman slavery law last November.  There has never been any time on  earth that was without slavery -- the reason Jesus, in John 8 says "ANY ONE Who Sins Is A Slave" and it can be Your Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will  as well as your physical body. It occurs in all life, from tribe to WHOLE Nations-- Iran in Islam-Muslim - Radical Jihad..

Jesus came to teach You Your Soul -- also, "Helper" for when He would return to His Father.  He came to talk to the Pharisees, scribes, High Priests among -- later with Paul -"Pagans". He Tells You to Listen to Him and to Watch Him..He Warns You. He Tells wonderful Parables. You Know Him. He Knows You. Your Person of Evil-intrinsic to carrying on during earth's journey in adventure, is to learn Your-Self ---the better you do, the better will you receive all you full measure -- exactly like Proverbs 8 teaches, among so many Books, Chapters, Characters -- Life:  FOLLOW HIM, TRUTH, TRUST, PROMISE WITH HIM -- FOR THAT IS OUR FATHER IN THE HOLY LIVING TRINITY-GHOSE. NEITHER WILL EVER FORSAKE YOU, though you will forsake Them -- especially when that earthly treasure rears its temptation or you are in the middle of such angst, that you can hardly move...let alone, remember to LISTEN and LOOK for what HE WILL NOT FAIL TO GIVE YOU, but you will fail to "SEE" and be fooled, beyond your own, or our magnificent, Nation's belief....Just obeying the Two Greatest Commands, upon which The Law and the prophets....all of the Bible and walking right now on planet earth -- often to very deaf --above speaks for itself.

..Who would dare say they know more...than what?...  The No 'thing' of socialist-atheism's devotion to H. Clinton (1971), B. Obama-Lucifer-Alinsky, humanist-UDHR-EU Empire's-UDHR-Convention "Strip Christians of their Transcendent God because He is just another-collective, mass people-church as this cursor flashes; and neither in their years in office have ever accomplished any act which is the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents -- AMERICAN LAW, and they both are totally ignorant of the First and Second Table of Law, writing solely anti-law Bills since he entered office on January 20, 2009; and single-handedly is very proud of his destruction of the Only Nation in, well, I take that back, the governor of Malta, Publius, in 62 A.D. made his nation, the First in Western Europe's "God Is Law -- which He Is", but since 1620 who wrote God's Universe in the Declaration of Independence ALL 1337 words which are applied, in supreme Law of the Land --- "Heaven and earth all that belongs to them, the WHOLE SYSTEM of Created 'Things'--the definition of Universe from before 1828.
Having these 'exchanges' and seeing the campaign materials for some of the candidates is also informative of their seeing and listening to God in Christ; because that Is The Challenge of, by, and for "Consent of the Governed to Protect and Secure Your own, everyone you know and those you will never know, right, good, Laws of Nature, Laws of Nature's God----NOW, before November 8, 2016; ..and Not Be More Afraid of Man, especially Catholic excommunication when you vary with their Papal-government of man's rules of conduct - force as compulsion of conscience UDHR-humanist-social-collective-EU Empire's social-christian-collective-bodies, democracy of Papal authority, chosen by other men on earth; that is, 1931, the choice was made, without a blink of a eye, violating Commandments 8 and 9, when the College of Cardinals elected Pope Pius IX without two of its members of the College of Cardinals, though argument is suppose to establish The Laws of God --- before the vote is taken--- so that Truth-Wisdom-Knowledge are established as the source of human-decisions, and not "they're number doesn't matter to the outcome... of all arbitrary, rulers of all nations the entire Planet Earth, absent Person; thus duplicating the nine, socialist-communist-drafter's of 1949's UDHR.

The Catholic Empire was in trouble from 1300's with John Wycliff. They Have never left Their arbitrary, human precept, rules of conduct -force, even though there will always be Priests and Nuns who do, in their person, take up Jesus Cross and follow Him, though "Any Person" can do that, no matter where they are located on Planet earth; and they don't have to know Christ Jesus by name, but they do have to obey Truth-Wisdom-Knowledge - in Trust and Promise. You would be amazed at the different tribes and little nations which have accomplished exactly that....Tongo, Taiwan, American Indians right here, though they have been at the brunt of government's human precept -- for a very long time, and some have lost their truth-in-their-Person forming Tribe..

So, the meeting was very informative. Very Challenging, especially when it is nearly impossible for modern-man to let go of judgement by planks in the eye , "personality," to work to be follow the Colonists and Founders place all efforts in Truth-Wisdom-Knowledge-Trust-Promise-faith that is the story of every single-one-person, regardless of age, physical or environmental characteristics, and sometimes, even, in spite of them!

Americans of God and Nation First --- Respect and have confidence that You Are a person of Honor and of God; that you are living your life and Liberty as best you can,  and that no group will ever be as good as you are at what your Truth-Wisdom-Knowledge is and will continue for you alone, with that transitive and recursive, exponentially expanded upon itself; for When Consent of the Governed's voting Day/ We the people -- take out Mind/ Heart/ Soul/ Will/ Holy Living Trinity Ghost - Spirit - Truth, God in Christ has tole you -- you will not be forsaken, you will not be lied to, and knock, seek, ask and all will be yours, as it was for the first 180 years of our Nation before there was any 'central government form' -- the reason it was so hard, to permit a central government, though, common sense in truth, they knew they must.

Only One Lone Candidate for President, Dr. Ben Carson, is even daring to say God in Christ, let alone state plainly that he will do his best to follow, as he has done in his medial career, Christ Jesus and include Him in the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents... others know, some, way too many, have no First and Second table of Law, else they would have already taken their Heart/ Mind/ Will in conscience to stop some of the lies, deceit, steal, immorality, socialist atheism and CALL IT BY NAME, form continuing to permit lie and steal to hide behind DEM on your "Consent of the Governed Day To Protect and Secure Your Right/ Good by Electing a Fellow-countryman to whatever office that Person is asking for Your Truth-Wisdom-Knowledge Trust Promise -- so that if you Done't have the information you need --- YOU GET IT! and not by one-sided-top-down, presentations in which no dialogue is asked or wanted --- Politics and Dissension, not "divided against itself cannot stand" as you see, and not runny away from Party --- making that Party live up to its own Standards and Principles.  
                                It doesn't matter one whit, if that person is 'politics' or not...the only language and communication of commerce in industry that counts, especially right now, economically, is if he can understand and perceive; and that if you win all the Treasures, $$$$ and your nation loses its unique, Immortal-Soul, then you have No 'Thing'; but with God in Christ, you will understand Truth Is Freedom and is the LOVE, JOY, AND WONDER of following God in Christ -- The Holy Living Trinity because You Are Not Dead are You!  Neither are God in Christ, nor, for that matter, any heritage of ancestors of your family whether as natural or naturalized Citizens of the This Is My Country, the Grandest on Earth< I'm Pledging my Allegiance ...."  Memorial day interview "First of all They Are Not Dead, any more than God in Christ are dead!".

Our Nation has a beautiful story, our people are the greatest, and We Do Know Who God In Christ are;...but we also do have to admit and repair our terrible mistakes. Deluded-Democracy's lie in secrecy - not the least; and you must learn the imperative of father evil-father lie -- must "I tell the Truth, and Yet You Want to Kill me" to Jesus who is Your Teacher in every 'thing' that takes place in and out of the Bible - Declaration - Constitution:  "Declaration of Constitutional Principles:
"> Whenever ANY PERSON is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the Bible, Declaration, Constitution, means to obey or help enforce the Bible, Declaration, Constitution. This duty cannot be delegated to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job or following orders. This is sometimes called the Principle of Nuremberg.
>The judgement of the consistency of an official act with the constitution is called constitutional review. When this duty is performed by a judge, it is called judicial review. It is not a power of government but the exercise of a duty of citizenship.
>Each level and jurisdiction of government has been delegated the power to punish as crimes the deprivation of constitutional and civil rights of persons by agents of government, and some governments the power to punish deprivation of rights by individuals not agents of government. Statutes to implement those powers have been enacted in almost every jurisdiction, and they cover almost every such deprivation.
>ANY ACT  performed by any agent of government which is unconstitutional is illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a violation of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so.
>ANY CITIZEN who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to disobey that act, to report it as a crime, and to arrest [ Any seizure, or taking by power, physical or moral] the offender and deliver him to a court of competent jurisdiction for prosecution..." at

Actually, the very best Masters of Learning are The Eternal/ Heaven-Universe-Bible; His Son, our "Helper" and "Rabboni" Christ Jesus - Declaration of Independence; and YOU, alone, then transitive and recursive to all you know and will never know -- the Colonists and Founders with  EACH-ONE-OF-YOUR STORIES of your journey in earth-down-below, -- Applied AMERICAN LAW -- Constitution of the United States of America....the Holy Living Trinity, because You haven't finished your earthly journey, have you?  Jesus taught you/ all person(s) any location with access to the Old and New Testament, that if two or three of you call his name, He Is There in Matt. 18, which also informs those of you directly or indirectly involved with hindrances of His children, what you need to do with that Millstone around your neck.....Jesus Never Is Never False!


Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Wide and Broad Road to Destruction -- ALL Nations on Planet Earth....Greespan and Ron Paul Protect yourself

So, how the Judiciary permitted themselves to become fools against Truth is what is contained herein.  I’ll try to minimize repeating, but some is necessary since too many of you have lost your ability to Reflect and make the “Connections” revolving among orbits of differing directions one in Liberty of most Good toward God’s Universe; and the other, Liberty of Most evil, blind guides of the blind – both falling into the wide and broad road to destruction.  That road is very,, very near complete destruction, and includes the UDHR-UN-World Bank/ IDA, IBRD, IFC, MIGA, ICSID which includes EU Empire’s UDHR-Convention- 28 Nations, IMF/ US Treasury by this current anti-Republic under God Regime-Federal Reserve system of Taxpayer-Public-taxpayer-private-Private-Partnership-mortgage for private home ownership, BIS, G10—all for the purpose of intermingling 192 nation’s borrowing-currencies under the guise of No poverty and Agenda 21/ GW/ Climate-never US Ratified-Kyoto Protocol-Change– Proposition 1 Water Bonds disguised as 7 dams and reservoirs in seceded from the Union- socialist-atheist-government-interests divorced form 1789 Ratified supreme Law of the Land-earth, water, atmosphere, Periodic Chart of the Elements - The Universe-heaven, Laws of Nature’s God – Your Person - decreed collective-people of the very sacred-vain-idol-god’s form of ‘bigger number’ the direct repudiation of Person of, by, and for, despoiling and enslaving the right/ good of any smaller number Citizens under the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents-Truth-Wisdom-Knowledge..  “Dr. Ron Paul at MKT047522 &snaid=&step=start##AST03347:"12-Term Congressman Ron Paul's Warning to Americans about the Coming Currency Crisis" : “We were the most Prosperous country in the world. It is important for We the People to understand they are losing their Liberty of commerce and of their industry — The National Debt is way lower that actually reported, and doesn’t begin to comprehend the importance to the TOTAL NATIONAL DEBT which includes the ability of We the people to pay their debts and well as the National debt – the reason of the talk to raise taxes against only part of the actual IRS Taxpayers; for any person who receives salary and benefits form any level of government - DOES NOT PAY IRS TAXES AND DOES NOT CONTRIBUTE TO GDP, because that money is just re-distributed tax-dollars....See “Alan Greenspan Warns: There will be a “Significant Market Event..Something big Is Going to Happen... Dangerous and out of control the Federal Reserve. ....Warn as many people as possible--- government cannot do anything about this crisis---it cannot determine the value of the dollar.  "No great nation stands when the Gold Standard is removed."

Ron Paul -- blueprint: take action now -- financial safety is in your own hands -- catastrophic crash --- No hope for Congressional accountability. Ignorant of basic Free Market COMMERCE, noun  1. In a general sense, an interchange or mutual change of goods, wares, productions, or property of any kind, between nations or individuals, either by barter, or by purchase and sale; trade; traffick. commerce is foreign or inland. Foreign commerce is the trade which one nation carries on with another; inland commerce or inland trade, is the trade in the exchange of commodities between citizens of the same nation or state. Active commerce
2. Intercourse between individuals; interchange of work, business, civilities or amusements; mutual dealings in common life.
3. Familiar intercourse between the sexes.
4. Interchange; reciprocal communications; as, there is a vast commerce of ideas.  

Dr. Paul is asked "When"--- a great human precept example of concrete-mind-sense, devoid Truth-Trust-Promise.... ---when isn't the question for earthly measures of lie and steal -- just don't work!   AMERICA PULL IN THE REINS  - JUST STOP --- REMOVE ALL CHAINS AGAINST COMMERCE --- ENFORCE THE LAWS OF THE THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS -- RETURN TO NEVER SPEND MORE THAN YOU MAKE---

The government is going to remain silent because it would cause a "Panic" if the People were informed-----meaning you can choose which form of panic your want...Dr Paul is talking about America, but LOOK AT THE WORLD BANK -- so what if countries bargain about borrowing among themselves --- intermingling on the scale of every nation on the planet!

Between World Court/ World Bank the absolute Greatest fraud of Climate change in all the World - alphabet soup--- It is specifically, and exactly this current, January 20, 2009 anti-Republic under god Regime...and following the instructions of our Founder's and of our God... is to remove them --- stop the administrative-police-state's authoritarianism including the closed-shop dictatorship of union-taxpayer supported-attorneys paid in taxpayer dollars over and above their never to be paid-off debt of pensions!  It is only a start, but a good one....for just restoring Truth, Trust, Promise of God in Christ --- will have One Person in the Whole of our Unique Polity -- understand the Truth... The One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents.

BTW, since Article III Judiciary has chosen complete betrayal in blasphemy against the Spirit-Truth-God, in favor of the World Court of Iniquity's arbitrary human precept -- rules of conduct-extortion, devoid just, right, good - Truth; Article II:4 will have to be enforced by We the People --- We have Person's who understand the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents; and father-evil-father lie will not defeat Truth of God ---But We the People -- God and Nation First has got to be the Goal.

For this minute --- there is no money, so there is no money for "mission to the UN-Climate-not ratified by the US Kyoto Protocol-change- H.R. 83-P.L.113-325 passed by the leaving socialist-atheists in  the senate--- so it is repealed...that shall save several billions of dollars; and then shutting down th e99% increase in the monolithic-socialist-atheist-administrative-police-state's Despotism.

DO NOT ENJOIN PANIC. DO PROTECT YOURSELVES, YOU MAY HAVE TO LEAVE THIS STATE'S SOCIALIST-COMMUNISM VIOLATIONS OF THE LAWS OF THE THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS, BUT BETTER -- JUST STAND AND STARE AT YOUR FELLOW-COUNTRYMAN'S FEDERAL POLICE FORCE-LOCAL POLICE-SHERIFF-CHP WHO HAS TO RENIGED HIS OATH AND "Whenever ANY PERSON is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the BIBLE, DECLARATION, CONSTITUTION, means to obey or help enforce the BIBLE, DECLARATION, CONSTITUTION. This duty cannot be delegated to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one's job or following orders. This is sometimes called the Principle of Nuremberg; AND "Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or TO HAVE ANY OFFICIAL STATUS, REGARDLESS OF WHAT TRAPPINGS OF OFFICE OR COLOR OF LAW HE MAY PROJECT.  It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a violation of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so." AMONG MORE AT

Don't fall for father evil-father lie --- that will always be exactly what you are experiencing right now...getting much, much worse!  We the People - form our  UNION -- THIS IS THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR AGAINST JANUARY 20, 2009'S ANTI-REPUBLIC UNDER GOD REGIME -- AND NO-ONE ELSE. GOVERNMENTS THE WORLD OVER- HAVE ALWAYS BEEN WRONG AND MADE ERRORS IN JUDGEMENT ---- DO TRUST YOURSELF IN OUR GOD IN CHRIST -- HE IS NEVER FALSE AND WILL NEVER FORSAKE ANY PERSON AMONG ANY STATE OR NATION --- THOUGH YOU HAVE TO OBEY HIM, AND THAT DOES INCLUDE REPENTANCE FOR WE THE PEOPLE HAVE AND ARE BEING WRONG IN TOLERATING ANY FORM OF VIOLATION OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS.....AND BTW LEARN 1828 POLITICS: "POL'ITICS, noun The science of government; that part of ethics which consists in the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace and prosperity; comprehending the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals. politics as a science or an art, is a subject of vast extent and importance.".  Our Colonists and Founder's knew this Truth-Wisdom-Knowledge -- it isn't gone, but can be buried if We the People forget how to obey and listen...and remember, we're not the first nation to face this --- but this is probably the first time EVERY SINGLE NATION ON PLANET EARTH will face the very same CATASTROPHE AS WE ARE...

Monday, June 1, 2015

Teaching Person of “Independence” in our Archetypal Republic under God: American Law:

Teaching Person of “Independence” in our Archetypal Republic under God: American Law:
Lesson 2, Sunday, May 31, 2015, Spreckels Organ Pavilion, Balboa Park, 3:15 pm

Since FB NF, with its very own-anarchy-administrative-police-state, “What’s on your mind?” has every, individual NF item and comments, 24/7 demonstrating in fact and evidence the diffuse nature of father evil-father lie, a.k.a/, this “When in the Course of human events.”.officially 01/20/2009, but in fact and evidence the entire President Bush years in office, ”anti-Republic under God Regime’s conjoined to Article III Judiciary’s devotion to World Court-foreign law, the superior court of government-interests workers of iniquity - decreed in edict deluded-democracy’s collective people-vain-idol-god’s forms of bigger number, few men rule by concrete-hierarchy of government of man, Humanist "human Family" – Personality, an individual has the collective-group-robot-double-think, requirement to become an official, Matt. 7 plank in the eye, member of "HYPOCRISY”.

While handing out the “Centennial International Summer Organ Festival”, Mr. Smith, was deciding whether or not to spend $5.00 on the “Centennial Birthday Souvenir Program, New Years Eve, Wednesday, December 31, 2014". After thumbing through the pages, he asked, “Is this Obama’s Signature?”, unable to read it, but the White House is at the top of the page, answered, “Yes.”.
Mr. Smith, “Well, I can’t take this to my brother. He is a Conservative. It’ll make him furious. He gets so angry at anything Obama. It’s really beyond belief, how angry he gets.”.

Me: “It’s not about Obama’s “human” “personality”.  It’s about the 100 year old Organ. ..”.
Mr. Smith, head down, shaking ‘no’: “I’d like to take it to him. He lives a few blocks from  Juilliard, and loves music. He’s ill, and this would just upset him more.”..

Me: It isn’t his “human-personality”- name that is making him [& most if not all Americans of God and Nation First] so angry.” as he leaves, not taking the souvenir program.

Sidebar: To Republicans Party of Principle - and Americans of God and Nation Frist disenfranchised, the world over, by the deluded-democracy’s very great and sacred-vain-idol-god’s forms of Bigger number, collective people the servants , especially important provders of Government interest’s property of your commerce and industry-deceit/ untruth taxpayer dollars, “Conservative” is the newest, Double-Think / Newspeak Word in control and manipulation of Truth, Wisdom, Knowledge of our Colonists and Founders, most ‘modern man’ cannot reach high enough out of their ‘blind leaders of the blind, with earmuffs pit of darkness’ to reach the soles of their feet, even though they would not speak in that manner, but are really fun to read in their beautiful control of expression in metaphor, analogy, and just plain pin-head use of that Exact ‘word’ which says all; because they lived, gave, and understood the truth and the Truth did, indeed set them free for 180 No Central-government-form in  hierarchy for years between 1620 and 1820, John 8, 10, Ezekiel 1-3 (whose creature is much bigger and greater than Revelations is..), 33 for definition of Justice, all of Paul’s Mission – The Only Apostle who Introduces himself to you in about 8 verses of his first letter to Timothy which is also instructions to Article III Judiciary, though they are devoted to the ONE ONLY FOUNDING DOCUMENT - that created one of the biggest violations of the Ten Commandments in our Nation’s history....and that is not only a retrospective fact in evidence, the 4 Dissenters, Justices Jackson-stated No Truth through using fact and evidence, Rutledge, Frankfurter, and Burton all said “Now, as in Madison's day, it is one of principle, to keep separate the separate spheres as the First Amendment drew them, to prevent the first experiment upon our liberties, and to keep the question from becoming entangled in corrosive precedents. We should not be less strict to keep strong and untarnished the one side of the shield of religious freedom than we have been of the other.      The judgment should be reversed.” as well as much more facts in evidence regarding NJ Taxpayers Association President Everson v. Local government’s, Ewing, NJ Board of Education!.

“Obama” is a grain of sand, just like you and me. This American Person has made himself and his entire Regime,  guilty in his own Person of his own spoken words and deeds of complete repudiation of the Truth of his position in our Republic under God. [adding here] Article II, with II:4 Forbidden, because Article III Judiciary is enjoined to Article II, though its own ‘untouchable, sultan-hood, of no accountability, each-one-judicial-person’s supreme rule of action in this life, is a minion of the European - No Truth, Trust, or God – Justice of ‘relationships’ – foreign law, having removed the Laws of the Three Sacred Document’‘s back in 69-70's new 4 kinds of European Law in which there is no Bible or Declaration, though European-collective-people-church’s egalitarian-group-Double-think, anomaly and degradation of language and communication is very present. from enforcement; therefore, the entire One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents.

Not One American recognizes God in Christ as the cornerstone and foundation of our, as John Adams said, “Government of Laws and Not of man” -2500 year old arbitrary rules of conduct-force in horizontal, concrete-layered-box, hierarchy of few men, including collective-people-of both church now enjoined in complete apostasy to collective, government interest-state — the infamous, father evil-father lie, one historical document to evolve the high and great impenetrable wall — has vaporized, because it was the lie... – No person in this nation obeyed that court edict in decree, until about 1954, here in Seceded government interests from its American Law Citizens - California.

Jan, “They’re afraid to criticize him because of his skin color.”.
Reminded, “Aren’t We (the People) suppose to fear God more than man?” – Jan, nodded, “Yes”.
 Wouldn’t it be a good idea to fear God more than man, since Person’s body and soul are thrown into Gehenna! ?”

Sidebar: There isn’t any more irrelevant and immaterial living object than skin-color -except white siting and enjoined to country-of-origin-except Pledge of a Person’s Honor, duty, Service as a Naturalized Citizen- US(A), for they are forbidden an knowledge of the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents.  But it is extremely handy for father evil-father lie, for he can simply remove “Consent of the Governed- to protect Person’s right/ Good through Vote by manipulation and control by the socialist-atheist’s religious/ church belief in a superior power governing the world and worshiping their very great and sacred-vain-idol-god’s forms of ‘bigger number’ learned from the NGO-UDHR-UN/ EU Empire’s devotion for most of those 2500 years.

Humanist-“human Family” – Personality – has the collective-group-robot-double-think, requirement to become an official, Matt. 7 plank in the eye, member of “HYPOC'RISY, noun [Latin hypocrisis; Gr. simulation; to feign; to separate, discern or judge.]  1. Simulation; a feigning to be what one is not; or dissimulation, a concealment of one's real character or motives. More generally, hypocrisy is simulation, or the assuming of a false appearance of virtue or religion; a deceitful show of a good character, in morals or religion; a counterfeiting of religion.  Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy Luke 12:1.      2. Simulation; deceitful appearance; false pretence. Hypocrisy is the necessary burden of villainy.  Rambler a periodical (strictly, a series of short papers) by Samuel Johnson between 1750-1752".

LAWS OF THE THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS: PERSON    [[These Brackets are to connect the Bible, the original-source text, among the Age of Enlightenment within the quotes of Noah Webster’s 1828 AMERICAN Dictionary of the English Language, to the Laws, Lessons, Instructions, Warnings, Consequences, Enforcement within BOTH Declaration and Constitution, formatted just like within the Old and new Testament chapters where a situation is presented, and the ‘character-persons’ respond, or not, as the overall Plan of God Continues Exactly As He Said It Will with Truth, Trust, Promise - within our Holy Ghost – in the Holy Living Trinity]]
“ >The individual component of the polity is the Person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including both the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the [[Certain, Unalienable, not transferable, Gifts from God- written by man in His Name]] natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and to sacrifice itself [[given that, because of the First and Second Table of Law, “Law is never made for Honest Man”-Bible First Timothy; Declaration: abuses, reason for emigration and settlement, consanguinity with British people]] for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity [[“separate and equal station, Laws of Nature’s God; Bible: The Two Greatest Commands of God]].

> .The polity, or society, is created by the Social Contract, in which persons agree to join together for mutual benefit and defense, and to regulate their behavior to avoid forms of competition which are destructive of social coherence and effectiveness, such as violence, deception, or collusion, or to infringe on the rights of others;” [[ therefore, deluded-democracy is violation of Article II:4 Treason, Bribery, for it cannot exist, unless control and manipulation of all life on planet earth remains those few men - arbitrary-despotic power – in secret – so No Person ever realizes that his Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will/ Conscience are despoiled and enslaved; and that the only difference between the Jews, Polish, and ‘other unacceptable humans’, marched, naked, into showers, is that “the body when dead is not called a person”—Each-one’s unique Soul did not die, but returned to heaven where the Holy Living Trinity - Ghost - Spirit -Truth, The Eternal continues Exactly Who He Says He Is, but collective, mass people in their government-interests-arbitrary, rules of conduct-Perfidy of Blasphemy, physical and environmental robot-think, perpetrated-malice prepense-ignorance, will remain in their ‘human physiology, upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy depend for life on ‘fallen angel - father evil-father lie - world-down-below]]
John Adams, An Essay on Man’s Lust for Power, August 29, 1763: “
”.“Self Deceipt is perhaps the source of far the greatest and worst Part of the Vices and Calamities among Man kind.”—The Love of Pleasure and Aversion to Pain, our affections for all Things that have Power either in Reality or in our own Imaginations only to give us the former, and our Hatred of all Things that communicate the later, our Senses, our Appetites, our Passions, and all our Habits and Prejudices, nay even our very Virtues and useful Qualities, our Piety towards God and our Benevolence to Mankind, The Reverence for our Parents and Affection to our Children, our Desires of Fame and aspirations after Independence, have all of them in their Turns a Tendency, unless more cautiously watched than the Condition of Humanity will allow, to deceive us into Error.—This is the great and important and melancholy Truth that is conveyd to us by the old Maxim, that I have chosen for the Motto of this Paper, that all Men would be Tyrants if they could..
...This which is no new Discovery, but has been many thousands of Years consid[ered] by thinking Men, seems to have given rise to the wisest and best of Governments which seems to be calculated on Purpose, to controul and counteract the Ruinous Tendency of this Imperfection in our Natures.
Power is a Thing of infinite Danger and Delicacy, and was never yet confided to any Man or any Body of Men without turning their Heads.—Was there ever, in any Nation or Country, since the fall, a standing Army that was not carefully watched and contrould by the State so as to keep them impotent, that did not, ravish, plunder, Massacre and ruin, and at last inextricably inslave the People,—Was there ever a Clergy, that have gained, by their Natural Ascendancy over private Consciences, any important Power in the State, that did not restlessly aspire by every Art, by Flattery and Intrigues, by Bribery and Corruption, by wresting from the People the Means of Knowledge, and by inspiring misterious and awful apprehensions of themselves by Promises of Heaven and by Threats [of] Damnation, to establish themselves in oppulence, Indolence and Magnificence, at the Expence of the Toil, and Industry, the Limbs, the Liberties and Lives of all the rest of Mankind.
Aware of this usurping and encroaching Nature of Power, our Constitution, has laid for its Basis, this Principle that, all such unnatural Powers, as those of Arms and those of Confessions and Absolution for sin, should always bow to the civil orders that Constitute the State.—Nor is this the only Precaution she has taken. She has been as sensible of the Danger from civil as from military or casuistical Power, and has wisely provided against all.
No simple Form of Government, can possibly secure Men against the Violences of Power. Simple Monarchy will soon mould itself into Despotism, Aristocracy will soon commence an Oligarchy, and Democracy, will soon degenerate into an Anarchy, such an Anarchy that every Man will do what is right in his own Eyes, and no Mans life or Property or Reputation or Liberty will be secure and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral Virtues, and Intellectual Abilities, all the Powers of Wealth, Beauty, Wit, and Science, to the wanton Pleasures, the capricious Will, and the execrable Cruelty of one or a very few;” – Common Core perpetrated on every single man, woman, and child/ Posterity - Heritage, American in our Nation; And ......all 192 Nations of the UDHR-NGO-socialist-communist since its inception-UN / EU Empire System of iniquity and injustice – No God in Christ, No Truth-Wisdom-Knowledge for Trust, Faith in Promise.

>Acceptance of the terms of the social contract is effected through, and based upon, a restricted form of the social contract called the Filial Contract, between parents and their children, in which the parents agree to be good parents and the children agree to be good children and to grow into good adults and members of society. As persons grow, they extend the social contract to others they encounter. [[The Second Greatest Command of God taught by His Son, Jesus, among all the parables – many of which are the forms of Truth, Trust, Promise; because God made man in Truth-Wisdom-Knowledge, a Person is assumed to be good-honest with Rights which are reciprocated as One Person, alone First, then in his “reputation, religious obligations” in all roles of his accountability for supreme rule of action/ Will - Holy Ghost the left side of the Holy Living Trinity]] thus,

>The Social Contract is transitive, so that it extends to and includes not only those with whom one is in direct contact, but all those with whom those one is in direct contact with are bound to by the Social Contract as well, and therefore by recursion to all those persons who are members of the society, even if one has never met them. [[The Declaration’s separate and equal station of, by, and for Justice in all Life; Matt. 5's:
Jesus instructing purpose of Person in social contract: “Never imagine I have come to destroy the Law or the prophets; I have not come to destroy but to fulfil. (I tell you truly, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota,’ ι ‘,   not a comma, will pass from the Law until it is all in force. Therefore,
whoever relaxes a single one of these commands [[He has just finished The Sermon on the Mount]], were it even one of the least, and teaches [[arbitrary rules of conduct-force devoid reciprocation of just, right, good]] men so, he will be ranked least in the Realm of heaven; but whoever obeys them and teaches them [[“Abide by my words and YOU really will be disciples of mine. YOU Will Understand the Truth, and the Truth Will Set You Free”–John 8 - Freedom Is Truth, Trust, Promise]], he will be ranked great in the Realm of heaven...”. ]]
from “Declaration of Constitutional Principles
Whereas, during the course of history usurpers have attempted to misconstrue certain principles of constitutional republican government for their own ends, and that the original language of the Constitution for the United States did not anticipate all the ways it might be misinterpreted, we hereby set forth some of those principles with greater clarity, using more modern language:....” can be read and take your Will in  ‘supreme rule of action’ to stand and protect, at The Constitution Society’s .
I have added the Connections to the Laws, lessons, instructions, warnings, commands, enforcement....and consequences of disobedience.... from the other Two Sacred Documents, for the ‘Principles’ are written during the generations of person’s indoctrinated disguised as State and Federal Education, but since January 20, 2009, officially among a very few States-CA a leader of “blind guides of the blind falling into the pit together”(Matt.15) pure, unadulterated brainwashing.   the heat of the devil’s fire the great terrible, tragic - falsehood of collective people church never to mingle with collective people state!
 Continue available, Sundays after 3 pm....

The difference between “Human”/UDHR and “Person”/ our Republic under God is important:
[“HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form, species.]  1. Belonging to man or mankind; pertaining or relating to the race of man; as a human voice; human shape; human nature; human knowledge; human life.[[earthly-corporal]]      2. Having the qualities of a man.      3. Profane; not sacred or divine; as a human author. [[In 1828]] [Not in use.]  

PERSON, noun per'sn. [Latin persona; said to be compounded of per, through or by, and sonus, sound; a Latin word signifying primarily a mask used by actors on the state.]
1. An individual human being consisting of body and soul. We apply the word to living beings only, possessed of a rational nature; the body when dead is not called a person It is applied alike to a man, woman or child.  A person is a thinking intelligent being.
2. A man, woman or child, considered as opposed to things, or distinct from them.  A zeal for persons is far more easy to be perverted, than a zeal for things.
3. A human being, considered with respect to the living body or corporeal existence only. The form of her person is elegant.  You'll find her person difficult to gain.    The rebels maintained the fight for a small time, and for their persons showed no want of courage.
4. A human being, indefinitely; one; a man. Let a person's attainments be never so great, he should remember he is frail and imperfect.
5. A human being represented in dialogue, fiction, or on the state; character. A player appears in the person of king Lear.  These tables, Cicero pronounced under the person of Crassus, were of more use and authority than all the books of the philosophers.
6. Character of office.  How different is the same man from himself, as he sustains the person of a magistrate and that of a friend.
7. In grammar, the nominative to a verb; the agent that performs or the patient that suffers any thing affirmed by a verb; as, I write; he is smitten; she is beloved; the rain descends in torrents. I, thou or you, he, she or it, are called the first, second and third persons. Hence we apply the word person to the termination or modified form of the verb used in connection with the persons; as the first or the third person of the verb; the verb is in the second person
8. In law, an artificial person is a corporation or body politic.’]

In person by one's self; with bodily presence; not be representative.

The king in person visits all around.