Sunday, March 27, 2011

Comment to Relate and Reflect: Terrorist Ayres ADMITS Writing Book for Obama

Jack Cashill, American Thinker, 3/27/11

Last Thursday evening at Montclair State University, with a video camera rolling, Bill Ayers volunteered that yes indeed he had written the acclaimed Barack Obama memoir, Dreams from My Father.

Unprompted, Ayers also noted that while Dreams deserves its praise, Obama's second opus, Audacity of Hope, is "more of a political hack book."

Not surprisingly, Ayers retreated into irony as he ended the session. "Yeah, yeah," he said after confirming again that he wrote Dreams, "And if you help me prove it, I'll split the royalties with you. Thank you very much."

With his final comment, the Ayers-friendly audience laughed in relief.  The media will laugh nervously upon seeing the video as well.  The White House will not.

Barack Obama knows what I know and what the people who have read my book, "Deconstructing Obama," know: Bill Ayers is the principal craftsman behind Dreams.  The evidence is overwhelming.

Ayers also established, as I have contended from the beginning, that he is not the author of Audacity of Hope.  Although Obama claims unique authorship of this book too, it was, as Ayers suggests, a disingenuous feint to the center written by committee.

Worse for Obama still, Ayers knows that the story he and Obama contrived in Dreams is false in many key details.  The fact that Donald Trump has proved willing to challenge that story has got to make the White House even more apprehensive.

As was obvious in his speech at Montclair, Ayers does not like the application of force in Libya, and this may have been his own way of retaliating.  Consider it a shot across Obama's bow.  The White House will.

Worse, this admission establishes the connections between George Soros and global socialization; prevention of development of US assets:nuclear and petroleum, which could also defuse the Middle East War. The war which has escalated under this Administration's regime, because it cannot and shall not recognize "..assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of nature's God Entitle them.." with the endowment by the Creator with unalienable rights.

It means that this President shall not "..faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Which means, the sovereign individual Shall not be protected from government force, demand, and occupation of life, liberty, and happiness; nor the Sovereign State from Executive Branch usurpation of responsibility to 'We the People' via violations of Article IV: 4 and Amendments IX and X.
That abuses via taxation for a much too large and usurptive government will not be corrected because it is too hard to stop the humongous snowball rolling our Nation to oblivion!

That means that Financial Security's 1136 page take-over via
"ensure the orderly resolution of failing complex financial institutions in order to minimize economic turmoil and protect the interest of taxpayers, to provide for effective bank supervision through the establishment of the Financial Institutions Regulatory Administration, to enhance the regulation of consumer financial products and services through the establishment of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, to allow the Federal government to better coordinate and monitor insurance matters through the establishment of the Office of National Insurance in the Department of Treasury, to improve the regulation of derivatives, securities, securities products, credit rating agencies, and hedge funds, to increase investor protections, and for other purposes. This when the definition of the problem originated with the government and its track record for defining, understanding, managing medical, energy, environmental, or false-CO2 is abysmal --- at best.  Then there is the "Patient Protection and Affordable Act" - anything but protection for the ill and infamous for its lack of affordable; and its irresponsible use of taxpayer and borrowed money, plus Executive Control of any part of the GNP, is well out of its business or enumerated powers.

Most important this President allows the following Constitutional Principles to be consistently violated: "-In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the SUPREME LAW, superior to ALL other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED from it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL AND VOID FROM INCEPTION.". And "An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a REGIME. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but ANTILAW." And addressing the Cabinet Czars, "Each level and jurisdiction of government has been delegated the power to punish as CRIMES the DEPRIVATION of constitutional and civil rights of persons by  agents of government, and some governments the power to punish deprivation of rights by individuals not agents of government. Statues to implement those powers have been enacted in almost every jurisdiction, and they cover almost every deprivation." And "Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is ILLEGAL, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a VIOLATION  of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so." And this little known, on purpose: Any Citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of a apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to DISOBEY that act, to REPORT it as a crime, and to ARREST the offender and DELIVER him to a court of competent jurisdiction for PROSECUTION.

Look at this article - reflect and relate on its ramifications; and Help 'We the People' Perform the duties required to "..whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to ALTER or ABOLISH, and to institute principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate...... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, IT IS THEIR RIGHT, IT IS THEIR DUTY, to throw off such government...".

The insults to the sovereignty of the individual, the State, and to the Sovereignty of this Nation, require "We the People" to exercise their duty.

But, being cautious in the attacks on the True Vote of We the People - so that it is diffused by numbers of special interests such as union, foreign without allegiance but with citizenship, and simply the lack of personal integrity this country was founded and must run upon.  It behooves everyone to get behind and understand the complete, unique, answers to todays national and international issues, contained in Both The Declaration and Constitution of this nation --- with support from all the world history, Bible, Famous Leaders who contributed to the formation of this Nation, and to the design of: "Declaration Model of Government".

Resources:   "The Declaration of Constitutional Principles" Jon Roland

The Declaration of Independence  - especially the 27 abuses because Obama is the proud, anti-constitution owner of at least 8 of them [need a few noun and verb changes, but otherwise!]

The Constitution of the United States of America written for "We the People" to use and apply from age 8 years throughout adult life and voting, duties as citizen years...   Not for "Constitutional Scholars", Judges or Attorneys" except as they are also of the homo sapiens variety of human kind..  In short, all mankind puts their pants on one leg at a time!  Arrogance of individuals does not help any individual...and the results of that attitude are plainly demonstrated!

"The 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language" by Noah Webster for important words definitions like 'congress', 'religion', 'freedom', virtue....almost every key noun or verb because virtue with God were integral to daily living -- even among the bad guys --- much more than now.  Mysticism and Magic rule over God, Jesus and virtue with consequences also readily apparent! especially "The Manuel" named "Learn and Teach The Declaration of Independence and The U.S Constitution, using original Texts and the Classical Method of Learning of the Founders: Read, Reflect, Relate, and Record....

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Some Snippets from the North County Times today which....

demonstrate why "The Declaration and Constitution Speak to Today's Issues" is so important both for the content of these two documents and for the principles which are the heart and lungs of this Nation of Law from "..Under God.." :

A] Page 1 regarding the Mr. Kurt Bardella, a young man Rep. Darrell Issa hired to media broker and chief spokesman for the chairman of "House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform".  Integrity is the essence of the individual, especially taking on the enormous spiderweb involved in Rep. Issa's very hard-working, intense committee. At 27 yrs., Mr. Bardella made a mistake.  He did not hide, he did not blame, he did not deny, or lie or play any other political game which is common to the world of politics before "Religion and Morality".  Mr. Bardella simply took full responsibility for his mistake; will learn loads from it; and will remain an excellent individual, this representative of our Two Founding Documents would hire in a nanosecond!  Not to make any problem for Rep. Issa, Just to say  'taking responsibility for your person as an individual - whether anyone is looking or not - is the essence of  the unique, sovereign person the Declaration was written to protect. although, it doesn't discriminate -- better to leave that to God or his son Jesus -- whose crucifixion we are about to Give Thanks for this and every Spring time of and forever.  All men are Created Equal.  Not some more than others; not some who are members of unions more than others, not rich more than poor, or poor more than rich ------ each one sovereign person, one at a time, come before Jesus - the Angels and each one at a time life....every life...every location on this Globe or anywhere else in God's Universe!  Congratulations Mr. Bardella for your courage and your belief in your 'self' as much more important than any other part of life!  Don't give up and always believe in yourself...!  Maybe, Rep. Issa will give you another chance in another way.. or someone else; because The Lord Knows We Need One Person Like You all over - every level of government and responsibility!

B] Judge blocks Wisconsin's labor A3: D&C aren't speaking to the legislative process here; that's not the issue for both our Documents.  The issue lies in a judge, any level of law, which makes a decision in favor of a 'special-group of citizen' named 'union member' placing that group's rights above both the law of the  State of Wisconsin and of the Constitution: " Article IV:Section. 2.The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States. AND Amendment XIV: "..No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;...nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.".  These from The Declaration of Constitutional Principles: - The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including both the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity. and " The polity, or society, is created by the social contract, in which persons agree to join together for mutual benefit and defense, and to regulate their behavior to avoid forms of competition which are destructive of social coherence and effectiveness, such as violence, deception, or collusion, or to infringe on the rights of others. and - A government consists of those persons to whom certain powers held by the citizens in common are delegated, to act as agents for those citizens, exercising only such powers as are delegated to them, and according to their instructions. That delegation and those instructions constitute an extension of the basic social contract called the constitution, which may be written or unwritten. and - A republic or other democracy is nonconstitutional if any legislative act supersedes any conflicting act that precedes it, including any act or unwritten principle which may be called a “constitution. and - A state is an oligarchy if political power is concentrated in a minority ruling class, based on wealth, birth, connections, or other form of power other than constitutional delegation, and in which the agents of government are accountable to the members of the ruling class, to varying degrees, rather than equally to all the persons living in the state. An oligarchy is not a legitimate form of government. and  Defense of the state and the constitution includes defense against threats of all kinds, including invasion or attack, insurrection, criminal acts, natural or manmade disasters, or public ignorance or apathy. MOST IMPORTANT and most abused:  In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the supreme law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is inconsistent with that supreme law and not derived from it is unconstitutional and  null and void from inception.  and  There are several ways in which statutes or other official acts may be unconstitutional:(1) It may be contrary to a right guaranteed under the Constitution.
(2) It may not be based on one of the powers delegated to the government under the Constitution.
(5) It may involve the operation of government outside its constitutional jurisdiction

(8) It may have been intended to be applied selectively, or have come to be applied selectively, in violation of the equal protection provision of the Constitution that all laws must be applied uniformly.
(12) Information needed to make a proper determination may have been withheld or distorted in a way that is intended to mislead or which has that effect through negligence.  This is the Major Principle Meant and Designed  To be broken. It is through ignorance, apathy, forgetfulness,  disdain, and disbelief that this particular part of the reasons for unconstitutional acts to occur.

 Further the whole issue of 'closed-shop' work is way beyond "..a decent respect to the opinions..."; all men are created equal - not just union members and their dues to their administrative leaders and attorneys - also supported on taxpayer money!  That any judge, any level of court, cannot recognize that Both Documents protect the individual's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness....not determined either by the court or by the union!

C] snippet in "World" on Pg. 3; taking on the 1828 N. Webster definition of religion: 1. Religion, in its most comprehensive sense, includes a belief in the being and perfections of God, in the revelation of his will to man, in man's obligation to obey his commands, in a state of reward and punishment, and in man's accountableness to God; and also true godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties. It therefore comprehends theology, as a system of doctrines or principles, as well as practical piety; for the practice of moral duties without a belief in a divine lawgiver, and without reference to his will or commands, is not religion. There is no such thing as "arguing they violated the secular principles...of church and state on the international level [for those who don't think our two founding documents mean much]. Whether there is or is not a belief in a divine Lawgiver is an individual....not a state or government or national decision.  The Lord God is with each sovereign individual --- regardless of belief or lack of belief.  Noah Webster's definition makes room for those "who do not believe in a divine lawgiver while not Separating, and thus discriminating, from those who Do believe in Both God and His Son Jesus with all the Saints, Famous, and Individual Actions of mankind ... see 'A' above!  Also, that is the core of difference between the "Social" or human-kind definition of law versus Law from God via Common Law or Blackstone or the basis of an individual whether Abraham or Mother Theresa.

D]  Iraqis debate scope of U.S. troop withdrawal, pg. A5: How the D&C are involved here goes all the way back to 1998 when the decision to invade Iraq in the first place occurred:  If we can have a Government in Iraq which allows more choice in an intrinsic religion with law written via one book "The Koran" and purely man-written and acted definition of enforcement; with tribal control; then perhaps there can be one other Nation in the Middle East, which can choose, like Jordan or Israel, a different course of law for its citizens which allows more individuality and respect for the citizen's participation in its government.  Yes, far not defined by the US Government at any time...except as an example of how it might work with the mentoring of our State Department at the time.  Yes, incredibly difficult, full of the vagaries every-bit as variable and enriched as our government is right now 3/19, 2011!  So, the Iraqis have their government, albeit with great difficulty and human-kind just as wily as the coyote; but it is a start.  This article of AP source, addresses the media - existing government concept of $$$$ and lives.  Never, never accomplishments of the much more valuable temporal - spiritual  of "..and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them,..,". which was and remains the goal, among those Americans who realize the importance of the individual regardless of location on the Globe. So the risk/benefit of Democracy in the middle of worldwide dictate of Global Socialization a la the Lucifer Alinsky of #1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have; 3. Whenever possible go outside the experience of the enemy; 5. Ridicule is mans most potent weapon; 8. Keep the pressure on with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose; 9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself; 10. The major premise of tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition; 13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.  AND Always "the end justifys the means...whatever the definition of means takes on..for the convenience of Lucifer's dance in the streets against the ignorance of those caught-up in confusion between bad and worse forms of leaders called government!   The Middle East cannot simmer down, cannot be made into government of by or for its citizens...because its power base is tribal without the "..endowed by their Creator with certain..".

E]  Gadhafi's staying power once again comes under fire; pg. A9 actually goes with "U.S to address its human rights" on pg. A3 because both address human rights committees with the worse history of supporting human rights anywhere.  for Gadhafi, it is blackmail of one global socialism against the dictatorship under the current leader... a exacerbation of 'the pot calling the kettle black' while both are genuinely of the 'dark ages of Lucifer'; and include the this Administration, without benefit of Congressional or any other addressing of "We the People" defining and joining in on the basis of U.S. submitting to the international, 47 member + 1 Human Rights Council: Goggle Harold Koh - impressive until you get to the "transnational jurisprudence" part; now goggle  "The Human Rights Council is a forum empowered to prevent abuses, inequity and discrimination, protect the most vulnerable, and expose perpetrators."  Together, neither the representative, the President of the USA, nor the Council itself - have any intention of recognizing the sovereignty and independence of the United States of America. None of those involved: Mr Koh, the President of the US, his Secretary of State, or any member of the human council recognize "..and assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of Nature's God entitle them...  "  Many of the 47 nations have horrible Human rights conditions...and They are going to be our Judge and jury!!???  I don't think so... even with the 'lt he who is without sin, cast the first stone at the whore or lady in the pit; the USA is head and shoulders above all else!  Except if you are a Socialist or global Socialization member in good standing!  

Everyone in this administration and its surrounding world, continues to put their temporal, lucifer-alinksy thoughts into practice in hopes that Americans, of 233 years of understanding God and Law, will remain asleep with everything is OK or worse, ignore the deficits resulting from lawless and  irresponsible, intrusive government which has far out grown any sense of "religion and morality".  It cannot get "religion and morality" back, until distracted, forgetful, leaders in local, county, state and federal governments, with the entire nature of the judicial branch sans the Lord who gave them the laws they are suppose to support, return to duty, service, honor and country represented way up top a letter A]!!!!!

Thank you, our founders with the work they painstakingly wrote for you, me and every individual addressed in The Bible, the Book of Mormon, and anywhere else where God is the Universe the Way, the Truth, and the Light!

Saturday, March 5, 2011 » Palin to Christie: It Doesn’t Take Courage to Cut Spending When You’re Broke » Palin to Christie: It Doesn’t Take Courage to Cut Spending When You’re Broke

Union Administrators are paid by THEIR Union member's dues. !!!!!TAXPAYERS SUPPORT UNION ADMINISTRATOR'S SALARIES and BENEFITS!!!!! It is time to enforce open-shop work in the government! CA has open-shop law -NOT ENFORCED by the EMBEDDED SOCIALIST-PROGRESSIVE dominated LEGISLATIVE part of STATE GOVERNMENT.

Further, there is INHERENT "Conflict of Interest" in ANY CURRENT OR PROPOSED Union Contract. It is time for ALL ELECTED AGENT'S of WE THE PEOPLE; to ENFORCE THE SUPREME and STATE LAWS OF THE LAND.

Here is the Constitutional Principles: "In a Constitutional republic, the constitution is the SUPREME LAW , superior to ALL OTHER public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. ANY STATUTE, REGULATION, EXECUTIVE ORDER, or COURT RULING which in INCONSISTENT with that supreme law and NOT DERIVED from it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and NULL and VOID FROM INCEPTION." and "An unconstitutional statute is NOT A LAW , no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a Regime. In a constitutional republic, the law AND the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but ANTI-LAW."
ANTI-LAW = Union Contracts negotiated by union attorneys who receive payment for their services via the dues from the Union Members; and the Citizens of the United States or any Sovereign State are the source of wage and benefits to Both the Union Member and the Leadership all the way through to the Attorney negotiators, are inherently in a "Conflict of Interest". COI defined: "conflict of interest n. a situation in which a person has a duty to more than one person or organization, but cannot do justice to the actual or potentially adverse interests of both parties. This includes when an individual's personal interests or concerns are inconsistent with the best for a customer, or when a public official's personal interests are contrary to his/her loyalty to public business. An attorney, an accountant, a business adviser or realtor cannot represent two parties in a dispute and must avoid even the appearance of conflict. He/she may not join with a client in business without making full disclosure of his/her potential conflicts, he/she must avoid commingling funds with the client, and never, never take a position adverse to the customer. Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved."


Friday, March 4, 2011


a u-tube video from

I don't even have to hear the video. Know why? Because Individual persons lose all sense of financial reality when they get elected. We have government with 1300 departments and bureaucracies and 27 weird commissions, with the cost intrinsic to all Three Branches of Federal Government [and with each State close behind with cost].  that  "The individual component of the polity is the Person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species Homo Sapiens, including both the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the NATURAL RIGHTS of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the CAPACITY TO REGULATE its competitive actions TO AVOID DEPRIVING OTHERS of those rights and to sacrifice itself  for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common POSTERITY." AND  "The POLITY or Society, is created by the Social Contract, in which persons agree to join together for mutual benefit and defense, and to REGULATE THEIR BEHAVIOR to AVOID FORMS of competition which are DESTRUCTIVE of SOCIAL COHERENCE  and EFFECTIVENESS, such as violence, deception, or collusion, or to infringe on the rights of others. (Declaration of Constitutional Principles, General Principles by Jon Roland at )".

EVERYONE, these two, founding father principles from The Bible, Common Law, History of Mankind; say everything which needs to be said about: Wisconsin with all the States in deficit because of Taxpayer salaried administrators - leaders who determine the votes of  their  - dues paying members which includes dues paid during strikes - of their own and other non-union, taxpayers dollars - for more...more... !   ..And those individuals from Wisconsin's elected agents who Refuse to join- the protection of the wage-earning, taxpaying, private citizen!   This combined with the above practice at the 'Central Depository of other people's money of Government Programs' - defined and utilized by government - with distribution of funds determined by government - for government's purposes which have absolutely no control and no end in sight.  But do not hesitate to instigate more and more and more control via blind-siding regulations - all to requently: Amendment Bill or Act like Sen. Coburn's!   or even like utilizing a change in taxes via the "Fair Tax"; but without ever requiring government to become smaller and 'Fair'.  Government is incapable of smaller --- only the Agent's elected by the, for the people and with the "Religion and Virtue" required in a Republic form of government, but any government of any form....

Until, Sen. Coburn and every individual, elected agent, before themselves facing their families now and in the future; facing God and Country  to realize  "LETTING GO"  as Sen. DeMint says of  "competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights.."; and of  ALL areas of intrusion.  A bit surprised at Sen. Coburh, usually a fairly good at understanding both founding documents, perhaps his reaction is a demonstration of how scared this Congress is of the debt and how little they actually know and trust the founders of this nation along with both the Declaration [also Law because of God's Laws] and the Constitution.   The Founders wrote with full knowledge of every, single incident occurring in every level of American Government this day March 4, 2011.  But because they don't trust or believe, they actually work for socialism, allowing Lucifer to 'dance in the aisle' while our Nation Burns!!!!

This American doesn't believe our elected agent's understand the reality that, if we do not repeal the 'PPAA', and also do not allow an increase in the 'debt ceiling'; the heart (both documents) and the lungs (financial status of sovereign person), will required not only open-heart surgery, but also, transplant of both heart and lung!  You know we can perform open heart surgery and that we have the technology to take care of the breathing apparatus...we have to stop the already, very bad - but survivable, repairable damage - now!  Continuing both PPAA and increasing the debt ceiling, will destroy US(A) because without blood and air death is too likely.  Threatening that other countries are going to demand payments from the leader called America, is not going to change that country's situation ...regardless of who the country is.   And if, by chance, this American is witnessing Saul Alinsky's tactic #9: "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.", then they need to take a good look at how much could and should be cut!   But for Obama-Soros, it works well to use the general ignorance, withhold or distort information in a way Intended to Mislead or which has that effect through negligence.

Then Senator Coburn would not have to join the Social Justice of taking money from the rich to give to someone else -- in this case - the non-entity of a government way out of financial control.  So far out of control that fraud, lies, abuse of person-property-effects-privileges-immunities-citizenship are all ignored,  for the needs of government.  Government so out of control, it can only rob - cheat - and steal from the citizens it was hired as agents to serve.  Government which cannot stop itself ------ until, each one homo sapiens elected or hired to perform recognizes that "Letting Go" is mandatory.  

The wound is serious, but treatable, to the polity of the United States is to its heart via its lost or ignored Declaration and Constitutional Principles; and it breathing via invasion of its monetary earning power -- innovation, invention, creativity with 'quality-circle' risk taking which = weighing actions planned against the truth of the principles.  

Since "letting go" of the huge monster of 1300 Agencies and Departments at  the Federal Level; just starting with Education (State and Federal governments have no business in teaching young people...The impossibility is readily demonstrated) and Medicare-caid parts of Health Care returned to the States and  with the end of Duplication of Health Information; a great start toward both reducing debt and allowing life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness belong, again, to the sovereignty of the individual.

Declaration of Constitutional Principles

Declaration of Constitutional Principles

Whereas, during the course of history usurpers have attempted to misconstrue certain principles of constitutional republican government for their own ends, and that the original language of the Constitution for the United States did not anticipate all the ways it might be misinterpreted, we hereby set forth some of those principles with greater clarity, using more modern language:

- The individual component of the polity is the person, which is defined as any being consisting of or having the essential cognitive attributes of a member of the species homo sapiens, including both the capacity to compete with others for the means to exercise the natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the capacity to regulate its competitive actions to avoid depriving others of those rights and to sacrifice itself for the greater good of the polity as a whole or for their common posterity.

- The polity, or society, is created by the social contract, in which persons agree to join together for mutual benefit and defense, and to regulate their behavior to avoid forms of competition which are destructive of social coherence and effectiveness, such as violence, deception, or collusion, or to infringe on the rights of others.

- Acceptance of the terms of the social contract is effected through, and based upon, a restricted form of the social contract called the filial contract, between parents and their children, in which the parents agree to be good parents and the children agree to be good children and to grow into good adults and members of society. As persons grow, they extend the social contract to others they encounter.

- The social contract is transitive, so that it extends to and includes not only those with whom one is in direct contact, but all those with whom those one is in direct contact with are bound to by the social contract as well, and therefore by recursion to all those persons who are members of the society, even if one has never met them.

- A state is a society in exclusive possession of a territory. It is not the government. A state may or may not have a government, although larger ones almost always do.

- A citizen is a person who has the civil right to remain within the territory of a state and to return to it if he leaves it, the right to delegate powers to agents who comprise any government of that state, and the duty to defend that state.

- A government consists of those persons to whom certain powers held by the citizens in common are delegated, to act as agents for those citizens, exercising only such powers as are delegated to them, and according to their instructions. That delegation and those instructions constitute an extension of the basic social contract called the constitution, which may be written or unwritten.

- A delegation of powers is not a transfer or assignment, and may be reclaimed at any time that the citizens, in their judgement, find that their agents are not acting in accordance with their wishes.

- The authority of an agent or official exists only for as long and to the extent that he exercises his legitimate powers properly, and he automatically ceases to be an agent or official if he exceeds his authority.

- A state is a democracy if all persons born to its territory or citizens are citizens, with the full rights and duties thereof, subject to the disabilities of minority, and the agents who are the government are agents of all of them in common through some form of voting in which all of those not minors are qualified to participate.

- A democracy is a republic if the legislative functions of government, other than the ratification of constitutional amendments, is exercised exclusively through representatives elected by its citizens rather than directly.

- A republic is constitutional if power to amend the constitution is not delegated to elected legislators of the highest legislative body to adopt like ordinary legislation, but requires either a supermajority of citizens, or majorities of citizens or their representatives elected to lower-level political units in a supermajority of such political units, to ratify it; and if no such amendment infringes on either the natural rights of persons or the civil right of persons to be equally represented in at least one branch of the highest legislative body, or to have members of government act as other than the agents of the people, exercising only limited and specific delegated powers, and to be fully accountable to them equally.

- A republic or other democracy is nonconstitutional if any legislative act supersedes any conflicting act that precedes it, including any act or unwritten principle which may be called a “constitution”.

- A state is an autocracy if those exercising the powers of government are a minority of the persons living in the state and are agents only of themselves, and therefore the only true citizens of that state, the remainder being only subjects or slaves. An autocracy is not a legitimate form of government.

- A state is an oligarchy if political power is concentrated in a minority ruling class, based on wealth, birth, connections, or other form of power other than constitutional delegation, and in which the agents of government are accountable to the members of the ruling class, to varying degrees, rather than equally to all the persons living in the state. An oligarchy is not a legitimate form of government.

- The natural rights of persons are inalienable, preceding the social contract and the constitution, and persons may not be deprived of them even with their consent, since they do not have the power to surrender those rights, and therefore do not have the power to delegate the deprivation of those rights to others.

- Persons do, however, have the power, and can delegate the power, to disable, or partially restrict, the exercise of those rights by some individual persons when their exercise would conflict with the exercise of the rights of other persons, to strike a balance among the exercise of their rights by all persons.
- Due process is the totality of those rules and procedures under which a dispute at law may be resolved justly, intended to allow all parties to the dispute a fair opportunity to argue their positions on their merits.

- Due process in both criminal and civil cases includes the following rights of the parties:
(1) To have process only upon legal persons able to defend themselves, either natural persons or corporate persons that are represented by a natural person as agent, and who are present, competent, and duly notified, except, in cases of disappearance or abandonment, after public notice and a reasonable period of time.
(2) Not to be ordered to give testimony or produce evidence beyond what is necessary to the proper conduct of the process.

- Due process in criminal cases includes the following rights of the accused:
(1) Not to be charged for a major crime but by indictment by a Grand Jury, except while serving in the military, or while serving in the Militia during time of war or public danger.
(2) Not to be charged more than once for the same offense.
(3) Not to be compelled to testify against oneself.
(4) Not to have excessive bail required.
(5) To be tried by an impartial jury from the state and district in which the events took place.
(6) To have a jury of at least six for a misdemeanor, and at least twelve for a felony.
(7) To a speedy trial.
(8) To a public trial.
(9) To have the assistance of an attorney of one's choice.
(10) To be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation.
(11) To be confronted with the witnesses against one.
(12) To have compulsory process for obtaining favorable witnesses.
(13) To have each charge proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
(14) To have a verdict by a unanimous vote of the jury, which shall not be held to account for its verdict.
(15) To have the jury decide on both the facts of the case and the constitutionality, jurisdiction, and applicability of the law.
(16) Upon conviction, to have each disablement separately and explicitly proven as justified and necessary based on the facts and verdict.
(17) To have a sentence which explicitly states all disablements, and is final in that once rendered no further disablements may be imposed for the same offense.

- Due process in civil cases includes the following rights of the parties:
(1) To trial by an impartial jury from the state and district in which the events took place where the issue in question is either a natural right or property worth more than $20.
(2) To have compulsory process for obtaining favorable witnesses.

- Disablement of all rights other than the rights of majority may only be done by due process for individuals, not by legislation.

- The only rights which may be disabled by default or by statute for an entire class of persons are the rights of majority, and those disabilities of minority, except for the right to vote, may be removed earlier than the default age of majority, or extended beyond the default age of majority, by petition to a court of competent jurisdiction. All other rights must be disabled individually, by due process of law, and then only to the extent that is determined to be necessary to avoid infringing on the rights of others.

- Only individual persons or corporate “persons” which are composed of individual persons may be the subject of legal process. Inanimate objects and living objects not capable of conducting their own defense in a court of law may not be parties to an action at law.

- Upon establishment of the social contract, the natural right of what in the state of nature would be self defense is transformed into the duty to defend the state and the constitution, including oneself as a member of the state.

- Defense of the state and the constitution includes defense against threats of all kinds, including invasion or attack, insurrection, criminal acts, natural or manmade disasters, or public ignorance or apathy.

- The duty to defend the state and the constitution entails the right to acquire the means and the skills to exercise that duty, including the skills of the soldier, the policeman, and the fire and rescue worker, to be organized to act alone or in concert with others to exercise those skills to meet any threat that may arise, and the power to exercise those skills and use those means, alone or in concert with others, with or without official direction or participation.

- In a republic, all citizens are soldiers, policemen, and fire and rescue workers, with the default rank of private. Delegation of official powers to agents of government is the conferring of higher rank to those persons, and persons of lesser rank are subject to the lawful orders of persons of higher rank when persons of higher rank are present and exercising their authority legally and effectively. If not, their rank ceases and highest rank devolves on the person present who most effectively represents that authority, whatever his previous status. A citizen with the default rank of private also outranks any person who is acting in violation of law, for the rank of lawbreakers is lower than that of private, whatever their previous status.

- A citizen not only has the duty to obey the law, but to help enforce it, within his ability, and to do what he can to prepare himself and others to do so.

- In a constitutional republic, the constitution is the supreme law, superior to all other public acts, whether by officials or private citizens. Any statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling which is inconsistent with that supreme law and not derived from it is unconstitutional and  null and void from inception.

- There are several ways in which statutes or other official acts may be unconstitutional:
(1) It may be contrary to a right guaranteed under the Constitution.
(2) It may not be based on one of the powers delegated to the government under the Constitution.
(3) It may violate the provisions for the structures and procedures of government, such as the delegation of legislative or judicial powers to an executive agency in violation of the separation of powers principle of the Constitution.
(4) It may neglect to perform some duty imposed under the Constitution.
(5) It may involve the operation of government outside its constitutional jurisdiction.
(6) It may not be applied in the way it was intended by those who wrote and adopted the original act.
(7) It may be vague or incomprehensible to the people who must obey or enforce it.
(8) It may have been intended to be applied selectively, or have come to be applied selectively, in violation of the equal protection provision of the Constitution that all laws must be applied uniformly.
(9) Proper notice of the law or act may not have been given in a way that would allow people subject to it to become aware of it.
(10) The aggregate of laws or regulations may become so burdensome that it becomes unreasonable for everyone subject to it to be sufficiently familiar with it to comply with all of it.
(11) It may have never been properly adopted, or due process may not have been practiced.
(12) Information needed to make a proper determination may have been withheld or distorted in a way that is intended to mislead or which has that effect through negligence.

- An unconstitutional statute is not a law, no matter how vigorously it may be enforced. Enforcement does not make what is enforced the law. What is enforced is a regime. In a constitutional republic, the law and the regime should coincide. If they do not, the regime is not law but anti-law.

- Whenever any person is confronted with a situation in which two or more official acts are in conflict, he has the duty to know which is the superior one, and to obey or help enforce the superior one, which, if one of them is the constitution, means to obey or help enforce the constitution. This duty cannot be delegated to another person: not to a superior, a court, or a legal advisor. It is not a defense that one was ignorant of the law or just doing one’s job or following orders. This is sometimes called the Principle of Nuremberg.

- The judgement of the consistency of an official act with the constitution is called constitutional review. When this duty is performed by a judge, it is called judicial review. It is not a power of government but the exercise of a duty of citizenship.

- Each level and jurisdiction of government has been delegated the power to punish as crimes the deprivation of constitutional and civil rights of persons by agents of government, and some governments the power to punish deprivation of rights by individuals not agents of government. Statutes to implement those powers have been enacted in almost every jurisdiction, and they cover almost every such deprivation.

- Any act performed by an agent of government which is unconstitutional is illegal, and while performing that act the person ceases to be an agent of government or to have any official status, regardless of what trappings of office or color of law he may project. It is also almost certainly a deprivation of the civil rights of someone, and therefore also a violation of one or more of the constitutional criminal laws against doing so.

- Any citizen who becomes aware of an illegal or unconstitutional act of an apparent official, which is a criminal deprivation of rights, has the duty to disobey that act, to report it as a crime, and to arrest the offender and deliver him to a court of competent jurisdiction for prosecution.
- A militiaman is any citizen or would-be citizen in his or her capacity as a defender of the state and the constitution. A militia is one or more persons acting in concert in that capacity. The general militia is the totality of all such persons, which, because even simple obedience to law is a defense of the state and the constitution at a low level, comprises all law-abiding citizens and would-be citizens. The obligatory militia is the subset of the general militia who may be required to keep and bear arms and to respond to militia call-ups. The voluntary militia are those not in the obligatory militia who voluntarily respond to a militia call-up. The ready militia is comprised of the obligatory militia together with the voluntary militia. A select militia is a subset of the general militia which is not representative of the population as a whole, and which may therefore be used to achieve the unconstitutional purposes of some faction. National and state “guards” and law enforcement agencies are select militias.

- Whenever a citizen or other person becomes aware of a threat to the state and the constitution, he or she has the duty to issue a call-up to the militia, even if he or she is the only person present, and all persons who receive that call-up have a duty to respond and act as a militia to meet the threat. In the context of the social contract, an act of “self defense” is more properly described as a call-up of the militia, consisting of oneself, to defend the state and the constitution, also represented by oneself.

- No level or branch of government has the power to tax or regulate any instrument suitable for militia duty, including any firearm or ammunition therefor, except to maintain quality and reliability for their intended functions, or to disable the right of any person to keep and bear such instruments, or to assemble and train as independent militias, except by due process of law upon petition to a court of competent jurisdiction, in which each side shall have the right to argue its case and present its evidence, and the burden of proof shall be on the petitioner seeking the disablement.

- There are no “implied contracts” involving government as a party. A constitution is the entire agreement among the citizens, and no benefit received by any person from government legally obligates that person to make any payment therefor, except through constitutional taxes and fees, nor is any person legally obligated to account for any such benefits, or to be subject to penalties for perjury or fraud for misstating such benefits. Conversely, neither is government legally obligated to provide some minimal level, quality, or distribution of benefits to persons, other than according to constitutional laws.

- No level or branch of government has the power to impose criminal penalties, such as deprivation of life or liberty, for violations of civil laws. Only deprivations of property or privileges may be imposed for violations of civil laws. Persons may not be imprisoned for failure to pay a fine unless the offense is criminal and a criminal penalty is authorized for that offense.

- No judge may imprison a person for contempt of court unless the constitution delegates the power to do so and a criminal statute authorizes it.

- The jurisdiction of a criminal offense is determined by the location of the offender’s head when the offense was committed, not by the location of the effects of the crime. The crime is the mental act, not the outcome.

- No treaty or compact may contain effective provisions which would require agents of government to exercise powers not delegated to them under the constitution of their jurisdiction. As agents of the people, they may not make powers they do not have elements of any treaty or compact, and no such treaty or compact may confer on them any new powers within the territory of their jurisdiction.

- Statutes passed with the intent that they not be enforced uniformly, but at the discretion of law enforcement agents, are unconstitutional. They violate the Constitutional requirement for equal protection of the laws, and constitute an unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority to executive officials.

- The appropriate exercise of the powers delegated in the Constitution is not discretionary, but represent positive duties, and the failure to exercise such powers appropriately constitute violations of the Constitution. Among these duties is the duty to keep the Militia sufficiently organized and trained so that it might always prevail over any standing military or select militia.

Principles Specific to the Constitution for the United States:

- The term “commerce” as used in Art. I, Sect. 8, consists only of exchanges of goods and services for a valuable consideration. “... among the states” is a restriction to those exchanges that begin in one state and end in another. It does not include everything that has ever been a part of such an exchange, or that might be a part of such an exchange in the future, or which is a part of an aggregate of such exchanges some of which may begin in one state and end in another, or which “affect” such exchanges.

- The power to “regulate” commerce includes the powers to license those enterprises which engage in such exchanges, and to prescribe the form, size, quality, measure, labeling, scheduling, transport, and routing of goods and services, but not prohibition of the content or terms of such exchanges. It includes the power to impose civil penalties for violation of such regulations, such as fines or loss of licenses, but not criminal penalties, such as the deprivation of life or liberty.

- The power to impose an excise tax may not be used for any purpose then to raise revenue. It is not the power to prohibit an item by imposing a confiscatory tax on it, or by refusing to accept payment of a tax on it and then declaring the item itself illegal because the tax has not been paid. For this reason, the National Firearms Act of 1937 is unconstitutional.

- The power to impose a tax is not the power to impose criminal penalties for the failure to pay the tax, or to make the item on which a tax has not been paid illegal. Property belonging to the delinquent may be seized and sold at public auction to raise the money to pay the tax, and the reasonable costs of seizure and sale, but all items not thus sold, and all surplus proceeds of the sale, must be delivered promptly to the taxpayer.

- Congress does not have the power to delegate its legislative powers to elements of other branches, nor do agencies of the executive branch have the power to adopt “regulations” or “executive orders” that deviate from constitutional legislation adopted by Congress and signed by the President in any way whatsoever. Any such “regulations” or “executive orders” must be adopted as ordinary legislation before they can become effective. The only exceptions are restrictions on legislation to that part of it which is constitutional, and executive orders that implement legislation for specific cases.

- Of the approximately 3000 federal criminal statutes, all but a few are unconstitutional if applied to offenses committed on state territory or to federal territory not ceded by a state legislature to the exclusive jurisdiction of the U.S. government.

- The “blanket” cessions of any property acquired by the federal government, on the books in some states during the 1840-1940 time frame, were unconstitutional, in that they exceeded the authority of the state legislatures by attempting to delegate their legislative powers. No such cession is legal, and jurisdiction for those parcels remains with the states.

- It is unconstitutional for a state agency to delegate to a federal agency the power to make a determination that will affect the way a state law will be applied. This includes letting the IRS determine the tax status of a corporate entity, or letting a federal agency determine the legality of an element of commerce under state law. All such determinations must be made by agents of the state government, accountable to the people of that state through their elected state officials.

- It is not a reversible error to fail to inform a jury that they have the right and duty to judge the law as well as the facts in a case in which the government is a party, provided that they can be presumed to already know that and that the parties in the case have an opportunity to remind them of that fact. However, since juries can no longer be presumed to know that, it is a reversible error under the prevailing circumstances if the judge fails to so inform them, and to instruct them on all the ways in which a statute or official act involved in the case might be unconstitutional and a deprivation of the rights of the private parties. It is also a reversible error if the judge interferes in any way with the parties so informing the jury, directly or through their attorneys.

- The natural and civil rights identified in the first eight amendments to the Constitution apply to all levels and branches of government, and, indeed, to all governments of persons everywhere, in all nations and times. They do not establish such rights, which precede the Constitution, but only recognize them. They are not just restrictions on the Congress of the United States, but on all governments everywhere.

- While emergencies may make it impossible to strictly comply with some provisions of the Constitution for a short period of time, neither Congress nor the President has the power to suspend the Constitution or any provision of it indefinitely. The economic crisis which prevailed during the 1933 time frame was not an emergency requiring a departure from any provision of the Constitution.

- Secret budgets and spending authorizations are a violation of the Constitutional requirement for a public accounting of all funds. There is no provision for a “national security” requirement which  would permit this. Such secret expenditures are only a secret from the people, not from any credible foreign enemy.

- There is no provision for the operation of “administrative” or “municipal” courts which deny the defendant the right to a jury trial where amounts of more than twenty dollars are involved, and all such courts are unconstitutional.
- An amendment to the Constitution may only be considered ratified if every state counted as ratifying it approves the same language, including spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

- It is not a violation of the Constitution to issue credit instruments whose value, measured in unit weights of gold or silver, is determined by the marketplace, or to allow such credit instruments to be used for the payment of obligations, as a matter of convenience and security, at their current market value. However, it is a violation of the Constitution to express legal monetary obligations in units other than weights of gold or silver. If the “dollar” is no longer to be a fixed weight of gold or silver, then legal obligations must be expressed in units that are, such as grains, grams, or ounces.

- The power delegated exclusively to the U.S. Congress to declare war is not the exclusive power to authorize the President to send troops into a war situation. A declaration of war is necessary to relieve soldiers and the President of liability for what would otherwise be criminal acts of violence in the jurisdiction in which they operate, provided that they otherwise conduct themselves according to law and international treaties.

- The U.S. Congress has no power to withhold funds from states or other legislative jurisdictions as a way of coercing them into adopting legislation. Such coercion is a violation of the requirement for equal protection of the laws.

- Broad delegations of powers, such as those in the constitutions of some states, or in Art. I, Sect. 8, of the Constitution concerning territories ceded to exclusive U.S. jurisdiction by state legislatures, are inconsistent with as republican form of government, under which all delegations must be specific, and such state constitutions are in violation of the guarantee in the U.S. Constitution of a “republican form of government”. This particularly applies to those which delegate “general police powers”. The only “police powers” which may properly be referred to as “general” are the powers all citizens have to enforce the laws. The term is not properly used to include general powers to punish anything that some official decides is an offense.