This is one fine movie! The entire cast played beautifully...and it held your attention every single minute -- right to the end. What's more, there's lots of 'sex;'---just not the socialist-atheist-arbitrary - concrete mind-you must have an picture of the actual act of sex, for otherwise you won’t know what it is– your stupid– as well as subjugated in absolute force, a.k.a, Article 19 of UDHR no probability of truth-Opinion without interference of any “‘thing’ that belongs to earth/ supreme Law of the Land/ world” –except God in Christ-heaven–exemplifies by this arbitrary, humanist you shall agree, statement of DoubleThink:
"We base our understanding of the world on what we can perceive with our senses and comprehend with our minds. Anything that’s said to make sense should make sense to us as humans; else there is no reason for it to be the basis of our decisions and actions. Supposed transcendent knowledge or intuitions that are said to reach beyond human comprehension cannot instruct us because we cannot relate concretely to them. The way in which humans accept supposed transcendent or religious knowledge is by arbitrarily taking a leap of faith and abandoning reason and the senses. We find this course unacceptable, since all the supposed absolute moral rules that are adopted as a result of this arbitrary leap are themselves rendered arbitrary by the baselessness of the leap itself. Furthermore, there’s no rational way to test the validity or truth of transcendent or religious knowledge or to comprehend the incomprehensible. As a result, we are committed to the position that the only thing that can be called knowledge is that which is firmly grounded in the realm of human understanding and verification."
An example is the very terrific title: "Please Murder Me", for Mrs. Murderer is actually helped, though she has to say so to God herself per God in Ezekiel 33, to completely save herself from Spiritual death; exemplified by Judas Iscariot, the 'popular' betrayer of Jesus. One of the problems of 'popular' devoid connections of critical thinking-learning for wisdom and knowledge -- the truth of asking a question: Why would Jesus choose Judas as an apostle, since He knew exactly who Judas was and exactly what Judas would do? Why choose someone who will be directly responsible for your own bodily death? And the question is answered, not too many verses away: "Then Judas his betrayer saw he was condemned, and repented", actually he did much more than that but it requires you to make 'connections' , a most important, if not the most important part of learning -- and even the joy of learning -- recognizing and asking the question on Your Own Mind/ Heart/ Soul/ Will/ part of the Holy Living Trinity identifies. "..he brought back the thirty silver pieces, $447.80, to the high priests and elders, saying, "I did wrong in betraying innocent blood." --- Really listen, Reader, to what these men, ministers of justice in God's name, not even Christ, for these are not Romans. Roman’s who have their hands full, are considered pagans, aren't even interested, ....before the Pharisees take Christ to them for ... and at the accusation; nor present since the moment Jesus was raised-up onto the Cross; i.e. Peter knew, even if the Catholic church persons didn’t, that he had, with aid of a male chicken’s voice, the important Three - Trinity God, Christ, Person of Truth, also betrayed Christ and that it was the Second time, the first occurring in Matt. 16's “Peter: “God forbid, Lord, This must not be!”—completely ignoring or missing the point of Jesus’ instructions of events that shall occur because Jesus is the Son of God and Knows as The Son of Man all the apostles He has chosen, and will continue to choose throughout all God’s Eras of Mankind’s History at this flashing cursor and as Our Everlasting Father continues His Plan..
"What does that matter to us? they said, it is your affair, not ours?"....The high priests took the money and said, "It would be wrong to put this into the treasury for it is the price [they paid to Judas], for it is the price of blood...Potter's field...;" or in the facsimile 1611 KJV "..What is that to us? see thou to that."
Who paid Judas? What are they admitting to? They own no guilt -- like Cain, murdering his brother, walking away unscathed; yet another connection that weaves through God’s Eras of mankind on earth – entire history – it doesn’t change, except now, but Just If – We the People, the First Nation where ONE PEOPLE can follow the instructions contained in both the Declaration and the Constitution, “alter or abolish such government destructive of these means” .
Cain was accountable....on his judgement day, but the high priests, elders are also arbitrary, human precept rules of conduct - force AND THEY TEACH IT, continuing, and that is this flashing cursor, right now – !
“Judas left and hung him-Self”, that is, –his Soul committed murder, his took his own body: stated elsewhere, “If you right eye is a hindrance to you, pluck it out and throw it away; better for you to lose one of your members than to have all your body thrown into Gehenna....Matt. 5; and Matt. 18's “..but whosoever is a hindrance to One of these Little Ones who believe in me, better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and be sunk in the deep sea. Woe to the world for hindrances? Hindrances have to come, but— woe to the man (singular, first then transitive and recursive to every-one-person, directly or even indirectly in silence involved) by whom the hindrance does come!”. Transitive and recursive is
“"Liberty is a word which, according as it is used, comprehends the most good and the most evil of any in the world. Justly understood it is sacred next to those which we appropriate in divine adoration; but in the mouths of some it means anything."– Oliver Ellsworth, "A Landholder No. III"1787, major contributor to the Constitution, Senator from CT; Third Chief Justice 1796-1800; inherent to "Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civil society. It ever has been and ever will be pursued until it be obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit." —James Madison, Publius, Federalist No. 51:
Judas did exactly as he was instructed by his friend and teacher, Christ...and that is the end of Part, though not all of the Whole, for it also rains and snows on father evil-father lie; a very, very important to NOTE, the Pharisees/ judges, legislators, local, county, State and Nation–scribes/ attorneys, elected officials, members of the administrative-police-state, taxgatherers continue on completely unscathed and unaccountable for their figs from thistles, workers of iniquities, rules of conduct-force - no truth, trust, or promise, serving their superior power ruling all earth Mammon and also God’s most bad, the vain-idol-god-secular/ relative truth/ precedent analogy chosen by very few men, since they, like the Pharisees/ judges consider themselves highly learned of conceit in arrogance, pride in ignorance of both good and evil, or if not ignorance – certainly malice prepense, of ‘blank paper degrees and other such paraphernalia’ within the WHOLE of the New and even, Ezekiel 33 and Jeremiah as well as Isaiah in the Old Testament forming – the WHOLE Bible SYSTEM OF PERSON UNIQUE, IMMORTAL-SOUL TRAVELING IN A BODY!
So, Mrs. Murderer, as well as any incarcerated Civil/ white collar-human body, in each-one’s separate and equal station to Criminal/ Blue collar-human body; and among the judges and attorney’s of body parts, fingers and urine, citizenship, driving and credit records before permitted to participate in honest industry in commerce of person, and supreme to that individual person’s Integrity comprised of Soul/ Mind/ Heart/ Will/ Holy Ghost-Spirit-Truth of our archetypal Republic under God Laws, that your are a good, right and honest person, unless another can charge, evidence and fact-truth, and PROVE YOU guilty... and reasonable doubt does occur, contrary to the socialist-atheist-“relationships” by constant judgement, movies of “We haven’t enough evidence to convict, so we will use the American Rule and bargain outside the courtroom, in order to be sure that Justice by your Peers is Never allowed and innocence never permitted, i.e., complete removal of any and all charges or violations – especially relating to so-called “forgivable violation” which are not at all — forgiven at any time, nor for any circumstance, since no Constitutional Person has a “deed” and “word of honor,” nor is the fact in evidence sufficient unto itself! A judge lied from the bench. He said “How does the court know that the violation was cleared?” as he has already acknowledged the signed-off, so called, “forgivable violation”. Having been pulled over for other reasons, twice, the sheriff in one, police in the other, both looked my DMV up on their computers; and both said that the violation was forgivable, DMV most certainly knew it was no longer a violation, since the Police and DMV signed it off.. The officers of the law – do know everyone who has a driver’s license, and their driving record and do, routinely check so there are multiple ways for the Court to know there is no violation - especially since, the DMV is the “server” of the court’s creator of a New violation in law. — The Judge fined and collected that fine — knowing full well there is no reason to come to a courtroom when there is no violation of any kind.... He is not accountable for his actions – even the 80 year old, with a walker, who had to get a neighbor to drive him 100 miles round trip – having called the clerk who said, in complete error, that “yes” he could argue his case right then in that courtroom! Wrong, by the Judge and with complete disrespect and disregard of assumed good, honest person; thereby changing the “social and filial contracts”.
The movie is about “leap of faith, transcendent knowledge of Truth, Trust, Promise;” and the actors are superb in portrayal of their understanding of both the 'character' and the 'content' of this excellent movie.
This movie didn't require, 56 years ago, when it was made in 1956, a definition in clarification of: -- God's heaven "separate and equal station-1789Ratified-Constitutional-Person's unique, immortal-soul, to which the Laws of Nature/ earth- Periodic Chart of the Elements, “Laws of Nature's God"/ Matt. 5's comma and iota (9th letter of Greek alpha) come together, though “The One Law” remains further away from being "all in force" since this current, January 20, 2009's anti-Republic under God Regime speeded-up the destruction in anomaly of our archetypal, One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents, two of which are forbidden, Bible, a.k.a., “God in Christ is just another religion”---never “religion itself (Dean Inge, Cambridge 1909);” as 99.8% of Colonists, Founder's among them,( Dr. Peter Lillbeck), including thousands of weekly journals, one, Boston Gazette and Country Journal, March 12, 1700 (3 yrs before the Teaparty and 6 before the Declaration - many of the same language and communication of ideas by the residents of Essex area of Boston - written by themselves); and American's of God and Nation FIRST, Knew and Know as The Axiom of Fact in Evidence and Declaration - that has no Laws, i.e. DoubleThink; and the Declaration as noted above in its LAWS; and as a result, with decree and edict from 1969-70's “Common Law Public Value,[5]”specifically, Article III Judiciary's betrayal of their own Nation and its Laws, “the Constitution is an Isolated Document written to be violated” - because without God's Laws there is no Truth, no Trust, no Promise, no God, no Republican form of Representative government. In addition, 4 years before this movie, at least in 11/4/14, seceded from the UNION, California, 9/9/1850- 159 years old to 01/20/2009, - the 1, among the 49 Republic under God,-in danger but at least able to let Americans of separate and equal station-Congress, wake-up, to this Treason of enemy within and because of CO2 and anarchy of Federal Reserve with taxation devoid consideration of GNP and Actual, IRS Taxpayers, connections, enemy without, socialist-atheist, antiRepublic under God Regimes.
You - if you attended State or Federal Indoctrination, now flat-out-and quite literal penguins 'brainwashing of frontal lobes' all children; so, what You and your offspring Person(s) have been, by absolute extortion, meaning the content of the One Law within The Laws of the Three Sacred Documents are forbidden from you; and if your graduated High School anytime after 1957, plus or minus two years. You, probably don't know the defninition of Constitutional “Person An individual human being consisting of body and soul.....It is applied alike to a man, woman or CHILD.” and “The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including both the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity” the first of “Declaration of Constitutional Principles” at A child with or without his parent is entitle to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God in their Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness – equally with any one person, especially among adults who are suppose to be guardians and sustain of any youth’s right/ Good!
The mitigating factor was your Commandment 5 father and mother. For many of US(A) -- Americans of God and Nation FIRST, among whom came out with Glenn Beck on August 28, 2010;----and again just last November 4, 2014, 49 of our Republic under God --UNION in our Federalist Government, the 1 , California, being seceded from the union-legislative government, completely divorced from its Citizens of God and Nation First, since this, like his master and Lord, the president, governor overthrew our California Constitution, has decreed by edict that California is now a socialist-atheist-deluded-democracy, complete with the fact and evidence of the County 2014 election returns available at the “absurd, Plastic Bag-Ban-arbitrary rule of conduct-force-Secretary of State’s website, which also includes instructions to employers about how to inform citizens of their new “Democracy” and “get them involved;” –thus, a new word for you, Reader, from 1931's “Subsidiarity” straight from communist manifesto of Marx, Nazis Germany and Pope Pius IX and since 12/01/2009, the EU Empire which is the NGO-UN.
But We the People, using Consent of the Governed --- yelled loud and clear --- and against the odds. We did stun to silence, Articles II, III, and much of Congress; but since it only ‘stunned’, they are right back at it....Hillary is running for President against the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents, and all kinds of shouting at local-rules of conduct-force imitating, Red China’s-committees” on any subject of earthly CO2 and “in LA at least, “Neighborhood Legislators”.and “citizen’s academy” Federal tax on Carbon fuels [3]–never mind that the increase in CO2 is on an upswing slightly higher, but nowhere near out of line with the normal sawtooth of Holocene Temperature of Planet Earth[1] over the last 14.5 billion years of its existence, so the third greatest fraud against all mankind in all nations on planet earth – the 192 NGO-Agenda 21-Climate USA Did Not Ratify- Kyoto Protocol Change” – politics of atmosphere, but only CO2 – never the entire Periodic Chart of the Elements all of which are involved in the WHOLE CREATED SYSTEM called Atmosphere –; nor the above need to learn to ask questions Why would government in any form — be able to deal with what any nation’s One People can do much better in Commerce? So, it isn’t so much whether or not the vain-idol-god’s bigger number, too much CO2 is true or not true; it is definitely the socialist-atheist-conceit in arrogance and ignorance, and malice prepense because they do know a lie, they just won’t take any responsibility for it...the absurdity that government can fix it? Well, just look around — the cost of the cure is considerably worse than the disease, in fact and evidence it will actually Kill the sovereignty of the nations!. The first greatest fraud, God did not create His Universe, and most certainly did not create man in His Image/ Spirit/ Holy ghost/ Truth; and the second greatest fraud, God may say His Son is Jesus; but since man disagrees, Jesus is a man and an important prophet, then truth, trust, promise must never exist.
You, Reader, can measure all of the Candidates by what they understand and perceive about their own person(s) of Oath of Office – so that you can measure their ability to know right/ good from wrong/ bad – the contents of the Ten Commandments, as well as all 85 Federalist Papers signed in honor of “Publius” the Governor of Malta, the First Western Nation of Christianity, 62A.D. before the Catholic Church, and because of Paul — see Acts 28—; then visit Politico's election map for the House in 2014, and just for contrast and enlightenment regarding Party - see 2012 there is a huge lesson contained therein, at --- Notice the locations of the blue socialist atheist disguised and referred to as the despoiled and enslaved, party minority called DEMocrat because that is the only "official" party of our Bicameral Party System of representative government of by and for BOTH CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED AND WE THE PEOPLE. For the content of ballot issues use “Declaration of Constitutional Issues, There are several ways in which statutes or other official acts may be unconstitutional” at
You are looking at, blue color, the deluded-democracy's socialist-atheist's supplication and deep reverence of their very great and sacred, world-wide-vain-false-idol-god's 'bigger number' -- vote as the standard of all right and wrong throughout God's planet earth --- there is no heaven.
For to destroy "consent of the governed's vote -- is an imperative; and while this American of God and Nation first, has no intention whatsoever of continuing to sit on my back-end as our magnificent Colonists, Founders and Americans just like you and me --- watch our Flag up-side-down-torn and, to borrow from Dr. Matthew Spaulding [ ] - Heritage Foundation and Hillsdale College, "Greatest Leaders & Most Eloquent Words [and Deeds] of the American Founding --- which has never ceased, for God's Plan is not near ended.... and Only He, will do Exactly What He Says He Will Do --- and His Son, our best friend, Holy Ghost He gave You and Me, for His disciples, especially Peter and Judas Iscariot -- are just like you and me....just located in a different frame of knowledge for Truth, Trust, and Promise, but never Wisdom --- for that was there -- before the universe, then and it has never left any one who has knocked, asked, seek, and finds in an overwhelming abundance -- Exactly the Faith in Promise.... The Holy Living Trinity of transitive and recursive, collective name of heaven and earth, all that belongs to them. The WHOLE SYSTEM of Created ‘things’. You need to conceive that statement, for most homo sapiens walking anywhere on this planet - do not, without God - you don’t exist nor does anything you can or cannot use any of your senses including do ro be whatever is going on a the “Mote/ spot” in His infinite and finite universe.
It is time to let go of the anomaly of nomenclature of DoubleThink — This current, anti-Republic under God Regime Is Not the Democratic Party of Truman, Kennedy, Carter, Clinton - they had no intention and not even a thought of destruction of the Bible, Declaration, Constitution; and more important, they despoil and enslave those Citizens who do agree ---- because of the deluded-democracy of the very great and sacred-vain-idol-false-god’s forms of “bigger number” — with PPAA now an underground — “fix” of lawlessness. It is in fact and evidence — repealed and since the supreme court is of iniquity — you can’t expect it to uphold the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents. So — Don’t! Stand and Protect the right/ good of Person which includes Your Oath of Office, for you are accountable and God in Christ is NOT just another religion... Your are a great fool, if you continue to fall for that falsehood. This current anti-Republic under God Regime is Socialist-atheist. Don’t insult our Flag and Founder’s calling them DEMocrats!
Our Colonists -- and Americans until well into the middle 50's and then among persons, like those on August 28, 2010, could move around their Bibles like we move around in our automobiles! And they had another Whole Section, Apocrypha, all disregard, but it is a dialogue directly between Esdras and God - at least. I've just started reading it, but it was in the 1611 to 1811 publications of KJV, so given, even as far back as Dr. Moffatt in 1930's Direct Translation for original texts such as they were and are; and without more information, knowing what occurred during the writing of Scripture and the persecution of any one who denounced the Catholic church or Empire -- Church of England trying to figure out its own voice between the ideas of Luther and keep the good parts of the New Testament, I think it should be reconsidered, though more evidence is probably necessary. Point being, if the Founder's and Colonists were reading Apocrypha -- then it must have some language and communication that is worth considering, since it may have influenced the connections between our Archetypal Protection and Security of Person's right/ good-Soul, a side-bar reading of Hebrew's 6 Oath and Promise to Abraham, by another, brother-fellow countryman's Oath in Promise --- God is Witness, the absolute statement of the Laws of All Three Sacred Documents for Nature's two big laws "The Whole is the sum of its parts [modern man requires for his concrete-mind], if you rmove or change a part it is No Longer A Whole, i.e. an orange is still an orange, but when quartered, is no longer and never will be again, that WHOLE Orange. This applied to June 28, 2012's NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS ET AL. v. SEBELIUS, SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, Held: The judgment is affirmed in part and reversed in part;” iniquity and injustice of the misbegotten, ignorant 5 judges of 4 Justices of justice in all life, “Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?” George Washington; and This is why I speak to them in parables, because for all their seeing they do not see and for all their hearing they neither hear nor understand...for the heart of this people is obtuse, their ears are heavy of hearing their eyes they have closed, lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they understand with their heart and turn again for me to cure them”.–Matt. 13
It’s true, “Please Murder Me” went a long-way. Good stories, with good acting always go a long way; for that is the meaning of “CONNECTION, noun [Latin See Connect.] The act of joining or state of being joined; a state of being knit or fastened together; union by junction, by an intervening substance or medium, by dependence or relation, or by order in a series; a word of very general import. There is a connection of links in a chain; a connection between all parts of the human body; a connection between virtue and happiness, and between this life and the future; a connection between parent and child, master and servant, husband and wife; between motives and actions, and between actions and their consequences. In short, the word is applicable to almost every thing that has a dependence on or relation to another thing;” and it is the Liberty of most good, the Way, the Truth, the Light, the narrow and close gate to life; and most evil...the gate is broad and the road is wide that leads to destruction and many enter that way, the deep, dark pit of despair, of hate and despise, of lie, collude, coerce, of unaccountable, arbitrary, human precept, rules of conduct in disrespect of person by concrete-horizontal-layered-hierarchy.
Resources and Comments:
1. “The Rise of DoubleThink, Believing two contradictory ideas at the same time– ..” John Larabell; New American; January 5, 2015; pg.18. Several climate scientists put together the chart because of the dis-information so prevalent. They like most people think that God in Christ is just another religion and not religion itslef, so they don’t like to get into “politics” since they have no idea the contents of the One Law within the Law of the Three Sacred Documents which requires in Duty, Honor, and Service – knowledge in Truth, Trust Promise between each-one-person-scientist to each-one-person-Citizens which the scientist as well as the politician cannot divorce from the collective name of heanve and earth.
2. “The Founders’ Almanac, A Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest Leaders & Most Eloquent Words of the American Founding; Edited by Matthew Spalding; Heritage Foundation; 2008. Dr. Spalding’s “Quotations from the American Founders” is a Treasure Trove of Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise; for he has a complete person, source, date on all of his entries. You can copy and search and you will find the original document or letter – and that will lead you on a merry and happy road... which is understanding and perceiving with fact and evidence, a study of the Founder’s and their magnificent Gift of The Laws of the Three Sacred Documents – all 3 by men in God’s name, but the last two with, as Dr. Webster states in his “Preface” “The United States commenced their existence under circumstances wholly novel and unexampled in the history of nations. They commenced with civilization, with learning, with science, with constitutions of free government, and with that best gift of God to man, the christian religion.”. There is no torn, or lost, or doubt about who wrote what, when, or motives or politics of bias or any ‘thing’ — simply magnificent Wisdom, Knowledge for Truth in Trust, Faith in Promise. That’s the reason the revisionist of UDHR’s arbitrary human precept, rules of conduct - force — has to destroy them. BTW, you won’t find Dr. Webster’s 1828 AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language in most if not all public/ personality-of relationship in opinion without interference of Truth, Trust, Promise, God .... will you. One thing you can absolutely count on is that there will never be Truth in any “deed” or “word” from among any of the socialist-athist, anti-Republic under God Regime — They actually are not ‘eligible’ to run for office in our Republic for the simple reason, they cannot be obedient to an Oath Of Office.
3. “Think locally, act globally”; Judy Berlfein in “Opinion & Editorial”; The Coast News, Inland; 4/10/2015, p. 4.
4. Original source Text: “AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English Language” 1828, Noah Webster, LL.D. for all definitions of words... and for the language and communication of ideas, words, deeds in The Bibles: Moffatt, 1611; Declaration and Constitution, as well as Law.
5. “Injury for Standing Purposes When Constitutional rights are violated: Common Law Public Value Adjudication at Work” at handle=hein.journals/hascq13&div=10&id=&page= including the notes at the bottom