though most of the Bible scholars, among church's ecclesiastics/ government, forms/ denominations, rites, ceremonies, creeds-collective people whose leaders choose their 'precedents' as verses, most often never considering The Bible as One Whole System within God's creation of His Universe; as well as elected appointed, all officials of government from mosquito abatement through President legislative and judicial-persons which form One People/ We the People from within the entire Federalist Equilateral Triangle of our archetypal Republican Form of Government, any "vain-idol-god's number greater than one person' among them, that have their arrogance in conceit, complete with complete ignorance of the One Law within the Laws of the Three Sacred Documents; demonstrated in fact and evidence by omission, commission, neglect and transgress of the human-reason-senses- deficits of hear/ understand and see/ perceive that "Consent of the Governed" is to protect, defend and enforce "Independence" primarily through vote-requiring-knowledge, wisdom of each-one-person's honor, duty/ accountability to our unique Nation which cannot stand unless God in Christ, You, alone, in the Holy Living Trinity are transitive and recursive throughout Your roles of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness; but that doesn't happen with truth, trust or promise, unless there is 1828 Politics in Party; and "Language is the expression of ideas ; and if the people of one country cannot preserve an identity of ideas, they cannot retain an identity of language"-- Dr. Noah Webster, LLD, "Preface" to "AN AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE", 1828, New Haven.
Because, Matt. 7 and 15's arbitrary human precept, socialist, communist 1948-49-UDHR of NGO-UN's 192 Nations which includes 28 EU Empire Nations, rules of conduct - force,a.k.a., "government of men," devoid Truth, Trust, God, a.k.a "A Government of Laws" over their collective people, this socialist-atheist-"Religion: Any system of faith and worship. .any religion consisting in the belief of a superior power or powers governing the world, and in the worship of such power or powers.Thus we speak of the christian religion We speak of false religion as well as of true religion;" and of degradation of language and communication, "DoubleThink" this "opinion without interference regardless of frontier," jurisdiction, jurisprudence - is supreme : "3. We base our understanding of the world on what we can perceive with our senses and comprehend with our minds. Anything that’s said to make sense should make sense to us as humans; else there is no reason for it to be the basis of our decisions and actions. Supposed transcendent knowledge or intuitions that are said to reach beyond human comprehension cannot instruct us because we cannot relate concretely to them. The way in which humans accept supposed transcendent or religious knowledge is by arbitrarily taking a leap of faith and abandoning reason and the senses. We find this course unacceptable, since all the supposed absolute moral rules that are adopted as a result of this arbitrary leap are themselves rendered arbitrary by the baselessness of the leap itself. Furthermore, there’s no rational way to test the validity or truth of transcendent or religious knowledge or to comprehend the incomprehensible. As a result, we are committed to the position that the only thing that can be called knowledge is that which is firmly grounded in the realm of human understanding and verification" at /Humanism/The_Humanist_Philosophy_in_Perspective; thus You, FB "neighbor" are to believe, especially in all Government forms of mankind and without any question whatsoever, this Palm Sunday: "For some, He was a revered prophet, a man to be honored, but a man nonetheless, with no special claim to divinity; which is synonymous with God did not create the universe or man in His Image, Jesus could not be His Son of man, for in modern man's - #3 above - " present the figure of faith in historical context, to travel back, as best we can from our distant vantage point, to the first century, to the culture of the Mediterranean world, the politics of a Roman protectorate, and the region of Galilee and Judea, where one Jewish peasant launched a movement that would shake the world. ---This trip is a difficult one for a modern reader.--- IT REQUIRES a willingness TO PUT ASIDE OUR OWN WESTERN, HIGHLY INDIVIDUALISTIC PRESUPPOSITIONS AND ENTER A WORLD WHERE FAMILY AND TRIBE AND GROUP WERE THE DEFINING AFFILIATIONS. ..--- "American Bible Society, Harris Publications February 2015 -"Jesus, Man of History, Figure of Faith" thus repudiating this by "opinion without interference regardless of frontier #19 with #18 of UDHR,
the Old and the New Testament:
"Yet---I am telling you the truth---my going is for your good. If I do not depart, the Helper will not come to you; whereas, if I go, I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will CONVICT THE WORLD, CONVINCING MEN OF SIN, OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND OF JUDGEMENT: OF SIN, because THEY DO NOT BELIEVE IN ME; of RIGHTEOUSNESS, because I go to the Father and you SEE me no more; of JUDGMENT, because the Prince of THIS world HAS BEEN JUDGED. I have still much to tell you, but you cannot bear it at present. However, WHEN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH COMES, he will lead you into ALL THE TRUTH; for he will NOT SPEAK OF HIS OWN ACCORD [Opinion], he will say whatever he is told, and he will disclose to you what is to come.
He will glorify me for he will draw upon what is mine and disclose it to you.
[The Disciples, meaning & including You reader-person, {" is composed of body & soul.." 1828 American Dictionary - original text of our Archetypal Republic under God] who has decided of his own accord, Spirit/ Immortal-Soul to "Abide by my words and you really will be disciples of mine. You Will Know The Truth, and The Truth Will Set You Free. ..AnyOne Who Sins Is A Slave."--John 10 with who the devil is.. are nearly wailing and distraught in this lesson in John16. Jesus explains with a metaphor of Mother giving birth} .."Just now you are in sorrow, but I shall see you again and your heart will rejoice---WITH A JOY THAT NO ONE CAN TAKE FROM YOU. And on that day you will not ask me any questions, Truly, truly I tell you, whatever you ask the Father, he will give you in my name; hitherto you have asked nothing in my name; ask and you will receive, that you joy may be full ...
On that day you will ask in my name, and I do not say to you I will ask the Father on your behalf; for the Father LOVES YOU HIMSELF, BECAUSE YOU HAVE LOVED ME AND BELIEVED THAT I CAME FORTH FROM GOD. FROM THE FATHER I CAME AND I ENTERED THE WORLD; AGAIN, I LEAVE THE WORLD AND I GO TO THE FATHER. ..".