Memorial Day I received the opportunity to have a TV Interview. It covered four areas; and during the setup of camera, the themes of interview occurred.
I liked the way the Interviewer set-up his topic questions, but because of the two forms of government methods, organization Matt. 12's “He who is not with me is against me [Truth, Trust, Promise], and he who does not gather with me scatters.." [disorganize, secular, precedent- few men ruler’s devotion in belief, “deluded democracy’s great and sacred-vain-idol-god forms of ‘bigger number,’ subjugated-enslaved-collective-human-commonality’], was challenging to express in a limited time frame
1) government-interest’s 1969-70-Common Law Public Value, one of the 4 rules of conduct - extortion, devoid the Laws of The Bible, The Declaration of Independence, and Ratified Constitution of the United States of America, Articles II:1, Clause 8/ VI Oath of Office: Truth, Trust, Promise to Constitutional-Person of, by, and for Protection and Security of Right/ Good by fellow-country-Person, in “supreme Law of the Land/ earth/ water/ atmosphere/ Periodic Chart of the Elements/ The Creator, Your God, of His “Universe collective name of heaven...”, “Laws of Nature’s God” in Person’s (man, woman, child) unique-Immortal Soul, traveling in Body’s physiology upon which neurology, psychology, anatomy depend for “Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness” in “world-down-Below-John 8” of no physical or environmental characteristics and “separate and equal station,” “..and earth..”/ “Laws of Nature”/ Living and inanimate objects/
tools ...
2) ...Including computer-Ipad’s yes/ no-robot-binomial-think–forced in extortion upon the Persons, Posterity-Child; and including among both “course of human events” and “assume among the power’s of the earth” Jesus and the Colonists, Founders among them, lessons in John 8’s Devil/ father evil-father lie, socialist-atheist-deluded-democracy- superior “humans in human families”- control and manipulation of language and communication - knowledge, as well all Life on planet earth/ “Climate not US Ratified Kyoto Protocol Change” versus 1789 Ratified supreme Law of the Land, format, it was hard to break-into-concrete-senses-mind”s “5. Human knowledge isn’t perfect. We recognize that the tools for testing knowledge—the human senses and human reason—are fallible, thus rendering tentative all our knowledge and scientific conclusions about the nature of the world. What’s true for our scientific conclusions is even more so for our moral choices and social policies; these latter are subject to continual revision in the light of both the fallible and tentative nature of our knowledge and constant shifts in social conditions;” DoubleThink, among humanist-UDHR-“everyBody’s, include the few men-hierarchy-rulers, fallible senses” innate to -re-defined “reason,” here, repudiates ‘Knowledge is Truth is God is Perfect.’ Man, especially as any form of government, is not even close, to being either just or good, in this UDHR-NGO-appointed by rulers-UN/ EU Convention of Human Rights- deluded-democracy of few men power over “..all that belongs to earth,” except, The Holy Living Trinity Ghost - Spirit - Truth, Trust, Promise.
Most, “suicidal-democracy, the very great and sacred-vain-idol-god’s ‘forms of bigger number,’collective-commonality-people” within our Republic under God, as well as our Sister Nation of Republican Form of Government - Person protected and secure in their right/ good, UK, (Great Britain is much better name, for She has earned it...), individuals who compose their sovereign nations forming the, at least at one earlier period of “Enlightened” G10, have any knowledge that this socialist-communist-atheism is actually taking place. — They are walking around in their group-think, oblivious to what is happening to them, such as, — “Personality of Matt. 7's Judgement by hypocrisy, combined with “scattered-isolated-displacement-issues--your police-state-FB-social-network’s of spinning your wheels in mud to deeper and deeper muck. – You can march and yell all you want to attempting to get blind-deaf-fellow-so-called-elected-country-person’s off their bullet-train-to-catastrophe, since Our government of hierarchy has decided Truth, Trust, Promise-accountability to John Adams “the First/ Religion and Second/ morality Table of “Government of Laws and not of men,” each-one-person-alone/ Principle of Nuremberg and you will receive your reward of obedience to that group-think-socialist-atheism-NGO-UN/EU Empire-UDHR — disrespect, silence, complete and persistent Lie, Steal, Collude, Coerce in Plunder, and it would be a violation of rules of conduct-force, to be obedient to any ‘Commonality, ordinary group-think people’.
Most important and mandatory of all, God in Christ is Not the Creator, of His Universe, man in His Spirit-Truth, Trust, Promise, but just another religion/ collective-people-church, like Islam’s tribal collective people-Temple-government interests-state, of ecclesiastical-government, forms/sects/denominations, rites, creeds, ceremonies and compulsion of conscience - Matt. 7's workers of iniquity- egalitarian-“human family”- everyBody’s duties to their communities /committees/groups by all life’s physical-body - environmental characteristics, except Constitutional-Person, man, woman, and Child/ Posterity.:
Mr. Interviewer: What do you think about Memorial Day, honoring the dead from all the wars?
One Truth was immediately answered: “In the first place, They Are Not “Dead,” anymore than God in Christ are dead.” Interviewer said something about “people”... “I answered it is not People. It is “Person.” That puzzled him. So, I added
“Our unique in mankind’s history, One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents, ONE Person is composed of a Body and Soul. ...forms the WHOLE of the POLITY. ... God’s Universe the collective name of heaven and earth, all that belong to them, the WHOLE SYSTEM of Created ‘Things’ ”
Sidebar: This of course, between all these responses, totally perplexed him and most of You; for so many of You, reader, and him, have no idea how magnificent in Perfection, those Two Founding Documents are because they are 100% written and witnessed by “..For where two or three have gathered in my name, I am there among them.”–Matt.18; each-one, in “separate and equal station” who are have wisdom-knowledge and for about 162 years, had never had any,‘Central arbitrary, hierarchy-horizontal-concrete-layered-ruler’s-rules of conduct - extortion, devoid reciprocation of just, right, First- Religion and Second - morality Table of Government of Laws and not of men,” carefully upheld, State’s Right supreme to that central-government of checks and balances, by those Colonists – and “the very rewarding but hazard-full, axil breaking, potholes, bumpy-road of the narrow and close gate to Life” of our unique, Republican Form of Representative Government– Protection and Security of Your Person - Just/ Right/ Good by Consent of the Governed , given to an Elected, appointed, commissioned, contracted, all officials of any part of the Whole of our Polity, fellow-countryman’s Oath-God in Christ - Truth, Trust, Promise – most frequently - Vote, but with “The Majority Limited For Liberty - Truth, i.e., deluded-democracy’s “..known propensity to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty (Fisher Ames, Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, January 15, 1788); and a.k.a., the Very Sacred and Vain-Idol-God’s Forms of ‘Bigger Number” as the standard of right and wrong in all life on Planet earth – owned as property by this current, anti-Republic under God Regime, California, Article II and Article III conjoined-government-interests/ Common Law Public Value-rules of conduct - extortion:
“James Madison Letter to James Monroe, October 5, 1786:
The progression which a certain measure seems to be making is an alarming proof of the predominance of temporary and partial interests over those just & extended maxims of policy which have been so much boasted of among us and which alone can effectuate the durable prosperity of the Union. Should the measure triumph under the patronage of 9 States or even of the whole thirteen, I shall never be convinced that it is expedient, because I cannot conceive it to be just. There is no maxim in my opinion which is more liable to be misapplied, and which therefore more needs elucidation than the current one that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong. Taking the word “interest” as synonomous with “Ultimate happiness,” in which sense it is qualified with every necessary moral ingredient, the proposition is no doubt true. But taking it in the popular sense, as referring to immediate augmentation of property and wealth, nothing can be more false. In the latter sense it would be the interest of the majority in every community to despoil & enslave the minority of individuals; and in a federal community to make a similar sacrifice of the minority of the component States. In fact it is only reestablishing under another name and a more spe[c]ious form, force as the measure of right ..;” as it is, will continue to be, and has been subjected, by this January 20, 2009, current, anti-Republic under God Regime’s Perfidy in crimes of omission, commission, neglect, and transgression against “Consent of the Governed”- “Independence” and “We the People in order to form a More Perfect Union, establish Justice” in all Life.
The Person-Interviewer doesn’t have knowledge, any more than you do, of this form of John 8's father evil-father lie, exemplified in this background by a human, hierarchy, for he is “permitted” to utilize his “UDHR/EUC on HR-Article 19opinion without question or interference against a collective-few men-robot-think-concrete-mind-body: “3. There is no compelling evidence to justify the belief that the human mind is distinct and separable from the human brain, which is itself a part of the body. All that we know about the personality indicates that every part of it is subject to change caused by physical disease, injury, and death. Thus there are insufficient grounds for belief in a soul or some form of afterlife.”
Then Mr. Interviewer started, and we had a little exchange, to quick to really remember word-for-word, but went something Like this: To his: What Memorial Day means to me, was the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents and Person.
Sidebar: Even though I am well aware that no person has ever addressed our Nation in One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents terms, except ALL of the Colonists, except 0.2%. It’s true the Colonists didn’t count the “slaves,” but remember, ‘slaves in GB as well as America, where “the defeated” by larger ‘absolute hierarchy, rules of conduct-force-Tribes’ of the same skin color and Africa; and slavery is much more than just physical and environmental - occurring in many, if not most nations of the world – especially those peoples of the NGO-UN-EU Empire-World Bank-World Court’s UDHR/ EUConvention’s deluded-de-mock-racy who are subjugated and enslaved by their respective ruler’s rules of conduct - force, devoid reciprocation of Person’s Justice in all Life, Right/ Good.
Mr. Interviewer continuing:.. with ‘didn’t I think it was evil, wrong, all the killing, maiming, torturing each other, war, why didn’t I think [just say in agreement] ISIS, Christians tortured and murdered? To his Americans who “Gave Their All” in the wars?
Answered: “Those are labels. I don’t think in labels, – personality. It’s a form of [added just now: displacing Truth, Trust Promise with “secular”, Precedent, “scattered”, disorganized] issue with judgement...” (and it is an exercise in futility of those wheels in thick, sticky, muck) These are violations of the Ten Commandments...” He interrupted where I was going,..added quickly that God in Christ is not just another religion/ church..(above), then, I didn’t get to finish. ...
....Consequences of violating Truth, Trust, and Promise of what our Everlasting Father has given us are apparent: As long as no-one intercedes with Government of Laws to enforce the violations—those violations will not only not cease, but also, will become as pervasive in all life on planet earth as they are in fact and evidence — NOW!
Sidebar: He didn’t get that at all, and I knew he wouldn’t – few persons - do. That’s the Problem!
You Don’t Know Your- ‘Self’ in our Republic under God. You Are On God’s Left in transitive and recursive, His Universe/ His Love of all His Children, of which You are One, and Jesus is Your Shepherd - He knows You, and among those of you who listen/ perceive, Know His Voice – the “Helper” He asked His Father to Give You — The Holy Living Trinity - Ghost - Spirit - Truth (though revealed, You, by heritage, person in that time and environment, weren’t ready for it in the Old Testament), labeled by the rulers of collectivism-compulsion of conscience, chosen Biblical passages, but Truth, Trust, Promise, Paul Chapters, especially “The Federalist’s pen-name Publius” in Acts 28, – rarely– if ever mentioned, “Western Individualism,” for the difference between Old and New Testament is learning leadership in accountability and under all kinds of circumstances, as well as God’s direct, hands-on, so to speak, interventions to push and guide, often resulting in great surprise as well as the Prophet answering back, when He seems much too difficult, to Jesus coming to fulfill and to have leader’s who have followed the wrong path – listen, perceive, and change – as did those, by rank, at the ‘almost stoning of the whore;’ and “for unless you believe who I am, you will die in your sins. ..;” and apparently, with ignorance, one of the devil's most important secrets, that and Any Person, Any Location on God's Planet can be, and often is "a disciple of mine..;" “Any One Who Sins Is A Slave” – also in the John 8 lessons.
I was challenged to find a way to inform him-- the opportunity of the interview:
“It isn’t so much the group called soldiers, as it is the Person; and that applies to “Operation Rebound”. On what Memorial Day means to me, I just pointed to the 12 x 10Ft. American Flag placed on the East colonnade and said “That.”
Mr. Interviewer: What about the soldiers who have been injured and died..?”
The interviewer doesn’t realize, and adding-on the above descriptions of various evil...caused me to search for the which way would get to the closest to the difference between “collectivism's deluded-democracy, UDHR UN/ EU Empire – human” - “Personality” all human people have bodily acts they perform for and against another, always explained in “labels” so that the WHOLE System of Created things, also for and against some ‘thing’ will never be considered, i.e., “Liberty is a word which, according as it is used, comprehends the most good and the most evil of any in the world. Justly Understood it is Sacred Next to Those which We Appropriate in Divine Adoration; but in the mouths of some it means any Thing.” Oliver Ellsworth was the 3rd Chief Justice of our Supreme Court, this quote is from “A Landholder No. III, November 19, 1787.
Answered: A person has experienced the hardness of his life shot-to-pieces (that slams shut a door. Just now added-on). Operation Rebound gives that person’s depression a way to pick up his life and carry on. ..
Interviewer: Memorial Day is for all the wars - soldiers. .. Led to:
“Let me tell you this way. ...On PBS series of WWII Veterans telling their stories, One Veteran shared :
‘I didn’t go to war for patriotism...OH, Yes, I did take the Oath [An Oath or Pledge Calls God To Your Person and you are stating your “rule of action and conduct in this life to Him and no-one else”] to Defend my nation; but once your there and the bullets are flying and your seeing a ‘buddy’ killed right next to you; You just want to jump into that foxhole with your ‘buddy,’ whoever he is, and stick together so that neither I or him got wounded or killed!’. He was kind of apologetic, even a little sad, that he wouldn’t fill-in a ‘heroic patriotism belief’ for whoever would hear his story.
What that Constitutional-Person-Veteran didn’t realize is that he was obeying God’s Second Greatest Command,”...
Mr. Interviewer got that—100%—No Problem!
...And, certainly was ‘patriotic;’ including, but I didn’t get to add, since they are both wearing the same uniform, and even sometimes, among soldier friend to soldier enemy. Here’s what Thomas Jefferson said “Love your neighbor as yourself and your Country more than yourself.”
As it appeared that we were near the end, and because I had an uncomfortable feeling that completing the Whole System of consequences of father evil-father lie, wasn’t made clear enough with the WWII Veteran’s story combined and connected to “all the killing, maiming, torturing each other, war, ISIS, Christians tortured and murdered;”
I asked, “Is that ‘thing’ still running?”, as I moved a little to my right of the camera lense. Mr. Interviewer indicated ‘no’ - neither here nor there in the interest of Wisdom-Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise - added:
“You know, “Radical Islam”? Well, the Islamic Religion cannot disconnect itself from Radical Islam. It has to take its Whole Islamic religion, so this president’s acts - are in agreement with....killing......mayhem.”.
Syria is Islamic Tribe against Islamic Tribe, as is Iraq and Afghanistan, and the reason our Republic under God, President Bush, is repudiated by this current, anti-Republic under God Regime — Read “After Lebanon A flawed cease-fire won't end Hezbollah's war against Israel” By Henry A. Kissinger; September 10, 2006, at when untruth, Commandments 8 and 9, combined with 2, and 3, are followed for the express,ed demonstrated fact and evidence to commit all forms of kill, steal, extort, collude in fraud, runing tyranny, i.e., the “relative-secular-in ‘lip service’ only-truth-named, ‘DoubleThink, - Good’ with its genuine, cut from the devil himself, evil.
At that statement, Mr. Interviewer became very uncomfortable.... I tried to point out the violations of the Commandments as well as Laws of Nature’s God, but was interrupted by visitor’s requests; and you know how “fear of man - revenge in apostasy” is so dangerous, while fear of God,....Who can ‘vaporize’ both your Body and Soul to Gehenna,..... is just another ceremony-rites-creeds-ecclesiastics/ government, forms/ sects/ denominations; so how does any Person(s) of Truth, Trust, and Promise expect to change consequences of “You want to serve your father, the devil. He has been a slayer of man from the Beginning, and he has no place in the truth because there is no truth in him: when he tells a lie, he is expressing his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. It is because I tell the Truth, that you do not believe me. .....He who belongs to God, listens to the words of God; you [Pharisees, scribes] do not listen to them, because you do not belong to God...”—more of John 8.
Another topic was the Spreckels Organ Pavilion itself:
1) Spreckels Organ: I shared that I have been a Volunteer “Greeter” for about 3 years now and a docent for less than that; that the Organ is the Center of Balboa Park because it is geographically, and because it is all that the Panama-American Exposition represented in 1915: Civilization, science, art, architecture, music, sound,.... the skill and art of expression of Carol. Then spoke of the other community service our Spreckel’s Organ Society performs throughout the years... the Interviewer ask for more about my personal ‘feeling’ about the organ, so I added that the music and sound of the Organ is always beautiful to see and to hear..
In the moments as I worked to organize thoughts, I didn’t add what I often explain to visitors, that’s over 5,000 since 1915, played most of them, Sunday, 2 to 3 pm rain or shine Concerts, among our ‘Organ-regulars,’ ”that sound is physics, music is mathematics, musician is art and that is skill in technic as well as expression i.e., God’s “Universe the collective name of heaven and earth all that belongs to them, the WHOLE SYSTEM of Created Things,” Laws of Nature, Laws of Nature’s God, Periodic Chart of the Elements. I meet “Greet” people, from all over.
I “Greeted” the afternoon shift, about 12:30 to 8:15 at “Operation Rebound” which did meet and exceed its $20,000.00 goal from Dr. Carol William’s 8am to 8:15 pm art of music on ‘The King of Instruments’.
Needless to say, the interview wasn’t used, as close as friends of mine can tell. Not a surprise, since the interview-Person, picked-up his tripod and nearly ran off, as I shouted to him “Read John 8. It’s about Truth, Trust, Promise.”—#5 of 5 Lessons in John 8, arbitrary human precept, the Pharisees in this lesson rules of conduct - force, said to Jesus, in their, mankind’s history, characteristic, concrete-senses-mind, devoid see/ perception and listen/ understanding: ‘You couldn’t possibly have known Abraham’ because ‘You are not yet 50;’ though the ever-present, stoning of the Old and New Testament, failed because Jesus concealed himself by a back way.
Lesson #4 in John 8 is “You are from the world below, I am from the world above; you belong to this world, I do not belong to this world. So I told you, you would die in your sins; for unless you believe who I am, you will die in your sins;” and early, in lesson 5, “Any One Who Sins Is A Slave.”
In another opportunity for a lesson in Our Archetypal Republic under God, occurred later in the day:
Sidebar: I’ve had the experience of person(s) who are fully informed, one could say-indoctrinated, except
for God, of the contents of 1949 Socialist-communist-drafted (The only 2 Nations of American or British
Republican form of government Not permitted, but represented by the socialist form these two countries)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), but haven’t a clue about the contents of Bible deriving
Declaration and Constitution!
Since I have become very conscious of rampant ignorance of the contents of the Laws, Lessons, Instructions, warnings, enforcement within all three, but primarily America’s two, asked the person if she had read the
Declaration recently... She answered, a little bewildered, “No”, slight non-verbal expression of ‘why’? Learning:...I didn’t get to
fill-in the “Why;” so the Teaching: “separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of
Nature’s God entitle ONE PERSON’s “Independence” in his Certain, Unalienable-not transferrable, Natural - because God made You in His Image - Right/ Good, ‘working’ to be secure and protected,
composing the WHOLE of ONE PEOPLE; very well perceived and understood by 99.8% of Colonists,
Founder’s among them, and noting Hamilton, Jay, and Madison’s “PUBLIUS” from-Acts 28..
Syria is Islamic Tribe against Islamic Tribe, as is Iraq and Afghanistan, and the reason our Republic under God, President Bush, is repudiated by this current, anti-Republic under God Regime — Read “After Lebanon A flawed cease-fire won't end Hezbollah's war against Israel” By Henry A. Kissinger; September 10, 2006, at when untruth, Commandments 8 and 9, combined with 2, and 3, are followed for the express,ed demonstrated fact and evidence to commit all forms of kill, steal, extort, collude in fraud, runing tyranny, i.e., the “relative-secular-in ‘lip service’ only-truth-named, ‘DoubleThink, - Good’ with its genuine, cut from the devil himself, evil.
At that statement, Mr. Interviewer became very uncomfortable.... I tried to point out the violations of the Commandments as well as Laws of Nature’s God, but was interrupted by visitor’s requests; and you know how “fear of man - revenge in apostasy” is so dangerous, while fear of God,....Who can ‘vaporize’ both your Body and Soul to Gehenna,..... is just another ceremony-rites-creeds-ecclesiastics/ government, forms/ sects/ denominations; so how does any Person(s) of Truth, Trust, and Promise expect to change consequences of “You want to serve your father, the devil. He has been a slayer of man from the Beginning, and he has no place in the truth because there is no truth in him: when he tells a lie, he is expressing his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. It is because I tell the Truth, that you do not believe me. .....He who belongs to God, listens to the words of God; you [Pharisees, scribes] do not listen to them, because you do not belong to God...”—more of John 8.
Another topic was the Spreckels Organ Pavilion itself:
1) Spreckels Organ: I shared that I have been a Volunteer “Greeter” for about 3 years now and a docent for less than that; that the Organ is the Center of Balboa Park because it is geographically, and because it is all that the Panama-American Exposition represented in 1915: Civilization, science, art, architecture, music, sound,.... the skill and art of expression of Carol. Then spoke of the other community service our Spreckel’s Organ Society performs throughout the years... the Interviewer ask for more about my personal ‘feeling’ about the organ, so I added that the music and sound of the Organ is always beautiful to see and to hear..
In the moments as I worked to organize thoughts, I didn’t add what I often explain to visitors, that’s over 5,000 since 1915, played most of them, Sunday, 2 to 3 pm rain or shine Concerts, among our ‘Organ-regulars,’ ”that sound is physics, music is mathematics, musician is art and that is skill in technic as well as expression i.e., God’s “Universe the collective name of heaven and earth all that belongs to them, the WHOLE SYSTEM of Created Things,” Laws of Nature, Laws of Nature’s God, Periodic Chart of the Elements. I meet “Greet” people, from all over.
I “Greeted” the afternoon shift, about 12:30 to 8:15 at “Operation Rebound” which did meet and exceed its $20,000.00 goal from Dr. Carol William’s 8am to 8:15 pm art of music on ‘The King of Instruments’.
Needless to say, the interview wasn’t used, as close as friends of mine can tell. Not a surprise, since the interview-Person, picked-up his tripod and nearly ran off, as I shouted to him “Read John 8. It’s about Truth, Trust, Promise.”—#5 of 5 Lessons in John 8, arbitrary human precept, the Pharisees in this lesson rules of conduct - force, said to Jesus, in their, mankind’s history, characteristic, concrete-senses-mind, devoid see/ perception and listen/ understanding: ‘You couldn’t possibly have known Abraham’ because ‘You are not yet 50;’ though the ever-present, stoning of the Old and New Testament, failed because Jesus concealed himself by a back way.
Lesson #4 in John 8 is “You are from the world below, I am from the world above; you belong to this world, I do not belong to this world. So I told you, you would die in your sins; for unless you believe who I am, you will die in your sins;” and early, in lesson 5, “Any One Who Sins Is A Slave.”
In another opportunity for a lesson in Our Archetypal Republic under God, occurred later in the day:
A Lady came up handing out, from Balboa Park’s International Houses, Iran’s Cyrus the Great (585-529 B.C.) excerpts, “First Declaration of Human Rights- clay cylinder”. That it is a Declaration of human rights is debated since it also represents a common form of statement of national office as kings change in that period of history: She said, “Look at this! How old it is? Because much of the Old Testament is much older, most persons don’t realize, they don’t know that, The Bible gives lessons, instructions, warnings, The One Law, commands, consequences and enforcement, as does both The Declaration and Applied, “Government of Laws - Constitution. I acknowledge and said that I had read the Plaque in stone outside an entrance to the “International Houses”. She was very excited about it as a ‘discovery for her,’ and later, another friend.
Sidebar: I’ve had the experience of person(s) who are fully informed, one could say-indoctrinated, except
for God, of the contents of 1949 Socialist-communist-drafted (The only 2 Nations of American or British
Republican form of government Not permitted, but represented by the socialist form these two countries)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), but haven’t a clue about the contents of Bible deriving
Declaration and Constitution!
Since I have become very conscious of rampant ignorance of the contents of the Laws, Lessons, Instructions, warnings, enforcement within all three, but primarily America’s two, asked the person if she had read the
Declaration recently... She answered, a little bewildered, “No”, slight non-verbal expression of ‘why’? Learning:...I didn’t get to
fill-in the “Why;” so the Teaching: “separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of
Nature’s God entitle ONE PERSON’s “Independence” in his Certain, Unalienable-not transferrable, Natural - because God made You in His Image - Right/ Good, ‘working’ to be secure and protected,
composing the WHOLE of ONE PEOPLE; very well perceived and understood by 99.8% of Colonists,
Founder’s among them, and noting Hamilton, Jay, and Madison’s “PUBLIUS” from-Acts 28..
I pointed to “I hereby abolish slavery; my governors are ordered to prohibit exchanging men and women as slaves within their ruling domains. Such tradition should be exterminated the world over;” and asked “Has slavery been abolished?”
Answered: “No”.
Then, added “Slavery has never been abolished. We just passed a law regarding sex-slave-trade; and quoted from John 8 “Any One Who Sins Is A Slave.”.
..She listened, not quite sure where or what the point was to this exchange; and as she moved away, said "That does have implications in the Civil War, I asked her to read the Declaration again..
Opening a window, sometimes opens a door which leads to knock, ask, seek, and find, for the vast majority of Americans, among people, do know very well who they are in terms of honor, duty... but often forget, if they were ever permitted to learn in the first place, Patriotism/ Service that includes military, but often just standing to challenge a “sin” and act to remove a “devil of father evil-father lie”—Common Core is an Exact, Irrefutable Example of The Devil, father evil-father lie slavery in extortion against all Persons, adults and the children-our Nation’s Posterity, Not Just “Parents”!: “Love your neighbor as yourself and your country more than yourself.”–Thomas Jefferson letter to Thomas Jefferson Smith, February 21, 1825.
[“SIN, noun 1. The voluntary departure of a moral agent from a known rule of rectitude or duty, prescribed by God; any voluntary transgression of the divine law, or violation of a divine command; a wicked act; iniquity. sin is either a positive act in which a known divine law is violated, or it is the voluntary neglect to obey a positive divine command, or a rule of duty clearly implied in such command. sin comprehends not action only, but neglect of known duty, all evil thoughts purposes, words and desires, whatever is contrary to God's commands or law. 1 John 3:1. Matthew 15:1. James 4:17. Sinner neither enjoy the pleasures of nor the peace of piety. Among divines, sin is original or actual. Actual sin above defined, is the act of a moral agent in violating a known rule of duty. Original sin as generally understood, is native depravity of heart to the divine will, that corruption of nature of deterioration of the moral character of man, which is supposed to be the effect of Adam's apostasy; and which manifests itself in moral agents by positive act of disobedience to the divine will, or by the voluntary neglect to comply with the express commands of God, which require that we should love God with all the heart and soul and strength and mind, and our neighbor as ourselves. This native depravity or alienation of affections from God and his law, is supposed to be what the apostle calls the carnal mind or mindedness, which is enmity against God, and is therefore denominated sin or sinfulness. Unpardonable sin or blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, is supposed to be a malicious and obstinate rejection of Christ and the gospel plan of salvation, or a contemptuous resistance made to the influences and convictions of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 12:31.
2. A sin-offering; an offering made to atone for sin He hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin 2 Corinthians 5:21.
4. sin differs from crime, not in nature, but in application. That which is a crime against society, is sin against God.
HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form, species.] 1. Belonging to man or mankind; pertaining or relating to the race of man; as a human voice; human shape; human nature; human knowledge; human life. 2. Having the qualities of a man. 3. Profane; not sacred or divine; as a human author. [Not in use.]” — is Not...
PERSON, noun per'sn. [Latin persona; said to be compounded of per, through or by, and sonus, sound; a Latin word signifying primarily a mask used by actors on the state.] 1. An individual human being consisting of body and SOUL. We apply the word to living beings only, possessed of a rational nature; the body when dead is not called a person It is applied alike to a man, woman or child. A person is a thinking intelligent being. John Locke FRS (1632 – 1704) English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers 2. A man, woman or child, considered as opposed to things, or distinct from them. A zeal for persons is far more easy to be perverted, than a zeal for things. Thomas Sprat (1635-1713), B.A., D.D. Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Westminster 3. A human being, considered with respect to the living body or corporeal existence only. The form of her person is elegant. You'll find her person difficult to gain John Dryden (1631 – 1700) English poet, literary critic, translator, and playwright who was made Poet Laureate in 1668 The rebels maintained the fight for a small time, and for their persons showed no want of courage. Sir Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St. Alban (1561 – 1626) English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, essayist, and author
4. A human being, indefinitely; one; a man. Let a person's attainments be never so great, he should remember he is frail and imperfect. 5. A human being represented in dialogue, fiction, or on the state; character. A player appears in the person of king Lear. These tables, Cicero pronounced under the person of Crassus, were of more use and authority than all the books of the philosophers. Thomas Baker (1656-1740) eminent author and antiquary; non-compilers of George I's abjuration oath 6. Character of office. How different is the same man from himself, as he sustains the person of a magistrate and that of a friend. Robert South (1634 – 1716) English churchman, known for his combative preaching.
PEOPLE, noun [Latin populus.] 1. The body of persons who compose a community, town, city or nation. We say, the people of a town; the people of London or Paris; the English people In this sense, the word is not used in the plural, but it comprehends all classes of inhabitants, considered as a collective body, or any portion of the inhabitants of a city or country. 2. The vulgar; the mass of illiterate persons. The knowing artist may judge better than the people Edmund Waller, FRS (1606 – 1687) English poet and politician who sat in the House of Commons 3. The commonalty, as distinct from men of rank. Myself shall mount the rostrum in his favor, And strive to gain his pardon from the people The Right Honorable Joseph Addison (1672 – 1719) English essayist, poet, playwright, and politician 4. Persons of a particular class; a part of a nation or community; as country people 5. Persons in general; any persons indefinitely; like on in French, and man in Saxon. PEOPLE were tempted to lend by great premiums and large interest. Jonathan Swift (1667 –1745) Anglo-Irish[1] satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer 6. A collection or community of animals. The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer. Proverbs 30:25. 7. When people signified a separate nation or tribe, it has the plural number. Thou must prophesy again before many peoples. Revelation 10:11. 8. In Scripture, fathers or kindred. Genesis 25:8. 9. The Gentiles. --To him shall the gathering of the people be. Genesis 49:10.
PEOPLE, verb transitive To stock with inhabitants. Emigrants from Europe have peopled the United States.”]
Wrong by ‘course of human events’, absent transitive and recursive, from unique-sovereign Person to unique-sovereign-State and Nation – God in Christ are forbidden as are two of the Three Sacred Documents with the third written to be violated, though in actuality, The Bible is very much the subject of arbitrary-hierarchey’s-socialist-collective-mass commonality-people: “..This trip is a difficult one for a modern reader. It requires a willingness to put aside our own Western, highly individualistic presuppositions and enter a world where family and tribe and group, egalitarian were the defining affiliations....what did He really say?..What was His message?..”– American Bible Society’s “Jesus Man of History, Figure of Faith [Not Truth, Trust, Promise]”, Harris Specials 02/2015 to 06/08/2015, p.p.s.7-8, one of five magazine articles 01/2015 - 03-2015 regarding NewSpeak’s anomaly and degradation of language and communication, through hierarchy of Biblical Scholars, Jesus, Laws of Nature’s God, and God’s Creation of His Universe/ Laws of Nature.
The Bible and The Declaration’s “separate and equal station” in order for Person to exercise “his unique, Roles of Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness”- well - that is absolutely ‘forbidden-knowledge’ with any “idea” statement that God Is Exactly Who He Says He Is, The Creator, occurred in the interview exchange: “Human family” by “EveryBody’s “Personality-arbitrary, assigned, scattered, disorganized, NewSpeak/ DoubleThink, proper- Labels attached to each-one-‘thing’ to which blind, deafness is mandatory that ‘everyBody’ shall always violate Listen and Perceive “Judge not, that you may not be judged yourselves; for as you judge so you will be judged, and the measure you dealout to others will be dealt out to yourselves. Why note the Mote/ dot in your brother’s eye, and fail to see the Plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take out the splinter from your eye,’ when there lies the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite! Take the plank out of your own eye first, and then you will see properly how to take the splinter out of your brother’s eye.”–Matt.7 Lesson 1 of 7; where if You, alone first, then transitive and recursive to all individual Persons You know in Your Roles of Life and Liberty, and those You will never know – exponentially increasing to form our Sovereign Nation - The Two Greatest Commands of God with The Ten Commandments, separate and equal station, Article IV’s protection from invasion - infringement of rights/ each-person’s Laws of Nature’s God and application, innate to the difference between ‘collective, mass people ruled by few men’s horizontal, concrete-hierarchy-senses-mind of ignorance in pride of conceit and arrogance verses all Jesus taught, The Entire New Testament with References to The Eternal’s Direct To Mentor in Love of All His Children, Old Testament - that is never - “old,” regarding You personally within Your, Unique-Left Side of the Holy Living Trinity - Ownership of Your, hopefully, Immortal Soul of that Lesson 1
Mr. Interviewer and The Lady are among those oblivious that only ignorance of connections intermingled with violations of Commandments 6, 8, 9, murder of heart/ mind/ will, lie- coerce- deceit, and steal, collude, fraud are so pervasive and ‘scattered-isolated-issues by displacement perpetuates abject wrong-evil-sin:
"It is of great importance to set a resolution, not to be shaken, never to tell an untruth. There is no vice so mean, so pitiful, so contemptible; and he who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world's believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good disposition;" Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr, August 19, 1785...and....”"We lay it down as a fundamental, that laws, to be just, must give a reciprocation of right; that without this, they are mere arbitrary rules of conduct, founded in force, and not in conscience."–Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1782
That committing the crimes of omission, commission, neglect, and transgression, not only perpetuates darkness in hate and despise of the devil, man’s evil against himself, but also works to
actually prevent our UNION from being The United States of America - “In God We Trust” who innately has national Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will/ two greatest Commands of God-Will to re-“spark the lite of Liberty;” such as, no knowledge, nor concept, and could not, any more than most of you, learn the journey taken with the volumes all Americans leave behind in their stories-deeds-words; and how Posterity carries on that Commandment 5 heritage in the “Land The Eternal, Your God has given You;” what I now “Know” of their individual-wonderful-wisdom, as the same Axiom of 99.8% of Colonists, Founders among them, and learned from them, often the result of very independent and original “Connections”....fact in evidence of Wisdom-Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise – The WHOLE SYSTEM OF HEAVEN AND EARTH IN THE ONE LAW WITHIN THE LAWS OF THE THREE SACRED DOCUMENTS, including this ‘rider’ to Truth, Trust, Promise:
“Jesus teaching Matt.12's Lessons #6 of 9 with God at verses 18-21 with Ezekiel 33 at 34-37:
“Why, how can anyone enter the strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first of all binds thee strong man? Then he can plunder his house. ....
He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.
I tell you, therefore, men will be forgiven any sin and blasphemy, but they will not be forgiven for blaspheming the Spirit. Whoever says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, neither in this world nor in the world to come.
Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree rotten and its fruit rotten; for the tree is known by its fruit.
You brood of vipers, how can you speak good when you are evil? For the mouth utters what the heart is full of.
The good man brings good out of his good store, and the evil man brings evil our of his store of evil.
I tell You, on the day of judgement men will have to account for every careless word they utter; for by your words you will be acquitted, and by Your words You Will Be Condemned.”
So, my challenge and Yours, Person of Your very own, special importance as a natural or naturalized-Citizen is to learn to use your ‘mind’s eye’: Stop- Look, What do you See? Stop; Listen What do you hear, innate to “Connections/ Relate” using supplementary to your smell, touch, taste, feel for the Truth of every ‘thing’ - Most Good and Most Evil, that belongs to heaven and earth.... It took some work, and I twice said to the Interviewer “How much time do you have?”
No Collective-group, regardless of physical, human relationships by "personality" or environmental issueof any size greater than two persons - can choose which probability of belief, opinion - no interference - on any disjointed-anomaly of scattered-displaced-issues, actions to take, but solely if government interests are the only decision-maker, and opposition, Truth is always forbidden as is Person, and Never the Whole of any ‘thing’.
[“THING, noun [The primary sense of thing is that which comes, falls or happens, like event, from Latin evenio.] 1. An event or action; that which happens or falls out, or that which is done, told or proposed. This is the general signification of the word in the Scriptures; as after these things, that is, events. And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight, because of his son. Genesis 21:11.
Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said, the thing proceedeth from the Lord. Genesis 24:50.
And Jacob said, all these things are against me. Gen 42.
I will tell you by what authority I do these things. Matthew 21:24.
These things said Esaias when he saw his glory. John 12:16.
In learning French, choose such books as will teach you things as well as language.
2. Any substance; that which is created; any particular article or commodity. He sent after this manner; ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt-- Gen 42. They took the things which Micah had made. Judges 18:7. 3. An animal; as every living thing; every creeping thing Gen 1. [This application of the word is improper, but common in popular and vulgar language.] 4. A portion or part; something. Wicked men who understand any thing of wisdom– John Tillotson (1630 – 1694) Archbishop of Canterbury from 1691 to 1694. 5. In contempt. I have a thing in prose. J. Swift
6. Used of persons in contempt. See, sons, what things you are, Shakespeare The poor thing sigh'd.
J. Addison I'll be this abject thing no more. Granville 7. Used in a sense of honor. I see thee here, Thou noble thing! Shakespeare” ; and probably one of the most used words in The Bible.
CONNECTION, noun [Latin See Connect.] The act of joining or state of being joined; a state of being knit or fastened together; union by junction, by an intervening substance or medium, by dependence or relation, or by order in a series; a word of very general import. There is a connection of links in a chain; a connection between all parts of the human body; a connection between virtue and happiness, and between this life and the future; a connection between parent and child, master and servant, husband and wife; between motives and actions, and between actions and their consequences. In short, the word is applicable to almost every thing that has a dependence on or relation to another thing.”]
Not many Americans, even from 1620, well more then than later toward 1770, went around speaking as I am in this and in other writing, expanding from Joseph Andrews’ “A Guide for Learning and Teaching The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constitution, Learning from Original Texts Using the Classical Learning Methods of the Founders [among the Colonists], 2001, 2013, through refusing to conform to God in Christ is just another collective-people-church, Temple, religious rites, ceremonies, creeds, and human precept, ecclesiastical government, by connecting— The Bible and Dr. Noah Webster’s “AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language”–New Haven, 1828 to the Holy Living Trinity Ghost’s very quiet conscience-Wisdom-Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise.
I Shall and Must, because there are very, very few, but just to name a few of them: Pres. George W. Bush, Sen. Tom Coburn- hope you are doing well - we sure could use your help in our Party; Vice President Dick Cheney, Ron Paul, John R. Bolton, Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Dr. Richard G. Lee’s Call to Action in “American Patriot’s Bible, The Word of God and the Shaping of America,” 2016-Candidate for God and Nation First - Republic of California-United States Senate, Tom Del Becarro, Candidate for 2016 California Republic, United States-Assembly Carl DeMaio, Senator Cruz, Representatives among Tom Campbell, Darrell Issa, Senator Coburn, Sen. Graham, Clint Eastwood, Dr. Ben Carson, though while Clint has been Mayor, Dr. Carson hasn’t held any office, not that, given our Nation under God, that might just be a recommendation; and they are mostly at the hands of fellow-countrymen of blind guides following blind’s ignorant who actually believe that ridicule, target, freeze, and polarize, belong to just, right, or good, including the very act of stating their Person-of-Honor-Allegiance to Our Republic under God - Lip Service!
To many of US(A) have just begun to flick their eyes into focus that our Flag is torn and up-side-down, that socialist/ rule by few men, subjugating by control and manipulation of knowledge to force ignorance upon collective-body’s adults and Posterity, in blasphemy against “Spirit - Truth - Holy Living Trinity Ghost - Person as One forming the WHOLE of American of God and Nation First
Most are right next door. But here are three that must be mentioned:
1) Bible quotes and parables are from “The Bible, A New Translation by James Moffatt, Honorary D.D., D.Litt., M.A. Oxford; 1922 - 1954 with his “Introduction” most valuable.
2) Founder’s quotes: “The Founders’ Almanac, A Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest Leaders & Most Eloquent Words of the American Founding”, Edited by Matthew Spalding of Heritage Foundation and Hillsdale College; 2002; available at the Heritage Foundation Bookstore... and continuing it superb work in expertise on all Issues of our Republic under God.
Dr. Spaulding’s Book is priceless, for you can copy and paste all of the “A LIST of the Best QUOTATION From the American Founders, of Good Use in Essays, Speeches, and Daily Conversation;” offering you insight to yesterday, today, and forever.....God Is Exactly Who He Says He Is, Performing Exactly What He Said He Would Perform; and His Son Is Performing His Father’s Commands - His Own Accord in always a Teacher/ Your Holy Ghost - each-one-Person who obeys His Commands — “Abide by my words and You [alone] really will be disciples of mine. You Will Understand the Truth, and the Truth Will Set You Free.”. -John 8
3) “AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language” New Haven, 1828 - Noah Webster, LL.D. “III. Accurate and Discriminating Definitions, with numerous authorities and illustrations.” “It is not only important, but in a degree necessary, that the people of this country, should have an AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language ; for, although the body of the language is the same as in England, and it is desirable to perpetuate that sameness, yet some differences must exist. Language is the expression of ideas ; and if the people of one country cannot preserve an identity of ideas, they cannot retain an identity of language. ..”–Preface” — Get and Own Your Own Facsimile from
“He that wishes to be counted among the benefactors of posterity, must add, by his own toil, to the acquisitions of his ancestors.—Rambler".